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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 31, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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but there is little rainfall there. in the south of siberia, it rains in the irkutsk region, but in general the southern regions are under the sun and in good, non-tiring warmth of about 25°. here in the urals there are again tiresome rains, here, along with the western whirlwind , the same cyclone that recently caused a real flood is returning. on the european territory of russia, rain will occur over almost the entire northern half; the temperature will not go far from 20°. for the north, by the way, this is not bad, especially in the arkhangelsk region. no precipitation, why not take advantage of this sunny the proposal is not to go to kholmogory, to the homeland of lomonosov and simply to beautiful places that are still a short distance away, so good weather for this excursion is an important factor. without precipitation, even in the kaliningrad region in the south, the rain zone is shrinking, the temperature is near or below normal, tomorrow it will begin to rise. well, about the weather in the capitals. in st. petersburg today there will be short rains again, the maximum air temperature is +20-22.
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buy nazon. shell pasta for 47. sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and it has become even more profitable with a subscription to berlime. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything. and twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. nevsky. today at 16:45 on ntv.
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the main thing is not needed, to be honest, i listened to almost half of it on another channel, not really bad, in general i really like working with you, maybe you’ll take more, yes, yes, i’m good, no, no, what’s the problem, greed is in this really a bad adviser, why don’t half of them reach you through your channels, greed?
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they take a lot, they often carry it, that’s why it doesn’t arrive, yes, this is generally true, so that means in four. day will be in moscow, come on.
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you see, comrade lieutenant colonel, our informant is absolutely reliable, he can’t be wrong eight times in a row, no, they came up with some kind of trick to hide people’s faces, but we’re all at a loss, we can’t understand anything, and there’s not a single clue, no, we know everything how they are transporting, when they are transporting, and even how much they are transporting, we shake the cargo along the road, nothing, upon arrival in moscow. we're cordoning off, nothing, the best dogs are all empty, yes, let me, yes, art, come in, good afternoon, hello, meet me, this is
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major dobretsov, from the department for combating drug trafficking, we know each other, we met, artyom, please tell me, is your miracle dog.
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well, extraordinary, next, let's go and work with the panel.
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mukha, nearby, good afternoon, hello, artyom , hello, are you waiting, well, as you can see, we are waiting, we are waiting, it’s my weather today, but don’t say stern, yes, and are you sure that drugs are still brought by plane, and not like ... with other transport, this flight, artyom, we have reliable information, this product is heading to moscow on this particular flight, and nothing, yes, nothing, absolutely, you know, they have some kind of box with a secret, and how can i figure out this secret, you have such professional dogs,
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where, nothing, nothing, now we have all our hope only in your mukhtar, joke, take it, give it, let him try, if he doesn’t help, that’s it, i’ll go home, seriously, yes, in all seriousness, well then i’ll think, it’s in my hands, okay, actually, it’s too early for you to retire, you have to earn it, okay, so we’ll work with a fly, well, fly , sniff, sniff, sniff! sniff, sniff, sorry i’m sorry that i have to, nothing, nothing, nothing, this is for the good, he asks, mukhtar, and you ask me, and you this flight, yes, yes, he!
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it’s that, well, as you know, all the passengers, well , it’s clear, as always, we screwed up again, okay, artyom, i’m sorry, thank you, bukhtar, thank you, and you’re all with me, come on, next to me, wait, let’s go, fly, fly, to me.
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oh, hi, what did you say, no drugs? no, we said, there are no drugs, yes, and mukhtar, mukhtar confirmed the same thing, yes, and why are you so unhappy with you, well, why be happy, they missed the game, cat.
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thank you, thank you, please take the tea and carry me, please, we have a holiday today, three corpses and live wounds, the sauna is
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elite, big people came here, there was about half a million worth of green stuff, find them, punish them, pash, what are you doing you’re nervous, a person leaked information to you about people, slobbered on money, work, and what does this have to do with you? there is information that you have been ordered, any information costs money, so how much from me, fuck you, don’t want to drive like the good old days, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv, miracle, premiere 17 august at 20:00 on ntv, oh, super, zbermarket is now cooper, zbermarket is now cooper, super, super, supermarket is now cooper, and what has changed to begin with, the name cooper is your
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takayama - adaptive engine protection. some impressions last forever, and some... with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose gel gloss 3+1. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, sber smart tv with cashback. 50%. every master wants to know which grout to use. ceresidit grouts, a wide palette of colors, protection against mold moisture, an ideal solution for any tile. cerisit grout glue. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langidase against prostatitis. you don't decide
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love, so that life can go on, it is so important to help someone in trouble. join the good deed on the website helpvbede.rf. could these be swallowers? can you imagine putting this crap in yourself and then taking it out. and then i wonder what size this container is? tyoma, these are not swallowers. why? yes, because for a long time.
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“i think you’re wrong with the informant, it’s stupid for them to hit one point, the container is most likely the most logical. hmm, my kitty! good, good, but i won’t go again, yes, what, what happened, that’s all time check, upon boarding, security check, at the airport
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they check with dogs, yes, i’m afraid, but you’re not afraid to get money , you’re not afraid to get a dose, well, he’ll put you in prison, so calm down, calm down, no matter how many times you’ve been caught, they won’t catch you anymore, but they’ll catch you, that’s why you have a bribe, i understand, we won’t leave you home, we’ll spoil you, calm down, well, let’s see, great. you know, lenka, you’re right, but there’s some little thing that doesn’t give me peace, like a splinter and something was missed, obviously,
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but you’re just a little upset because the fly, well, didn’t live up to it your hopes, or something, the fly was mistaken, look what a couple, and true, the one who does nothing is not mistaken, you see, that’s why you should be upset. worth it, yes, thank you, elena, boss, you are mine, thank you, fly, fly, are you completely stunned, damn dog breeders, take the dog away , call the police, the police, i'm the police, let's show the documents, go ahead, and the fly, well done, sit, sit, sit, fly, fly, give it back,
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“i delivered the goods, the people are happy, i kept my word, you kept yours, you paid the money, oh, shaitan, don’t tell me yet, i don’t need that secret at all, i have my own business, and you too have your own business, you know, yes, that ’s right, mustafa, bring it”?
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whoa-fly, the working day is over, such a wonderful walk, even your personal life was taking place, and you, a servant, but well done, yes, yes, yes, i caught a criminal, maybe they’ll give me a reward, let’s go, let’s go to the police station. i don’t even know what you’re talking about, what kind of heroin is, what they do with it, i don’t know,
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you don’t know, i don’t know, it means you were just walking in the park, yes, i was just walking in the park, and this man and the dog attacked me and bit me , they both bit, no, only the dog bit. what are these, are these bite marks? no, these are vitamins, i was sick as a child, i had sinusitis, vitamins, well, vitamins, so vitamins, where did you get those vitamins, where, where in the pharmacy, it’s clear, well... okay, sit in the cell, think, and tomorrow we will see how you will talk without vitamins.
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oh, what kind of people, artyom, hello, good afternoon, hello, hello, so you are the guy who bit an innocent lover of injectable vitamins, and what is not visible to me? fly, hi, wow, smart girl, injects, injects, only into the veins, but doesn’t want to say anything about drugs, and you decided to take our bread away, yeah, retrain as fighters for a healthy lifestyle without drugs, and if so, your tenth exact, but no, really in fact, it’s a fly, i have nothing to do with it, it’s he who catches drug addicts right, left, left, the detainee wants to talk to you, talk, you say, so
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what? ok, sorry, artyom, happy, fly, next to me, let's go, if allah gave us a son, it would be just wonderful, what do you think, i don’t see anything wrong with that, i want to be happy, i want to love you, and what will he do, divorce me, marry someone else, bring her here, i would really like to become the father of our... we attacked a bunch of people at once, one day they will answer us, make them suffer for you before their eyes, destroy everything that is dear to them in life, let everything around them burn from your revenge, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. x5 club presents. oh, misha, have you
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today at 14. what are the names of goods for every day at low prices? goods are in short supply, buy on ozone. buckwheat for 59. i. lada with green gel horsepower, my legs always dance, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription to berp, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. what exactly is strength? in money, weapons, power, strength is always in truth, and truth is always strong.
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on kotelnicheskaya embankment, house number seven, khrushchevka there, apartment number 32, well done, well done, well done, that’s how it would be at first, well done.
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archem, come with us, we’ll go to one grandmother, exactly which grandmother, your vitamin lover gave in, it’s a pity that it’s late, yesterday the informant reported that the courier was killed, the channel is closed, we can work calmly. let the mokhtar work, otherwise they will wake up our spaniels, while they will greet you, they are very capricious here, yes, i feel your spaniels are not life, but lafa, what are you talking about, i’m jealous myself, well so let's go, well, let's go, then vech major, since you can't fly without us, well, you can stay, but there's enough for a mukhtar, yeah, well, that's how we agree, yes, let's go, fly, work, keep it !
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well, oh, what kind of drugs, my dears, what are you talking about? oh, all my drugs, volokordin, and tsenarizin. i can’t get along with the old ones without them, of course, voluntarily means not at least, artyom, come on mukhtara, mukhtar, look what’s here and how, look, look, cabbage soup!
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there is, they say, well done, invite witnesses, nikolai nikolaevich, well, a service dog, especially mukhtar, cannot react to... cats during a task, well, he cannot, then what, this means that there was a drug in the cage, so the fly reacted, this version is interesting, but just a version , nikolai nikolaevich, well, if this version, let’s work it out, let me try, i’ll take a fly
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and go there again, which again, yes, i think once was enough for you, well, i didn’t go there myself, you sent me there, but then, that you caught a drug addict? with heroin, that's good, you're great, but let them do it themselves are doing, it’s not our business, if it’s a dummy, i have to be close to the fly, artyom, don’t compete with your mukhtar with... with the paniels, everyone has their own job, he has his own, they have theirs, but i talked about it from the very beginning, okay, now dobretsov should come to me, i’ll explain everything to him, let him decide for himself, agreed, great, nikolai nikolaevich, so, i’ll come back a little later, yes, go, great, thank you,
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رحمت جان این نامه all rights reserved ای گم نمیره زود برمیگردیم. have a nice drink, thank you, really major, we were just thinking about it, nikolai nikolaevich has already shared your idea, you think that cats are fooling us, why not, dogs react, that’s the main thing, that’s the question, okay, let’s check, maybe this version will be confirmed , dacha major, can we also have a fight with the fly, why don’t you, artyom, we’ll manage on our own, we’ll quietly stand to the side, we won’t disturb anyone, oh well, come tomorrow at 16:40, if you have information, then the cargo will be on this flight, great, we agreed, but why are you drinking tea, maybe
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run away? artyom, go, there’s definitely an interpreter, that’s it, see you, see you tomorrow, see you, blonde with a cat. let's go, we need to check, let's go,
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this is what we need, removing the cage, well, you will answer me for this, you know, for god's sake, i'm sorry that this happened. that's it, artyom, everything is clean.
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i don’t know, i don’t know yet, yes, i’m sorry, i don’t keep a weapon according to regulations, not in a safe, a fly, not
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a mongrel, he couldn’t just run away, he felt, you know, he went for the container, okay, okay, calm down , he's a dog on his own, in the city there's nothing wrong with him won’t happen, not in the city, but if they are detained, yes, he will take them, don’t you understand this, he is alone without our help, they are probably armed. well, what i can advise you is, contact the commander in the city, the senior lieutenant calls the colonel, that colonel, where is my dog, well, i don’t know what to do, so, well, why do we have khrulev, let’s go, hello. what, are you lost?
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what is your name? well, let's come to me, doggy, well , let's go, styopa, don't go outside without grandma , wait for me, please, i'm coming now, oh, my god, styopa, quickly! home quickly quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, don’t touch the dog, please, suddenly he’s mad, styopa, what are you doing, grandma, look how good he is, grandma, well, let’s take him in, what are you talking about, the dog should live on the street, seryozha, colonel marchu. seryozha, listen to me, don’t let me go crazy, i say it again,
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i need reports on the city where shepherds are passing through, well, in the end, any dog ​​who will understand it, seryozha, you ’ve known me for how many years, and yes, this is very important, that’s all. in the last 35 minutes, in the last half hour, from this moment onwards, but that’s it, yes, thank you, i’m waiting, yes, we’re waiting, thank you, well, gentlemen operatives, we’re happy, now the entire city police will be looking for your dog, and tomorrow they’ll warm me up at the meeting, yes , nikolai nikolaevich, that ’s enough, brusnikina, that’s enough, we’re waiting, there will be
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information, you’ll be the first to know. styopochka, i beg you very much, don’t touch the dog, i beg you very much, thank you,
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dear, thank you dear, we’ll be with you.” get out of here, get out of here, it's an infection, people are killing, grandma, do something, lord, get out of here, you're an infection, get out of here, boy, take the dog, get out of here, get out of here, ah,
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people, hello, khrulev is listening. seryozha, what’s going on there? i'm talking loudly. khrulev, your dog was found, why didn’t you immediately say that she was such a hero for you? tech, colonel, where is the dog now? what? i ask where the dog is now,
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colonel. well done, well done, you saved us, thank you, step, thanks to you and your grandmother, we detained very dangerous criminals, thank you for saving mukhtar, i was afraid that they would kill mukhtar, this. detained, seriously, fly, why didn’t you immediately say that it was you, but can he have a little bit of sausage, actually, he can’t, but now a little bit, fly, for sausages, na, na, a little bit, you’re an intelligent man, don’t lash out, maybe i can go out with the mukhtar sometime, i don’t mind, wow, he agrees.
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“thank mukhtar, he did almost all the work for us, yes, it turned out to be a big deal, they told me at the meeting today that they were noisy, but not that much, they asked not to let the dog go again without an employee, otherwise in general, it’s not clear who in my department catches criminals, well, why is it unclear, it’s absolutely clear that private mukhtar is doing this.” and i’m a water operative with him, oh well, artyom, don’t be too humble, you’re also great, they were interested in you, they asked , what kind of zealous lieutenants serve in my department, they talk to their superiors like that, and what’s wrong, i’m fine with him, fine, they blocked the channel, they took the suppliers, yes, we ’re doing this, we’ll take the organizers soon, now there’s evidence, washed down courier, yes
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both the courier and the one who... met him, well , in general, they were great, they thought of everything competently and with the living creatures, it was great, if not for the fly, our extraordinary, yes, miracle dog. hello, yes, they are here, dear blat, believe me, i will return all your money, you know me, i can’t understand how this could happen, this, this is an accident, believe me, i understand you, that you would most good, but how can i.
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i was really really scared by the fly. but to be honest, just for myself, i was afraid to be alone, yes, we are friends, we are all together, if we don’t take it ourselves ourselves, we admit that we are all very lonely. by and large,
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i need to study, suddenly i imagined myself without him, i can’t live without him, my dear, what are you talking about, you’re nothing without him either. can’t imagine, but without you? well, without me, without tolik, without khrulev. i appreciate your humor, comrade analyst. fly, tell me my friend, tell me why lenka doesn’t love me, yes she loves me, she loves me, only mukhtara is bigger,
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i brought you, my friend, i ’ll be jealous of you, very jealous. well, come in, this is my nest, just look, don’t take off your shoes, ok, i don’t have enough slippers for everyone, i didn’t know that there would be so many people, you go ahead, go ahead, tell me a secret. please, are you new, yes, yes, this is my first show, but the fact is that inga is leaving for another project, as she is leaving, only it’s a secret for now, and they don’t know the secret, yes, i understand, zhanetta petrovna, tell me , please, what did you feel when
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you found out that your phone was selected by the computer in the database, and you will become a participant in the program repair with pleasure, oh, oh, what are you filming, yes, yes, we are already filming, can i shall i fix my makeup? there are 3 days left until janeta's birthday, what should we give? stepanovich, calm down, let's give her a bottle of cognac, she loves cognac very much, she understands it, we'll buy a bottle, for example, the year of her birth, yeah, you know the year of her birth, no, i don't even want to know, and you'll never know, i you. i strongly advise you, don’t ask how old she is, sorry, she always looks young, that’s for sure, we’ll buy a bottle of young cognac and it costs 300 rubles, 75 for a brother,
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a bit expensive for a student, a fly, well, maybe maybe you know what to give jeanette, but it looks like they don’t know, i think. if we carried out each of our brainstorming sessions like this, then not a single swindler would be caught, that’s right, lena, we’ll do it this way: you’ll conduct reconnaissance of the battle, you’ll talk to her like a woman and you’ll get out. what does she want? why me? well, because of the four of us, the only woman is you, and otherwise stepanovich can only talk to her like a man, but that’s not the same, well, here i am, ready, only i have a request, you see, i have there is an antique corner here, ala 19th century, look, you see, this is all family? everything is historical, but the truth
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is nothing works, i have everything here, because it’s very historical, please don’t touch anything, let it stay like that, don’t worry, we are waiting for all your wishes, yes , it’s true, i completely trust your taste , i hope that when i return, i will see a completely new design here, completely new, well, now zhanetta petrovna rural will go, by the way, where will you go, to your relatives or to a hotel? will you go to your relatives or to a hotel now? yes, i’m going to work, goodbye, goodbye, but you can’t, thank you very much and thank you, i won’t bother you, don’t take off your shoes, don’t worry, in a couple of days we’ll call you and invite you to the transformed apartment, i 'll go, i'll take you, oh, thank you very much, then there of course, guys, let's get to work,
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jean, i need an expert opinion on the khamenko case, is it ready yet? is your blood alcohol level elevated, as you expected? yeah, thanks, what do you have? o, look, here, here, retro or turf? you know, i somehow like country music more, everything is so wooden and homey, yeah, well. and i, i,
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oh, well, i was just dreaming, yes, beautiful, young people, young people, what apartment are you from, 56 years old, then everything is fine, yes, yes, yes, zhaneta petrovna warned me that you will to do repairs on it, i wonder what, you will also throw away the car, it’s new, recently purchased, no, we won’t throw it away, we’ll just exchange it for a newer one, yeah, i understand, guys, please tell me, that’s how can i get on your show, listen, this is a thought, it might turn out to be very relevant, unexpectedly, come on, what a face, no, what a face, sofila is resting early, i ’ll talk to the director, he loves me like a son , everything will be fine, tomorrow i’ll tell you...
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thank you very much, thank you, why aren’t you working today, yes - no, now the things are at the market - to this workshop then back, tomorrow, yeah, okay, see goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, yours, wow, how lucky, dear ones, are you delaying the repairs, secret, yes, i see you’re serious i'm interested in interior design, uh-huh, you want to change your profession, uh-huh, oh, no, what are you, god, i'm like a circus horse here, i 'll run in a given circle all my life, i'm just lucky, you know, the first time i was lucky, but then you'll come to you’ll be amazing for my birthday, now it’s a secret, a secret, a secret, okay, since it’s a secret, wait, wait, i really want to share it with someone, okay, have fun with the blast furnace. i got into the repair program with
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pleasure, but okay, great, but how? i just had the computer select my number from the database data, called, says, do you want it? i say, i want to, wait, wait, did they just call and say that your phone number won? well, yes, cool, you ended up on tv, strange, as far as i know, to participate in such programs. people send letters , then from these letters they already choose the lucky one, so you know, my friend works on television, you sent a letter, didn’t you send it, did they call me, themselves? they found me, yes, it’s strange, it somehow looks like fraud, are you sure, len, it was all for real, camera, the presenter, a bunch of handsome men, i don’t know, yes, it would be better if i didn’t tell you, and this
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young man with a tv camera, probably the main one with them, says, i’ll talk to the director, so this is the producer, probably very handsome, his look , well, well, how can i tease him, and his chin is so strong-willed, you know, he looked at me and just took my breath away, i don’t remember that in such programs they filmed a conserzhik, but now they will, you know, he somehow so he said, it will be on topic, oh, they’ll probably film me congratulating zhanette. dzhenetta petrovna, for me it seems that elena vladimirovna is right, she is very similar to scammers, dzheneta petrovna, but let’s go to your house, but maybe we will still have time, maybe they haven’t put up with everything yet, well , that’s enough for you, what kind of scammers, i don’t understand at all, normal people, very decent,
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pleasant, and this is the presenter, well, she’s just lovely, i really liked it, then, my dear, i can’t come back until the renovation is completed, yes, these are the rules of the game in this program, uh... well , they should film this surprise, but only i'm afraid the surprise won't be very pleasant, zhan, okay, fly, let's go, zhana petrovna, get ready, fly, let's go, we're waiting for you downstairs in the car, is it serious, yes, yes, that's it, let's go, jean, let's go, no, no, and you stay on workplace, well , someone must be in touch, work, work, why vadik again, stay, stay. three corpses, knife wounds, an elite sauna, big people came here, there was about half a million worth of green stuff, find them and punish them, pash, why are you nervous,
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a person leaked information on people to you, slobbered money, work, and this is connection with you what, there is information that you were ordered, any information costs money, so how much from me, come on, don’t you want to drive, like in the good old days? nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. hangover, this is where affordable, powerful filters can come to the rescue, a convenient tablet format and no prifrus, at an average price of 129 rubles. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. here you can win an apartment in moscow and other valuable prizes, shop on azon, take part in draw and get the opportunity to make your dreams come true. buy splat products from the promotional selection and receive additional
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maybe they just took things out like that first and will start repairs later. i talked to the conservator, they told her that they would no longer work here today, they promised to come tomorrow. if they really needed to make repairs so quickly, they would have plowed, not stopped, and would have been here, i was scammed like a girl, in general, i turned off this alarm for them myself, and i warned the mower myself.
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yes, yes, i, i understand, yes, throw it on, fears confirmed, zhenet petrovna really was robbed, ayo, gee, hello, and the little ones are in place, well done, and where are the ears, ears, they left with... for consultation, she is a very
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valuable court met expert they say. dzheneta petrovna left with lena and kolosov. well , only nikolai nikolaevich, it looks like she is the same victim, she was robbed, which has been verified, verified, kolotsev just called back and said that they took everything away. this, this is not going to cut any corners, but our colleague was robbed in broad daylight, and no, whoever offended our wife, we urgently need to get him out of the ground, of course, we’ll get him, nikolai nikolaevich, we’ll get him , we’ll get everyone, but for us to find these thieves nikolai nikolaevich is a matter of honor, and not only for you it’s a matter of honor, for this is a matter of honor for the entire department, she
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shouldn’t have any hang-ups in this matter, it’s clear to you, come on, let’s work, get together. you work and as soon as you find out something, you immediately report to me, and what’s going on, yes, that’s right, jean, let’s think logically, come on, let’s get them out to be honest, damn it, but i think that the tv cameras and so on, they staged this whole performance for a reason, someone tipped them off to... sira , listen, have they tried to buy it from you lately? they didn’t try to buy, we tried to insure, a young man came like this, well, nothing nicer, prettier, he very persistently begged for insurance, did he come into the apartment? well, of course, i treated him to tea, there i showed off my
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card table to him, and he admired it. wait, did you insure the apartment? yes no, of course, i immediately told him that i had an alarm. yeah, and he asked who you work for, well, he found out something about you, i said that i’m a simple doctor, because why am i going to scare a young man with corpses, i read him a blog, on the contrary, that’s what i do every evening now appointed, you know, uh huh. that is, he left, thinking that there are a lot of antique things in your apartment, what antique things, lenochka, my friend, she just has a son, this prop man works, he makes everything under the 19th century that he can’t sell they give it to me, wait, so you don’t have antique things, you have, well, two dolls,
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an inheritance from your grandmother, okay, well, let’s make a list. who have disappeared, i ’ll drink some water, well, she, she, she looks very similar, okay, we’ll consider the presenter’s composite sketch finished, now let’s get on with this main thing with the camera, you got a good look at him, of course you did, oh, the face is so unpleasant.
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and you have a way out for buyers of stolen goods, you offend the boss, of course there is, as i understand it, we are interested in antiques, even if they are fake, they will still be thrown away collapses, right? well, yes, i think that the furniture will of course be hidden first, because large things will not be sold right away, but small things will be immediately put up for sale. zhana, tell us about these dolls? guys, why i really feel sorry for these dolls, they were given to my grandmother when she was still little, yes, these are twins, a boy, a girl. she ran around with them everywhere, everyone thought that she would give birth to twins, and so it happened, the girl is my mother, a real family heirloom, what are you laughing at, charming stories, zhana, how are they did they look like? well, the boy is in a blue suit, and the girl is in a blue dress, the grandmother said that the famous master made them, they have a special mark on the back of their heads,
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a stork and the year 1899, so what? young ladies, i see the goal, i understand the task, i’m off, come on, my dear, and tomorrow you and i will go through the antique ruins, maybe we’ll find something, okay, dear, don’t be upset, god, we’ll find it, we’ll find it. oh, come on, good luck, thank you, yes, jaune, where will you spend the night, in the office, well, no, let’s come to me, really, admitted again better by independent experts, a credit sbercard is free forever, apply for it right now!
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16:45 on ntv. well, of course, link, without any talk, come, let him stay with us for now, thank god, there is somewhere to spend the night. yes, okay, i’m waiting, kiss you, dear. who is this helen taking to spend the night that she has found the man of her dreams. what do you care, you’re not a husband, a neighbor. no, well, i’m just like that, like a neighbor i want to wish you happiness, like a neighbor, okay, i’ll tell you, link is taking a colleague to spend the night, who, you’re wrong, sashok, zhanetta petrovna, rural, rural, rural, her apartment was cleaned out under the guise
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of renovation, what, listen, well, we need to help somehow, we need help, but how can you help, i need to think , think, sashok, think, and i’ll definitely come up with something,
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yes, oh well, only because i’m a neighbor in a better world. well, in general, i sent out sketches of all the defendants to all departments. just yesterday. well done, student. you are growing. okay, let's work out all the blanks. and all the collapses. let's start with the two main ones. you and zhonnata petrovna will go to izmailovo, there are the coolest sellers there, so most likely the dolls will appear there. yes. well, like crazy we’ll go to... to the preobrazhenka, to the breakdown, sadsky will already be loaded with the equipment in the car, somewhere nearby, so connections, and how will you recognize my things, we won’t be able to recognize your things, zhanna petrovna, here's a mukhtar by smell, yes, give him something wearable, sniff, sniff, but your cry is clearly not suitable, oh, this will do, yes, let him smell, yes, yes, no, zhanette, moha,
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just he takes pride in himself, what did he bring up? student, it’s not about you, it’s about the mukhtar, but the flies, but i advise those students to be more modest, okay, it’s time to move, fly, let’s go, lena, we are waiting for you.
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look, i’m getting dumber, like one day i’m getting dumber, i’m getting dumber and dumber, but okay, this is about me. stronger, well, stronger, so that it’s best
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to play, okay.
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aggravation of the situation in the middle east. israel launched a targeted attack on beirut. and in tehran, where the inauguration of the elected president took place, the political leader of hamas was killed. our hail destroyed strongholds and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in kherson region. supporters of president maduro are gathering for mass rallies in the capital of venezuela. who is to blame for the fact that the assassination attempts on donald trump could not be prevented?


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