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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  August 1, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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hello, hello, criminal investigation department, can you go in, please, come in, vladimir you like nurses, there are no nurses, stepanovich, we are looking for sergei krivorukov, we realized he’s been in prison for a long time. you are mistaken, vladimir stepanovich, he escaped from the colony last week, and why did you come to me? but because 5 years ago you were involved in the same case with him. yes, since then i haven’t seen him, i’ve generally given up, i work, i don’t communicate with my old friends. tell me, we can see the apartment. are you waiting for someone? not really. ask who? who
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there? open up, wavan, it's me! alive?
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urgent here, dymov is wounded, i understand, dictate the address, so, quickly, quickly, but carefully, yeah, yeah, be careful,
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anesthesia, well, doctor, your friend is lucky, a centimeter below everything. well, the bone is not affected, i think we’ll soon get back on our feet, thank you, doctor, thank you very much, okay, what’s up, uh-huh, happy, guys, goodbye, thank you, how did you manage, kirill, no, well, i’m saying , well, we visited 20 addresses, you know, everything is quiet, calm, then this krivorukov started shooting, hello, andrey petrovich, well, workers, take a rest? well,
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why is the lieutenant parakhnya reporting on the operation. i have already heard about your operation, come to me. who planned the operation? why didn't anyone insure? comrade colonel, well, we thought. what were you thinking? service is not a girls' walk. where were you at that moment? i was investigating another crime. but there aren’t enough people , andrei petrovich. therefore, we must take care of them. what happened there? routine scheduled check. we arrived at the apartment. yes. criminal when the door knocked, the owner opened it, and krivorukov began firing. you know that a correctly taken position is the key to a successful operation.
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catch a fish, don’t stand behind the sun, okay, whatever the fuses are, but the operation was successful, now he’s recovering from anesthesia, visit him tomorrow and wait until everything is fine, i’ve lost packages of medicine again, what have i got to do with it, it’s your hands case, either you return them, submit a letter of resignation, or i inform the police, if you want, i’ll give it to you... i already said, you won’t work here, or you'll sit in the dark, well, you never know how the game will end, uh-huh, so, oh,
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moha, roma, your friends tried to get you placed in a separate ward, why such an honor, well, of course, you hero, we detained a dangerous criminal, yes, let me help, let me help, now, two, what’s your name, i’m tatyana, very nice, and i’m nikolai, and i know when i’ll see you again, tomorrow at the dressing room. all the best, all the best. comrade captain,
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how did the wind blow you, and how did you get saved, yeah, a bandit bullet, well this is understandable, you need to be more careful, yes. uh-huh, well, what are you, naked kefir, ah-ah-ah, naka, get some food, and why are you running around here, it’s winter outside, so what, i need to spend the winter somewhere, i’ve already been a polar explorer for nine years i’m eating here, of course, i’ll get some treatment at the same time, what are you here for, oh, it’s a big deal, i have a wound on my leg, it’s not going away for two months, what kind of miracles are these, yes, you understand, he says that this is an unstudied case, unknown to science, so you understand, these students walk like that, and something is here, there, there, that’s all, and i
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i think that i think, let them study, i feel sorry for something, oh, you’re an infection, come on, come on, come on , eat, eat, i still need to feed others, i’m a dispensing orderly here, in general... oh, come on , come on, don’t overuse kefir, otherwise come into my kitchen, i’ll treat you, go, go, don’t get sick, and the same to you, hold your tail with a pistol, bye, hello, nikolai sergeevich, hello, how are we feeling, or better ? than yesterday, let me listen to you, yeah, well, we’re not breathing, but we’re breathing, you’re interested in japanese poetry, in
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your free time, come on, in the winter... branches fly sakura, the road to the future is covered with snow, no one knows their fate, that’s it, your fate turned out to be happy this time, my patients’ legs are much smaller, yes, cool, you often come across gunshots, but not here, i used to serve in military medical academy, well, there were several. let’s not expose ourselves any more, i’ll try, but i’m thinking, by the way, there’s a rare edition of the 19th century, japanese, if you want, i’ll bring it tomorrow, yes, thank you, okay, happy soldier, thank you, well done!
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great, ninulya, great, i won’t lend it to us you don’t need to borrow money, look at the thermos we brought you. why the hell do i need your thermos , aren’t you chinese crap, an expensive thing, come on, let me see, look how heavy you are, take it, take it, it’s a good thing, and it costs nothing, a case of beer, two, three , yeah, two bottles, what are you saying, there’s such a thing in the store, no, guys, you don’t want it, as you want, okay, come on, not zero,
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what kind of crap did they put in there? wow, okay, i’ll give it to someone, if anything happens, hello georgich, help, how are you, great, good, great, how’s it going? himself, yes, it’s already better, well, that’s it. well, how are things, like krivorukov, yes he split, yes, yes, and
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he turned in two of his accomplices, who didn’t take food with him that week, they covered them, well , they took one of them, the other is on the run for now, well, thank god, listen, it’s a big deal thank you, i ’ve already climbed the walls here, listen, when i was a lieutenant, they shot me in the leg, so i’m back in 3 days. i went to work, now i ’ll grab something to drink, what is this, please, apple juice, no apple juice, only orange juice, listen, kalinin’s today birthday, sure, maybe we can buy something, maybe listen, give him three bottles of beer, he likes dark ones, come on, give me three bottles of beer, please, we need the package, yes, here you go, thank you, thank you,
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thank you, go on health, oh, hello, light, hello, hello, great, great, birthday boy, and he’s on the road, he’ll be back in about two hours, oops, well, well, tell him or something, please tell him to carry out an examination, good, definitely, good, vadim sergeevich, please sign the statement for me, vadim sergeevich, mommy, hi, anton, hi. what's the matter,
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why outsiders? this is captain dymov from uboynoye. eh, colleague? golubev evgeniy, lieutenant? captain dymov, nikolai. did you know the murdered person? yeah, he operated on me. did you find anything? no. didn’t find him when he was killed? apparently, between 8 and 9 o’clock in the morning, yeah, i see, can you tell me anything else for the investigation? so what, he was supposed to examine me in an hour, he won’t examine me anymore, if anything comes up, call me at the department, now, please, uh-huh, clear, bye, bye.
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what can one think, there are all sorts of rumors going around, well, well what, they either steal, or take bribes, find out in more detail, well, you’re like... a child, well, i’m not in trouble, i feed you, i sing, and i put on shoes, you know, come to me for the light comes to look at my wound, and you are here for me, here are the wounds, by the way, i need to shine your light, show this and tell you that every day you spray this rubbish on your booger, quietly, quietly, quietly, that you, that you are like me , that you, like me, everything, like a
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small child, have i ever refused you, you know, everything is up to me, everything, so i have to work. everything has to be done for you when you start working, krovtsov listens. this is dymov, he’s a dovey on the spot, he went on a business trip, for a long time, i don’t know, he went to the unit where the murdered doctor used to serve, you don’t know how his investigation is going, not yet, i understand, thank you, and nikolai, i’m sorry that i’m distracting you, but it’s time for you to change the bandage, uh-huh, uh-huh, thank you, uh-huh, oh,
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let me help you, uh-huh, thank you, get dressed. tanya, yes, can i ask you one favor, yes, please, but can you make me a list of everyone in the department, employees and patients, why do you need it, well, i need to find out something, please, okay, uh-huh, uh, what is it, it hurts, yes, something, let me help you.
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it’s okay, we have to keep up, guys, how’s school going in the hospital, poor thing, hello? solovet, listen, hello, kolyan, oh, he will live a long time, say hello, hello from everyone, that ’s good, if necessary, we’ll help, faxed the list, everything that’s there, yes, yesterday they killed the doctor who operated on dymov, who is involved in this matter, a certain golubev, but he is now on a business trip, kolyan asked to check some. they ask us to do the data, cheslav, now dymov will send a fax to the office, is there anyone in our file cabinet, please check, yeah, what do we owe? oleg georgievich, if you go to the hospital, take me with you, be sure to, let's go, yeah, yeah,
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yeah, let's go, let's go, bye, yeah. uh-huh, bye , be careful, be careful, oh, come on, help me, nurse petrovich, well, i managed to find out something, what are you talking about, let’s not delay, oh well, i’ve rummaged through something here, that means people are of course quiet.
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i’m listening, hello, kolya, you are glory, and slav, great, can you talk? yes, yes, come on, i looked through your list here in the card index, i found two, one of them, you know very well, our old friend, petrovich, yes, i know, the second sashchenko, sergei ivanovich, the supply manager was involved in the case of theft from warehouse, thank you, slav, but you’re welcome, we ’ll visit you tomorrow, bring you something, bring something, slav? there are only pills here, okay, come on, say hello to everyone , bye. hello, hello, i’m from the third ward, i’m listening to you, my light bulb is burned out, won’t you give me something in return,
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please, thank you, well, actually, i already came to see you, but i didn’t find you, how do you work, if something happens, how can i find you, you know, young man, the hospital is a closed place, i know who you are, where you work, i'm sure you know about my trial. this is a complicated relationship, on the morning of the murder, where were you? i went to vasilievsky to buy food for the canteen at the base, you know,
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young man, as far as i understand, you are here for treatment, so continue to be treated, thank you, no problem, for the light bulb, for the light bulb, please. oh, why aren't you at home? a friend asked me to replace it, yeah, you can’t sleep, there’s something you can’t sleep with, uh-huh, maybe i should take a sleeping pill, thank you, but don’t you have any folk remedy? oh well, let's go, hurray, just quietly, well, of course,
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actually this is strictly prohibited here, yeah, but for your sake we'll make an exception, what is this? this is alcohol, wow, i see, excuse me, well, like alcohol, alcohol is excellent, yes, well, thank you, uh-huh, oh, have a snack. and you, you’ve been working here for a long time, come on, come on, in fact, i just couldn’t
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get into medical school, yeah, so i’m stuck here, yes, but here you have fun, listen, why was safonov killed, i don’t know why he was a conflicted person, it seems he wasn’t, maybe there were financial problems, they don’t tell us nurses much, so what? “but recently i heard a conversation between two doctors, as if painkillers containing drugs had disappeared, wow, a long time ago, probably two weeks ago, why did you call the police, contact them, no, i think they didn’t want to make a mess hut, okay, let's have a second one, my toast is ripe. come on, look, if i hadn't been wounded, i wouldn't have ended up here. if i hadn’t gotten here, i wouldn’t have met you,
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uh-huh, if i hadn’t met you, i wouldn’t have known where the most beautiful girl on earth works, thank you, for you, thank you. hello, hello, hello, i need it. what time did sergey
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sashchenko check out the products? and this is from the emergency hospital? now? moment, here, here is the outfit, issued at 9:30, please print it out, what time was it released? well, as usual, in about 15 minutes, by now i’ve completed the registration, by now i’ve signed, please, thank you, goodbye, all the best, see you goodbye, goodbye, goodbye , goodbye, oh, kolya, hello, wow, oh, hello, hello, guys, well, beautiful, great, slav, great, how are you, where are you, nothing, nothing, look , how he lost weight, now feed you, right, such, such a face, it’s just terrible when you
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are discharged, but a day later? 10 at best, why did they find out about what i asked for, i was at a food warehouse, but besashchenko provided it, well, okay, listen, guys, drug-containing drugs disappeared two weeks ago, we should find out, maybe this has attitude to murder, who we have for drugs, vitka baranov, i’ll call him, okay, come on, that’s enough, about business and business, since, look what my girls have prepared for you, varya, but you’re the only one who knows, what a man needs, especially a wounded one, is a kiss, i’m wounded, excuse me, of course, but it’s time for you to get an injection, yes, yes, i’m coming now, nikolai, hello, and... what a good girl,
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it seems she’s jealous, it seems listen, kolya, maybe you can arrange for us to hang out here for a couple of weeks, pour yourself out, crooked hand, ask him will provide for you, over there, you see, a guy in a black jacket, yeah, yeah, we've been watching him for a long time, you protect me, there's a passage yard, is there anything we can find? a couple of wheels, a thousand, in your grippers, or what? now let's see what's wrong with me, excuse me another time, quietly, quietly, give me your hand here, leave me behind,
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leave me behind, everything is clear. let's get him in the car, last name, first name, patronymic, moshkovsky, igor sergeevich, so, year and place of birth, august 3, 1975, city of leningrad, place of work, temporarily unemployed, well, tell us, igor sergeevich, where are you all this ? took i bought pills at a pharmacy, where, when i don’t remember, i was walking through the city, on the petrograd side, i saw a pharmacy, i went in, bought it, it’s bad that you don’t remember, that’s how the pharmacy sellers would answer, now you’ll have to spend time, how long, by the way, well, five years, or more, listen, let’s talk, don’t you understand, we’re not joking, there’s a batch number on the packages, when we take your supplier, you’ll get
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a full one. i don’t have a question about the guilt, they had one guy supply it, i met him at a disco, his name is dmitry, last name, address, i don’t know, he called me himself, no, not seriously, i’m going to beat you now, he works in some hospital, so that means you’ll stay with us until he calls, now let’s go make an identikit. what it is? beer bottles, andrei petrovich, i see that they are not from lemonade. why wasn't it reported to me? what are you talking about, andrey petrovich? about the investigation? i was just given the results of the examination. this product meets the food standard, but is hazardous to health
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due to long-term use. checked one of the versions of the latest case and made control purchase in one of the city's stalls, and you understand that such a source is dangerous to the health of citizens, what if they are terrorists, i have already contacted the vsb, in 15 minutes, they will be here, coordinate actions and take the necessary measures, even when it becomes... it’s hard, life goes on, everyone has their own mission, ours is to help, we are where people need care, so that they don’t feel so scared, so that hope and love live in their hearts, so that life
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goes on, it’s so important to help someone in trouble. join a good cause on the site pomoćvbede.rf.
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good morning, about the weather for today, the chinese cyclone is keeping the south of the far east in suspense, somewhere there is not much rain, and somewhere on the first day of august up to 100 mm of precipitation can fall, that is, almost... the main zone of heavy rains will stretch across the center of primorye, the north and south of the khabarovsk territory. in khabarovsk today the thunderstorm is only +23, and in vladivostok it is 25 and there is little rain. in yakutia there is little precipitation, here the cold temperature comes first, in yakutsk +16, in the north of the republic about 10°. this temperature is a good help in fighting fires. them in the meantime, a cloudy mongolian cyclone and heavy rains thicken near lake baikal. will hit buryatia and the south of the irkutsk region and will become cooler. in irkutsk it is +22, light rain is possible in krasnoyarsk, but in general in the south of siberia the sun is warm up to +30. but in tyumen it’s +24 and the rain is still light, tomorrow it will be very heavy.
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this is the influence of the ural cyclone in the urals itself today, also with rain. in the south, thunderstorms in the daytime up to 28, cooler tomorrow. on the european part everything is simple. a huge cyclone provides almost everyone with short-term rains. on rarity is monotonous in arkhangelsk and koluga 22 a little warmer in the chernozem region and the middle volga. only in the south there is a lot of sun and rain only in the mountains. during the day it is moderate, but quite comfortable 26:32. in st. petersburg today it’s about 20, in moscow it’s 21, short rains everywhere. please, mineral water and two chocolates. what's the matter, what's going on? so, what's the matter, huh? what 's going on, what do you need, what is it?
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i take off my jacket. jacket, it’s cold, go to the car, yeah, hello, well, who will close the stall, well, everything is fine, everything is fine. what's going on that you're here? climb, what do you need, what should i tell the owner here, leave valarev alone, what are you looking for here, let’s walk the car, where are you from? what about us? there is also, yes, this is it, where did you get the container from, your friends gave it to you, what friends,
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the address, how do i know the address, they come often, buy something, you better tell me who will answer me for the spoiled goods, girl, you and i need to worry about the product, terrorism, you understand how this could end for you, i don’t know anything. come with us, tell us about your friends, listen, we’re free, wait, lieutenant, you still have work to do. i'm afraid i'm getting married, what's wrong? and what? and now i’ll tense up, i’ll tense up. well, in our department there seems to be an orderly named ryzhov, he was on my list, you can take off your fingers, so it won’t be noticeable? well, we'll think of something, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, yeah, where are we going,
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leave her like this, my dear, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, what have we got there, yeah, enlarged, i said, get out of here, well, saffron milk cap, 20 drops each, don’t you want it, i’ve got some bastard stashed away, well, let’s go, well , let’s go, come on, come on, how is your leg, come on, come on, come on, don’t let the infection heal, come on for your health.
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have a bite, have a bite, let's go have a bite, come in, police, well, well, here you go! “hey, well done, do you know what it cost me? here you are, chilling here, and i worked with the liver, i know, i know your liver, how smoothly it went, i don’t have it any other way, well, well , the task , as they say, it’s done , give me the bottle, but, well, well, well, they’ll discharge me, not me, well, where will i go in the winter, well
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, take it in the nightstand, i hear the words not of the boy, but of the husband, thank you, comrade captain, oh, my breadwinner, great, hello, oh, listen, why did you come, but i need to take off my fingers, well, come on, okay, thank you, come back in a couple. hours, listen, how did you guess that beer is radioactive? but i had no idea, they told me to carry out an examination, i did it, we were joking, we wanted to congratulate you on your birthday, i didn’t guess, it’s bad that i didn’t guess, because of your examination with volkov, we were harnessed into an operation with fsb agents, okay, bye, i'll come back in a couple of hours, oops! and where is non-zero in vacation, what did you guys want? i’m her
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nephew, she handed over all the business to me for a month, but we have this valuable device here for her, yeah, but it’s very expensive, guys, well, are you going to sell or take something, but man, okay, let’s see , oh, through it all these, what are they, microbes can be seen, and it costs nothing, a couple of beers, listen, but m... told me that you have such interesting thermoses, well, we can look, so hold it, damn it, give it back give me your hand, give me your hand, you bastards, what are you doing, dogs, well, well, the debt is red in payment, you helped us, we we will help you.
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nikolai. yes, this is varya, yeah, just varya, and you have a lot of them, varya, yes, tanya, varya, you have injections, my dear, let’s turn on our side. okay, okay. how many more injections? today is the last one? oh, it's a pity, you have such a gentle hand, all your life. hurt? no, very nice. well, that's all. tanya, my phone
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is ringing there. give me, please, yes, please , your varya is probably calling, but no, yes, i’m listening, hello, tan, well, wait, okay, i ’ll go, kira, i’m here, listening to you, well, ryzhov is not yours at all ryzhov and not even igor, and not... especially large ones, but the real ryzhov lives in the tver region, but he lost his passport a year ago, so it’s clear, i contacted baranov, we’ll be with you in about 40 minutes, listen, don’t be a hero there, you’ve had enough of one early, thanks for your concern, bye.
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please, help me, but the table needs to be moved, but i can’t, ok, ok, i want to watch football, move the bed closer, but the table is in the way,
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of course, yeah, oh, thank you, knock. here, yeah, yeah, like that, look at the health, who ’s playing, but ours and the dutch, i think, have a chance a little, well, you never know how the game will end, yeah, thank you, please, if it’s not difficult for you, i’ll ask you again, open the window, please, i can’t breathe, yeah. i'll go get my instrument now.
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stand, let the girl go, let her pass, otherwise i ’ll spoil her, let her through, i said, calmly, give me the car keys and move away from the office, take the keys downstairs, run downstairs, so that in a minute they will be here, i’ll run, quickly, quickly! don't be stupid, hello, hello, fire, hold on, bungee, and
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quickly, quickly, kitenko, let go! thus, as a result of an operation carried out together with the anti -drug department, a certain repeat offender, pavel nikitenko, living on a passport, was detained. igor ryzhov. during the investigation , it turned out that nikitenko stole narcotic drugs for the purpose of sale. well, on the day of his arrest, he tried to take the last large shipment out of the hospital. and he already has.
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hello and say we're waiting, definitely, andrei petrovich, uh-huh, no, no, no, sorry, like this,
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well, here you go, for your speedy return to duty, be healthy, and so that you have more don’t come here, thank you guys, i want to say that your friend is in great health, we have him in general, take a tangerine, they are rich, what are you doing? if, forgive me, that's it, i ran, i have to go, see you, i'm afraid, i'm getting married, well, one more time, great, petrovich, well, great, apera, great, great, petrovich, it means so, i'm, as they say, away, why is this happening, why all of a sudden, right? they kicked me out of the hospital, yes, i risked my life, you know, i worked on the liver, drank pure alcohol, got
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poisoned, the wound on my leg healed, so what, eh what do you need from us, like what, guys, like what, i identified criminals, identified, identified, i risked my life, risked it, so i ask you to issue me a 15-day stay, no less, just as we will never issue you a 15-day stay , we can’t do this, guys, but what about me? be, but how can i be, yes, we will do everything, my friend, we will do everything, everything will be fine, yes, so let’s put me in the monkey house for 15 days, let’s formalize it, well, somehow, we will, you should at least give a damn, well, let's do it. we wish you the best morning, further in
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the program. we clarify the details of the emergency incident, we punish the driver for a terrible violation in first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the moratsseddikov studio. a resident. one microdistrict on the outskirts of st. petersburg proved that they are capable of working in a team, they identified, tracked and even handed over to the police a man who had greatly annoyed them. the one who declared war on car owners in this residential complex has one unchanging handwriting. well, here's a scratch from the very beginning, the fender and across the side to the end of the door. but there seems to be a clear portrait of the victims no. crossovers, sedans, suvs. there are already about twenty on the list.


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