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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 1, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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fuel service crews deliver tons of fuel for our armored vehicles to the front line, as rostislav skidan saw before refueling on the front line, the escalation of the conflict in... the east, the supreme leader of iran ordered a direct strike on israel for the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. the czech republic has suspected germany of theft, and they believe that berlin is appropriating gas from its neighbors. the us secret service claims that it did not see the shooter who attempted to assassinate trump; the investigation shows a different version. and the summer residents were faced with an unexpected problems. in moscow and the area where
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spanish slugs are infested, ksenia ignatova looked into why these creatures are dangerous and how to get rid of them. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. let's start with news from the nwo zone. russian artillerymen destroyed firing points from which the ukrainian armed forces fired at populated areas and civilians in the zaporozhye region. ours... thanks to this , the enemy is gradually being squeezed out of his positions. in the northern direction, tula paratroopers captured a strong point near the village moving to the dpr. they stormed it in bmd-2 vehicles. as a result, the enemy fled, leaving behind the wounded and dead. three people surrendered. he knocked out another strong point along with the infantry. helicopter k-52
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of the vostok group of forces, received the task, took the coordinates, went to the target area, launched an air strike on an area landmark, according to reports, the target was hit, the task was completed, sappers of the southern group of forces cleared mines on roads, fields and personal plots in the liberated territories. any explosive items found are removed. on specialized transport or destroyed right on the spot. start a statement. today in russia they celebrate armed forces logistics day. defense minister andrei belousov congratulated the fighters, veterans and civilian personnel. he wished the employees new successes for the benefit of their homeland. the logistics service was created more than 300 years ago and has always played an important
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role in achieving historical victories, for example, during the great patriotic war, logistics personnel delivered weapons, ammunition, fuel, food and medicine to the front lines. about their role during the special operations, rastislavskydan. as you know, tanks are not afraid of dirt, but what about empty fuel tanks? to stall in the field means to become a magnet for the entire arsenal of the enemy. therefore , the crew of our t-72 tank returns to the meeting with... from the firing positions for a short refueling, the volume of the tanks of this vehicle is 700 liters, these are only internal storage units, almost a ton of diesel is enough for the tank for 2-3 days of combat work, although the crew does the shooting drives at the expense of batteries, occasionally launching 72 to recharge, it’s safer, drones the armed forces of ukraine will not reveal their positions based on the heat signature, tankers are on duty three...
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kilometers from the front edge, the tank is working in closed firing positions, that is, the targets are being corrected, it was infantry , the enemy target was seemingly destroyed, everything is fine with the canisters, that’s what they call the fuel service vehicles here tankers meet not far from the firing lines time the cost of diesel fuel will be different if you go far diesel fuel turns out to be more spent close everything quickly at any moment can react jump in get there work leave also. refueling a tank is comparable in speed to a petstop at some racing competition, not formula 1, of course, but you can certainly compete with the procedure, the tankers spend no more than 10 minutes, the whole point is that they are in the so-called red zone, the reach of strike drones, and cluster- filled missiles. fuel tankers prepare for trips to the front line in advance, scald the vehicles with anti-drone nets and camouflage the nine-ton tank so that it appears as if it is onboard. so that it is unlikely
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there was no ambush on us, just call it a lighter, it happens quickly, this car will survive a hit from a shrapnel. the tanks are covered with a self-sealing solution, but when encountering an attack drone, the only salvation is in the skill of the driver. in the dark time, when it was believed that it was safe, and there was an attack, baba iga tried to track us and attack, as if they had found shelter, revealed themselves, as if everything had passed, god willing, everything went well. and tankers and fuel tankers today work on irregular schedules. intense fighting on the front line schedule a meeting. previously it was impossible, you have to be ready all the time, you can go to positions three times a day, there is a break for a couple of days while the tankers, for example , are loaded with ammunition, so we have a break. in the southern donetsk direction, our troops continue to advance; hundreds of armored vehicles are involved in battles around the clock,
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each of which will not move forward without fuel. rastislav skidan, valeriyan kushnir, anna ivanova and dmitry piserev, ntv television company. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. from this day on, contract soldiers who are sent to the nwo zone will begin to receive increased one-time assistance from the state. according to the presidential decree, the federal payment will be 4,000 rubles. regions are recommended to allocate at least the same amount from their budgets. both russian contract workers and foreigners will receive the payment. an important detail is that the contract period must be at least a year. the regions have already reported on the implementation of the decree, but...
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the netherlands transferred f-16 fighters to ukraine, but only six, although the kiev authorities asked for 300. the transfer of military equipment was reported the british newspaper times, citing an unnamed source. washington did not confirm the authenticity of the publication about the transfer of new equipment to ukraine in zelensky’s office, and also declined to comment. meanwhile, one of the transferred fighters was spotted in the sky above.
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repeatedly warned that western airfields would become legitimate targets if combat sorties were launched from them. what should not be overestimated, the importance of the b-16 is noted by western partners; there are too few fighters to somehow influence the situation on the battlefield. iran's supreme leader has ordered a direct strike on israel in response to the assassination of the head of the hamas politburo, the new york times reports. death of ismail.
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ceasefire in the gaza strip, mediated negotiations between hamas and israel, in which ismail hani was a direct participant. we all need to understand this. such attempts to drag iran into a regional confrontation will destabilize the already tense atmosphere in the region. the vicious practice of targeted liquidations of prominent political military figures, puts the middle the east is on the brink of a regional war. live. at the meeting, moscow proposed a press statement to the council of ministers condemning the murder of haniya, but the document was blocked by great britain, the united states and france. as iran's permanent representative to the un emphasized, their allied states justify the genocide committed by israel against the palestinian
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people and shield them from any responsibility. however, other countries openly call the incident a terrorist attack. in particular, this opinion was expressed by the postpret of algeria. un, he stressed that israel violated international law and iranian sovereignty. the diplomat added that the jewish state authorities are sabotaging the implementation efforts of egypt, qatar and the united states. in europe , squabbles have begun over gas. the czech republic said that germany was stealing blue fuel from it. prague believes that berlin is accumulating methane in its storage facilities, which is intended exclusively for czechs. the case is indicative under the guise of diversification and a decisive refusal of russian supplies, everyone is pulling the blanket on themselves, because there is not enough fuel for everyone. the czech republic stated that germany is carrying out fraud by reducing the pipeline's capacity. the country's industry minister
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has already written a letter of complaint to the european commission. he emphasized: pumping blue fuel from the west to the east of europe is critically important, but for some reason germany decided that it needed gas more. berlin, of course, denies the accusations, it states that the czech republic is not being deprived, and the adjustments are related, quote, to the general decrease in volumes due to the cessation of russian i. refusals from our fuel germany is very expensive, the costs of this has grown by more than 3 billion euros in 2 years. prices in the eu are five times higher than in the us, and ordinary germans are expectedly unhappy. this is a disaster for me and my family, although we both work. we were given a bill for several thousand euros, except for gas, every month we pay for electricity and internet, we have to pay for everything.
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and then takes a place from where in a few minutes he will open fire, although the secret service representatives said that
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they did not notice the shooter, while there was not a single one on the roof of this neighboring building federal agency employee. in addition, the service’s sniper eliminated the criminal only after the attacker fired eight shots. donald trump continues to meet with ordinary americans, this time he arrived at the convention of the association of black journalists. community members are. part of the electorate, for whose votes both republicans and democrats are competing. however, instead of a constructive dialogue, the presenter decided to accuse the ex-president of neglecting african americans, well, in response, he explained that means to respect a person according to his race. many people think you don't belong here because you made false statements about nick haley and barack obama, saying they weren't born in the usa. it is not true. you said.
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biden was forced to leave the election campaign
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. according to media reports, this confirms the theory that the campaign, and not he himself, decided to leave the race. the british television channel bbc is again at the center of a scandal. former news presenter huw edwards has been accused of pedophilia. he faces up to 10 years in prison. edwards was the face of the bbc and told viewers about the loudest events of the country. it was he who announced the death of elizabeth to the british. according to the investigation , the tv presenter bought photographs of naked children, he spent 3,500 pounds on one of his victims, the teenager with whom edwards was in contact was in serious trouble. hearings in the case took place the day before in london, the tv presenter appeared in court, where he pleaded guilty while he was released on bail; the final verdicts will be handed down by the palace on september 16. at the bbc, this is far from the first such scandal, the loudest involving the famous presenter of a children's show. after him death, it became known that he molested more than
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400 children, 30 of whom he raped, and two more were previously treated for pedophilia. refused to pay the tax that goes to maintaining the channel due to a lack of budget, the bbc is closing entire editorial offices and reducing the gender of journalists. in the european part of russia, a sharp increase in slugs and mantis snails has been recorded. according to ecologists, as a rule, these species live in the south, but due to the heat, some... began to reproduce faster, farmers and gardeners began to complain about their abundance, in this case, chemicals do not affect pests. ksenia ignatov found out how summer residents preserve their harvest. fat slugs, these never existed before, fat, red and ubiquitous, spanish or portuguese or lusitanian
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slugs, so many names were given to them by the place of origin by biologists, this summer they became... one of the main characters of the runet and a headache for hundreds of thousands of moscow summer residents. such videos are posted on social networks by residents of different districts of the capital and region. as soon as it rains, they appear near ponds and rivers, in parks and in courtyards. they are embarrassed to crawl on asphalt; they are found in garden plots even on hot sunny days. here he is, oh, look how terrible he is, sitting there fat. marina from the western moscow region has been fighting an invasion of giant slugs for the second year now.
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pour boiling water over the slugs, or cover them with salt; the salt corrodes them, leaving bright , poisonous colors. in general, each site has its own tactics for fighting shellfish, while the authorities near moscow do not see the spanish invaders as a threat to dacha lands and offer their recommendations for especially anxious gardeners. you can dig a hole in the ground on different sides
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of the site, place an insulated container, and pour kvass or beer into it. what attracts these slugs, or place rotten fish. slugs don't like to crawl on uneven surfaces or anything that sticks. that is, around the beds you can place broken egg shells, and ground mustard or ground mustard. spanish slugs are real conquistadors. they were brought to the country about 10 years ago, most likely, along with plants from european nurseries. they have taken root and begun to influence the ecosystem near moscow, zoologists note. these mollusks displace the smaller muscovite slugs. by the way, they are also carriers of infection and parasitic larvae; it is not recommended to touch them with bare hands. other aliens in the region, feral descendants of fugitives from the snail farms that are fashionable these days, are also dangerous to humans in this way. what is this?
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wow, look how big they are. snail hunting. daily evening ritual of the seven gusakovs, they are not afraid to touch the light of salt, they look for the largest ones and take them home, observe looking at the life of mollusks, how interesting, all 15 minutes in the forest near moscow, here is such a harvest, here is very tiny and huge, in general , the habitat of these grape snails or helexes is the south of russia, but in recent years such beauties can be found in moscow, in parks in the moscow region, of course, has snails and... slugs are not the only newcomers to the region. increasingly, even in the center of the capital, citizens come across common praying mantises. indigenous inhabitants of the south and caucasian part of russia. however , zoologists are confident in the city. and areas they are not take root, there are no climatic prerequisites for this. ksenya ignatova, ivan ozerov, arthur gavrish, konstantin korgin and natalya levchenkova, ntv television company. with this we
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top it up from any bank. by phone number without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. te-bank. he's the only one. good morning, i, tatyana ermilova, will tell you about the weather on the first day of august. in yakutia , the temperature is dropping, and along with it the level of fire danger, although there is still little precipitation in the republic, and there will be a lot of it in the south, where there are two cyclones at once, one will shed very heavy rains in the center of primorye, in the north and south of the khabarovsk territory. in the amur region there is no precipitation and everywhere around 25°. lake baikal is below 30 degrees, and here another cyclone will bring down thunderous showers in a storm. for the same reason, up to 40 mm of precipitation may fall in places.


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