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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 1, 2024 8:25am-10:00am MSK

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rate 18%. i can top it up from any bank using a phone number without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. te-bank. he's the only one. good morning, i, tatyana ermilova, will tell you about the weather on the first day of august. in yakutia, the temperature is dropping, and along with it the level. fire danger, although there is still little rainfall in the republic, and there will be a lot of it in the south, where there are two cyclones at once, one will shed very heavy rains in the center of primorye, in the north and south of the khabarovsk territory, in the amur region there is already no precipitation and everywhere around 25°. u lake baikal is 30 and here another cyclone will bring down thunderstorms on buryatia. for the same reason, up to 40 mm of precipitation may fall in places in the south of the irkutsk region, where the temperature drops to almost 20°. a little rain is possible in... but all
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the rain will not last long, in general in the south of siberia there is a good sunny summer with temperatures below 30, clouds will already reach tyumen, most likely even the clouds of the ural cyclone, the rains will intensify and the heat will subside, in the urals today too with rain, thunderstorms in the south, +23 in yekaterinburg, 28 in kurgan, cooler tomorrow. above the cyclone has firmly hovered over the european territory of russia, so the weather remains almost unchanged. rain again in the northern half, but not wet, from time to time. and from... to the south of the central region a little above twenty, in the south it rains only in the mountains, mostly sunny moderately warm around thirty. in st. petersburg today it is about 200, in moscow +21, short rains everywhere, and in moscow there is also a sharp wind. short showers are possible until the end of the week, but by the weekend the temperature promises to rise to 25. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00. on
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ntv. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the comparison website or app. but one is the most important. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find a policy cheaper. nine out of ten customers stay with us after their purchase. try it too. compare. osaga. cheaper nevsky today at 16:45 on ntv.
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fly, i have good hearing, i can hear the alarm clock even from there, take it back, i even allow it break it for you, okay, i'm getting up. well,
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i stand, i stand, i stand, that’s all. fly, there’s no question of adding more, we don’t have time, fly, you ate, and i didn’t even have breakfast, but have a conscience in the end, that’s it, let’s go, otherwise krulyov will bite, go ahead, don’t rush, my friend.
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hey, can you hear me, hey, you're alive, i don't know
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what to call who, the ambulance, get up, you have to, don't call, god, well, you're bleeding, let me at least call an ambulance, i'll take it, thank you, i yourself, yourself, haven’t you seen the phone, it’s so purple here, damn it. trunk, trunk, let's try to get up, help, you think that i
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don't understand your male psychology, if something happened to me, then i will never tell lena, because she is a woman, and complaining to a woman is... a nightmare? that means losing all male pride, right? what does male pride have to do with it, lena? and besides, tyoma, if it weren’t for your stupid pride, you would have told me long ago what happened to you. show me, does it hurt? yes, are you sure there is no crack? i'm sure you need to see a doctor urgently. that's it, damn it, no need no doctor, better tell me where tolik is, his phone doesn’t answer, but i don’t know where tolik is, so, then i call sadovsky, ask him to come here to give you first aid, the phone doesn’t work,
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yeah, you work for a couple, yes , would you like to go to the circus? and not to work in the police, lena sadovsky still doesn’t understand a damn thing about medicine, she understands rural medicine, but rural medicine understands blind people’s buffs in medicine, and i’m still warm, yeah, iron logic, yes, better let me lie down for 2 days and do nothing say hru-hru, listen, artyom, why does mukhtar always see me? barks, that is, the lieutenant colonel, he greets you as a senior in rank. you ’re serious, yes, you think he understands, yes, well then i’ll forgive mukhtar, a separate conversation with you, tell me, dear friend, just honestly, how late you are today, lieutenant colonels, nikolai nikolaevich, i asked artyom to go to bucherov’s department,
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look -ka, how many of our lawyers have divorced, so what, there is progress, yes, tomorrow he will go to communicate with his sister, please, work, work, because this is the third day in one place you're trampling around, and at night i'm already dreaming about this graph of statistics, the crime detection rate, and after a month i'll stop sleeping at all, it's no big deal, i tripped on a corner and ran into an iron, oh my god, well, work, work, that means so, one day maximum. come on, go, lie down, get yourself in order with double strength and get down to business, fascinated. thank you len, good. temochka, why didn’t you tell me on the phone? well, there would be no need to lie. do you think i wouldn't believe it? believe me, for the first time in my life i sat down
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phone, i only remember 02 as a memory of the cashier. this means you were also robbed. why do you say that? “you see, this is not the first day i’ve been working in the police, and i can draw some conclusions from a stolen mobile phone and a broken head.” well, no, i have a request for you, tolik will come, let him dial me at home, okay, fly, ears of corn, yes, what can you say, funny creatures, women, what could i say to her?" "
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i see, but why? tol, please tell me why? just because i'm a girl, right? we 've known each other for 3 days, haven't worked together much, right? is it really so difficult to just tell me, maybe i can do something too, help somehow? what, did something happen? i personally am fine, thank god. it’s clear, everything is fine with you, thank god, but your best friend is in trouble, and artyom. what happened? no, nothing happened, i came this morning, there’s this bump on my head, by the way, maybe
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there’s a concussion, there’s no phone, my clothes are wrinkled, i asked to lie down all day and nothing happened, hello, nikomovich, artyom is gone, no, not yet , where he works, he probably went on vecherov’s business, in the evening? great, well, it’s good that you are here, i need to talk to you, and on what issue, on the issue of whether i will live to see retirement or not, this concerns your artyom, what’s the matter, nikolai nikolaevich, something, something happened , yes, nothing happened here, everything is very serious, get ready, come with me, so... you will see, i am your
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debtor, and you help me find an architect, and we are even, but what happens, now what am i , i will work for the police, for me, the architect never leaves traces, most likely this is a former cop or military specialist, dad, find this creature. who killed my wife, and don’t be shy about your methods. nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. vinaros is the choice of millions for varicose veins, because vinaros is designed to
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soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. well, dog, do you think we can break through? let's break through. hello, hello, i am a very lucky person today, i was going to find you. well then you're in luck. and i’m coming to you, come to me, we need to talk. yes. let's go, fly, forward. show the lady the way,
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escort her out. forward, forward, forward. “please come in, maybe it’s not very tidy, take a seat, i basically came to ask how you feel, it’s better, we still live in the same building, yes, don’t be afraid, a fly won’t touch you, it’s just me i was so scared this morning, me too, when i came in, i thought you were dead"? “i thought so too at first, it turned out to be a strong head, but a fly, i’ll have to put up with it somehow, you’re kidding, i’m trying, but my name is sveta, it’s very nice, artyom, it’s actually the first time in my life i
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’ve seen something like this, you know, i walked into our entrance." you lie down, there is blood under your head, i was so scared, so i thought, yes, if only i had gone there at least five minutes earlier, they could have hit me, calm down, they wouldn’t have touched you , they were waiting for me, can i ask you for water, yes, of course, now, in any case, light, thank you very much, you really helped me, great, but what are you doing? nothing with the gas, yes, nothing, fly, calm down, fly. the cast-iron head, of course, is a fly, your dog is somehow nervous, but no, mukhtarov is just worried, he’s worried that he didn’t save me, you know, i
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also wanted to ask you something, you know, i work in the police, yes, i know, tell me, did you see the attackers, no, not at all, but one. from the back, when your dog ran out, he went into the entrance and closed the door behind him, your dog began to get so scared at the door that i was even afraid to approach, then then, and then your dog looked at me as if he was asking me to the door opened, and i walked up, opened it and saw that you were lying there, tell me, so... it’s respected, they’re from didn't you leave the entrance? no, i didn’t see it, but you can describe it, but the one who
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walked from the back of the entrance. yes, what a mess, you can immediately see that it’s not our area, not ours, but it concerns us, but i don’t understand why we, who were killed, the senior tsavelev from the neighboring department was killed, a gunshot, nevermind, uh-huh, i still don’t understand, we what does this have to do with it, you don’t understand, now you’ll understand, whose id is this, how do i know
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what else, where is he now and why the mobile phone doesn’t answer, why his id was found next to the corpse of the opera and generally where he is artam's mobile phone. where is he now? who's there? open up! hello! it looks like it’s really my birthday today, you’re still joking, i’m joking, i’m done joking,
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well, you’ll tell me everything yourself, but i was going to go to you to surrender, but it’s too late to get ready, we came ourselves, let’s go to the apartment, welcome. artyom, come here. well, will you hand over the barrel yourself? nikolai nikolaevich, there is no trunk. it happened. happened. and you know what i got, you got a search warrant,
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the barrel surfaced, surfaced, just as it surfaced, the witnesses here, yes, explained everything to them, yes explained, start then, but no, there is a pistol here, they took it together with ksieva in the morning, how... yes, i was attacked, ksiva, what kind of jargon, ksiva, not ksiva, service id. and please tell me why should i believe your machinations? well, what interest do i have in making a hole in my head? this is one, and secondly, i have a witness. who you are? here is sveta, yes, she, she saw how they attacked me. this is true? well, i didn’t see how they attacked, but i did. today at the entrance, his head was broken, she saw from the back a man who walked into the entrance. no, i didn’t see anything, i met you today at the entrance, your
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head was already broken, that’s all. sveta, but you said that there is no need to put pressure on me, everything is clear, everything is clear with the witness, yes, with the attack, everything is clear, understand the animals, i approached the entrance, there was a dog laying there, i opened the door and saw a fox artyom’s platform, he had blood on his head on the steps, what happened, and now i can’t tell you anything, but things are very bad, you know, very bad, what they saw, don’t touch the dog, it won’t touch you. clear, well, is there anything? okay, fly, phew!
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nevsky today at 16:45 on ntv. start your business journey with sber support.
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beauty products, even with yellow price tags! to get down to business, don’t wait for the right moment, the moment is always with you, the moment is for those who get down to business! formula adapt takayama engine oil protects the engine, instantly adapting to any operating mode. takayama - adaptive engine protection. okko online cinema - the world i watch. lires has over a million books, audiobooks and podcasts. i easily find what i need thanks to thematic selections. the books in them are collected by genre, mood, season and even place where events happen. so i always know what to read next. litress. that's how i read it. read and listen for free, first month. kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00. on
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ntv. moscow coffee shop on the fields. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the comparison website or app. but one is the most important. “we have already checked the price of insurance, which means we know where to find a policy cheaper. nine out of ten clients stay with us after the purchase, try it too, compare, asaga is cheaper, at sportmaster there are discounts of up to 50% on children's products. miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. each of us has something dear to us. honor, memory, present and future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own,
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join yours, senior lieutenant sovelyev was shot dead this morning. from a makarov pistol, sashty heavenly to him, and what do you think, they shot from my pistol, why do you think so, at the crime scene, near the body, your mobile phone , identification card was found, and also that there was a pipe in his hands. pipe cut, defended he probably has traces of blood on her, i can guess whose, mine, probably, this is sadovsky’s examination, he has data on your
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blood, so what can i do, at the crime scene, your mobile phone id is on your head fresh entry, huh? in addition, your pistol is unknown, where they fired from a makarov pistol. listen, maybe you shared some woman with him, huh? yeah, a woman and a couple of million dollars. yes, i knew him , yes. hi bye. we saw each other twice, that's all. nikolai nikolaevich, do you seriously think that i killed him? the evidence thinks for me, but what would you do in my place?
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wait, while you're here, why aren't you working? i’ve seen a lot of things in this life and i have some professional intuition, but if artyom killed this soveliv, then i don’t understand anything in this life at all, there’s noise in the city,
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that’s all they talk about, but the cop would have killed the cop, oh we have time, in fact, until tomorrow, if we don’t resolve this matter by tomorrow, others will occupy it. and then as the cards fall, well, such cases need to be closed as quickly as possible, everything is clear, yes, it’s clear, it is necessary try to resolve the matter before tomorrow, but don’t try, but resolve the matter before tomorrow, artyom is sitting in your office now, i can’t let him go, put him in a monkey bar, his hand won’t rise, what are you waiting for?
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well, please, a man with nerves of iron, yeah, i’m in a hurry to see enough, i’m afraid the order won’t be successful soon. maybe i’m going to prison, otherwise i have a lot of friends there, it’s just a pity that i don’t have enough friends, well, okay, everything’s great.
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in the park three blocks from you, when? well
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, here the timing fits, yes, it’s a pain i was left alone in the room, i went out to get water, and the fly tried to warn me, suddenly she threw the body, yes, maybe her fingers remained on the table, no, this is unlikely, especially if i give a gun now, i will condemn myself, i’ll finish him off with my own hands, yes, i should talk to what’s her name, svetlana. with svetlana, well , let me go to the neighbors’ office, yes, you come to me, spot a fly, take something to eat, okay, okay, everything is fine, hold on, hold on, that’s it, buy arvangino, your head is pounding. who is the police, and what happened? are you
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going to talk through the door, or should i summon you to my place? can you please show your id closer, otherwise you never know who is visiting the apartments? now such things are happening, yesterday, for example, and today in the middle of the day in the entrance. because i didn’t see anything, i saw him
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already with a broken head, i didn’t see how he was attacked, that’s already evidence, it seems bad, very bad, well, you saw how someone let the dog out of the entrance, he walked in into the entrance, like a dog trying to get back, i i didn’t see anything, i’m telling you again, or are you trying to persuade me to say something that didn’t happen, i’m trying to persuade you to tell the truth, because an innocent person could suffer, well, this is unlikely, but they won’t punish an innocent person, right? yes, perhaps this is what we should strive for, help yourself, don’t be shy, i still can’t get anything into my throat in the morning, but no, thank you, nothing gets into my head either, so that means, no thoughts, yes, what kind of thoughts are there, like out of the blue, just yesterday i was sitting at that table, and today, really is this yours? no, i’ll set him up, i heard
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, you don’t believe me, so no, we don’t believe you, i ’ve known artyom for 100 years, you know, 100 years, our dimka used to run in the park in the morning, it turns out that your artyom went there, there they grappled with each other, dimka hit him with a metal pipe, and this one of yours, right, right, so notice that he hit him from behind artyom on the back of the head, it turns out he hit him first. they were fighting there, lying under the ground, picked up the pipe and so what, and no one heard the shot, because it was not earlier than morning, and there was a construction site nearby, you i saw about 100 meters away, what a construction site, it’s all bullshit, you know? bullshit, i understand, but how can i prove the opposite? okay, maybe he had enemies, did anyone threaten him? yes, what can i tell you, everything is like all cops, some shout, i’ll get out of prison, you’ll regret it, others won’t
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get away with it, you’ll also regret it, so it’s like all cops, well, forgive me, but nothing. and who is it? mukhtar, fly, there you are, my dear, hello, hello, dear! well, how are you, i brought you something delicious, look, eat it, please, don’t want it, but without the owner
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if you don’t want to, don’t worry, mukhtar, artyom will be back soon, everything will be fine with us, i understand, come on! let me go, okay, so, no slander, there’s nothing to say here, you’ll call the office again, saying that my floors are bad, and that you didn’t call anywhere, yeah, who called, pushkin, yeah, well, everything is clear. yeah, sveta, it’s an apartment with windows facing the entrance, clearly, bon appetit,
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thank you, len, admire it, lin. oh, an old friend, your next door neighbor, exactly who is with her, the late sovetev with her, mm, what a small world, wife, ex, well, how do you like it to say, not quite, we met there for a long time, it seemed like we were already getting to the mendelssohn march, but then something didn’t work out, a third, third, yes, the world appeared on the stage, not only small, but also unoriginal. yes, kolosov , no, no, len, what matters here is not who he is, but where he is, uh-huh, well, where is he, where is he, sovelyev imprisoned him, that is, how he imprisoned him, like this, for attacking a law enforcement officer, uh-huh, jealousy or something, well, like, yeah, well, that is
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, they drank, got into a fight, unknown who started, naturally the one without shoulder straps sat down, well, temochka, you have a tune for you... damn, he’s like a fly, very sad, doesn’t eat anything, don’t worry, you’ll be home in the evening, guys, i can’t believe it, here’s the thing, in general, i was with this svetlana, but the thing is still the same, but here ’s a detail, in the hallway there were men’s sneakers, only, you remember, you were fiddling around in the park, well, i remember, well, the sneakers were all smeared with mud, and what happens is that her betrothed leaned back. it turns out that who is second, there were two of them, damn it, it’s like a head, and what do you suggest sitting and waiting when he leaves will come back often, he will never allow us anyway, i know, but for the fact that he took artyom from the department, we’ll see, and you
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did it differently, but no, just like that, well, okay, let’s go, artyom, let’s go. hello, hello, hello, my dear, hello, my dear, how are you, well, let's go, lenka brought you something to eat, you haven't eaten, well, well, come here, i'll feed you, lenka, lenka, how many times i mean, you can't feed a dog bread, huh? you're my sweetie, come on, just chew, na, na, na, na, na, everything is yours, no one is taking you away, give me a napkin, well done! it’s okay, i know you need to go outside, be patient, okay, we need half an hour, be patient, be patient, well done!
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silence, my friend, we need to wait a little. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. mobile communication for thank you is normal. hello, that's why we do this. vermobile. you need to buy so many things at school, girls, wrong intonation. i need to buy so many things for school and it’s perfect for me
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an additional draw, a golden keg. we meet at the main lottery show in the country, they win, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. who? police, have you already been here today? so, it’s still necessary, we don’t come to you for entertainment. open the door. am i not dressed, man? well, get dressed, girl. you reread the constitution. i have every right not to reveal the article on the inviolability of the home to you, call me with a subpoena. girl, are you alone now? do you want to offer yourself? no, i want to talk to ignatiy sergei viktorovich , who was released early a week ago, do you know him? i know, and he's not here. why do you need it? he is suspected of committing a criminal offense, you better
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let us in so that we can really make sure that you are alone, otherwise you will be charged. and we know each other, but only you really love to get acquainted from behind, but more clearly, i
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don’t have time to express myself in riddles, i’ll have to. the police don’t refuse, the police, just the police, maybe you have an id, you can’t show it, no, you took it to me, what’s taking you so long, maybe you should go look at me, so you’re here, wait, and i’ll go look, well, no, i’m with you, so, in short, i’m in a hurry,
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your documents, the certificate of release will come, yes it will, seryozha, maybe they did something to you, just, you forgot to close the door, sorry, i was in a hurry to get to you, not the ones who gave birth to the dog , why are you surprised? the cops now generally do what they want, the law is not written to them, okay, okay, light, everything is fine with your hand, what do you allow yourself, what is it called, it is called, that you suspect the commission of a criminal offense, i already said, we are suspected , then show us the proof, provide an arrest warrant, but that’s all for you. calm, calm, calm, wait, i’ll actually raise the city to its feet, do you even understand what consequences this will have for you, it’s called kidnapping, girl, and you’re free, you can go, we
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we’re not detaining you, your... friend and i will talk, please, the door is open, and you go, light, go, they don’t have anything on me anyway, they’re just trying to do the job the way they like, though i’m not going anywhere, until they bite you, fly, protect the guys, guys, but we have everything about everything for 4 hours, topic, here is an extract from the case of this ignatiev, which means that before oresk he lived with the parents of stragenon and sakovsky, which means there is also a brother .
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hello, hi baby, yes, i love reading. why exactly did all this happen to you? with me, i don’t know, probably just bad luck,
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they don’t like the cops, especially after that incident, then the opportunity arose for him to frame the cop, so they were watching artyom, mukhtar, how saveli was running, yes, sovelyev, sovelyev , this is what breaking the law can lead to. no, mukhtar, i don’t mean that, i ’m calling in a good way, to say that the case is closed,
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oh, luha, why are you doing this, fly, why? he has an alarm clock, a fly, well, don’t take everything so literally, come on, oh, come in, sergey, good to see you, well, tell me what the matter is, please, don’t be offended for god’s sake that you threw up on the weekend. stop it, stop it, the bosses don’t have days off, tell me what’s really going on, what’s going on, what’s going on, why is it stalling? well, in general, if they robbed me
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, look, tyoma, well done, marinated him in tomatoes so that the muktar could also eat. smell it, it’s delicious, exactly 4 kg, and you didn’t go overboard with the quantity, there are three of us in the car, don’t count the dogs, that’s right, that ’s a kilogram per person, my god, what a small thing, what did i think when we were still in nature we’ll break out, and so we’ll eat for the whole year ahead, wait, wait, maybe he didn’t let you go again, but what did you think, but i was marinating meat at a neighbor’s, and left through his balcony, do you think she’ll believe me, that i went to work in these clothes, i told her, i have an urgent call, that’s it, you’re crazy, this is how you can smooth it out, well, tell me again, what’s the damage , you, well done, well done, fashion, give me greens, greens, so, hold the bag, come on
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right away, buktar, yes, i’m taking the bottles to the casket, come on, okay, you, buktar, well, protect me, and he will protect me, that’s right, lena, you understood me, well, great, then, then, i’m waiting as agreed, yes, well, sergei, i called the task force, the guys are great, i’ll help, thank you, thank you, well, you know, i didn’t want to. make this official statement, well, it’s clear who wants to endure quarrels over sales, and then, perhaps they will somehow find, as you say, in hot pursuit,
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well, it’s possible, of course, you tell me, there were valuables for a large amount, and for a decent amount, two rings with diamonds, an emerald necklace and, well, pearls in small things, and the most important thing, kolya, is a family treasure. mom, you can’t imagine, you can’t imagine, don’t get upset ahead of time, go home, calm your mom down, everything will be fine, reliable guys will help. come on, kohl, well, in general, i, i hope, okay, okay, okay, thank you, the main thing is don’t thank me ahead of time, then we’ll get back to you, call me for a barbecue sometime on the weekend, that’s cool, oh, okay, come on, come on, run , meet the guys, well, fly, all that’s left is to remove the vegetable, tolik,
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open the door, i think it’s lenka, okay, hi, hi, let's go, show me, tom, what's the matter, come here, you don't even answer the phone, but because i turned off the phone, because today is my day off. well , it’s an hour off, i’m calling you, i’m calling you in the morning, why should i call you, you were supposed to be at 11, now it’s 11:05, you’re late, well, you can smell it, but it smells very tasty, well done, well, let’s take it with us, of course, with you, but how did you want us to go on a picnic, and leave the meat at home, or something, and the bottle at home too, yes, yeah, but we’re not going on a picnic, on work, also a thought, to work, to work, to work, guys, i’m serious, khorulev is calling. so okay, just kidding, it
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’s a day off today, why am i kidding, give me the bag, i’m not kidding anything, khrulev is calling, i’m telling you, we’re not going on any picnic, we’re going to work, he said a personal request, that’s it, something there happened to his friend, we need to drive up, wait, wait, well, wait, i asked my wife for time off, what seriously, i asked my wife for time off, wait, you’re talking seriously now, i’m talking seriously, yes, so tolik, we must remember to take skewers , i am with these skewers i'll temper it.
9:30 am
okay, you close the door, i’ll close it, let’s go fly, let’s work for the good of the fatherland, welcome to a new entertainment show for the whole family, a miracle, we are bloggers, i act in films and tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times have you you know how to do classic 2.0 push-ups , stop it, our... the show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country. how long have you been drumming? yes, i will, for an hour, just wait for me. how much advice do you give out per day? 500. and you and i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes. through our experiments we have caused this incomprehensible creature. these are aliens. how katya lel is probably jealous of us now. go!
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, look at yours, persuade, your wife is calling, well, she’s calling you, you speak. yes, lyuda, lyuda, lyuda, listen, lyuda, listen to me, i’m at work, your asshole is nearby, also at work, but because we stopped by my house to pick up the materials of the new case, yes, now we’re going to the department, no need to scream at me, luda, i’m not your husband, hung up, well, okay , whatever, nothing, asks why you’re not on work, by the way, turn on your phone, keep the battery on the bank, your battery will run out, where will you call from, and my cop intuition tells me that you are lying, yes, so that your wife does not call, this is closer to the truth. so, guys, that's enough, let's go, khrulya has been waiting for a long time, he will wait, his only
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rare day off, we can afford to delay the service, go, get in, car, fly, go ahead, ah, well done, have a picnic, well, he said, no, i didn’t report it, i talked to khrulev, he will send a task force, like this, that is, not officially, but why? albina, don’t start, no, i want to know, are you afraid of something? i have nothing to fear, i just don’t want to advertise our current situation. i’m not bothering you, family jewelry worth a huge amount of money was stolen from the house, and i get the impression that you are absolutely indifferent to this. abina, that's not true. sergey, tell me honestly, i beg you, maybe you pawned them and are afraid to admit it, but why do i need this? but i
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know that your business is not doing well, and you need extra money. arbina, no matter how things turned out in my business, i would never deceive my family by stealing things from home. but i'm not sure about this. i understand that today is a day off, you had... your own plans, but i am turning to you with a personal request , i hope that you will not refuse me, of course, of course, nikolai nikolaevich, it is necessary, that means it is necessary, yes, well, well, shchepkin , kolosov, thank you, that’s actually why i appreciate you, yeah, well, then let’s get straight to the point, and this concerns one of my... a very good friend, he was killed, but he lost his tongue, well, he was wounded, artyom,
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he’s alive, he’s healthy, he came to me today, he’s in big trouble, but the matter is delicate, he can’t turn to anyone but me, last night he was robbed for a very large amount amount, a delicate matter, you understand, well, and most importantly, there are no signs of a break-in, no one entered the house, what was stolen, artyom, was stolen for... but i rely on you, because you understand, well, there is no one to turn to, i would attract criminologists, well, first of all, today is sadovsky’s day off, what? and secondly, this it’s a delicate matter, i emphasize, i can
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only entrust it to you. nikolai nikolovich, thank you for your trust, we will try to do everything in our power. thank you, here is the address, free, let's go, followers. what did they put it in? tomatoes, try it in yogurt next weekend. thank you, nikolay, nikola, good luck! how tired i am of all this, why? well, why is everything different for you than for people? what do you have? yes, that’s it, not only are there only debts from your business, but we are left without
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a penny of money. albina, don't you think that all our conflicts lately happen when we start talking about money, because that worries me, and is there anything else that worries you? yes, that i married a loser. you, have you always thought that way? no, but over time my eyes were opened, please tell me, did you really marry me only for money, and if this is so, well, tell me, i should have thought about the future of my children. i wanted them to not be needy in life, just like i was. where we go?
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countryside, cottage community. oh, right there let's fry the kebabs. tolya, how do you even imagine? what if we finish early, damn it? yes, hello, we, we are going on a mission. yes, ah, okay. yes, i understand, i 'll pass it on. yeah, yeah. what’s yours, well, unlike you, i didn’t have to lie, i told her the truth, okay, well done, yes, she also asked me to tell you, how should i say this, well , in general, you don’t have to come back home anymore, seriously, yes , no, just kidding, okay, okay, i won’t come.
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mom and dad are arguing again, i hear it’s very strange, they had jewelry, they were arguing, they’re gone, they’re still fighting, maybe we should wait, they’ll calm down, they’ll make peace. dima, come here.
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this is the police, probably yes, but i don’t know why they are not in uniform, but they are with a dog, and the dog is healthy and scary. she doesn’t have a muzzle, are you afraid? of course, police dogs immediately grab us by the throat, i’m in the movie, let’s sit quietly, maybe she won’t touch us, okay? ok, hello! hello,
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we are from nikolai nikolaevich khrulev, very good, yes, well - we were informed that tonight there was a theft, absolutely correct, just mysticism, mysticism some kind of family jewelry disappeared, well , burglary is not mysticism, the most common crime, but no, the house was constantly on the alarm system at night, no strangers passed through, uh, tell me, is the alarm system working? absolutely, i myself checked where the jewelry was kept, in the office, in the safe, let's go, i'll show, of course, the flies, go ahead,
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ntv. congratulations on your wedding. no outsider could do this. think about it, it could have been someone else. and kashaga is dead. this is a long time ago. what matters is that they were really expensive, old, rare things, yes,
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there are no signs of forced entry, the lock is coded, and what kind of box is it, they were in it, jewelry, yes. they say money doesn’t smell, jewelry is interesting, sniff it, fly, look, look, follow, look. caves and conversation, of course.
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wow, good afternoon, good afternoon, operational investigative group, i heard what your, well, we managed to find out something, not yet, look, the flies are leading us into the street, but they said no one came in, no one went out, well, that means this is an alarm system, sorry, apparently, fly, look for the trail, fly, come on let's work well and quickly go on vacation, but the fly, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, look, what do you think, they will find it, they won't find it, or maybe it found my environment, what makes you think? i
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walked there yesterday. when she came straight to us, this is a smart dog, a police dog, but she didn’t come, calm down, how scary it is to live, sergei viktorovich, well, judging by the fact that no traces of a break-in were found, we can assume that the person who, let's say, he took your jewelry, it's someone from your loved ones, and you... to say that it's someone from your family, well, yes, that's exactly it i want to tell you, could you list everyone who lives with you in this house, of course, well, that’s me, my wife albina, lerochka, dimka, children, uh, adults, lerochka is nine, and dimka is five, five , uh-huh, i see, someone else, well, my mother, ah, in fact,
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she owns the jewelry. you see, we have such a tradition, these family jewels are passed down from generation to generation through the female line, yeah, that is, as far as i understand, the next heiress is your daughter? not quite like that, according to tradition , jewelry goes to the wife of the eldest son, if there are no daughters, that is, at the moment, in fact, they belong to my wife, and then they will pass from her to my daughter, yeah, clear, sergey viktorovich, tell me, did anyone else besides you know the cat from the safe, no one, only he, yes, it's true, here.
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look, mukhtar, look, fly, we didn’t take the jewelry, i say, we didn’t take the jewelry, there are kebabs here, he wants meat, listen, there’s another neighbor, ugh, taktar, once again, to me, not yours. it's only everyone's day off, go ahead mukhtar, you're our messenger, i told you so, you don’t need to give him some kebab to try, who gave it to me, or what? yes, sorry, it was me, you see, the investigator, my wife believes that it was i who stole our family jewelry, tell me, why should i hide my opinion, i don’t understand, wait, albina
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nikolaevna, i... understand, that you are very excited now, but let's try to figure it out together, it's hard for me to calm down like this right away, i can't, your husband told me that according to family tradition, the family jewelry will go to you, and after you they will pass on your daughter’s inheritance, that’s right, that’s why they robbed me first, and leva, of course, how are you, but no way, we haven’t taken years, tell me, what else is this room, bedroom and nursery? can we inspect them? look around, do you think the children came to play? maybe now such children have gone, they can do anything. look, don't be afraid, he won't touch you, look for flies, work, look, look,
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and we are in second place. criminals to rule? he can, he can do everything, he just can’t talk, but it’s true that he can cut a criminal’s throat, it’s true, if the criminal stole his sausage, he's so angry, no, no, he's very kind, he loves being petted, flies, come here, come to me, come to me, play with the children, okay, come on, sit down, sit , come over, pet me, don’t be afraid, give me your paw!
10:00 am
iran's supreme leader ordered a direct strike against israel for the murder of the head of the hamas politburo. the vicious practice of targeted assassinations of prominent political and military figures puts the middle east on the brink of a region-wide war. they intend to hide netanyahu in a bomb shelter. czech republic suspects germany in theft. there he believes that berlin is appropriating neighboring gas and selling it to its own citizens at three times the price. this is a disaster for me and my family. the us secret service says it did not see the shooter who attempted to assassinate trump.


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