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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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on ntv, carefully, carefully, in nizhny tagil , two entrances of a multi-story building collapsed due to a gas explosion, rescuers are clearing away the rubble that still remains underneath.
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another hamas leader who commanded the military wing of the organization. a seizure of power, it was a seizure of power, the presidency was taken away from him, as if he were a child. trump believes biden was fooled by party members. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio. in nizhny tagil, where two entrances to a five-story residential building collapsed this morning as a result of a gas explosion. from an il-76 plane from the task force took off from moscow. the ministry of emergency situations continues to clear the rubble on the spot; olga zenkova has everything that is known about the emergency at this moment. footage after the collapse and the most terrible moments of waiting for information on how many people were trapped under the rubble. most of the adults were at work at that moment in the midst of school holidays, and there were many children at home. under the rubble i have a graduate of my kindergarten lying 13 years old, he seemed to take it and answered the phone that his legs were pressed, but we don’t know. i'm anya and another
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girl, they lived on the third floor in the sixth apartment, at that moment a boy, seven-year-old denis, came into the entrance, they were looking for them, they took out the mother with her infant child, but they haven’t gotten the cousin sister herself yet, because she is somewhere under the rubble, they say, because it turns out to be your aunt a spiritual child, or who you are, aunt, and sister, also tell me why you know that she called and maybe she went for a walk, she called her grandmother, her grandmother got through to her. she said that she was under the rubble somewhere. looking at these piles of concrete, every life saved seems a real miracle. a baby is pulled out from under the rubble, followed by four more children. to find survivors, rescuers arrange moments of silence, ask for responses and go out loud. tell me loudly. that's it, we 're going now. two adults have already been taken to the hospital; one of the residents was thrown out of a window into the street by the blast wave. so a stretcher and an ambulance snare. according to the preliminary
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version, the cause of the incident was a gas explosion. according to operational services, the epicenter was on the third floor, as a result of which the second entrance and part of first. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. it is known that scheduled maintenance was carried out on the house a week ago at the end of july, but according to eyewitnesses, some work was still going on in the house today. there were men in gas uniform walking around and unscrewing pipes. they kicked them out of the entrance, and 15 minutes later there was a bang. moscow criminologists, on behalf of the head of the investigative committee, will go to nizhny tagil to investigate. residents of neighboring buildings were evacuated. 70 people will be accommodated in the nearest hotels. at the moment , the rescue operation is ongoing, and the removal of rubble is also ongoing. 170 rescuers and 45 pieces of equipment were involved in the work. but now, of course, there is still great hope of finding the living. e rescuers
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work extremely carefully by hand using cranes , removing only heavy concrete slabs and regularly organizing moments of silence, we heard the rescuers calling by name those whom they hope to find alive, anya, darina, there may be several more people under the rubble, there are adults and children. olga, what? are there any casualties known at this time? at this moment it is known that there are 12 victims... people rescued from the rubble, over the last hour new rescue footage has been appearing, recently we received footage of how a forty-eight-year-old woman and a thirteen-year-old teenager were pulled out from under the rubble, they were taken to a hospital in nizhny novgorod tagil, where they receive emergency assistance. doctors report that some of the victims will be sent from the air station to the regional center in yekaterinburg. a six-year-old child, a boy, is now in critical condition. is in intensive care for
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even better results, in contrast to the results for the country as a whole, but there are certainly issues that require special attention. we are working on a single agenda for the country, of course, the priority is supporting the northern military district and supporting our soldiers,
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members of their families, so we have industry, agriculture, all sectors, and the defenders of the fatherland fund working for this main task, we constantly have medical brigades, emergency crews, construction crews are located on the territory of the kolonchagsky district kherson region, we work with them. zdynov added that with the participation of mordovia, in the village of kolonchak, kherson region, with the blessing of patriarch kirill , the chapel of the holy righteous warrior fyodor ushakov was recently opened. his fate connects these two regions. in 1783, ushakov, sent to the kherson region to build a fleet, saved kolonchak from the plague.
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several areas of the svo. on the front line, despite enemy counterattacks, the advance of the west, center, south and east groups, their zone of responsibility, kharkov region and dpr. in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, the dnepr group defeated four brigades in the ssu. the total losses of the ukrainian country per day exceeded 1,900 military personnel. defense minister andrei belousov congratulated military personnel and veterans on armed forces logistics day. the service was created more than 3 centuries ago and today solves important problems of providing troops. about the work of the logistics department . on the front line of the northern military district, a report by rostislav skidan. tanks, as you know, are not afraid of dirt, but empty fuel tanks tanks and whatnot. to stall in the field means to become a magnet for the entire arsenal of the enemy. therefore, transbaikal tankers try not to be late for a meeting with colleagues from the fuel service.
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the crew of our t-72 tank returns from the firing positions for a short refueling. the volume of the tanks of this machine is 700 liters, these are only internal storage units. almost a ton of diesel will be enough for a tank to last 2-3 days of combat. from the front edge. the tank operates in closed, that is, firing positions. it turns out that the targets were adjusted, there was enemy infantry, the target was, as it were, destroyed, that’s all fine. tankers meet with canisters, as the fuel service vehicles are called here, not far from the firing lines. refueling a tank is comparable in speed to a pizza stop at some racing competition not from formula 1, of course, but you can certainly compete, the refuelers spend no more than 10 minutes on the procedure, the whole point is that they are in the so-called red zone, reach of strike drones and
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cluster-filled missiles. refuelers prepare for trips to the front line in advance, they scald the cars with anti-drone nets and camouflage the nine-ton tank. this car will survive.
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the netherlands transferred f-16 fighters to ukraine, but only six, although the kiev authorities asked the western allies for three hundred aircraft. the british newspaper times reported about the transfer of military equipment, citing an unnamed source. washington did not confirm the authenticity of the publication. zelensky's office also declined to comment. meanwhile, one of the transferred fighters was spotted in the sky lvov. according to the british etelegraph, for now they are used as air defense systems. the kremlin of brazil is confident that the fighters will not change the situation in their zone. there is no magic pill here. there is no panacea here and the armed forces of the kiev regime will not have this panacea.
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aircraft, as for western airfields, another question is where they will be based . russia has repeatedly warned that they will become a legitimate target if combat sorties are carried out from there. israel announced the liquidation of the commander. divisions hamas, mohammed addeif died during a rocket attack on the gaza strip. he was called one of the most wanted criminals in the middle east. addeif became the head of the military wing more than 20 years ago, since then he has hardly appeared in public. in this photo he is in his youth, an invisible man who had the nickname guest, and deif tried never to spend the night in the same place twice, he survived several assassination attempts, was allegedly seriously wounded several times, but remained one of the main... sectors of terrorist attacks. he is considered the creator of a network of many kilometers tunnels that cross the entire
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gas sector. largely thanks to these labyrinths, the militants were able to carry out an attack on jewish settlements last fall. odey was also one of the organizers of that invasion. the attack on the shelter where the terrorist was hiding was carried out 3 weeks ago, all this time the israeli special services were figuring out whether the operation was successful. well, in tehran today they said goodbye to those who died on wednesday night. who, by the way, did not take responsibility for the liquidation of the head of the politburo, said all opponents of the jewish state in the region:
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expect severe punishment, says this poster on one of the high-rise buildings in tehran: we are all, ismail haniyeh and hamas, the inscription on this banner in pakistan. the threat also comes from the islamic revolutionary guard corps, iran's elite military-political formation. it is this corps that owns the residence in tehran where khonya died. xir fighters were among those responsible for security. soon we will tell you what punishment is due for blood spilled in our house. about calls for a place heard on the streets and harsh statements from the high stands, nahid babayev. the middle east is in turmoil as people carrying photographs of slain hamas leader ismail haniyeh and palestinian flags filled the streets of istanbulul. protesters marched through the historic city center. performed a funeral prayer for the deceased. the martyrdom of ismail
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hani is an important milestone on the road to an independent palestine. i say this with complete confidence. you will see that there will be a revival in the islamic world, and this revival will put an end to the israeli terrorist structure. in the city of batman, in the east turkey, the situation is out of control. demonstrators destroyed an american restaurant and coffee shop. they also protested. in lebanon, pakistan, iran and everywhere the same phrases were heard in different languages: “death to israel and the usa, we will take revenge.” because of the attack on its guest, on its own soil, iran must take brutal revenge and punish the zionist american criminals. new details have emerged about the murder of hanya , according to journalist elijah manier, israeli intelligence used a spy program to find out the location of the hamas leader. embedded in his phone using instant messenger.
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almost 300 days have passed since israel launched a genocidal war against the palestinian people in the gaza strip, a war that flagrantly violates all tenets of international humanitarian law and human rights, a war that flagrantly violates the un charter, and a war that threatens peace and security. china and algeria condemned the murder of haniya, and a representative of the largest african
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country completely accused israel of terrorism. russia, which chairs the security council, warned. iran into regional confrontation will destabilize the already tense atmosphere in the region. the vicious practice of targeted assassinations of prominent political and military figures puts the middle east on the brink of a region-wide war. but the us ambassador to the un took an unambiguously pro-israeli position and suggested living for today and not thinking about what will happen tomorrow. it is better not to talk about how recent events may affect... russia proposed condemning the murder, the project was blocked by the united states, britain and france. at that meanwhile, the financial times reports that diplomats from the united states and the european union are holding urgent consultations to prevent a full-scale regional war. we
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have been working from day one to not only find the best solution for gas, but... to where we can protect ourselves, but we are being persecuted in places where ordinary citizens. tel aviv, meanwhile, is preparing for retaliatory strikes. the americans warned their allies that hezbollah would launch a massive rocket launch from lebanon to overload the air defenses. israel. at the same time, a massive launch of kamikaze drones could be carried out from iranian territory, with the houthis in the red sea and
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pro-iranian groups in iraq joining the attack. according to israeli television, the country's intelligence services. trump continues to meet with ordinary americans, this time he arrived at the convention of the association of black journalists , both republicans and democrats are fighting for the votes of the so-called non-white electorate, but the conversation turned out to be difficult. many people think that you
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do not belong here, you have made false statements about nick hale and barack obama, saying they were born. in the usa, that's not true, you told four congressional colored people, us citizens, to go back where they came from, you used the word rabies and animal to describe black das, now you're telling black people to vote for you, why should they do it? firstly i don't think i've ever been asked in such a terrible manner, neither hello nor how are you, you're from abc, it's fake news, a terrible tv network, i think it's a shame, i came here with good intentions. "i did a lot for black people, including creating jobs. trump did not miss the opportunity to go after his alleged rival in the fight for the white house, he called on journalists to find out why kamala harris first talked about her indian heritage, and then suddenly began calling herself black. viewers of ntv capital will continue to watch the episode today in moscow, and
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we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia." civil aviation in russia needs to ensure dynamic development, while observing all the necessary standards flight safety. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a meeting with the head of the federal air transport agency dmitry yadrov. the prime minister noted that the industry is developing despite sanctions, infrastructure is being updated, new routes are opening, air transport connects vast territories, so flights need to be made more accessible. in 6 years, accordingly, we have to. will increase their intensity by one and a half times, which is generally not an easy task; it will require an integrated approach and coordinated actions not only of government bodies, but also of private organizations, companies, science, industry, digital industry, construction complex, well, the whole large, as we call it, aviation community. dmitry viktorovich, i want you to tell me that yadrov presented mishustin with plans for the development of airports, now
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there are 228 of them in the country, by the thirtieth year there will be 242. the volume of passenger traffic is also growing, as is expected for the current summer season, it will exceed last year’s figures by almost 6.5 %. dmitry yadrov noted that a significant share of passenger traffic falls on 18 tourists. minimize the shortage of personnel in the most important sectors of the economy. this is the main task of the federal program to increase labor mobility. its essence is as follows: a specialist who agrees to move to another region where there is a shortage of qualified workers is provided with additional support, given a subsidy, guaranteed housing and a high salary. the program is already operating in fourteen regions, primarily siberia and the far east. about the project participants nikita korabenkov. i'll hit my tummy if it happens it hurts, you won't refuse. the cordiality and sociability of the new therapist at the magadan clinic make her seem like a southerner, but northern patients rather like it. oksana
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moved here from volgograd. the girl decided on such a change of climate and time zones because of the conditions that were offered to her. it turned out to be so profitable that the young therapist decided: i’m going to magadan. prices are very high in magadan. but for now , i’m quite happy with the salary that they pay me and, as it were... there are no problems with finances, they pay for my apartment, and as if i’m in basically satisfied. oksana's satisfaction is ensured by a regional program to attract specialists from other regions. in the magadan region, the problem of staff shortages has existed for a long time, so since 2015 , local authorities have been providing subsidies to priority employers so that they can attract employees from other cities. the amount of subsidies is 1 million rubles. that is, this is such a good help. the employer may also offer compensation. with these funds it is possible to make a one-time payment of some kind, annually we had about 15 people, then there are 15 million per year. a similar program operates in the murmansk region, thanks to it
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a new mathematician pavel vladimirovich appeared at the local lyceum, he came here from moscow, he talks about new experiences and impressions, making them pleasant, curators from the region are trying. if you want an arctic mortgage, let's organize it, if you want additional excursions somewhere, please, educational or familiarization with the city, that is,... but in yakutia they rely on internal reserves. local authorities, at the expense of the budget
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, help fellow countrymen master new, most often labor and therefore scarce specialties. inakenti used to work as an accountant in veluysk, but inakenti did not like city life with office work. at the local employment center he was offered to learn a new profession and move to the village. now ekenty. everyone is happy with the training, it was paid for by the employment center, our republican employment center, they had a program for retraining the population in specialties of a secondary specialty, the training lasted 3 months, and the internship lasted 2 months, for successful examples of labor mobility have attracted attention at the federal level, in the country, according to some data, there is a shortage of almost 5 million workers, so now the ministry of labor is helping employers in all... regions find the right specialists, that is, it must be an enterprise belonging to a priority industry , the region itself determines which one, they must hire at least 100 people, they must have a need for
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personnel, there are certain criteria by which an enterprise can fall under them, in this case, when hiring an employee from another region wages are reimbursed in the amount of up to 12 minimum wages per year, that is, this is for... participants in the special operation from the moment the svo began, more than a dozen such initiatives have been adopted in the last six months alone. chairman of the upper house of parliament valentina matvienko spoke about this today,
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summing up the results.
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there can be no other approach, for the question, in general, speaking about the work of the federation council, during this spring session, valentina matvienko highlighted such key areas as improving the tax system, social support for families with children, strengthening the security and defense capabilities of the country. today in russia they honor the soldiers who died in the first world war, the date was officially set in 2012. the first world war began 110 years ago and was the largest
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conflict to engulf the country at that time. 38 of the 59 independent states that existed at the time. in moscow, memorial ceremonies take place in a park complex on the site of a former brotherly cemetery for military officers. i am sure that this tradition will always be preserved, since the continuity national history is the key to the formation of a healthy national one. consciousness and such a reliable foundation for the progressive development of our society and state. now take a short pause and then watch. interstellar tandem. i will accept your trip to mars, but you will come with me. why maduro got ready to go into space with musk and what does fighting without rules have to do with it. headache
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for summer residents. in moscow and the area where spanish slugs are infested, ksenia ignatova looked into why these creatures are dangerous and how to get rid of them. tired of looking for a loan that will he approve? compare, it simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. you need to buy so much for school, girls, the intonation is wrong, you need to buy so much for school, and for me, ideal for a parent meeting, school sale at azzone, vitamins mishki and valer for 349, get ready for school with installments without overpayments, want to stay future dream. don’t
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our release. elon musk accepted the challenge of venezuelan president nicolas madura to fight. after the elections in venezuela, the american billionaire spoke of maduro as a dictator and a clown who is tired of the people. and questioned the integrity of the announced voting results. maduro, in turn, called musk a sworn enemy who wants to invade venezuela with his space missiles. and he shouted, “if you want to fight, i’m ready.” elon musk responded that if he wins, maduro will have to resign. and if the president wins the fight, musk will send him to mars for free. come here, let's go out you and me to the arena. if nuclear. victory over you, elon musk, i will accept your trip to mars, but you will fly with me. at the same time, musk noted that there is a real fight ahead, since maduro is a big guy. residents
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of central russia, due to the hot summer , had to face a rather unpleasant phenomenon, in their summer cottages, and sometimes on city streets, an invasion of slugs and snails. and if in the city, when encountering a slug, the task is simply not to step on it, then... gardeners and gardeners have to defend the harvest. uninvited guests have a very good appetite. ksenia ignatova found out why beer is mentioned in the list of recommendations for fighting slugs. fat slugs, nothing like this existed before. fat, red and ubiquitous, spanish or portuguese or lusitanian slugs, so many names given to them by place of origin by biologists, began this summer. of the main characters of the runet and a headache for hundreds of thousands of moscow summer residents. such videos are posted on social networks by residents of different districts of the capital and region. as soon as it rains, they appear near ponds and rivers, in parks and courtyards, not
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they are embarrassed to crawl on asphalt; they are found in garden plots even on hot sunny days. here he is, oh, look how terrible he is, sitting there fat. marina from the western moscow region has been fighting an invasion of giant slugs for the second year now . the morning goes around the beds and methodically collects the harvest of overseas shellfish to throw over the fence, and it’s not at all the repulsive appearance of these uninvited guests, almost all cultural ones. strawberries, parsley, dill, please, cucumbers, they eat everything, they love everything, and after them, of course, this some kind of mucus remains on the plants, and it seems to me that they eat up the berries themselves, the fruits themselves, they love beets and vegetables most of all, they seem to gnaw out the middle and crawl. from the side they gnaw into the middle. margarita from the neighboring plot is
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a supporter of radical measures. she collects the slugs in a jar, fills them with vinegar, and then sends the contents down the drain. some people suggest covering the shellfish with salt, others with chemicals, metaldehyde or just boiling water. pour boiling water over the slugs, or add salt, the salt eats them away, leaving bright poisonous colors. in general, each site has its own tactics for fighting shellfish, while the moscow region authorities are a threat to dacha residents. they don’t see spanish invaders and offer their recommendations for especially anxious gardeners, you can dig a hole in the ground on different sides of the site, place an insulated container, pour kvass or beer into it, which attracts these slugs, or place rotten fish, slugs do not like to crawl around uneven surfaces and everything that sticks, that is, around the beds you can... place a broken egg shells, and zalu or
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ground mustard. spanish slugs are real conquistadors, they were brought into the country about 10 years ago, most likely along with plants from european nurseries. they have taken root and begun to influence the ecosystem near moscow, zoologists note. these mollusks displace the smaller muscovite slugs. by the way, they are also carriers of infection and parasitic larvae, naked. it is not recommended to touch them with your hands; other aliens in the region, feral descendants of fugitives from the snail farms that are fashionable these days, are also dangerous to humans. what is this? wow, listen to how big they are, hunting for snails is a daily evening ritual of the gander family, they are not afraid to touch the light of salt, they look for the largest ones and take them home, watch the life of the mollusks, how interesting, all 15 minutes in the moscow region. here is such a harvest, here there are very tiny and huge ones, in general, the habitat
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of these grape snails or helexes is the south of russia, but in recent years such beauties can be found in moscow, in parks in the moscow region, of course, slug snails are not the only newcomers to the region, everything more often even in the center of the capital, townspeople come across common praying mantises, indigenous inhabitants of the south and caucasian part of russia, but zoologists are confident in the city... what weather awaits us tomorrow, suitable for people or slugs, we’ll find out from evgenia neronskaya. the rains continue, and the temperature rises, gradually returning to its normal climate. in general, august throughout the european territory begins with subdued weather, a little warmer. set in the north, but literally by a couple of degrees, in peshtera and varkuta up to 25 without
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precipitation, in arkhangelsk a little more modest and with rains, in the north-west, a little above twenty, it rains every day, but the baltic shores are bypassed by a rain cloud in kaliningrad and in the coastal cities +24 and no precipitation, ideal time for travel. on friday, the huge cyclone that has been hanging over the middle zone for a long time will finally begin to fill up. atmospheric pressure will gradually increase, briefly. the rains will shift to the eastern half, in smolensk-tula there is already no precipitation at all, but short rains are not yet ruled out in yaroslavl and ryazan. and on the banks of the volga it will rain quite heavily, in nizhny novgorod and chapoksary, while it will be cool, maximum +20, in samara up to 25 and the black soil away from the rain clouds in voronezh 26. well , the southern regions are starting to heat up again, there is unrestrained sun and no rain. in the lower reaches of the volga in kalmykia it is up to 35, on the black sea coast in sochi it is 29, in
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sevastopol - 30 there are no clouds in the sky, the sea water has already warmed up to 27°. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be short rains + 21:23, in moscow it is also cool, 20:22, rain is also possible, but the weekend will be the only one decline, the air will warm up to 24°. well, that is , for now it’s still for the slug, thanks, weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. well, that's the main news for this hour, thank you for being with us and see you tomorrow. a person with long-term anxiety and often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. you need to sleep, but anxiety can actually be treated. new: afabal retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day. and in abazol , anxiety can and should be treated. at an excellent interest rate. in the branch and online. your plan.
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