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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  August 2, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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lovely, oh, another lovely thing, hello, hello, here you go, why do i need this, how do i know, they told me, i brought it. lord, oh, sleep well, dear comrade, filimon, yes, what do you care, but as long as i can remember, he lived with us for as long as he lived, oh, how old was he, 19, semets generally live a long time. wow, okay, give
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me a bag, let's go, or something, let's go, my little one, let's go, let's go, let's go, it's getting clogged up, hold on, where is everyone? eh, the samarai is somewhere here, kira went to see varka, something happened to her there, but he called and warned. yeah, okay, georgievich, yes, listen, well, volume two.
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the present case is a continuation of volume one, yeah, the numbering of the sheets corresponds to the numbering of volume one, so in this regard , consider volume two to be volume three, experts have the ability to present a criminal case in three volumes, and where do we even get this from here, and why do we need it? borya brought this from the interrogators, are they completely crazy there, or what? aha, oh, beauty, oh, oh, what, oh, what a beauty!
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ay, you know, after all, i lived for 19 years as a member of the family, oh well, you're welcome, yes, hello, hello, vikenti pavlovich, good afternoon, ivanenka, what are you doing with those little eyes? you can do it, the law of nature, well, in general, yes, of course, you feel bad, bad, bad, well, nothing happened, but the cat was buried, but as usual, as usual, for vasodilation, mung bean, 50 g with lemon, do it , please, yes, please, please, please, yes, come on, please, sit down, will they bring it to you? now good,
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good, yes, i think he might call, oh, vikendilovich, what kind of camera do you have? wonderful, yes, my son gave it to me the other day, i used to just walk around and look at it, but now i recently saw such a balcony that it’s just lovely, now i’ll start an album.
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without film, here's the film, you understand, everything is ready, please, it's so simple, and i'm so clumsy, take good pictures, thank you, dear, thank you, goodbye, come see us, all the best, coffee, okay, goodbye, ah ... imagine, i forgot the cassette, well , just think, he’ll come in tomorrow, he comes in every day, but i have this one, he didn’t wait for the orders, but he left, it’s nothing, yes, nothing
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yes, let’s not make any terrible guesses. hello vikkendiy pavlyvich, hello girls, hello, hello!
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there with the woman’s heart, it’s bad, very, calm, calm, how calm, how calm , after all, her husband was killed, calm, doctor, apartment forty-ninth, there’s nothing you can do about it, and there’s a woman with a bad heart, alive, young man, quickly got carried away, well , well, well, her heart is bad, tick, please get up at 49, yes, okay, well, let's go, turn it over, quickly, you see the bruises, this is from a blow, this the main fall away, we agree, it hit the floor, hence the blood, so come on, let
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's take it faster, faster, like that, oops, like that, one, take it once, twice, that's it, come on, pick it up, yeah, like that, like that, carefully, be careful, be careful, thank you, well, what is it, a huge hematoma on the right cheekbone and ear, probably hit the back very hard, probably immediately lost consciousness, hit his head on the floor, good, if the temporal stake, immediately ran, in general, nothing good , because passions. how lucky is the witness i am the witness i i i’m a witness, i’m a witness, i called an ambulance and the police because i saw everything right away, i realized they killed me, i saw everything, and what did you see, so i go down the stairs and i see a pool
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of blood, well, it’s immediately clear that they killed me, i ran to tatyana petrovna in apartment forty-nine, well how can i tell her that her heart was feeling bad, i started calling an ambulance and the police, here you are all... well, thank you, thank you for giving me the injection, it’s okay, yes, you can talk to her, just not for long, she should fall asleep, yeah , okay, doctor, let's determine, i i’ll call, okay, thank you very much, paw, well, i really can’t, well, let’s next week, well , kir, i’m actually waiting for a call here. well, can you wait a minute? yes, hare, no , no, no, listen, well, this is straight, listen, you ’ve been on the phone for half a day, and he, by the way, is an official one, clearly, oleg georievich, i’m with an informant from the service, hello, hare, i’m
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serious , let’s call you back, yeah, that’s it, kiss that, you’re getting more agents, yes, commendable, hare, kitty, by the way, i can also give you a pseudonym for the source of operational information, come on, please, pussy, pussy, yes. holy shit, guys, why is your phone always busy? borya, we are working, we are constantly working, what do you want, this message was received that there was a murder, here is the address, well, glory, let's go, kirill, and you remain the eldest, sweetie, that's right.
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posik, hello, georgich, you know what a garbage chute is, well, farewell to the cop’s retirement, huh? so they took it, uh-huh, let's go a little to the left, uh -huh, with this, here, blood, hair, fingers, exceptionally clear n
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a couple of days ago i withdrew money from the account, my husband and i have a joint account in his name, and i power of attorney, please show me.
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was it stored here? yes, in an envelope, 10.0 dollars, or rather a little less, my husband gave me this morning for expenses, uh, he had a thing about these envelopes, the prints were smudged, on the nightstand. in the box of the owners of the house, of course, nothing, i stepped on it myself when i came in, he was already lying next to the bed, excuse me, oleg, i’m next door, yeah.
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hello, hello, captain volkov, criminal investigation department, come in, thank you. your neighbor is in trouble, but i know, i even know who came to see him, yes, of course, kireev, lives on the floor above, he killed him, why did you get this idea, why did you see him come in, and then on tiptoe, on tiptoe to his place, how he would run, i even wrote down the time, this is the time when he came in? the time when he came out, exactly, it was he who killed, yeah, tell me, what
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kind of person is he, this kireev, what does he do, well , i don’t know that, i don’t meddle in other people’s business, i’m not interested in them at all, goodbye, thank you , goodbye, this is where we store our tools, yeah, yesterday the faucet in the kitchen was leaking, we fixed it. who? victor, my husband's son. i'm probably hysterical right now must. they killed my husband, robbed me, and i, in some kind of stupor, like a tree, excuse me, georgievich, uh, irina sergeevna, do you know your upstairs neighbor, kireev, well? well, we say hello, but i rarely see him. irina
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sergeevna, come to us tomorrow morning, maybe she’ll remember something else. sure, bye, eurovd, oh, the office writes, i see, two letters, who do i see, two letters, who do i see, ba, who do i see, great, well, how the situation is heating up, in martial arts. four letters, uh-huh, uh-huh, strong, one head is good, but two are better, three are already ugly, where georgievich, and he and slava left to address, there is a murder, and what do you think, it looks like another wood grouse has flown into our department, but if so, as they say, it was not a bonus,
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who do you want? police, kireev, i, open up, hello, hello, come in , thank you, here, come in, sit down, well , someone smells like you, well, as i knew, it would have been better if i called you after all, why didn’t they call you right away, yes so. i was scared, i think i’ll call, so you’ll be the first to think of me, won’t you, especially since i ’ve been enjoying myself on the shore for a week, yeah, i don’t drink the sea at all, then one day i went out into the street and a patrol immediately stopped me, uh-huh, with a face like
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yours they say 5 years from confiscation, and you say, yeah, why are you here? did you go to sazonov? i ’m telling you, i have money, but it’s not there, it’s in the account, but i’ve run out of houses, well, where am i with such a face, and with fumes, before the first cop, excuse me, so i went to the neighbor, he always me in such situations, i came to the rescue, and your specific place of work, the univest company, the nordstar vessel. "botsman, i, i'm a badass loudspeaker, yes please, no, refrain, for now, i understand, you went to sazonov and then, well, i called, quietly, uh-huh, knocked, i saw the door was not locked, well, i entered.
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well, i left, raise your legs, i said, not your arms, but your legs, please raise your soles. lower it, tomorrow morning to our department, please, here is the address, goodbye, excuse me, goodbye, goodbye,
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but to the nightstand. didn’t approach, otherwise he would have stepped on the blood, you remember, there was such a pool of blood there, his soles were clean, he even i didn’t try to wash it off, so i think that he’s not lying, hello, fight, hello, someone asked me, one was interested, you come to me, okay, well, well, he’s dressed decently, and his face is so gangster-like, i see, and we have an orientation towards him, it’s as if he’s my eye, a diamond, but where is he? well, i kept his documents just in case. and to the cells, let’s go, i say, i’ll take you, i open the cell, he stepped there, and i closed the slam, he
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didn’t even have time to understand anything, you ’ve been to the ophthalmologist for a long time, why, go and get checked, what about the ophthalmologist? what can we do now, vetyusha, everything will work out, what do i care, i was at home, if they have any suspicions there, let them prove it themselves, it’s okay. in six months we will take over the inheritance then, but i went,
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good, phew, hello, great, well, no, hello, in an adjustable wrench, fingers nekirei. i checked, but just in case i told him not to leave the city yet, but what about you? yes, so romanov and ketiy pavlovich, 75 years old, beaten, robbed from their own front door, no end, hello, what are you going to do, listen, they poured me 100 grams of vodka, you know what, snacks, georgievich, i was tired of something today, so i called the hospital, well, they operated on him, the serious case does not come to consciousness, so the episode can be qualified as an assassination attempt. for murder, our client, so, what did they take? they took a nikon camera, i looked at the instructions, my wife showed it, then i asked in the store about the same one, it costs 400 bucks, so, and
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what about the district police officer, well, the district police officer, he, thank you, he said that, well, there were a couple of points before, where they sold drugs, of course, they bought them stolen, but now these points have been covered up, so... if this camera itself does not pop up somewhere, there are no traces, but what is he a photographer, or is it some kind of novel? he’s a retired accountant, his wife says, he really loved walking around the city, photographing all sorts of architectural rarities, well, he ’s an elderly man, an expensive camera, he could just draw everything and then bring it to the front door, yes, but not the end of the material evidence, another capercaillie , uh-huh, yes, listen, i’ll go to the department, come on, pay for me, otherwise i don’t have money, since that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i have money too
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no, i’m in the department, contract military personnel receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation, and payments for housing and communal services. vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state are not easy here, but here everyone is united, here everything is for the sake of a common cause, here everything is fair, serve under a contract. the killer is very calm, knows what he is doing, this is the work of an architect, who is the one who stands on his feet, yes, i heard the traffic policeman will shoot, you know who krovtsov is, a former osb officer,
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the architect must be taken alive, otherwise this all makes no sense, you will surrender to me personally, you have no other chance, you won’t even say anything to your successor, you will get by, you will get hurt , people like you should not leave the police, people like you are in the police must stay, nevsky, today at 16:45. on ntv. good morning, about the weather for today evgenia neronskaya. in the far east, kamchatka has finally surpassed the psychologically important mark of +20. summer has come here. in the south of the continent it is also sunny, even hot 25 and above, but in yakutia, especially in chukotka, it already makes the first steps are autumn, it is unseasonably cool there. in siberia, summer is in full swing, even in polar narilsk there is a break in rain above twenty. in the south of the krasnodar territory it is up to... 30, but another cyclone is approaching from the urals, short rains will come to the omsk region to the south of the tyumen region. in the urals, the rains are persistent and cool, no higher than
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twenty. european territories. remains under the control of the old cyclone that is boring to everyone, the only sunny exception is the baltic coast in kaliningrad without precipitation and +24, in the center in the north-west there are rains, they only tula and smolensk will be bypassed; in the rest of the territory from yaroslavl to ryazan , bizant cannot be avoided, although the rains are short. it will rain quite heavily on the banks of the volga, especially in nizhny novgorod, izhevsk, chebaksary, it is not hot there at all, only +20 or a little higher, well, in the black earth region there is practically no precipitation. on... the rains have stopped even in the mountains, there is bright sunshine everywhere, heat, in the krasnodar region it is again up to 35, in the lower reaches of the don and in the crimea it is still a little more modest, about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg today it is +22 and short rains, in moscow too light rains and +21 in the daytime, then it’s already warmer, but more on that in the next issues, by this time i’ve got it all.
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i told you, sports won’t bring you any good, sciatica, you know why little red riding hood, little red riding hood, i don’t understand, why is she called little red riding hood, well , because she has a cap made of red rags, no, because she wears i understood it from wolf skin, only with the fur inside. “the argument won’t lead to any good, that’s for sure, phew, i broke my ankle, uh-huh, and it was so unsuccessful that i had to have surgery, please, they prescribed bed rest.
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toilet on crutches, well, i was looking after the affairs for now, valyusha, he’s a great guy, he always had his finger on the pulse, the owner, of course, this is a real estate office, it’s his property, but could your husband have any conflicts with clients, there were some unresolved problems, why did conflicts arise, well... this happens in business, but everything was resolved in a working order, there were no direct conflicts. tell me, do you have two sets of keys? well, yes, two from the apartment, one return. where is your dacha? in tarkhovka, well his parents built this. yes. so you left with your set of keys that morning, right? naturally. secondly.
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almost a year, so what? well, what i mean is that maybe they are well acquainted with their relatives, yes, he buried his relatives, his parents are from an academic environment, he is the only late child in the family, so when he was not quite 50 he buried them all, only his son remained, son, is that so? the crane was repaired, well, yes, but
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what? no, well, tell me, this victor, how old is he, what does he do? he is 25 years old, he is a designer by training, when the client was decorating the apartments, they asked to finalize something, and valentin, he always said that we can provide this kind of service, he let his son earn extra money, yeah, the money was normal? you know, he’s such a talented boy, he’s terribly extraordinary, clients, what do they need so that it’s no worse than their neighbor’s, you understand, you understand me, the european standard with jade toilets, exactly, well, some conflicts arose, in general he the last time they paid less than he expected, he was so upset, but get out well done, he paid him extra from his own, yeah. when
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it was? when it was the day before yesterday, but can you tell me where we can get it? find, here is the address and phone number, thank you, you can be free, see irena sergeevna off urgently find kirill, okay, goodbye, goodbye, great, great, hello, hello, great, well, what are you doing, goodbye. this means that sazonov’s wife discovered, yes, she came home from work in the evening, and he
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was lying with a broken head, and she reported about the loss of money, and that a lot was missing, but that’s not the point, the main thing is that it seems that he himself was the killer who opened the door, that is, he knew him, we must look here. listen, maybe it’s she herself, the wife, why did she stage all this, and that she’s a young woman, he’s an older man, she married for convenience, for money, specifically she thought that the sickle would fall in love, it didn’t work out, you know, life seemed like absolute hell , this kind of thing happens all the time, so she hit him on the head, why is it the same and just everywhere at every turn, and then when, in fact , she came to her senses, she got scared, hid the money, called the cops, yeah, because 90%.
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to the point, where were you yesterday from 11 to 16? here and i was, i worked all night and slept during the day, yesterday i didn’t leave the house at all, but can anyone confirm this, did anyone come to you? no one came to me, and no one can confirm my words either, so
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what of this? this is very bad, bro, because it turns out that you don’t have an alibi, what the hell is an alibi? tell me, where did you get this from? and where are the others? it doesn’t concern you and in general, if so, i won’t say another word without a lawyer, i have the right, show me your hands, well, let’s go, this is illegal, on what basis, where is the warrant for arrest, not for arrest, to detain, we have the right, after the murder of the people , clear fingerprints of your fingers were found, this time, so i, oleg georgievich, excuse me, please, varya is calling, he has some problems, allow me to leave, come on, secondly, it was found with you an envelope with money identical to the one that was found in the sazonovs’ house... the day of the murder, that’s two, so you don’t have an alibi at the time of the murder, that’s not enough for you, that’s enough for me, everything is wrong, well, everything is wrong, i i changed the gasket on the faucet in the kitchen, literally the day before this, you ask irina, ask, she
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will confirm, the one who came to whomever, maybe he was wearing gloves, there are no fingerprints on the key, but mine remained, you didn’t think about it, you thought, you thought that’s what you did s... you’ll say, of course, you ’ve figured it all out, why they’ll open the door for you, but of course, you’re not a stranger, but you don’t need any reason, you just came to visit, you knew about the money in the nightstand, where the tools were, you also knew , but there are prints on the key, so guys, i came to fix the faucet, yes, my father gave me the money in this envelope for the work, it was on the day when i fixed the tap, that’s it, i left, i wasn’t there anymore,
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beer, please, mash, bring the beer, var, please tell me what , what did you tell me, this is the film that vincent palych shot, even before his camera was taken away, wait, how do you know about the robbery of romanov? the samurai came in and asked about him: “vikken tepalovich is our regular customer, he lives nearby, he came in that day, i also helped him recharge his camera, but not in this is the case, tell me in more detail what you told me, specifically, when we were sitting here with him, this man in the photograph came into the cafe, i immediately remembered him, he had such a look, he couldn’t wait for his order, and then, when vikkendi palovich got up and left, this time after him, so what, so what? you see, he looks straight into the lens, he
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saw that he was being photographed, so, so, then he showed up in a cafe, so, then vikenti palich was robbed, well, what does that mean, that he was following him, and then he was attacked , listen, wait, this, this is the front door of sazonov, whose, but a guy was killed nearby, yes, this guy is coming out, right out of it, exactly, but everything matches here, and the date is yesterday’s time 15:45, that’s it, i don’t can. this man was watching vikenty pavlovich, why? well, georgivich, look, he
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’s just leaving the front door, yesterday afternoon, uh-huh, he tracked down the old man to pick up the camera, well, theoretically, yes, guys, theoretically, anything can happen, here you can pile up something like that, but in fact it’s a photograph done at 15:45, yes, 5 minutes before any man could come out of this front door with a bag with an ax, and 15 minutes before that some woman with oatmeal and... what of this? well, what is the connection between the murder of sozonov and the robbery of romanov? you see? i don’t, but can this guy actually live there or did he come to visit someone? well, it’s easy to check, georgievich, so check it, but why are you laughing? and you go to the sazon’s office, talk, communicate, take a closer look, well, in general, you know, work, i’ll tell you. congratulations, give a damn about you,
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hello, kirill, are you alone there, listen, here the guy who came to varya’s cafe, well, yes, he’s sitting here in the car, or shepherding someone. or so, in general, establish his identity by the numbers, i’ll dictate it to you now, and punch it, and punch it, the car is not stolen, but what if they won’t give it to you, god, they’ll give it to you, i’ll tell you that i ’ve done it all myself, great!
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here they didn’t find out any complaints from anyone,
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no, no, well, this is such a business, georgivich, well, the accounting department has its own reporting, then they never tell anything to outsiders, i only found out that sazonov and his wife were going to divorce, well, some kind of thing the lover appeared, the husband found out something, well, gossip, all sorts of chatter, in general, nothing significant.
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where is kirill? did you even find out who was in the photo? in the photo there , vladimir nikolaevich bystrov, 35 years old, temporarily unemployed, not involved, not involved, in general, not seen in anything like that, well, so what, what was he doing in this front door at the time of the murder? well, let's go to his house, we'll ask, and he'll tell you that he relieved himself of minor need, well, we've got to where to go, some kind of nonsense, let's go
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let's smoke this thing. this stepson is kind of twitchy, well, everything fits on him, well , can you imagine, he killed his stepfather because of an ardent passion for his stepmother, made her free and rich, well, some kind of nonsense, wait, oleg, but if we assume, after all, that bystrov is really a killer, well, okay, let's reason, the connections between him and soznov... can be seen like this, whereas he got into the apartment, or maybe irina gave the keys, what if he is that same lover, and you say they are about to get a divorce things went on, well, that’s how it is, rumors, according to the law she has to share half pressed, and what did they
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press together in a year? an apartment, a car, a dacha, there, his realtor’s office, that’s all, and if he had gotten married, he would have left with what he had, and so everything at once, than... the motive, yes, that’s what, guys, if we don’t find out, that bostrov and sozonova are lovers, then we have the right to consider this version, but if we don’t find out, we’ll have to put the boy in jail, you think i want this myself, but what to do with the facts?
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sea ​​highway, and sazonov has a dacha there in tarkhovka, what does it mean to graze, what is the article, well, give it to me, but there’s no connection, there’s a pipe died at his place, wait, but if bystro is really a murderer, no, he doesn’t know him personally, sozonov’s wife knows, we said hello to him in front of her, here near the council, so quickly, find the address in tarkovki, yeah, hold on, quickly, quickly, vitalik, just very quickly, come on, come on, come on, i'm still stuck in traffic, guys, do we have any funds? this evil case, come on, turn it on.
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i told you that we can’t see each other, whether i said it or not, what could i think, you ran away from the house, turned off the phone, you’re not at work, you could at least call yourself, who are you from? i hid here, the police haven’t closed the case against me yet, they’ll see us together, they’ll start digging, asking questions, but don’t freak out, nothing. there is no such thing, i didn’t even take a match from there, i didn’t leave it, but what they learn about our love is that, i beg you, we didn’t have anything. forget it, i understand, how come, you yourself said that we just wanted to get rid of your goat, we made plans about
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how we would live together, what are you doing, forget it, i understand, here are 10 thousand bucks, not enough, then you’ll get more , leave me alone, please, kirill's motorcycle is working. slava, let's go there, kohl, and you're on the other side. yeah. oh you bitch, that’s what it means. i have an idea, maybe you’ll hand me over to the cops, it won’t work out, who gave me the key to the apartment, and
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put the adjustable key in the most visible place to confuse the cops, remember, i won’t go to the zone alone, now you and i are tied together by the same blood, where , and before you liked that someone else appeared, huh? little boy, that's right, but i'm a fool, i've worn out my hands because of him, yes, yes, yes, i love him, understand? love, kill, creature, quietly, hands, hands, said, quietly,
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how are you some kind of maniac, i don’t even know him, no need, we heard everything, i want to give my sincere words on the record, but go ahead, let’s go. hi, yo, well, how did i turn out to be right with this photo, oleg georgievich, what am i entitled to for this, an order or a medal? here, oh, my god, oh, how small, how cute, fluffy,
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of an emergency, we’ll talk about the behavior of the radiator in... in the first gear. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the marat studio seddikov. and in sochi, a tourist ended up in the police station after a traffic incident. the girl abandoned her car in the middle of the roadway to buy corn in a tent. outraged by such insolence, the vacationers blocked the car and demanded an explanation; the girl decided to disperse the disgruntled crowd with the help of pepper spray. i didn’t spray a can on people on purpose, but how did you spray it? well, i pressed the button and he just, why are you?


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