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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  August 3, 2024 5:15am-6:06am MSK

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well, let's go, let's do, let's go, let's go, like this , let's go, oh, so, okay, oh, so, let's go, let's go, let's go, so, yeah. hello, vadim
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petrovich, hello, hello, squirrel, hello, dog, let's go for a walk, vadim petrovich, the weather outside is wonderful today, we'll probably walk longer, take a walk, sasha, take a walk, let's go for a walk, let's go, well, we're off.
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got it, yes, well, let's try and, come on, it's your turn, okay. that’s it, kirill, let’s get out of here, i can’t do anything at all, but you’re doing great, yes it’s not working, well, i feel bad, i’m stuffy, i feel bad here, and well , let’s go, let’s finish one game, no, i can’t do it, i ’m ashamed, really, well, let’s go, oleg georgievich, why me, well, let volkov go, well there’s something... to do, okay, i’ll go, i’m not
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arguing, oleg georgievich, i’m not arguing, well, honestly i’m not arguing, no, well, that’s it, i understand, if there’s an order, there’s an order, i’m following orders, okay, oleg georgievich, everything is agreed, i’ll go, okay, oleg georgievich, or maybe tomorrow, i don’t hear, oleg georgievich, wait, i now.
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i love you, bunny. hello, hello, yes, yes, well , today is the day off, but there’s no point in going broke, okay, i’ll be there, i’ll be there, i’ll dictate the address, hello, how are you, i’ll tell you by... greetings, yes, bad luck, old man,
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who did you do such hara-kiri to him? harakiri, glory, is being done in another place, listen, the door was not broken, it looks like he opened it himself, but... maybe it was opened by the one who had his own key? here we have another thing, a cufflink, or what? zapanka, come on, where did you find it? she rolled under the sofa. maybe it's bienny's? maybe, maybe not, let's check, throw it to the rest. fine. great, guys, what do we have here, where are you? great. listen, there is this bathtub here, i need to wash myself. go, go and wash yourself thoroughly. there. there 's a pretty girl waiting for you, girl, why the blonish brunette, mixed color, name is squirrel, very funny, but get out of here, sit, sit, lie down, squirrel, what fools,
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or something, couldn't have warned that there was a dog there, and i i warned you, it’s very funny, comrade captain, then a young man came and said he was walking the dead man’s dog, i see, well, thank you, talk to him? and we while kira and i are going to go talk to the neighbors, let’s go, let me wash my face, you can wash yourself there, move away, whoever is there, we’re from the police, we’re talking about your neighbor karposit no. 6, here you go, hello. what’s not like, come on in, young people, don’t stand in the crossfire, come in, please come in, come in, please come in, he was very nice, yeah,
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very well-mannered, very intelligent, tell me, he had no enemies, no, what are you young man, what kind of enemies are you, he lived quietly, his heart pressure has been noticeable lately, that’s why our alexander is a neighbor from above, walking a squirrel, a nice person, something so nice, we have wonderful neighbors, did you notice how the front doors are clean, quiet, no homeless people, no alcoholics, no drug addicts, everyone is watching this, that is, you think that no one from karpov strangers could not come, of course they could not. or maybe they didn’t share something with their relatives? what to share? haven't you seen what kind of apartment he has? there are no valuables there, the tvs don't work. yes, but do you collect dogs? dog,
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my dear, man's best friend, i have them in all the rooms, even here in the kitchen, i ’ve been collecting them all my life. how long have you known each other quietly? and with vadim petrovich since childhood, he was good, vadim petrovich, well, good is a loose concept, but he had a lot of acquaintances, rather not, a couple of old people, he played dominoes with them, went to the dacha, but they had been there for a long time died, and his wife, he was married, yes, nina sergeevna, but she...... also died about 10 years ago, i was still little then, and he didn’t have any other women, which you, nina sergeevna loved very much, every saturday by he went to the cemetery, in winter, in summer, in any weather, and if he was sick, he asked someone, so
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you went to see him every day, yes, i walked his dog three times a day, but where did you walk? well, mostly in the yard, sometimes we walked along the street. or to the park, yesterday you also walked the dog? yes, and vadim petrovich was the same as always, not expecting anyone to visit? no, what time did you last see him? - at 15 minutes past nine, i came in, an hour later i returned the dog, did you walk it for so long? well, the weather was good, we sat on the bench, yeah. you sat for a long time, well, you breathed some air, you dreamed, what you also dreamed of talking about, but no, thank you, what were you dreaming about, it’s your own business, if you remember anything, here’s the phone number, call, okay, tell me,
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where is the squirrel now, in the bathroom, can i take her? vadim petrovich’s relatives are unlikely to take her, she needs to be looked after, but i’m used to it, what about yours? will your parents mind? no, mom loves her very much too, okay, take it, i don’t mind, thank you. all the best, young people, thank you very much, thank you very much, goodbye, thank you for the year, thank you, so ekaterina sanovna, if you suddenly remember or find out anything, call the phone number that i wrote down for you, okay, okay, i’ll definitely call you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, be healthy, oh, okay, what a funny old lady, but what about you say, ram, i just felt like an intelligent person, i’m immediately an intelligent person, yeah, boil a jar. screwed it on, it won’t stick together, well, you’re great too, i started filling the bathtub, well, i didn’t see it, oh well, i
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just wanted to wash myself, such a strange story, they don’t look like a household appliance andrey petrovich, the apartment is clean, tidy, everything is in its place, but one of the serious pieces of evidence is a man’s cufflink with a piece of cloth, it definitely doesn’t belong to the deceased, and we haven’t identified who yet, but not at all, there was a man walking around. he was breathing, he had a dog, what’s-her-name arrow, squirrel, andrei petrovich, squirrel, you have only squirrels in your head, damn, good, at least it’s not green devils, look, don’t abuse it, but what have the devils got to do with it, andrei petrovich, but he doesn’t drink anything except juice here, colonel, can you let me finish, so we listen, so here, there lived a man, he was happy, and then he found himself
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on the floor with a knife in the ore, just like that, a common thing, one might say, uh-huh, and it happens, no motive, no traces, and you look, someone will come into my office , and i’m also lying there, lying there, you’ll also say, there’s no motive, no traces, god bless you, tavarich colonel, criminologists are working now, maybe some prints will come out, but if they don’t come out, think, guys, think, well, it doesn’t look like a robbery either , the door to the apartment was not broken into, the neighbors did not hear anything suspicious, well, judging by everything, the deceased opened the door to the killer himself, therefore, this is one of the old man’s acquaintances and we will find him sooner or later, better sooner than never, otherwise we will... in the fall we will count wood grouse, well, wolves will meet
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with karpov’s relatives tomorrow , and the guy with the smoke one will interview the neighbors again, well, maybe the criminologists will throw something in, ah, crazy, maybe the squirrel killed him, yeah, by accident, they’re very thoughtful today, well, yes, it looks like another murder of some kind again. yes, this is the first time i’ve seen this, not a single bad thing. words about a dead man, well, that’s understandable, but it’s really somehow strange, no gossip, no hint of a motive, how’s your little squirrel, what’s that squirrel, they’ve thrown away all their sneakers, i mean, well, i mean, what’s in the entrance they are all clean, but they can’t clean up the dogs in the yard, this... says hi to you, very funny, okay, guys, stop joking, something needs to be done,
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it’s not normal, everything works out somehow, a secluded house in the countryside silence, even the woodpecker doesn’t knock on this door, but what does the woodpecker have to do with it, kolya? it's not me, it's matsu basho, basho is a japanese poet who lived a long time ago and was, if my memory serves me right, unsurpassed.
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maybe he saw something, became an unwanted witness, so they removed him, then we won’t get to the bottom of anything at all. in this var area, over the last 2 months only one teenage fight has been registered and that’s all. the neighbors asked, they also can’t really say anything, okay, let’s go relax, little lady, the days of japanese culture begin here, there’s a graphics exhibition on saturday, so i take this opportunity to invite you, not to form a television company, with with pleasure, kir, maybe you are with us too, otherwise you don’t even know who basho is, oh, i beg you, i ’ll write about 100 of these poems about woodpeckers in 5 minutes, oh, a genius, a genius,
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he will glorify our domestic police, well , go, no, yes, then... saturday, yes, see you until saturday, good luck, i’ll sit still and drink some tea, so maybe i’ll stay then too, let’s talk about poetry about dogs, but you can barely stand on your feet, you’re tired , i mean, i’m tired, we’re young, morib knee, you should know, we’re always like may roses, okay, may rose, i’ll tell you something now green, let's go, well, kir, well...
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watch, no one knows you there, anyway, if they ask you anything, say that your aunt took the dog and just wants to take it for a walk here, because there is no grass there and be careful it's a shame, it's a minefield there. oh hi, how much? so, until 15:30. come on,
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pussy, why be shy, i’m a kind person, i don’t see it, i often turn to your girlfriends here. you're early today, your friends are getting ready in the evening, you decided to take away all their clients, listen, go about your business, citizen, okay, why am i a whore? i can’t tell you apart from a normal woman, but it’s painted on your face, and the price is 30 bucks on market day, how dare you take your hand, i ’m telling you, i also took the dog with me, that’s a goat, lorechka, lorechka, and you’re great, well done , my sweetie, i’m sending you! do whores dress like that and in general they are mostly all blondes, i asked one woman here, which men do you like best, and you know what she answered me, so what? well, guess three times, go ahead and say, hairy, i mean, with
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long hair, metalheads, but no. to the arms were hairy, the chest, the back, no, well , this is too much, you have to come, serve, defend your country, many new directions have appeared in the army, i am engaged in uavs, there are a lot of young people, the guys come, they are interested, they study, they want to work, nowadays, this kind of war is mainly carried out with the help of drones, the son or husband carries out tasks on us, that is, no questions arise at all, people help. meeting, that is , we provide the state with everything possible, now people come not for money, but for motivation, volunteers are very a lot, they are all motivated guys, it’s a pleasure to work with them, there is no need to explain anything, love for the homeland should be motivated, for our relatives, because our families are in our homeland, if not now, then later the war will come there, it’s better to stop it here, join yours, a one-time payment upon concluding
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a contract from august 1 to december 31 from 800,000 rubles. georgivich, what have you heard from criminologists? well, the prints are original, only those of the neighbors, there are no other traces yet. allow me, olegevich, zhikhareva is there the niece of the murdered karpovo came. hello, take a seat here. thank you. can i have some water, otherwise i'll change it, yes, please, all around, yes, don't worry, normal procedures, please don't worry. vadim petrovich, i don’t have anyone now, but how often did you see vadim petrovich, well, twice a month i
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visited him, brought some food, he lived on one pension, and you yourself understand how you can live on one pension to live, well, you probably saw how he lives, an old sofa, a table, up to two armchairs, well, i gave him my own armchair gave it away. well, i saved up some money, bought new furniture, gave the chair to him, because he used to sit on a stool, he had an old tv, a record, it broke a long time ago, he just held it, it’s like there’s a tv, i say, galya, it’s his place i keep the bedside tables, then i’ll put a book, then a cup in... and vadim petrovich had no friends at all, friends, yes, there were friends, but while he was working, well, when he retired,
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they began to come in so rarely, well, only one the squirrel remained, but how he got this dog, i found out, the breed is not cheap, but the squirrel the boss gave it to him when his uncle retired , well, from the boss. for the same breed, so the squirrel is the daughter of this dog, and how glad vadim petrovich was, he was glad, yes, a dog is man’s best friend, and sashenka took her, he called me, i know, well, that’s right, that he i took her, i can’t walk her, i have a job, i have a small apartment, i’m allergic to wool, and sasha always walked the dog, no, for about a year, that’s how vadim petrovich’s heart started to feel bad, well, he began to grab it, like that ... asked sashenka to go for a walk, even some money i tried to slip it to him there, but sashenka didn’t take it, you say vadim petrovich, it’s better to buy squirrels with this money, such
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a nice little boy, well, now you rarely see such people, more and more in taverns and dancing, and don’t say galina sergeevna, young people today, i don’t understand how women can like hairy men, listen, but you’re hairy, no, well, not like that in the back, both of you, look. squirrel, yes squirrel, yes i ’m telling you squirrel, look, kira, this is not a squirrel, this is a dog that looks like a squirrel, i ’m telling you a squirrel, they carry her on purpose, in order to hide the evidence, we went after him, but come on, kolya, i’m telling you for sure, what if it’s a squirrel, then suddenly nothing happens, oh well, it doesn’t happen, anything happens, call the men at the post, if it’s not a squirrel, then they he’ll stop a guy, just check everything’s documents, and if it’s a squirrel, well, kira, look.
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what a beautiful dog you have? i like it too. today is good, excellent, okay, let's go, lorik, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, lyunya, what did i tell you? driver of blue jeep number 362 stop immediately blue jeep number 362 hug to the side of the road, stop, repeat, blue jeep number 362, stop immediately, repeat, press in. stop on the side of the road, guys!
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why didn’t the traffic police stop at the request of the traffic police, so i demand that you contact my lawyer and in general this is some kind of lawlessness - this is what you have just done here on the road, so you can remove the dog so that you can see in the salon what you have already you’re eliminating the dog, wolves, maybe you’ll ask for documents for it, but if you have it, show it. well, please, in the glove compartment, take it out, please, what are we they became cheerful right away, let's quickly, oh well, rembo ugh, rambo, yeah, rambo, rambo, his name is rambo, rambo, hello, andrei, the brave police ran into me, yeah, no, we're standing on the road, nothing at all nothing, i drank a glass of wine, that’s how they found out,
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i’m still waiting. in what sense is it a cable, and a remba cable, a male, and what should have been written, citizen male, but now you’re joking, listen, boss, or maybe without a protocol, but no, you’ll have to file roman yuryevich for driving while intoxicated for that circus, which you arranged here on the road, can you take a closer look at the dog, why don’t you believe it’s a cable or something? somehow all this alarmed you, but hurry up.
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all the best, gentlemen, i will contact you tomorrow, let's get out of here, goodbye, yes, ki, well, you gave it away, behind the cable, all over the city, listening, hello, creature, you, squirrel hunter, very funny, hello , yes. what are you saying, there are a lot of people, listen, well, let ’s go for an evening walk together, i’m heading home, listen, don’t forget to feed the dog, otherwise you’ll starve to death at your combat post, that’s it, hello from everyone, come on, see you, bye, where this barbarian sent him to what kind of combat post, but she has a friend who lives next to the victims’ house, so she asked to take the dog for a walk for three days, because she
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was away on a business trip. take a walk with the dog near the victim’s house, you ’re doing a smart job kira, no, to tell your comrades, okay, well, such an opportunity turned up, as it were, so what did varvara tell you, if it’s not a secret, our good boy communicates with a lot of people sasha, probably all of them are good people too, so i want to watch this evening, hmm, let’s all do the same let's look together, breathe some fresh air, admire the stars, and varka won't be bored, otherwise what should kiroi talk to her about? come in yet, boy, and you’re even better this way than blonde, that’s how it seems to me, yes, i like it, yeah, you know, it seems to me that if i dye my hair brunette, it will be interesting, how much bullshit is there, but no , it seems like no one is attacking except you, this is a clue to money, yeah, no, creature, blondes are still blondes, var, listen, but you like hairy men, rockers, or something, no, well, not rockers,
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and... so that there is hair on the arms, on the chest, on the back, well, yes, it’s cool, the man is generally hairless, hello, hello, how are you, but he’s alive, you’re my good one, be quiet. what 's happened? quiet, kira, what's the matter? i love you, is it that simple? who are you hiding from? yes, be quiet! come on, tell me, what happened? i think i know what this good boy, sasha, is doing. i think i've seen a squirrel before. come on, inject yourself. i was recently visiting someone here. and what were you doing with this unfamiliar girl, but you weren’t doing anything, you were drinking tea, so it seems to me that she’s taking some kind of rubbish, well, i mean crap, ah-ah-ah, she’s
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a drug addict, that is, you kira drink tea with drug addicts, that is, you drink tea with absolutely unfamiliar drug addicts, why did you attack me - lord, they attacked too, it doesn’t matter now. “i think i saw our squirrel before, with her next to her in the photograph, are you sure that it was a squirrel, and not rambo or some other innocent male, yes, it’s definitely her, but in any case, it was definitely this girl , there she went, her name is dash, you see, so kira, but we we won’t give you away, my word, let’s go talk to this dasha, girl”? this is not heroin, but what is this to the question
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that i recently, quite recently, just now , i don’t even answer every day, what is this, what will happen to me for this? bought it, calls my neighbor, says: listen, i’m so happy, what’s wrong here, i say, i can’t even imagine what i would have done without this elephant like before, i say, i get up in the morning, my pool is full, where politiya, the children just went to the entrance, so we need to take sasha, oh, what happened to the girl so far, they let her go home, address and they took the phone, well, they passed here, so go home, guys, can i come with you? go home, don’t be stupid, take the dog and go home, guys, call me, i still helped you, go home, call,
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stop, i’ll shoot,
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lie down, face to the ground, that’s it, good march, he ran away. lord, some kind of piece of paper, i don’t know, lord, sasha, sashanka, mine, sasha, it’s not your fault, do you hear how long you have been
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distributing drugs, we already have testimony, your fingerprints were found on bags of drugs , where you got drugs, who is your supplier? “detained dyers, your silence will not save you from punishment, your neighbor found out what you were using his dog for, and you killed him, your fingerprints are all over the apartment, he didn’t kill him!” i didn’t kill vadim petrovich, when you last saw him, i already said it, repeat it, at 10 pm i brought his dog, you can have a cigarette, smoke it, so what? i’m ripe, a year
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ago i got into a story, basically, i’ll give you 2 weeks, you bring me all the money, everything, i understand, not in parts, not in installments, everything, well, i can’t, wait, but at least a couple of months, where will i get them, and these are not my problems, where will you get them? “ you know how to hit other people’s cars, in 2 weeks i’ll turn on the meter, i understood everything, i was standing on the landing, i didn’t know what to do, here she was, ekaterina aleksandrovna, when she felt that sashenka had happened, i told her that the car was someone else’s i said that i couldn’t get that kind of money anywhere, even if
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i told my mother, she wouldn’t help, that’s how it all started, so ekaterina alexandrovna offered you to distribute drugs, yes. from a squirrel - this was her idea, but where did she get the goods? i don’t know, i didn’t ask, okay. can you see the detainee? maybe it was he who killed after all, but no, kirill, he has an alibi, at the time of the murder he was at home, his mother confirmed this, but listen, what’s mine? for my sake, she also confirmed it, yes, that’s it,
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guys, go to this old lady dealer and check the testimony of the detainee, katerina sanovna, we would like to ask you a few questions, wait, young people, i’ll finish the telephone conversation, okay, yes, ah, what, and what did she buy, what does it look like... young people, i’m listening to you, i’ve freed myself,
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sasha told you about my second hobby, yes, he told you. and you don’t feel sorry for the good boy sasha, he’s as good as you said, but now this good boy will have to get away with it, modern youth want to live well, fun, carefree, they don’t want to work like we worked, they want to dance, dress fashionably. drive luxury foreign cars, get a buzz, she
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gets it, a person always gets what he wants, but you have to pay for everything in life, yes, but people like you ruin their fates, you are not my judge, young man, i am essentially fulfilling my duty, duty, yes, but would a healthy, intelligent, purposeful young man sniff. chop and mold this rubbish, no, they will study and work for the good of society. tell me, do you wear men's pangangs with a blouse? i don't understand what this has to do with it? you did not answer my question? this, this is a memory of my husband. do you have a lot of them? young man, i don’t really understand
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you. let me take a look at your wardrobe. i beg you, please. here? yes, you don't remember where you lost the second one? i ask you to. “ we found the second cufflink with a piece of material from this blouse, you lost it in karpovo’s apartment, where you killed him in cold blood, and you know why, for the fact that he found out how you were using his dog? vadim
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petrovich has always been a pathetic moneyless person, it was useless for him to offer money, he preferred noble poverty, with the amount that i offered him, he could open a dog shelter or help his relatives, but he refused, he did. unconditionally believed in the law of justice, well, to each his own, you can prosecute me for drug distribution, but you cannot prove that i committed murder, we have physical evidence, and you... a clear motive, i think , for the court this will be enough, let's see, young man, good, grandma, so if they all live in the entrance,
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this is a terrible place, yeah, and where did she get the drugs, by the way, but now the guys from the illegal department drug trafficking is what they do, but i think what... she had a lot of sashas like her, a well -established business, but what will happen to the squirrel now? sasha’s mother refused to take her for a while, karpov’s niece is allergic to wool, we ourselves understand, we’re always busy, so we’ll have to take the dog to a shelter, but maybe i’ll take her with me, but where the hell do you go, i don’t have time myself, listen , i talked to the owner of the lorik with sveta, she is not against her lorik having a girlfriend, are you laughing, she doesn’t suit him in height,
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talyan talyan, the change has come, no... got it!
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talya, talya, oh, fir-trees, talya. something went wrong today, where did she go, yesterday her mother took her. and today, and i told you to loosen it up with something, onis oil, and you
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sunflower oil will do, now choke on the miser, oh my god, what subtleties, and what did you think, sabaneev said a great phrase: fishing does not tolerate haste and carelessness, okay, you’ll come out when you retire, teach me your subtleties. what kind of pension for horses? what are you talking about? the main thing is to leave without waiting for a kick in the ass, as soon as i realized it, i immediately fucked off, and i advise you, smart, yes, and i fool, about the fool, he said it himself.
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here's your pension, they won't let you die in peace, so, well, how could criminals get into the garage, you already asked me about this, yeah, no way, however, i don't know, there is one way, an alarm on the city remote control, they can get inside just with... “i wish you good health, hello, well, it’s sunday, which means the owner of the stolen
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car will arrive now, talk to him, i understand, wait, be more polite, this hunchback, a big shot, was recently transferred from moscow from the presidential affairs department, wait, wait, and between by the way, he is a member of the permanent commission on affairs of law and order, which commission, they will explain this to you at the main office, go!" gennady nikolaevich, did you buy your lexus long ago? 2 months ago, it was registered in your name, what else, on saturday at 6 pm i put the car in the garage, if it helps you, it’s clear that the guard was killed between one and two in the morning, and where were you at that time, seryozha, stop, “captain, you ’ve arrived, it was nice to meet you, you shouldn’t have done
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that! , a man was killed, and i'm just doing my thing work, great, i see work, i was at home at night, my wife is a witness, there are still questions, no, thank you, yeah, then let's go, no, i'm on the metro, goodbye, as you know, kostya, as much as i can say, i warned you 100 times , do not throw your sneakers on... hello gennady nikolaevich.


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