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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  August 3, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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to tell, to share memories, suddenly she disappeared, everyone started looking for her, and where she was, it was not clear, she stopped communicating at all, did not answer the phone, many people called her, including journalists, interviews, comments, did not answer the phone, journalists from all channels know very well that before irina petrovna willingly agreed to filming and was ready to talk on a variety of topics, at that moment i thought, my god, what kind.
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move, his funeral, his, such a strange, strange death, of course, it’s a shock, but no one none of us knows how his fate will turn out and how this will happen, no one knows, you can be successful in your career, achieve a lot, and vice versa, the main thing is...
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personal relationships, she was also very much afraid at some point of becoming unnecessary to the theater and cinema and tried my best to stay afloat, you can imagine whatever you want, dream, plan, and then who knows what, so we can’t talk about this topic especially, because it won’t give us anything, we we can remember about a person, we can remember about person, we can...
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she had moments that she could be expecting a child, she would definitely have had an abortion, because for her the theater was always the most important thing, the theater was more important than even any love relationship, her acting, this stage life , she was the most important thing for her, and i think this prevented her. to have a child, this prevented her from having a husband, and lately, she even kept in touch with him, corresponded, she even practically refused to communicate, she, this is all sadly, she plunged herself into this matter, plunged, of course, it’s a very pity, irina miroshnichenko is not the first and not the last who paid this heavy price for success, many actresses, afraid of falling out...
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almost very rarely, who, what actress does not have children, did not have children, that’s when we ’re still here, almost all of them have children, and even, well , some have one child, and some even have two,
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now there are already four, no longer a volunteer, for example, four children, so here you decide for yourself and... such creative success, she would not be able to achieve much, because doing, well , poorly, both is impossible, this wrong, you are not professional, if you are a wonderful mother, then you are already taking time away from the creative potential, hit
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your child with this, just turn it around, you are an actress, you are depriving your child, open jardin gold. enjoy its rich and bright aroma, balanced, soft taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold. jardín gold - the pleasure of feeling something special.
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nevsky from monday at 16:45 on ntv. since birth, little yulia has been fighting for the right to life. the girl was born with one of the most complex heart defects. in the first days after birth, yulia was operated on and this operation helped the girl survive. when yulia was 6 months old. doctors were supposed to carry out a radical correction of the defect, but during the operation it turned out that the defect was much more complex and it was not possible to cure yulia’s heart. the girl’s parents found a clinic, doctors who were ready to perform a complex open- heart operation to save yulia’s life. for the operation to
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take place, it is necessary to raise 10 million rubles. i love my daughter very much, i can’t imagine my life without her. i ask you to help save our. please help us save our daughter's life. we ask each of you to help save the little one's life. send an sms to number 7545. anyone with a donation amount , the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, itching, burning, proctoglevinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone.
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truly revealed. baltika 8 non-alcoholic, reveal the taste of wheat. this is it, the summer chicken marathon in rostix. every week super discounts on your favorite hits. order in the app! mobile communication for thank you is normal. hello, that's why we do this. thanks to the gradual release of the active substance, it is enough to take just one tablet per day. afabazole retard, anxiety can and should be treated. alfabank is the best bank for business. we give the business 3 months of free acquiring, as well as a terminal and a cash desk. open a free business account. in august, to brilliant artists always
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it seems that everything will be in time, it seemed to irina miroshnichenko also, it seemed to me that everything is still ahead, it always seems to me that everything is ahead, this is my terrible mistake, this is my terrible mistake, you know, we often hear some words, phrases, they they become so downtrodden that you don’t pay attention to their essence, in general. attention here is a phrase, for example, she gave herself completely, dedicated her life to the theater, it ’s like, well, she dedicated you, well, she had children there, she was a lot of people there, no, if we talk about ivan reshnichenko, you can dare to say that this is a woman who devoted herself entirely to the theater; in her roles she brought, i think, this component of her melancholy, for whatever reason, among other things? for unborn children, in the role she did it the way and how
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an actress should do it, she was jealous, and never in her life, yes, what are you, what are you, no, no, no, irochka was the first in everything, her roles became her children , she herself, she was very vocal about herself. about her appearance, unlike many of her colleagues who gave their lives completely to the stage, the actress at the end of her journey did not i was poor and lived not only on my pension, i brought it from greece, no more, no less, i brought it from poland, i really liked this incredible elephant. she lived in the center of moscow, owned luxury cars, loved to pamper herself with fashionable couture outfits and the most expensive delicacies. there was one monologue, i’m not an actress, i’m not... irsha, i’m an actress, she had such a monologue, she says, you know, this is about me, because i’m an actress, not a banker, everyone
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thinks that i’m rich, what i'm a millionaire, no, everything i earn is what i earned herself, here are the outfits that i was wearing, let’s say, i always had amazing outfits, she had dressmakers and the most fashionable things, the best dressmakers, she had everything, she says, this is the house in which i live, i have a devil this house is full, the whole place is full of my outfits, my apartment is full of my outfits and i loved... i loved beauty, i loved the beauty of everything beautiful, and she had the gift of some incredible designer, she flew in, quickly, quickly, everything quickly with.. . it’s not enough to change the sofa, i think, lord, where else is the sofa, that is, well, well, well, it’s already like that, and literally a day later the sofa arrives, she puts it in the corner and i understand that, firstly, volume,
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functionality, incredible beauty, this is a mixture. and the old with the modern, this is, well, it’s just a bomb, and the most important thing is that it’s all similar, it’s easy, it’s amazing, at the dacha one day - she had a birthday and there was a very close company in a home environment, again it costs, and so, how much, how much, how much, counted, so, lyosha, table.
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if ira’s portrait stands before my eyes, irina petrovna, mirshnichenko, i always think that she is such a dream woman, because i was there, i don’t know, the girl of my dreams, there was an american film, you can say about her, this woman, a dream of love, probably men , she really was a very beautiful woman, there, as they say, god gave her everything, appearance, beauty, and talent and...
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such a group of fans who from performance to performance brought them to their knees, ira had his own fans, almost like in an opera , yes, these cheeses that came with flowers, these were, she had such fans, yes, well, even here in the theater, not necessarily, the stage is understandable, there it was filled with flowers, for example, i once came to the mkhat museum to work as just an employee, a person who was a former trainer in the circus. and he said, i came here because i want to see all the petrov’s performances. he went to all her performances many times, despite the fact that he had a family, a beautiful wife , a former ballerina, an ice skating church there, and so on. well, well, it’s hard to explain, when
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she had an anniversary concert, he found out about this, he asked, so, well, we made room for him, naturally. and he, the salaries are meager, came to her with such a bouquet of flowers, and he went up the stage, just to stand next to her, there were such fans, admirers, she had many fans, like an opera diva, we talked , you know, how we had a feast together, rehearsed together, and i somehow relaxed them, i said: irka, do you remember, in 1961 it was... “when i visited you in the theater library under the basement something, and you sent me away like that, she says: “vova, if i remembered all the men whom i screwed up like this in my life, i would publish a complete collection of works, more than tolstoy’s.” now there is no point in hiding, we persuaded
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the actress to have a big frank interview, where she would tell the whole story of her life without beauty and reveal it. irina petrovna weighed all her secrets for a long time, all the pros and cons, and once it seemed to us that she almost agreed, but at the last moment she changed her mind, as if she was afraid of something. to me it seems that irina petrovna spent so much energy in her life maintaining this myth, this mask, these are not those words, masks, but a prosperous, successful, energetic, impetuous beauty, but... when, when so much time is wasted, yes, when you have been perceived this way for so many years, then when something happens, no one can believe, that is,
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what he did and what he leaves behind. having finished this interview about the secrets of alexander belyavsky, we agreed that we would soon return to record irina’s revelation miroshnichenko about herself, the actress celebrated her eighty-first birthday in a narrow circle, and a few days later she felt unwell. yes, she didn’t feel well, she called and said that she wasn’t feeling well, then she stopped answering the phones, then...
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her temperature rose to 40, the actress herself called an ambulance, the doctors said they cut her off, rush to intensive care when they said , that she was taken to the hospital in some serious condition, for everyone it was like a bolt from the blue, so cheerful, so cheerful, and who defeated covid, all over the world, irena miroshnichenko is suddenly in the hospital in serious condition, the actress will rush to reassure fans, she herself...
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on july 31 , lightning appeared on the information feeds, irina petrovna’s heart stopped, but doctors managed to pull the artist out light, information appeared that she was in the first infectious diseases hospital, and there she was...
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of high quality, probably all this together affected her state of health, she suddenly gave up, began to fade away, stopped fighting, and eventually ended. august 3rd here at in the moscow infectious diseases hospital, people's artist irina miroshnichenko passed away without regaining consciousness, i read and understood that she was put into a coma, that is, she is in intensive care, that is, they are not allowed there, you can’t go there, but so suddenly , for some reason i believed that they would raise her...
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the people's artist was a wealthy woman, but lonely, so what did the actress leave behind and to whom did she manage to write a will, and if she did, then in whose name and who will it go to? everything she saved and earned over a long successful life is today this secret will be revealed, how the war for irina miroshnichenko’s inheritance began, why her stepfather wanted to transfer the actress’s fortune to
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america. what connected the dazzling blonde with oleg efremov in reality and why they tried to make the screen superstar immoral, look in a couple of minutes. welcome to a new entertaining show for the whole family, miracle! we are bloggers, i star in films and tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups, stop it! our show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country. how long have you been drumming? yes, i'll be here for an hour, just wait for me. how much advice do you give out per day? 500. and you and i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes. through our experiments we have caused this incomprehensible creature. this is an alien. how
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katya lel is probably jealous of us now. go! look at the intensity of passions! open your heart to miracle! i heard you are looking for a miracle! miracle with arseniy popov! of course, the show is a little dirty, it premiered on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. azon, let's take care of school worries. school sale on ozone. tunda robot laptop for 69,999. you can get wafer bars for 269. a set of airy plasticine for 279. вinarus is the choice of millions for varicose veins. vinarus can help 1 2 3. one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions. вnarus, just like 1 2 3. this summer is with us, this is summer. will it sparkle with new colors? buy a big
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biotinal - healthy hair is beautiful. there is so much to buy at school, girls, this is intonation. there is so much to buy for school. and me. ideal for parent meetings, school sale on ozone bureaucrat chair for 2.699, bruno viscontia markers for 199. get ready for school in installments without overpayments. before... leaving this world, people's artist irina miroshnichenko began her struggle for life several years ago, here in the famous fifty-second hospital, where doctors miraculously were able to pull her out of the other world. i can only say one thing, here she would be
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she, if she had turned earlier, earlier, she would have been cured, but as always, she didn’t want to bother anyone, as i understand it, that’s the kind of person she is, herself. she can handle it, she will heal herself, she will do everything herself, until she realized that she was already on the verge, that’s who was next to her, it was her assistant housekeeper, she probably hasn’t lived alone lately, then it was her fault, she should have called a doctor, she should have called a doctor, for some reason she didn’t call? the ill-fated covid then grabbed the actress with a death grip. she got into the red zone in very bad condition. later, when journalists asked mirashnichenko about the coronavirus, she could not hold back her tears; the struggle was very difficult for her. you know, when she fell ill
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with coronavirus, i wrote to petrovna that she needed it, and there was any help, that is, i really wanted to help. she wrote only one phrase: lyosha, come to the boor, bet for me. internal organs, apparently, for irina petrovna, the consequences of coronavirus led to complications of kidney and lung disease and a general weakening of the immune system due to all this
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overall, i think the actress’s life was considerably shortened, but if you understand, she wasn’t... like an iron machine, if she hadn’t worked so much, her body would have given up even earlier and simply couldn’t stand it, well, in general she was very unlucky, of course, because several of my friends died from the consequences of the coronavirus, and after a year a wild weakening of the body occurs, and if people continue to live the same lifestyle, they do not understand that in fact they are already different, that is, everything in them is already... a stranger has moved into their bodies, and he is there begins its destructive work, this is a disgusting thing, the coronavirus, apparently, and without understanding this they died, but of course, they were to blame for not being brought in, but the person in this case is not to blame,
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because there was no vaccination yet , when everyone was in lockdown, but she was just unlucky. since childhood, irina mirashnichenko has been a disciplined, excellent student, and over the years she has not lost these qualities, therefore, when a self-isolation regime was introduced in the capital... she immediately locked herself at home with all the bolts, irina petrovna was very afraid of this disease, so in in the theater she even said that the doctors told her that... you can’t get sick from these diseases, because for you that’s all there is, what was meant by these words is unclear, but she really, when they announced this self-isolation, to people over 65, in my opinion, yes, don’t go out, anyway, many artists there tried to run around, well, how can i say, that they were put on stay-at-home order, someone.
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which - she didn’t let anyone into the house, even
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if we brought her apple pie there, she loves it, she’s already started eating it, so we they left it downstairs, even or at the door, i knock, i say, she, you, kostya, i say, i, here is a box with a pie, she took this box and people didn’t even come into her house, she was very afraid, then she had a fever, she was already hysterical, she was simply horrified at what was happening to her.
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since she did not comply with them, there are two versions,
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they say that it seems that a friend came to visit her, but no, i have another version, that she still went to visit her friend, that is, it is known that the person who he is very afraid of jumping from a parachute, he has it’s the ring that won’t open, that is, you don’t have to break your own life rules, she broke it, she went to visit her, she got coronavirus, on the other hand, of course, already in april, when we were all in prison. during the lockdown, in principle , it was possible to become infected with the coronavirus at home from early flies, bugs, well, first of all, flies that woke up early, because they are the main carriers of the infection, so people who... lived in wild distances from cities and during invasions there plague, epidemics of plague, cholera, not they understood why they got infected, they locked themselves up there in four walls in their house, they took a rest, so it was possible to get infected anyway, she got infected, as she told me, in the hospital, lying from the nurse
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who came to her do swear at her, yes she was vaccinated, she was vaccinated not with vi’s companion, that’s more... but that didn’t save her, anyway, anyway, due to a completely different diagnosis, she was in the hospital, and there was a nurse there, apparently sick, well so she concluded, she was infected, she had an assistant who came to her, there she brought food, no, she didn’t come to the theater, and then at some point some friend dropped in on her, well... that’s how irina petrovna herself said that an unvaccinated friend pumped in, and irina started vaccinating her companion vi, she seemed to have taken the first dose, but during this period, when this friend came in before the second, she was infected, but that’s what she herself thought, as it was actually unknown, the doctors
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of the fifty-second hospital did everything possible for the speedy recovery of the people’s artist soon irina petrovna went on the mend, she seemed to be after the cabida... for a while she was afraid of getting sick again, she was recovering all the time, but already, well, in general, she understood everything that her immunity was greatly reduced, it suffered, these were the last years, yes, unfortunately, she, the fact is that she still lived in an apartment on tverskaya, where there is no fresh air at all, there is no air at all, right under her windows, a traffic light was also installed, where cars stood all the time with their engines on, so... . she had to self-isolate in such conditions, she returned, so to speak, home, well, i continued this self-isolation regime, and then it was in the summer, in september, the traditional gathering of corpses, to which she came, everyone was waiting for her, everyone was very worried, this is 2021, she had,
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you know, the feeling that the person found himself in some kind of completely hopeless situation with... almost zero chances of survival, well, i don’t know, in some kind of plane , he was on the verge of some kind of terrible plane crash, when the plane was already diving, and suddenly in at the last moment the pilot took some kind of turn and brought the plane to so to speak, on the right trajectory and no one crashed, so she had the feeling that she was in the process of such - well, an absolute fall during this period of coronavirus, she should have died, suddenly she remained alive. theater observer anastasia pleshakova recalls: that day irina miroshnichenko simply shone with happiness, because she was alive again in her favorite theater. she was happy, she happily communicated
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with journalists, answered our stupidest questions, absolutely stupidly, she was very friendly, just like a person, again born. she said that what she saw enough in the hospital was scary, death from covid, what she saw around her, and many of her colleagues, unfortunately, died during this period due to covid, it was painful, scary death, she was incredibly glad that she managed to, well, get out of this situation, get out of this situation, she was full of some kind of mood for new work, now and...
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where is he in such a white shirt, very handsome a man, he came back from the war with a shot to his lung, he suffered all his life tuberculosis, he coughed up blood, and a man who has open tuberculosis, why didn’t your mother isolate you, she didn’t do anything like that, we all got sick, it gave, you know, it gave such a basis that my lungs are weak, i have a fungal infection...
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from which she was cured, but it was a family disease, because it is known that pyotr isaevich and his father also had tuberculosis, well then medicine. the soviet one coped with it quite successfully, and despite the fact that the disease, in general, fell asleep somewhere,
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perhaps in the body, yes, it is, as far as we know, from the sad, yes, details, the departure of the actress may have provoked her, such a quick, lethal outcome, or something, but nevertheless, irina petrovna, i believe, had not only a strong... second it was a war year, not the most convenient time to have children, and the actress’s mother ekaterina antonovna thought the same, but
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real magic happened, you and i might not have seen such an actress, and not only that in the movies this person might not exist, which she warned her daughter against mother of the people's artist, who helped rina miroshnichenko beat vera alentov at the turn, how someone else’s earrings became evidence of insidious treason. and what the screen star repented of only in his later years, we will find out immediately after the advertisement. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. online cinema okko, the world i watch. art begins with a blank canvas, then the idea finds its embodiment on it. make your dreams come true with a free
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ekaterina antonovna mirashnichenko first married at the age of 16 to the military man ivan tolpezhnikov, with whom she gave birth to a son, rudolf. she dreamed of becoming an actress, studied the skill with alexander tairov, but in on the thirty-seventh, her husband was arrested and ekaterina antonovna was left with her little son in her arms. when she unexpectedly met peter weinstein, it seemed that life was starting to get better, but war broke out, evacuation and a completely unplanned pregnancy. mom
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was, of course, a person from the world of art, an actress, a friend of lidya nikolaevna smirnova, but what always hurt irina petrovna, she did not hesitate to talk about it, that when my mother became pregnant, it was still the war years, a difficult time, lidya nikolaevna smirnova advised her to have an abortion, lidya nikolaevna herself had an abortion, by the way, no matter what... offers to act in films continued to come, lady nikolaevna had this abortion unsuccessfully all the time, all her life she later regretted that this happened in her life, but then she still believed that everything was ahead and children, family and so on, and the same one advised irina petrovna’s mother to have an abortion, her mother was a very compassionate
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person who loved life, loved children, realizing that... now it might be difficult for them , difficult life and all that, she refused this idea and thus from irina, we got such a brilliant actress as irina mershnichenko, because my mother did not listen to the persuasion of her close friends. ekaterina antonovna sacrificed her future career for the sake of her family. the mother, an unsuccessful actress, worked at the mostconcert, it’s not very clear who she worked for, maybe she even sang something, or maybe she worked as an official, maybe. and then and the other, and the third, the fifth, as sometimes happened with representatives of the concert, somewhere, somewhere to finish singing, somewhere to finish playing, to play along with some kind of church, i think, approximately in this capacity, so to speak, she was televised there in this brain concert, in general, an unfulfilled actress. ekaterina antonnu, i saw, i worked in the same organization where ekaterina antonovna worked, she worked as a very good mask worker, then this profession was very necessary for
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various children's events and for adult concerts. they performed before concerts, they always raised the tone of people who came to some good performance or some kind of holiday or children's christmas tree. they always worked, she was in good standing on the moscow stage, everyone knew her, ekaterina antonna was never a star, what does a star mean, she did not have a profession to become a star, that is, there was no such opportunity, she worked as a mass performer, well, at parties, let’s say, both school and new year’s and... in some parks, everything in general, but this profession, it was not very respected, well, among us, of course, but we were all snobs, and as for ira, she took it calmly, and most likely
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irina is her mother’s daughter, that says it all. according to family legend, on the eve of the birth of her daughter in the maternity hospital, ekaterina antonovna suddenly wanted to go to the window and saw. a shooting star, and irina petrovna told me that when my mother told her, when you were born, i saw a star literally in the sky, in the sky, i wished that you would be a star, then ekaterina antonovna mirashnichenko firmly decided that if her own creative destiny did not was a success, which means you need to make your beloved daughter famous, no matter what, at any cost, her mother taught this, that you don’t need any special friendship with anyone. kingfisher may let you down - new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. you don't decide
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hardworking, plus she heard the director, i haven’t seen her for a single second, so that she i wouldn’t want to admire where... irochka looms at the end of the corridor - it’s always a phenomenon, it’s a phenomenon. friends of irina mirashnichenko are still arguing: did she love her first husband, an influential and the famous playwright mikhail shatrov or just successfully used his connections? they lived for 12 years, but this is generally heroic on their part, great, well, completely different people, well, absolutely, well, nothing at all, i don’t understand why he divorced his first wife, because it seems to me that the first wife somehow it was more like this, well, you can’t, you can’t say, it’s suitable, it’s not suitable, it’s generally funny when they say, a woman
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suits a man, which means suitable, that means not very suitable, it means ira was very suitable, but they were very different, even the rememberer didn’t want it at the time, she’s such a beauty, she even went to the kobulok... she always went, so to speak, height, and he is short, plump, round, so, they somehow looked bad, so to speak, if if only he were not already such a famous, highly respected playwright, this prestige gave him this power, or something, as a woman likes. somehow they weren’t mounted at all, but she was with him for quite a long time that she was in love, so, outwardly, of course, they
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and i’m sure that he was for her, she was in love, but but i also know that she lived with him in friendship, in love, and he helped her a lot and in everything she could, she always spoke about him only in the best words. well, you see, looking at it from different angles, some bilious people can probably see this as a benefit for a young girl who has met a relative. marshak himself, naturally, the couple had access to the best houses in moscow in some of the most creative, of course, companies where the actress would shine, well, not just interesting, but simply necessary, because there was nothing more, well, no social events, parties, discos, bars, clubs, like now, where the director can see you at all...
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he was advised to change his last name, change two or two marshaks, and shatrov was the hero of one of his first plays, well, mikhail filippovich shatrov was a venerable playwright who wrote plays about lenin, which was especially prestigious in the soviet union, and accordingly, in return he received various benefits, the state gave him gifts. and
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a personal dacha, a luxurious apartment in the center of moscow, as well as a writer, he had the right to a personal housekeeper, who was also paid at the expense of the state, and of course, to live with such a person, influential, powerful, who could solve any problem with one call, it was quite prestigious, shatrov himself looked closely at young actresses, they say he sometimes visited to the studio hut school, where they studied... pretty students, tried to start a relationship with him with them, he was absolutely soviet, such a popular, soviet, significant playwright, i don’t know, it’s very difficult for me to say, but you know, at that time for a young woman to be married to a playwright of such rank as shatrov, it was very cool, as i understand it, he was just...
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let's say, not very good-looking, not very handsome, not very handsome, so to speak, there were such men around her, there moscow art theater, and he was like that, i think that i’m afraid to say, i’m afraid to offend, to offend somehow, well, i think there was some calculation in that to marry such a person, you know, to give yourself up completely to creativity again, not to think about working somewhere to earn something that...
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year, later became the first beauty of soviet cinema, of course, he couldn’t help but fall in love, a relationship broke out, at first he timidly courted her, somehow was afraid. maybe offend her, frighten her with my pressure, i don’t i know timid men in my life, i have never met a single one, and at tents he is even more famous, he is as happy as a bunch of grapes, so that only he can find someone some actress vamhat, timid, who said that he was timid, where did you get this recording from, none of this happened, everything was fine, he knew his worth, yesterday’s schoolgirl ended up in such... uh, some kind of bad situation, as far as god was concerned, in the late fifties, early sixties and years , and especially since these are not exactly bagems, they are all beginners and... artists and playwrights, met writers, playwrights,
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artists, for her it was a different world, she, of course, was impressed, shatrov began to invite her to the theater, she remembered this very clearly, so to speak , this event was fixed in her memory apparently, before that she didn’t go to the theater so often, so she started going to the theater with the tent, he didn’t start courting her right away, it wasn’t love at first sight, he approached her from afar. well, maybe, because she’s just a child, yes, yesterday’s schoolgirl, and he’s her eldest after all already some kind of adult man with experience of family life, he was married, and there was already a girl, a daughter, natasha, so he, so to speak, began to look after the young ira miroshnichenko, and irochka surprised him by the fact that she already knew everything perfectly well poetry, russian classics, on this they agreed and he began to carefully look after her, accompany her, invite her for walks, to a restaurant, but always
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with someone, never alone, never together, he was afraid of simply scaring off this tenth grader, he was afraid discover his specific male interest, for a very long time, very carefully, and he he himself admitted this, and irina petrovna, with enormous bright sadness, with such bright sadness, so joyful, here she is, she... remembers how he courted her, how she first went to a restaurant, expensive, but with a friend, but not together, how he gave her gifts, which she didn’t even think such things existed, but earrings, watches, that is, this is gigantic money, at first it began with just such a friendship, and even, as i understand it, he saved her virginity, he generally followed her, so to speak, this happens, by the way, from this, by the way, is why good marriages arise, that is, he sculpted her into a galatea like this, that’s roughly how it was with... with konchalovsky, by the way, she always said that this is the most correct path for a girl, by the way, when an adult, respectable , a famous man with
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platonic, but of course, loving feelings kind of overwhelms you, waters you like a strong flower in a garden, so you gradually blossom, blossom, including also as a serious person, what he builds consciousness in you, here that's pretty much what happened, but i think that mirochenko’s consciousness did not need to be particularly developed, he already had enough of it.
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made an offer to her daughter, she really liked him mikhail filippovich shatrov, with
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a separate apartment, a playwright, yes, now he is not very lucky, he is not published, but he is still a playwright, a writer, yes, who collaborates with the moscow art theater, with the main theater of the country , so ekaterina antonovna had bingo, that is, she told her, get out, get married, this is the best match you can ever have. what to think about here, mom, but he’s 10 years older than me, so what, well you’re not going to make soup from it, and irina petrovna, well, more than once admitted that she got married not out of passion, there couldn’t be any passion here yet, the young couple settled here in the famous house on the embankment, mikhail filipovich a prominent playwright by status, he was supposed to be a house worker and a driver, only mirashnichenko often recalled that at the beginning of her marriage.
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because she even fed him, his plays were not accepted by all of them, because there was another playwright then who wrote on this revolutionary lenin theme, nikolai pogodin, and shatrov was just starting out, and he was also in this niche, this is lenin and the revolution, he had a lot of plays, about this topic, they were in demand... since, in my opinion, in the early sixties, pogodin died, this is the kremlin chimes, pogodin ’s famous play, so to speak, the star of the tents has come, he wrote a lot, but he painted the table basically like a table, i say, i had the feeling that this couldn’t happen, she says that you are the opposite for me, the rhythm was so frantic, the rhythm went on and
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through cinema, and through enterprises, and performances.
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since childhood, she herself was such a thrifty, housewife, so she herself taught this housekeeper how to set the table, how to cook correctly, how to wipe the dust there, wash the floor, she herself showed all this, so that the housekeeper did everything correctly, irina petrovna, already from her youth , she was then only 18 years old, a young student, a young girl, already accustomed to living in the center, surrounded, that is, by houses in a luxurious apartment with a housekeeper, her husband, of course, had a personal car, but for the soviet union, few people have this now, but then only a few were content with it, so she became one of the few to whom all this became available. what else is needed for happiness? shatrov, like a goldfish, was ready to fulfill any desire of his
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young wife. and he welcomed in every possible way, you need to study. rehearse, i don’t have any complaints at all, come back late, but i ’ll cook it myself, you need to leave for filming, go, of course, i’ll help, i understand everything, and he never interfered with soups, cups, washing, etc. , that is, he i completely respected her and admired her, and irina petrovna, well, any woman needs this, but she, as an actress, needs it 10 times more, so... she always remembered with gratitude that i always went on tour, with a light heart , no one controlled me, yes misha, mishenka did not control me, misha was not jealous of me, and sometimes it was even strange. in 1961, irina entered the studio hut school. this was an incredible success; 2 years later she made her
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film debut, performing a cameo role in the lyrical comedy by georgy daneli yash. script, there you really go out, show up, leave, already be happy that you are busy in such a film, therefore, well, she was forgiven, she was forgiven, also because she was already the wife, already of mikhail satrov, and menshov
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was also a student, not in the same course, but... i want to tell you how he could have helped, he is the same student, that is, to defend, go to the rector to defend, i think that shatrov did it better. the actress received her diploma in 1965 and mirashnichenko was immediately accepted into amhat, where she would serve for more than half a century. my husband brought me he said to her by the hand: “my wife will work for you in mkhat.” well then mkhata was not the moscow art theater, because he was a respected person in amkhati, and most importantly, he wrote plays for. what are plays? this is the word, and the first word, everything else, so all the theaters. all all cinema is cinema, all cinema is chasing good scripts, good plays, yet the students of the mkhat studio school dreamed of later
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going to work in amkhat, well, how many of them were there for the course, well, 15 people, give or take, it’s clear that every year mkhat could not take 15 people, the corpse there was bloated, overcrowded, somewhere mirashnichenko said more than 300 people, although i very much doubt that this is so.
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languages, we will not say this, but one of the versions is that mikhail shatrov worked behind the fleet in amkhati. a year after entering amhat, the actress was offered the main role in
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a film; they were known only by sight. but there was one nuance: mira shnichenko became pregnant and faced a serious choice that would predetermine her entire life. give birth for a while , drop out of the profession or have abortions play a major role. well, the partisans, about them more they say, i wanted. i look at at least one, as you understand, the actress chose the main role. mikhail shatrov reacted with understanding to this choice of his wife. she herself said that in general, they lived well with him, respected each other, the only thing was that, of course, they both abandoned the child, and it was as if because of her he said, well, go work, because that moment when she was expecting a child, at that moment... they offered her the main role in a movie, auditions had already begun, but the actress was not there then, today the actress is after giving birth
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the next day comes out, at the same time there were diapers, diapers, boil everything, jars, bottles, gauze, so it was difficult to leave the child for some period of time even with a nanny, now all this is possible, now diapers from the first day and... that's it , come on, go ahead, actress, so now there’s like this baby boom among actors, among actresses, then, of course, it was a sacrifice, well, knowing shatrov, knowing ekaterina antonovna, knowing ira, most likely shatrov was not in this trio, and this is a conversation ekaterina antonovna and ira, maybe at ira’s there were some doubts that it was necessary to give birth, there were, they arose by chance, although she never. didn’t want this, then ekaterina antonovna completely refused, i think that by her character, by her attitude, to lose,
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to lose ira as some kind of life precedent, vitally important for herself, because all her life she dreamed of being actress, and you can imagine, she is ira’s shadow, so you probably think that i ’m talking well now about ekaterina antonovna, about their relationship with ira, in fact, i would not wish such a fate for myself, never, because this shadow, she swallowed her daughter.
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marries her accompanist, who was 25 years younger than her, his name is well known to tv viewers, yakov rosenker, it is he who will plague irina mirashnichenko with scandals for many years, and then declare war for the apartments, dachas and money of the actresses, you are crazy about your children , from diamonds, i was amazed how the war for irina miroshnichenko’s inheritance began, why her stepfather wanted to transfer the actress’s fortune to america. what really connected the dazzling blonde with oleg efremov and why the superstar tried to sew an immoral person on the screen? watch in a couple of minutes! a message came again from sairan’s kidnapper: this woman died, did someone take her phone? in any case, i will find him, we have no choice, our son was killed! an obscene video of sosumanhana has leaked onto the internet, now i see
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way, if someone encroached on her group of interests, and these are roles, money and men, in exactly that sequence, then this person would be destroyed, and if some... interesting woman came running close, she would also be destroyed , irina petrovna loved only men, this is a list of values ​​that she preserved all her life. fantastic blonde with greasy lips, olya marilyn munroe, you must admit, it was impossible not to notice such a woman, especially if you are a great director. she loved to come to the restaurant national hotel, drink coffee and cake. there she was, of course, people paid attention to her, the effect. lady, there she met andrei tarkovsky and andrei torkovsky invited her to play the role of mary magdalene in the film andrei rublev, they filmed this scene for a wildly long time, everything
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was frozen to hell, chenko was lying in the snow, well, in general, she got pneumonia, naturally, 40 takes, as she said, it was, well, 40 is not 40, but you take the picture, moreover, like this in the winter with practically no clothes. moreover, he forced her to be naked under this rags, so that, now, she could feel the texture of this rags, the textures of the body, just like that, so that everything would be true, so it was just wildly cold, but she almost gave in at the end, there really was serious pneumonia there, but thank god, it was branded. miroshnichenko starred in a small episode for torkovsky, but this was enough for her to be noticed by the director’s friend, andron konchalovsky, and uncle vanya invited her to his film, and even more so, konchalovsky wrote the script. andrei rublev, he, of course, drew attention to this an amazing woman, stylish, who at the royal looked like an aristocrat, she had a problem for the film uncle vanya, to find a lady of aristocratic appearance, because
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everyone was like a collective farmer peasant woman, whom he tried, here irina petrovna could look like an aristocrat, that's when she played in konchalovsky's film, uncle vanya, and she believes that this role is still her most important and... in her work, she is a beautiful actress, he is a fashionable, talented director. gossip spread across moscow about a passionate office romance on the set site. you know, here, now, one hundred percent, i kept remembering all the time whether there was an affair between them or not? in my opinion, yes, in my opinion, yes, because konchalovsky, as a rule, had affairs with his actresses on the set, he simply believed that this was necessary for creativity. either intrusive rumors, or huge.
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and earrings, when the draft horse actress has no time left for the writer’s husband, who has a lot of time, then unexpected surprises happen, irina petrovna found earrings, either nearby, or on the floor, with bed or where, she’s just petrovna, a really straight person, she asked him directly, misha, is this what, are you cheating on me, he avoided answering, but she noticed how he blushed, she later talked about it, he didn’t give a direct answer gave and didn’t admit to anything, well, by the way, this is the surest tactic, as men say, yes, never admit to anything, even if they pinned you against the wall, still these words, yes, i changed them, they shouldn’t perhaps, according to another version , the beautiful actress was already planning a new passionate romance, here the first husband was no longer in cash register. pancho: a smile is a merchant’s weapon,
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you need to learn it. to film the film, this sweet word is freedom, irina miroshnichenko used a trick and pulled off a whole special operation. director vytautos zlakevicius dismissed her candidacy immediately, what a platinum blonde in latin america. then irina petrovna dyed her hair radically black and caught the director’s assistant in the mosfilm corridor.
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admits that all her life she felt a sense
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of guilt due to the fact that she exchanged a quiet family haven for latin american passions, with we first met ilina petrovna at the funeral of mikhail filipovich shatrov, it was in the house of music, under tragic natural circumstances, then for the first time i saw not the actress irina mirashenko, but a person, which surprised me then, very surprised in human terms, that she was sincerely, she... was very sad, worried and never spoke about it, behind the scenes, when they were sitting in the hall, she said half-laughingly: “it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault, if i hadn’t left and didn’t committed the act that everyone knows about, and we mesha would be together, she loved him all her life, appreciated, respected and admired him, then an unexpected question arises. did the actress really love director zhelakevicius, or, as
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evil tongues say, did she just use her to promote her career, because irina petrovna herself did not hide that she hoped to turn zhelakevicius into an analogue of who director grigory alexandrov was in his time, for actress lyubov orlova, a faithful constant companion in life in cinema. this passion that arises between creators is then reflected in the form... when they see a director with a capital letter,
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a big personality like that, there’s mikhalkov, like komchalovsky, like menshov, or whatever. there wasn’t, i’m responsible for her, i know her now, well, there can be some kind of self-interest, yes, but she didn’t have it, but she was simply delighted, in love with the person, and this turned into a closer relationship, but they did not last long, latin american passions would continue to boil over in the soviet union, where everyone already
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knew everything, when the actress, director returned from the film expedition, good colleagues they will start writing denunciations against mirashnichenko. and for an affair with a foreigner and a riotous lifestyle, and nothing at all here. the romance was stormy between two unfree people. of course, a special poignancy is added when both this one and this one are not free, but sooner or later everything hidden, yes, comes out. naturally, there were people in the film crew who reported this to mosfilm and the hut theater. and what is it? this is good for the party meeting, he is lithuanian, he will go somewhere and sort it out for himself, but irochka petrovna was under threat altogether dismissals, who did it, who benefits from it, of course actresses, this is a great chance to throw off a beauty, a competitor,
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most likely they were workmates, older or younger, but that was it.
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she could have said: we are getting married, at the same time, i think she already understood that this was not exactly the person with whom she would definitely live her whole life, but zhelakevich turned out to be very difficult there, in general zhelakevich was a very strange person, when i i remember a great interview, they took it in the early nineties, i generally it seemed that he was a fool, a man with quirky countries, moreover, with... flights into aggression, and sometimes also unmotivated aggression, that is, he could get to the bottom of something incomprehensible when a person, who in this case was oppressed by him, i just didn’t understand what was happening, but this was carried away, carried away by him, this is like this, this is not even
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madness, this is this kind of consciousness, it was tough, after all, i’m not used to it, i’m used to it. to be in the variole of guardianship, what he did not give me, he did not give this guardianship, he demanded it from me, here, then, i should have turned into either a fan of his, an actress, a fan who dreams of acting with him, i thought that no, this is not my role, this is not my role, it didn’t last long, because my exalted husband, he’s a narcissist, a director. in general, it was very difficult for her to get along with such a person, irina would live with vetoutos zhalakevicius for only six months, get divorced again and throw herself into a real whirlpool of passions. love polygons, favorite actresses, which celebrities
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were ready to do anything for her, whom irina mirashnichenka herself could not share with the beauty anastasia bertinskaya, which she preferred to keep silent about. until our very last days, we’ll find out right after the ad, hello!
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let's take care of school worries, school sale on ozone. magic box pencil case for 199. xiaomi fitness bracelet for 2,399. chair bureaucrat for. 1699. having freed herself from her second husband, irina mirashnichenko did not remain alone for long; first she remembered her first love, classmate vsevolod abdulov. i think that there ira didn’t really love him, there sevka was in love, there it seems to me that ira allowed herself to be loved after all, she just allowed it, it was nice
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that seva looked at sevka’s face like that... such childish blue eyes, he looked at her with such an enthusiastic eye, it was always there, it was simply impossible to look at this couple without a smile. miroshnichenko’s relatives can already reveal this secret today. once upon a time, students ira and seva dreamed of getting married, but it didn’t work out. well, the children , they studied at school for 4 years. how old were they then? i already forgot, 20, probably 22, 24, yes, just like that. well, why did they want to get married, well then, then mom she said: everything is volod, but what does he have, and what can he give you? here are the tents, this, here, here is the influence of my mother, if it’s clear, i didn’t want to say this, but i thought you yourself would understand, now the experienced, adult irina herself understood this relationship without prospects and
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quickly lost interest in the old admirer. moreover, a gentleman has appeared on the horizon who is simply impossible to resist. shgorkhanyan and mirashnichenko filmed the film here, our house. and then, according to marina petrovna’s recollection, arman borisovich began to actively court her. one evening, after filming, he invited her to a restaurant. and he began to hint in every possible way that they should continue the evening somewhere in a different environment, for example, in a hotel where the entire film crew lived. irina petrovna said that she was even going to actually go to armen borisch, but at some point she changed her mind. armen dzhegorkhanyanyan was a very temperamental man, whom he did not court, it’s probably easier to say, this small list, as it were, which would fit, i don’t know, on
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some small piece of paper. this is correct, because such popularity as dzhigarkhanyan, a brutal armenian and educated, and a deep and chic interlocutor and a talented person in many ways, i think he could not help but fall in love with a blonde, not natural, but nevertheless blonde.
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then he really liked to look after famous people, he had such a fan, that ’s it, so everything, most likely, was normal here, because he said that everything would be fine, he just had dachenko with everyone, mikhail shatrov, vytautos zhalakavicius, armen zhegarkhan, men, of course, talented and famous, but irina miroshnichenko wanted more, then the actress set her sights on the main star. that time oleg efremov.
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a big, big hello to everyone, good evening, dear friends, good evening, valya carnival and yura kiselev are with you, and this is the first day of the white night music festival of st. petersburg, and it’s called, valya, help, yura, what are you doing, stars hype, yes, yes, today we have so many bloggers, artists and content makers gathered in one place that we can open a factory right here now by...
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it doesn’t seem like you don’t smile, but you believe in anyone, you believe in anyone, just like me, in the air all the time between you and me, between you and me, flying something, waiting for our meeting with you, like second season, i thought it was invisible, i thought wa, suddenly a friend is broken, like her and me, she and i, that’s it, girl,


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