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tv   Desant yest desant  NTV  August 4, 2024 3:40am-4:21am MSK

3:40 am
and hello, hello, oleg vidalyevich, hello, john, hello, hello, but something happened, everything is in order, good, the departure dates are being shifted, if possible, speed up the process, oleg vidalyevich, well, we have already decided, look, guys , how bees work, and not... we will try, we will try, what
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volume is needed? two cars, and that’s cool, what kind of expression, well, two cars, there is such a word, john, it’s necessary, good, you can trust, you can, a normal guy, damn it, what is it, don’t pick up the phone, yes, listen , maybe he... what is this a rendezvous for him? what do you mean? affair with the boss. and lariska? what about lariska? lariska, his son in egypt, he sent them, as expected, wow, so, lariska is a normal woman, why deceive? i beg you, a good livak strengthens a marriage, will you come in? i don’t know, shall we go and sit? yes, not me , let's go, i'll go, okay, what.
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one has entered the house, the second is heading towards the avenue, intercept him there. well, i got a job, it’s fine, but what is this, instead of a greeting or something, but clearly, no, tomorrow you’ll go until one in the morning, they have a reception at night, yes, light and dinner, well, yes.
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go to bed, i’ll go to bed here, i still have three hours to sit, honey, what are you talking about, okay, i’ll stop, andrei, don’t bother me, i’m busy, you know, this shitty politics gets on your brain, but not like in the library, hello, pop, well, i've been somewhere all day, it's impossible to get through, but it's clear, andrey, don't bother, don't bother, i'm talking, i'm not talking to you, yeah, listen, let's meet tomorrow right in the morning, let's go to work, i'll go for you, come on, all lights out, i'm here. i will,
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kolya, you did everything, well done, you’ll write me out me, no, work. work, no one works at night? but listen, here you need to sign, thank you, i won’t, sign, tomorrow, i don’t work at night and don’t sign, but listen, this is very necessary.
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seconds, all the money, money, businessmen, damn you, why do you need so much money, and you’ll buy all sorts of shit, yarty-smarty, but to sit down with a person, have a drink, i have to go, i’ll take the key, okay, take it, idiot, i... have a spare one, this is it,
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well, it’s late, i know, work, i’ll be there in 20 minutes, well, yes, work, you know. that's it, kiss you. i completely lost faith or something, you know how much
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it will cost you, such things are at double the rate, my girl, you won’t cost me anything, where, where, aren’t you going to pay at all, or what? okay, well , it was good, oh,
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with you.
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you freak will pay, i will. oh yeah! hello, hello, hello, the paratrooper
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is standing near the office, waiting for someone, got it, let’s continue monitoring. you can go ahead, come in, it has begun, stanislav valerievich, an attempt has just been made on akhmet’s life. where and how did they take someone? unfortunately, we didn't have time. what's wrong with akhmet? akhmet is alive, his secretary and one woman were killed. gulnara. yes. how do you know? mokhov? no, these are not his people. how do you know whose people these are? we are monitoring all the security structures of mokhov, now they are headed by a certain shabalin, the best of them. these are not his guys. but he could hire anyone. it is not so easy now to find professionals in the city capable of such an assassination attempt. you can count them on your fingers, and we control almost everyone, who is running the business?
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vlasov, my partner, is in charge, but it’s great, keep everything under control, but let them gnaw each other, we will take them lukewarm, which is what we are looking for, the answer is wrong, stanislavich, this is a matter of several hours, maybe even minutes. hello, hello, are you waiting for sergei, well, like yes, oh, here he is, okay, great, great, hello, great, brother, great, hello, yes, let's go.
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vias entered the office, we are sitting, waiting, andrey, a reliable man, an excellent athlete, several years of coaching, in addition, good morning, he served in the airborne forces, uh-huh, uh-huh, he took part in hostilities, so i i think we can’t find a better security chief, he was born in siberia, graduated from a technical school, got a job here as a coach, that’s all, andrey, please close the door, but what can you tell about yourself, what should i tell you, i told you everything, okay, i i think that you are suitable for us, sergey, please show andrey our office, and let him slowly get used to it, okay. let's go, come on, sergey, show me your office,
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good morning, boss, where are we going, i might not feel well, you've caught a cold, we're going. i thought that you thought i was in prison, it’s boring there, well, like work, but a new business, what a business, yes? okay, don’t be too poor, well, let’s go, where, where, to your dacha, i
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can’t, i have work, don’t you want to go with me, show me the way. give me your flash drive, yeah, where did you get it from, from the colonel’s daughter, the colonel didn’t have a daughter, yeah, i thought so too, let’s open it and see at the same time, yes, the problem is that we can’t open it, but don’t worry, i’ll open it, but what it ’s like that, it’s okay, sit down, please don’t bother me, yeah, right, it’s protected from copying,
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it’s okay, i’ll copy you, it was a professional, it’s going to take a long time, i told you, it takes time, come on. well, why are you sitting, get out? what's going on? why are we here? what, what's going on? personally, i came to get some fresh air; you see, i haven’t breathed for a long time, although you don’t understand this, what do you need? don’t languish, don’t keep your guest in the cold, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on! please, go ahead, copy it, i copied it, but i can’t open the files. it's still about an hour long, nothing will work out, and where are my 17 years old, oh, i see you 've already gotten used to it, sergey, i need you, you
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've been stuck here for a long time, but no, we're already finishing up, ok, then i'll wait for you in my office, ok. that everything, andryukha, is not working out today, come back tomorrow, okay, you are what i need today, but i have work to do, fuck you, what are you, andryukha, nothing is happening to you, priest, i don’t recognize you at all, i fucked up the whole office, found a hole for you, and now i don’t give a shit about everyone, about my friends, yes, about my wife, about my child, right? go fuck yourself with something else, listen, shut up, oops, you ’ve forgotten how to hit, where do you work, you’re buzzing,
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it’s somehow uncomfortable here, how do you live here, i don’t live. this is a dacha, i have an apartment in the city, you know, i know, mokhov paid you so much money, he would have finished the repairs long ago, but what kind of repairs, that’s enough for me, help yourself, you have a rope, what is it for, oh, here is a rope, if you need it. come on, if you're hiding, please stay, i 'll give you the keys, you'll spend the night, why should i hide from someone, let them run away from me, put their little hands in the loop, why, i don't want, he doesn't want, come on, it's not for you institute, here
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you need to listen to the teacher carefully, otherwise you might get a bad mark for the last time... serge, don’t, what, what don’t, what don’t, mish, how do you live, i look fun, in different ways, mish, forgive me, what can i forgive, somehow everything turned out stupid, listen, tell me , you... no, i don’t think so, i just asked, light, something happened.
4:00 am
hello, hi, it's me, listen, i'm being herded, who knows, it's not even encrypted, yes, what, yes, i have. no, i didn’t open it, come on, where? where is it? all. got it, yes, got it, okay, go ahead, bye. this is
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the first one, a transcript of the last three conversations. i have already sent the phone number. what will i be in 5, 10? nothing is it will turn out, we are different people, i’m different, you hear, i’m different, yes, this is not your circle, but that’s my circle, you, the light, well, calm down, i understand, everything is like an eclipse, everything will pass. true, true,
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and that’s all you saw, yes, they already asked me, yeah, but now i’m asking you, describe those who shot, men, like men, such simple faces, and where were you when the shooting happened? was here, uh-huh, thank you,
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and you know, i couldn’t imagine that my best friend, a botanist, would behave like a pioneer hero, you know, i even i admire you, really, i don’t know, i don’t know anything, let me go, where, who needs you? “you don’t have a wife, you don’t have children, you also lost your parents, you don’t work with mokhov, well, you said so, it’s true, when you
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were imprisoned, mokhov closed the case, fired everyone and me, gave compensation money, i don’t know anything , maybe you remember the first game, he would not have left you alive, he would have removed you as a witness, but mokhov is not a fool, he knows that everyone is tied up, that you would have been the first to me, if anything, who is doing now, i i don't know, but where is it made, where has the production been moved, who is on security, what is the structure? “i don’t know, i didn’t do anything bad to you, i don’t know, let me go, you’re a good person, but boring
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and uninteresting.” i couldn’t open it, very good, very good, chalkin, you lead them, great, i ’ll send my people now, take the paratrooper, he has a flash drive, get me this flash drive at any cost. well, vesnin,
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let's get this out." now, why are you smiling, bring vadim, give him so good, so calm down, huh? "give me my hat, it's cold, give me my hat, yeah, a hat for you, well, let's take everything out of your pocket, that's clear, yeah, give it here, oh, here's the fez, great,
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fuck you, what are you doing? well, let's continue, i'll say, i'll say, i'll say, na light a cigarette, come on. well done,
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well, you’re not some kind of masochist or even a hero, hmm, why are you torturing me so much, but say something, factory, somewhere in the center, address, on my business card in my jacket, director , director. he’s a pawn, he doesn’t decide anything, he sits at home, drinks vodka, signs, don’t worry so much, where is the factory, where are they making suryo, legal drugs, and then taking them to laboratory, where the laboratory is, where, somewhere
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in the forest. i don’t know, they took me in a car, i helped build, the activation of the drug takes place there, the packaging of the finished product takes place, you can’t smoke here, you can’t smoke, everything is in order, the factories, the drug are transported on... trucks, you can trace it, mokhov, well done, trucks i like you, well, i told you everything, i didn’t do anything bad to you, well, i don’t know anything else, it hurts me a lot, let
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me go, i’ll let you go. soon. damn, i hate these stubborn paratroopers, they have their own code of honor, they are all about exploits pulls, well, that means there’s no flash drive, there’s no flash drive, she’s at the bottom of the channel, it’s for the better, there’s no flash drive, no information, no problems, all that’s left
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is to find the girl, yeah, you find me. find it, and then we’ll decide whether it’s for better or for worse, although if there’s no flash drive, it’s actually easier for us, i hope. this hero is dead, he was shot at, hit, fell into a canal, fell, and his body was found? stanislav valerievich didn’t even look, we need to find it, we went to the people, let them check, if, of course, the bay had not been carried away, okay, the most the main task now, girl, act, yes, stanislav valerievich, what else, this policeman bekhtarev is waiting for you there. and who is it? well, bekhterev, who detained a girl from snigerev in the subway? yes, call him. listen.
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so what about me? i have no idea. is something bothering you? no, are you upset because of your friend? i was upset, of course. you know, seryozha, you
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need to change your circle of friends. your friends stand still, but you move forward, and if you want to keep going, then you need to choose. well, sergeant, that means you you say his last name is snegerev, that’s right, but why did you let them go, and they basically didn’t do anything, well, if you had known , sergeant, what they did, your heart would have stopped in horror, it’s your fault, well it’s clear that i’m guilty, you better tell me this. in the conversation , did anything interesting come up, maybe some names of streets, districts, maybe they remembered friends, relatives, this igor, his mother is sick in the hospital, he
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became friends with the doctor, yeah, petrovich’s name is pavel petrovich, yes, from which hospital? somewhere in the north, in the north of the city, yes. how are your parents, are they healthy, my? well, yes , well, yes, well, that's it, free, go, go, go, yeah, sergeant, oh, lost, guilty. well, that’s all, nice, tomorrow you’ll find this pavel petrovich fell petrovich, that you’re tired
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today, you want a drink, but i won’t refuse, that’s good. mongol, as always, you are in your repertoire, just like you. well, count three? yeah, okay, i was joking. oh, what are you doing here? are you supposed to be in jail? well, you know, it’s uncomfortable there, and the audience is not very well-mannered. yes. would like to spend the night, but let's go, let's not shine, you know, i
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thought a lot about our work and realized that our task is not to eradicate anyone or anything, because... they will be replaced by others, exactly the same, and maybe even worse , but you and i don’t... we’ll know where they are and how to look for them. our task is to regulate the process, manage it and prevent amateur actions. and note, we act in the interests of the stability of our lives and we glorify the state. we must create. a certain balance in which it will be convenient for everyone to live, and
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ordinary citizens, businessmen, famous for being an attacker, yes, yes, only then will there be disglas in our state, stanislav valerievich, honestly, i am very glad that i am working with you, blessed man, pour me,
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i hope this is true, that’s how it is, yes, listen, well, where are you now, well, how about i go to the gym and spend the night there, yeah, now they’re unlikely to look for me, i’m generally dead to them, well, let’s go, i’ll give you a ride, and at the same time i’ll see what kind of gym you have there, yeah let's go, what's normal for me? i equipped everything there, you can live there, come on, come on, relax, slavin, just find me this girl, my heart feels, while she is free, there will be no peace, so what, we are not enough for you, this is about another, bad,
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girl, and you are good with us, grandfather, how much longer, work, work. hello ivanovich, hello vitya, what winds happened to us? there is a conversation, but let's go, let's talk, hello! come on, come on, come on in, sergeant, come on in,
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why are you standing there, sit down. sit down, will you have some tea? no, thanks. okay, tell me, authorities, what did you come with? if only i could find one, sergey ivanovich. masha, what's the matter? there was no order to rest, in my opinion, mm, ha.


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