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tv   Desant yest desant  NTV  August 4, 2024 4:20am-5:10am MSK

4:20 am
well, come in, sergeant, come in, why are you standing there, sit down, sit down, you'll have some tea, no, thank you, okay. tell the authorities what you came with? find, sergei ivanovich, masha, what’s the matter, there was no order to rest, in my opinion,
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“that’s the same problem, what should i do, sergei ivanovich, he’s following me, i know, not in sleep, not in spirit, she it’s still a child, but they’ve lived for her, it’s not easy for her either, her father is at war, her mother is gone, i’m the only one with her now, and of course she’s bored here, but again , the blood is young.” plays, but you have to explain somehow, you’re a reasonable man, child sergei, well, maybe you can explain, yes, i can’t, it doesn’t work out, i leave her, i don’t talk , she gets offended, it makes her even worse, talk to her or something, well, say that i’m an adult, and she’s still a girl, and i don’t have any of these feelings for her. and it can’t be,
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you’ll talk, sergeant, but you didn’t come to me with this, sergeant, yes, not with this, that is , not only with this, well, talk, well, grandfather sergei, have you seen anyone suspicious in the forest? you are the most experienced, old fighter in our area, and i was a fighter for a long time, sergeant, now what am i fighter, oh well, after all , there are no exes in your office, i know, well, don’t talk too much about this, but i don’t care, i just know from my service, and none of the villagers are in the same spirit, yes...
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how sometimes you want, back in action, years, now i’m just teaching my granddaughter, that’s all my special training, well, something about suspicious people, but are you looking for someone who escaped from prison here, well, from the cold? very dangerous, uh-huh, a whole gang, they cut up the convoy, went into the forest, uh-huh, according to all the data, in our area, i didn’t see anyone, if i had seen it, i would have reported it, and also, they went out into the area, so they killed one old man, a thief in law, and he, as it turned out, was the holder of the common fund, now the thieves have announced a hunt for them, so let us know.
4:24 am
anyone can do it, well, thank you for saying, warned means protected, okay. hello, igor, oh, mash, good morning, uh-huh, ah...
4:25 am
owner, pavel petrovich is already at the hospital, i ’m going there soon too, in general, you, you stay at home and don’t go anywhere. before i arrive, you know, yes, what, what’s so funny, thank you, okay, that’s it, i’m off, yeah, you, yes, i, yes, igor, wait, but this vesnin of yours or vesnin yes, andrei vesnin, he’s generally like a reliable person, i mean, well, i gave him the flash drive, there’s no need to worry about the flash drive at all, i’ve known andryukha for a thousand years, he’s mine friend,
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so don’t even think about it, that’s it, i ran, come on, good luck to you. i woke up, no, i was sleeping, i dreamed of some
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scoundrel with a gun, if one of us is a scoundrel, it’s not me. come on, wake up, tell me what you need, oh, you’re being kind of rude today, or are we no longer comrades, we’re comrades in our work, the fewer comrades, the better, you see, comrades have a very harmful influence on the production process, oh, i don’t know, but i wanted to offer you a worthwhile business, to become partners, don’t be funny, yours...
4:28 am
my glasses were somewhere here, oh , thank you, go, wash, tell me later, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you need to, you need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings in order to stay clean, but somewhere around you, yeah, so. doctor, tell me, snegireva is your patient, and irina vanovna, yes, this is my patient, so what? oh, great, this guy comes to her, but this is her son, he came to us a couple of times, so what? it’s clear, we really
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need him, he’s not at home, so if you have any information, please let us know, but for now this man is on guard. at his mother’s room, and you have sanctions, doctor, believe me, we have everything, that means,
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but i don’t smoke, quickly leave, everything is fine with your mother, they came for you, who? i say, get out of here, think about where to go, they can figure you out, call me on the telephone as soon as i can, okay, it’s better there. okay, that's it, have a nice time, oh, and everything is still the same for you, great! body, healthy spirit, i can’t understand where you spend all your money, for milk
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or something, you know, i’m against gluttony, i know you live by the commandments, you don’t commit adultery, you don’t envy, you don’t steal, yeah, that’s absolutely right, that’s it , what is written there next, i try to follow, yeah, and do you also remember about non-killing? but i don’t kill people, i kill animals that cannot be called people, you can evaluate this as a sacrifice, but then i’m not a christian, but there are a lot of smart and useful things in the bible, and i take everything i need from everywhere, and what you there about the sacrifices, everything is fine, but what? there is an interest, there is, you know, there are so many animals,
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it’s impossible to walk the streets, can you help me, what exactly, you understand, there is one guy who needs to be punished, he betrayed me, serge, you and i have known each other for many years, i know everything your problems. but even for an old acquaintance i won’t do anything for free, mongol, all the money in the world will be ours, no, i didn’t see any of these there, that’s right, you looked carefully, yes, that’s right, i didn’t see any of those there, who are you saw, i'm sorry, can i go, did you remember something? no, well , i’ll go, you remembered something, valichka, can
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i go, go, thank you, listen, this akhmed, he was a bandit, everyone knew about it, he had servants, he had security, you know how disgusting it was and it’s scary, scary, sit down, boy, i see that you know something, but for some reason you’re silent, so you say. i saw what, what did you see? i was in the stake behind the reception, and he, and he came out, began to look out the window where he went out, valechka, say, this is very important, igor, maybe you are after all tell me what’s going on, the doctors are herding, if he’s being herded, then the apartment can be searched, damn, where are we going, i have one idea.
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for seriously ill patients and sign up again for discharge, yes for this date, yes doctor, also below for the last one, tell me doctor, snegerev did not appear, no, did not appear, exactly, absolutely, yes, that’s it, thank you, i’ll be there now i'll come. listen, if he calls or somehow shows up by chance, then tell him that his mother needs his presence. you know, as a doctor, i know better than you when does his mother need and what does his mother need? just pass it on. yes, by the way, you no longer need to go into snegereva’s tent, our doctor will be on duty there. i will complain. don't you complain. you are a military man, you understand everything perfectly, and we know everything about you. set up a guard and be on duty around the clock, clearly, we’ll do it, and you
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remember makarov, a chemist, well, of course i remember, how could i not remember, he was making new drugs for mokhov, when i was imprisoned, mokhov curtailed all production and killed his own dacha, poor, poor chemist. i knew so much, it’s a pity him, well, actually he knew what games he was playing, the bastard of the mosses, that’s not the word. who is he, hello, anton, bekhterev, who is this, this is a snowball,
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if you remember, we spent the night in your department once? yeah, listen, here’s the thing, in general, we need to meet, urgently, what, meet, where, i’ll be, that’s it, we’ve agreed, well, we’ll meet in an hour, you think he can be trusted, but we have a choice.
4:37 am
stand, stand, what issue are you talking about? serge, so unexpectedly, i didn’t even recognize it right away, it’s very
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nice, but it doesn’t please you at all. "i would ask, you can ask me for anything whatever, the most important thing is that you do what i ask you, serge, circumstances have changed, yes, and for the worse for you, listen, serge, you break into my office, as far as i understand, you threaten me, but this is not the nineties years, now all issues are resolved. differently, i wonder who this freak is who decided that now everything is decided differently,
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you know, are you right? the years are not the nineties, these are the same people that i did bad to you, nothing, i would kill you, but you are very dear to me, damn, it’s so cold, where is he, he should already be, yeah, exactly here, yes here, here, exactly here, stop! hands, hands, slowly, calmly, without sudden movements, what are you doing, sergeant, calmly, without sudden movements, sergeant, we are not guilty of anything, you were deceived, the investigator will figure out who deceived whom, there will be no investigator if we now they will take us, they will simply kill us, and those people who
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told us to take us will sell drugs and kill other people, i said to follow. you had to take the safety off, sergeant, the car is where, where you live, it’s not necessary, it will be worse for you, the address is at astronauts, first you have to give me all your cash, but what about me? there is nothing, but don’t be too humble, then all your points, but at retail, there are also your own. people are their own masters, and i just have a contractual relationship with them, what kind of a janitor are you, but you can’t live without an owner, no, i don’t understand why you
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can’t work like me, well, you know what a difficult business this is, who said that it will be easy, don't move. it’s uncomfortable here, it’s not good, talking to the coach, what can i figure out, it’s too far away, there’s a lot of interference, what does it mean to be far away, they couldn’t come closer, they couldn’t come closer, they specifically choose such a place, everything is visible, people also accept it. countermeasures, countermeasures, i don’t care about countermeasures, i need information, continue observing, how can this be, you’ve never screwed up, sometimes you brought money, you brought money,
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you brought money, but you didn’t do the job, ahmed is alive, oleg, but nowhere he won’t get away, you know me, i’m responsible for my words, i need to stimulate the guys, so come on. oleg, this guy doesn’t owe me anything, you wanted to tell me something, sorry, thank you, when will you decide with akhmet?
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the last one, yes, i’m listening to you, i’m suggesting . damn, mitya, i have a request for you, i think you should go with me, somewhere else, the last operation, if it goes well, will allow you and your guys to buy houses somewhere, be maybe live in spain. forever and ever with their families until the end of their days, what kind of operation is this? just accompanying cargo, mi, i have problems, i need to disappear, i have something to leave this country with, i’m not interested here, let’s share, maybe we’ll find a common language, well, not here, okay, let's have dinner, let's have dinner. they all leave.
4:44 am
hello, yes, pavel petrovich, listen igor, they are looking for you and in general everything is very very serious, they transferred your mother to a separate ward and are not letting anyone in, but what can i do, i have two operations today, i can’t leave patients, okay, igor, tell me what to do, what to do, well, doctor, did you get through to whom? thank you, okay, play the fool, you have an operation today, so go, work, fulfill the oath of whoever it is, the hippocratic oath, yes,
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march, everything is changing, i mean, they have my mother, i need to go to the hospital, they are in her room, she is after surgery. what to do now? i don’t know, i don’t know what to do, are you with me, are you still asking? listen, sergeant, do you have a mother? yes, i have a mother, you understand that some scum can kill her, right now, you understand this, sergeant, that they can kill her right now, quietly, quietly, leave him. what kind of place is it?
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what place? what kind of place is this, i ask. well, a good place, at least better than your hole. golperin, there’s one thing i can’t understand, you’re a rich man, what do you have? was the office in such a hole? it's not a hole, it's a normal office. this is my first office, i started there once. and then i never liked extra pumps. the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall. he liked to show off the carpenters, show off, so he showed off, don’t be so gloomy, the carpenters died a rich, happy, drunk man, why did you burn down my office, it was in your way, your hole with its unsanitary appearance disfigured our beautiful city, is it really not clear , they're going, so what? do you think we can handle it,
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we have to try, we have to, especially since we have that money is not the main thing in life, that’s how it is, my previous experience says the opposite, i’m asking you for the last time, sergeant, are you with us or not, i’m a guy, i have no right with you. go, i took the oath, by the way, it’s a pity that it’s a pity that i took the oath, no, that you won’t go, wave, give me the gun, the gun, and get out of the car.
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ask, sergeant, we’ll figure it out somehow, let’s go.
4:49 am
no, you’re far away, i see you’re completely disconnected from the people, that you’re eating alone in a restaurant, what are you talking about, mitya, what kind of people, what do you mean, people are people united by one the idea for which they work, live, create. on which children are raised, they strive to implement it, there used to be such an idea, you remember, yes, yes, of course, but now, where is this idea, there is nothing to unite, everyone is rummaging around in their own cell between sleep and feeding, yes, and you you say, he broke away, i would never have broken away if he had been,
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you’re probably right, not probably, for sure, how did you live before? but there is little money, but it’s interesting, you lived in the thick of things, you commanded production, you created, i’m not afraid of it words, and now there’s more money, there’s no point, and what about you, what do you have, this smudge? i have no respect for the so-called people, as you say, either, it’s disgusting sometimes, where did everything go, what are we doing now, unless we have a choice, no, i give my guys, i give them the opportunity to live normally,
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but it's disgusting. okay, mitya, i have something to do, what are you going to do today? yes, i’ll eat it, and then i’ll go home, to my wife’s side. okay, relax, we decided everything, of course, of course, yes. here.
4:52 am
mr. sobolev, nightclubs, mr. murzin, street retail, overentsev, wholesale markets, and finally vishnevsky, work with young people, that it was impossible to meet in a more cultural place, it’s impossible, they’re watching me, what’s quiet now, gentlemen, don’t worry, i asked the gentleman to gather you right here, look at...
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first, i’ll kill you all,
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well, the field is cleared, you can. well, who am i telling this to now, and galperin? yes, here i am, i should organize some kind of celebration, or what? do you organize it yourself, masters, quietly, young people? where are you going? oh hello we don’t need you, can you tell me, we are looking for pavel petrovich, a doctor, where is he? the doctors? and on what issue? and we are his friends, he is waiting for us. we have a surprise for him. well, he
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had a complicated operation today, he’s resting in the resident’s room. great, thanks, just a couple of minutes. young people, young people, put on shoe covers, shoe covers. yes, yes, we have it with us, thank you. but i see, i see, i see, work is in full swing, there is some news, there are some hints, the mongol has been in the city for a long time, where does the information come from?
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and serge, do you think serge called the mongol, to intimidate mokhov? no, serge was in prison at that time, so akhmet called him, but serge will look for the mongol, because he is his debtor. i understand,
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so what? they destroyed golperin's office, all the security was killed, that's them, the mongol, no one else could work so brazenly and professionally, yeah, well, that's great, the task is clear, you'll find the mongol, you'll find serge, and what about the girl, yeah, with the girl everything is simple, my people are on duty at the hospital with snegerev’s mother, yeah. they intimidated the attending doctor into leaving connection with snegirev, and now, i am sure, he will be in the hospital, and there my people will take him, and he will give us the girl, you can work whenever you want,
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listen, doctor, well, i understand that you need hospitals, but it’s just that circumstances are such that we have to get you out of harm’s way, i have a car downstairs. igor, i ’m not the only doctor here, that’s firstly, and secondly, i ’ve already done all the main operations for today, so stop splitting hairs, we’ll act together, only mine, i understand, i don’t want to kill anyone, i’m all i understand, that’s right, there’s security in the corridor, i’ll take myself. hey, he came, he’s there, well, sit quickly, he’ll leave,
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if only he wasn’t there, it seems, although i really wanted to, oh, sorry, there’s a game here. mom, mommy, mom, son, hurry up, now, now, now everything will be fine, everything will be fine.
5:00 am
alive, where they are, there, come on, let's go, come on, calm down. they are inside there, they will quickly leave now, quickly follow me.
5:01 am
denis aleksandrovich, stop being angry, in my opinion, we are doing one thing, one thing, one thing. so listen, denis alexandrovich, i brought you something here. hm,
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well, i recognize mogov, but who is this? this is a certain radimin, dmitry radimin, an old friend of mokhov. yeah. they worked together back in komsomol, he was responsible for sporting events, was imprisoned for theft, was released, and is now listed as the administrator of the factory stadium. the plant collapsed, but the stadium remained. coach, what? the administration of the hotel said something about the coach. just before the assassination attempt on akhmet there was a phone call. the caller introduced himself. coach, so you have to take it, well, from me, like he’s a radimin, he didn’t go through my business, hmm, strange, sorry, yes, don’t miss him, you idiots, yes, igoruk, where are we going, mom,
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just don’t worry. he said that it’s already possible to pick you up, so we’re picking you up, but i don’t understand why at night, i ’ll explain everything to you later, let’s hurry up, quickly, we’re already being pursued, forward, around the corner, let’s hurry up, i’ll detain them, guys , what's the matter, i'm a doctor, quickly keep up. that's great, let's sit down and go.
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“just don’t worry, everything will be fine, it’s okay, mom, everything is fine, we’ll come home now, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, don’t worry, come here, follow me, i ’ll detain them, come here, where you are, stop, take your mother, here, come, stop! damn, igor, what's going on, where are we going?
5:05 am
daman, yes, a game, sorry. yes, good afternoon, hello, dmitry petrovich radimin, yes, he is the one with whom i have, vlasov, denis sanych, senior investigator
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of the city prosecutor's office, you allow, yes, of course, than i am obliged. “yes, i didn’t want to invite you to my place, but what happened, i once trained with you here, but you were in the boxing section, you trained in our structure, uh-huh, i don’t remember you, well, yes, how much water has flown under the bridge?" the point is, dmitry petrovich, there is a gang of former athletes operating in the city, one, just one. in the nineties there were dozens of them, the new government treated the athletes, paskotsky, threw
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healthy, young guys out of life, and veterans , did not react in the best way, yes, but the time has changed now, it’s not the nineties , but what should we do with those who ended up in the nineties, who were in prison, who are no longer alive, but it was all due to stupidity, due to youth, let’s not. we will, these guys of yours robbed, killed and hurt for nothing innocent people, if they sat down, then they sat down to do something, but i came to tell you. not about the past, but about the present, there is a gang operating in the city, and it is led by a certain trainer, have you heard anything about him? no, yeah, i haven’t heard, but
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leave your business card, we’re not friends with the bandits, so if i find out anything, don’t call the idiot, yeah, what do they say? well, i don’t have a business card, but i’ll leave you the phone number, but by the way, if you call, yeah, sorry to bother you, all the best. write, write,
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paper will endure anything. yes, guys, we're in trouble, so what should we do? shall we?
5:10 am
but there is one clue, on flash drives that someone, okay, i’ll go to work, where are you going? and saffron milk caps, come on.


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