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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  August 5, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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damn, it seems like the rear tire is flat, go and look, it’s normal. hey, stop! wait, here you are, bastards, huh? well, simagin,
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why was he killed? circumstances? he guessed everything. where is egorov now? he cashed out the shareholders' money. i think he's on his way to finland now. kir, yes, organize a photo of egorov and urgently pass it on to the garans. understood. please. good afternoon. sorry, but you'll have to be a little late. what's the matter? nothing, just a formality. call the elder. hello, citizen egorov. welcome back. documentation. oh, you're not anymore
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egorov, take a seat, yes, oh, georgich, we have news, well, let's go, i'll show you, let's go, let's go, i took the plumbers to the basement to change the pipe, well, i look, and there, what's the glory, your sergeant is completely and truly not a sergeant, yes, i'm sorry, but a sergeant, comrade lieutenant, this is not a nickname, this is a rank, hello.
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boy, well, pikibana, oh, i congratulate you, thank you, but well, what, with what? valya, can i see you for a minute? well, how? now, just a second. yeah. varvara, congratulations, our beauty, health, happiness and love. a million money to the sky and
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a rich groom, just like me, thank you, but with what, happy birthday, with what, did you invite yourself? i said, come, you don’t need gifts, just sit, it’s a good joke, but i didn’t call, and my birthday is in 3 months, i didn’t understand, wait, you’re telling me yourself, so lar.
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hurray, hi, hi! okay, why are you looking at me like that, come here, come, well, who invited everyone to my birthday, boys, i was joking, but you can do it with mine, but you can do it with mine, who cares, but you can do it with mine, mine?
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yes, oh, most importantly, congratulations on my happy birthday, go, don’t detain everyone, yes, throw it in, beware, that means, having noticed the first signs of a fire, you called, yeah, okay, the whole apartment,
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hello, hello, what will you please your colleagues, and what are you, georgievich, that’s all today together, like timurov’s team, cherdyntsev called and said, probably a terrorist attack, but what kind of terrorist attack, there was a gas explosion, where? talk to them without delay, okay, yeah, okay, come on, listen, look, everything is burnt out, and, yes, if it weren’t for the concrete floors, everything would have sunk lower floor, look, there was probably something hanging here, definitely hanging, no longer hanging, report
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tomorrow, okay, yes. stepan petrovich lived well, well, he was not in poverty, not in modern times, he was an artist based on old paintings, that is, a restorer, so, here, you know, he worked in a russian museum, i was visiting him once, just like the paintings on the walls ended up in the museum, my collection says, but how... he wasn’t afraid to let him in, because the collection is expensive and dangerous, and he only let in his very, very close friends, and who exactly, well who, me, valentina fedorovna from the ninth, valentina fedorovna, how can we find her, we knocked on the ninth, no one opened it for us, valentina fedorovna is in this sanatorium,
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somewhere near sestroretsk, for two weeks now, and where exactly, here i don’t know where exactly, yeah, but this is tolik, ask tolik. and tolik, who is this? tolik is the son of valentina fedorovna. previously, he and his mother lived together, but now tolik bought an apartment somewhere on the outskirts. yes. just ask him, we’ll definitely ask him, no one else has ever visited him, yes, yes no, unfortunately, here is our neighbor, eduard, and you didn’t see anything, i didn’t see anything, thank you very much, bababi babam, i apologize, i’m terribly late for the concert, sorry for god’s sake, you see, i met you in the yard. .. the gas worker, when i was walking with the dog, but i ’m waiting for the plumber, you know, and
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he asks me, please tell me, which apartment are you from, from the ninth, i say, no, i’m from the fifth, so you also have a leak gas, i say, no, i have a water leak, sorry, i 'm late, well, is there anything, nothing? new, confusion like... this is with where the government worker who was injured in the explosion was going, the neighbor says that he was on call in the ninth apartment, in fact the explosion occurred in the tenth, maybe he is confusing something, there are no neighbors in the ninth, and i haven’t been there for 2 weeks, who lives there, some old lady lives there, but she’s now in a sanatorium, it turns out that there shouldn’t be a gas leak in the ninth apartment, listen, my neighbor told me that my grandfather had paintings on his walls, hanged, but there’s nothing left of them, maybe it’s murder with the robbery, yeah, okay, that's all for today, let's go. hello
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, to be honest, i was waiting for you, very interesting, and for what? varya, yes, i wanted to apologize for yesterday, it somehow turned out stupid, forgive me, listen, kira, it was really your birthday yesterday, really, okay. you can consider my forgiveness my first gift, take the second one in the glove compartment. encyclopedia of etiquette, a thousand tips for every day, cool! thank you, it will be my reference book, i promise, you are my flower, do you water it? i’m watering, oh, kir, how can i be offended by you? okay, invite everyone to the carnation tonight, we’ll celebrate your birthday, wow, thank you, cool, listen, in general! so, this is the version, a murder over a painting, we will develop it, if the paintings are valuable, then
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the museums probably know about them, if we go to the museum, hello, comrades, wait, congratulate me, wait, go to the museum, find out more details about them, okay, what kind of paintings are they, who do they belong to, okay, slav, and you go to the hospital to the gas man, interrogate, and then to len-gaz, olegevich, okay, and you to the firefighters, please find out the exact ones. ivanovich, take me to the points, we’re in a hurry,
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i’ve gone for a promotion, today i’m getting a new car, oh-oh-oh, but they gave me this one as a new recruit, 2 days to get acquainted with the city, as they say, go into battle, let’s go into battle first, and then already with the city, let's go. well, let's get acquainted, volkov, slava, it's very nice, kirill, kolya, vitalya, you guys, just tell me the way, otherwise i don't know the city well, here on the right, where do we get from? from rostov on don, i got married, moved to my wife, rostov is dad, okay, i was there, cheerful little town, yeah, more than once, now for, yes, right here, slow me down, please, okay, yeah. yes, right here i ’ll jump out, thank you, that’s it, let’s see you, thank you, good afternoon, hello,
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lieutenant parakhnya, duty shift, very nice, i would like to ask you for information on the explosion at kranstadt 8, perhaps. is this a computer registration or an audio recording? yes, you need both. okay, let's go. well, just to check. i’ll come and see, here we record all calls by time, address, amazing, hello, sergey,
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we have a comrade from the police here, please help him, okay. hello, kirill, sergey, nice, i need information on the explosion - on kroshlatsky it is eight on the fifth, is it possible to find out the time of the first call? yes, we’ll find it now, let’s look for it. here, listen, fire department, fire department, the apartment is on fire, your address, kronshtatskaya eight. who's speaking? witness to suicide. everything is on fire here, the apartment is on the top floor, smoke is pouring out, wait, the call has been accepted, they are coming to you, tell me, can i record this whole thing on a cassette tape, yes, now, of course, why did you decide to come to us, our drivers have a troublesome job, it doesn’t scare us, i worked in rostov as an ambulance driver, and for an ambulance you need to know the city very well, if you get lost somewhere, yawn,
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don’t have time to take the patient, that’s it, it’s a corpse, but with us, there’s no rush it’s necessary, it’s necessary, but... with your corpse, in my opinion, it all just begins, you’re joking, it’s better to tell some kind of rostov joke, so adam asks god, lord, why does eve have such beautiful eyes, it's so that you love her, and that your hair is so beautiful, so that you love her, and her breasts are so beautiful, so that you love her, lord, yes well, she’s such a fool, and this is so that she loves you, yes, it’s funny, i didn’t think, petrovich, that i would have to draw an obituary for you, and you knew him well, well, how can i say, you worked together for 20 years, yeah, really , in the last year or two we saw each other three times, and then mostly at the funerals of comrades, his legs were bad, so he quit our
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beloved russian museum, and i still run, and what kind of person was he? well, how can i say, the restorer is an excellent one, a fanatic of his work, but a person of a difficult character , this happens with collectors. yeah, that is he had a collection, right? well, a collection is a strong word, although he had a dozen worthy paintings, among them vereshchagin, shishkin and shishkin, well, in shishkin, i really doubted the authenticity, yes, but he believed where he got the money, because to maintain the collection you need big money, young man.
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suffered from loneliness, collectors, by the way, often wives leave, this is a passion stronger than love and hatred, yes, i went to the ninth apartment on a call, there was no one on the stairs, i couldn’t even ask on... what floor apartment, no one has it, well, i found it, i knock on the door, uh-huh, we’re supposed to knock, not ring, i knock on the ninth, no one opens, but i called the apartment next door, the tenth, as soon as possible,
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but why did they call, how for what? evening she told me, if no one is there at 9, call at ten, they will give you the key, they said this when they made the call, don’t believe me, our dispatcher made an entry in the log, i read it myself, we’ll look in the log, i... understand i can’t, what’s the matter, because the explosion occurred in the tenth apartment, this means that there was a leak in her, yes, that’s how it turns out, but didn’t you feel it, huh? on the treatment area you don’t know which apartment smells of gas, since they called from number ten, it means he wasn’t there,
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maybe the dispatcher got something wrong when she copied the numbers, this couldn’t have happened, she clearly knows her job, okay, let’s check, but what happens then? well, it’s too early to draw conclusions, but we can assume that the leak was set up by someone, that is, the explosion was not accidental, you can also say that they wanted to blow me up, some kind of nonsense, some kind of nonsense, okay, if so, remember, call me, i’ll leave my phone number, any detail in this matter can be important for us, get well, georgievich, well, for now there are more questions than answers, a woman called from the ninth apartment, her son told her about
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what happened, no, it’s better to go yourself, yes, the experts made an unambiguous conclusion, murder, no gas was found in the lung, well, you understand that the gas was turned on when the old man was already dead, keep that in mind when talking, that’s all. let's go, we're going back the same way, listen, while i was sitting, i remembered a new joke, well, go ahead, a girl wakes up in the morning, looks at the alarm clock and says: oh, i’m off to school already... i’ll go home, yes.
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who's there? i'm from the police, please open up. hello, captain volkov, i’m talking about your deceased neighbor. stepan petrovich, yeah, come in. thank you. what can i tell you? sit down. what now? “excuse me, when i remember stepan petrovich, i cry so much, we lived together, almost like relatives, this was photographed
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3 years ago for his birthday, and whose, or my son, we used to live together, and now he lives separately, an apartment bought in new buildings, already a year, here's another one. he and petrovich, i either raised him alone, and petrovich helped, or, when he was at school, he spent whole evenings with him, but i didn’t mind, well, because a boy needs a man’s upbringing, and stepan petrovich was a man of a tough disposition, his character was difficult, especially after his divorce from galina, he didn’t like strangers, he wouldn’t let them in, he wouldn’t open the door, but he would always be his own.
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you were watering while i was away, so you probably looked at petrovich, yeah, and in general he knows better what was there, where it was, here you go.
6:06 am
okay, we'll definitely contact him. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; stopping and defeating the fire is the calling of the strong. pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, air forest protection services of ros leskhoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest. the area has somehow become restless, the movement has become unhealthy, what do you want from me? sooner or later you will have to choose someone's. i have already chosen a side, i am their superman, i understand, nevsky, this is my friend, he is superman, today at 16:45 on ntv, short summer nights do not allow you to sleep, glycien plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time, a tablet
6:07 am
directly under the tongue. short summer nights do not allow you to get enough sleep, try glycine plus melatonin in one double-action tablet, it relieves all the worries of the day and allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus melaton (evolar). good morning, about the weather evgenia neronskaya. in the far east, the mongolian cyclone is pouring rain in the amur region, in the south of yakutia, and will soon cover khabarovsk, but the coastal areas of the island and kamchatka are under the protection of the anticyclone. they don't like rain they threaten every day. it’s getting warmer in siberia, it’s hot, but with rain and thunderstorms, the strongest are from krasnoyarsk to omsk, but in surgut in khantamantiysk it’s +25 and sunny, in the urals it’s raining, especially in the northern regions, in the north of european territory it’s sunny, although the days are getting shorter, and the nights are longer, from rankangelsk to murmansk it’s already below twenty, a little above twenty in the north-west, short rains are not excluded there, in the center on monday it’s sunny about 25°, and the black earth rains will also rest, but the atmospheric will reach the south
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front, it will slightly... cool the atmosphere, in st. petersburg today it is +23, short rains in places, in moscow there is no precipitation and +24. and the weather by this time, i have everything. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from evalar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph.
6:09 am
moreover, only one is from a private person and no two such voices can be similar maybe the most important thing is that if we find him, then we are guaranteed an eyewitness, i think that he probably saw something, yes, but we don’t have a file of voices yet, uh-huh, please, oops, there is a recording of the call, and that’s already something - so, you’re spiteful critics, you won’t ruin my birthday, okay, come on georgivich, say something, well, thank you. kirill, on behalf of senior comrades, senior comrades, please do not interrupt, i’m listening, comrade major, well, congratulations to you, i wish you all the best in the field of our national detective, happy birthday, 100 years old, live, be healthy, thank you, thank you, there is still a gift, but i almost squeezed a gift, valuable, oh, thank you,
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please, you will record our voices. yes, but just don't copy anymore. thank you very much, but i’m sick, so what? parody is a great art. and you copy, you offend, boss. well, can we try? come on, come on. fire department. fire department, the apartment is on fire. your address. konshtatskaya 8. who is speaking? witness to suicide, everything is going crazy here, apartment. on the top floor the smoke is howling, wait, the call has been accepted, they are coming to you, he didn’t identify himself, it’s strange, uh-huh, yes, the manner speaks, you can’t confuse it, listen, guys, we’re having a birthday or an operational production meeting, we’re having an operative meeting on my birthday, that’s lucky, so lucky, let's build a model of the murder, who reports first, the gas man's call came from the tenth apartment, uh-huh, wait, where
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the murder took place, but you... but he knew that in the ninth they wouldn't open the door for him, that's right, good point, listen, wait, the lengas dispatcher also says that the person who called the gas man, burbled loudly, there is no audio recording, because they had some kind of malfunction in the equipment there, but she said that she recognized this voice from a thousand, wait, maybe it was the same person, wait, no, records, no, evidence, guys, i'm sorry for interfering, but i have a feeling that i'm already talking about this method of murder, that is... in this technique of calling a master to a neighboring apartment, i already read and there was also an explosion, where you read, and there is such a novel, last call, it was written by a very popular detective story vera - kropotkina. well and how did it all end? well, as usual, all
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the good ones won, all the bad ones were arrested and imprisoned, but i’m really not sure that the killer read this novel to the end, well, then for a good ending, happy birthday, happy birthday, yeah. we’ll be there, the chiyok is hot, yeah, you want to listen, come on, i’m not at home, please leave a message after the signal, well, it’s like a normal answering machine, the person answers, doesn’t remind anyone. well, play it again, great, hello, quiet, quiet, quiet, i don’t have a home, please leave a message after the signal, so this is the same voice that called the firefighters, yes, it also seems to me that this is the
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same burr that the dispatcher from lengaz spoke to, yes, wait, what does this mean, the same person called the fire department at lengaz, where is the logic, why light up, maybe there’s logic, wait, so who is it then, it’s tolik, the son of the woman from the ninth apartment, we need to pull him to us, we need to call the woman slang manager so that she can identify the voice, what’s there to listen to, 100 points is he, he, by the way, on the day of the murder, may have visited mother to water the flowers, in general, we need to check everything, kirill, kolya, go get this little bit, yeah, thank you, and you call the woman so that she can identify the voice, but who will tell us about this tolik, well, maybe ask the mother , no, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, his mother will also warn him, he’ll go to the bottom, we ’ll miss him, i know who will tell, that’s it, i rushed off, georgievich, green tea in the morning is very useful, let’s go after tolik, huh? let's go, people, shurka, yes, well, come in, come on, come in with the young lady, yeah, i'll be waiting, kchiyku,
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take something, yeah, hello, mit, oh, cheerful, takora artists don’t go to visit, but i’m not visiting, i’m on business, and you know what kind of business i have, but well then that’s another matter, sit down at the cafe quickly, yes, speak, speak, i ’m waking up for now, listen, maybe you don’t know tolik voronny by chance, i know by chance, but i knew his uncle better, stepan petrovich, he read the restoration to a fly, but he’s not his uncle, a neighbor, and i know this, only he is his uncle in life, he was killed, do you know? in the know, in the know, what do you want about how much to find out? yes all. oh, i’m afraid even god doesn’t know everything about him. he was secretive and a collector, just like his uncle
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stepan petrovich. he is known for this in our circles. only he collected autographs, well, there were all sorts of letters, notes, dedicatory inscriptions. just a week ago he asked us all for money. he even came to me, i never have money, in principle, he asked for a lot, but from whom how much, but i have 10 tons of bucks, can you imagine what? yes for an autograph, young dostoevsky, he sold his collection a year ago, his apartment bought it, then decided to collect again, so they offered him an early dostoevsky, so someone gave him money, no one gave him, what? you understand, because there are no early dostoevsky autographs, in principle, like this, everyone disappeared, either during the move, or the secret police destroyed when fyodor mikhailovich was arrested, in general, a dark story, in principle, this is a fact, everyone knows, that's it, he rushed off,
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wait, sweetie, and have some coffee, thank you, next time, okay, there won't be another time, i'll drink it all myself, come on, to my health, then. come on, dear, lieutenant parakhnya, stand, senior lieutenant parakhnya, stand! "captain parakhnya, stand, my name is bond, james bond, mr. bond, what are you doing here? oh, georgivich asked you to wait and quickly identify the voice, where? in his office, he left the key, here is nina nikolaevna from lengaz, it’s very nice, i’m also very pleased, nina nikolaevna, please, thank you, nina nikolaevna.” nina nikolaevna from lengaz, from lengaz, great, you all have
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such dispatchers in lengaz, beautiful, good, nina nikolaevna, let me give you a recording now to listen to, yeah, and you tell me whether you recognize anyone here or not, okay, okay, the poor apartment is on fire, your address, kronshtatskaya eight, whoever speaks is a witness to the suicide, everything is on fire here , apartment on the top floor, smoke is coming out, what? actually, this is the voice of the person who made the call in kranstatt. are you sure? yes, maybe let me listen to it again? no, no, no, it’s definitely him, i just have a very good memory for voices. wonderful. nina nikolaevna, let me give you i’ll put another entry now. come on, listen carefully, okay? let's listen. i'm not at home. please leave a message after the signal. but actually this is the same voice,
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here you are absolutely sure, nina nikolaevna, from lengaz, from lengaz, if you knew how much you helped me, thank you very much, did you leave your phone number for glory? yes, i did, that is, if necessary, you can take it, well , try it, thank you, thank you very much, uh-huh, so on the day of the murder you were at your mother’s, you went to see stepan petrovich, right? i'm going to my mother i came in to water the flowers, i didn’t come to stepan petrovich, we didn’t smell the gas anywhere, but no, that’s right, because it wasn’t anywhere, neither in your apartment, nor at your neighbor’s, and then in stepan petrovich’s apartment, someone opened, so i didn’t go to petrovich, why should i borrow money, why do i need money, i don’t collect anything anymore, for dostoevsky’s autograph, for example. i haven’t been to
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petrovich, i haven’t, but why are you so worried? the fire department where you called first, your voice was identified, has a recording. osh, i'm not for you i believe you, but didn’t you know that all calls are recorded? for what? then, so that people like you don’t call and report false call paths. do you want to listen? listen. the apartment is on fire. your address. kronshtatskaya 8. who is speaking? you? i, this is my voice, i called the fire department, why, so that my mother wouldn’t burn, to lengaz, why did i call, what other lengaz, i didn’t call any lengaz, the dispatcher recognized you by your voice, such voices as mine, what present evidence, but you don’t have anything against me, prove it according to the state duty, duty officer, you should stick to it we have until the circumstances are clarified. you'll see,
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let's go, here's the gata, what are we going to do, so if he doesn't admit it himself, then it's time, we have three days, so what? nothing, that’s right, nothing. idiocy, we know who it is and there’s no way to catch it, thank you, please give me the phone number of this woman, what woman, well, a woman, a dispatcher from lengaz, why? well, i want to check again, there must be something, a recording? yes, yes there is no recording, i was there, there was a hardware program failure, there is no recording, don’t you believe me? i believe, thank you, must be, ugh! nina nikolaevna from
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lengaz, hello, lieutenant parakhnya is bothering you, yes, tell me, can i come to you, right now, there’s something to do, yes, okay, thank you very much, i’ll be there in just a few minutes. yes thank you. emergency lengaza. kronshtatskaya 8, apartment 9, gas leak. and who are you? this is a neighbor from the tenth, the one next door, if they don’t answer you, come to me, i have the key to the ninth, the call has been accepted, this is like a recording of our call from lengaz, this is an argument, but now it will quickly split, wait, wait, if where the recording came from, glory,
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you said that there was no recording, something happened to their equipment, well, that’s what they told me, wait, but they gave me the wrong information or something, but no, thank you, and it’s correct. just like that, listen, guys, something is wrong here, tolik couldn’t be calling from an apartment in which he had just turned on the gas, and thank goodness, what’s his mother’s phone number? 326 82 30,
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do you know which number it is from? inquiries called the gas man 326 82 30, that is, from apartment number nine, who came here alone to water the flowers, little, oh, little, oh, you are eagles, obviously you didn’t notice, but the workers, the duty officer, see the detainee, come in. sit down, our conversation will be long, thank you, but i’ve already told you everything, sit down, i’m free, okay, then i’ll tell you all this one more time, if i’m wrong,
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you’ll correct me, yeah, that means on the day of the murder you came to to his mother to burn flowers, and then they went to stepan petrovich, mistake, he really was his mother, but he didn’t go to petrovich, yeah, but during the day they were at his mother’s, yes, there was, they didn’t smell the gas, they watered the flowers and left, so, all well, they didn’t call anyone, yes, but how can you explain that it was from your mother’s phone that a man’s voice called the gas man, and the caller also said that they called from the tenth apartment, well, who could call from your mother’s apartment, if besides you there there was no one, i don’t know, but the dispatcher knows through lengaza, because she identified you by her voice, well, let’s say, i didn’t want to kill him, i didn’t even understand what i was doing, it was like i was going, i didn’t think anything through, i did everything
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as described in the book, in the last call vera kropotkina, long ago.
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in a safe place, i gave them, you know, i gave them, but i don’t believe that you gave the paintings, i’ll return to... i calmed down, i decided so, petrovich is going to the store, he usually went in the mornings, i
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’ll quietly enter the apartment, search it, if there is no money, then tomorrow i will come again and will go until he gives it, so i did, he left, i took the key to his apartment, he had ours, and we had his,
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and then i couldn’t get anywhere from the house leave, i was still waiting for something, like this, duty officer, will you see the detainee? let's go, no, he's definitely crazy, i'm not at all i haven’t heard the story about the dostoevsky brothers, but no, he had brothers, and i heard the story of the substitution somewhere, i even read it, but in fact, the version is controversial, but it was still, in my opinion, only a madman can commit a crime according to a recipe from a book, so what, we did our job, we did it.
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uh, in this sense, we will not have any trade, i want to express my gratitude to the homicide department, especially comrades volkov, solovets, dymov, and, of course, kirill evgenievich porokhna, for his unsurpassed talent, you did a great job, i hope he has a nice rest, it looks like. and cherdyntseva,
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency: we distribute licenses to cyclists in first gear. on ntv there is a program about an emergency incident in the marat seddikov studio. a very unusual guest was greeted by residents of a high-rise building in the leningrad region. a curious wildcat was walking around the territory of the residential complex; he was exploring the area and was not at all afraid of people. eyewitnesses enthusiastically filmed the promenade of the night animal. and hi sladki, he's so cute.


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