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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 5, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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violation of sovereignty and support of international terrorism, as the ukrainian authorities lost diplomatic relations with the republic of mali, hundreds were detained. the unrest does not subside, the situation with anti-migrant protests in britain is getting out of control, patience is a labor of love, how russian employers are preparing for the consequences of the demographic crisis of the nineties, and also the colorful part of the magnetic storm, residents of siberia and the center of russia saw a unique spectacle. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoisky, hello, let's start with the latest data from special operation zone in minovoronny. today
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they reported on the successful work of the missile unit of the iskander complex of the west group of forces in the balakleya area, kharkov region. our fighters destroyed the location of foreign mercenaries and 80 militants. losses in the ssu are suffered in other directions, so desertion in the troops and flight from tcc employees in civilian life is gaining momentum. the picture is completely different at recruitment centers for military service in russia across the country, with more and more people wanting to enter into contracts with the ministry of defense. by his decree decided to increase one-time payments to volunteers from august 1, the families of svo participants are guaranteed various benefits, in particular they have the right to material support, credit holidays, as well as admission of children to schools and kindergartens on a priority basis. however, those who decided to join the army say that money is not their main motive. alexandra tankikh was convinced of this. she visited the selection point for contract service in the samara region. alexey tolmanov, machine gunner. with
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the call sign sambo for almost 2 years, liberated artyomovsk, solidar, received the order of courage, medals for bravery and bravery, and many more warm words from civilians, greeted by grandparents, civilians, it’s beyond words, they are waiting for us, we will definitely return to them. alexey, together with the return fund, helps other fighters, veterans, those who need rehabilitation, a trip to a sanatorium, and legal support. they try to work for results every morning , literally every fighter gets up and thinks about how to win today. fighter with call sign berg, a scout, is also on vacation and will also soon go back to the special operation zone. he left his position as deputy general director at an electric grid company to go to the front. my leadership skills came in handy. basically, intelligence requires an analytical mind, that is. it’s like this
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helps a lot, that before you do something, you need to think again, before you enter somewhere, you need to know how to get out. vasily makshanov and dmitry kireev, friends, came to the selection point for military service together to sign a contract, both are drivers, they have been taking guys to the svo for a long time, they have seen everything with their own eyes, since 2022, when the svo began, my soul aches, my soul aches, not for money, not for anything, but for our ordinary russian soldiers , those who free us from this evil spirit. our russian land, at the samara selection point and who have not served in the army, with military experience, people of different ages and professions, someone must defend their homeland, you know, that’s why i made this decision, especially against the backdrop of recent events, terrorist attacks and so on, you must understand, i think and perfectly share my point of view, that this is extremely necessary, i decided to serve under a contract, because i have a dynasty of all military men, my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, everyone served, all of me are military veterans actions, fear, as they say, it is there, but i hide it
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deep in my heels, so if the enemy wants to get me, he can only get me through my heels. interview, medical examination, signing of documents on the way to preparation. an intensive training course is currently taking place at the training ground. batyr battalion, shooting, throwing grenades, providing medical care, a month of training, then testing. there are people here from different regions of the country, a fighter with the call sign veles came from chuvashia, a 19-year-old guy, asked me to say hello to his family. i love her, mother, don’t worry, but for my brother, don’t touch my computer, the battalion is trained by military personnel with combat experience in the northern military district zone, they prepare both physically and morally, this is morally, when you are in the smoke, when explosive packages explode, when you are nearby they fire blank shots at you, when they fire combat shots with you, every day at the range, they again hone their skills to help protect, they are ready, that’s right, let’s go to work.
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let's go, alexander tankikh, igor akimov, vladimir khazov, nikolai datsun, ekaterina kustyukevich, ntv, samara region. on the line of combat contact, the crews of the rapier anti-tank guns destroyed several strongholds. thanks to this, our assault troops were able to move forward, and rostislavsky dan saw how the soldiers were pushing back the enemy. anti-tank duo the pacific marine corps moves to the front line of defense. in the vicinity of ugledar, reconnaissance detected the movement of armored groups in the ssu. our rapiers are rushing to take up firing positions. gun shot. the enemy was trying to dig in either a dugout or something. from the forward lines, the marines roll back to the so-called waiting zone, a relatively safe area, where , nevertheless, attack drones of the ukrainian armed forces fly, they wait,
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look for the guard, they can make ambushes, she can sit somewhere near the forest stand and wait, so we are constantly changing positions so that with one position, as the carousel is called, 5.8 positions prepared so that... we are not identified. drones are the main threat to our military today. with strike drone raids , the enemy is trying to compensate for the lost firepower of its armored units. they mainly work with projectiles, but recently they have begun to actively use drones towards the norge. but they still can’t keep up with us. this is a combat vehicle, a construction set for adults, with a multi-purpose tractor at its base, on which the marines welded an ultra-precise and, as it turned out, universal during the special operation. a rapier designed as an anti-tank weapon. the homemade self-propelled rapier is not only a mobile anti-tank installation, but also a fairly accurate artillery piece; with its help, pacific marines clear the approaches to ukrainian armed forces strongholds during infantry operations. the technology is truly a miracle, our craftsmen, as always, are ahead of everyone else,
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it’s just an amazing weapon, i’ll be honest, like a sniper rifle, it dismantles fortifications in one go fortifications, equipment, in principle, it doesn’t matter to her, that’s all for 8 km. we’ll see we hit everything in principle, well , 85-90 percent, we really hit everything, so the initially towed installation has turned into a kind of alternative to an infantry fighting vehicle. the advantage is that you can drive either closer or further, that is, you can work from different distances in different forest stands for different purposes. and the marines now have no shortage of targets. anti-tank crews go to the front line three times a day. infantry asks for fire in trench battles on south-donetsk direction. rostislav skidan, valeriyan kushnir, anna ivanova and dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company. south donetsk direction, special military operation. loud world political news came from west africa. the republic of male announced the severance of diplomatic relations with ukraine. such a sharp reaction followed
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official kiev’s admission of involvement in the attack on the malian military, which was openly stated by military intelligence. then the ukrainian ambassador publicly confirmed this. preventing destabilization, both from mali decided to take all necessary measures for other states, both from the country of ukrainian embassies in the region and terrorists masquerading as diplomats, as well as to issue a warning to countries that stand on the side of ukraine, since mali now considers support for ukraine as support. the events that led to the breakdown of diplomatic relations occurred at the end of july during an operation to combat terrorists, a column of mali government troops and russian military instructors was ambushed. mali authorities believe that they trained militants in territory of neighboring maritania, and
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ukrainian militants were involved in this. outraged by kiev's interference in the affairs of west africa in neighboring countries, a corresponding statement was made in burkina faso. in senegal. british authorities convene an emergency meeting of an emergency commission, the so -called cobra committee. representatives of the government, police and intelligence services will discuss how to counter the anti-migrant riots, which have been going on for several days. the head of the ministry of internal affairs threatens that their participants will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. according to the results over the weekend, more than 150 people went to jail, but this is no longer stopping anyone, the situation is getting out of control. the media are almost writing about the beginning of a civil war in the kingdom. at night, protesters tried to set fire to the second hotel, where refugees were allegedly housed, after which they staged another clash with the police. molotov cocktails and smoke bombs were used. the day before, in the town of rotterim , masked demonstrators attacked the entrance to another
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hotel. they threw the building, rolled a burning trash can into the building, guarding the hotel the police were pelted with bottles, chairs and other objects. the catalyst for the protests was the murder of three children while dancing. the muslim community and left-wing activists immediately spoke out. the police are still unable to cope with the unrest; now the authorities have promised to allocate additional assistance in the amount of $38 million to protect the mosques. the police allowed the police allowed the demonstrators to use the harshest possible measures. in our world, meanwhile, they called. british security forces to refrain from unreasonable and disproportionate use of violence. and in
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continental europe, meanwhile, is busy with economic problems. germany has shown a decline for two quarters in a row, but the government of chancellor olaf scholz pretends that everything is going well and allocates one and a half billion euros for the construction of a new building for the cabinet . official berlin sees problems only outside its own country. for example, he calls on the european union to strengthen its borders.
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and huge electricity bills. german business speaks of the creeping deindustrialization of germany due to the green transition arranged by the ruling coalition and personally by the minister of energy, robert habik. the government is engaged in fraud when it indicates a reduction in exchange prices for green energy, with the help of which the traffic light coalition is trying to support its narrative of a green economy. miracle, but enterprises see that competitors in other countries have lower prices. for the german economy, which previously had virtually unlimited access to our cheap energy resources, anti-russian sanctions became a factor in plunging into a deep systemic crisis. the famous german locomotive that pulled with the rest of europe, is now desperately stalling and threatening to fall into the abyss of deindustrialization. according to the latest chamber of commerce survey, 37%. german firms are planning to either reduce production or transfer it to other countries. frankfurter allgemein adds
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that among large enterprises, the proportion of those who want to flee the country is more than half. neighbors from switzerland are gloating. germany is no longer respected. just a few years ago, germany was the leading power in europe, and angela merkel was considered one of the most influential women in the world. today, the country is reaping the fruits of its erroneous security and economic policies. and the current chancellor olaf scholz can hardly be called the most influential person in the world; since twenty -two, no country in europe has become as dependent on the course of the united states, russia and china as germany. the rating of scholz's ruling coalition has fallen below the plinth; in the center of berlin there are mass demonstrations for peace, freedom and against the supply of weapons to ukraine.
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the story with the tiger cub ended they kept him in the apartment as a pet and even took him to the grocery store. the neighbors noticed the little predator, they filmed everything and contacted the environmental prosecutor's office. the baby was taken.
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nicknamed olympia became a mother again, the cat’s paw was amputated, but thanks to the breeding and rehabilitation program that has been operating in the national park for 15 years, the animal can hunt on its own and produces healthy offspring. now veterinarians are preparing olympia's son for life in the wild. andrey shamin saw how the educational process was going. this is a reality show where each enclosure is viewed in detail from dozens of cameras from different angles. employees of the sochi national park monitor every day. but the youngest of the leopards here still managed to hide from vaccination, so much so that he was barely discovered, i found him, intercept him on this, vaccination against cat viruses is a common thing and necessary for his own health, for the cub of simbad and olympia, today this is the first
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procedure in my life, in 3-4 weeks there will be a repeat one, then we will wait until release once every... the baby doesn’t have a name yet, he’s only 3.5 months old, for now you can catch him like this with a point, when the kitten grows up, the task of vaccination for veterinarians will become seriously more complicated, well , let’s try, throw him, in terms of age he’s at least still in age, but with claws is capable of seriously injuring, however, at the time of vaccination he demonstrates stoic calm, it is this kitten that we are preparing for release into the wild now... the stress that the cub receives is extremely important, this allows nature to aggravate the inherent fear reaction before people, this will be the key to its successful survival in nature. the human avoidance test is one of the main ones before going into the wild. the predator must be able to go unnoticed and move away from people at a distance of at least 400 m and even
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abandon the prey if circumstances require it. this kitten still has at least some time left before being released into the wild. year, here is his older brother, umka, it seems that he has learned this main lesson, although he will forever remain with people, today is the mood, there was still a time when i visited him, well, he was about the same height, i came in, combed it, and allowed myself to brush, for some reason mother olympia did not recognize him, and the kitten was fed and raised by the center’s staff, now he has a large territory at his disposal, the system is all-inclusive. and even a personal sandbox, and olympia is a lady with character, in every sense: 5 years ago she lost her paw, but contrary to the laws of nature she continues to bear offspring. in her case, there were huge risks at the stage of forming a pair and obtaining offspring, because in world practice such cases
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are immediately swept aside in the basket and no one even is trying to do this. the fact is that the male simply owes her...
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the sky in the leningrad, tambov, omsk regions, as well as in the perm territory, okasia and yakutia. unusual colors have been recorded from airplanes and even from space. according to scientists, the beautiful natural phenomenon is associated with another magnetic storm that began on sunday, and although its peak has now passed, doctors still urge weather-dependent people to more closely monitor their health. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions at a delicious point. it’s normal to protect subscribers from spam for free, that’s why we protect sbermobile lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif
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they bask in the sun, while the temperature is below 20°, but very soon it will overcome this mark. it’s sunny and hot in khabarovsk, but an atmospheric front will reach here on tuesday night. violating the solar division. today this front is in the amur region in the south of yakutia, there will be heavy rain and thunderstorms in the eastern half of siberia on monday. rains, they will pour in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, thunderstorm conditions in altai, also from novosibirsk to omsk, but anticyclones are in a hurry to the rescue, one provides sunny weather for taimyr, there is +20 and not a drop of rain, the second disperses the clouds over the southern urals, so in orenburg there is no precipitation and + 32, but in the future it is only 22 and rain. on european territory , new ones came to the aid of the old cyclone; with their joint efforts, they flood the volga region, in kirov in kazan, thunderstorms downstream of the river. short rains, in the south the rains add freshness to the hot atmosphere, in sochi, in sevastopol just below thirty. in the center, on monday, sunny, lishver region to the north.


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