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tv   Pyos-4  NTV  August 5, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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for some reason they took a long time with this search, yes, come on, come in, finally, judging by the descriptions, this one, for sure, listen, how glad i am that lenka will finally have a klasser, yes. well, so this is a children's fake, guys, wait, wait, what does a children's fake mean? well, look, there’s even glue left, from a pencil, you know that kind of glue, so what? well, obviously it was made on a photocopier, look, apparently alyonka decided to just somehow make a joke on his classmates, i don’t know, because it’s completely. so serox
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glue, yes, well, really glue, wait, well, save it, he had to do something, well, if it’s like this, then yes, maybe he, maybe he has the original, fantastic, the kid fooled everyone, no, well, he had time to change the brand, but for now these two ... no, it’s unrealistic that such a modest person , it seems to me, anyway, well, somehow, well , a pensioner had a brand that all the philtelists in the world are chasing, are you okay, i ’m fine, yes, well, in general, guys, i think that we will not develop this version, i accept the version. he said the brand is fake, that means
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it’s fake, especially since the child has been through so much and it’s a huge stress for him, and i warned his parents not to say a word about the orange maurits, well, okay, the life of a child is more valuable than any stamp, even the most expensive one, yes, and you, vadik, are great, you showed such knowledge in philately, it’s just amazing, you we were amazed, no, really, vadik, you, well, i, in general, in short, did great. 13th century, limoges porcelain, you say, well , something bothers you, you get the impression that there was a price here that was scraped off, well, what price?
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their eyes opened to either 30 or 40 windmills standing, and how soon donquixote saw them, then he turned to his gun-bearer with the following words: donquixote, let him speak to us in the best possible way, look, friend sanchoba.
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oh, the middle ages, it was a good time, there was no
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presumption of guilt, not guilt, but what an ass, he hit his hump with a club, it means he’s guilty. and if you, i have no reason, i have no reason, wow, what a beauty, don’t be jealous, he says, they’ll kill you too soon, even though it’s nothing, he saw the coin inlaid, well , of course i’m not an expert, but it looks like it’s silver old, this is a knightly ryfton i installed it, then called back. well, here it’s all clear to a moron, the weapon means it’s old, it means the killer is stuck in the past, i take them like that in a day, come on, if not, then i ’ll break your finger, and if so, you
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’re leaving the police, nothing new , oh, maybe we can work, go to work, i’m bothering you, yes, yes, yes, i understand, ah, hello, oh, i was in a hurry, i told you the day before, that’s it. you're quitting, it's not me, and it's not him, someone appeared at the window, first they knocked, they knocked twice on the seventh floor, twice, a friend of the killer will fly in, blue in a helicopter,
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for the best song, just shut up, no, there was no helicopter, someone threw a knife from the street, here he gives it, he threw it from the street. yeah, and you mean, all this time, igor, stop, you’re not at home, they hid here all this time, i was hiding from the killer, like a valuable witness, well, valuable or not, we’ll decide, but the vase is yours, what, forgive me, stop it, vase, yours, his, his, mine. well, with a vase on the way out, well, what can i ask for, that i forgive on the way out, well, here’s the melody, you’re the motive, the murders, well, let’s try to take off the prints, lesh, and where is leonov at our barbecues, your livon,
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interesting, the girls are hiding, and you give max a brush, you know how his hands shake, yes, why take a fingerprint, and so it’s clear, there’s a murderer, well... he stabbed a dude to death because of a chamber pot, what are you like me miraculously survived, if it were the middle ages, i would quickly untie your tongue here, you idiot, oh, or i know this little thing, it’s to torture your fingers, it’s like that, but here comes karma, you say, i would helped, but my hands are shaking so much today, what should i do? only pincers are again recognized as better independent experts, the sberbank credit card is free forever, get it right now, buy everything you wanted in installments for 24 months with
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a holva card, the mask is on air, but i love you, i love you.
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’ll teach you to improvise, i want, and i improvised, i came here to moscow to sit you down, and you ’re sitting comfortably, now only a miracle will save him, first you’re a little actor here this size, and then you’ll become like gary kharlamov, what a kid, i look at this cocktail, and you know, my thirst has stopped tormenting me, now i somehow feel sick, maybe it’s poisonous, but i thought you would throw, but... not a leather shawl, la-la-la-la-la, i'm crazy, well done, oh, a miracle with arseniy popov, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv, i'm lying down, the area has somehow become restless, there's some kind of movement unhealthy, whatever you want from me, sooner or
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later you’ll have to choose in someone’s country, i ’ve already chosen. i’m their superman, i understand, nevsky, this is my friend, he’s a superman, today at 16:45 on ntv, and that all these are fakes, for now the chinese can, but i can’t, mind you, i don’t have currency... . on that, thank you, this is your vase, yes, yes, of course, limoges porcelain, but i am all clients i warn you that this is a fake, in the middle ages they cut off hands for such fakes, oh, i beg you, now hands are cut off for original ones, do you know vitaly rozin,
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yes, he bought this vase from me for 3 kopecks, but what happened? they killed him, the traces lead to you, i’m not involved in crime, but why, in order to return a cheap fake, oh, look, maybe the dog will like the medallion, let me give it to her, it’s pointless, he doesn’t take bribes, oh, it’s cheap, who is a dog, no, little medallion, come here for a good dog.
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objects of art, there are instruments of torture, by the way, it’s a very fashionable thing, can you imagine, it’s a wedding gift, it’s funny, really, no, it’s not funny, before the wedding you have to give it as a funeral gift, but what is this, it’s a spanish boot, so to speak, the favorite of the inquisition, yes, what size, well here the size is the same for everyone, do n’t be clever here,
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just maybe put a little pressure on him, we must be polite, we must be with young ladies, with everyone, with everyone, this word annoys me, great, don’t give elena any more gifts, i yes, god, fall, but the dog, who wants to? he will give it to him, gerdo, gerdo, gerdo, vin, vin broke, stop this creepy sofa guard, i beg you, i will tell you everything, listen to you, oh, i don’t know where to start, you see, it’s all very simple, oh,
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i forgot what i wanted to say, igor, the diamond cutter is here, you bastard, i remembered, i remembered, this rozin and krotich were selling fakes as antiques, so where to look for this krochich? i don’t know, i don’t know where it’s cooler, i told you everything, that’s it, it’s not interesting anymore, it’s not useful, i’ll check this mole’s database in the department, come on, give me a push, thanks, i can handle it myself. “hello, klava, i ’m telling you, now they’ll hang me for sure, and what did i say, don’t fool me, that’s it, i’m at
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work, i’ll call you back, torture, now only torture, i’m telling you, the middle ages rule, you saw how i ruined the kunitsin, and ruined his workshop, the ghoul, the unfortunate one, it’s burning inside me..." the quasi-council of the inquisition, and you’re a lackey, you’re on a truck, brake, brake, the horse broke down, you’ll give me a ride, the lackey count, i’m my comrade,
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milk the evening horse, oh, i was already thinking about calling the firefighters, bon appetit, but i haven’t tried smoking, so this, ugh, yes, it doesn’t work out, of course, it’s wet, how can you smoke here, well, i started playing sports, comrades, i bought this, where are you going, are we done, so uncivilized, freeze, otherwise he will catch up and take a bite,
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comrade maksimov, look, an athlete, sports nutrition, yes, what can you tell me, what can i say? it’s better to knock than to knock, absolutely faithful, who needs a mole, a mole or something, well, i know him, where he lives, shulgin street, he lives on the street, 38, that’s a completely different matter, go, old man, but this is for me, go from here, go. mole, let go
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let me go, mole, that means i’m asking for the last time, it’s you who ruined my homeland, answer me, you didn’t kill me, you bastard, that means you ordered it, but it’s not me, it’s not me, you just blocked my head, wait. oh my goodness, it’s not me, i didn’t find another one, i killed the cool guy, are you in any case?
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wow, and by chance you don’t understand icons, lord, i have no idea, you’re some kind of useless person, oh, your colleague in uselessness has come, so, and who is this here, lie down, a bandit tortured me, drank me out, that means it was. well, if the bandit it’s possible, which means i can do it too. igor, he ended badly, but i don’t care, i’m just fine with that. please untie me, they kidnapped me, they tortured me, they wanted
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to pull out a tooth, a tooth? great, let's start with him, every day, a feat, i did everything i need, stop, i'll shoot, who are you, quietly, i'm a doctor, you need urgent medical help, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be right there, i'll find evidence. i work until the result, i 'm not going to live by your rules, i don't hurt a few people, do what must and come what may, you will have to act spontaneously, does not accomplish the feat, heroes, new season.
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heroes remain, kind, hello, let me enter in one series, father in the new season, miracles! dad, did you do your homework? not only children are preparing to study, those who are already in it or just getting acquainted with technology study in the yandex workshop to change their profession or grow in their career with the support of experts and other students. yandex workshop - your new educational life.
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the red sun has risen, time for alpha bank, time for alpha benefits! enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, he will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook sale de bought, bought! miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. hello, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today before
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i got to the hall. i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what ’s called prostotricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what are you, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i now your wife, you know how, and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order everything. they’ll explain in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on,
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so that our children can live peacefully in the future, so that they do not know war and there is a peaceful sky above their heads, and we must always be ready to strike a powerful blow, such that the enemy has not stood up, you will do a worthy job, your loved ones will not be proud of you, join your own, serve under a contract, tooth, legs, fingers, uhlan circle.
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so there you go! 5 more minutes, what am i, i didn’t sleep, i have
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rights, i was tortured all night, what is this, what happened to be a crossbow, what crossbow of a selot is that an abralet, right? yes, listen, everything is so complicated in the middle ages, go ahead, remember, come on, it’s complicated, but it’s reliably silent, the middle ages don’t drive borozhnyak, calm down, calm down, come on , don’t get into yourself, yeah, learn, and live while i live. oh, come on, i got it, well done, igor, i got it, max, yes, take me to the hospital urgently, hospital, igor, i’m afraid, with such a wound, i
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won’t get you there, but call an ambulance, an ambulance, yes, definitely an ambulance , hello, hello, hello, soon, i'm wounded in the ass, why horseman, no, just in i'm wounded in the ass, send, send the animation team quickly, i'm bleeding to death. you are my good one, you cheer me up, and that’s not all, cupid’s arrow? well, to be precise, it's a bolt. this is for me, now yes, it was intended
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for chrome, an arrow, a remake, a bolt, here is the tip, and by the way, there is another one, it will be difficult to get from him now, hand over the socket, he will be happy, i very much doubt it, the tip is covered with silver, as if they had melted. yes, you need to carry out a spectral analysis, it won’t take long, wait, it comes out like a knife, can you ruin it, or what? yeah, i didn't interfere, i see that i did. lesh, are you following me? this was also a gift from the dog, right? imagine, imagine a cucumber like this. war of the white and scarlet roses, how did you wave, what are you doing? are you jealous of lena’s dog? it was a bloody period. a strange
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man. here's your address. go to knumezmatal, maxima. i'm going, go. what vandals. the reverse of the coins is hopelessly damaged, here is the tip, this is also a coin, can i, just a second, now, i need it, the coin was melted down, who could have done this, some inadequate madman, how well, who hunts with coins like that? i don’t know, i... i don’t know anyone, no one, why
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be so modest, listen, young man, i’m an expert, not another, good luck, this is your job, it’s a pity, then i ’ll have to invite the keeper of the second bolt, him just happened to be released from the foolishness, yes, igor, come in for a minute. prick, my god, i’ll put him in prison for 15 days, but it seems to me that he could melt the coin, he, he definitely could, listen, if only, if possible, remove him, please, please remove this, i’ll tell you everything, speak quickly , you see i can barely hold it, i’ll tell you everything, of course, there is such a gang, rozin, krotich and khromov, well, here they are. they are hunting for antiques, but along with
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rare antiques, they also slip in fakes, well, you were being modest, it’s game to go for a walk, goodbye, but wait, i don’t need someone else’s, take it, thank you, no problem, horror, crazy shit. oops, there are two bridges behind me, where to?
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no, guys, this is my city, ugh, ugh, well, it’s a shame, the cops are in trouble, it’s
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a waste of water. stupid in one gulp, didn’t interfere, interfered, our service is so dangerously difficult to interfere with the bandits, the bandits, where they say to you very first time i heard, recently there have been two attempts on your life, for what reason, tell me, the first time they had the wrong address, the second time i don’t understand something. who needs me,
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who am i so afraid of, except for one thing i’m not afraid of and... who are you listening to, pushkin, you ’re wearing a bulletproof vest from dontes, or something, a bulletproof vest, but i thought it was thermal underwear, i had a cold, let’s go back to our baron, rozin and kratich, this is the first time i’ve heard who it is, do you understand that we are the only ones who can protect you, you you can only plant it,
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lately i’ve been hiding it from all of you, for a reason, but for your own safety, grandfather, what is it, kingfisher, finale on sunday at 13:00 on ntv, miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv . remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, and in general. business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, we’re giving businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and also a cashier terminal, open a free account for business in august, alfabank is the best bank for business,
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16:45 on ntv. here it is, my body armor, yes, klava, klava, i'm on a mission, yes, yes, i am now like baronitemkin, a vilifier, wait with orders, end of communication. well,
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you won’t get a hero for an assault while sitting in the bushes. but i got caught by a bastard. where the hell am i, and then who are you?
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and who am i? you know who i am? and you are a killer, a werewolf in uniform, and what are you doing there? i heard that you love torture, yes i do, hello! hero of our time, thank you, why didn’t you shoot in the back, and the cartridges are expensive, oh, well done,
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why are you following me, and this is my job, who are you working for, for the government, you find it funny, yes, very much, funny, like that, funny, not very good anymore, just like that, good, that’s it, good, i
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’ll tell you everything, tell me, i hid the money from my head, and you cheated, huh? and the little red one is just right, calm down, give me a hand, you’re wild, what, that’s it, right, what is it, well, let’s go. don’t be nervous, that’s it, i remembered, i remembered, maksimov really misses laziness, i’m twisting sushi right now, tear his ass for me,
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tear it, thank you for saving me. untie it, and since it’s not like that, no, not at all, well , it’s strange, my legs are already numb, your legs are numb, well, come on, i’ll help, further, further myself, i don’t have time, that’s it, yes, what myself, well, that’s it, i ’ll put you on a stake for 15 days, now i’ll just break up,
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of course you are stepan, where are you, you could just go, just lie there now, these bandits killed my father, do you know their last names? rozin,
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krotich and khromov, why did they kill him? they wanted to squeeze the collection out of their minds because their father was gone, but dad didn’t break down. where were you at this time? i was very far away, i only had time to fuck. tell me, why did you decorate weapons with silver coins? these freaks wanted silver, they got silver with an ax to the head. are you military?
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it's a pity that this happened to my father, but you know, what? i'm sorry that i didn't have time to get to khromov? khromov will get his in full. okay, lesh, i agree with turkey, all inclusive. i changed my mind, we're not going anywhere. “we are going to a desert island, are you kidding, i will catch fish for you every day, protect you from mosquitoes, from wild animals, every day a new feat for the lady of the heart,
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very romantic too, very generous, you see what gifts are for your the dog's back. don't do it, but we know, we know, our dog is just a joker, i'll give you everything you don't finish eating tomorrow, okay, give it, give it, i allow it. well, i don’t know how to sit yet, you saw how i
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held myself, knight, but that’s not the right word, well, you know, i understood, the middle ages are not my thing, no, no, not mine, all this cruelty, a dragon-mash full of breeding grounds. hygiene, no, no, i don’t like it, but what’s yours now? mine is now the era of objections, like your revival, and as i said, i also said, are you going to give the hero a ride home, come on, where is he, that ’s where, yes, yes, it’s me, it’s me, but i’m not sitting yet. .. i’m in pain, now i’ll think of something,
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