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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  August 6, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

5:40 am
yes, please, here's one more thing, ivan ivanovich, and i know this fake, i won't sign it, ivan ivanovich, haven't you forgotten anything? what date is it today? georgy dmitrievich, you can't go to him, he's very busy. "nothing can be done, i assure you, stronger than us, the end of the block, we won't get stuck, and this is an suv, an suv, and where is the road, ask your mommy to buy you a tractor, don't bother your mother, you bastard"? shut up, you
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fool, they're helping you, go ahead and go, you should have gone further, a comb, not a forest, this is the leningrad region, not siberia, here everywhere so, i had to find another place, where, i wanted to go to the taiga, i’ll get tired of it, in my 20s, why 20, prison, exile, logging, committed murder, and what do you think, scum , whore, beast, i hate, get up, that’s it, i’ll kill anyway, but i’ve already killed, that’s it, there’s nowhere else to go, i ’m tired, i want to sleep, let’s go, that’s it on the road, trouble with you.
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years old, were taken out of town and abandoned in the forest near the road. spiranskaya died at the scene of the crime, semenova came to, managed to crawl to the road, where she was picked up by a car and taken to the hospital. she also stated that they a young man of pleasant appearance invited a friend to visit, where they were raped and beaten. due to severe injuries , he does not remember the details.
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he cannot describe the suspects or the scene of the incident, they were found outside the city, why is the case here, let the regional authorities take the rap, what does it mean to take the rap , what kind of expression is that, a girl was killed, the second one, barely alive, there is a conscience, there is a conscience, andrei petrovich, and there are two unsolved cases, and a reprimand is hanging on the department, oleg, well, what is this, she was taken to the hospital in our area, she herself was tortured at home, which is nearby, therefore formally... well, in a word, the regional authorities decided that it would be better for us to investigate this case, got it, that is, they dropped it, the case is, in general, cleverly, yes, not deaf, captain, but a case of rape and murder, a cold case, a hang-up, soon you will no longer be distinguished from the blotnye , where did you pick this up, in the police, i didn’t expect smoke from you, in short. “we have a case, it must be
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solved without any cold cases, she remembers almost nothing, comrade colonel, she will start interrogating her immediately to tears, such a scary chick, here are your chicks, lieutenant, chicks, how much longer can we tolerate your behavior, another complaint against you and again from a woman, as always in her repertoire"? it's not my fault, comrade colonel, one more time, lieutenant, another half a time, i warned you, i don't have the strength for all this, here you go, right on the office premises, it didn't happen, comrade colonel, honestly, it's a setup, well, if i find out that it's true, yes, that's it.
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got it, got it. okay, lieutenant, we 'll talk some more. irina petrovna zelenina has trouble with her son. it seems like suicide, which one zelenina? that one, the deputy? hers, i promised to send the best apers, i'm sending what i have, don't let me down, then there's probably the entire press milling around the entrance, you should be a little more polite with her, everyone get out. so, yeah, yeah, i see, typical youth
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suicide, got drunk for courage, razors on veins, who are you taking? "you know what, take the mother, you're better with them, and i 'll take care of the daughter, you're in your element, don't be a samurai kid, he was a very sensitive child, he took failures hard, especially with girls, he had problems in this area, ordinary, youthful, as far as i understand, he studied at the philosophy faculty , he did not know how to treat life rationally, here you go. "in my death, please blame her, let her remember that i loved her, allow me, and what kind of girl is this, i don’t know, it’s strange,
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really, i was probably a bad mother to him, no, you are a very strong person if you forced yourself to talk about him in the past tense, i have no right to be weak, i have a daughter. russian chess champion, great, are you going to continue, well, there is the world champion, no, i am going to finish school to go to study at mit, where the massachusetts institute of technology. i have already been accepted with a scholarship, it is expensive, probably, let's consider that personal contact has already been established, i have become imbued with the necessary trust in you, you want to know what kind of girl arkasha mentioned in his note, i do not know, and this is her happiness, you are a strong person, and
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i have no right to be weak, my mother is barely alive, and where did you get this razor? quite an unexpected object in a modern house, my ex-husband, when he left, he took everything, but left her, olya was little, arkasha remembered his father, loved him, he looked after his razor himself, yes, sharpened, silly, you know, there are people from whom it is impossible to hide anything, sheer evil, you maintained a relationship with the children's father, he did not, i don't remember once. left two children, went to seek happiness, did not find it, sorry, yes, okay, i will, you will inform your father, he died, he has been drinking himself to death for 4 years, sorry, no, this
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speaks well of you, so don't read the tabloids, yes, there are a lot of reporters down there, we barely got through, it's hard. to be famous, it's her, a celebrity who is loved, it's easier that way, the neighbors come and cry, she 's done a lot for them, the last of the first wave to remain human, the only one, do you want to know anything else, no, thank you, okay, i have a committee meeting in 2 hours, oh, i have no strength, i can't cancel it, about street children. just give me a little bit of silence now, there are journalists there, maybe i'll disperse them, i'll manage, oh, excuse me, for god's sake, if only i could be quiet, half an hour,
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you know, it seems to me, if you move now, i'll die. slav what, right? the reporter down there grabbed him by the sleeve, wanted to interview something, do you want me to go and sort it out, leave it, the reporter is at work, he will be there when he gets up, as grandpa used to say, be more polite there, yeah, yeah, so, well, what do we have here is suicide, the experts agree, the woman is holding up, her daughter has amazing legs, are you arrogant, kolya, well i can't be blind, especially when she's in a miniskirt. what kind of mess is this, well, do people have a conscience, what kind of farce is this? let's go and sort it out.
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let me see your documents. thank you, yuri semenovich, you are the owner of the apartment, were you expecting check, why? such a drama, such a person, better to be on guard, you should have turned down the music anyway, otherwise it’s somehow inconvenient, and i’m at home, so roll this up and put it in yourself, thank you, bone in the pocket at the back, a nice earring, you’re pestering me, you’re nasty, i’m getting handsy,
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good equipment, and you’re talking nonsense, captain, it’s illegal, well, yes, your hand will heal, you’ll write complaints about them, take them to your superiors, it’s me, huh? and turn down the music for now, allow me, hello, irina petrovna, tea, coffee, don’t worry, andrei petrovich, you don’t have any secretary, no secretary, but there is a kettle, so tea or coffee, no, no, thank you, a hard day, usual, some bastards bought half.
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i can't, yes, the matter is perfectly clear, but the law is the law, a formality, we'll have to call again, at least a week, at least the daughter is not needed, for her it is so, your employee, when he was talking, looked at her legs, it hurts her, she is a child, at least let him not talk, i 'll talk to him. don't doubt it, but you can at
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least bury arkashenka, they don't give us a corpse, body, of course, it's possible, i 'll sign it today, great, great, where are you going, there, and why, i don't know, i called, but not fluff. and she forgot to change her skirt, she's 17, she didn't think, she's a child, so lieutenant,
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you're fired from the case of greenery, you have two options, either by the end of the week, you solve the rape case, or write a resignation report, comrade colonel, that's it, you're free, well, i know that she slammed the mugs on her cohabitant, she knows that she won't get away with it, then she wrote: lieutenant took advantage of the shit. inexperience right on the office territory tried in a perverted way to persuade me to give indecent testimony about the murder of my cohabitant, can you imagine? what attracted you to these guys? why don't you know what these guys are like? now i know, but they were funny. and the car was beautiful. so what kind of car was it? black, i don't remember anything else. we
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don't have any like that in the orphanage. and in your orphanage they didn't explain that you can't sit down. with a car, anyway, listen, do you want me to tell you how i made love for the first time, it was in the winter, in the forest, i warned you, lieutenant, immediately get out, but i won't say a word, after your interrogations we put her on tranquilizers, she needs to forget everything, she needs to remember everything, we need to help her find it. murderers can cope with this, and you are interfering with her with your wheels and you are leaving here fairly, i am forced to report to your superiors, no, don't report, and let him come, definitely, do you hear, kirill, i will remember everything, i will definitely remember everything that happened, quickly follow
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me, where to rubinstein, i understand, a familiar address, again to zelenina? no, upstairs, yeah, but we told you, yurik, well, a pistol without a silencer, but no one heard the shot, so there was always music blaring here, they had already warned the fool, for his own good, for ours, but he wouldn't care, he wouldn't care, but it's nice, well... there is, motive h2, yeah, a domestic quarrel or robbery, everything is simple, yeah, all that remains is to find the killer's signature, yeah, with a home address, georgyevich, the killer's signature was torn out of his ear, and this one has whole ears, you'll laugh, but i even remember the address, well, kostik, hold on, a whole major
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owes, god knows who... he climbed out the window onto the roof, come on, kolya, he's coming to you he's leaving, where are you going, stop, komikaze, this is for komikaze, i'm not georgian, who, okay, yes i'm okay, okay, he ran there,
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we need to catch him, so, you after him, and i'm going through the entrance through that roof. and damn, the attic is open there and he'll go there, and if there are people there, what kind of people are there on the roof in winter, don't move, have you completely lost your mind or something, the captain has nowhere to shoot. well, will you accept the telegram, off the road, off the road, off the road, he said, hand, hand over, hand over, run, run, hand over, forgive me, come on,
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forgive me, dog, well done, you'll take it off, but i'm kidding, and komikaze, come on, i'm saving him from death, and it's my fault, people have become completely insolent, you run after them, you knock them down, you waste bullets, you waste your health, by the way, and they, like the detained sukhanov, explain how you got your hands on this unregistered pistol, from which... whether you know this pistol or not, well, you're clearly familiar with it, well done, this is yurik's gun, he bought it from an alcoholic for a bottle, where was the pistol kept, who knew about it, everyone knew, it
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was lying in a drawer on the shelf, loaded, yurik even bragged to everyone, what is there to be afraid of, what are they afraid of, you can even put an ad in the newspaper, no one will scratch, this was found at the scene of the murder, if you say now that it is not yours, i will not say, mine, mine, mine, so, you had a fight, a fight broke out, the murdered man snatched your earring, and you fired from the murdered man's pistol, then it depends on you, you will prove that yuri was the first to take the weapon, and you knocked it out of his hands, yeah, it will be self-defense, you will get out, and if you do not prove it, you will go to jail for murder, you take it for granted, which of us is the fool, huh? "there was a fight, my earring, i did not kill, we fought, we went our separate ways, he was alive, i didn't touch the gun, what is this,
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a gsap or something, who has to prove something to whom, and why did he run away, who knows that you are from the police, and i thought, brothers, for an old debt, you would at least not go to work as civilians, conspirators, okay, cool off in the cell and then we'll continue, you'll see, you're a boss"? key teapot, but he's right, georgievich, we have nothing against him, and the earring, and the earring proves that he was there and that there was a fight, he himself does not deny it, and they never found any fingerprints on the gun, not a single one, in a word so, if we don't dig anything up in the next few days, we'll have to let the guy go, yeah, after such an arrest, yeah, and our captain is even happy, vernoslav, he ran around... hung on the ledge, there'll be something to remember, zelenina seems to have it all clean, and it seems to me that the case needs to be closed, here, what's here,
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why are you fooling around, where's the report on the case, on the rape, why should i remind you, the rape case is moving, it's going on, but badly, a week has passed, lieutenant. and why are we actually talking in the hallway? open the door? no need, andrei petrovich, it's a mess, i started cleaning, andrey petrovich, i ordered him to, let's not interfere, what to interfere with? yes, what is this? and where? who? where is the cleaning lady, why should a police lieutenant do the cleaning, cherdyntsev let go for his son's wedding, where
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is this cherdyntsev, why can't we find anyone? you have 24 hours, lieutenant, about cleaning, don't worry, it's not up to you to finish it, they didn't dig up anything, you'll give this when you leave, you got your things, they pinched the earring, you kept it for yourself, disgusting, here's the blue kitten unconvincingly, you know better, that's it, you're free, but i'm sure it won't be for long, forever,
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i need to work properly, and don't look at me, that's it, i'm free, yeah. hello, hello, hello, hello, kirill, okay, you have a separate room here, irina petrovna took care of it, she 's in charge of our grandfather, she got me this room, thank you, she provided a doctor, how did she provide one, isn't he a local, he's a professor, a very expensive one, by the way, especially for me, she got expensive pills too. they don't give them like that in ordinary hospitals at all, but the main thing is that they at least help you, yes, they help, though, they make your head so cloudy
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i forget. but it's easier with them, yeah, okay, i'll go, otherwise i still have to write a report, sorry, kirill, it's okay, that's my job, to catch freaks, and i'm not a freak, you, horrible child, i'm not a child, i'm just not dressed like an adult, look, the girls brought me some earrings, beautiful, yes, i've seen ones that were even more beautiful, yeah, i... i saw them on one guy, they were exactly the same, long, only like a skeleton, can you imagine, okay, i'll go, then it's time for me to write a report, i won't have time to do anything, kirill, i remember, a skeleton earring, that's right, it was him, kostik, that's who invited. and the other one was
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yurik, he brought it, and yurik carried it, only there was someone else there, a third one, i don't remember who, but there was definitely one, the battery died, i remembered everything. be careful, where is your phone here, urgently, freedom, is there a cigarette, donut, i didn't get it, they brought a cigarette, don't you understand humor, you are under arrest on suspicion of complicity in the gang rape of minors from piran,
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as well as causing serious... well, as i told you, it's just a formality, i understand, it's bad that today, well, you know, a visit to us is not always cheerful, it's just a funeral today, a hard day, sorry, it somehow slipped out, samatokha, maybe we'll reschedule, no, let's be informal now. okay, you don't know what girl arkady wrote about, what difference does it make, the important thing is that he was so worried that he killed himself, don't worry, please, no need, i won't throw a tantrum, this man is hysterical, arkady was inclined, a lyricist, can you imagine, he was so worried that he cut a vein not only on one hand, but on both hands. on both, arm yourself, try
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you can't kill anyone on the first day, there's no point in going, they've already run away 100 times, listen, i think it's time to start working, and major semeno, you'll have to come with us, and you're here, calm down, i'm on duty, let's go out, trust in our police is growing, and mine is melting with every second. nevsky today at 16:45 on ntv. short summer nights don't let you get enough sleep. glycine plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time. a tablet under the tongue right before bed. short summer nights don't let you get enough sleep? try glycine plus melatonin in one double-action tablet. it removes all
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worries. allows you to get enough sleep in a short time, glycine plus melatonin, evalar. and now about the weather for today. yakutia is still deprived of heat, but the prospects are inspiring, soon in yakutsk it will be +25 and even higher. in the south of khabarovsk krai today almost 30, but with short rains, this is a trail left by the former mongolian cyclone, well in buryat in transbaikalia bright sun and 26:28. the southern regions of siberia remain under the influence of frontal sections, the heaviest rains in altai, in khakassia, there is summer warmth. in the urals it's raining, but the temperature is below normal, the only exception is orenburg. in the european part of russia the most stable weather is in the north, above twenty sun, the most unstable in the south. there are strong thunderstorms, especially in the north caucasus. in sochi there is a thunderstorm, a storm at sea, the hottest weather in the caspian region is in astrakhan, scorching sun and +36. and in the middle zone, short rains every day, the temperature is absolutely normal. in st. petersburg today +23, short rain, in moscow
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a little rain. + 23-25. that's all about the weather. summer weather may cause swelling. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. take lymph transit. from valar. lymph stagnation can cause swelling. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. lymph transit evalar - summer without swelling. from 10 to 18. but no more. what? have you forgotten how to count to two? what? well, if he cut one hand, how could he cut the other? well, how many hands were hidden? well, you remember yourself, and...
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for an hour, this is very important, any pretext, well, how many hands, two, and you still insist on suicide, thus...
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hands, comrade colonel, it's good that we still managed to do it before the funeral, hardly anyone would have given us permission for burial, we didn't know that the body was ordered to be released before the end of the investigation, tell me straight out, you didn't know that i gave permission in violation of the rules, i have some ideas, well, we check the usual circle of suspects, neighbors, relatives for sure, but they don't have relatives, here are friends. believe, well, at the same time from zelenina's employees, of course, drop everything, oleg gerzhivich, ask the cherdyntsy to prepare a car for me, it's urgent right now.
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thank you for honoring andrei petrovich. fortunately, i'm here on business, we need to talk urgently on the day of the funeral, it's very important, irina petrovna, for you, what are you talking about, the fact is that we found the killer, maybe even two,
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congratulations, i know everything, but it's better for you to tell me everything yourself, arkady. he told me everything himself, this guy with the earring brought girls, the worst thing is that i knew them, good girls, when this scoundrel yuri finished having fun, he offered arkady, he nothing worked out, as always, he lost his head, also as always, beat up the girls, took them to the forest with yuri, abandoned them, what did you promise for silence, konstantin, he didn’t tell us anything like that... he didn’t tell us about your son, money and a suspended sentence, rape and murder will be removed from him, he only brought him, then got drunk and fell asleep, a good lawyer has enough, they baked the poor girl with pills so that she wouldn’t
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remember anything, they helped her, to calm down, who knew that this silly girl would fall in love with your lieutenant and would try for him, you killed your own son? how could he not be guilty? i didn't want to. they said, i said that he had one way out, suicide, at least for the sake of his sister's future, he agreed, i prepared everything and left, but he was too much like his father, a wimp, when you returned, he was drunk and alive, sleeping in the bathroom, i wrote a note on it, thank you, i took razors, did everything myself, yes, i was wrong with two fates, i wanted to play it safe, of course, i will deny everything, you hope for parliamentary
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immunity, of course, for my arrest too compelling reasons are needed, in my death i ask you to blame her, it was he who wrote about you, i know, lynching is still the murder of irina petrovna, even for the mother. goodbye, i still have a wake, i wish you good health, comrade colonel. major, why is there a mess again, where is our thief, is the wedding still on? no way, in the maternity hospital, her daughter
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is giving birth, i let her go, major, she has two sons, what kind of birth, my fault, i didn't keep an eye on her, comrade colonel, comrade colonel, they asked me to pass on something urgently about the green stuff, who asked, some kid, i tried to detain him, but he got out of it. irina petrovna, you should i should come, now, better myself, better for you, they give an hour for everything, yes, new, no immunity will help with this, believe me, he has sunk to blackmail, the scoundrel. i will not argue, it is boring, let's talk about something cheerful,
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about money, venushka has become more expensive, why is it so quiet today, it is here, and the noise comes outside, a gift for the neighbors, i have good equipment, it works wonders, something like recording my conversation with my son through the bathroom window , guys.
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i still haven't tried it, it is interesting, i am warning you for the last time, me too, you have two options, first, you pay, i don't know how, second, you go to prison for life and will suffer until death, and not because you killed your son, but because you didn't save your daughter, maybe you see the third, then you erased the fingerprints, or the equipment for simulating a fight, and
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so on, but you didn't look into the next room, you were in a hurry, filming from there, you'll have to stay with us. do you know who passed the tape? i don't know, but i can guess, i can too. that's why i didn't look into the next room.
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how are you doing, how are you eating? everything is fine. mom, we have very little time, let's get straight to the point, arkady's insurance, of course i understand that you need money for a lawyer, but i need to pay for my studies, after all, an american university is an expensive pleasure, of course i understand, can you really compare, yes, sign here and here, and i still have money in the account, yes, yes, i haven't forgotten. and what's this? documents for the apartment, here, here and here. and how are you doing at school? are your grades good? yes, mom, sorry, the date
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is over, time's up, actually there's still a little bit? up, up, goodbye, mom. olya, would you mind coming to see me for 5 minutes, it's important. you sent it, guessed, we in the police are quick-witted, well, don't tell me, i had to prompt about my brother's other hand, i really didn't understand at first, i thought my mother had slipped me a bribe, and then it dawned on me, you simply
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missed it, and you're sitting down, what's the point of standing? i'll tell you how it all happened, and you, if anything, correct me, and you thought it all out from the very beginning, chess training, i understand, first you pointed it at the girls from the orphanage, specifically at them. to hurt mom more, you convinced your lover yuri to set up your brother, so that his blackmail, and you knew that your brother would lose control of himself and cause trouble, you also
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knew that your brother would not go along with the blackmail anyway, because he would tell mom everything, and mom would be afraid for you and would do everything possible and impossible to protect you from a scandal, then you persuaded yuri to make a recording in order to blackmail his mother with it, since it didn’t work out with his brother, you advised him to scare his mother by saying that he could kill you, this would work without fail, it worked, but not the way he expected, but the way you expected, the scene on you were also filming the video camera, i have only one question for you: why for the money, but
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mom would have told you anyway... nothing, my dad was a very weak person, but the best in the world, she ruined his whole life, she didn't even let us see each other, and it killed him, i was little, but i understood everything, and i knew that someday i would take revenge, and my brother, oh, arkady loved his mother madly, a fool, and she was sick of him, literally, i was told that she threw up when she tried... to breastfeed him in infancy, he had then problems arise from this, well, what did he do to you? he did something a long time ago. and haven't you noticed that i always have a high guard. i didn't tell my mother, i blamed it all on unknown
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boys, i wanted to deal with it myself, and i succeeded. well, as far as i understand, the law can't have any claims against me. you understand correctly, three people are dead, but there are no claims against you. you didn't do anything illegal with your own hands, you even helped. justice, what do you think, how long will your mother be sentenced to? and i'm not a judge, probably a lot, at her age it's possible consider that for life, i can go, yes, you will have enough for your studies, the university is expensive, american, our semesters, then i will think of something, do not doubt. i have no doubt that everything will be very
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good in your life, lieutenant, huh? i, i, actually, just like that, and do you have vodka here? no, there is no vodka, but i can avoid, no, no, this is just, you know, i'll go home, i'm a bit sick, i was thinking, a vodka compress, you see how good it is to be a boss, you don't have to ask anyone for time off. i wanted to, i went, so it makes sense for you to grow, and i'm here temporarily, on
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strengthening, i'll soon vacate the place, and you people, young, you need to make a career, think ahead.
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, we analyze controversial cases with the first program, on ntv the program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya.


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