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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 6, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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flying under cover of night, as atgm and mortar crews assist the infantry advance in the svo zone. the color of the mood, red. what 's going on? who is to blame for this, well, and also, how do they remember the victims of the nuclear attack in hiroshima, why is the author of the tragedy not named in japan, what is happening in bangladesh , why does the russian embassy recommend that its citizens leave the country, and what is the threat of driving too noisy cars and motorcycles in st. petersburg now? this is the program today, in the studio dmitry zavoisty. hello, this at night, ukrainian troops launched strikes on border regions. russian troops again hit
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civilian infrastructure, residential buildings and cars, in the city of sudzha, kursk region , five people were injured, including three children. now they are all hospitalized, during the attack, several residential buildings were seriously damaged, two were injured as a result of the strike on a passenger car at the glushkovo station. the ukrainian armed forces attacked it with a copter. a similar attack in the belgorod region, there was one fatality, the man died before arrival doctors. in the bryansk region. air defense forces on duty destroyed two enemy attack drones. according to the governor, there are no casualties or damage. ukrainian militants are shelling peaceful cities in border areas in response to the successes of our military in the svo zone. russian fighters, groups of troops in the west continue their offensive in the kupin direction. anti-tank missile systems and mortars provide serious support to the assault detachments. they not only destroy the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, but also prevent them from rotating. in a combat raid together with
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ilya lyadin visited the servicemen. shot. the missile went, now the operator is guiding it to the target. here is the ammunition, did it hit? yes, it did. this was just a strike on the concrete machine gun point. during the day, the guys spotted the position of a large-caliber american browning at a high altitude behind stelmakhovka. the settlement itself in the kupin direction is still under enemy control, but our forces are actively disputing this fact, there are heavy battles on the outskirts of the village in the adjacent forest plantations. the calculations of anti-tank missile systems use proven years of anti-tank guns, fagots and mitis. during the exit it is possible to launch no more than two or three ammunition, to remain in the firing line for a long time, a huge risk. literally 3 minutes later the reconnaissance one flies in first. the chka is looking for a position and
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literally in another 3-5 minutes the already flies in, and if they sketch the position, accordingly it is already working with mines. another such hot combat exit was for solovei just a couple of days ago, but the forty-four-year-old volunteer is not afraid of return fire, he signed a contract at the end of twenty-second year, to break away from his family and two children was hard, but he is an old -school fighter, who does not need to be explained why he is needed here. lord. the country can not cope, we need to go, help, support, i help as much as i can, in any case, nazism must be defeated, eradicated, so to speak, and we do everything for this, just like our grandfathers. these fighters work like mosquitoes, bite where the enemy does not expect, to firing points with all the heavy equipment, they deliberately walk several kilometers, so it is more difficult to detect them near the front line , the guys are firing on this section of the front, mainly at fortifications of kiev forces. if the stronghold is not very
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strong, then yes, one missile is enough, with a good hit. dugouts and firing points are dismantled with mortars. a few days ago , this calculation managed to catch the enemy rotation, but the main focus of the work now is supporting the attack aircraft in silmakhovka, and the enemy has seriously fortified the village. it's not that they took cover right in the houses, but not nearby dugouts, they build themselves zoos. so they most likely live in the basements of these houses, these guys do not get enough sleep yet, when the assaults on this section of the front they are going round the clock, there is a category of the vsu soldiers who leave their positions and run away in these directions, it is easier on this street, somewhere they fight to the end, and accordingly, it is necessary to smoke out the enemy, the western group continues to break through the enemy's defense and... in
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the peschanoye area, and the depth of the breakthrough in this section is already more than 4 km, developing the success, our forces will be able to cut the group. at the enemy on the southeastern approaches to kupensk. ilya lyadvin and gormichkin and dmitry tsarkov, ntv. donbass. today the ministry of defense published footage of the destruction of a german artillery installation in the kharkov region. with its help, the ukrainian armed forces tried to fire on russian units. our soldiers destroyed western equipment with the help of the lonze guided loitering munition. now all the forces of our military on the front line are spent on quickly defeating the enemy. to develop the successes of the offensive, but it is equally important to return home alive and well. to protect the soldiers, everything is used, from protective screens on vehicles to improved new-type bulletproof vests. how they repair and modernize equipment and ammunition right on the front line, saw maxim berezina. the repair
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unit of the first guards motorized rifle brigade are creative people. engineering thought goes a lot with real threats to our armored vehicles in hot directions. statistics led the repairmen to the conclusion that ... mechanics, drivers of infantry fighting vehicles require additional protection from anti-tank mines, which are dropped in isu from ogrodrones and, as a rule, in the most unexpected areas. the commander chose a simple effective solution: the driver's place additionally reinforced with armor plates in the field workshop, this increases the chances of maintaining control of the combat vehicle in extreme conditions. this is a bmp-1, an enemy vehicle, this is clearly visible on the camouflage. here i would like to show it using its example. what does the explosion of a vehicle on the anti-tank mini tm-62 lead to, and its analogues, imported analogues? here it is clearly visible that when the tm-62 or its imported analogues, e bmp-1, bp-2, explodes, a hole is formed in the driver's seat, as a result of which the driver
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is guaranteed to die, the rest of the members the crew receives concussions and varying degrees of injury. kasbek's scientific approach to the matter allowed to conduct a series of field tests in standard infantry fighting vehicles with additional. enhanced protection, the explosions were filmed from a copter, the mines were real, the damage to the driver's cabin of the transmission was studied by the command of the first brigade at the expert council, it is possible to somehow estimate how much the survivability of the vehicle has increased - this means that during the tests we tested two armor options, one combined one of steel armor, this means that both options showed good the result, both options retained the integrity of the hull, that is, they did not allow - to break through the bottom. did not allow damage, to kill the driver or damage the transmission compartment, but the combined version of the armor turned out to be weaker and after the first explosion, let's say, it is necessary to cut it off to install a new sample, to invent is our profession, say repairmen and come up with not only
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an additional shield for tankers, but also non-standard equipment for attack aircraft. an armored cloak made of several layers of kevlar, like concept, was born in an ordinary armored vehicle repair shop, we witnessed its first military field acceptance. the armored cloak appeared in field conditions as an additional means of protection for fighters vulnerable to enemy copter drops. it is attached directly to the bulletproof vest, weighs about 8 kg. this is quite a serious weight for a fighter who already has a bulletproof vest, machine guns , ammunition, but despite the weight, the armored cloak, as the first tests showed, holds fragments of different sizes well and stops the blast wave. the cloak does not burn, does not get wet according to the inventor kasbek, a completely universal thing. this raincoat can be used as...
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used this machine to transport infantry and ammunition to the front line, so at the moment of unloading the infantry, so dronkadze of our troops flew inside, shot down this machine and
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the enemy abandoned it on the battlefield, so it did not have time to burn completely, an old american armored car m-113, will be in kozbek's workshop for some time, it will be carefully examined. for vulnerability and quality of armor. maxim berizin, maxim ushanov, sergey plakhtyukov, ntv. donetsk people's republic. well, now there's breaking news. today , the ssu tried to break through to the territory of the kurdish region in sudzhansky and korenevsky, korenevsky district, as reported by the acting governor of the region , alexey smirnov, fighters of the border service of the fsb and the armed forces of russia, did not allow a breakthrough of the state border, no other details have been reported yet, we will follow the development of events. the wives of the participants in the special operation will be able to be with them during rehabilitation , the normative legal act on travel and living.
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a significant collapse on world stock exchanges, monday, already called black, caught many by surprise, american markets showed the worst daily result since the autumn of twenty-second year, everything collapsed, stock indices, commodity quotes, even traditionally protective asset, gold, some asian exchanges simply went into a nosedive, on a number of markets trading was stopped forcibly the day before to avoid panic sales, analysts are now trying to understand what it was, just an excessive reaction to bad da...
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standard and purс is also at three, nazdak is at six, the stock exchange is in panic, the market volatility index, on wall street, it is also called the fear index, rose to 55, it was higher only at the beginning of the pandemic and during the financial crisis in 2008. i think it all started last week, when the us
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economic productivity index showed its lowest result in the last 8 months, that is , there is no talk of growth at all, well then this report on jobs, on unemployment, this all of which led to an overreaction and even panic. black monday began on friday, when the us government released a disappointing report, the number of new jobs in the american economy for the first time in months.
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either a doctor, or rather doctors not so much. many experts believe that one of the factors in the current decline in stock markets was the replacement of biden with harris. investors were preparing for a trump victory in november, and now the situation is uncertain again. over the past 2 weeks, we have seen kamala gain a lot in the ratings, it's a very tight race now, and i think people on wall street are worried about what she might bring to the white house, because kamela is a full supporter of biden's policies and wants to regulate everything in the economy. former president donald trump immediately dubbed the market decline as kamala's downfall.
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voters have a choice, trump's prosperity or kamala's downfall and the great depression of 2024, not to mention the possibility of world war iii if these stupid people stay in the white house. by the end of monday, u.s. stock markets had recovered a little from their decline, the situation doesn't look so catastrophic now, but the fear index on wall street is still holding. several american military personnel, the media reported citing sources in the pentagon. joe biden was informed of the attack. he returned to washington late the night before after a country getaway. biden was flying to the capital by helicopter and almost fell again while descending the ramp onto the lawn of the white house. later, the us leader held a meeting on the situation in the middle east. who exactly launched a missile attack on the american base? unknown, but the pentagon has already blamed
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iran for everything. the situation in the middle east is heating up with each passing hour. the israel defense forces announced the elimination of one of the hezbollah commanders. the lebanese movement reported that it had carried out at least eight attacks on idf facilities in the last 24 hours. in the near future, experts predict a massive strike against the jewish state. official tehran even warned israel through intermediaries in budapest, as the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijárta, reported, he had a telephone conversation with iranian colleagues, in which the words about the upcoming attack were heard. after this, siyarta immediately contacted the head of the israeli foreign ministry. to convey the warning. the secretary of the security council of russia, sergei shaigu, spoke with the iranian leadership about the unprecedented escalation in the middle east. in tehran, he was received by the recently elected president of the islamic republic. shaigu condemned the murder of the head of the hamas politburo , ismail haniyeh, noting that the organizers of this attack are seeking escalation in the region. in
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addition, the secretary of the security council indicated that moscow is ready for comprehensive cooperation with tehran. in turn, masoud pezeshkian assured that the development of contacts with russia is one of the priorities of iranian foreign policy, and the common position of moscow and tehran on a multipolar world leads to strengthening global stability. at this moment, secretary savbe for russia is already in baku, he is being received by the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev. on this day, 79 years ago, the world climbed another step. on the ladder of escalation saw what would actually happen on the ground in the event of the use of nuclear weapons. the american booing b-52 , touchingly named enola gay after the pilot's mother, dropped the first atomic bomb on the japanese city of hiroshima, making it a symbol of destruction and the terrible loss of civilian life. debates
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continue to this day about how necessary this act of intimidation was and how it affected the end of world war ii in asia. the united states has never seen fit to apologize for the suffering it brought to the japanese, although in recent years the japanese themselves have tried to forget who it was that did it. in fact destroyed hiroshima, and then on gosaki. edmund zhalbunov, about unlearned lessons of history. the ceremony in the hiroshima peace park traditionally began with the laying of flowers. then doves were released into the sky, they flew over the dome of the exhibition center of the chamber of commerce and industry. this is one of the symbols of the tragedy. on august 6, forty-five, at 8 am, on a japanese city with a population of about 300 thousand people, the american military dropped a four-ton baby, as they called a nuclear bomb with a capacity of 13 kilotons, in a matter of seconds almost 100,000 people died, essentially burned alive, tens of thousands died later, including members of the japanese prime minister's family. what
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happened in hiroshima and nagasaki 79 years ago should never happen again. japan is against nuclear weapons, but the situation around the russian nuclear threat aggravates the current situation. and traditionally, not a word about the united states in the official speech, about the fact that the states wanted to test a new type of weapon, that it was not only an experiment, but also an act of intimidation, and many american military, including the future us president, supreme allied commander in europe, general eisenhower, did not see the point in such a bombing, it simply had no military sense, except perhaps a political one, to scare, at that.
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truman dropped the bomb anyway? he wanted to send a signal to the soviets that if the communists interfered with the us post-war plans in this region, this is what they would get. this signal at the very end of world war ii foreshadowed the outbreak of a new war, this time a cold one. the simple truth is that nuclear bombs do not end wars, it came at a very high price, at the cost of many thousands of japanese lives, although the american assessment of these events has not changed much over the decade, if at all. not a trace. of any remorse or recognition that it was a mistake, that it could have been done without, no, no, we do not see this. obama became the first american.
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dropped an atomic bomb on the japanese islands, they forgot, they tried to forget, representatives of russia and belarus were not invited again this year, but the howling israelis were called, although the residents of hiroshima opposed this, the opinion of the japanese themselves hardly matters when it comes to big politics. in essence, japan is a semi-colony of the united states, because by refusing the russian market, russian supplies, energy resources , and other things, they essentially caused the greatest damage, and support for ukraine, which is of no use to them at all , of course, did not
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do them any good either. a military ally of the united states and a friend of nato. modern japan has doubled its military spending. in the spring, prime minister kishida visited the united states agreed with biden to strengthen the military alliance with america. and all this looks as if history has taught the japanese nothing, although what could they learn from textbooks that do not mention the bombings is a rhetorical question. the goths are left only to gather year after year at the memorial with former enemies who have become their closest friends, to release doves of peace into the sky with them, repeating the same ritual, which essentially no longer carries any semantic load, and it seems that the japanese themselves understand this too. edmund zhelbanov, anastasia konorovskaya, alexander gusev, ntv television company. the russian embassy in the capital of bangladesh recommended that our citizens leave the country if possible and return to their homeland. there is a political crisis in the republic. the head of government fled to india, her residence was seized by protesters. hundreds of people broke into the palace and started a pogrom there, the same fate befell the office of the minister of internal affairs. the protesters also
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waited for several offices of the main opposition parliamentary party, desecrated a monument to the first prime minister countries, attacked a prison in one of the northern provinces. a fire broke out there, about 500 prisoners escaped. at least 110 died in 24 hours . of eastern appearance did not hesitate to attack local residents in broad daylight, they started a fight on the veranda of a pub, they attacked a car on the move, the owner of which
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did not like the hot-blooded young man for some reason. they hid their faces with masks, journalists, these young people clearly do not like it when they see that they are being filmed, they show aggression, they force the camera to be removed, the sky news film crew openly threatened to slash the car's tires with a knife, but the police are mainly dealing with those who are in power. whatever the alleged motivation, this is not a protest, this is pure violence and we will not tolerate attacks on mosques our muslim communities. the full force of the law will catch up with those
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whom we identify as participants in these events. british police report that almost 400 people have already been detained in the past few days of unrest, some of whom will appear in court today. below is a short advertisement, after which we will tell you about the first accident. with a fatal outcome involving a futuristic cybertruck from tesla, well, and also, what is now the threat of driving too noisy cars and motorcycles in russia. two bikhhits at a bargain price, only in a delicious point. the time has come for alfabank, the time of benefit for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant card delivery. thousands
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cheaper. meeting place from monday at 14:00 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. electric cars, elon musk's cybertruck have begun to take lives. the first fatal accident involving a futuristic mini-truck from tesla occurred in texas. authorities report: the cybertruck went off the road and... safety tests, the tests were carried out only by the car manufacturer itself, in st. petersburg traffic police officers now monitor not only the safety of vehicles, they have begun to identify and fine drivers
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or... motorcycles are too loud. the main weapon of law enforcement is a special device that measures the number of decibels in the exhaust system. nikolai bulkin observed the work of the inspectors. the case when the inspector asks to rev up. the roar of the exhaust system should show whether the driver has gone beyond the legal 96 decibels. police on the roads of st. petersburg in in this raid , they listen not so much to the drivers as to the motorcycle and the car, shumomir shows violations, and the conversation about raised voices ends with a resolution. having acquired devices for measuring noise levels, over the past weekend alone , st. petersburg police officers identified 15 violations. for those who like to pump up the engine power too much, and, accordingly, to annoy city residents with a roaring car, there are two administrative articles. a number of administrative materials are drawn up for such drivers,
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namely... re-equipment of a vehicle means without the consent of the state traffic safety inspectorate for exceeding noise level standards. drivers have a choice: within 10 days , return their motorcycle or car to the factory quiet settings or lose the registration of the vehicle. let's compare the exhaust sound of two motorcycles. this motorcycle is equipped with a standard exhaust. and this motorcycle is equipped with a tuning exhaust system, which is louder. an exhaust system that makes the engine roar is called a straight-through exhaust system by tuning experts. this means that it has almost or so-called flutes are completely absent. partition. inside the pipe, the task of which is to soften the sound, what do they do? either knock them out of here these flutes, or saw them out, yes, that is, they get them through here, or saw them along some craftsmen, well, as far as imagination allows, requests for such tuning
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are usually from young people who want to increase the power of equipment, but professionals know, louder does not mean faster, according to experts, it is ideal when the exhaust resistance is those same flutes, but a little, then the indicators. but constant noise for city ​​dwellers are already accustomed to the background, among its consequences are nervous exhaustion, mental depression, and of course, the most noticeable effect of noise at night . the sleep cycle is disrupted and as a result , irritability, frequent mood swings, decreased concentration are noted. only for bikers, the noise of their motorcycle is also a necessity on the road. motorcycles are made louder for safety, so that they can drive. loud sound makes it possible to avoid various emergency situations,
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motorcycles, as a rule, move faster in the stream, the driver of the car looked in the mirror, there is no one there, and the motorcyclist drives, he sees that now this driver may make some maneuver. revs up, thereby showing that i am there, please, don't hit me. however, the permissible decibels are quite enough to loudly declare yourself on the road. in any case, st. petersburg law enforcement officers pricked up their ears, and noise measuring devices. the new raid is clearly not the last, so the quieter you drive, the more license you will have. nikolay bulkin, annavalova, sergey vorobyov, mark tyunev, dmitry pavlov and irina fedoruk, st. petersburg. that's all for now, thank you for being with us. all the best and see you soon, short summer nights don't let you get enough sleep, glycine plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time, a tablet under the tongue right before bed. short summer
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nights don't let you get enough sleep, try glycine plus melatonin in one tablet, double action, it removes all the worries of the day and allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus. melaton, evalar. and now about the weather for tomorrow in this issue european territory of russia. for those who do not want weather changes, there really will be almost no encouraging news on the vast area of ​​the russian plain. the temperature is within the august norm, rain in places with thunderstorms will fall in the ulgovyatsky district in the south of the komi republic, arkhangelsk region, vologda. in the volga region there will be less rain, but it cannot be completely ruled out. in the northwest in the center there are the same local rains, but in the black earth region we can talk about widespread thunderstorms. these thunderstorms will come to ryazan on thursday and the temperature background then it will subside a little, but only for one day. now about the south. here the onset of cooler air will continue, this will support, and in some places will intensify thunderstorms in crimea in the caucasus. and the capital. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will also
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be a thunderstorm, during the day +22, in moscow - 23-25. there is a chance of rain again. that's all about the weather. edema may appear in summer weather. lymphatic transit helps. reduce edema by accelerating the movement of lymph, take lymphatic transit from evalar. stagnation of lymph can cause edema. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. lymphatic transit evalar - summer without swelling. well, what can i tell you, lenochka? this coin itself is not of great interest.


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