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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 7, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

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you strangled a good man, don't give me a hard time, boss, i took him away, don't ruin him , i swear, i don't know, you know what, vad, and the caulking man, you put him in the hoarse cell, oh, maybe you shouldn't, what if you remember something, so what? he doesn't spill, no, he's lurking in his testimony , he claims that he told karagodin about 100,000, he withdrew 50, 50 from the bank, was anyone else present during your conversation, no one, mom, i swear, mom, don't swear, remember better, remember, here, here i remembered, karagodin lost his temper at some point, started shouting, came running,
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guard, romanov, romanov, korogodin calmed down a bit in his presence, and romanov stayed next to him just in case, and i was writing, the duty officer, hang me in the cell, what do you mean in the cell, i apologize, but i, i cooperated, i, that means, you were right, romanov, someone doubted, just don’t... romanovs, look, one brother was aware of the upcoming deal, the second is a fisherman, he has a boat on which they transported karagodin’s body, now this needs to be checked, i agree, a fisherman, and we have one fisherman here, well, sack, let’s go with me. tolya, tell me,
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do you know the romanov brothers? who doesn't? we suspect that they committed the murder, the girl of this citizen. well, what does this have to do with me? we can't find them and their boat is not at the pier, do you know where they are? the sea is big. you are a fisherman. can you show me the place? yes, but i will not return to the cell. okay.
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here is the romanovs' side, something went wrong with them, this one is ready, huh? and this one is alive, i will do everything, brother, you will be satisfied, and i will get you out, i will not screw up the business. "i will be a bastard, brother,
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and most importantly, this cop, the major, who will almost killed him, i'll bury him, i'll bury him, brother, like a bulldozer buries a dog, i answer, he'll still cry his blood, he doesn't know yet that grief has come into his life with me, come on, and what are you standing there for, you've made such a face, or what more than once'.
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he agreed, he needed to order some money, that day i told my partner, i told him, i need to go away for an hour. a real trick, but i didn't understand anything, chick and it's gone, i got it, there's a sucker, korogodin, he 's bringing us money, where's my girl asking, and he's so cunning, he was surprised himself, but here she is
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bones, i understood, the scoundrel grabbed from behind, the man was dragged by this mug. the man went home to sea himself, and why did they kill zabelin? he suspected, in general, i had to treat my partner, oh my god, some dog got stuck, we got scared, but we ran away, there are practically no people there, i drank a little, and at night the boat was carried away to the sea, there are supplies, the main water, vova's shoal, i tied the boat poorly, in general, a word, two
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words, i overpowered him, well, what are you carrying there? unscrew faster, you'll be back now, yeah i'm unscrewing, i'm unscrewing, let me help you, i won't get there, you'll get there, reach that rock, hide behind it, i 'll be there in half an hour. well, i rented this yacht especially for
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us, there will be no one else there, just you and me, do you know how to steer a yacht? yes, i 've never sailed on a yacht. i'll teach you, you'll be my captain and i'll be your sailor, give me your hand and don't be afraid of anything, i'm afraid, it won't work, come on, come on, come on, i'm waiting for your orders, captain, kiss me, i'm tired of talking, i've had enough, well, they're dragging everything, the oars are in boats. it became impossible to leave, and what kind of engine was it? a powerful engine, japanese, gray, i saved up for it for a whole year, there are special marks, i painted one with white paint, well, so that if someone steals it, there was a distinctive feature, last week two new japanese spinning rods and an echo sounder were stolen from my barkas, you wrote a statement to the police, what's the point,
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a year ago my car was stolen and it was never found, here are the spinning rods, the car was never found, the spinning rods, maybe we'll find them, write a statement to the police, what do you have, there are a couple of fingerprints, i need more the owner of the ice. roll your fingers, wait a minute, we'll draw up a report now, yeah, so, as far as i understand, your cheb is guarding the private pier, how could they steal a motor, it's their own fault, why the hell are we , why, how many times have i told you that cameras need to be installed at the facility, you see, you feel sorry for the money, and what do cameras have to do with it, we need normal security, and not these slobs, yes, i have the best guys in the city working, there is not a single convicted person, so okay, let's finish the bazaar, who was on duty tonight? vanya koromyslov,
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dear irina, i finally met the woman i've been dreaming about my whole life. forgive me, i can't speak beautifully, anyway, marry me. i hope i didn't make a mistake with the size, i'm speechless, i think i'm going to die now, from happiness. "drag him into bed, and the rest is up to me, he's married, his wife works in an ambulance, two
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daughters, she's very jealous, according to rumors, it's bad, i don't need more showdowns with cops' wives, i'll solve this problem, the head of the hospital, my buddy, he'll ruin it, he works so hard that there will be neither time nor desire spy on her husband, but only if it's like this"? also, keep in touch with dasha, paromonov has fallen for her, and he, gashko's close friend, he may be, i have fallen for him, but she doesn't even look in his direction, and you make her look, honey, it's not easy, dasha, our young lady has character, well, you're our street, come up with something, i need a muscovite. i have my own plans for her, tell me, koromyslov, how did it happen that you didn't notice
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the theft of the motor? well, it happened, well, i didn't notice, or maybe you fell asleep, or post abandoned? i didn't sleep and didn't go anywhere, well i don't know how they could have stolen it, but now such specialists work, while you're dragging fish, they're in scuba gear, they swim up to the boat and remove the motor, almost in front of the owner, yeah, my neighbor's motor was stolen like that last year, "my business is working steadily, and the two stores that i have bring in a good income. it's probably hard to pull this strap alone. it was hard to start, i sold my apartment then and opened my first store with that money, risky, my friends then they called me crazy, i didn't understand much about business then, i had to learn everything on the go, i solved all the problems myself. with the gang, with the tax office, with partners, with competitors, my stores were burned down twice, you are an amazing
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woman, the hotel director asked me to make you, mr. kruglov, a bonus card for our honored guest, and that it gives a lot of privileges? a twenty percent discount on hotel accommodation and a ten percent discount on restaurant service. a good card. so, what do you want from me? fill out the form? do i have to enter my passport details? yes, the series, passport number, who issued it, and so on. i just don't remember it by heart, and my passport is still in my room. let me fill it out tomorrow, as you wish, bring
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the completed form to the reception tomorrow morning and get your card, great, mish, well go get your passport, why would we lose our dinner discount, ok. that's it, oh, lucky, white, what are we playing for, what are you talking about, just like that, of course, they just
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decided to have a checkers tournament here, well, among management of the region, well, i need to get into shape, well, go ahead, how are things going with this engine, the suspect was detained, he confessed, but not yet, what about the evidence, no evidence... he didn't leave any fingerprints in the vodka, there are no witnesses either, they questioned the neighbors, the neighbors say that he and his wife argue all the time, he's jealous of her, um, jealous, that's... yes, it's bad, in family life vasily, trust is the main thing, not jealousy, i can tell you from personal experience, don't marry a jealous woman, oh, you'll get tired of it, but i think i'm not in a hurry, i'm a good boy, go, yes, vasya, i lost, the game, and you know why,
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because i'm a checkers guru, you can't argue with that, and why are we sitting here, do we have a task? yes, we need to punch one bastard, what kind of bastard is this, a certain timofey gusakov, he buys up all sorts of junk, including boat motors, i watched him last year, but he never screwed up, maybe he'll get lucky now, and what, dim, who are we waiting for? that's it, i'm off, thank you, they kidnapped him and are demanding a ransom. they kidnapped him, who are the bandits, misha, help me, well, you 're a former policeman, i don't know what to do with me do, don't worry, so, okay, let's take it in order, sit down, have a drink, well , thank you, and tell me, misha, yesterday from
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the restaurant he went to his room for his passport to fill out an application for a guest card, which... we would have given him as a gift, so, i waited for him for a whole hour, but he never showed up, i asked the girl at the reception, but she said that the keys to his room were in place and that he had not shown up, strangely, at 10:00 in the morning a male voice called me and demanded 5 million rubles for misha, i was shocked, and then they gave the phone to misha, and he asked me gave them the money, and that when he was released, he would return it to me, that's all, no? the same male voice said that if i contacted the police, they would send misha's severed head to my room, irina, calm down, everything will be fine, sergey, what should i do, what if they take the money, and misha, and misha will be killed, i'll think of something, now go to
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the room and... don't leave it, if they call again, then tell them that you need a few days to collect the necessary amount, okay, okay, thank you , stop thinking, let's go, i'm going, went, yeah. go again, now, what's there to think about, that's it, and the party, the party, oh, kolya, you're as tall as china, let's give it a go, comrade major, easy, yeah, on the right, on the left, again your white,
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who else needed me there, oh, great , proravon, so what? are you getting ready for a rematch? no, why? holy shit, and where is she now? that's it, we're going, let's go, there won't be any poddovkovs. gusakov, are you home? home! hello, gusakov. hello, ukhov. what did you come here for? so we agreed to meet, have you forgotten? so you tell me did you call? well, you haven't forgotten what you wanted. show me your store. and i'm not breaking any
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rules. people bring me unnecessary junk, and i then resell it. unnecessary or stolen? i don't have anything stolen. timofey, do you have receipts? ha, what receipts, i buy all this through ads from private individuals, sometimes they bring me motors that are 10 years old, this one is generally 20, well, what receipts ear? and haven't they offered you a japanese motor? listen, someone called this morning, i think, but he didn't say anything about the color, silver, i think, rebate, and where are you supposed to meet him? listen, with your ear, why you need all this? yes, it seems to me that this is a stolen engine, and you don't buy stolen things, do you? i don't buy it, guzakov, i can check the origin of all this junk. of course, i can check, but i can also close my eyes, so i strongly advise you to help the investigation, today at three at the pier, well done,
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and you still have the guy's number, i'll look now, it hasn't been determined, i understand. "so then, we'll go to meet together, i'll be your brother, guzakov, and what do you know about your lodgers, well, they are a bride and groom, she is registered in kursk, he is in a village in the vladimir region, and do you remember, i showed her to you when we were playing backgammon at my place, do you remember, and this is the one that the partner cheated on the grandmother, and you helped her, yes, of course, in the room of the kidnapped ... " was, without the police i have no right, well, if they are watching her, our appearance can only make things worse, i have an idea, how you and your eagles can get into the hotel unnoticed,
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what's the idea, but call,
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oh, maybe it's them, it seems, yes, well, let's go see what kind of pepper, huh? hi, hi, are you timofey? no, he, timofey. and who are you? vasyaval, i brought a motor, we need to see, does it even work? yes, like a beast, we can check it, we just need to refuel it, come on , where did you get this engine? you bought it in a store, of course, and do you think it was stolen or something? i think so, lieutenant ukhov, you are under arrest on suspicion of stealing an engine, order
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me to stop, otherwise i will open fire , you have stopped now, i repeat once again, stop, otherwise i will open fire , i repeat for the last time, stop, otherwise i will shoot for expression. wow, what do you have here, they found a passport in the name of mikhail aleksandrovich krugly, we should check it in the database, yeah, check it, also, it would be good to wiretap her phone, the subscriber is not displayed, okay. one second, hello, today at 6 pm you will bring
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money, money, i don’t have that kind of money with me, i ordered it, but the money will be here in 2 days, watch, if there is no money, or you go to the cops, you will never see your fiance alive again, i will do... everything as you say, i hope, otherwise you may need it soon, i told you that they are watching me, no one has ever left vasya ukhov’s, get in. go to hell, it's the owner's business.
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i didn't see any suspicious people in the restaurant or on the hotel grounds last night, when kruglov went to his room, did anyone follow him from the restaurant? no, he left the restaurant alone, there was no one next to him, and during his stay at the hotel, well, besides his fiancée, did kruglov meet anyone else, 3 days ago some man was waiting for him in the lobby, mikhail went downstairs, handed over the key to the room and they left together, can you describe him, i have a bad memory for faces. dark hair of average height, 30-35 years old no more, and can you help me make a composite sketch? i'm afraid not, i don't remember his face at all, good afternoon, good afternoon, where have you disappeared to, i haven't seen you for two days, but i'm a little busy with things, i remember the man, i wanted to say that i accept your offer to play lingerie, but
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with one condition:
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you'll sit in the cell for a while, and i 'll talk to syavin, maybe his memory is better in error, ironed on gives ransom, ramon, it's unlikely that this will help him, if kruglov knows the kidnappers, they will get ransom for him, and his they will kill, and if he doesn't know, they will kill anyway, what are we going to do, well, after the money is handed over , we will track down the location of the hostage bandits, there are no other options, come on, that's it, paramon, connections, why did suren roll your fingers at filimonov's, a small scar was found on the thumb of his right hand, the same
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prints, found in okrugly's room, which means filimonov was in her room, good, so, citizen filimonov, what were you doing in room forty-five, the starfish hotel, i don't know any starfish, did you leave a trace there, your fingerprints were found in the room. you know this citizen, this is the first time i've seen him, well, i understand, we'll play the unconscious one, you searched his place, not yet, yeah, go ahead and draw up a search warrant, we'll go and have a look, we'll take boromon with us, yes, take him away
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, it's terribly hot. my brain is melting, i wish i had some cold kvass now, oh, that would be good, no, it's good to drink green tea in this heat, i'll be really looking forward to it. it removes, i don't know, there's no color to the taste at all, i'm for kvass, yeah, great, that's good, vasya, come here, have a look, what's there, oh, here we found a treasure, comrade major. well, filimonov, consider the boat motor a term, you've already received it, if you want to reduce the term, go ahead and cooperate with the investigation, japanese
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spinning rods, according to the description, similar to those stolen from the boat station and the cold, one thing, vasya, call the witnesses, conduct identification, do you have anything to say, andrey, can i have a minute with you? the suit you found in the attic belongs to kruglov, how do you know, i helped gladilina buy it, she wanted to surprise her fiancé, asked me to go with her to the store, well, to try on the suit, ok, wait here, uh-huh. i see, what a suit you have, filimonov is a good one, and where did you get it? mine, i bought it, uh-huh, and i know that this suit belongs to a man who was kidnapped last night and they are demanding
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a ransom for it, and that's a completely different article, this is not like stealing boat motors, this is an especially serious crime, it's worth fifteen, where are you hiding the round one, i don't know any round one. i don't have any accomplices, why are you bothering me? you don't want to know the easy way, okay, it will be the hard way, well, sevin, have you ratted me out your accomplice said that you were the organizer of the robberies, and he was only the executor, i am the organizer, let him not scratch, then he made me unscrew the engine. i lost 10,000 in a card game, there was no money to pay back, i had to work off the debt, stupid to go to jail for 10 thousand, i don’t want to go to jail, the victim mosin identified the engine you stole, yes, your fingerprints
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are all over this engine, yes, i have nothing to do with it, it’s all filemonov, come on, tell me everything in order, copied it, here he was throwing money around left and right, he tracked him down, found out that he lives in a starfish, then, well, then i climbed into his room, it turned out to be some kind of useless fire, there was nothing valuable in the room
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except for the suit, he took it, but i had nothing to do with it, i didn’t have anything close to it, well, yeah, read it, what is this? the interrogation protocol of your accomplice syavin, read it, it’s interesting, what a bastard, i didn’t steal any motor, why the hell do i need your motor now, i need all the information about krugly, well, i climbed into his room through the balcony, stole the suit, made sure that it was in there was no room, that's all the information, when you followed him, do you remember by chance, did he meet with anyone, communicate, he mostly went with his woman. "i saw him with a guy once, they came to the hotel together, and this guy was waiting in the lobby, and then they went to a pub, can you describe it, a guy, like a guy, nothing special, he was wearing a t-shirt, with
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the emblem of a yacht club and a badge, what kind of yacht club, scarlet sails, so..." or maybe we'll play russian billiards, okay, with pleasure, please, break it, right? yes, now you, scored, congratulations, are you married? i'll answer your question when you score. and if i don't score, then don't
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answer. well, you play pretty well . you won't get an answer to this question. and if you lose this game, i won't go to the restaurant with you. that's the second condition. "please, i'm in good shape today , so be careful. oh, that's great. who taught you to play like that? dad. we had a pool table at our dacha. i've been playing with it since i was 5. dad was a master. you can tell. now i, it's impossible.
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how long have you been a hotel director? not long ago. where did you work before? i used to be the director of a beach in another city. well, it seems it's not meant to be, i'm going to have dinner with you today. party? congratulations, i've never seen anything like it. madam, let me show you. that's a nice punch, young man, we're not done yet, give me back the cue, you told me that, you loser, but i know that now, what are you doing, you bastard, i'm a billiard player, and i 'm telling you now, let's get out of here, let's go, let's go, and where
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did you learn to fight like that? i went to a section at school, and then to college, and what did you graduate from? law? and how did you end up on the beach after law? well, i later worked as a policeman became a beach director. and so you were a policeman? an investigator, then everything is clear with you. something is terribly hungry, so you agree to go to a restaurant, despite the fact that i lost, i agree, well, of course, if you have not changed your mind, no, i have not changed your mind.
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so, was the fight a success? well, what fight, didn't you warn him that he was tough? i thought he was usually a loser, tough, but you can't tell by his appearance, but he almost killed me there, that bastard, here you go, improve your health, add another five. you'll manage, so, should i go? get well soon, come on, i'm in touch, call if anything, i think we've got it all worked out, no news yet, we're waiting, and what about you? it's them, they called, hang up, pull yourself together and
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say, hello, hello, i'm listening, time 's up, i need the money today, okay, where should i bring the money? paramon, it's me again, what 's up with you, what bastards, they demand money, that's it, come on, that's what we'll do. take some paper, some scotch tape to the hotel through the service entrance, and maybe a beacon, and a beacon. well, they set up a meeting at the romashkov cafe, but i know that, and they also said they didn't want to wait any longer and sent this is it, so what do you have, the doll is almost ready,
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we checked it, it works, listen to me carefully, now you hand over this money to the kidnappers. will you order something, thank you, nothing is needed, maybe ice cream, bring a glass of water,
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please. she received a text message, they moved the meeting to the market, the meat pavilion. yes, hello, vasya, come on, quickly get back to the car. got it. what happened? they changed the meeting place, it will be harder to track them down at the market. to the market, please, let's go. let's go, vasya, let's go,
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let's go, let's go. well, what do you have there, the signal is stable, fresh fish, beauty. beauty, you are not looking for me by any chance, i don't know, maybe you too, i am looking for misha, misha is not here, maybe i can be of some use, but no, thanks, go away,
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she left, yes, we saw, let's go! they insure themselves against eels there just in case.


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