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tv   Utro  NTV  August 7, 2024 6:30am-8:00am MSK

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we wish you the morning, with the best, further in the program, we learn the details of the emergency, we deal with different cases in the first program, on ntv the program is emergency. incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, internet criminals , focusing on seasonality, created a fake network of glamping hotels, free rooms for any dates, live communication with polite managers, reviews of satisfied customers, a scheme of deception thought out to the smallest detail, potential customers were not embarrassed by anything. blogger maria domysheva wanted to change picture: the bustle of the city for a measured rest in the forest, in a cozy house with a swimming pool under.
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with a geolocation, here is a descent to the river there is no grove here, and then another message: the dnieper is working smileys, three ukrainian flags, the scammers deleted the rest of the correspondence, hurried to transfer 1500 and muscovite daria belikova, the booking confirmation never arrived by email. i began to write a clarifying message, asking questions about how many towels there are, for example, yes, you need to take with you. to which i received a definitely direct
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answer: here 3 days after payment works dnepr. dnepropetrovsk, renamed by ukrainian nazis to dnepr, the capital of telephone fraud. now the scammers, apparently, have re-profiled for seasonal earnings. instagram the gang created a whole network of fake glamping hotels in large cities. clients are bribed with free days, houses, a system of discounts, and in general, what is called a live account. subscribers.
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goes to the chat in telegram, and there the client is picked up by professional and very responsive admins. good afternoon, tell me cost of two days. hello, a small house for up to four people - 11. rubles per day, a large house for up to seven people - 15. rubles per day. tell me, please, is it possible with a corgi dog? we will be only glad, since we follow the concept. the cards are simply issued to fictitious persons issued, as we said, in those banks that, when making transfers, do not, victims from different cities united and also launched a vigorous activity within the framework of the law, published screenshots of fake pages, correspondence and filed statements with the police, so that now it's not just dnepr that's working. how is it that a father was torn away from his four children, this man's name is nikolai romakh, this story started with him.
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you see, he shouted something, run away, that some car is driving, here uncle kolya is flashing his bare torso, the locals call the traffic police, drunk romakh is immediately registered, don't forget, don't think that you only have power, that they beat you up, it's normal, who upset uncle kolya, who beat you up, we beat you up, you will write a statement, it will be, only here a statement was written by a drunk romakh, for some reason suddenly on a father of many children, allegedly denis.
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tetov beat up a reckless driver half-head. i wish denis tetov and his family patience. an appeal is ahead. perhaps the father of many children will still be allowed to go home. the situation is unfortunately not uncommon, how many of these brave ones with a naked torso strive to get behind the wheel from a glass, and run off to a kiosk, what's the fastest, otherwise another portion of shashlik is on the way, how to stop such a one so as not to get into jail yourself, the famous lawyer andrei knyazev will tell you everything now, andrei gennadievich, i am glad to welcome you back to our studio, hello, why such a harsh sentence, real imprisonment, right?
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associated with an insignificant reason for the conflict, in our case the court decided that fast driving is not a reason to use force, but a drunk is a squeamish man, what 's surprising if he had to be shaken up a bit, from the point of view of the law, denis stopped
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a possible disaster, an accident, hitting a person at the very moment when the drunk driver stopped and found himself outside the car, from that moment on the danger. even hypothetical, the drunk driver no longer poses, i will emphasize from the point of view of the law, let's say a drunk is trying to get behind the wheel again , how else can you stop him, if not by force, this is an extreme necessity, according to the law, an extreme necessity is a situation when there is an immediate threat, it can only be eliminated by breaking the law, but what an immediate threat is, the law does not clearly define, in the opinion of an ordinary person, well, denis, it is known what the drunk has in mind, what he will do next, and denis reasonably decided that this is an extreme necessity. the drunk driver must be stop immediately, prevent any attempts to get back behind the wheel. and according to the courts, extreme necessity is, for example, a situation when a drunk driver
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is heading straight for a child. only then can he be stopped by force. this is such a contradictory interpretation of the law. there is a chance, if not to justify, then at least to mitigate. with denis, i believe that in this case the court completely illegally did not take into account the unlawful behavior of the victim, that is, the drunk driver, and i would file an appeal for reclassification, under article 112, part one, that is, causing harm, but without hooligan motives, after all , there were no hooligan motives in denis's actions, the punishment for the first part is much lighter, i think that based on the specific circumstances of the case, denis, a suspended sentence may be assigned, not related to imprisonment. i have three children, how many do you have? two. here we see a drunk driver, children nearby. what should we do so that he does not run over anyone, and then we ourselves do not get into jail? first of all, we need
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to call the police and the traffic police, then try to stop the driver and convince him to leave car. in extreme cases, take the keys, children need to be taken to a safe place. keep an eye on them, but you shouldn't attack a person with your fists, even with the best intentions, take the keys and then you 'll be accused of robbery or attempted theft? this is extremely unlikely, the police will arrive, you'll give them the keys, the police will make sure that you're not laying claim to the vehicle, but simply stopped a drunk driver, and this is generally your civic duty, to accuse someone of something in such a situation, well, it's extremely difficult, andrey gennadievich, thank you for your exhaustive
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comfort, that's our cultural code, to rat on a neighbor is kind of wrong, you have to come and talk like men, well, denis tetov talked. now he's sitting there and it's not a fact that it's for nothing, times are changing, and any cultural code, not in the evening either, the best for today, at 16:45, my favorite series nevsky, listen, in my opinion, it's time to start working, watch today's episodes, a team has started up on nevsky, touring performers, and my guys can't handle them, what 's going on here anyway, and are these people responsible for our safety, we are working.
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on the 22nd it will rain again in buryatia, then take a break to burst out with renewed vigor at the end of the week. thunderstorms are not going to leave the rest of the southern regions. there is no precipitation on sakhalin yet. the temperature here is simple, four to yuzhno-sakhalinsk +25-30, in chukotka, in kolyma it is cold around ten, but in anadra, at least no precipitation, and in mogadan it is raining. the north of siberia has been given to an anticyclone and it is trying its best to give everyone a full-fledged summer. there is plenty of sun in rilske up to +20. however... in the south of the region and in the urals also everything is like summer during the day up to +27 in places rain with thunderstorms, tomorrow in the south of the urals, not yet
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dried out after the recent flood , very heavy showers will fall again. in the central zone of russia, all the same local rains and thunderstorms, with a note that in the west of chernozem and the central region they are longer and stronger. the temperature is normal slightly lower or around 25 °. very similar in the northwest, the north adheres to the sunny side of the heat there is a lot. in the south. there will still be rain in the caucasus, but in general the period of nastya is not ending, the resort season continues, near the black sea under 30 sunny, about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg today 21:23, short rains, in moscow they will pass during the day 23:25, the morning continues, the best, we get acquainted with the auto news on the main road, we remember useful tips from sergey malozyomov. the space of your home, a record
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has been set, the smallest driver in the country has been detained, a four-year-old boy missed his grandmother so much that he deliberately put on a motorcycle helmet, took an atv without asking and went to his granny, the parents had to explain themselves to the inspectors for business minors, cheered up the locals, a girl from novosibirsk showed her breasts to fellow travelers, waving a... bottle, male drivers are happy, but they write that they don't want to take such a thing from their wife, a drunk stavropol train-rider came up with the idea of ​​riding on the bumper of a police car, she couldn't get far, there they unhooked her from the uaz and kindly gave her a lift to the police station, they bought a car from me on an installment plan, the buyer died and never paid all the money, the heirs don't want to pay and don't get in touch, but how can i collect money from the heirs or return the car to the heirs along with... not only the property and rights of the deceased are transferred, but also many of his obligations,
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if the heirs have accepted the car as an inheritance, they are obliged to pay the remainder of the amount stipulated by the purchase and sale agreement, if the heirs refuse to do this, you have the right to terminate the agreement and return the car. good morning, live food is on the air, my name is sergey molodemov, and one of the most enjoyable parts of my job is to constantly follow the news, adding some fresh information from scientists to my picture of the world. shashlik ruins the lungs. with such warning was issued by scientists from the polish institute of physical chemistry. together with their american colleagues, they studied how nitrophenols affect the body, substances that are formed under the influence of the sun from the combination of nitrogen oxides with dust during any combustion. during the work, it turned out that these molecules ... destroy protective membranes, leading to the death of healthy lung cells.
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cancer cells, on the contrary, grow more actively. of course, the researchers exposed tissue to high concentrations of these substances for 24-48 hours, it is unlikely that anyone is preparing shashlik for so long, but the risk group includes, for example, professional barbecue operators. and the rest should also inhale less of any smoke. scientists regularly find something harmful in it. scientists have found several more reasons to love berries. researchers from king's college london gave subjects sublim powder every day for a month.
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berries there are no safe doses of alcohol, as the benefits of alcoholic beverages for the heart, says a new study presented at the annual congress european society of cardiology, several groups of patients were studied for more than 5 years, and the most interesting results were found in those
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who had heart problems, as well as high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity, and who also drank alcohol. even those who did not go beyond the internationally established safe doses, which is about one or two glasses of wine a day, the risk of deteriorating heart health increased by 4.5 times. scientists also noted that fans of alcohol, again, even in small doses, more often had excess weight, and this can also lead to health problems over time. dachny otvet continues to remodel the rusanov family home, hello everyone, this is dachny otvet, i am ilya zapadenets, the effect is matte enlightenment, that's what they call it at the factory, the color penetrates, and the whole plot of the kitchen, it is closed, there are no old-fashioned latches, everything closes, yes, it is fixed, we made two such large doors, we discussed for a long time with the designers how to make it so that these
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were double-leaf swing doors of such a height, in the end they offered us a solution with magnets that fix it on top. this second sash, but at the same time the glass is safe, i even took a sample from the factory, here it is, made using triplex technology, there are two layers of glass, one thin, this is exactly the film that holds the fragments in case the glass breaks, no-no-no, another, another option, we have the weights of our heroes, i hand you a five-kilogram bottle in your hands, let's raise it a little higher, yes , higher, higher, yes, well done, julia, it became... it became easier, yes, now we will finish the work with stair railing, we will add a rubber seal to the embedded parts, and then we install the glass panels, they sink into the profile to a depth of 8 cm under their own weight . mechanical locks clamp the glass, making the structure strong and stable. so, men, i think that in principle i can fit in,
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but wait, i think that if you and i stand together, we will also kind of jump. under it is a console made of the same material, but with an oak embossing, we will hide the black cabinet behind white sliding doors, so it practically merges with the light wall. sockets. the switch was chosen in a graphite shade, spotlights will provide built-in spotlights, holes were made in the ceiling for them in advance. magnetic track lights of two types will be fixed on the busbars: in contrasting black cylindrical cases and laconic rectangular ones. the staircase will be illuminated by built-in spotlights in square frames.
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and a tablet in a lampshade made of acrylic and aluminum with a matte diffuser. finally, a fireplace appears in the living room. the flame effect in the electric fireplace is created thanks to thick steam, which is illuminated by halogen lamps. all you need to mount the device is a niche of the right size. a large modular sofa rushes into the embrace of the rounded walls. it was made for us in the city of vladimir. the filling is several layers of foam, of different elasticity, density and height. i noticed that things made by hand are a little warmer. than what is produced by a machine, of course, of course, other energy that we all put in together when we made these carpets, we used such... that is, if you look, then
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it turns out a little voluminous, textured, then here we have, you see, a loop, here is the pile, here is where our work with julia is, look, your work specifically was somewhere here, i find out, the camino company will be made up of an armchair with backs, bolsters and a table for cozy tea parties. and heartfelt conversations, here are the seeds that we promised to scatter on the wall, 144 grains of texture paste on a snow-white canvas, fresh flowers will add colors to the interior, we will not overload the living room of our heroes, lovers of minimalism, with decor, there are few objects, they are all in the colors of the new, light, bright interior.
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oh, this is the thing, this is our house, class, i said bright, here. this is an electric fireplace, i managed to install a real fireplace here by cutting a pipe, that's it, we lost it, there is not just a cabinet, yes, there is something, oh, wow, the only dark spot in this interior, we are still a little in shock, i am very glad that there seem to be a few colors, a few colors, but they are so good, harmoniously combined that it is pleasant to be here, cozy, the fireplace is especially cozy, it is just wonderful, special love, will use it every day, well, there is nowhere to put firewood throw, but in principle it looks beautiful, very unusual,
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i couldn’t imagine such a thing, it worked out, and the passage remained, and there is a door, from all this our house became even more beautiful, it was good, yes, and thanks to you it became, yes, it became even better, welcome to the new. how much advice do you give out per day? 500. and you and i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes. with our experiments we summoned this incomprehensible creature.
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these are aliens. how katya lel probably envies us now. let's go! look at what passions run high! open your heart to a miracle. i heard you're looking for a miracle. a miracle with arseny. of course, the program is dirty, a little bit, with popov, premieres on august 17 at 8:00 pm on ntv. nevsky, today at 4:45 pm on ntv. a bunch of sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, a legendary look, this is a big hit, big hit, only in a delicious point. let's take loans in we are in sovcombank sovcombank cash loan and cashback up to 10%. detrolex helps
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quiet. doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be there now, i'll find evidence, i work until i get results, i'm not going to live by your rules, i don't hurt innocent people, do what you have to and come what may, you'll have to act exponentially, don't commit a feat. heroes, it's the season again, the hero is giving away, and so are your minds, good, hello, let me come in at one. father in
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new season, miracles, see below, morning is the best, we try healthy sausage in our consumer protection service, we have the right to get legal assistance, we will turn an apartment into a dream home, we will go to thailand, we will eat something tasty. with federica arnaldi. sausage is such a hit ingredient of a feast that a song about it made the members of the group kombinat stars, admits its lead singer tatyana ivanova. it was not specified about a couple of pieces of what kind of sausage is sung about in the hit, but the doctoral one deserves it, because it is a lifesaver in the top for concert behind the scenes, in the home kitchen even pop legends. this is the simplest option such
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a win-win, it's time. refrigerator chopped into a beautiful cube by meat technologist ilya romanov does not advise buying sausage in the store, because before the longest minced meat in large factories, now he cooks loaves in small batches for restaurants and teaches the intricacies of making sausage at home to all those who are bored with a truly high-quality taste. in modern sausage there is practically no meat , basically this is a minimum of somewhere around 20%. in the recipe for doctor's sausage turns 85 this year. the sausage appeared on the soviet table in 1936, but back then it was very salty, there were no refrigerators, but how much does it cost to make a kilogram of homemade
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doctor's sausage? the singer is betting, i think, 97 rubles, 97 rubles, i like this figure, the bet has been accepted, make yours too. and according to the classic recipe, the meat in doctor's sausage should be pork and beef, when cooking at home, you can choose fresher and more meaty pieces of meat, that's what's there twisted in factories, sometimes it is better not to know, the technologist assures, some images and so on, and maybe miyhapvalka be, it is not that it can be, it is there, point the camera of the smartphone at this qr code you will see the joyless results of the study of forty popular brands of sausage. from russian stores, it turned out that a third of them are solid chicken bones, cartilage and skins, but there is no word about this in the composition, and after all, mechanically deboned poultry meat costs a maximum of 35 rubles per kilo.
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chicken, it is on it, it is all on us antibiotics grows, here is mechanical deboning just for us, well antibiotics accumulate very strongly in tendons, and in some bone tissues, however, they can mix a decent. beef mince pork with expired, and to beat off the smell, the meat is thickly pumped with spices with flavorings, here is how one trader shares such secrets with a correspondent yulia sokolnikova, who introduced herself as the owner of a newly opened cafe. it is not 100% clear, maybe add, because with spices all the same completely, spices they may or may not muffle the smell, that is, you have to look at it. and the demand for expired products is off the charts, because a kilo of such chicken with a smell. costs only 20 rubles. pork - 45, beef - 60. an experienced sausage maker promises that in the home version everything will be tasty and safe. to do this, you need to mix the meat correctly, take
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dietary beef, pork in half, part lean and part with layers for juiciness, and for the correct consistency of minced meat, the technologist advises to pass the meat through a meat grinder twice. so, 150 g of beef will cost about 40 rubles. 425 g of lean pork will cost 66 rubles. and the same amount of fatty pork will cost another 40. our pork came out to 850 g for 105 rubles. then milk, which makes the meat more tender. meat processing plants usually take dry milk, this greatly increases the shelf life of sausage, but milk... dust - the technologist assures, unlike liquid, it is easier to fake , save by adding whey and adding water. sorodka, yes, of course, it will be cheaper than dry milk. for an honest cost price , we consider natural milk, it comes out to 200 ml per
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6 rubles. another important component, without which the mince will fall apart - eggs, they kind of glue the ingredients, making the meat mass homogeneous and smooth in cut. but only for such a dried mixture. as a rule, eggs are not taken selected, but first or even second category, well, and we beat a dietary egg into high-quality sausage for 4 rubles. it remains to add seasonings, sugar for 30 kopecks. salt costs the same, 10 g of regular and 10 nitrite, which gives the sausage mince an appetizing pinkness and does not allow toxic mold with dangerous bacteria to multiply in the mince. without... nitrite salt can only be used to make sausages that are stored frozen. nitrite salt is not more expensive than table salt in regular supermarkets, but it is easy to buy in specialized stores on the internet. in total, salt costs 30 kopecks. and another 3 grams for almost a ruble for
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aroma. but even on this curing mixture , sausage makers save, a former employee of a meat-packing plant disappoints. fiber is added to sausage to maximally there. pour in water, the product becomes juicy and , accordingly, they simply sell water, well, and the preparation of honest doctor's sausage has reached the finish line, it remains to stuff the mince into such artificial film, a meter of which eats up another 18 rubles. the sausage needs to be dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 °, then boiled at 80 cooled in cold water. it should be this color. yes, this doctor's sausage turned out, of course, not so bright pink and in places leaky, because at home you can't pack it hermetically in film, but there is no doubt that it is high-quality natural, and the price pleases,
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the cost price of homemade is only 173 rubles, 26 kopecks, and tatyana missed the mark badly, yes, i'm shocked that it's so expensive, it's... because of the cardamom, probably, yes, yes, yes, not because of the beef, to this price tag, of course, you need to add the salaries of employees, cleaning, household chemicals, water, electricity, rent. therefore, the upper limit can be different , completely justified, but experts believe that doctor's sausage with a high-quality composition cannot cost less than 600 rubles per kilogram, remember this: ruben markaryan, lawyer. the question came, is it true that soon we ourselves will not be able to go to court without lawyer, this is a violation of our rights. everyone will have the right to defend themselves or
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ask an experienced neighbor, for example, my neighbor at the dacha. why professional representation should be entrusted exclusively to a lawyer, the president of the federal chamber of lawyers of russia yuri pilipenko explained in detail. he said that mainly because of the double filter , only a lawyer with at least two years of experience, who has passed the qualification exam, constantly and necessarily improves his qualifications, and who can... lose status for violating the law or the code of ethics, here, of course, the corporation monitors the quality, and accordingly, we can talk about the prospects for improving the quality of representation of citizens' rights in court and everything else, in the current conditions, when most of the legal services market is in the gray zone, it is at least strange to expect qualitative changes, here with the introduction of a lawyer's monopoly, free artists, here at the dacha, which is from jurisprudence about
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if this neighbor of yours is not a lawyer and not an attorney, otherwise you will suffer and the whole system the judiciary is also with you, but in my opinion, the proposed systemic transition is long overdue, but before its full implementation, much still needs to be done, for example, to develop a system of free legal aid, at a minimum, again , i consider the principle of a double filter for all legal representatives proposed by colleagues to be absolutely correct, of course i have heard.
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of course, we come across some, but they do not stay. without this stage , there is no professionalization of judicial representation, and to be, unfortunately, and maybe, fortunately, it can't. hello, this is a housing issue and i, victoria panina, today we will remodel
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a room for two sisters, the girls are very different in character, like their pets, one has a cat, the other a dog. the issue of dividing the space is very acute for them, we will solve it with non-standard methods, we have not done this before. well, for you guys, we have also provided places, you will have a lounge area, and you will have a gym, well, we will prescribe the summer on the balcony. dmitry is an agronomist, gives consultations on... margot knits, makes clay models, watches romantic tv series and cooks exotic desserts. sixteen-year-old lisa plays the guitar, loves anime and... computer games. she studies at college in
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the information technology department. i like the prospect of being able to create my own programs in the future, maybe even games. and in via i will be able to work in virtual reality. lisa's pet is a snow-white cat named mipa. lazy and wayward. margot loves dogs. and juliet's former labrador was abandoned mistress. lie down. die. high five. well, let's play our heroes' favorite game, associations, and find out what they expect from the makeover. i have a map, i'm waiting for your associations. bedroom, i don't really agree with the classic, it's kind of boring to me , old-fashioned, you've heard, so, and what do you want, something so gentle, a little simple to combine with bright and so modern, with some kind of backlighting, posters, posters, i agree with the backlighting,
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not so much about the bright, i like cyberspace more, then, what do you want at all girls, do you need it in your bedroom? separate beds, somehow more space for things and space for animals, for me the work place is a priority, because i spend most of my time there, i want it to be all modern, for everything to shine, it was so beautiful, and now let's close our eyes, close, close, close, now a mystery object will appear, oh my god, oh! wonderful, juliette is delighted, no, did it scare you, inspire you or puzzle you, somehow puzzled you, but it inspired me, it seems to me that here in general there is room for imagination and what can be done with it, how can an accordion be connected with your future interior, such
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a black and white, well, this is the most obvious, this is the simplest, that probably the colors are black and white, that's how i see it... ardion only crossed my mind gena, i don't know, well, on such a wonderful note i say goodbye to you, forward from the song, friends, see you in the final, mash, of course i was surprised when margo guessed why we showed the accordion as a subject of the riddle, she guessed that it is connected with partitions in the future and this an absolutely brilliant child, indeed the accordion is a reference to those partitions that we will have in order to make booths for the girls, they are in a closed state, that is, the girls have separate zones where they can close themselves off and be by themselves, in fact, their zones were divided by color, margot ends up in a lilac lavender world, and lisa is in such a contrasting light-dark combination, black and white, this is her
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zone, but you know what confuses me about these booths is that there is very little light and little air, we provide forced ventilation so that there is a flow of fresh air. and the lighting, of course, is built into the ceiling right above the workspaces, plus table lamps, that is, there will be a very comfortable light there to the maximum, listen, well, a contrasting cool remake, so let's get started quickly, hurray, how can you not think about anything, you have to think, how not to think about anything, is someone flying? someone is filming and also distracting, madonna, and these smells, and it would seem, yes, i'm in an ideal state for relaxation place, thailand, the country of a thousand smiles, where everyone does everything for pleasure.
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it turns out that bangkok is called the venice of the east, well, if it’s venice, then there must be at least canals, here’s a canal, and well, consider that it’s almost like a gondola, and with a gandaler, woman, i’ve never seen anything like this, ciao bella s! however, these are not just canals, a real gastronomic attraction, a floating market, one of the oldest in thailand, for locals, shopping here is the same as going to a supermarket, but europeans
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have never seen anything like this. not just sells, and also cooks with water, wow, yeah guys, wow, of course, at the market it's always and everywhere colorful, but this is just something with something, well, you must admit, this is a completely new interpretation of the phrase, go to the market, savodi kram oh, madonna, what a delicious thing here, ice cream in coconut, everything happens right before our eyes, the saleswoman crushes. coconut pulp, add ice cream, sprinkle with nuts, decorate and lekhi hunda
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and oroy, federico, so 50 baht, yes, you know, usually at the markets you always have to bargain, but i thought, let it be this time a little bit differently, i brought all sorts of goodies from russia, people abroad always love such things, especially sweets, let's try it, and ice cream, ice cream, right? i think, because they got a delicious delicacy, oh, granny, hello, samodicrab,
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you have the brightest beautiful boat, and so many different fruits, a great option to try something unusual and exotic, for example, i like carambola, it is very juicy, but not sweet at all. but i will not bargain with granny, i will just treat you to a delicate russian pastila, give me your hand, i would kiss you, but here we are turning over, it is better not to tell everyone, god, what a color, what a vibe, it is incredible, but here
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right on the boats they fry and boil, bananas, meat, pies, noodles, what about, to bargain, listen, to bargain, there is such a word in russia, i am a soup of sweets from russia, to exchange. it worked out, but i got a 50% discount, i am a good guy, oh, i like it, in the end this technique works here, and i like the noodles even more, whatever you say, the thais know how to cook it masterfully, and yes, this says exactly italian, this is really delicious, or as the thais say, arroitin, thank you, kapkun, i already...
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sticky rice treats, it's really sticky, but you can balance it with a piece of mango, mango in thailand is the juiciest delicious thing in the world, well, let's go, not slowly, i don't even look around anymore, otherwise i can't vouch for myself, i remember so many markets in the eastern countries, always very colorful and noisy, bright , this is the whole point, and it's like a kind of... attraction every time, but i don't know, the winner of all winners, however after such hubbub and bustle, yes pleasant, but
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tiring, still want a little peace and quiet, officer of the russian army,
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moscow coffee shop on the poi. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. kingfisher the final on sunday at 13:00 on ntv. about the weather for today the synoptic map of the far east is a kaleidoscope of cyclones and anticyclones. in yakutia there will be less precipitation, they will go towards kamchatka, there it will not be higher than 15, in yakutsk - 22. it will start raining again in buryat, then take a break, to burst with new force at the end of the week. thunderstorms are not going to leave, the rest. the area on sakhalin is still without precipitation, with the temperature here everything is simple, four to yuzhno-sakhalinsk +25-30, in chukotka, in kolyma it is cold about ten, but in anadra, at least without precipitation, and in mogadan rain. the north of siberia has been given to an anticyclone and it is trying its best to give everyone a full summer. in rilsk there is plenty of sun up to +20, however, in the south of the region and in the urals everything is also like summer during the day up to +27 in places rain with thunderstorms, tomorrow in
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the south of the urals, still not dry after the recent flood with ... very heavy downpours will fall again. in the central zone of russia, all the same local rains and thunderstorms, with a note that in the west of the chernozem region of the central region, they are longer and stronger. temperature normally slightly. below or about 25°, very similar in the northwest, the north sticks to the sunny side of the heat there is a lot, in the south there will be rains in the caucasus, but in general the period is not ending nastya, the resort season continues, at the black sea under 30 sunny, about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg today 21:23, short rains, in moscow they will pass in the afternoon 23:25, look further, morning, the best, you!
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more than 550 cases of this disease are registered for every 100,000 population, and its growth over the past 10 years has exceeded 25%. is it true that if stones have already appeared and are very disturbing, then they can be removed without surgery? we will find out from a urologist, doctor of medical sciences, ruslan trushkin. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about proper medicine with proper doctors. ruslav nikolaevich. today i would like to talk to you about the treatment of patients with urolithiasis, about surgical treatment or, let's say, minimally invasive
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treatment, how to make it so that if a stone has already formed, so that it can be removed quickly, without pain, easy and simple to get rid of, because everyone wants it that way. until recently, about 30 years ago, the main method of treatment was surgical. treatment of stones from the urinary system, most often this was done using open surgery, of course, these were huge incisions, these are very traumatic approaches, especially when removing a stone from the kidney, why, because several layers of muscles intersect, nerves and vessels intersect, now, fortunately, this situation is practically absent, that is, in the structure of surgical interventions and those or other ...
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a beam of energy is directed at the stone, passing through the tissue, it hits the stone and causes its fragmentation. in most cases, this technique is effective, but there are certain indications for it, for example, yes, the size of the calculus, if this stone is already more than 2 cm, if this stone is dense, there is ...
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is not ideal for such a stone, you need to think about something else. the next is endoscopic interventions, that is , when it enters through the bladder, rises under the control of the eye upwards with help. with these techniques there is no incision, the instrument is introduced through the urethra into the bladder, then into the ureter, then it can be passed even into the kidney itself, into the pelvis, fantastic, yes,
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and if earlier there were only rigid uretero renoscopes, now fibroscopes have appeared, and why? firstly, they are thinner, secondly, they are less traumatic. plus they allow using more efficient energy, this is a laser, that is, they brought it to the stone, pointed it directly at it and shot. right into it there, yes, or grabbed and pulled out? and you know, grabbed and pulled out, that one too does it happen, does this happen too? yes, this also happens, it is still relevant, but it again depends on the size of the stone, a stone of more than a centimeter in size cannot be pulled out through the ureter, the ureter is a very thin organ, in fact - for understanding it is from 3 to 5 mm, it is like a rod in a pen. well, how
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can you pull a stone of a centimeter in size through such an organ? and the ureter, depending on the size of the patient himself, can be up to 30 cm, that is, the probability of trauma is high, therefore , before removing this stone, it is fragmented, and there are techniques when from there is not even dust left of the stone, in fact, that is , it is fragmented, this is the stone- free method, when it is fragmented to the state of suspension in ... and nothing needs to be removed, and if a situation arises that a fragment remains that cannot be crushed, and it is, for example, 3-4 mm in size, yes, a special loop is used, with which the remains of the stone are fixed and removed, the third, the third layer of surgical interventions is when even endoscopy may be ineffective. and this layer also relates to
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endoscopy, but it is still associated with an incision, this is percutaneous surgery, that is, through the skin, through the kidney, yes, a skin incision is made, and with the help of ultrasound navigation, most often, a puncture of the cavitary system is performed, the cavitary system is where urine collects in the kidney and where stones most often occur, and the resulting passage is expanded after the puncture and directly. an instrument, a nephroscope, is inserted into the kidney, and there the stone is fragmented, there are several methods of fragmenting the stone - this is pneumatic fragmentation, ultrasound fragmentation, when the stone is crushed immediately in the form of sand is evacuated, and fragmentation with the help of a laser, amazing, thank you very much ruslan nikolaevich, i would like to wish everyone health.
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our colleagues, urologists will definitely help if urolithiasis occurs, renal colic has arisen due to a stone, and indeed today it is both fast, painless and very reliable. i take five cloves of garlic, a lot. you need a lot of garlic, what is today 's, i would say, the secret of our chicken, which we will bake, is in what spices i will add, because chicken, that's what i had in my childhood, chicken with garlic, sometimes some herbs were added, sometimes you can - there my mother planted some and the roots around, beets, carrots, by the way, i will also add carrots, but mainly it was garlic, butter, maybe a little bit of some parsley, but dry, dry, because fresh grass. it burns very quickly
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on such chicken, in this case i suggest you, we take garlic as a basis, a lot of garlic, as i already said, then, here as for herbs, all herbs can be dried, for example, thyme or i have savory, such a fresh, light smell, a little, you know, some kind of citrus, just the leaves, oh, how delicious it is with garlic, by the way, it works well for both fish and poultry, that's the story, so, and now spices, look , the garlic is already well ground, in general, it is most convenient to grind garlic in a mortar, firstly, your hands do not smell too much of garlic afterwards, well then look at the garlic, all the oil squeezed out of the garlic is preserved here, before we take the spices, we add olive oil here, said oil remembered, it is generally important to pronounce everything , the more you speak, the greater the result, lemon, so, the juice of half, now spices, sumac - such a pomegranate spice, which
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is used in the cuisine of the middle east, in turkey, in lebanon, in israel, in general, i really like its taste, it has such a light sourness, a little ground coriander and a little ground cumin, literally you know, a quarter of a teaspoon, a little pepper flakes chili, if you want you can take fresh chili, but it seems to me that it is the flakes that are good here, and honey. honey, two heaping teaspoons, it really does look and sound delicious. what did you forget, salt , definitely salt, and if you want a little black pepper, you and i have talked about this many times, because the aroma of black pepper is very interesting, and you know, by itself it always reminds me of some kind of
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aroma of a tea rose, but if it is combined with other spices, it is different starts to come out, there is some citrus , even some vanilla, so i don't do it for the spiciness. most often in such combinations i add black pepper, just for the aroma, well, that's it, before this beauty goes to the chicken, here goes to the chicken, like this, look how beautiful my young carrot is, right whole, like these different pieces of bars, and now we grease the chicken with this beauty from the outside and inside. from all sides. such a chicken is baked at a temperature of 180 ° for about an hour, it is quite it's big, it weighs about a kilogram,
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so an hour is the minimum we set, well, you know, yes, how we check whether the chicken is ready or not, you need to pull the leg and the leg should easily come off the joint and then it 's ready. my oven is well heated, so i, so that the chicken is baked evenly, baked through, first we cover it with foil so that it doesn't burn, you know, it's not just about the chicken, but so that the garlic doesn't burn, so that the spices, don't add them ahead of time such, you know, too stylish crust, wings, yes, tips, wings and legs all this... everything is perfect, my mother had such a secret, to always have a beautiful tanned chicken, you need to pour it with this sauce, which we get from
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here, beauty, well, listen, it's about 15 minutes, it will also be ready. look how beautiful, well, this is just wow, look, class, well, i just want to quickly get to the table in the heat, bon appetit, there's a miracle of technology on the air, a program in which... i, sergey malozyomov and my team test everything on themselves. this time we tested a smart chessboard, the pieces on it, as if by magic, make moves themselves when you play with someone online. price - 70,000 rubles. is this
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thing necessary or not? we addressed the question to the students of the russian chess school. meet the russian chess champion among players under 10, matvey yurasov, the youngest international master in russia, the world champion in the category under 12, savva vitokhin. others gathered to watch their game in an innovative format students, teachers and parents. to start the game, you need to download a smartphone application and connect to the board via bluetooth, and then choose one of the options for an online game with a friend or a random user is known.
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press harder on the square with the desired figure, and then where he wants to go, it didn’t work the first time, plus the board periodically ate two adjacent figures, and sometimes, on the contrary, entered the field already eaten, we already had an elephant in the game, look what it is, great, the board is for us, in in general, the game did not impress those present, but maybe the game will become... more exciting if you compete only with the board, without an online partner, there is such an opportunity, in the application you can choose one of 20 difficulty levels, yes, but he chooses the slav defense. grandmaster, senior lecturer of the russian chess school, georgy costañeda volunteered to evaluate this mode. well,
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this move is surprising, because somehow, according to theory, it is not accepted to play like this. the style of the electronic opponent turned out to be unusual, he as if he was giving in, he thought about his moves for a long time. the manufacturer claims that the board adapts to your playing style. but georgy didn't think so. in the end, he won on time, although the board ate more pieces. the grandmaster thinks that the algorithm is not very well developed, i thought that he would play extremely strongly from the very beginning, this happens very often when you play with a computer, but for some reason he gave me a very good chance in the debut, in terms of position he had a big advantage, and in terms of time, i don't know how it works, but he lost on time, however, developers of similar chess programs explained to us that this can be done intentionally. artificial intelligence is sometimes deliberately given in so that interest in the game does not fall, but the chess players themselves say
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that no new technologies can replace a real live game with glances, facial expressions, gestures, this is the magic of chess, and not in the figures that make moves themselves. if you need to play with someone virtually, free options, which are abundant on the internet, will suffice. in general, the idea is interesting, but a little unfinished. our rating is c stars out of five. one morning on ntv. i, sergey mayorov. hello. this year the world celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the most popular puzzle, the rubik's cube. in 1974, the toy that drove hundreds of millions of people around the world crazy was invented by hungarian erno rubik. our story today is about the champion of russia and... naborshchikova went
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to visit the young wunderkind time 5:53. i don't remember what year, probably 2019 before quarantine, i was sitting, collecting the metro cube, and a woman came up to me, said how do you collect it, filmed me on video, timofey tarasenko got into assembling the rubik's cube at the age of 8, today he is 12 and a multiple champion of russia in the eyes of his rivals, among whom there are many it specialists and young... timofey is the main contender for the world champion title. i
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definitely beat, 25 years old, who is 33 years old, well , in principle, i am now the strongest in russia, which means i can beat any man. for the first time, the puzzle of the magic cube, as this invention was called, was tried to be solved by students of the budapest academy. in 1974, professor erna rubik, according to one of versions offered the puzzle as a teaching aid to convey to students the basics of mathematical group theory, but a couple of years later the rubik's cube was being assembled outside of hungary, the puzzle became a favorite toy for everyone, from young to old, throughout europe, but especially in the ussr. two people out of thirty -four remember what chekhov's story is about, thick and thin, but everyone knows what a cube is . since then... 50 years have passed, during which time the rubik's cube has become a real cultural phenomenon. do you know why it doesn't work?
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each turn of the face affects the next one. and you are fiddling with one side. timofey tarasenko is one second short of setting a world record in the classic cube. every evening after school, he assembles the puzzle with. hundreds of times, timofey's mother, margarita tarasenko, does not know where her son got such abilities from, because in the first grade he was into football and ballroom dancing, i am so used to this sound, because when it is assembled, it is heard, wherever he is at home, it is heard, he sets for himself some goal, let's say, to collect a thousand assemblies of 7 on se in a week, that's what he 's going for, and what are you interested in today besides the rubik's cube, for example, i'm teaching english now. my grandmother is a teacher at the institute, i can't say anything about it in my free time, but in principle i can ask there was
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a period when everyone was discussing computer games or phone games. and he didn't seem to understand and made square eyes, said what they were about and why they were there, he walked around with a push-button phone for the fifth grade, when everyone was already playing all the games there, well, probably, that's partly saved helped him to develop all those skills that he has now. today in timofey's collection there are almost 500 cubes, but even one is enough to try to assemble 43 quintileons of combination options, a quintileon is a million trillion. and what do you need to become a champion? you can sit and assemble many times, well and so you progress little by little, a polygon, you can learn new algorithms to apply them in assemblies, i think i know about 5,000, probably, and such memory and speed of thinking helps better understand girls at school? there were girls who seemed stupid to me, i
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didn't have any problems with them, but there were, well , most often girls with whom i communicate normally, if you choose smart, beautiful, smart. it's normal for smart and beautiful, in general he has a nickname smart at school, but more, in my opinion, because he always writes, and not because he can solve puzzles, i solve this 3x3 cube in 5 seconds, i solve this 5x5 cube in 43 seconds, this is my favorite megamingx cube, i want to solve it in less than 30 seconds put european record, we... decided to test timofey, is the future champion really that good? tim, look, there are numbers, you have to - try to remember them in a minute, then i 'll give you a blank sheet of paper with the same cells, and you 'll try to write them there. okay, let's go. american scientist george miller found that thanks to short-term memory, a person can remember no more than seven or nine
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characters. now timofey will try to write from memory twice as many numbers. so what about two mistakes, you can't remember two numbers, here 65, here and here 74, i've been saying for 5 years that i'll be a zoologist, now i definitely won't, because my favorite subject is biology, but i want to go somewhere in the exact sciences, for example, with some professor of mathematics, a programmer, he had an idea, naturally, to make money by teaching children to assemble puzzles, but i told him that this is not about...
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competitions, they are not taken into account in the world, so i go to nizhny novgorod, petersburg, no one in the world cares about these competitions, because of this now i need to spend more money and go abroad, if i hadn't gone to kazakhstan, i wouldn't have national records to make timofey's dream come true, his mother, who is visually impaired, has to work a lot, yesterday she helped register aircraft, and today she was a courier and delivered parcels, now this year... the european championships are taking place in spain, and we registered timofeev there, but the trip costs a lot of money, and surprisingly, a chinese sponsor signed a contract with him, but there was no one on the territory of our huge country no companies or organizations that are ready to help him at least somehow with money, and i am very upset that he really has great
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prospects, he is 12 now, he is already showing such results, next year the world championship will be held in america, i am even afraid to imagine how much it will cost, and of course, people like him, i think it is necessary to go there, but where to get the money, i am thirteenth in the world and i think that this will bring me popularity, besides, i want to win there, well, not win, at least go out, i don't want them to point a finger at me, that it's me, like, i 'm so cool, i don't want that , i want to somehow... be happy with myself, so that my parents understand that they 're doing all this for a reason, so that in the future i not only collect well in the cube, play shakhnuts, but be a good person, modest, truthful, what kind of people, such stories, i'm sergey mayorov, see you on ntv, happily,
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the best of today, at 14:00, big premiere. kingfisher, new season, famous turkish tv series that became a worldwide hit. you are my light, without you, i will remain in the dark. watch today's episodes. today i am retiring, and you, son, will begin to rule the karhan family. yeah, i finished with arkhan, didn't you get it? i decided to move to london, we decided. i love you. an eye for an eye, halis karhan. for the lifeless body of your son, you will pay with the body of someone close to you. you take the daughters, and i take their mother. you and your brother will become my sons-in-law. new season today at 14:00 on ntv. do you feel it too? makheev,
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are you disgracing yourself? shalyapin, volochko, who next? mukhtar or something? yes, mat, mukhtar next. come urgently, grab your genius dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting, mukhtar's return from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtako. today at 8:25 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. my stomach is bothering me. primiam prozol rinival. pancreati rinival. we trust rinival. we choose rinival. attack credit card debts, i'll show you a couple of tricks: collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently repay 24 months, and
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the temperature is deliberately rising. today in krasnodar 30, tomorrow 33. in st. petersburg today +22, short-term rain, in moscow there is also a chance of a breakout, but there will be sun and during the day 23:25. that's all about the weather. in the summer the weather may cause swelling. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. take lymph transit from valar. lymph stagnation can cause swelling. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. lymph transit evaap - summer without swelling.
8:00 am
the situation is tense, there are fights on the border. the latest news from the kursk region. who 's next? niger, following mali, is breaking off diplomatic relations with ukraine. who will lead the interim government when the unrest ends, bangladesh begins come to one's senses afterwards.


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