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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 8, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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get ready, fire! yes, the unbelieving tel, that's right, comrade colonel, and tel - who is he? a sniper, a german, or something, a swiss, comrade colonel.
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results? well, what can i say about that? dymov, by a stretch, good. solovets, porokhnya, satisfactory. cherdyntsev - bad. in general, we need to train, comrades, officers. i'm taking the targets. in a month, the next shooting. let's compare. yes, it's easy to criticize. in fact, he can shoot, and i know, damn, yeah, comrade colonel, huh? can i
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take a look at your gun? please, look, lieutenant. holy shit! wow, kolya , a .45 caliber, have you seen it? the sheriffs' favorite weapon. wow, let me see it. wait a minute. to captain yershov from the commander of afghanistan. holy shit.
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how is that possible, girl? well, what 's the matter? it's hard to get through to them, you'd think there's only one maternity hospital left in all of st. petersburg, kapitosha, i told you, they're going to the casino, that's their last stop, do you hear me, don't puff and wheeze. hello, hello, this is information, please tell me, prokhorova, yes, prokhorova, natalya andreyevna, how come she didn't give birth, how come, how come, girl, she hasn't been able to give birth for a day, how can this be, where are the doctors looking, where are they looking, shut up, khakhmach, what's the matter with you, alexey! go ahead and run to the maternity hospital and
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see for yourself what's what, maybe they really do need a little shake-up, and the instructions ivan sergeyevich, you're the only one left for this object, we'll get through it, right, kostya, right, i'm the eldest, so i'm your instructions, kostya, slow down, yeah, right, they're slowing down, well... you slow down!
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you're so meticulous, sergeyech, instructions. everything 's clear, be healthy, and don't you get sick, he left, and yes, and tell me, please, and lenochka, what time are you getting off duty today, and
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i'm at 9, it's just fate, don't count, forever, you're chatting with the girls, don't get tired of calling. attack on collectors, blow, come on, lenochka, i'll call back, okay, yes, i'll call back soon, yeah, goodbye, hello, georgievich. so what, we have three corpses here, one collector, two attackers, another collector sent to the hospital, wait, who are these,
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the one wounded who managed to press the panic button, they arrived, i'm guarding the money, and what wait, is the money safe or something, probably, since it's for security. three corpses, some kind of sniper duel, comrade major, i recognized one of the attackers, it's blenov, valery, he used to work for us as a collector, it's already warm, and there's still no partner, tumanov, collector prokhorov, he's the third in their team, it's even
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warmer, and give me prokhorov's home address, please, i'll tell you now, so the third, i'm listening, the third, this is the eleventh, we need the home address of alexey prokhorov. got it, we'll find it now, yeah, kirill, come here, hello, hello, who are you talking to, i'm from the police, lieutenant parakhnya, tell me, does aleksey prokhorov live here, he's on shift, what happened, nothing happened, when will it be, can you tell me, i don't know, it's too late. he was going to the maternity hospital after his shift, his wife is in labor, she can't give birth, and you ask him, who? a neighbor, me, we have a communal apartment, and you don't know which maternity hospital, the thirteenth, an unlucky number, damn you, and where
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is it, the thirteenth, kostromskaya street, near smolny, he died nearby, yes, i know, thank you very much, excuse me, goodbye, where are you going? what do you mean where? to the maternity hospital? that's right. well, leave the machine guns, damn it. understand, you won't hear anything here anyway, the operating room is at the other end of the corridor, you prokhorov, i prokhorov, you
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'll have to, why to give evidence, what evidence, no need, prokhorov, calm down, i'm from the police, lieutenant parakhnya, lieutenant parakhnya, calm down, calm down, i say, don't twitch, calm down, who's prokhorov here, your wife, who gave birth to a boy, hurray, calm down, calm down, i said, otherwise the son will be left an orphan ahead of time, with an attack it's clear what about the weapons, well, the gun of the attackers was found, as well as the cartridges, fingerprints are in the hands of the forensic experts. we are waiting for the results of the examination, they should say which of the two shot. and who shot at the attackers? but
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that's the question, no other weapons were found at the crime scene. tumanov didn't have time to use his makarov, he didn't even take it out of the holster. the driver of the collectors is the same. so that's it. i order everyone to leave their current affairs and , as they say, the whole world, to attack this attack, or we will solve it hot. tracks, or we'll get another wood grouse, we agree, we agree, there's no need to be a fortune teller here, then we'll have to do it, shit, i'm well-mannered people take off such glasses indoors. do you know that, lieutenant? no need, i'm free
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, i have, yes, it's good to be young, well, who's going where? come on?
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hello, lieutenant scoundrel, homicide department, can i come in? kudreshov, pensioner, come in, what do you owe me, sit down, name and patronymic pyotr alekseevich, nice to meet you , can i see your passport, oh yeah. you work on a pension, old pensioner, retired, in
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reserve, then please, military id, pyotr alekseevich, tell me, when was the last time you saw your neighbor tumanov ivan sergeevich? i saw him the day before yesterday, you are friends, we are neighbors, in a good way, you drink, it happens, with whom does he live, with his daughter, grandson, the daughter is married, no, and was not, and that they lived amicably, why did they live, live, amicably, lived, alekseevich. ivan sergeevich was killed yesterday, an attack on their brigade happened, is that
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how it is? what can you say? 20 years, impeccable service, not a bitch, not a quarrel, here you go. blenov came to us a year and a half ago. they came with prokhorov together, yeah, they served together, at first everything was fine, courses, internship.
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"well, you are the police, you think, but i don't know, i already said, tumanov himself let me go to my wife's house, you are behaving badly, prokhorov, but which of your fellow collectors will believe that such an experienced, disciplined worker as tumanov went for a gross violation of instructions, ivan sergeyevich, a man, yes, and nothing human
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is alien to him, so he was touched, understood the situation and let you go to help to my wife. if i knew that they might be attacked, prokhorov's words, they are all just words, besides, neither tumanov nor gavrilenkov can confirm this, here in the maternity hospital before our operatives arrived no one saw you, the guard, the guard said that you broke into the maternity hospital 5 minutes before you were arrested, he's lying, he broke in, he has instructions, no strangers are to be allowed into the maternity hospital during non-reception hours, and he follows them conscientiously. yes, i gave him another hundred to let him in, i believe it, it's quite possible, only the guard won't confirm this, so what he is his own enemy, again it turns out words, here is albi prokhorov you don't have, what else can you say, and what can i say to you, to talk to you as if against etra, so prokhorov, article 105
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murder, part two. point a: murder of two or more persons, a person in connection with the implementation of official activities by this person, f - committed by a group of persons, h) - associated with robbery, extortion or banditry, this is enough, so you will see your son prokhorov in about 20 years, think about it. you start, lieutenant, there is, so, well what, i questioned tumanov's neighbors, two of them testified that he was on friendly terms with his neighbor on the police site, a retired military man, kudryashov petr alekseevich. i talked to kudryashov, so he is a reserve lieutenant colonel,
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his last position was the chief of intelligence of a motorized rifle regiment, he served in afghanistan. two orders, so tumanov himself lived with his daughter natalia, 22, and grandson ivan, 4 years old, i went to see them, but i didn't find them at home, i'll pay them another visit in the evening, that's all, exhaustively, you are a captain, i am on prokhorov, the family consists of three people, mother, prokhorov himself and his wife, two rooms in a communal apartment, all three work, no drugs, weapons or other incriminating evidence was found, they interrogated him, that's for sure. prokhorov is stubborn, he says that tumanov let him go himself, moreover, he insisted that he visit his wife in the maternity hospital, almost pushed him out of the car, but prokhorov doesn't have time for albi, so i think that prokhorov could have either brought in accomplices himself, or even participated in the robbery, especially since he needs money, an addition to the family, well, that's not it argument, well how can it not be an argument, well what do i
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need money too, who doesn't need it, let them throw a stone at me, be careful with stones, officers. tumanov himself, tumanov, a collector of the old school, 100% discipline, neither the collectors nor the management, do not believe that he could so grossly violate the instructions, so what prokhorov says is a very big question, yes, by the way, tumanov has a month and a half left before retirement, so it is unlikely that he would take such a risk, because for such a violation they fire without talking, here not only violations, in general criminal negligence, friendship about... with blinov, that's serious, friendship, friendship i don't know, service for sure, but still we need to dig here, prokhorov won't leave us, we need to find first. first of all tumanov's daughter, grandson, this is for me, i'm listening, freedom,
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freedom, guys, get out of there, he came to blinov's apartment.
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the bullets that killed both bandits were fired from the same foreign-made pistol, caliber 1143. well, judging by the cartridges found, most likely it was a colt .45 caliber. yeah. next, tumanov, killed with a tt pistol, found in the hand of the murdered blinov. his fingerprints on the pistol, well , everything is clear here, yeah, so no shots were fired from tumanov's standard pistol,
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prokhorov's pistol also did not fire, that's all about the weapons, questions, the colt, of course, is clean, it is not listed in our card index, but to tell you the truth , in my memory, this is generally the second one in the case, a rare bird in our area, the climate is not suitable, no, the climate is not a question, the 11:43 cartridge is very rarely used in crimes involving firearms, a serious thing, we will think, work, we don't need bread, so it turns out that there was at least one more person at the crime scene, he killed his accomplices and took the proceeds, it could easily have been prokhorov, we need to check his shooting performance, there was clearly a professional shooting there, two shots, two corpses. a complicated case, kirill, it means that you have tumanovo's relatives, get a search warrant just in case, if you don't find them by the evening, open them, everything is clear, it couldn't be clearer, we need
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to look for weapons until we find the pistol from which the attackers were shot, nothing let's prove it, gun, have you completely lost your mind? put it away immediately, cowboy! kolya, go to blinov's apartment, find out more, buddies, friends, well, a search of course, okay? samurai, did you fall asleep on the go? no way? no, an idea came to me, and i think, no, i understand, klinov, yes, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, to stop
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defeat fire calling... strong pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, aviation forest protection rosle farm, reliable shield of the russian forest, everyone calmed down, what an evil uncle, how i i'm afraid, this is my land, you can't do that with people, you can always come to an agreement in a humane way, in a humane way, yeah, bash, how did you get to be a boss, you've become so boring, maybe we should come up with something new, why, if the old one works? cool, vikha, well, how, this is not the outskirts, nevsky, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. short summer nights don't let you get enough sleep. glycine plus melatonin and volar help you get enough sleep in a shorter time. a tablet under the tongue right before bed.
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short summer nights. don't let you get enough sleep, try glycine plus melatonin in one tablet of double action, it removes all the worries of the day allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus melatonin evalar. and about the weather for today, good morning, in the studio evgeniya neronskaya. in the far east , rain is possible almost everywhere, the heaviest on omur, in the center of primorye, on the kuril islands, in other areas local short-term, near baikal thunderstorm. in the south, still up to 27 , it will noticeably warmer in yakutia in the southwest. republics under 30, in the south of siberia without precipitation near baikal, it is also warm there, in irkutsk 27, from from krasnoyarsk to umsk again rains with thunderstorms, so fresh no higher than 25, in the urals it is still cool, in the south thunderstorm showers, but in the north already without precipitation, tomorrow they will stop in other areas. in the european part anticyclones protect the north and south from rain, on the kola peninsula almost like in the north caucasus, up to +26, in kuban over 30. in the middle zone
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daily rains do not allow the temperature to rise. thunderstorms, today they are also possible almost everywhere. in st. petersburg short rains +24, in moscow 23. not only rain, but also thunderstorm. swelling may occur in summer weather. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. take lymphatic transit from evalar. lymphatic stagnation can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating lymph flow. lymphatic transit. evalar, summer without swelling. sergeyech, hi, hi, listen, where do you put the spent cartridges, because you don’t know, first we collect them, then we hand them in, everything according to the instructions, yes, the instructions are sacred, from our last shooting, the cartridge is still here, here, there they are, yeah, yeah, right here in this pile,
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okay, i'll dig around. well, dig around, dig around, yeah, okay, hi, seen you last time, then hello, okay, look. what do you say, what do i say, it looks like, so, high variance of traces, and i definitely need, definitely will be kolya, when you bring the weapon, i need a ballistic examination, yeah, the task, okay, bye, bye, well, where
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is here? vadik, i don't know, so vadik, it won't do, we already know that you're a broke collector, the old debtor will make a share of you, that's the law in life, guys, guys, i'll do anything i swear they didn't take it, they didn't have time to give me the money, there was some guy in a mask, guys, we just got out of the car, and he started shooting once, twice , he killed both of them, both the guy and kapitosha, and the money , bitch, why do you think we 're complete suckers, on... "imagine, we 're not going to beat you up now, we'll go get a soldering iron, we'll figure it out, yeah, and this is vadik just in case, if you don't remember where the money is, the cops will give you 10 years for it for these photos, and we'll make sure the zone doesn't seem like honey to you, but i don't have any money, lyari, bitch, and you didn't want to talk, now shut up, you hang here for a couple of hours, think, and we 'll take a walk." oh you, oh,
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so, so, so! so what kind of people are these, no sleep, no rest, an exhausted soul, well, what bastards, have you lit up such an hut, oh yes, so, well, i have two pieces of news, one bad, the other very bad, it doesn't matter,
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okay, crow, a young man named ivan tumanov, 4 years old, incalculable, that's one, the apartment is also empty, that's two, and too empty, what do you mean too empty, well, no certificates, no documents, no birth certificate, nothing about the boy, that they left or something, it looks like that, so, quickly, i airports, you train stations, tumanovo, svetlan. ivana and tumanov ivan, come on faster, i want to go to the suburbs, i want to se vanya, vanya, vanya, vanya, you can't , you can't, otherwise the policeman will come and fine you, vanya, vanya, you better help aunt katya, there she is in the owl katya, bye. let's go, let's sit down, so what, don't have 100 rubles, have what? 100 friends, well done, come on, sit down, sit down, so what, are you in trouble, son, yeah,
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you're in trouble, yeah, yeah, yeah, are you all so used to free stuff, anyway? otherwise, guys they'll be back now and give you a soldering iron, and you 'll warm up quickly, oh yeah, you know what the matter is, i'll have to change my place of residence, you know, and one move is worse than two fires, you know, i see, you know, so i have to compensate for everything somehow, yeah, don't worry, i'll be careful. yeah, well, well, well, well, don't wiggle your ass, i don't like that , be careful, you see, that's it, oh-oh-oh, oh, so here's what i'll say, either i
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'll leave you here or i'll take you with me, good guys, the guys are very good, i'm almost operative, well, how do you agree, well done, well done!
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you don't report anything, if there's information, then he'll report everything at once, so what do you have, lieutenant, let's get in the car, i'll tell you everything , please, here, this is a cartridge case from the crime scene, well, this is a copy, wait, what's the point, they were fired from colonel
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irshov's national colt, the expert agrees that all these cartridge cases could have been fired from the same pistol, that is, you want to tell me that you, the boss, it's up to you. and you were with blinov, by the way, yes, i was with blinov, nothing there's nothing interesting in his apartment, the fingerprints are the same as in the car, ours don't show up in the card index. the neighbors say that some people were hanging out at his place all the time, but there's a shortage of signs, as one of the neighbors put it, gray bandits are always asking for bricks, listen, where's the shit, i call him, the phone doesn't answer, but how do i know where this shit is, one of my girlfriends is hanging out, come on, give it to me, our restless one, he's free.
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at the same time, it's a term. until everything is lost, nothing is lost, well said, right, you're on tumanov and his son were seeing him off at the train station, tea or coffee for you, if they cross the border, i can't help you anymore, you'll be trampling the zone in your old age, this is for you... you'll want to write
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, you'll have to sit here for another four hours, lieutenant, why are you acting like a little kid, they have the money with them, so tea or coffee for you? oleg georgievich, yes, is there anything new about the collector, well, the foreman of the collectors raised prokhorov's personal file, he's not a sniper, he knocked it out for credit, but nothing more, and at the casino, two hits, both under the heart, in addition, there are also moving targets, here you have to be able to, it turns out there was a professional there, well, keep working, just please be quicker, yeah. they're bothering me too,
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i'm waiting for everyone to report in the evening, yeah, finally, well done, hold on, see you there. be sure to kiss him too, abroad, abroad, lieutenant, abroad, well, now we'll deal with you, yeah, great, georgievich, i'll cheer you up now . bori, what do you want? i don't have anything. and
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the hero of the operational search is here for you. come on, come on, stand still. well, georgievich, so to speak, personally arrested. and for what? like for what? what would i do like that for? i would have come myself. what? shavnik would have come himself. i surrender. report, oleg georgievich, how
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is the investigation into the collectors progressing? well, the only one of the attackers who survived, vadim tkachev, has now been arrested, is giving a confession, well done, you can, when can you come in, but one question remains, who is the sniper who took out the attackers, blinov and kapitonov, took 12,000, 245, what do you think? what kind of glances are you exchanging, spill it, major. this is from the crime scene, this is from your national colt, i talked to forensic scientists, they can't remember a case in the last 5 years where a colt was involved in a case, a rare weapon, a cartridge for it is especially needed, forensic scientists have already
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shot the well-known colts, so your train of thought is clear, well... since there is no other candidate yet, tell the forensic scientists, let them shoot it. and by the way, where is our heroic lieutenant? does it really take so long to compare two bullets, withered grass, that's all that remains of the samurai who dreamed of glory. very optimistic, yeah, well where is our heroic lieutenant? well, where are you you're hanging out, damn it, but i'm not hanging out, comrade major, i'm working, well then
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report what you've done, where is tumanovo, in finland, i suppose, is this some kind of joke, huh? then i don't understand why you fifteenth, fourteenth place, compartment, sibelius branded train, bye-bye, and what to call, your arms will fall off, and why couldn't you report it, we would have warned the border guards, you couldn't, i don't understand, is he drunk or something, stop playing around, calm down, georgievich, we'll figure it out, we'll ask the finns, they'll find tumanovo for us, it 's not a problem, that's it... now it's a problem, that's already no problem, that's why, because the main sniper kudreshov petr alekseevich is in yershov's room, hmm, hmm, yes,
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i ask you not to blame anyone for my death, it was my conscious choice. we found his suicide letter, date, signature, tumanov and s. the plan to steal the money, therefore, was developed by tumanov, right? the doctor said so, every new day he is killed. an immediate bone marrow transplant is needed, and he also said that if it were his grandson, he would do everything to send him abroad, because it is many times increases the chances of a favorable outcome.
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the operation and the course of treatment cost more than 40 thousand dollars. in general, i have decided everything. i still cannot live without vanka and i will not, wait, listen, i will take this money anyway, but after that i have only one way out, empty words, pointless talking, help me save my grandson, thank you, no, god be with you, judge. will you help me? just please, don't leave me alive, i will not be able to live with shame. forgive me,
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okay, with tumanov, for example, i understand. but you are going to commit a crime for someone else's grandson, why someone else's, a bathhouse and my grandson, how is that? so, father vanya, my son, kudryashov, viktor petrovich, only he abandoned them, sveta and vanya, ran away at the age of 18 with some slut. with a very rich slut, and you? could you really shoot in tumanovo? i don't know, ivan
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calculated everything precisely. and then a chain of coincidences. neither he nor i could have imagined that some scumbags would decide on that very day, dangerously collectors, mixed up. in a heap, horses, people, yes, then everything worked on my reflexes, 20 years of army intelligence, not a donut with jam, is it really impossible to do it differently had to do, fogs in the world, found a contract with my daughter, she decided to... sell her kidney, and what about you, and no one needs my kidneys, and what does your kidneys have to do with it, well, i don't know,
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in the end you could sell your apartment, your car, your car, yes, but it's pennies, there is no apartment, in it, besides me, my son is registered, and from him for 4 years, no word , and to deregister him, a fugitive, to hell and gone, he does not allow, it is necessary through the court, and this can drag on for years, well, well, yes, well, the law, of course, to captain kudareshov, from the commander of afghanistan. yes, in afghanistan it was easier, in
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in any case, it is clearer, well, captain kudryshov, what will be, will be. i wonder how much they will give him to whom? kudryashov? yes, it would be good if it was fair, i would like it. attention, the second three are ready. fire! well done, guys, you can do it whenever you want.
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program. listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will calculate the age of the car in the first program. on ntv, the program emergency in the studio valery gavrilovskaya. a new series of scandals occurred at the olympic games suffer participants, spectators, and even those who are not involved in either sports or...


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