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tv   Utro  NTV  August 8, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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well done, dude, you can do it whenever you want, good morning. a new series of scandals occurred at the olympic games, participants and spectators suffer, and even those who are not involved in either a sporting or criminal event.
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organizational problems can no longer be hidden, even western media have started talking about it. in amateur footage from the olympic village in paris, it is not a homeless person, but the winner of a gold medal in swimming from italy, thomas chekan. he ended up under the bench not just to rest like this, between competitions, athletes are forced. many times teams from all over the world have complained about too narrow cardboard beds, bedbugs in the mattresses, and the lack of air conditioning in the rooms. it seems that athletes in paris are tested for their strength more often outside of competitions than... replaced a hotel bed with a hospital bed, she was confirmed to have an e. coli infection, the belgian team refused to participate in the competition, and this despite clear signals, the seine river is very dirty, like a river where swimming has been prohibited for 100 years, it could become crystal clear so quickly, despite france's investment of over a billion dollars, it is safe to say that swimming in the seine is prohibited. gender scandals and tolerance continue.
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justifies expectations. against the backdrop of unreasonably high prices for hotels, food, transportation, tickets for sports and entertainment events, foreign tourists prefer alternative destinations, which leads to significant losses for the french tourism industry. two days before the opening ceremony of the olympics, the french minister of the interior assured that crime will be reduced, quote almost to zero, but the figures tell a different story: the number of drug charges has increased sharply by 42%. and a new round of fraud from... what happens to a car during operation? that's right, evil units wear out. how unscrupulous sellers camouflage depreciation, right, they twist the mileage. another equally important parameter that interests a potential.
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get, only here, well, i couldn't put something, and his venza turned into a pumpkin, what is the reason, i hired an expert, they checked me, they removed all the plastic from the car, all the plastic is from 2009 may, even the seat belts, even under the hood, where the fuse box is, well, in general, all around , all the glass is from 2009, everything is clear, like this we remove the threshold, look, here we have this hologram, yeah, so you see that 2009, the fifth, this is may, the fifth may fifth 2009, yeah, well, here even the twelfth is not on the list,
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do it, yes, someone tried, here in the pts the year of manufacture, 2012 and here is the vin, according to decryption of the code from the conveyor venza came off in may 2009, who is the smartest here, they do not register, the car is not registered, maybe when it got to you, she changed it, we do not change it, here is an ad for the sale of the same venza in march of the twenty-second year, well, the car. it was sold before that , you can see the interior, it is made of material, yeah, and no, there is no multimedia, in the ad of the twenty-third year, the interior is already leather, look at the photo of the previous owner, that the car is completely different, the interior upholstery and multimedia everything, everything is completely different,
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there were two different cars, well, a claim was sent to a claim, we will answer the question of the claim, we sell cars, i don’t look at them before and after, you sell, you must. without unnecessary formalities, the manager takes the keys from alexey, all contracts are terminated, but as they say, the sediment remains, you believe the salon, you sit calmly, all the given letters, everything is there, that they are legal cars are clean, nowhere listed as wanted, well , nothing was said about the year, here's a guy. complex recommendations, how to find out the year of manufacture car, it is worth starting the inspection with the side windows, as a rule, the year of production is indicated here, of course, the glass could have been changed, so we go further, open the hood, few people pay attention, but
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the date of production of this headlight is also stamped on the headlights, there is also a stamp of the manufacturer of this car, not all manufacturers leave markings on the front optics, in addition , the headlight. stamped on the car body, we can use it to check the year of production of the car in the database, for example, use online services, in the report you can get decoding of the vin code, where the year of production of the car will also be indicated. depending on
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the car manufacturer, the marking of the date of production of parts can be found not only under the hood, but in the car's interior. the date on the labels at the base of the seat belts is not on all cars. found on the front, look at the back, here on the belts the seal 2012 is stamped, and of course, it would not hurt to look into the car's brains, make a computer diagnostics, it is unlikely that the buyer himself will be able to - look at the date of production of the car in the electronic unit, and therefore bring in a specialist, take a comprehensive approach to inspection, a used car in any color is always a black box. the best for today at 16:45, favorite series nevsky. criminal political officer. watch in today's episodes. everyone has calmed down, what an evil uncle, how i fear him. this is my land.
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in a human way. he has become so boring. maybe we should come up with something new? why, if the old one works? cool, vikho, well, how, this is not the outskirts, nevsky, today at 16:45. good morning, about the weather for today with you evgeniya neronskaya. in the far east anticyclones are inexpressive, but the cyclones are also shallow, however, in some places there may be very heavy rains. in the risk zone - amur region, khabarovsk territory, the center of primorye and the kuril islands. in other areas, the rains will be of a short-term local nature. thunderstorms are possible near baikal, in the south, while again up to 27. it is quickly warming up in yakutia. today in the capital. of the republic 22, tomorrow 25, while in anadra and magadan no higher than 15,
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but without precipitation. in the south of siberia, rain clouds will pass by irkutsk, there are sunny +27, and from krasnoyarsk to umsk it is cooler, no higher than 25 and rain, in some places quite strong, thunderstorms are also possible, in the urals thunderstorms will still pass in the south, but an anticyclone is already coming to the north, which is going to restore order in the region and cancel the rains, in perm without precipitation and +20. the same. cyclone fully demonstrates its capabilities in the north of the european part, it is sunny almost everywhere, in arkhangelsk 23, in murmansk 25, little precipitation in the northwest, in the middle zone it is noticeably more, here it is activated atmospheric front, it will slow down the warming and it will not be above 25 anywhere. in the south, the temperature is ready to rise further, since the rains are tapering off, in most areas today it is sunny, here in st. petersburg short rains +24, in moscow 23, possibly. not only rain, but also a thunderstorm.
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the morning continues, the best, we tell car stories on the main road, write down a useful recipe from sergey malozyomov, we will discuss the transformation of your home. and they pushed, kicked, drank, the drivers could not calmly figure out who was to blame for the accident and, so they attacked each other, then made peace. called a crew of inspectors, flooded washed away, from the flood the matsesto river burst its banks in sochi, houses and cars were flooded, even trucks could not withstand the strongest flow, neighboring streets floated away. a downpour washed a minibus into a ditch in north ossetia, one person died, 15 passengers had to be pulled out by a rescuer, in khakassia a leash destroyed part of the road and destroyed a bridge, for a while. repairs had to close the highway, thank you, the law is one and even
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for famous actors, cover up, and they beat, mikhail tarabukin, an actor of tv series, admits that someone beat him up, but he was not drinking and driving and was not even driving at all, but he could not blow the volgotester, although he tried several times, he was not in himself. it will be necessary to go there, it is not necessary, the actor was tired, upset and generally refused the procedure, now you can take autographs from mikhail tarabukin on buses, the man is no longer a driver and is obliged to pay a fine of 30,000 rubles, for the fact that he was unable to confirm his sobriety, walked on a zebra crossing in his underwear and talked on his shoe, an unusual young man amused residents of the capital, while the guy with the shoe to his ear... was crossing the road, he also lost the pants hanging on his shoulders. drivers did not dare to ask whether the pedestrian needed a sim card.
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recipe of the week this time, orange in chocolate sponge cake. we will need orange, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, flour, cocoa, cottage cheese, cream, starch, powdered sugar, separate the whites from the yolks, the latter. beat with half of the sugar, sift flour, starch and cocoa into them, mix, adding milk, separately beat the whites with the remaining sugar until a thick foam, combine both mixtures, mix, pour the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, smooth it out, bake at 180° for 15 minutes, combine the cottage cheese, powdered sugar and cream in a separate bowl , beat until smooth, peel the oranges , grease the sponge cake with curd cream, trim the edges of the cake so that it is even,
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lay out the oranges in a row, grease the oranges with cream on top, roll up the roll, put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, cut it when serving, decorate with powdered sugar and orange slices, ready, such a treat looks very elegant and unusual, and the oranges refreshing, of course, about the abundance of sugar and calories should not be forgotten, the red color according to our traffic light system calls for... to be consumed only on special occasions, bon appetit and health, we wish you our full-time pastry artist, yulia suvorova. 18 years ago, the petrovichevs put a small wooden srup on the site, then installed gas, the house from a summer cottage gradually began to turn into an all-season one and acquire extensions. andrey and natalia have been together for 38 years, they have two growing grandchildren, varvara and platon. andrei vladimirovich
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served as a rodist in aviation all his life. when i entered the school, i understood that... where i say, there i will serve the motherland, and my muscovite, sveta was already born, so get ready, let's go, tell me what you want to change in this living room, what ideas, thoughts, i just want it to be brighter, ours is dark, there is only one window, yes, it is dark, but i understand that it is impossible to add windows, well, well, somehow light, yes, so that yes, maybe light, maybe light, the table should be big. and the sofa is a sofa, the sofa should be so that it is not bulky, so that it leaves us room for dancing, i don’t even want to ask you more details, while you are ready for everything, let me show you the way, and we will start working, let’s go, let’s go, thanks for the tea, the remodeling of the surprise for the dacha
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answer team also began with a surprise, when they opened the floor, they realized that it is needed in the main part of the house. completely urgently, we got rid of the old staircase, now we will move the wall between the bedroom and the living room, we move to the hallway area, the stove was here, we apply elastic glue, we lay ceramic tiles, we return the stove of our heroes to its rightful place, to achieve even greater harmony, we dismantle the old one. using a chain saw, we increase the opening, inside the new profile is foamed pvc. we make the opening to the kitchen of the correct shape. the next iconic element of the front hall is the kissons. they are made of polyurethane. this material is much lighter than plaster. but here is a modern alternative
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to the jute rope. acrylic sealant will protect the sculptors from moisture. window sill made of wood polymer resin chips. we cover the elements of the stairs and walls with water-based azure. what kind of a grand hall would it be without parquet? ours is made of solid caucasian oak in tobacco color. it came from the krasnodar territory. it’s time for the grand staircase. the set was delivered ready for installation. the steps are wide, it will be convenient to use. we continue with the technical equipment. you can sit in the garden of eden on a sofa in soft upholstery, and an armchair upholstered in yellow chenille takes its place. the dining table is equipped with two
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inserts and can be unfolded to incredible heights. dimensions. 10 cm, i am an experienced diyer, well... i am so glad that nothing in this room was done by me , people did it, those who know how to do it, i am glad, i liked everything, i liked the color, the tones, the halftones, the chandelier, i am glad, i am so glad that this is all, now it is mine, yes, ours, as
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plato said, can we stay here now, yes, and now we, plato, will stay here forever, here, thank you. as you protect your family, you must also protect your homeland, a real man cannot stand aside when his homeland gives birth danger, we are here so that our children can live peacefully in the future, so that they do not know war and there is a peaceful sky above their heads, and we must always be ready to deliver a powerful blow, such that the enemy does not rise, you will do a worthy deed, your loved ones will be proud of you. join your own, serve under contract. nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. detrolex presents. when i am on the run all day, heaviness in my legs, pain and swelling can catch up with me. detrolex helps millions of happy women control varicose veins.
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detrolex acts on the cause of varicose veins symptoms at any stage. detrolex - tested by experts. the choice of millions. a bunch of sesame, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers. the legendary vit, this is a big hit. big hit. only in a delicious point, attack debts on credit cards, i will show you a couple of techniques, we collect all debts on credit cards on one holva conveniently repay 24 months, and do not forget about purchases in installments, holva - simple techniques of installments, the return of the legend, the mastery of macroflex, magnet, pasta posteroni, spaghetti 109,999 magnet - the price is what you need! symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, itching, burning. proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone.
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proptoglevin is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. what do we bring from savita's travels? cashback bonuses for the next trip. avito travel everything will go as booked. and with cashback, bonuses. hermitage paintings are now on platinum credit cards from tebank. apply for a platinum credit card from tebank. with a limited design until august 31 get a free service forever. dbank, he is the only one. with aromatic monarch coffee, even a chance meeting can give wings. monarch. aroma magic happens. in mvidio eldorado. a stunning benefit when buying equipment in a set. built-in dishwasher goreniev for 39,999 when buying in a set. eat what zanitsa. what to do?
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the only active debiotin, which reduces hair loss due to participates in the synthesis of keratin, in 4 weeks biotinal reduces hair loss increases their density. biotinal - healthy
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hair is beautiful, we announce dreamfest 2024 is open! dozens of artists from different countries are ready to give you their hits!
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opening of the first international music festival dreamfest in baku on saturday and sunday at 21:50 on ntv. watch further, morning, the best, getting rid of. we have the right to get legal advice, take care of your favorite apartment, go to egypt, eat a local dish with federica arnaldi, stories on this topic are rare on tv, because very unappetizing many will not watch and this investigation, whoever continues, the better to gain strength, here is a frame from one of the operations, a patient is having a five-kilogram cyst removed, which filled the entire abdominal cavity, itself filled with such balls, these are parasites, this
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is a hinococa cyst, people... it brings very hard, this is only surgical treatment, hinococa is full in the soil on which summer cottages and agricultural greens for stores and markets grow, the one that many do not wash at all when preparing a salad, but it needs to be soaked like this, this literally takes 5-10 minutes, this we will drain the water and most of the greens, for example, or some hard-to-peel vegetables will be... cleaned and free of parasites. it is not necessary to add salt, soda or vinegar, there is no goal to kill parasites and bacteria, they just need to be washed off. the effectiveness of either an alkaline or acidic environment on helminth eggs and larvae has not been proven, so it is enough to soak, especially greens, because it is on the greens that there are areas of soil or soil, just where there are helminth eggs, and we do not visually
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see them. then rinse with running water and more pour boiled, but not boiling water, boiled water. parasites get on greens, vegetables and fruits and from the water when watering from a dozen fruits that are harvested, laid out, sorted, carefully, selected at the counter, here is a fresh report from the world health organization that more than half of the world's population is infected with parasites, and the differences between countries, climate zones ... is the patient rich or is his income modest? no, and in reality this figure is higher, because many do not undergo a full examination for years. darya demikhova is a doctor herself, but she admits that even regularly encountering the consequences of parasite infestation in patients, she did not suspect for a long time that she had become a victim of her favorite shashlik. my whole family does not eat pork, but that tapeworm and two courses of treatment were enough for me.
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heavy drugs, pork tapeworm, yes, almost everyone has heard of the bovine one, but the pork tapeworm is encountered more often, and is even more dangerous, the larva can gnaw through the intestines, penetrate the muscles, infect any organs, and even taking regular tests at the clinic you can stay healthy, only documented, the fact is that the method, when larvae in samples, lab technicians manually try to find and count under a microscope, is ineffective, most traces of infection ...
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give birth to yourself from such, the author of this video now, probably, does not eat lard, well, that is , completely the entire length, when it ended there, it is unknown, bacon is also insidious, because there is a layer of meat, a layer of fat, that's because our fat is white, and helminth larvae, they are also white, and yes, first of all you should be afraid meat products that are sold like this right off the side of a car, and where is it from, the meat is delicious , where? how it was grown, how it was cut up and stored, you can guess about this, but alas, the police still often bust underground workshops for cutting up carcasses that have not passed veterinary inspection, and it is an absolute myth that only pork is threatened by parasites, experts explain, yes, it is believed that beef can be eaten raw, and tartare is very popular and even healthy, many people love it because you are using
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the natural taste, the pure taste of beef. and here it is important to have good quality meat, to feel it, but both food technologists and experienced chefs insist that this should only be repeated by those who do not take risks with meat , always be 100% sure of it. raw meat is not like a lottery, raw meat is something you can gamble with, we we when we say, when doctors all say that you can gamble with it, veal and beef that are frozen are definitely safe, and after all... with careful defrosting for 12 hours in the main compartment of the refrigerator at a slight plus meat does not even lose its taste, and if you freeze meat yourself, how long should you keep meat in the cold, how strong should the frost be so that possible parasites die, science knows this, it is precisely described in sanitary rules: the meat of cows, bulls, calves should freeze through the entire thickness to ... to
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be considered safe or to -6 and kept in the freezer for 24 hours, if the piece is thick, or it is part of the carcass, then you will need a special thermometer installed: in the thickness of the meat at a depth of 7 cm, pork is frozen, until the meat has completely cooled to -10 and is kept in a chamber for 10 days at an air temperature of -12, if it is possible to freeze it even more strongly, then the period of keeping the meat at such a temperature can be reduced, with fish it is more difficult, there are too many types of both the fish itself and the parasites in it, look at the tables, but if you simplify them, then... but why waste so much electricity vladimir is surprised, yes, he knows that in his cage he most likely has not
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only fish, but also its unappetizing passengers, a lot of seleter fish, seliter, these are worms fish, but it is enough to cook these roach and bream, i am not afraid of this disease, because i ... do not eat raw fish, i fry it, but parasites are actually more tolerant of high temperatures than low ones, and although vladimir is sure that the meat in the frying pan heats up much more, in fact, the fish is fully cooked when the temperature in the center of the fillet reaches 60 °, pork and beef are fully cooked at 70, poultry at 75, a couple of degrees higher and the meat dries out, hardens. burns. in many countries, fishing in public waters is prohibited, or rather, fishing as a sport hunt is allowed, but for fish for lunch you have to go to the store. both! julian demonstrates
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that from a fish weighing 12 kg, fit for food after careful inspection, only, it seems, a couple of fillet pieces, and even that is not a fact, it is better to give everything to the alligators, they are not afraid of parasites. look, this thing is still alive, on the shelves of the fish market in the outskirts of tokyo , seafood is always of the first freshness, but two categories, everything that is marked with a blue icon - sashimi, that is, you can eat it raw, and under the red flag, namo necessarily requires freezing, in terms of morbidity, they are zakidoz, this is an infection with worms, not zakids, the homeland of sushi has always been in the lead. even buy fish in the store, such a cut, fish, this can also be found, live, not sakis, and nezagidoz is very dangerous, only when it is alive, alive gets into the stomach or intestines, then it is
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simply impossible, only with an operation can you take, spicy snacks, ginger, with horseradish wasabi, parasites are not killed and not expelled, and even... sake wife says, yes, sake again, no, this is so that she doesn't get poisoned, and russian alcohol is stronger, helps to get rid of uninvited guests? is there any food that can replace toxic medical drugs, what will a laboratory examination of canned fish and several types of fish show, as well as pork and veal bought by participants illegally trading from the sides of a car, i will tell you in... the second part of the investigation: don't miss it. marina belikova, lawyer. taking medication while driving always raises many questions. if
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there are drugs that should not be taken for obvious reasons - this is a decrease in the driver's concentration, that is , drugs that seem harmless, but if their substance is found in your blood, then you face fines and even. yes, most drugs are safe for the driver, but we must not forget about the so-called side effects, which are precisely what cause negative consequences for the driver. such side effects include decreased concentration, deterioration of vision, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, slow reactions. therefore, before taking any medication before you get behind the wheel, it is best to read the instructions. with side effects, and if possible, call your doctor to clarify whether you can take this or that drug before getting behind the wheel. what medications are absolutely forbidden if you are going to get behind the wheel? there are categories of medications that are
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simply incompatible with driving. such categories include, in particular tranquilizers, everything is clear here, they calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety, but at the same time cause: drowsiness, loss of attention and concentration, also such drugs include neuroleptics, which greatly affect the nervous system, and of course antidepressants, so if you are going to ... celicilic acid also causes loss
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of concentration in drivers, so if suddenly you take all these drugs, carefully monitor how you react to them. also at risk for us antihistamines and cold medicines are included, because sometimes they combine antihistamines, such as cadeine osocylcelic acid, which i mentioned earlier. also, carefully read the instructions for medications that help with gastrointestinal disorders, and some ophthalmological drugs also have a negative effect on drivers, on their concentration, and also motion sickness medications, it would seem that they should help drivers, if suddenly they feel some unpleasant sensations of driving, but no, they can also have a negative impact. if you have any questions, you can always send them to our email address. remember that you have the right to know your rights.
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hello, this is an apartment issue and i, victoria panina. today we will remodel a room for two sisters. the girls are very different in character, as well as ... pets, one has a cat, the other a dog. the issue of dividing space is very acute for them, we will solve it in non-standard ways methods, we have not done this before. well, for you guys, we have also provided places, you will have a lounge area, and you will have a gym. well, we will prescribe summer on the balcony. the housing issue is to fairly divide 19 m between the two varopaev sisters. both will get even walls. we build a light metal grid, the guide profiles are arranged along
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the perimeter, then the main ones go, we put the load-bearing ones on the crabs. this design will help us hide both the lamp tracks and the curtain rods, and most importantly - organize ventilation. we'll do it now, dust it a little, but the sisters' room will always have fresh air, and there will be no need to open the windows for this. in three stages, we make a hole of the required size for. we drill the air duct right under the floor slab to save the ceiling height, we'll extend the route through the loggia, we'll run it in the room to the workplaces where lisa and margo will study, and outside the loggias we'll hang a compact stainless steel supply. we've made sure that the ventilation is working, now we can definitely sew up the ceiling. the entrance is moisture-resistant plasterboard, an opening to the loggia even.
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a new window-door is being installed in the house, there is no impost, vertical lintel between the sashes and nothing will interfere with the exit to the loggia, the profile is multi- chamber, the glass unit too, the noise from the busy highway near the house will not penetrate here, the cold in winter and summer is also closed, we will smooth and whiten the walls with finishing putty before finishing, the loggia also became lighter so as not
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to spoil its lightness, we chose glue for the tiles that does not dust and does not settle everywhere, we lay porcelain tiles on it, window sill non-porous german acrylic coating, dust will not clog. finally, it's time to mark the boundaries between the halves of lisa and margot, one part will be white, the other will bloom lilac, like mallow or periwinkle. we took a very wear-resistant matte paint, suitable for children's rooms. to spoil the walls, you need to work hard, but if you succeed, the dirt can be easily washed off. the coating is durable, it can even withstand the use of. disinfectants, the loggias were turned into an extension of the fragrant garden. mash, on the feeling that you are getting into some a completely different room. yes, yes, the perception is greatly changed by the size of your window opening. we narrowed it, uh, in order to fit in a good, comfortable size bed, but to compensate for this, we
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removed the sub-window unit and increased the window opening as much as possible to the floor. and the fact that the balcony is the same color as some part of the room also visually increases the space a little, so we chose light clothes for the floor, all sorts of things happen in a teenager's room, but spilled tea, games with meepo and jueta and the most durable felt-tip pens will not leave marks on this floor. we assembled it quickly, the planks snap easily. we will also quickly and easily mount the door in a hidden aluminum box. new cabinets for lisa and margo formed a coalition against the wall, laminated chipboard cases for... those parts in production use a film with increased density, so our storage system turned out not just white, snow-white, in continuation of the alteration, artist elena bur lays a winding pink path along the wall, confidently breaking the boundaries, a cheerful stripe of flamingo color with lively torn edges moves from lilac to
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white. the same interior paints that were used for finishing, so the wall did not require any preparation. a little more. yellow-green and blue accents, here is the composition conceived by the authors, lena andronova has finally joined us, she created this project together with masha, hello everyone, got ready and yes, carefully monitored the entire process online, the first time i was here in person, how do you like it, len, listen, the star is in shock, honestly, it's really cool, i'm delighted, let's discuss the painting that appeared on the wall, it's beautiful, yes, there is a deep meaning in it, what do you see, victoria, i... that no matter how hard we tried to create a personal space for each of us in this room, we still emphasized the importance of their friendship, their love, yes, they are still together, they are two sisters, plus it connects the colors of the interior, that's right, another such combination is not trivial, pink with lavender, that is, it seems that this is a different story, together it looks very interesting
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, they refresh me, each of them has its own separate sleeping place, a partition appeared, let's go, here... a shelf, for example, for a phone, for a book, for a glass of water, in this niche we control the light, and we can also charge gadgets, because there are two sockets and two usb outputs, very convenient, you can charge four devices, great, and in the second sleeping place the same thing, curtains made of thick fabric, screens of the sisters' work cabins, we attach them to a thin aluminum profile, here we do not change the principles of allocation by color, well, what kind of...
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noise light, by the way, here is the light they are great absorb, they generally yes, the lights are impenetrable, the noise is, symbolically, yes, but still you don't hear the sounds around you so sharply, this is one of the most awesome and most picturesque places in alexandria. welcome to the corniche embankment, 20 km long, and judging by the crowds of people here, some sitting, some playing, some waving, some skating, this is the center of social life in alexandria, on one side
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the mediterranean sea splashes, which the locals affectionately call white. as if, contrasting it with the hyped red, with the other is an open-air museum, the colonial-style buildings are striking in their architecture, a bit reminiscent of havana or marseille. so, what's this? there's a glass of some red liquid, and something that looks like chickpeas inside, well, i ask what it is, and he says: humus, humushe. something that looks like hummus, well, it's not for nothing that i saw it there, nud, shukran, wow, you can really swim inside. delicious, well, well, yes, yes, delicious, delicious,
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delicious, bravo, imagine, fresh tomatoes from the garden, not pulp, exactly juice, lemon, chickpeas were boiled in all this and added spices, herbs and spiciness, in general, i don't know what kind of tea this is, this is a discovery of the ages, oh, and what do they sell? like seeds, okay, like egyptian seeds, yes, in fact, something similar is sold in italy, the same color, a little bigger, a little squarer, but they are considered like babes, we call them... in
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water with lemon, egyptian seeds, with these snacks the main thing is not to miss dinner, wow, wow, there's a flame here, there's fire outside, there's a sea of ​​products inside, but first i'll open this delicious shell, oh, that's it sea ​​products in this shell, they are in some kind of, like, thick soup, and to change something a little between béchamel and i don’t know, creamy soup, here is not a dish, but a whole sea chest, filled with surprises. well, and now the house of fire, well, more precisely seven. it’s interesting, if you look
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at seafood at sea, i would think, well, i’m at home in italy, but to taste, when you feel first the tomato, and then this palette of spices you immediately understand that no, if you were in italy, it would be simple. tomato, here these spices clearly tell you that this is the east, this is somewhere far away in some exotic place. alexandria is truly an eastern exotic. yes, it is a bit shabby, dirty and noisy in places, but this has its own charm. such a city, it has character, its own color, its own atmosphere and a lot of centuries-old history, or else awaits me in cairo.
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the show mask is on air. i want to watch you, listen to you, endlessly. i was torn apart from the first seconds, these are potential winners of the current season, and the season of favorite masks, the show mask, tonight at
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august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. in georgia , the tradition is unchanged on every table: borjomi, open, enjoy, feel the lightness. meet the new washing gel kvalita with a new formula of seven enzymes against stains. qualita effectively removes dirt. qualita washes and softens perfectly. freshness, softness, cleanliness, qualita. you do not decide which option you will get. but you decide what your future will be. go to wherever you want, with an educational loan from otsber, with state support, calculating payments right now buy good ones in pyaterochka, register receipts and prizes can be yours, and another 4,000 rubles for gadgets. pump up the summer with good pyaterochka. pyaterochka helps out. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, and therefore, we know where to find
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a cheaper osaga policy. compare: osaga is cheaper. kingfisher final on sunday at 13:00 on ntv. good morning, evgeniya neronskaya is with you about the weather for today. in the far east, anticyclones are inexpressive, but the cyclones are also shallow. nevertheless, very heavy rains may occur in some places. in the risk zone - amur region, khabarovsk territory, the center of primorye and the kuril islands. in other areas, rains will be short-term local, ubayka. thunderstorms are possible in the south, while again up to 27. it is quickly warming up in yakutia, today in the capital republics 22, tomorrow 25, while in anadra and magadan no higher than 15, but no precipitation. in the south of siberia, rain clouds will pass by irkutsk, there are sunny +27, and from krasnoyarsk to umsk it is cooler, no higher than 25 and rain, in places quite strong, thunderstorms are also possible. in the urals, thunderstorms will still
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pass in the south, but an anticyclone is already coming to the north, which is going to restore order in the region and cancel the rains, for the first time without precipitation and + 20. this same anticyclone fully demonstrates its capabilities in the north of the european part, almost everywhere sunny, in arkhangelsk 23, in murmansk - 25, little precipitation in the northwest. in the middle zone it is noticeably more, here the atmospheric front is activated, it will also slow down the warming and it will not be above 25 anywhere. on yoga the temperature is ready to rise further, since the rains are tapering off, in most areas. today it is sunny, here in st. petersburg short rains +24, in moscow 23, not only rain but also a thunderstorm is possible. see further. morning, the best. let's talk about health with your doctor. let's cook a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya. getting to know news from the world of technology. let's talk
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to famous people one day. colon cancer is a terrible disease in our country. thousands and thousands of lives. in the structure of oncological diseases, its share reaches 13%. but unlike many other cancers, it can be prevented with a high degree of probability. prevention of colon cancer. the topic of our conversation with an oncopractologist, doctor of medical sciences, evgeny rybakov. good morning. the program "your doctor" is on the air. and here we talk about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, gennovich.
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it should be said that 90, maybe even 95% of colon and rectal tumors have a precursor in the form of a polyp, which is generally not difficult to diagnose, and if it is removed, then in these 90% of patients
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the development of malignancy can be prevented . the logic is quite simple: if we detect a polyp in time, remove it, then it will not transform into a malignant tumor, it will not go beyond an advanced stage and the person will not die from... this disease will not require a difficult operation, which can be disabling, sharply reducing the quality of life. life, what is the problem then, why does such a large number of colorectal cancers remain, if it would seem so ideologically simple to reduce the number of this disease, well, on the one hand, what is there to hide, this is of course ignorance, as we know, knowledge is power, if people have this information, then they will naturally... avoid such a disease, especially if it was among close relatives, realizing that it can be prevented. the second is the fear of the study itself, because the study is invasive, its
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you can't do it from a distance, so the gold standard is still colonoscopy, that is, an endoscopic examination of all parts of the colon, now it must be said that this is generally a fairly comfortable study, since it takes place under sedation, but it is clear that it requires and ...
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imposes a very serious financial time, therefore, in fact, methods for diagnosing hidden occult blood were developed in order not to do colonoscopy on everyone in a row, and how well does it work here is an assessment of stool occult blood? at modern test systems work well, because the old test systems their problem was that they reacted to any blood, if you ate a steak the day before, then naturally you will have hidden blood in your stool. modern tests, they allow you to detect human hemoglobin and thus avoid the error of getting a positive test with other food products, but if we still
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get a positive test, we will still have to do a colonoscopy, there is no other way, yes, this is understandable, but in any case it turns out, that we can uh not do colonoscopy for some proportion of people who have a negative test, that's absolutely true, and uh for those who have a negative test... what is the probability that there are no such polyps, so to speak, false negative patients, how many of them are there, or does it turn out that it is still better to do colonoscopy in general? well, if you look at such conditionally global recommendations, if we take american, european recommendations or recommendations from saudi arabia, it is believed that screening should begin at age 50, if you do not have a burdened there was no history of any relatives with colorectal cancer, so it should start with a colonoscopy, if this colonoscopy is negative, then you can do these occult blood tests every year, every year.
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until there is such a resource that would make this most important program, as it seems to me, massive, active ideologically, so that everyone can really be convinced that this needs to be done, because this is really what today, well, probably, if not an epidemic, then something nearby, yes, after all, this is really serious problem, i would like to wish everyone to contact doctors, go to... screening, including colonoscopy,
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a potential tumor test, colon, and if you are called, called at work, called in those medical institutions where you go, to undergo a colonoscopy, be sure to undergo it, be sure not to put it off for long, because it can really save your life. i would like to wish you all great health with a good morning. i am now heating up a frying pan, adding oil here, vegetable, to the oil onion, red onion cut into half rings for now. onion is fried garlic in the same
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thin strips, added, well onion and garlic - this is of course the basis of many fryings, as they say, but at the same time it is also the basis of frying, for tomato soup, for tomato sauce. be it a sauce for fish, for poultry, for meat, for pasta, for rice, without tomato paste mohei, i can't imagine how to do it so that it is intense, tasty, rich, i would generally say, as in childhood, because these are absolutely such, you know, just bright tomato flavors, by the way, this tomato paste does not contain starch, there are no flavor enhancers, these are only natural tomatoes prepared in the traditional way, here
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is a heaping teaspoon of such paste needed in order to simply create this bright tomato aroma, by the way, nadanu and borscht are made red not due to beets, but due to tomatoes and tomato paste, a little salt, a little chili pepper is a must, because we make this sauce for fish, it seems to me that fish requires a little piquant. spiciness, this is it won't be hot, bitter or spicy, it will be a little piquant, as soon as you see, onion, garlic, paste, they just sing, they have such a wonderful trio, i add something, tomatoes from a can, so that the sauce is so intensely rich, that is , tomato paste gave us a bright taste, here tomatoes from a can will give us juiciness. so
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now i put our sauce here, look how intense and beautiful it is, half of the sauce on the bottom, we put fish on top, i have cod, any fish at all in fact, red and white will do, it seems to me, the main thing is that the fish has such a dense structure, that is, a fillet, you see, i have... cod has one, well, we know that halibut cracks, it will be perfect, but salmon or trout will also do, salmon will also be good, on top. add sauce so that the fish is covered, and also, you know, i think i picked up this idea from the italians, when italians prepare this red sauce for fish or for pasta, they
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add a little white wine so that there is this and a more interesting aroma, but it's still juicy, you know, vineyard has a small... amount of acid and thanks to this the fish turns out juicier and more tender, on top for aroma a few sprigs of thyme whole, that's how it turned out beautifully, well, and i would add a little more chili pepper, put the baking sheet between these two pa... close and in 5 minutes our fish will be ready, girls, you have everything ready here, look how beautiful, it smells simply fantastic,
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put pieces of cod with sauce, transfer the fish. that's how it is on the plate in which we will serve, the sauce can be served separately, so that you can, whoever wants to add more, here, here i suggest adding a little olive oil, just a little bit, here are fresh sprigs of thyme. for beauty and such a green joy of spring, and of course, anyway for the aroma, bon appetit, everything to the table, on
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the air is a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergey malozemov and my team test everything on ourselves. and what surprised us this week scientists and inventors from different countries, right now on the air is a miracle of technology, fifth place in our traditional hip parade scientific and technological news. a new type of communication, previously used only by the military, has become available for civilian use in russia. in the krasnoyarsk territory , the radio communications research and production enterprise of the roselektronika holding company has begun producing tropospheric communication stations designed for hard-to-reach regions, especially northern ones, where even satellites often cannot reach. the new antennas, in order to reach beyond the horizon at a distance of up to 210 km, use the reflection of the signal from the troposphere, the lower layer of the earth's
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atmosphere, and to increase the reliability of communication , algorithms based on artificial intelligence are used, which select the necessary codes from background noise. by the way, you don’t have to pay for it yet. worthwhile services of satellite operators, the technology has already been connected at a felaser-obstetric station and on a section of road in the krasnoyarsk territory. this is a miracle of technology, i am sergey malozyomov and we are moving up in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what’s in fourth place? after listening to this news, you will probably start brushing your teeth better, because there is something going on there such as scientists from the university of pennsylvania have found out. it turns out that the microbes that cause caries literally rush along the surface of the teeth riding on fungi, forming entire superorganisms with them. experiments have shown that candida fungi with their mycelium very quickly capture the territory during the development of caries and carry streptococcus bacteria, which do not
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have their own organs of movement. perhaps this discovery will lead to the creation of new, more effective means against caries. after all, now we must take into account the role of not not only bacteria, but also fungi. and now the third line in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. why don't the builders of the future follow the example of bees and work in flight? researchers from britain and switzerland thought so and created a system of printing drones. these flying 3d printers are capable of creating specified structures from concrete, for example, to build on mars or... the correctness of the work with the help of artificial intelligence cameras. you are watching
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a miracle of technology and here is the news i, sergey malozyomov, put it in second place in our hit parade of discoveries and inventions this week. scientists have found out which sense dying people lose last. apparently, it is hearing. during experiments, physiologists from canada gave dying hospice patients different melodies to listen to. and recorded brain activity. it turned out that it responded with impulses to sounds even at those moments when the body as a whole was no longer functioning. but there is still much that is unclear. what we do not know is whether people understand are they words and are they comforted by them? - commented the work's author, dr. lawrence ward. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place. of the hot five. humanity has hope
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of protecting itself from asteroids that could potentially threaten the earth in the future. at least the first experiment in this direction, apparently, was successful. nasa scientists reported that the asteroid dimorph, which they hit with a probe, really changed its trajectory, as planned. the orbital period around the larger body didymos was supposed to be reduced by at least 73 seconds, but ended up being 32 minutes. the 570 kg dart umbrella was sent on this mission last november, and on september 27 it successfully crashed into the asteroid dimorph, which was safe for the earth and simply served as a test site. it was 160 m in diameter. all the phenomena that occurred during this have yet to be studied, but the researchers have received the main thing. confirmation that a person is in principle capable of changing the paths of celestial bodies in this way. one morning on ntv,
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i am sergey mayorov, hello, every autumn the country's lucky ones begin a struggle to preserve the harvest, look at the faces of mothers, grandmothers, wives during the process of processing canned vegetables and fruits, this is the pity of shock workers, and do not even think of distracting them from rolling up jars or making fun of them, according to the laws of the genre you will hear the same line in all ... corners of the country, let's see how you will open these jars in winter, and actresses are also women, sometimes good housewives, and if the actress-housewife is a beauty, i know such a star, yulia galkina, this morning we are going to visit her. the history of this house is unlikely to be even two decades old, but it stands on land that was once chosen by the great russian poet alexander sergeevichkin. he visited his decembrist friend at the valuev estate nearby. now this
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is the estate of the actress yulia galkina. grandma made a lot of pies, she made a lot. brushwood is the first thing i learned to make from flour. of course, cutlets. three types of meat are mixed, fried, the smell fills the whole house and then... potatoes are dug up with vegetable garden, cooked with cutlets, oh, well, when parents weren't paid for six months, that is, everything that could be grown there, what was eaten, drunk there, it all came from the vegetable garden, actually, where everyone rode, everything and potatoes were dug, planted, that is, i know all this, because i 've been able to do all this since childhood, not because it's some kind of whim, now it's a hobby for me, entertainment, because then there was simply nothing to eat, jam and... peaches, cherry jam, cucumbers from my own garden, this is just, look, what beauty,
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this exhibition of achievements in home economics is a special source of pride for yulia galkina, as well as her phd in psychology, her seething energy simply does not allow her to sit idly by. i entered the psychology department of the korsk state university, studied for a year and realized that i was missing something, i needed to somehow... probably complicate my life, i went to moscow, i went to work, i was standing on arbat, selling jewelry, a lady in my apartment greeted me completely by chance at her place on proletarskaya, where we met, actually, on arbat, she said, what did you come here to do, i said, well, i'm like i want to be an artist, i lived with her for a month for free , worked, ran around universities in the morning, worked in the evening, then looked on the map of moscow, on the metro map, where all the theater schools were, then i...
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then even more pause, because no one expected this, what is needed, documents, pause, wait, mom will come tomorrow, that's it, that 's the end of the conversation. from this news the parents were not delighted. the father insisted that his daughter needed a serious profession. he resigned himself when he learned that the talented, bright student galkina was noticed. oleg tabakov himself invited him to work at the chekhov moscow art theatre. they played together on the same stage for 10 years. the artistic director of the theatre, two theatres, he naturally came to watch the courses, because in this sense he was always great, he always renewed both the youth, the youth, well, the cast, and he came to some excerpts, i think. well, that's it, from the third year i was taken to play the first performance with
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guskov with him, with oleg pavlych, yes. this return was called by platonov. relations with cinema at yulia galkina began stormy and specific. in the traditions of the best ladies' novels. at the castings, directors were in the power of charm , aspiring actresses offered her roles of handsome heroines. therefore, yulia's film debut happened at once in five films, and 2 years later, on the set of the series zhurov , director ilya fell in love with the actress. i was filming and restlessly filming, i received an sms, you played this scene perfectly, greetings from the voice, i raise my head to the voice and understand that the whole group is there, well, all the lighting technicians, cameramen, artists, workers, i take the list of the group, well, for the day i start with the last one, look for a phone number,
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there is a number there, i check it, i get to the first one, it says director. for the role only once in the series, a juror. yulia is not offended, she already has enough work, sometimes the set has to spend 26 hours straight. we were filming something all day, some complicated there was a story, some schedules didn’t add up, i was giving birth, then they beat me, then i left home, then i gave birth again, then well, in general, the whole
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day there were some tears, screaming, shouting, i was in this state, i couldn’t see your eyes, and after twenty hours, that’s it, stop, thank you, the shift is over and we are barely alive, we just barely have to go to the dressing room to take off our suit and only i do this to take off this shirt, he says: stop, on the radio, stop, everyone stop, so you think, my god, what happened again, then such an announcement on the radio, medals on chipaev in the last scene was hanging on the wrong side, we 'll reshoot it, you think, hell, hell, how the academy of film did not honor yulia galkina with any awards or titles, but the foreign intelligence service noted her with a special prize for her role in the film "two lives of colonel rybkina". now yulia shoots tv series herself. this year, the premiere of her first project "poor relative" took place, in her free time, the star cooks borscht,
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plants peppers for seedlings, plays the piano with her son, like a simple russian. woman, well, only the huts don't burn, and all the horses less, what kind of people, such a harvest, i am sergey mayorov, see you on ntv, happily, the best of today at 14:00, big premiere, zimorodok, new season, famous turkish tv series. which became a worldwide hit, i am retiring, watch in today's episodes. zarin wants me, now i love her. i will bring the roof of this house down on your head, bury you here. you killed my beloved. they testified in defense of ifakat, she was released. i am very
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sick. let's help each other. what do you want from me, tell me? my desire is to destroy. kalisa karhana, i will give you arkhan karhana, i will bring him to you personally. tayar wants to kidnap sairan suna and their mother. simoooroda, new season. day at 14:00 on ntv, is it true that you are the strongest girl in russia, is it true that i have 20 records, incredible talents are waiting for us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are two-time champion of russia in dance sport, i was filming in minus 20, yes -20, this is not a competition, there are no prizes or judges, we have canceled, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, and what is it called samokatman? scooter, you can play the accordion for 5 hours, well yes, we found the coolest, besides knives, do you do something else, i have so much work, i drive my mother to buy potatoes, who
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do you want to be when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus, or classes of the russian federation, each of them is a small, big miracle, ever use such a phrase, we have a crime, possibly a crime, yes cats, great talents sometimes. less than you think, i want to give you a medal of the book of records of russia, a miracle with arseny popov, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. zimorodok, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. ditrolex helps to combat the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detroalex is tested by experts, the choice of millions. and such. credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently repay 24 months, and also do not forget about
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the european. anticyclones protect the north and south from rain on the kola peninsula almost like in the north caucasus up to +26, in kuban over 30, in the middle zone the temperature does not rise due to daily rains with thunderstorms, today they are also possible almost everywhere. in st. petersburg short rains +24, in moscow 23, not only rain, but also thunderstorms. in summer weather, edema may appear. lymphatic transit helps reduce edema by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphatic transit from evalar. stagnation of lymph can cause edema. lymphatic transit helps reduce edema by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit evalar - summer without swelling.
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kursk, we are with you, support and readiness to help the victims of the attack by ukrainian saboteurs come from all over russia. learn to survive to win. alexey chebotarev saw how, taking into account the new. on the battlefield, the training of future svo participants changed. the first sentences and new protests, how the british authorities intend to suppress anti-immigrant riots, and also how the guest goes on a quest, in russia they decided to secure interactive entertainment for adults. this is the program today. in the studio dmitry saboystoy. hello. breaking news.


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