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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 9, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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red clouds, the evening hit my back, i began to swallow shit, i am with you beautifully, so madly in my chest, your heart drinks, i let go into the sky, our last summer flies away like yellow leaves. with the water bodies, stupid very i let go tears dry on the eyelashes, but how could blue stars dream of you and me, it is too early not to be, it is too late to believe, i could not love.
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i could not measure, months outside the window, the sun in riddles with you, i let go into the sky, we fly away like yellow leaves to our last summer, let go of you with background, stupid vizmy, call call out the window how strong twisted we could dream of, i'm letting go, i'd let go. bravo, bravo, you
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watched the eighth episode of the show u maska, see you in a week next sunday on ntv.
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and a hairpin, can i? please.
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voalya, well, you're just my savior, i suggest we celebrate, i have a bottle of very good wine, how can you not? i'm here, mom, hi, gasko has arrived, your gasko is not there , will you eat, yes, i'll have a snack, yeah, delicious, good that you came, you know, such a job with your head, your father also had a job, noodles on my ears. to hang, but i quickly
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saw through him and threw him out, because i have female pride, you don't have it, mom, don't start, and my husband, my father... children, my husband ate too much cargo, don't be afraid, he won't miss a single skirt, that's where he is now, i studied, like everyone else, you can't make a good career without education, now i opened my own advertising agency and am friends from morning till night, no personal life, well, that's still ahead i don't lose hope, i'm an optimist, i suggest switching to informal terms, i don't mind, well, tell me about yourself, single, no children, have
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wound, two, major, kol, hi. hi, listen, here's the deal, what's going on, we've got another murder on the highway, who knows, yeah, yeah, i called the boss, he's not picking up, maybe you'll come and help me, when i get there, i'm in ambush, you called an ambulance, yeah, i called an ambulance, but i need to look at the crime scene, draw up a report, and also talk to the victim, okay, help me out, okay, bitch, go, and you call the boss again, okay, okay, thanks, this... cyclist is getting on my nerves, you're a very interesting person, but i'm an ordinary cop, completely unusual, to you they call, i don't care, they'll call back, but
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what am i talking about, you underestimate yourself, you have this masculine charm. something brutal, and it really attracts women, maybe you should turn it off, right now, uh-oh, what do you need, got it, i'm coming, got it, i say, i'm coming, what happened, and the murder? robbery, work, i have to go, i have a proposal, let's meet tomorrow at 10:00 in the restaurant at the hotel, we agreed, i'm not saying goodbye,
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turn off the chandelier, we arrived, everything was in place, on the way we got a flat tire, my driver got out, stopped to replace it, then a motorcyclist drove off from there, he had a gun in his hands, well the driver got scared and ran away, ran over there. i see, and you, and what about me, i stayed in the car, i see
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, then the motorcyclist caught up with the driver and started beating him there, i got scared, then i jumped out of the car and ran in the opposite direction, over there, there i tripped over something and dropped my. with money, but i didn't have time to pick it up, because, because that bastard was already running after me, then i hid in the bushes there, he was looking for me and didn't find me, then he took the bag and drove away, what all the money was mine , did you remember what the motorcyclist looked like, no, he was wearing a helmet, oh yeah, tell me, did anyone in the group know that you were taking money from the bank today, no one, but wait, i'm lying, there was a lepyoshkin hanging around near me, yes, i just told the driver that we were going to the bank. money, who is this lepyoshkin, well, he's our worker, he's a local slacker, by the way, he was in prison, he even threatened me, he said that if i didn't pay him his salary, he would send his bandits after me, do you have his address, of course, we hired him, well what do you have here, now, excuse me,
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please, let's go, let's go, in short, we have a robbery here again, again people were taking money from the bank, again a flat tire, again a motorcyclist, again a corpse, the bank. the same one, where klemina works? no, the orlovs were carrying money from this one, from credit express, and these victims were from the primorsky bank, so i didn't get it.
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who's there? it's me. why did you show up so early? i need to stay somewhere. well, come in. " the cops came to me, asked about your murdered relatives, didn't blurt out anything extra about for example, am i stupid, you killed them, the cops suspect you, why should i kill them, i'm not crazy, then why are you hiding, don't ask unnecessary questions.
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hello, promon, hello, why are you calling? yes , we have another murder on the highway, we have the first suspect, a certain citizen lepeshkin, i 'll go to him now, and then to the department, come on over, andryukh, sorry, i can't, i need to help dasha, okay, do what you can, that's it. klemina sent a text message to sheryaev at her house. vasya, come on over to help somov, go have some fun shiryaev in his management, and i'll figure it out here alone. kolya, hi, hi, have you by any chance made it to klyumina's? no, still, i'll be there in about five minutes. what's wrong? klyomina sent a text message, shirayev is at his house. the boss sent me to help. great,
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my dear, wake up! rotopodyom what is this who is this lepeshkin and who are you police major gashko police now i 'll put all of you cops where you shameful wolves well what?
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do you want to stay home, no, i'll go too, come on, i'm waiting, i have to go to work, and you, if you go somewhere, there's one spot. "you know, if the cops you were interrogated, which means you are also in their sights, well that's natural, it was me who gave the money to your aunt, yes, you put me in full, igoryanich, who is this, a neighbor, probably borrowing salt or sugar, don't open the door, what are you afraid of, it's a neighbor, i'm coming, i'm coming, just a minute." citizen kharyaev, you are under arrest,
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we overtake a tractor, block its road. are you nuts or something, that's it.
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you've never been in prison, did you know that filkina would go to the bank for money for the film crew? well, did you know or what? and who did you leak the information to? i didn't leak it, boss, i i swear, who are the fakers, pancakes, come on, there are no fakers, chief, take him away, we'll figure it out, we did the wrong thing by arresting this laconaut, he kept us awake all night, your neighbor, was he home all night? they weren't sober, who was he drinking with? well, i didn't look closely, but at night a guy came to him on a motorcycle, i also went out into the yard to relieve myself, i thought, who did they bring at night? and what did this motorcyclist look like? well, he was wearing a helmet and a leather jacket, excuse me now, yes, well, did they take him? okay, take him to the department, i'll be right away
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i'll come too, just wash it, bag? and the consumables are issued on filkin, now that 's interesting, we announce dreamfest 2024 is open, dozens of artists from different countries are ready to give you their hits!
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opening of the first international music festival dreamfest in baku on saturday and sunday at 21:50 on ntv. well, zhereev, come on, spill the beans, tell me how you killed the orlovs, don't scare me, it won't work, klyamina told everything, how you were interested in the aunt's accounts, and how she gave you information 3 days before the robbery that
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the lady ordered 2 million rubles from the bank, pawned them after all. you monster, boss, i swear to you, i am here by no god, i did not kill anyone who attacked the director of the film group , you don’t know either, i have no idea, and you know citizen sheryaev, i’m seeing him for the first time, the first time, so you see, here’s your neighbor, citizen chizhov, he claims that on the day of the robbery filkin...
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after his shift we went to the store for a snack, and then we went to my place, we walked? well, on foot, of course, he left his motorcycle at home, then, then, what happened? well, what then, well, we drank like everyone else, and then his cobra, i mean, well, his wife came for him and took him, and i fell asleep in the barn, he fell asleep, why didn't you tell me about cherepov right away? yeah, well, i was scared that he would call me a swindler, he was in prison when he was a minor, he was scared, vasya, listen, lepeshkin's alebi spilled out here, i confirm. that on the day of filkin's robbery , he was drinking with the previously convicted viktor cherepov. check the information. good afternoon, does viktor cherepov live here? i'm cherepovchi, can you come in? well, come in.
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criminal police, lieutenant ukhov. yeah. where were you last night? i was at home. can anyone else confirm this? my wife, maybe. can i talk to her? katya, come here. and i have problems with the group, they don't want to work without a salary, i understand, but why do you pay your employees a salary, but tell the locals that you have no money, who
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told you that, lepyoshkin or something, but he 's an alcoholic, he even has a gangster's mug, that's why i didn't want to hire him, i see you bought a new bag, you bought it, where can you go, a woman can't do without a bag. we have our whole life there, you know, money, documents, cosmetics, oh, i understand, your passport, please, yeah, please, thank you, passport, yes, that's good, but how did you manage to keep your passport if you carry all your documents in your bag? your bag
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was stolen, right? so why did you decide that i had my passport in my bag? at that very moment i had my passport in my jeans, and do you suspect me of something or what? yours? mine, where did you find it? lepyoshkin's? and i thought it was him, what a parasite. for some reason i was sure that it was him, well, well, well, dasha, are you sure that five posters pasted around the city will gather people, well, posters are not the main feature of my advertising campaign, but what is the main thing, the main thing, yeah, well... and why leafleting, handing out leaflets with an advertising offer in places where the target audience congregates, well, where is our
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target audience now, well, where on the beach, that's where we'll go, by the way, try it on, but why? well, as a promoter, you have to inspire confidence in the children's audience, so this suit will really... help you with that, i'm a promoter, by the way, here's another text, on the way learn, wish me luck, luck, the treads on the wheels of shcheryaev's motorcycle do not match the traces left at the scene of the orlovs' murder, well, he could have changed the wheels, the plastic we found does not match shchelyaev's motorcycle at all, it is in perfect condition, there are a lot of discrepancies here. the orlovs were killed with a gun, and the driver was filkina, the handle of a makarov pistol. and one more thing. in the first case, the killer used a re-stretching, and in the second, a board with
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nails. although a re-stretching is more convenient. so, the murder of the orlovs and the robberies of filkina were committed by different people. what else is broader? there is a finger on the heroin package found during korobkov's arrest. oh, great. so we have it. yes, vasily, i'm listening to you. alya belepyoskina has been confirmed, he really did drink with cherepov at night. come on, hurry up and get to the office. there's been some movement in the shirayev case.
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and they'll definitely reduce my sentence if you turn in the drug supplier, preferably the minimum, that is if you have nothing to do with the murders, yes, i swear to you, i'll cross myself, don't, this is not for me, it's for your father, listen, and are there many more runners like you in rusakov? i don't know, he didn't tell me, and
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what about the air conditioner? no, he lives alone, that's good, sit here quietly as a mouse, got it, go ahead, if, why do you need a gun, hide it, we managed without a weapon, and why aren't they opening the door, maybe there's no one there? the car is in the yard, so there's someone at home, what are we going to do, we'll climb over the fence, it's a bit high, we've climbed over fences like these, ukhov, i, look, how it's done,
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comrade major, be quiet, step aside. my tovach, how are you, okay, follow me, follow me, where, call amon, can i do it with my own hands? i'll take it, come on, teach me, i need him alive, i promise, i won't get the gun out of the holster, here it is, i have it.
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citizen, high up, police, i suggest you surrender, resistance is useless, has he gone crazy or something, this is fire? during the search, 5 kg of pure coke and 1.5 kg of grass were found at rusakov's, yes, good tin. but
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as i understand it, the arrests of shiryaev and rysakov did not bring us any closer to solving the murders, no, shiryaev has an alibi, he was in a cafe on the embankment during the attack on the orlovs, there are waiter witnesses, and rysakov, and rysakov does not have a motorcycle, and his gun is of the wrong type, why would he need it, he made a good income from selling drugs, well then who? there is a suspect, besides lepeshkin, no, but it seems to me that he has nothing to do with it, a bird of a different feather, who has to do with it? filkina, the director of the film crew, and i can smell it, but what are the arguments? there are no arguments, but there are questions, why in the first case the criminal committed a double murder in the attack on the orlovs, in the case of filkina only the driver was killed. i doubt this magic...
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i interrogated the film crew, no, only filkina, but let's go to them together, you were offered to be in the crowd there, well, you too, by the way. "i'm afraid, after filkin's interrogation, i'm out of luck, you still have a chance, let's go, yes, information has arrived on the employees of the uzon car dealership, less than half a year has passed, well, no one has any licenses to own hunting rifles, great, but there is information on the motorcycle, so citizen karitonov, the manager of this car dealership, recently sold his motorcycle, yeah, run over there, find out who he sold it to, and at the same time"? ask if he knew anything about the orlovs' deal or not, yes, good, every day, feat, i took everything i need, stop, i'm going to shoot, who are you,
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quiet, i'm a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be there now, i work until i get results, i'm not going to live by your rules, i don't hurt innocent people, do what you have to and come what may, i'll have to act impromptu, i'm not performing a feat, heroes, new season. the heroes remained, and so mints, kind,
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hello, allow me to enter one series, father in the new season, miracles. stop, it's off, thank you all, stop, it's off, thank you all, girl, girl, excuse me, yes. i 've already let the extras go, major gashko, the head of the criminal police, citizen filkina, where can i find her, she's sick and stayed home, i'm on her side, what about? and what about the robbery? yes, no, you know, playing a corpse
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isn't very interesting, and don't you have any more active roles, i can ride motorcycles, ride a horse, jump with a parachute, thank you, no need, we have our own stuntman. there he is, getting ready for filming, and i can do that too, if you want, i'll show you, it won't work, our the director does not recognize any stuntmen except vasin, a good stuntman, well, there are better ones, they have something like an affair, well then i am not his competitor. and did he bring a motorcycle from moscow? no, i got it here from the rental office. do you know that your boss is selling his gin? yes, and do you know that last saturday he
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was supposed to make a deal. well, ilya viktorovich does not share such information with me. do you have a motorcycle? not now. i sold it. to whom? to my sister, or rather her husband. her husband's name is viktor zimin, thank you, you're welcome, glad to help, thank you, that's all good, goodbye, viktor zemin, we need to find out what kind of fruit it is, so, you go up to the corpse of the leader and say, dogs of dogs' death, dogs of dogs' death, give the actor a gun, i don't have it now, i didn't know that i would rent a gun today. and where is vasin's, he took it 3 days ago, he still hasn't returned it, i'm sorry, and what kind of gun is it, a makarov fake, yeah, i'm sorry, who is vasin, yes , he's our stuntman, call vasin to the set, he
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's not here now, he rehearsed the stunt, went to filkina's, the tabanent isn't answering, i'm sorry, on than he left, on his motorcycle, naturally, wherever you want, look for my gun, i won't film the scene without it, well , leonid grigorievich. leonid grigorievich, well , maybe we can think of something? well, hold on. good afternoon, and viktor dimin is living here, the police are bothering him. he's not here, and who are you to him?
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wife, wife, where did he go? tuning, and why do you need him? a motorcyclist hit a child at a crosswalk and fled, can i inspect your motorcycle? inspect it, to what construction site did your husband go? are you building a house for yourself in antonovka? is this not your house? no, this is his mother's house, here's his motorcycle, do you mind if i take a picture of it, go ahead, do you feel sorry for me? mas', look, there's a piece of plastic missing from the front fender, at the scene of orlov's murder. green plastic from a motorcycle was found, and it's about the same size,
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sack, yeah, gun oil, so there's a weapon somewhere, and do you know what kind of tires he has, continental, sack, is this the wire they made the spikes from, huh? all this needs to be shown to suran, here's what we'll do, i 'll quickly run to the office now, yeah, and you keep an eye on the house, i think that's the one the motorcyclist we are looking for, he handed in this bike this morning, took another one for filming, but we didn't even have time to wash it, that's lucky, i see... all the bikes here are shod with pirel, with continental, no, we
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don't use such tires, i understand, surprise, what do you have there, i think it's blood, no need to think, do an express analysis, of course i will, the police came to us, why , they said that the motorcyclist beat a person, they are not looking for the culprit. "they saw my motorcycle, well yes, i let them into the garage, they took a photo of it and left, i would have let them into the sleeping bag, what they asked, they asked about the gun, i said that we don’t have any gun, well done, you said everything correctly about the gun, congratulations, these nails that we found, these pins from the orlovs’ murder scene were made from them, now the tire tread also matches. yeah, this plastic, it’s
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a replacement from a motorcycle, well, i understand, let me take it, comrade major, i give permission, let’s act, wait, wait, i don’t have everything yet, this is the blood that we found in the motorcycle, in the wineskin, where in the glove compartment, well, i’ll say so, it belongs to the murdered driver, with which filkina was riding, and how did she end up there, well, i think, when the killer smashed his head with a pistol, the handles, he then put the pistol, the wineskin, it turns out that he didn’t notice the blood stains from the handle, well , it turns out logical, so if, let's take this zemen with ukhov, and i'll call poromon now and we'll go deal with vasin, huh? "you couldn't have hit your pedestrians, you were at a construction site, bring
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the documents for the motorcycle and my passport from home, where are you going, i'll go to the documents to lyokha kolesnikov, i'll be with him for a week, we'll see then, i'm not i can tell you now what's going on with you, zemin has arrived, where is he, he's in the garage, ukha, wait, i'll come, okay, okay, i get it, without you. don't do anything, that's right. here's your passport and documents, thank you, police, came out from behind the motorcycle, put your gun on the ground, hands up, slowly, get up. what are you
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standing there for? close the gate quickly! the task is, i have to take the gun from vasin and give it to you, come on, do it, got it,
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hello, great, what are you doing, showing up for the gun, today from... his filming fell through, the director was screaming like crazy, you he promised to bring it to the site today, well, sorry, he went somewhere, i can't find him, okay, then i'll have to report to the police that our gun is missing, ask to borrow a gun, maybe they'll give it to me, what else can i do, but wait with your police, why are you sitting there, go look, it's not a needle.
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where did your husband go, where to? i don't know, he didn't tell me anything, got on his motorcycle, drove off, i have a search warrant for the arrest of your husband, mine, he didn't come to you, no, he wasn't there, he wasn't there, that means, kolya, i'm here, so, and who's there? kolya, it's me, ukhov, open up, alive, alive, we need to go to the old dog, they decided to save their friend there, oh, sorry, there was a situation, you
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'll explain it to gashko, let's go sons, let's go. lie, oh, he came out, let's go after him, well, sit down, i hope that's what we need, let's go, serёk.
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criminal police, captain somo, stand, stand, ku-ku, that's it, learned it somewhere, that's a stick.
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did you play lapta? my wife has been driving me crazy, she needs a house, she says, i'm tired of living with my mother, build a house, otherwise i'll divorce you, harshly, i found money for a foundation for the walls, there wasn't enough for the rest, i wanted my brother to... to go out, yeah, suran, yeah, so it
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really is him, thanks for the promptness, everything is cool, let's go, take filkina and vasin, we're getting ready to film, we're getting ready to film, where is vasin, where is vasin? vasin is at the point, they'll bring a gun now, we'll start filming, okay, let's wait, citizen vasin, major gashko, come with us, why, you're being detained on suspicion of murder, and there is a warrant, of course there is, somov, give him a warrant, now, uh, what are you doing, stand still, stop, play dokonyatki again, oh my god, like little children, come on, kolya, faster! come on,
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motorcycle driver, i order you to stop, stop, i say, otherwise i'll shoot, come on, stop, i order you to stop. i'm tired of these bikers, this meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear? let 's understand what's going on, this is a conspiracy, of course it is a conspiracy. we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of damn, wrong, we're in hot water, one is smart, what, guys,
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back up, that's how it all works out relations with the west, is the west rotten, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, new season, every time kamela harris shakes hands with joe biden, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive. from monday at 14:00 on ntv. who killed my parents? they were killed many years ago, the criminals were never found. is it somehow connected with the architect? perhaps. sooner or later he will show up himself. a sniper on the roof. he has done this before. who? the architect. it's time to end this whole story. nevsky, tomorrow at 16.


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