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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 9, 2024 3:45am-4:41am MSK

3:45 am
what, guys, back off, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, new season, every time kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive. from monday at 14:00 on ntv. who killed my parents? they were killed many years ago , the criminals were never found. is this somehow connected with the architect? sooner or later he will show himself. he has already done this. the architect. it's time to end this whole story.
3:46 am
we collected 80 thousand, well, the money is not that big, but it's enough to feed the dolphins, nothing special, not much, in one day, in a month it will be 2,400, here it's enough not only for feeding the dolphins, for the trainer for bread and butter, yes, for the trainer for bread and butter of course, but for caviar and domperignon it's unlikely, domperignon, and what is this, champagne, have you ever tried it? well, citizen filkina, the examination proved that the driver who drove you from the bank was killed by the handle of a makarov pistol, kept at your home, here is the conclusion, we did not want to kill him, it just happened, edik was only supposed to knock him out, and how did you get the idea to stage a robbery, edik and i were sitting in a restaurant. and there
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was a story about a robbery on tv. today, not far from the village of rassvet , a double murder occurred. the criminal scattered spikes on the road when the orlovs stopped, opened fire on them near. why did they plant the bag on lepeshkin? well, he was in prison, criminal connections, i thought. he fooled you lepeshkin? he doesn't have any criminal connections, he hasn't been to prison, here's citizen filkina with your boyfriend, she'll have to sit in prison, the duty officer will take her away, gashko, and you don't happen to know what the house in front of her is, of course, i know, champagne, m, how do you know, 3 years ago in azovsk
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they robbed the villa of an underground millionaire, and there was a case of this champagne among other things stolen, do you know how much a bottle costs, i have no idea, 6,000 euros, stop pouring it on, why shouldn't i get up from this place, and how did you find out about the champagne, from dashi, what is she drinking champagne, wait, is she a millionaire, it would be nice, yeah... and an orphan, when your passion comes, but i won't come , she's about to come , damn it, and aren't you afraid of aly? paramon, i'm afraid, but passion is higher than me, it's light, i don't understand, do they feel everything, i'll go out now so she doesn't hear the music, take your hat, and thank you raman, damn it, oh, hello, au,
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and forgive me, i can't speak loudly, i 'm on detention, i'm sitting in ambush, when will you be home, no, no, i'll be home late today, yeah, well, who are you sitting here in ambush with, oh, hi, you're here, with whom, no, with no one, with paromon, so, we decided... to sit down and celebrate, we solved such a case, yeah, let's celebrate together, i haven't been to a restaurant for so long, oh, listen, why go to this restaurant, what are you in a restaurant, let's go home instead, what, let 's sit at home together, have a drink, just you, me and mom, and mom, well, what about paromon, god bless him, well, he's single, let him rest,
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oh well, let's hope that everything will be fine, what, i have a day off today, oh, paramon, listen, wait, sorry, second line, yes, yes, ksyusha, i'm listening, hello, maybe we'll go to yalta, i've never seen
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swallows on nests, it's interesting to see, a good idea, we'll have dinner at the same time, i'll even dance, okay, well, when are you coming to pick me up? oh, let me call you back later. okay, i'm waiting . kisses. he pecked. dear, take a photo, remind me. no, no, thank you. oh, how pretty she is. can i hold her, put a gold finger on her hand, then we can, andryukha, goshko, kozelsky, sanya, you, sanyok,
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great, i didn't expect that, listen, you're like me found out? you and i haven't seen each other for years, maybe 20 years, and you haven't changed much since college, you're still the same pelmeni, so stop, we forgot about the pelmeni, that's it, that's it, i've already forgotten, listen, let's celebrate our meetings in the evening, sit and talk, we haven't seen each other for so many years, and i'm always for it, and what about you, do you live here too now, no, i'm in moscow, here on ezami, i bought myself a hotel in pribor, you, yeah, you live pretty well, i see, in short, i'm waiting for you at 8 o'clock in the restaurant of my hotel, i won't accept refusal. san, i'm sorry, i can't, but i have today is an appointment, andryukh, we haven't seen each other for so many years, well bring your appointment, well i'll try for the sake of such a matter, that's it, agreed, so, see you , i'm waiting for you, look, that's it, come on, bye, sanyok, hello, i'm listening to you, ksёsh
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, it's me, listen, here's the deal, yeah. the reinforcements called me today, it won't work out to go to yalu, let's go next weekend, and it's a pity, andryush, well of course we'll go next weekend, don't worry, okay, yeah, bye, bye, kisses, kisses.
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dad, let's play cops, i'll be your boss, and you'll be my operative. and what you're the boss right away, and i'm a simple operative? because i like to command, oh, i have everything in my mom, masha, take it off quickly, mom cooked for me for tomorrow, don't you remember me, there's mom here, and where's grandma? hooray, mom's here, where's grandma? grandma left, dad said she should take a break from us, what are you talking about, how interesting?
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and you don't want to call me? well, it's somehow awkward right now, sorry about work. "yes, yes, i'm listening, there are corpses, but it's already good, okay, i'm leaving in 5 minutes, what's the matter, why are we going somewhere, someone is bound to get robbed or killed, it's started, the manager calls, my weekend is over, hello, yes , hello, sure, sure, sure, yes, i'll be there,
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he's calling me on duty, who 's going to babysit the kids, you sent mom home, wait, i can't, a car's already come for me, who's going to babysit the kids, okay, i'll think of something now, that's it, i'm leaving, what a bastard, i'm going to the station now, i need to catch my mother-in-law, and then to pervomayskaya, what's there? a robbery, what a life you have, comrade major, that means a bag what did you have, the bag was brand new, i had only been with it for three weeks, and this parasite snatched it and ran away, so what was in the bag, a wallet, there were about 5 thousand in it. and a passport, i see, well, what do you have here? comrade major,
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a woman was robbed, an unknown person in moscow, snatched the bag and fled the scene of the crime. is it bad to wear a mask, what was the kidnapper wearing? a blue shirt, blue jeans, and i also noticed that he has a tattoo, an anchor on his right hand. syria, what do you have? well, so far no fingerprints, no evidence.
3:58 am
okay, let's be like fish, let's go, good afternoon, and so on, so don't give me away, vasily ukhov, lieutenant of the criminal police, your neighbor from the second floor was robbed today, who is it, toska or mashka, marya vasilna? "maybe you saw a man in a blue shirt and blue jeans? so that's mit koskutov? yes, i saw him, he was hanging around her apartment all the time, and he doesn't have a tattoo of an anchor on his right hand? well, i'm not looking closely, yeah, who is this vaskutov? he's toska's ex-husband, yes, a good guy, he got involved with this loser and ended up in jail, when i got free, i started going to her again. to get back together, and toska has another dude, they distill moonshine, sell it, i sell it,
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yes, i wrote a statement to the local police officer several times, but it's all in vain, well, maybe you can put an end to this disgrace, well, it's not in my competence, well, i'll try to do something, well, you try , thank you, yeah, thank you, where are you going, yes, the neighbor saw a certain vitaly laskutov hanging around in the entrance, what's your dimy? well, i looked there, everything seems clean. listen, i live not far from here, let's go to my place, such a dalma they did it, you can eat your mind. i need to get through to loskutova, i can't. well, get through to her. and do you remember how you and i were at the institute before the exam, our beaks got all fuzzy, remember? yeah, i was almost kicked out of the institute later. come on, there was time, but for us. and i still passed the exam then, even under the influence of cranberry, oh, hello,
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what's your name? hello, amina, amina, a beautiful name, what are your plans for the evening? ask my husband about it, he's standing at the entrance, oh, the swan has gone, let's see how she 'll sing tomorrow when i cut her salary, and i'll drive this rangutango out with a bang, come on, don't get worked up. why do you need that amina , let's have a drink instead, you don't understand, i'm the boss here and the entryway should feel it, as they say , every little cricket knows its pole, no, then i'm with you... i agree, come on, andryukha, let's drink to our friendship, to this, and i'm for always, please, to us, what do you want, i'd like to knock back some moonshine, yeah,
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come on in. who are you? me, vasya. vasya. vasya, i don't really know you. well, but tolik the cut yellow senka knows me in real life. they've only recently you know, the cops were swept up? i know, i met them in the pre-trial detention center. they were involved in a case of armed guard. come on, bring it. yeah, and what case were you involved in? i was involved in the same case, but i didn't understand that you weren't jailed, but i didn't rob anyone, well, i 'm a policeman, i was in charge of this case, and you were arrested for illegal distribution of alcohol, vasil ukhov, criminal police.
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stop, i'll shoot, andryukh, we're sitting well, man, yeah, like before, klyugovka, oh, girls, popasenkie, andryukh, do you hear, hmm?
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there's no pomoranika, i brought what you ordered count us out, take this swill away, i 'm not going to pay for it, yeah, no, i 'll definitely fire her tomorrow, that rangutang too, yeah, right now, wait, wait, right now i'll go with her once, let's see what you brought us, oh, why is cognac written down, and i told you, i 'm not paying for this swill... the cognac you ordered is what she brought, what else do you want, the way you talk to me, kaza, you know who i am, that's it, you're free, i fired you, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, where are you going, come here for me, what the hell is going on here bazaar, quiet, hands, hands, everyone's gone crazy here, where's the director, i'm borscht, i'm borscht, what's the matter,
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gentlemen, i'm kazel'skiy, general director of the 21st century investment fund, alexander nikolaevich, hello, are you on holiday with us, and i didn't know, i knew, so that's it, mr. borashchev, you, these, are all here from tomorrow, you're not working anymore, fershteyn, andryukha.
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it's cool here, well, forgive me, lyubash, today won't work out, it was a hard day, i'm up to my neck in work, come on, stand there, i kiss your last warning, that's it, gubash, i can't do it anymore talk, that's it, see you later. and be careful!
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quiet, you'll wake the kids, come here, in honor of our anniversary, i've prepared a little surprise for you, mom, allochka, 10 years have flown by with you like one day. andrey took me off the train, i offered oksana mikhalna to live with us for a while longer, she kindly
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agreed, well, let's forget all the bad things that happened between us and think only about the good, congratulations, i'll open the champagne, i 'll go wake the kids. bashka, what about mom, i don't recognize her, it's okay, just in honor of our anniversary i promised her that i would buy her the big flat screen tv she dreamed of, and you're a bug, yeah, well promising doesn't mean buying,
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good morning, well who raped whom here, the owner of the hotel kazelsky, who? kazelsky, raped the maid larisa stegunova. are there witnesses, are you laughing? well , yes, kazelsky is here? no, somewhere on the way to the ferry, should i detain him? wait, let me talk to the victim first. chief of the criminal police, major gashko, come on, tell me what happened here, i raped, in the morning i came to clean
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the room, he started pestering me, offered me 500 rubles. yeah, not much, i refused, then he grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the bed, i broke free and ran to the door, he caught up with me and started to... how long were you unconscious? i don't know, i don't remember. hold on, drink some water, calm down. well , what happened next? well, then he told me not to even think about going anywhere, that he had a friend who was the chief of the criminal police. you were the one with him in the hallway yesterday. yes, it was me, then, and then i went to the duty officer
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and told her that i was raped by a new one. the owner of the hotel, she called the police, and so, now you need to go change your clothes, because your clothes will be needed for the examination, you yourself need to undergo a medical examination, and without an examination you can’t, you can’t, san. hi, and how is everything okay with you? and where are you now? and wait for me, comrade may, okay, of course i’m terribly sorry, and is the suspect your friend? yes, my classmate, then it’s clear, and what about you i see, i don't understand anything yet, but he already understands everything, i'm just saying this by the way, and i don't need to say it by the way, go question the administrator on duty and the neighbors, suddenly someone heard
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or saw something, he... do you know your common-law wife's ex-husband? well , i know, he came to you yesterday? yes, he came, what was he wearing? so it was a white t-shirt, jeans, a white t-shirt and jeans, tell me this, did you notice the anchor tattoo on his arm? i didn't look closely at his tattoo, i pushed him down the stairs so that tosky would forget the way, where he lives, you know? i,
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no, toska knows. who is the criminal police, captain somov, i would like to talk to you, this morning in the next room they raped gornishny, you didn't hear anything, no, no noise, no struggle, no fight, no squeals, nothing, no, i didn't hear anything, okay, rest, sorry for disturbing you.
4:14 am
here's the thing, in short, the maid you were making out with yesterday in the hotel filed a complaint against you about rape, what a bad joke, yes, a good joke, and what about your room, the whole house is turned upside down, the maid, over there, all covered in bruises, claiming that you her first he beat me up, then he raped me, what a fool, and she climbed into my bed herself, and came in the morning.
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you didn't understand me, sanya, i'm detaining you in the city on a written undertaking not to leave, have you gone crazy or something? katya is crazy, she accused me of something that didn't happen, and you believed her, and nevertheless, my friend, don't be fooled, let's go, when lariska went home in the morning, i didn't even pay attention to her, i was solving crossfort, and somewhere in half an hour on...
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no, she'll be here after lunch, and can i have the phone number of this vera panova? oh, well, yes, please. thank you, all the best, goodbye. yes, hi, this is sergey paromonov, did you recognize him? of course i recognized him. and you, when will you be back? as soon as mom gets better, i'll come right away. uh-huh. good. and i need your help. i want to make a photo series about people of extreme professions. and i'd like to start with emergency doctors . and you can ask alla to take me with her on calls. i 'll take pictures of her during work. no problem. i'll come to an agreement, thank you, this is a setup, andryukha, i swear to you, i did not rape her, comrade major, yes, larisa tegunova's medical report, under the victim's nails,
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skin particles were found, the alleged rapist, take off your shirt, sanya, why? take it off, turn your back, nothing, your back doesn't hurt, a little, but this must be passion, in a fit of ecstasy, so to speak, well, what the hell ecstasy, sanya. why are you telling me this? have you seen what your back looks like? well, the victim doesn't have injuries characteristic of rape. well, i told you, everything was by mutual consent. then why the hell
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she filed a rape complaint against you? i think borchov put her up to it. i fired him yesterday and he decided to take revenge on me. arrest him. and what did i do to him? what am i going to charge him with? well then, i'll expose him myself when you let me go? after the examination. hello, hello, can you tell me how i can find alla gashko? here she comes, hi! hello, i'm warning you right away, don't take pictures of me and don't use any flashes, otherwise you'll get a stroke during your photo shoot. okay, i won't turn on the flash, but you can at least click a couple of times, i 'll show you the pictures later, if you don't like them, i'll delete them right away. okay, get in, let's go.
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iermosina. yes, i decided to come and confess, here, take this, what is this? this is a moonshine still, i swear, i'll never make this crap again, just let mine go, the fact that you brought the means of producing a prohibited drink is of course good, iermosina, but it's not enough, what else do you need, i'd like to find your ex-husband?
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you need to be careful with alcohol, sunny, since you have a sick heart, i haven't had a drink, my heart hurts, be patient, be patient a little, the hospital is coming soon, lena, give me some water, he's delirious, kolya, what happened to you? it seems the pump is broken. we can't do without it. no, we ca
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n't. well, do something, my patient is dying. has the thermostat been changed for a long time? yes, for a long time. and try knocking on it. let's try now. how did it happen that during the rape no one in the neighboring rooms heard the noise of a struggle? because there was no struggle. and then... the tv in the neighboring room was blaring so loudly that even if i had been cut alive, no one would have heard it i heard. it makes sense, but why didn't you immediately contact the police? you left the hotel, then came back, where were you for half an hour? well , i, i left the hotel in a state of shock, then on the way home i remembered that i had left my bag with the keys to the apartment at work, and i came back, and there i told everything to the duty officer, i understand, will there still be questions for me? not yet, all the best.
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so urgently take him to intensive care, let's talk, i also, no, of course i guessed that being a doctor in an ambulance is not easy, but i did not think that to such an extent, but they abandoned, ordinary work, oh, alla, can i take another photo of you with your family, with your children and husband, but i just want to have photos not only at work, but at home, i don’t like all this, but if you need it, then go ahead, thank you, but you won’t catch my husband, he’s at... work around the clock, well, what, you also think that
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this is kazelsky, well, how else, we have the results of the examination, which clearly show that the victim had sexual contact with the suspect, a beating that gornishchina could not have inflicted on herself, a smashed number, yes, the statement is the victim himself, so what, i can also write a statement on you, did you dig up anything on the mountain? on this one, on tyagunova larisa. at work, she is described as a hard-working, modest girl. yes, i called her friend, vera, panova, and i want to talk to her. this is good. yes, at the same time, find out what kind of relationship larisa tegunova has with this one, borshchev. yeah. yesterday, when i was leaving the hotel, i saw them whispering about something on the street. gashko, i'm listening. got it, i'll be there now. maybe? for shashlik, let's do it without me, kazelsky called, asked
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come, by the way, you checked kazelsky, there is nothing on him, well at least that's good, thanks, karen, i went, andryukha, i know why borshov wants to put me in jail, well why, i dug around in the accounting department, i found a contract for repair work with some left-wing construction company. since childhood, we lived in the same yard in voronezh, and
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how did you end up here? my mother, she 's from here, yeah, i graduated from school, she exchanged an apartment and we moved here from voronezh, and larisa, and larisa moved later, it was you who helped her get a job get a job, yes. and what can you tell me, does larisa have any friends in this city besides you? you know, larisa is a withdrawn person, and she has few acquaintances, well, at least she has no close friends except me, and as for relatives, she only has her mother, but she stayed in voronezh, and what kind of relationships did larisa have with her colleagues? well, how did she not treat the management, these are normal relationships, well
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, borshchev respects her, everything. and what do you mean? well, larisa, a young, beautiful girl, your director, a lonely man. what are you hinting at? yes, larisa, she, yes, she not like that, yes, and in general, you know, it, and what do you suspect her of? yes, no, no, no, well, no, i have no more questions for you for now, you are free, thank you. okay, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, hello, hello, lev petrovich, this is margarit your accountant, they found out that the megastroy company
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does not exist, yes, and that all contracts with them are fictitious, kazelsky came to me, a policeman with him. he asked for your address, yes, barshchev's address, of course you gave it to me, what else could i do, i understand, see you, bye, laris, hi, hi, i just came from the investigator, what did he want from you, was interested in you, asked about your relationship with borishov, and what did you say? she said, she said that there is nothing between you, that's it, bye, bye.
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it looks like the owner is leaving, i see, the driver, let's go, but are we going to catch him in this kirogas, let's go, i say, i'm going, i'm going , the bastard, let's go faster, the driver of the range rover olga 383, olga alexander, order him to stop. korodin borsov order him to stop, or i 'll shoot, stand, hands!
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hello pal sergeevich, hello, how there is my heart patient, you brought him in time, a little more and goodbye, thank god, yes, he asked about you, for some reason he only called me lena, i told him that your name is, maybe you will come to him, he really asked about it, he is lying on the sixteenth floor, okay, i will come. "lie down, lie down, you can't get up, thank you for saving me, this is my job, the doctor told me your name is paly, i have evgeny, i remember how you feel, it's better already,
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you know, i never complained about my heart, and this heart attack, it was like a bolt from the blue sky, and i would like to. you never know if another attack might occur? you have your own doctor, well, if that would make you feel better, here is my business card. thank you, get well soon.
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among the documents of the hotel where you worked, the general director found contracts with a certain company called megastroy, signed by you. this is your signature. so what? i have been managing the hotel for 10 years. i have had different contractors. can you remember each one? the megastroy company is a one-day company that was engaged in cashing out money. well, that still needs to be proven. the guys at ubp the literate ones work, they will prove it quickly. let them try. okay. in what relationship?
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studio larisa tyagunova, who became a victim of a cruel and cynical rapist. larisa, tell us what happened to you. i work
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as a maid at the priboy hotel. the new owner of the hotel, mr. kazelsky, who came from moscow, started harassing me when i asked him to leave me alone, beat me up and raped me. did you contact the police? yes, well what's the point, the chief of the criminal police, major.
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would have resolved the issue, but it is being prosecuted under such articles, you see, if he had been jailed for drugs, i would have no grounds to transfer him to us, you see, the bosses won't understand me, so hurry up, okay, come on, i'll be in touch. do you understand what you've done? my phone has been ringing off the hook since this morning, the governor called me,
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my own security services called me, they even called me from moscow, comrade general, i'm sure kazelsky was set up, and this story is on tv, but it's a pure hit job, a hit job, read it. well, what do you say? i didn't know about it. somov checked it out, it's in our database he's not there. what a shame. but he's in the interpol database. and didn't your friend tell you that exactly 3 years ago a criminal case was opened against him in latvia, a similar case, he was raped by a maid, you know the kind, a lover of hotel strawberries. well, the truth is, the case never went to court, either he paid off, or... his friend,
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kozelsky, prepare the materials for this case and hand over the main department along with the detainee to my investigators, and i'm removing you from this case, i'm giving you 3 days for everything, give me permission to carry out, carry out, yes, wait, what... can you explain what's going on, why did you decide to arrest me, general lesitsin's order, now his people will be handling your case, it's all because of the tv story, why did you hide from me that 3 years ago you had exactly the same story, yes i was scared that you wouldn't believe me, yes i slept with the maid, the next morning she said she would report me if i didn't give her 100.00
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euros, i sent her away, she reported me to... i hired good lawyers and won the case, but now it's a completely different story, andryukha, i i didn't rape you, and you're not going to tell me about this, let's go, so what's going to happen to me now, you'll sit here for 3 days, then they'll transfer you to the city prison, complete nonsense, nice, very nice, we have a bedroom here, let's go, i'll show you the other rooms, let's go, and here we have... a kitchen, a living room, how do you like it? yes, i like it, will you take it? yes, i'm renting it. great, please. i'll need some personal information, can i have your passport? yes, of course. thank you. hello, andrey, hi. yes.
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a minute, yes, of course, talk, you just disappeared somewhere, you haven't called at all, i've already i thought you forgot about me, listen, i'm sorry , i got caught up in everything, but i'm really busy here , well, when will we see each other, let me call you tomorrow, okay, i'll wait, come on, listen, i'm sorry, second line, come on, see you tomorrow, that 's it, kisses, great, paramon, how are you, how is mom , everything's fine, you've already been discharged. hospital, how are you? how bad, how did they remove me from the case? nothing special, otherwise a wonderful marchioness, as they say, everything's great, listen, paramon, it would be great if you came by, i'll try, yeah,
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attention, task force on the search, huh!


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