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tv   Utro  NTV  August 9, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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i consider the family council open, i wish you the best morning, next in the program, listen to the chronicle of the emergency, deal with different cases in the first before. on ntv the program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya. they don't fall into the same hole twice, a pensioner from the nizhny novgorod region was able to and aroused suspicion among her neighbors. residents of the small town of chkalovsk, familiar with the woman, believe that she falls to the bottom on purpose , she has a specific purpose. night street dug pit, at a depth of 3 m waist-deep in mud in odessa. having installed a fire escape,
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the ministry of emergency situations employees rush to help, the next day the investigation began, why such a deep hole in the yard, whether there was a fence. as a result of the inspection , there are no questions to the utility workers, all safety rules were observed, and pensioner svetlana khlyustova explained 2 days later, curiosity is her threshold, and not the most important one. two fell apart, yes, everyone was in an alcoholic stupor, the first case was not a good one. the ministry of emergency situations decided that they would not initiate a fine, they are ready to save everyone who got into trouble, regardless of that, out of stupidity or under the influence of alcohol, here the police promised to keep an eye on the pensioner, in the near future she was called in for a conversation with the local police officer. we rarely touch on events on the roads in other countries, but here is one video from slovakia, most likely, will cause you... wow effect divaka,
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reporters, policemen sluggishly sorting through the wreckage. a miracle happened in slovakia. from these shots it is clear that a road train and a passenger train collided. dozens of people were riding the express, only two received minor bruises. but this the crossover and its driver are saved by almost divine intervention. once again. the truck is late, just look how filigree the truck cabin bends around the frozen santa fe, not a scratch, the car has a second birthday, i could have died today too, but no, this is cool, dude, eyewitnesses are impressed, i could have filmed it, but i screwed up, when watching a report by the truck owner - what 's wrong, these truck drivers do even worse? have you watched eurotrip? i just didn't
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have time, and let them check this collective farmer-machinist too, are you really russian television? i wonder what this panvodich was dipping his moustache in. be careful, he doesn't do that to everyone.
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he was pale, but he walked on his own, mild craniocerebral trauma and mild skeletal trauma, nineteenth floor, height about 60 m. when calculating the speed of free fall, body mass does not matter, our arthur was flying at a speed of plus or minus 34 m/s, he got off the nineteenth floor in less than 2 seconds, alive and well, who is he? superman, a saint, no superpowers or iron man, or anything else, hidden wings, we don't found, the air pedestrian just had an apple as a snack, here he goes, parked nissan, now something between a convertible and a tin can, the car is crumpled, the car saved him, what pushed him?
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as if they never found it, it’s somehow connected with the architect, maybe sooner or later he will show up himself, a sniper on the roof, he’s already done that, who’s the architect, it’s time to end
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this whole story, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. good morning, i’ll tell you about the weather for today, tatyana ermilova. in the far east , everything is generally the same, in kamchatka it’s rainy and cool, no higher than twenty, on sakhalin it is sunny almost hot -26. in the south of the mainland it is also warm, +25-28 and mostly light rains. yakutia stands out against the general background, where the temperature is rapidly rising. today in yakutsk up to +25, and tomorrow +27. precipitation in the republic. fires are flaring up again. in siberia it is sunny near baikal. in irkutsk -29, tomorrow over 30, the rest of the south is in a more moderate warmth, about 25°, rains and thunderstorms add coolness. closer to the urals in the urals the northern anticyclone begins to act. there is heat in it
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a little. in yekaterinburg +18, but finally there is no threat of heavy rains. in the north of the european territory, the same anticyclone , the weather here is unusually good, sunny everywhere. and there is enough heat, especially in murmansk and arkhangelsk. in the northwest, up to +27, there will be light rains. in the middle zone, the zone of heavy precipitation will shift to the volga region and it will become cooler in the center. and in the black earth region, while up to +25, there will be local rains and thunderstorms again. in the south, the day will be sunny and hot. in krasnodar and astrakhan up to +35°, at the black sea a comfortable 30. in st. petersburg, almost +24 no precipitation, in moscow in places rain, thunderstorm and +23. the morning continues, the best, we will do a crash test on the main road, get acquainted with useful news from sergey malozyomov, travel around russia together, here,
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hello, great, let's go, what will i show you, did you see, yeah, oh-oh-oh, we are standing at a traffic light, the taxi driver is at full speed, he doesn't even... mozil, but he has no muzzle, and we have no bumper, yes, there are no options, well, in fact, no , there were probably options, to minimize the damage, either we keep our foot on the brake, or let go, either he brakes to the last, or at some point he also releases the brake, let's hit the car, oh, really, and really, and virtually, i'm for it, one of the most offensive accidents, when someone was distracted, hit the car in front, and it flew into the next one, it's... a classic little train, evgeny kremenchuk's car was in front of such a little train, pressing the brake, i see an obstacle in front in the form of an emergency car, at that moment another car flies into me, it was pushed by a third one, well, there is more cargo. in driving schools they teach: in
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dangerous situation, press the brake, the lower the speed, the less damage, that's what physics and common sense suggest, but what if... contrary to habits and instincts , release the pedals, your car, and if they fly into you from behind, and you keep your foot on the brake, hold it, tightly, hold it, tightly, i'm holding it, so, then all the energy from the impact will go to your body, oh, i saw, yes, the body will crumple, and people in the cabin can get injured, and if you release the brake, then part of the momentum will go into motion, that is, the car will roll away, there will be less damage, but this in theory, let's check, we'll do this, well, here are our two cars, now we'll collide them and understand what's better to brake or
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release the brake, but we need to compare the results and collide them, well, at least twice, as many as necessary, that's how many we'll collide, we'll conduct a virtual crash test, here's the result we'll check on real ones, virtual... crash test technology is used by automakers all over the world. for us , the parameters and consequences of the accident will be calculated by professional forensic expert alexander nichaev. with the help of a special program recommended.
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tsoi died instantly, the bus driver was not injured. evgeniy's bumper, wing and rear door were dented in the train, but the speed at which the collision occurred was low. everyone was driving in calm traffic. we will accelerate one of the cars to 15 km/h. in the city, collisions often occur at this speed. the brakes of the second car will be on. first, we will use a professional program. the station wagon bumper takes the full force of the impact, the side
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mounts are torn off, the part itself is deformed rests against the rear wheels. the sedan is damaged even more. the bumper, hood, grille and front fenders are damaged. now we will simulate the same conditions in the simulator. the bumpers of both cars are deformed, but after a second they return to their original shape. obviously, the game engine cannot calculate the damage at low speed. now the same situation, but the station wagon's brakes are off and the gearbox is in neutral . the station wagon rolls forward, the side bumper mounts may have been damaged, but no damage is visible. the sedan too looks almost intact. its bumper is crushed, but returns to its shape due to elasticity. works, so when they fly at you, you need to release the brake then there will be
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less damage, but if you believe the computer simulation, then yes, but you need to check, you get behind the wheel of this car, yeah, sat down, and why should i sit here if i don't have to press anything, because for the purity of the experiment the weight of the driver must be taken into account, so you are obliged at the moment... experiment one take one yes during the impact the stuntman should shine and not me oh right now. we just really hit the car, now let's compare how it was modeled
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by a professional program, it looks like, yes, yes, exactly the same, you see, yes, yes, right, yes, yes, yes, here is a match in the nature of the movement, the nature of the contact, almost completely matches, the deformation could only be seen on the rear panel, the lower panel, for now, it is in nature, i don't know, if you need to calculate at what speed... the car that flew into you was moving, contact the experts, if you are curious to see how the car will react towards the pole, it is cheaper and easier to check it in the simulator. and if you see that they are flying at you from behind, release the brake, but only if there is no one and nothing in front of you, otherwise you will become a participant in the train.
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recipe of the week this time baked omelet with vegetables. we will need eggs, bell peppers, spinach, onions, vegetable oil, water, salt and pepper, finely chop the pepper, onion and spinach, fry in a frying pan with oil, salt and pepper, pour in water, cover with a lid. remove from heat for a few minutes, separate the whites from the yolks, start whipping the whites, a little add salt, add half of the yolks, beat until smooth, grease the baking dish with a small amount of oil, put the vegetables in it, pour the egg mixture, bake at 200 ° for 10 minutes, ready, you get a familiar dish in a new way, you can experiment with the filling endlessly, the main thing is that this is an excellent option for a healthy breakfast, it is rich in vitamins, fiber and protein, which
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will give a long feeling of satiety, green light according to our traffic light system, you can at least every day. bon appetit and health, we wish you, and the chef, a college teacher tsaritsyna, viktor mashkov. everyone has heard at least a little about the great standoff on the ugra river in the autumn of 1480, and its significance in the history of russia. probably, too. the catch is that in which exact place on the bank of the ugra the troops stood in october-november 1480 has not yet been established. there are several options, just in case, in all these places monuments to the great standoff on the ugra gradually grew up. it was not just like that, they stood, stood on both banks, and then dispersed in their own way. about a month later the troops of ivan ii and khan
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akhmat stood opposite each other, but the russians were in no hurry to cross the river, and attempts. and battles the russian army retreated to borovsk, in order to accept battle in the area of ​​fords, when the ugra was covered with ice, but did not wait for the enemy, the order no longer had enough forces for an attack, they left. this essentially ended the tatar-mongol rule in russia. we visited all the monuments about which we could find information, mainly in the kaluga region. they are very... from a simple small stone to an entire monastery. from it let's start with the first one. the first monument to the standing on the ugra, as was customary in russia, was a monastery. this is the most beautiful spasovaratynsky monastery, founded either at the end of the 15th or at the beginning of the 15th century. the oldest temple of the monastery is the tall tent church in honor of the transfiguration of the savior. it was built
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in the 15th century. it is called tent church for a reason. tents have always denoted memorial churches. the refectory vedena church, standing next to the cathedral, is also crowned with two tents, only small ones, it was built later in the 17th century. the monastery stands on the bank of the river, though not ugry, and oka, but the ugra flows into the oka not far from here. but the views in this place are simply fantastic, from the hill you can see the river, the hills behind it. the monastery itself was always quite modest, not rich. all the buildings, except for the temples and one cell, were wooden. even the stone bell tower was not built right away, they used the fence of the old monastery necropolis for its construction. now the monastery does not look pretentious either, but everything in it is very clean, beautifully maintained, everything is decorated with flowers, and you can admire the oka from a wide observation deck with benches for greater convenience. literally a kilometer from the monastery, on the outskirts of the village of pletenevka, in a field on the bank of the ugra, not far from where it flows into the oka, there is a small monument stone, it was erected by the residents of pletenevka in honor of the event itself and ivan
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ii. it is easy to find the stone when the field is mown, but if you get there, so to speak, at the harvest moment, then you will have to. with everything did not work out and the battles on the ugra continued throughout the month, but the general battle never happened. not long ago next to the knights they erected a white spasskaya chapel and they did the right thing, it is clearly visible from the road, finding the monument has become much easier. there is another monument near the walls of tikhonova pustyn in the village named after leo tolstoy, and the monastery itself is very beautiful. during the standoff, the local monks
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helped the soldiers, treated the wounded, brought provisions, did what they could. during the time of the great standoff on the ugra, tikhanova pustyn was a very young monastery, founded recently, even the founder of the monastery, st. tikhan kaluzhsky, however, everything looked completely different then. it is quite logical that a high monument in the form of either a sail or a banner is now installed near the monastery wall from the road side, on which pictures of the event are depicted in mosaic. you can see a slightly winding ribbon of ugra and warriors, and even those same guns aimed at the crossing. there, at the tikhonov gate. in the desert, you can see an announcement that a diorama museum, a great stand on the ugra, and a sign are located nearby. it is not far away, a few kilometers from here, in the village of dvortsy. actually, in the palaces... it's not just a museum, but a whole large vladimir skit. usually a skit is something small, but here it's like a monastery. in the center is the vladimir temple, a large monument to ivan ii. visit the diorama museum with
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a tour. here they not only show views of the site, but also tell about the events. on the way to the skit there is a sign for a memorial cross. this cross stands on the very bank of the ugra. it's tall, it's impossible not to notice it. the ugra in these places during the flood spills very widely, flooding all the lowlands in the surrounding area. but the hermitage is not very afraid of water for the whole village, this bank is quite high, although in some places the overflowing ugra comes right up to the fences. this is where the monuments located near kaluga end, but there are still monuments erected along the banks of the ugra in other places. firstly, near the city of yukhny, kaluga region, a modest one, without any special frills, just a high stele with a coat of arms and a map of the location, from it you can see the bridge across the ugra, this is the road leading to the ancient yukhny, and secondly, it is not at all... given and far from the places traditionally accepted as places of standing, more than 100 km from kaluga, already in the smolensk region, there is another monument in memory of this event, this is a high stele on
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the vyazma yukhnov highway, where the road crosses the ugra, near the village of znamenka. the landmark is the turn to the village of velikopolye. once the monument was surrounded by small pine trees, and it was clearly visible, but now these pine trees have grown, turned into large pines higher than the monument and completely hid it, so we had to look for it. if desired, all you can go around these monuments and find them in one day. the ugra river is incredibly picturesque, meandering bizarrely among fields and forests. where the first shots of russian cannons once sounded, silence now reigns. we announce that dreamfest 2024 is open! dozens of artists from different countries are ready to give you their hits.
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nevsky today at 16:45 on ntv. ditralex imagines when i'm running all day, heaviness in my legs, pain and swelling can
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consultation, changing the space in the apartment of your dreams, going to idegeya, eating lamb, with federico arnaldi. and remember how at the beginning of the pandemic we rubbed our hands with soap to such an extent that sometimes a cheat sheet on physics from the tenth grade appeared on them, and not only doctors fighting covid were happy with such hygiene, but also parasitologists who regularly scare. shocking statistics: every third of us is supposedly infected with worms, parasites, and the tabloids scare not less astonishing, also from the word parasite headlines, for example, britishlil writes: a thirty-centimeter worm was pulled out of a man's brain, in india a 15-cm-long worm was pulled out of a man's eye, and
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if someone thinks that this is some kind of... overseas exoticism, then there is similar news in russia: voronezh doctors removed a tapeworm from a schoolboy's head, it turns out that these are not at all fantastic rare creatures, they can live in almost any human organ, from the intestines to the skin and eyes, how can you find out if there is a wormhole in to some of us, what will the body signal and in what unexpected products can the creeping dreena lurk? we have already found out that most often the danger of fresh greens and vegetables that are poorly washed is underestimated, it would be good to soak them in boiled water, that good frying, baking and boiling cannot make pork, beef and fish absolutely safe, only freezing at certain temperatures. this is exactly why
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it is difficult to find chilled fish in stores, almost all of it goes through the freezing procedure, firstly, producers don't want to take risks, if someone finds live parasites, then this is a sad end for the business, and secondly, no one will notice the difference, and if it says chilled, then it was simply defrosted, experts say, citing salmon as an example. previously, it was brought from norway and yes, it could be chilled, because in fish grown under sensitive...
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defrosting, just be careful with river fish, whose path to the counter is much shorter, and the percentage of infection is much higher, slightly frozen, then brought to the store, put it on the counter. it thawed out the helminths, then a buyer came, bought it and - well, he started to eat it all not fully cooked, he got infected with them. by the way, you can't get infected from canned meat and fish dishes, they are sterilized, everything dies, it's good to hear, but this saury won't satisfy your appetite, although it will definitely beat off what they found in the barn, it's recorded, yeah, look at those tentacles, that's what... there weren't even any dead worms in the food, back in 2018, russia launched the state electronic system mercury, which monitors eliminates fraud with products from farmed and wild animals. we
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can track at what stages he was given some vaccinations there, and what tests were taken for test reports, here the expiration date has expired, but they stuck a new label on it and sent it on further. now this will not work, but to be honest, even high-ranking officials are forced to admit that individual parasites deceive the control system contaminated products end up in the largest stores, as happened in nizhny novgorod. i bought meat in a shopping center, in during the cooking process, egg-like inclusions up to 4 mm long were found. after the examination , it turned out that cysticercosis, trichinosis, sarcocysts were found in the meat. parasites dangerous to humans. either the examination was not carried out, or someone sold the meat on the left, having one veterinary, veterinary certificate, under which they take products that have not
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passed the examination, very often we find products in circulation containing microbiological contamination, including pathogenic microflora, while for raw meat products - there are all veterinary evidence, so what did the experts find in the products that my team submitted to the lab, in the meat bought at the participants' mini-markets from their hands, everything turned out to be clean, neither in pork nor in beef, we did not find parasites or larvae. and what about the fish, fresh from the voronezh store and a pond near moscow, dried from a small market, canned liver, triski and saury. all this can't be faulted either, only the herring was made in violation of technology. the salting process was not completed, because here we have pink meat, on the cut too you can see how even the blood type
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of such departments appears. and if such undersalted fish were infected, experts explain, then it would be dangerous. also, experts ask to remember that leaning on... garlic or pumpkin seeds does not protect against parasites, and medical preparations, like strong alcohol, cannot replace them. by the way, with another product that we consume most often, experts also ask to be careful. water. in order to prevent intestinal parasitic diseases, it is better to drink boiled water. and i have already told about the often depressing quality of tap water in russian regions in another large investigation. find it on the ntv website and take care of yourself. ksenia pechenik,
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lawyer. at the end of december of the twenty-second year, the seventh cassation court of general jurisdiction put an end to the dispute between the employee and the employer. the employee was declared absentee for the time when he participated as a plaintiff in the trial. the employee did not coordinate the time spent in court with the management. the employee applied to the court with a request to exclude from time of absence, periods when he participated in the trial as an individual and also familiarized himself with the case materials, since he had no opportunity to do this outside of working hours. the employee also decided that he should have retained his average salary for the said periods. the seventh cassation court, in its ruling of december 22 , 2022, indicated that the participation of employees in court hearings as individuals is a valid reason for absence, which means that these periods cannot be considered prokul. but familiarization with the case materials and receiving court summonses is a different story, this is not a valid reason for absence.
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the employee had to coordinate the absence under the specified circumstances with the employer, but the employee did not submit any applications for vacation or time off. therefore, the employer correctly recognized this period as absenteeism. what does the law tell us? by virtue of part one of article 170 of the labor code, the employer is obliged to release the employee from work while retaining his job for the duration of the state or public duties if, in accordance with the labor code and other federal laws , these duties must be performed during working hours, while there is no specific list of such duties and it is necessary to be guided by other federal laws. according to the general rule provided for in part two of article 170 of the labor code, a state body that engages an employee to perform state or public duties pays him compensation. in this case, the labor code for the performance of certain duties is
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not subject to payment of compensation, preservation of average earnings for workers, in particular for persons participating in collective bargaining, members of the labor dispute commission, donors, members of the conciliation commission and labor arbitrators, however, not all of these statuses give the employee the right to receive guarantees in accordance with article 170 of the labor code, in particular , participation in... legal proceedings as an applicant or the defendant and of course the accused. thus, in the case we considered, the court rightfully refused to retain the employee's average salary. hello, this. today we will remodel
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a room for two sisters, the girls are very different in character, as are their pets, one has a cat, the other a dog. the issue of dividing the space is very acute for them, we will solve it using unconventional methods, we have not done this before. well, for you guys, we have also provided places, you will have a lounge area, and you will have a gym. well we'll register summer on the balcony, it 'll appear now. the item is a riddle, oh my god, len, let's lay out the ottomans, yes, let's go, we thought about it when we offered our heroes the item-riddle accordion, that we associate this item exclusively with partitions, here take the second one, come on, and i 'll give you the seats, one or two, but we also have a wonderful complementary element, please, david, thank you, do-it-yourself
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painting, contact me, if you want to paint it yourself, if you remember, you and masha discussed the wonderful box that appeared here because of the ventilation and we had to decorate it visually, there is such a rule in design, well, and in general it seems to me in life, if you want to hide something, put it in a self-evident place, so we have a very bright david here, a very bright ottoman, well... and wonderful mirror panels, which together give us a composition in which we don’t even know that we have a ventilation box here. and you also thought out a storage system, small, but it seems to me, quite roomy, and here you can store such small things, which, for example, it is not often needed and there was no place for it in the room, but besides everything else we have a folding table here, it was planned like this, sit down, of course i'm afraid to sit on these poufs, because they are paper, don't be afraid, i've already tested them, did you jump? yes, well listen, touch them, it's cool, yes, yes, and
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the coolest thing is that they are mobile, if you want to assemble them, you can even put them on this shelf, it turns out that there is such an atmosphere on the balcony, where you can spend evenings with your beloved sister, we are here we provided lighting, a table, a cup of tea, a cool landscape outside the window, we think the girls will like it, table lamps are arranged on the tables, lisa's computer returns to the new environment , organizers are placed in the cabinets, posters are on the boards. we do not overdo it with the decor, a few modest touches will suffice. lisa's guitars hang in the cabinet, and the room is ready to serve the hostesses. i am looking at this room now, i have the impression that we
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made it for margot, there is a lot of her favorite color, purple, and there is a little pink here as if they are also traced, and this is not without reason, lisa had a bright pink, fluffy chair at her workplace, we asked her how so, it seems like you like everything black and white, anime, strict and a pink chair, she tells us, on the contrary, it's cool that i have a pink chair, our main task was to create for the girls...
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today we remodeled a room for two sisters margot and lisa, we divided the space equally, took into account the interests of each as much as possible, and did not forget about their pets, the hostess's room is already here, we're going to meet, oh, it's scary, can we close your eyes, oh my god, wow! disconnected, yeah, so you have your own this is my bed, this is so you can separate from each other space, this is for who, this is for julie, for julie, mipa cat trainer, look, several cats are already starting, let him
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try it, very unexpected, wow, and you like fox, right? i like this one divided in half, how much clothes can you put out, you'll play around, you'll play around teki, look what a gorgeous stand, and the lamp is super modern, and are there any drawers under the bed, yeah, yeah, this paths so that when guests come, you can seat everyone and play board games yourself, by the way, you have a coffee table in the closet for board games, let's take a look, shall we? let's take a look, so, the chairs are, of course, fantastic, some kind of cosmic, these are gaming chairs, do you want to try, fox, you won't sit down, so, dmitry, legs, yes, like this, some kind of really complex design, practice twice and with your eyes closed, practice, op, yes,
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great, great, we'll fold the table so that bothered you, and the curtains, try margo. oh, wait, they're in a circle, wow, it's just a box, just, it's your riddle object, wow, those very folds, wow, and also margo, you have everything the same, oh, and the cat has already hidden in his house, no, well, he has a luxurious home there in general, and the cat, yes. incredible, and did you find the guitars in the closet? no, no, you didn't look hard enough, we expected, by the way, yes, that the guitars would be hung somewhere on the wall, now they won't be hanging around in the corners, you like it, really, well, there's something there
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unusual, i couldn't even imagine what could be made from this space, such a small balcony, look, let me see what kind of shelves there are, this is a balcony, some other cosmic universe, not ours at all, look, there 's a mirror here, gorgeous, of course, the girls did it, girls, what do you think, what kind of line is this, this is about you, we wanted to divide your room as much as possible so that everyone would have personal space, but to remind you that you are with each other for life, you are the most, most important help.
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and the dream came true, he has been a chef at this restaurant for 8 years, his favorite dish is chips, the same one that we will cook, first we put melted butter and onion in a pan, we will do adyk salt, garlic is grated on a grater then mixed with salt, that is, wait, i didn’t think of that, you know, like himalayan salt, for example. when they collect garlic, so that it doesn’t go to waste, they grind it with the addition of.
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so that we have a good color, rich, not so much for spiciness, it’s sweet, there is no spiciness here, in general for colors, now we add hausen, a tozheks spice, specifically for the chips, here we have finely ground corn grits, corn grits, yes, well, you could say, almost flour, and coriander, coriander, yes. that's not all, we haven't added the broth yet, yeah, now we add the broth, weight, yeah, oops, it needs to be stirred thoroughly
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so that there are no lumps, yeah, what can a blender get, they mix everything with their hands and they always say by the pinch when a housewife is good, when a bad one, okay, i'll know, you can check by the pinch, either the housewife is good, or the blender good, now attention, there will be 16+ content, come on, sweet, relax, well, the smell of garlic is already opening up, has opened up, fantastic, fantastic, eco, and if you want to repeat the recipe at home, then in the oven, preheated to... for an hour and a half, massage the lamb shoulder is good, but it is even more pleasant to try, but
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let's start with chips and paste, this is corn porridge or wheat, which replaces adyghe bread, so we take a piece, dip it and try it, so. oh, what a delicate sauce, very delicate, delicate, and now my shoulder is massaged with salt, yeah, the meat turned out incredibly tender, juicy, but our salt plays an interesting role here, it soaked through to the end, despite the fact that we only massaged the outside, and there's also this garlic note, it adds that very thing, although... thank you very much, well, it seems to me that our
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express acquaintance program with the capital of odegeya is complete. it remains to decide where to go next. who killed my parents? they were killed many years ago, the criminals were never found. is it somehow connected with the architect? sooner or later he will show up himself. the sniper is on the roof. he already did that. who? an architect. it's time to end this whole story. at 16:45 on ntv. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv.
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kidney with sesame, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers. legendary look, it's a big hit. big hit, only in a delicious point. well, what's new in starodvorye? here are the meat grinders, for this sausage they grind meat. coarsely, coarsely chopped for meatiness, and for the meat grinder's servilat, chop the meat finer, so that the taste is more tender, finely chopped, mm, it's delicious to grind meat in starodvorye, meat grinder's starodvorye, delicious-meat-grinding, discounts until august 14, build faster, savita for home, moscow coffee shop on poi, combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is pleasure, i love, i recommend, some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss stains will not spoil your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel. it
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fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short. washing modes, there are glosses, no stains. baltika 8 non-alcoholic, shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end all the edges impeccable wheat taste will open up. are credit card debts attacking? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and don't forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. magnit. pasta posteroni spagetti 109,999. magnit - the price that you need. in honor of the anniversary of russian lotto, the draws are more frequent. more draws, more prizes, more chances to win. buy tickets on the website in the branded stores of stoloto.
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69.99. pyaterochka helps out. kingfisher. the final in sunday at 13:00 on ntv. good morning , i, tatyana ermilova, will tell you about the weather for today. in the far east, everything is generally the same, in komchatka it is rainy and cool, no higher than twenty, in sakhalin it is sunny, almost hot -26. in the south of the mainland it is also warm. + 25-28 and mostly light rains. yakutia stands out against the general background, where the temperature is rapidly rising. today in yakutsk it is up to +25, and tomorrow +27. there is little precipitation in the republic, fires are flaring up again. in siberia it is sunny near baikal, in irkutsk -29, tomorrow over 30, the rest of the south is in a more moderate warm, about 25°. rains and thunderstorms add coolness. closer to the urals , a northern anticyclone begins to act in the urals.
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there is little warmth in it. in yekaterinburg +18, but finally. there is no threat of heavy rains, in the north of the european territory there is the same anticyclone , the weather here is unusually good, sunny everywhere, there is enough heat, especially in murmansk and arkhangelsk, in the northwest up to +27 there is light rain, in the middle zone the zone of heavy precipitation will shift to the volga region and it will become cooler in the center, in the black earth region, while up to +25 again local rains and thunderstorms. on in the south the day will be sunny and hot, in krasnodar and astrokhan up to +3. at the black sea comfortable 30, in st. petersburg +24 almost without precipitation, in moscow in places rain, thunderstorm and +23. see further. morning, the best. let's talk about medical achievements. let's cook turkey in sauce together with yulia vysotskaya. we are amazed by the miracle of technology with sergey malozemov. we will meet an interesting person one day.
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the onological process in nina's body began to develop during pregnancy. in the first trimester, the woman began bleeding. and the expectant mother got to save, during the examination the doctor saw a small formation on the cervix. the entire second trimester, as if i myself refused to be examined in the chair, because i was afraid of losing the child, already in the third trimester they discovered the rapid growth of this formation. during childbirth , a histology was taken, and the result came and the diagnosis was confirmed, that a malignant formation of the cervix.
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the uterus is removed, the cervix at the age of menopause, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed and - parametria, that is, these are the tissues, which are located near the cervix, that is, the volume of the operation is called the wertheim operation, and this operation, it is considered the largest in oncogynecology, in it, named after lopatkin, where patients come from all over russia, they treat urological diseases, relying on the most modern research and discoveries. it is in this institute, a large complex operation according to wertheim, doctors have learned
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to do so that the quality of life of patients after surgery does not become worse. for this , the nerves responsible for urine emission are preserved. if previously, patients could go 7 days without urinating, and they could, there are cases when... a patient after a classic operation, he simply does not urinate, he simply does not urinate, and there is such a method as self-catarrhalization, what is it, when the patient inserts a tube into the bladder himself, well, a woman, i mean, that is, even such complications occur in a low percentage, then with nerve-sparing surgery we simply do not encounter such moments at all, and on the second day the patient has the urinary catheter removed, that is, the tube, through which the patient's urine is drained, without any special features. performs this function. another scientific work, which is currently being conducted at the lopatkin institute, is related to the method of detecting sentinel lymph nodes located near the uterus. we
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inject the drug into the cervix, that is , essentially into the tumor of the cervix, then through the lymphatic ducts this drug enters the first lymph node on the path of this outflow. from the tumor. the found lymph node, surgeons remove urgently in the order sent to the laboratory, depending on whether cancer cells are found in it or not, the doctor will choose the scope of the further operation. the drug will now accumulate, that green thing you see on the screen, this will need to be filmed, this green thing. the dye indocyanine green has long been used to assess the function of the heart, liver and. stomach, but for this the substance is injected into the patient's bloodstream. this is the method of use stated in the instructions. if the doctors of the lopatkin institute can prove, that the introduction of indocyanine directly into
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the organ tissue is safe, has great diagnostic potential, doctors will be able to use the dye all over russia. that is, when we prove that it is effective , the instructions for the drug will already contain a prescription, which we can. an institution in the russian federation can legitimately use this method. a little more than 2 months have passed since the operation. nina feels well and despite the large volume of surgical intervention and the upcoming radiation therapy, after the end of treatment the woman will be able to become a mother again. exactly. for this purpose, the ovarian transposition took place, that is, they were lifted from the pelvis, during radiation, the ovaries will not be damaged. regular examination by a gynecologist is the main rule for those who want to protect themselves from cervical cancer,
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because the doctor can see changes in the tissues even before the oncological process begins. this story, which we have now on the operating table, is such that the woman did not visit after the end of menstruation. let's say she had come earlier, and we diagnosed, in in particular precancer of the cervix masks. in addition to regular examinations by a gynecologist, for the prevention of cervical cancer, doctors recommend vaccination against the human papilloma virus for all girls and women from 9 to 45 years old. you.
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a little olive oil, it's a tablespoon, a little salt, as you like to say, a little like game, yes it looks like game, yes, it looks like, it looks like, here and the color of the taste, it seems to me in general that turkey meat is a little different, from other birds, namely this - you know - how can i tell you more intense note of game in the taste, because chicken is still so much bigger - more tender and somehow more accommodating, but turkey is brighter, especially the thigh, of course, thyme, rosemary for thyme, well then you know, it's summer already, you want such fresh tastes, that's why these herbs. i have
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fresh ones, well, you can use dried ones, for such recipes it is quite acceptable, butter is a must, because as i already said, the fat content is very low, even in turkey thigh, but - in order to maintain this juiciness inherent in it naturally, a little bit of butter, there's a little more than a teaspoon, there's not a full tablespoon, just take it like that and a little bit more chicken broth. a couple of tablespoons, now we massage, massage, massage, so that salt, pepper, herbs, oil, so that everything is soaked here, and now here i have a sleeve like this, on one side i tie it with a knot like this. so
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here we add our thigh fillets, turkeys on top of all this beauty for the smell, taste , juiciness, so we added it, the sleeve is of course a good invention, the sleeve is wonderful invention, but the main thing is still the raw material. ingredients, so here too tied in a knot, the temperature in the oven is not very high, 170 °, and it bakes quite quickly, 35-40 minutes, look how juicy, beauty, oh and
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let our turkey cool down, cool down, make a sauce for the sauce, i take two such generous tablespoons of mayonnaise, homemade, add here two anchovy fillets, a small clove of garlic, but despite the fact that our garlic is young now, i still crush it like this and ... if there is a core, here you see, even if it's so tiny, i still remove it, garlic is generally a voluntary thing, i would say, if - well, you have a date, for example, a romantic one, some kind of one ahead, you can probably do without garlic, but the sauce is certainly tastier with garlic, and of course this sauce needs capers, capers, and i have these ones in vinegar, you can take them in salt and soak them, but they are just wonderful in vinegar. well, and
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canned tuna in its own juice, you can take it in olive oil, but i - in principle , i like the pure taste of tuna, it seems to me, olive oil somehow makes everything too greasy, but softens this wonderful fish taste, such canned food, a good stick, a lifesaver, because it really is a wonderful source of protein, look what a wonderful sauce you can make, beat everything, now... pay attention, a little secret, if the sauce turns out, look, it is so beautiful, thick, but for our purposes it is too thick, then you and i add a small amount. boiled water, a tablespoon, beat everything again,
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now the sauce is perfect, you see, yes, beauty and it became much more airy, now we take the turkey, slice it thinly, as we agreed, you see, the turkey has cooled down, look, um, how delicious, how aromatic, um, how healthy, not just to sing
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, yeah, beauty, our... with you today's beauty will look like this: turkey slices are served with sauce, tonato sauce, we will get not vitello tonato, but tacino tonato, i think my friends from italy, they would appreciate our ingenuity, like this... capers for decoration, and of course some greens, but i think that parsley, you know, not even parsley, green onions, green onions, such feathers of green onions, well, parsley will do, even i think dill would be good, because this fishy taste - tuna, which is, goes well with dill, but green onions, in my opinion, look how elegant, right? beauty. a little bit of a dentist yourself. this is how you can describe a new, brush-like device with a camera and artificial intelligence from developers in switzerland. it is designed to assess the condition of
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the oral cavity. photos taken are analyzed using a database of images corresponding to various diseases. so far, however, their list does not include caries, only spots, gum inflammation and tartar. but the creators say that as the algorithms improve, the list of diagnosed oral diseases will expand. fish turned out to be not as silent as we are used to thinking about them. ecologists from carnell university in the usa conducted a large-scale study and came to the conclusion that 2/3 of all known ray-finned fish are capable of making sounds. this is either known or them reliably, or there are reasonable suspicions related to anatomy behavior. for example, sounds, which, by the way, spread even better underwater than through the air, are most often needed by fish to communicate with their schoolmates, give danger signals or report that they
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have found food. a system of drones that replace people in apple picking was created in israel, the design consists of a base on wheels of quadcopters tied to it by ... drones, using artificial intelligence , recognize the size and ripeness of fruits and pick them with their own mechanical hands. the creators say that the system will also be tested this summer in italy, spain and the united states. due to the pandemic, many countries have experienced a shortage of migrant workers and lost income. farmers are looking for alternative ways out of the situation. scientists have been able to see how lightning is born for the first time. this was made possible by a system of radio telescopes from. originally created for astronomical observations, it was this that made it possible to look deep into the clouds and explain what exactly gives rise to lightning. it turned out that these are not cosmic rays, as some researchers suspected. the culprits are ice crystal clusters, the collision of which causes initiating
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discharges. by the way, observations are consistent with the fact that during lockdowns, the amount of lightning on the ground decreased due to a reduction in dust emissions. it is around its particles that those very ice crystals often arise. in the us , a robot performed a surgical operation without human assistance for the first time. researchers from johns hopkins university programmed their machine, which they have been working on for many years, in such a way that she performed one of the most difficult surgical manipulations: suturing intestinal sections on a living organism, where the tissues are moving, and laparoscopically through minimal incisions. the operation was performed. on four pigs, and the robot never made a mistake, even a person does not always succeed in suturing so tightly. according to the creators, in the future, independently operating robots may be equipped with yes... ambulances, one morning on
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ntv, i am sergey mayorov, hello, one day marina mishcheryakova brought me back to life, the world-famous diva performed the part of chi uchiusan in giacoma butterfly in such a way that i fell in love with this genre with all my heart. many of you, judging by our broadcasts, have long guessed this, i try not to... but i cannot pass by this significant date, i have no professional right. marina misherikova, the talent and voice that was admired by luch at the turn of placida domingo, jose carreros, elena obraztsova and dmitry hvarostovsky turned 60. misherikova celebrated her anniversary at a resort in thailand, partying with the youth among which many of her students. the girl, her colleagues say about her enthusiastically. but then there is foul language, that's why we will tell you
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right now the absence of meshcherikova in the stage is just awful, in general she is a dishonest person in this sense, because in general singers usually leave when they already have a bodybuilder there. marina misheryakova has not sung on the stages of the world's leading opera houses for 14 years, she says that
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she consciously ended her career when she found out that she was pregnant for the second time. i am standing on these two sticks, looking in horror, understanding that, well, what to do with these sticks, well, that is, contracts ahead, life, work, yes, suddenly these two sticks appeared. as the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of russia, academician leila adamyan, 46 years old, says. the limit of female functions, but physical motherhood is complete madness. in the first minutes of realizing her situation , marina ivanovna looked at the folders of signed contracts with theaters in milan, london, new york, stockholm and munich and went to the kitchen. it is very tasty to cook, set the table and eat appetizingly. the second passion of misherikova after singing. i'm still burning, i don't understand why. today marina ivanovna's daughter anastasia and her fiancé are visiting. nastya
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received an excellent education in austria and now works in the arts. she is not going to make her mother a grandmother yet, she wants to realize herself first. marina loves her daughter madly, but admits that because of her rapidly developing career, she could not be a good mother for her. you, when you are young, you do not feel it. it seems to you, well, like she gave birth to a child here in the meantime, went on, that's it when you give birth to a child in a conscious, mature age, then this feeling of madonna, it is present in you immediately. the first person to whom marina mishcheryakova told about her second pregnancy at the critical age of 46 was her best friend, dmitry bertman. i say to him: demochka, are you sitting or standing? he says, i'm sitting, i say. i'm pregnant, he's like, that is , he was in shock, it will be here soon, yes, i tell him,
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diman, what he says, if anything, i will help you, don't even think about it, of course, leave it, i think, suddenly somehow ear will be born, and what will i do with my ear, how to live on, a handsome man was born, yes, a beauty, when, naturally, i told him, if it will be a boy, and i knew exactly from the minute, here is what is called these two sticks, i knew that i will have a boy, i say, i will name you after you, dmitry, my mother's joy and darling. for the sake of this guy's life, an outstanding singer of our time, left the stage buried all her successes and achievements in the archives. her mother gave her the strength of confidence. elionora mitrafanovna worked at a shoe factory in volgograd, but when she found out that her daughter was expecting her first child, she immediately moved from volgograd to vienna to help marina. she spent the last years of her life baking obere. i know that,
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it's very bad without you, very bad, i miss you very much, my mother is generally a mother in my life, it was a special place , if, probably, it weren't for my mother, that mother in the big sense of the word, i probably wouldn't have become a singer who made a career, because my mother was everything to me, she lived with me, she lived with my thoughts. loved me in art, she loved me on stage, she could listen to operas all day long, although she was not a completely opera person, she discovered opera when she began to sing. marina misheryakova received her first musical education as a pianist in her homeland in volgograd, worked as an accompanist at a music school,
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and began to sing there. marina's vocal abilities were quickly noticed and she was advised to fly to moscow to a professor. conservatory elena ivanovna shumilova. she believed in the young volzhanka and brought her to the status of a soloist at the bolshoi theater. i lived in the dormitory of the bolshoi theatre for 16 years, and this was still the nineties, you have to understand that this is not today's time, when it was hungry, cold, they stole sausage, stole sausage, cockroaches, rats, came out, looked at what we were eating there, that was all, but now i remember, i still remember this time with great warmth, because well... such was the life, well, everyone was happy, everyone was content, everyone was young. now marina ivanovna rarely visits the bolshoi theatre, mainly as a spectator, when she flies in moscow filming or master classes for their students. this appearance on the bolshoi stage
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is the first after misherikova left for permanent residence in vienna. it happened on the 22nd . russia and is not going to give up her homeland, but now her home is in vienna. the government of austria, perhaps the only country in the world that historically deeply honors musical culture, awards outstanding musicians the title of kamersänger. in essence, this is honorary citizenship with the right to a dignified life, paid for by the state for life. solid monthly cash payments, health insurance for all
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family members and the right to live in this luxurious apartment in the center of vienna, until... the meshcherikovs' mouth will continue, i hope, indefinitely. in moscow, marina ivanovna meshcherikova is especially honored. here she is laughing with timur rodriguez in a talent show one on one. here she is sitting sternly in the status of the chairman of the jury of the bolshoi opera project, here she is helping her favorite, already opera star lidiya svetozarova, learn new material. and tomorrow there is a plane to vienna with a difficult connection and transfer. but she does not it's scary, she flies to her children in her kitchen, where she feels like a goddess, like when conductors, partners, fans from all over the world threw flowers at her feet and confessed their love. without love, there can be nothing at all, it's love for the profession, love for people, for life, but it seems to me that this is the most important thing, for the sake of which you move forward,
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because there is no love, it's routine, you turn into an ordinary, well, i don't know, a waster of life. i want to drink to my beloved mother and to all mothers in general, because they are what drives us forward, true motherly love, so for all of them , relatives, what kind of people, such stories, i am sergey mayorov, see you on ntv schastlivo, the best for today at 14:00,
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"i will finish you off, you know perfectly well that i have nothing more to lose, you think that i took their side, who are you protecting, what are you hiding from me, kingfisher. new season today at 14:00 on ntv. welcome to the new entertainment show for the whole family. miracle. we are bloggers. i act in films in tv series. we even created with one designer clothing collection. how many times can you do classic push-ups? 2,000 times. oh , stop it. our show is a place where every kid can show off their skills and talents to the whole country. how long have you been doing this? how much advice do you give out a day? 500, and you and
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i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes. with our experiments, we summoned this incomprehensible creature. these are aliens. how katya lel probably envies us now. let's go! look at the intensity of passions! open your heart to a miracle, i heard you are looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseny popov, of course, the transfer is a bit dirty premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. stomach bothers. premium amiprazol renival. pancreati renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently repay 24 months, and also
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murmansk and arkha for several days now. in the middle zone, the zone of heavy rains will go to the volga, in the center and the black earth region up to +25, rain in places, in the south it will be sunny, in krasnodar and yastrakhan up to +35, by the black sea up to 30, in st. petersburg +24 almost without precipitation, in moscow +23, rain and thunderstorms in places. in summer weather , edema may appear. lymphatic transit helps reduce edema due to. lymph movement, take lymphatic transit from evalar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit eavalar - summer without swelling.
8:00 am
the enemy will not pass and will not leave alive. the ministry of defense publishes footage of the destruction of equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. and how the whole country helps residents of the region who were forced to leave their homes. artillery sniper rifle. the calculation of the self-propelled gun gvozdika showed how it crushes the enemy in the southern donetsk direction. testing with high water ufa floated after heavy rain, in primorye as a result of the flood dozens of houses were flooded, several villages became islands. well, and also the reserve of ancient russian life celebrates millennia, and how do ordinary people live?


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