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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 9, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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deliberately hitting the road barrier with one wheel, the impact threw the foreign car into the air, spun it around and carried it into oncoming cars. the red crossover tried to avoid the collision, but was hit in the windshield, and was crushed like a tin can. if you look closely at the recording from the surveillance cameras, you can see that the gray suv was moving from the middle lane straight to the dividing barrier, without any attempt by the driver to somehow correct the situation, this can be explained in different ways: he fell asleep, felt unwell while driving, or there was some technical. the red crossover was driven by a woman, and although the airbags deployed , she died. the emergencies ministry had to cut the car body to get her out. they cut her out, emergencies ministry, they cut her out. they cut her out right from the car? yes, they cut her out right from the car. the other participants in the accident got off with bruises. the taxi driver was carrying a passenger. the man says he lost consciousness from the impact, and came to when they started helping him out of the damaged car. the hood was completely blown off. i was driving
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in the second lane, and i saw this on the left the sides are already flying the car has already started to change lanes already bang already the rest i don't remember tried to change lanes at that moment it happened already yes it happened already 3 seconds have passed already i still had a passenger there was a passenger yes and what about the passenger the passenger's neck hurts in rather they took it away and this is the driver of the van tried to maneuver but collided with a truck moving in the next lane he is confused does not understand how this could happen
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trash streams of the most terrible content of the internet, the basis of which was the humiliation of human dignity, mockery of personality and frankly criminal actions. now, if such things appear online again, the authors of videos that are shocking and cause the most negative emotions will be fined large sums. in addition, in all cases , the confiscation of equipment will be mandatory. pavel kuznetsov studied who and how will and should search for indecent recordings and everything related to the new law. no more trash
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parties online for the amusement of subscribers, shoot, shoot, i'm shooting, admit who you are, no disgusting footage for donations perverted users, all such content, called, is now banned, a law on large fines for authors of such cruel live broadcasts and videos has been adopted and signed by the president, previously they got off with minor administrative charges, from now on at...
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the conquerors of the network met a girl and invited her to participate in his home show, promised popularity, and alina was carried out of the blogger's apartment by rape. mood your name, demon. damn, aren't you ashamed. from now on , osipov and bloggers like him will have to answer to the law, not just with money. in fact, trash streams are now equivalent to drunk driving. if one of the ten crimes listed in the law occurs during the broadcast, then for the author of the video it will be considered an aggravating circumstance. and that means on...
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the deputies who drafted the bill assure that the internet remembers everything, repentance will not help the matter, just recently two guys streams, they posted a video of how a spray can was pouring water on the face of a homeless grandfather, when this story gained momentum, they recorded a video and said that it was a joke, that it was a staged video, they filmed this old man, who also admitted that it was a staged video, but our law does not divide videos into staged and unstaged, blogger artur kislovsky , known online as inyani , supports the law, says it's high time to bring order to the internet, although he is worried that now he may... be charged, he does not film trash streams, only pranks, but now he will have to approach the scripts with greater care, so as not to fall out of legal genre in a prohibited one. i strictly observe the laws, that's one, secondly, i don't want to harm anyone with my videos, i had those cases when i just
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threw a passerby's phone into a pool, yes, well, not into a pool, into a fountain, but after that, having thrown an inexpensive phone there, i hit him with it, but who will identify such content? deputies explain that this is the task of specialized agencies, the same roskomnadzor, and social networks and video platforms themselves will be obliged to delete violent videos. pavel kuznetsov, ivan gubin, natalia popova and alexander tutarinov. and then, a resident of nizhny novgorod will be held accountable for the one she tamed and set on. allabay's owner gave the dog the command to attack a man, the man's throat was torn. we'll tell you the details after the commercial. this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, let 's understand what's going on, this is a conspiracy, of course, this is anew, we have an expert on cats, you're some kind of damn, wrong, we've got a hot rooster pecked, what guys,
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back up, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in world, that all these people have stopped being embarrassed, meeting place, new season, every time... she will be surprised to be upset that he is still alive, from monday at 14:00 on ntv, in fact checks his pulse, so that the symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, tooth, burning, proctoglivino can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone your assistant in the fight against the hero. what is the secret of doshirak? you have to find out. doshirak broth is prepared using the traditional fermentation method. it's all about fermentation. doshirak broth. art begins with pure canvas, then ideas find their
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children's sneakers for 629, get ready for school with installments without overpayers, cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pit, this is big hit, big hit only in tasty point, free protection of subscribers from scammers is normal, so we protect sbermobile, nevsky, today at 16:45 on ntv. hi, great, why are you so happy? oh, i've been up all night again today, i don't remember how i got to the gym, i don't think i'll even get out of bed, listen, i don't understand how you do it, i've already
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started to forget how it happens, maybe i should also buy what's called, prostatrikum, i remembered, and remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times. what do you think, does it work? what are you talking about, i don't think so, i know, you're ignorant, of course, now i know my wife, how, and what's there, how to take it, call there. everything is simple, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, one second, yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it, i'm off, keep it for yourself , try it, you'll say thank you later, okay, i'll think about it, i'll probably buy it too, what's there to think about, call, be sure to order, remember, it's better to try once than to think 100 times, come on. meet the new gold prostatrikum. prostatrikum gold. prostatrikum
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gold is a modern complex based on natural components, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatrikom gold. no one should be disappointed. ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order for free. offer: men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up to try the manufacturer get a special prostatrikom gold. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. live in an emergency. we continue the release. extended our compatriots decided to have a 2-month vacation in turkey, but not of their own free will,
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although, of course, they put a lot of effort into it, the tourists were detained at the airport, cheerful and brave, they argued with the police, and then accused the guards of law and order of abuse of power. stanislav kostikov found out who is right and who is to blame in this conflict. instead of an all-inclusive hotel with a beach with azure water, an abandoned unfinished building with sheets on a concrete floor, in such conditions they are forced. russian tourists, who have not been allowed out of turkey for 2 months, we have no money no, we go to the beach to wash ourselves in the shower. this trip was definitely the most unforgettable for best friends svetlana and yulia. the women have worked together in sales for many years and saved up for a trip to antalya. there, at the airport , a border guard decided to check one of the friends more thoroughly and invited her to a separate room. the second, to whom there were initially no questions, followed and expressed.
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police officers and non-departmental security officers say that
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they were beaten and insulted with obscene gestures. while the russian women were waiting for the court's decision, the resort money quickly ran out, and if in the first days they lived in a hotel, now they spend the night in an abandoned building and are afraid that they will be detained again under the article of vagrancy. since i have health problems, i have bronchial asthma, i also have to constantly buy inhalers. yulia has heart problems, she has a heart threshold. well, here it is critical, for a drama worthy of a screen adaptation , accordingly, unbearable heat, the state in the turkish series is observed at home by relatives and friends who are collecting financial assistance from all acquaintances, however, their funds are not unlimited, we collected some funds, i'll tell you more, we even gave them a parcel, that is, russian tourists even brought them a parcel there, sausages, herring. canned goods, meat, herring and russian canned goods, friends and celebrated the good
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news, the charges against them were dropped and the case was reclassified from criminal to administrative, the criminal component, it was completely removed, uh, since there were no beatings by the police, nothing, there is no evidence, however, uh, the court has still not made a decision the corresponding decision on the petition with a request to lift the, uh. travel ban, the women will be able to leave the country only after a court hearing, at which they will be told the amount of the fine, but the court date will not be set, the tourists and their relatives are also waiting for this information. in nizhny novgorod , a criminal case was opened against the owner of allabay under the article attempted murder, her dog bit the throat of a forty-year-old man and doctors have already made disappointing prognoses, he will remain disabled forever. the dog's attack on
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the man was not accidental. alena chikleina gave the commands to the animal herself. why did she want to hurt it? tamara simonova found out for the man. the only possible way for forty-one-year-old alexander kazuba to communicate with his family and doctors is to write notes. after his neighbor allaba attacked him and grabbed him by the throat, the man cannot speak. he also told about how it all happened in writing. she let the dog out before it attacked my daughter, then i stood up for my daughter, she said: the dog is facing me. alexander has already answered clarifying questions gestures before the incident all the neighbors gathered on the street for a joint dinner, the participants of the feast assure that the atmosphere was friendly, at some point the owner of the dog went home, and returned with the dog, which she set on alexander, no quarrels, explanations, absolutely unexpectedly for everyone, the neighbors were at the table, dad was walking in my direction, the neighbor opened the gate said
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the command "attack" to her dog, the dog fell. my dad, we all immediately threw with sticks, with whatever we could, to beat him off. the owner of the alabaevs with this request to stop the dog ignored, with grief in half drove the men into the garden. while the ambulance was on its way, alexander's relatives tried to stop the bleeding and prayed that he would survive. when the dog knocked the man to the ground, the owner continued to give the animal attack commands, as a result of which the victim with wounds to the body and penetrating damage to the trachea was taken to the intensive care unit of the city hospital. alexander's mother still cannot come to her senses after what happened, she says well that at the time of the attack the children had already been taken home, an adult dog weighs about 70 kg, this is my son's t-shirt, which itself was a bed, the rest of the things, i don't know where they went, you understand how she gnawed it alive, it's just awful, i can't, oh my god, the neighbors
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say, this is not the first time such incidents have happened with this family and this dog, she is free-ranging for them on... we have repeatedly contacted the administration about this dog, she was walking near the trash can, my child was returning from school, we always went there, they met him with a gas canister, they were afraid for him life, after what happened, a criminal case was opened under the article attempted murder, the owner of the dog alena shikleina was detained and taken to court to choose a preventive measure, where the woman stated that she was not guilty of anything.
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and the inspection authorities are interested in how security was ensured in the preschool institution, we will tell you the details after the advertisement. we need to eradicate the karhans, otherwise there is no way, if you decide to act yourself, you will die,
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from now on we all must be more careful, do you think that by removing a couple of people, you took care of the family? but this is different, i you i'll finish you off, you know perfectly well that i have nothing left to lose, you think that i took their side, who are you protecting, what are you hiding from me, kingfisher, new season, today at 2:00 pm on ntv, there are so many things to buy for school, girls, intonation, there are so many things to buy for school, and for me, perfect for a parent-teacher meeting, school sale on ozone, gelg. perks weasel for 739, lego for 1,499. get ready for school with installments without overpayments. large purchases
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there's another emergency on ntv live. we continue the broadcast. the escape of a three-year-old girl from kindergarten has alarmed, if not all of yekaterinburg, then a significant part of it for sure. now many parents wonder how the control is carried out and... it's cold, and she's in light trousers and sandals, the woman dropped everything and ran to sort it out, the child was standing near the garbage can, crying, running home, i know, everything is in the kindergarten.
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it turned out that this was really a real escape, which raised everyone's ears. the shocked parents have reviewed these surveillance camera footage more than once and have already handed them over to the police for investigation. the girl was able to open the magnetic lock on the gate, ran wherever her eyes looked, looking for home, wanted to go to her mother, no one rushed after her, what her mother says, reasons, only about one thing: the pupils were not missed. the teacher calls me and says: alena sergeevna, we have an emergency, valeria ran away, ran.
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unexpectedly for everyone, such an absurd accident could actually lead to a huge tragedy. they began to look for the pupil only after alena says how the baby's father came to the kindergarten to sort things out. today they are bashfully silent. the headmistress is on vacation, the teachers with the children, the security guard couldn't clearly explain how he didn't notice the child running out of the building either. and who can comment? is there a director or anyone else with a version of why a small child decided to... such a desperate act is not uncommon now, perhaps the teacher scolded or the little girl was so eager to go home that she didn't wait until the evening, when her parents picked her up. in any case, a statement has already been filed with the police, an investigation is being conducted at the ska, in the preschool itself, on behalf of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bostrykin institution of internal proceedings. at this time, alena will probably have to take a vacation from work and devote herself entirely to her daughter, send the baby to kindergarten, again, she is not ready yet. diana kovando and vladimir tolyzin, ntv
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yekaterinburg. the guests of the hostel for drug addicts in rostov-on-don live on display and this causes bewilderment and indignation among neighbors, they too often see unbridled behavior, wanting to get rid of the bad habit, people write to the administration, the police and the prosecutor's office, what they answer, will tell dinar usmanov. the last straw that drove the residents of the street to a spontaneous meeting against the drug hostel that had gotten on everyone's nerves was this video recording from a surveillance camera. the absence of spectators who could appreciate his convulsive knees does not bother the performer, however, he turned out to be a bad dancer, something was always bothering him, first his pants, which the mold got rid of, then from the improvised podium in the form of someone else's car, after them the t-shirt flew, remaining in adam's costume,
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the dancer of the drug disc for a long time ... i am a new person, she is generally the first day, because here, why among the staff of the hostel, which is essentially just a den of teku, it is clear that no one will want to work with such a specific contingent for long, it is simply dangerous for life, what kind of scenes performed by the guests of the touring performers have not been filmed here by local residents, here is some street martial arts guru giving a master class on the street on attack with a knife, a type of
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street double-event, first its participant throws cobblestones at someone else's car, and then disappears in the car, raising clouds of dust. even the scenes, it would seem, are so ordinary procedures, such as leaving the hotel, are more reminiscent of a robbery or armed assault, suitcases fly to the ground, guests beat each other with backpacks, and both taxi drivers and passers-by get it, drunken fights and swearing are so commonplace here that they are the least of the problems, you can find drug stashes all over the street, which addicts use right there, that's why ambulances here also travel like minibuses and don't always have time, this year , this season there were two deaths, yes one overdose, one overdose and one unknown person even hanged himself, all this obscenity is happening in front of the children, whom adults are simply afraid to let out on the street alone, the start of the school year is just around the corner, and the road to school runs right past
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the hostel brothel, near... even the most innocent, it would seem, action, can undergo a disgusting metamorphosis at any moment, it would seem, the scene is almost melodramatic, a loving couple of guests cannot tear themselves away from each other, only then everything turns into low-grade public porn, here they are in the street in the morning, having sex, yes we are in shock, we are in shock, i can’t go out into my yard, let alone the street, knives are thrown out of the windows, residents have been unable to find a way to deal with the owner of the hostel for several years, the owner of the building with an unclear status, according to local residents, was previously engaged in illegal construction, then hid from justice abroad, the building. rented out to a friend, and she has already organized a hostel here. there were dozens of statements to the police and the prosecutor's office, but in addition to the responses, that appeals redirected to other authorities, the residents received nothing. now they have again sent a collective complaint to the prosecutor's office,
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intending to file a lawsuit against the inaction of the district administration, attaching all the video materials to it. dinar usmanov, ilduslavin, oksana goncharenko, radu gurdis and ivan gubin telecom. vladimir kolokoltsev took part in a meeting of the ministers of internal affairs of the cis member states, which is taking place in minsk. the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs thanked the host and congratulated the president of belarus alexander lukashenko on joining the countries to the shanghai cooperation organization. such international work will strengthen public safety and ensure counteraction to transnational crime. in six months. we, the ministry of internal affairs of the cis countries, have jointly found 213 wanted citizens, of which 130 citizens are those wanted by the russian federation. whether this is a lot or not, it is difficult to clearly
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determine here, because behind each such wanted criminal there are the fates of citizens whose rights have been violated, this is murder, this is theft, this is armed robbery. vladimir klokoltsev also expressed confidence in the further strengthening of russian-belarusian cooperation on all issues of the law enforcement spectrum. and that's all for now, thank you for your attention, goodbye. kingfisher.
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mom, sayran, sayran, mom, come here, daughters, my dear daughters, oh, my daughters, and he will tell you everything, yes, okay, girls, what have i done, my, my brain has switched off, my eyes have darkened with anger, my girls,
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what have i done, what have i done, daughters, mom, what should i tell you what, what, what? what i, what i found killed this woman, that's why i'm crying, my daughters, i'm crying because of my sin, allah, may the almighty not separate me from you, may he not separate me, allah, allah, save me, may allah not separate my daughters from me, i ask allah, i ask, i ask, i ask, i ask, "mom, that's it, nothing will happen, i got it, i 'll call ferit, okay, i'll tell you what happened, okay, my brain is about to melt."


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