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tv   Znakomstvo  NTV  August 10, 2024 2:05am-3:36am MSK

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i'll shoot you in the head, damn! people are completely annoying, wrote serious things, like a pervert judge, fucked the secretary's girl, was locked up right in a cell, half of the comments are stupid jokes, what? i 'll ban you now, bastard, i'm leaving, if, when is it true, i'm leaving you, forgive me, now. nas, what happened? you just take it and leave, and you don't want to say anything, explain yourself, are
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you just leaving calmly like that, and would you like a scandal? i woke up, drank coffee, ate a piece of omelet, discovered that my wife left me, what are you looking at, write quickly, how you got punched in the face. 100 likes guaranteed, freak, and are you drunk , licking the ban? i feel warm here, to be honest, i didn't expect it from her, i thought she understood, she was even glad when i dropped the ad, she said that she should respect my decision,
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that what... a person should change, what, you dropped the bank, went into painting, how am i worse, you've been unemployed for a year already, what year, only 11 months, oh yeah, am i not doing anything or what, i have a block, subscribers, maybe someone will want ads someday place, aska, where with daddy and mommy. hitaska, if they wouldn't give her a yacht for the fact that for the fact that she dumped me, such a non-alliance, or got some kind of horseman, i don't think that a woman leaves because they don't have enough money, they can earn money themselves, they need to be made laugh, consoled, well, spanked, and that is, i, in your opinion
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, heartless, callous and careless. goat, yeah, okay, i have to go, it's time, it's time, to the women, you call your father, today yours is really going to get it in the head, hi, dad, check, haven't died, you won't wait, maybe you can smoke? what time will you come tomorrow? tomorrow is wednesday, so what? should i not eat until friday or something? opening the refrigerator door? it's bad for me to strain myself, no problem, no problem, it's good for you to exercise your muscles, come on, come on, i'm waiting, fascist, oh, you
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've got enough there until next friday, how's that for whom? "i want you to come tomorrow and hang up the photo. look how they've blown it up." i want to hang it over my bed, i'll fall down and betray it to you, i'm dreaming, when you hang it up, i'll check the nail, it's all the same, ask for it, can't you hang up your skinny ass to tear off the chair, and lyokha is busy, and you are hanging around the punching bags, you know what, rest, i 'll ask asya, i'll hang you tomorrow. lyokha, if you hear this message, be in the metro in 15 minutes and grab a drill, be sure to grab a drill,
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nocturnal lifestyle, harmful to health, lyokha, lyokha, i'm coming in, i hope you're alone there, and if you're not alone, then... cover up, i'm not a fan
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of other people's bare asses, lie down, you told me everything, everything, are you sure that it was him, right? and you didn't call the cops right away, i saw the body of my own brother, he's
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the one and you just ran away, and if he was killed, and i at the crime scene, and did you even read how a man was jailed for finding a corpse and calling the cops, soon he won't be able to be helped, how do you know, you? we'll have to call the cops, there's no other way,
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otherwise how long will he lie there, let's do it this way, you go to lyosha now, i won't go there , you go and take your note, idiot, if you don't want to be the first to... i'm afraid to go there, should i go there on a walker, when you've done everything, call. i'll call the cops myself, i'll say what i'll say, i 'll think of something.
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yeah, just came in, took it, now go into the bathroom, take a picture, no, i'm not doing that, i have to see it, i'm not
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doing that, listen, don't be glass. i'm opening my mouth, i know you're there, my whole wall is in bubbles, scum! wait, maybe he's at work? yeah, what, at work, he doesn't get up before two, he's an artist, i 've been doing renovations for a year and a half, and now the whole wall is in bubbles, in short, i have to break down the door, neighbor, you flooded me, you bastard, eh, the light isn't working, it's
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dead. elektrozavodskaya 21, yeah, calm down, we're already here, they broke down the door, and he's dead, well, how, how, he's lying in the bathroom, i have no time now, i 've never seen a morik, no, well , of course i did, they buried him somewhere, and he was in a suit, where, his face all made up, it's so creepy here that you'll dream about him at night, you wait here? and i'll run home, why do this, he
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doesn't need the drill anymore, but i could use it, why don't you choose something for yourself too, no, i don't need it, where are you going, i'm telling you, stay here, no, i'd rather go have a smoke with you. oh, how quickly you arrived, yes, we're right here turned out to be, citizen, chief,
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your activity, soon this is correct, here correct, correct, thank you citizens for he is in the bathroom, there is a hair dryer in the water, the plugs have blown out, i looked at the old thing they wound it with wire so that it would not blow out under loads, it still survives, thank you, you are free for now, yeah, if anything, we will call you, so-and-so will arrive soon, will confirm death, go ahead and write for now, no signs of struggle were found. death occurred from electric shock, as a result of an electric hair dryer falling into the bathtub. the cause of death was murder itself. wait,
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and who's the tap? listen, don't you have anything better to do, or do you have nothing else to do today? yes, i have one too, so let's write suicide and wait for the ambulance, and come on, sir, go out and smoke cigarettes, write, write, according to the neighbors, a bachelor, don't worry, according to the sisters, a bachelor, a bachelor four. bachelor, dramatic, damn, lived a wild life, bachelor, lived, lived a wild life, a wild life, kolya, where have you
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been, what happened, did you run away, kolya, it hurts, listen, i understand that you're to blame, i shouldn't have dumped everything on you right away, i didn't think, forgive me, let's talk
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when you feel better, i'll explain, lyoshka, he's gone, he died. our lyosha, what are you saying, when today, i don't understand how he died, why, committed suicide, or did they do away with them? hello, they just called me, lyosha died, yes, i know, kolya came half an hour ago and
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fell into the frills. mikhail borisovich, i don't even know what to say, i sympathize with you very much, it's terrible, how are you yourself? thank you, asya, i, i seem to be okay, if you need anything, let kolya call, when, of course, wait, and how did you find out if your father just got a call, were you at lesha's? yes, no, if, are you
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hiding something?
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i called the cemetery, there's an address and money on the nightstand, i need to come over today to pay for everything, mikhail borisovich and i discussed everything, he says that there's no need for a funeral, and i think it's better to have a wake in the workshop, i'll clean up there , you'll have to call your friends, i went. where, home to my parents, then to work, i'll pick up my things later, wait, i thought, if, i 'll stay with you as long as it takes, but what happened doesn't change anything between us, when it finishes washing, press the red button and hang it
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on the line, the battery is overdrying, jealousy, and lyosha was killed by a woman, a man won't kill a man with a hair dryer, and i'll find that creature, thank you, thank you for coming, goodbye, phone, you know, if you need anything, call there in a hurry, it doesn't matter on time, lyokha, he's a great guy, man, thank you, thank
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you, why, bye, borisevich, we've already said goodbye, yes, i'll take the photos, the laptop in... dream, lyosha, i think i'd be against it, giving it to bucola, forgive me, this is generally committing a crime against memory
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your son, if he has no idea about the law, he will leak any secret of his block and put it up for discussion, you want this, don't be offended, this is our business, family, and you are already nobody to us, if i understood correctly. thank you for breaking up, or did i get it wrong? one day, both of these assholes disappeared. lyokha decided
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to go to china. to study karate. took this with him. so he chickened out on the way to china. what, were you filming me the whole time i was talking, i asked you to film the faces of the guests. eyes. reactions, idiot, lyokha had no debts, he had habits, career was going well, paintings were bought last year, an exhibition in berlin, he had no reason to do this. this is
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murder, that's why i gave you a laptop. my son couldn't do this to himself. he's not a weakling, show me a photo, this last one, and a larger one, divide it with your fingers. why wasn't there a woman at the funeral, his woman, for whom his death was a real grief, maybe he didn't have one, maybe we just didn't notice, not everyone grieves so openly, full-bodied women, almost all naked, this one is the most of all, and in oil and
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pencil, maybe drawn in nature, the kid is not drawn. dad, listen, let me call a taxi, the investigation confirmed, it's suicide, are you the one with me? it gives me goosebumps, as if someone threw a hook into my soul, it pulls, pulls, this,
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this, this is a level, i don't even know. and you only have one like that, and the picture, i say, is one, yes, yes, one and that was by accident, you understand, as if i didn't paint it, but it painted me, it painted you , i didn't know you were a mystic, listen, what kind of mystic am i, i'm an optimist-realist, and i really got you so high, yeah, well then i'm right
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i do, and what exactly, do i live? where is it, where is the painting, i didn't find that very painting, but i know exactly how much it means to him. it was still open on that page, no, the message came, and i picked up the password, by the way, the password, my name, that he was surprised that i started something for him, why did leshka need a dating site, i thought weirdos go there, who don't get any, and he didn't have any recourse anyway, if
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you were doing this nonsense, i would still understand. and why does he need it? why? you didn't give me to an orphanage? they are already overcrowded. you, you, you always loved only lyokha, always, and i , mind you, hated him for it, i admired him, i wanted to be like... him, but i'm not him, i loved him, now he's gone, there's only you, a finished piece of shit, a lost piece of shit, sanyom, if you didn't live to be 100 years old and ride around in your little stroller, it would be better if you
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died, not him, you, bad connection. the name lilia is nowhere to be found. the phone book is empty, she's not on facebook, well, and she just came out of thin air, maybe that's her intimate name, maybe that's just what he called her, look what i found, you see, he assigned her i'll meet her, her name is ksyusha, in the photo, where she's with someone, no, hobby, i like meeting new people, doing sports, sleeping, so i think that everything that's written here is complete nonsense, i'm obviously an innocent sheep, yeah, and
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it rather worries me, because in still waters, and we 'll stir up this still water. and i thought you forgot your keys? no, just a warning call, suddenly i'm at the wrong time, listen to me, it seems to me that you 're in a hurry, you're doing this in the heat of the moment, because well, it hurts you, let's say, i, let's say, i'm bad, let's say, but we don't have anything of course, if you haven't seen me for a long time, you don't know how everything has changed, i haven't seen you for 2 days, two, you haven't seen me for a year? since i quit my job and settled at home, i didn't see you when i was right under your nose, when i was sleeping on the pillow next to you, you live on the internet, virtuality, and i'm not there, and you start
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this virtuality and you'll help me close the suitcase, damn, you see, it won't close, you see, it's a sign. it's a sign, well listen, listen, if i'm an internet addict, i'm ready to be treated, i'm ready to be treated, really, i i swear, i swear, by dad, i swear, i will get treatment, i will find it, if there is a disease, then there must be a vaccine, and i will find it, right now, i'll just google it, right now,
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wait, i saw you. i opened the site, and there you are, really, what the hell, did you do this, how did you do it, you don't even know how to use an iphone, i didn't know how to use khadunks either, but i was so desperate that
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i learned it, what the hell did you write? test the waters, try to please, make friends, gradually get closer, we will get closer, i wonder to what extent we are let's get closer, what talent will be enough, you 're single, i'm not single, asya is still my wife, who will check your passport in bed, do you consider me a prostitute, i love asya, yes love her, health, dad, you, you're crazy, and you're a coward, son, or
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does your brother mean nothing to you? don't you like it here? no, why? normal place, table by the window, i don't like it in the passage. are you waiting for a call? no, i'll just, i'll leave you for
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a minute. avoid, why, i haven't finished eating yet, nothing's working, conversation is not working, well try to please her, and what am i doing, how should i know, maybe you're sitting there and eating on my pension, i didn't ask you for money? it was your idea, what's left if you're such a beggar, okay, i've had enough, i'm going home, wait, let me think, help from a friend, what oh well i thought that you were advising how to get rid of me more elegantly, and is that what you yourself ran to starter for? no, i was for
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a banal need, they'll bring a hot meal now, and you haven't finished your salad yet, i'm so photogenic, well i wouldn't say, i thought, you're comparing me to a photograph and were disappointed, but i didn't really expect anything, and i was waiting for the girl from your dream, you know? it's okay, i don't like noodles, well, on the ears, you wrote some nonsense, and then why did you meet with me, to kill time, or had a fight with the guy, of course, this happens, nothing is clear to you, and you explain, maybe he disappeared and did not say where, or you got rid of him yourself, tell, expose your soul, i am nobody to you, this is the last time you see me, eh, a great chance to... i don't have
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a boyfriend, okay? well, no, no, no wonder? it's okay, i'm very happy for you, for that guy, which you don't have, who in their right mind could stand it. i'm also happy for the girl, which you clearly don't have. and i don't need a girl, i have a wife. well, you've eased my soul. i'll be with her soon, no, i missed her, i'm a fool, forgive me, tell me, and, please, wrap up a cutlet for home. i
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ordered cutlets and the fact that you're married is no reason to stay out of dinner, let's do it for you, only... it's time to switch to informal familiarity, we've already switched, yes, and i didn't notice, then we can go back to informal familiarity, and why not,
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we can go, yes, here. and i wonder if there are interesting people there, writers, artists, well, do i remember everyone, why so just once, and with you , who is who? i mean, who is who? did your wife leave you, or did you send her? well, you know, they can do it when they break up. i love opening the bottle myself, let's drink to your freedom, you know, i'm allergic to champagne, so
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i didn't want to, here you go, right now. my mom thinks i'm still 14, you just made such a gesture, only one other person did it, it's scary, what kind of person, oh well, let's forget it, turn on the music, why, right now. is there anything more romantic, great, well come on, oh, not at all, i
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danced for the last time, have a drink with me, are you even afraid? i'm not afraid of anything, you should be afraid, you come to a stranger, and what should i be afraid of, you won't do anything bad, nothing that you wouldn't wish, oh-oh, forgive me, please, forgive me, i don't want what's under the sink , i'll help look, over there, you see, everything's fine with you, narcissistic turkey,
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you're like a loser, everything's reliable for you, come on, everything's worked out, he's gone, i'm watchman 12, apartment 89, code 15015. don't say anything, just be quiet, just be quiet, you don't give a damn about me, and i
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do n't give a damn about you, all fathers are like fathers, everyone protects their children, and you, you, what did you do, i, i, i can't swim, and you pushed me deeper into the water. i, i hated urgent beans, and you shoved them into me in the morning, evening and daytime, you made me crazy, you continue to methodically drive me into a madhouse, you, give me that thing, well done, now calmly tell me what happened, and what happened, no, nothing, nonsense, i was almost shot just now, your ksyusha with accomplice, he had an address, he arrived in a bag, he had a gun, he barely got confused, ksyusha's version remained unworked, that's enough, and i
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went with you because lyoki is 9 days old, come on, come on, get into other people's graves, pick up some money, aska could have simply scared off her accomplice. do you understand russian? i don't play homs, that's enough already. take it off, i won't. let me do it myself. where should i press? where is she? do i see myself? a witch.
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she wasn't at the funeral, she came here. she can kill out of jealousy, i know women, and she's red-haired, like in the picture you're talking about said, and one that you want to climb on, dad, maybe that's enough from home, let's talk, i don't think mom likes to hear all this, but you're right. mom wouldn't understand, hello, hello, that's what i think, yes, it seems soon. it's going to end.
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tell me, can the table be fixed? yes, of course. oh, by the way, we have a bedroom there. you look for now, and i'll come over. okay. what does this mean, who are these people? tenants. if they like it, i'll rent out the apartment. what do you mean with me? kol, you've completely lost your mind. my parents bought this apartment. they didn't get divorced, but you bring all sorts of creatures here, you have a conscience, take them somewhere else, nothing happened, this was my father's idea, spare me the details, it's not what you think, i don't think about it at all, you had enough time to find a job and i didn't find a job, where should i live, in the workshop, for example, are you completely, or what, or what, leshka, well, you don't want to live there, live with your father, especially since he gives you such wonderful ideas, you generally... don't understand what you're saying, you know what your father told you, that i nobody, your problems don't bother me anymore,
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i have plenty of my own, got it, you have a week, leave me alone, my banishment. i am very happy, dad, thanks to you, aska kicked me out of the house, now we will live together, hate each other next to each other, brought a drill, i won't let you in without a drill, it's not funny, and i'm not
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joking. so where will i sleep? on the mezzanine, so you know, your ksyusha disappeared from the site, she's not mine, anyway, for now i'll have to focus on searching for the redhead. are you interested in anything other than the investigation? no, it's simple, what do you look at, what is it? alexey kovalchuk, semyon bubnov and liliya sviridova, the trapeze of life is high. and who is she? the gallery owners. and where is the gallery? on taganka. there is a phone there. "you will mumble and ruin everything, and i will introduce you as a great
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artist, i will say that you are my son, that you are a genius with a kink, that i want to meet her, show her my paintings, and then you will come to the meeting and start telling jokes, talking about petka, and you will also drag anya into it, i will call her myself, no need, i will meet with her the same thing, be more impudent, i will stun you like should, she likes these, i'll figure it out, hello"? "hello, hello, hello, can i speak to sergeevna? we, yes, we know each other, and
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this is very important, very urgent, no, it's not personal, it concerns the painting, thank you, sergeevna, hello, "we don't know each other, but i dream of meeting you, i would like to exhibit in your gallery, no, no, my last name is not ..." will not say, wait, lilya sergeevna, wait, lilya sergeevna, wait, don't hang up, lily, lilya, that idiot who spoke to you is a great artist, i swear, at least me and the prosthesis, if he doesn't meet you, he'll go hang himself, i'm the one you just screwed... convinced that every artist has a chance, what does blackmail have to do with it, if you don't like his paintings, let
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him go and hang himself, thank you. just keep in mind, if i don't like your painting, i'll tell you this, i'm not going to exhibit you just
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so you don't hang yourself, i didn't hang myself, i'. you follow, you think you attacked a sucker, i didn't attack anyone, i didn't follow, the gun was busy, but here's the problem, it was a fake idiot, to protect yourself from crazy people like you, and your wife? is she crazy or has she run away, why are you following, tell me, i wasn't following, i just saw you in the window, yeah, sure, i swear give me back my ring, i left it in your bathroom, it's my mom's, the mom i was texting with, tell
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me why you were following, i can count to three, one two, we've been away from town for six months now and at first she was being so nice, my nanny friend hired me as a secretary, then she got fired from her job, and then me, we ran out of money, there's nowhere to live, and i've been on a dating site for a long time, well, that's it came in handy, so you'll meet if you like him, if he's cute, that is, where to sleep, wash up, well, sort of... we didn't miss the pleasure, you probably judge me, and your dad, would he be pleased? i don't have dads, only moms, and she doesn't care, you'll have a cutlet, yeah, sorry, what's going on? thank god, you've recovered, well , you're heavy, we barely dragged you to the car, it's good that
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the taxi driver helped, he helped drag you up to the floor, i almost dislocated my shoulder, and your dad is so cool, he makes delicious soup? he said, like me did you get here? and i knocked you out, then dad comes into the gateway and says: you were following me, if, i'm not offended, really, your dad said that you had a serious injury, that your brother hanged himself and something because of that, i sympathize with you so much, i... i'll probably go, i won't bother you, thank you very much for lunch, and for talking in this damn city no one gives a damn about each other, i just
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had the coolest dozhuvyuu at school, when three thugs didn't give me up for beating... you, well, you drank beer with them later, laughed, no one laid a finger on you in the area afterwards, not once. not once, not once did i feel protected by you, not once did you take my side, not from enemies, not from friends, not from teachers, it was always me, i was the idiot who was to blame, they would kill me, you would go fishing as killers, she was a normal girl, just unhappy. and i, i am happy, yes,
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why do you treat me worse than everyone else, are you crazy, i put you on the couch, next time i will leave you lying on the street. idiot, i honestly thought you would refuse to meet with me after yesterday, on the contrary, you intrigued me, by the way, what happened to you, although no, better not answer, surely some simple explanation will be found, and it will become boring. i don’t know why i ran away yesterday. i have no explanation, of course, you will show me your
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paintings, i don’t paint paintings, of course, we are no longer married, who do you know that was, well, you yourself just admitted it to me, and you, are you married? no, i don’t believe in marriage, living together all your life is unnaturally boring, relationships should pulsate, but when they stop pulsating, what are you doing? i squeeze the artery and the pulse disappears completely, literally? listen, are you weird or stupid, or maybe a coward? well, what 's wrong with you, are you so easy to offend? why do you want
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to offend me? i don't want, i want you to tell me straight out that you're really interested, do you want to sleep with me now? something very sensual, but, but very
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cold, she's like that, she's so dynamic, so to speak, demonic, i understand why lyokha fell for her so much, she just struck him like thunder struck, you understand, you sit, just sit, and you have goosebumps, goosebumps and as if current, current current, and you looked at me with instinct, so here she is sharon stone, only i missed her, michael douglas, you are mine, don't cut anything, it was a symphony, how you stuck it in her about sleeping, i even sat down, no, you are great, you got her going, now she will find you herself to devour. i think he and lyokha had an affair, a quarrel, he somehow mortally insulted her and did not realize that you can't enter
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a predator's cage without a weapon. and probably the paintings no, she took it, and i feel, but how can we prove it, think with our head, not our dick, i looked at my savings here, i need to find out how much a rental car costs, why do we need a car, and what are you going to do with your feet? follow her, in your opinion, she rides a trolleybus.
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there she is. dad, what do you think, should we call the police, well, what should we say, that we were sitting behind the red-haired aunt because we... suspect her of killing lyosha and saw her strangle her, but how can we prove what you're doing? i'm looking for swimming trunks, what swimming trunks, why?
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look out the window. and what about the black jeep, do you see it? no, that's good, that means it was just a warning, we'll go to the sea in anapa, where we vacationed with mom and lesha, what's wrong, you and i got into serious shit, you wanted it yourself, you shouted that i won't sleep, i'll find you , we've already found the killer, you know. you dragged me into this yourself, you screamed that this is the meaning of your life, that you won't sleep, that i'm a coward, then everything was different, i thought she was just jealousy, a woman's nastiness, here it's completely different, she's a pervert, a maniac, how can we know what's in her head, she's beyond her capabilities us, that is, you don't mind taking everything, so
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throw it away, no, everything. the investigation is over , okay, i'm either a coward or an idiot, either investigate or don't investigate, and i generally decide anything myself, and if something happens to you, who will bring me a glass of water, i'm not a young man. i don't have any spare sons, okay, dad, let's go to anapa, it's closing here
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, please get out. hello, hello, hello, i, i called, you didn't answer, what did you want? and where are you? i'm not in moscow, listen, you didn't take all the things. take them, please, it will be easier for both of us and easier, bring the keys, okay, icq called, handed over to the apartment, just so that i could take my things, so i got up early, i learned to lie.
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i can't wait there, what are you doing here? and what were you doing in my gallery at night? did you confuse me with someone else? are you on all the surveillance cameras? i'll turn you in to the cops. i would like to turn you in, i would have turned you in a long time ago, it's never too late, and what were you doing at my brother's grave? i hated him, what else can you do at the grave of a talentless freak? by the way, i didn't know that he was your brother, this freak, he drew you, i saw with my own eyes, so what? it looks like. you're afraid,
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don't be afraid, you'll like it. kolya, run, run quickly, that guy is there,
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open up, open up, what do you want from us, why are you breaking in, sit down, come on, i'm her husband. i didn't know that she, that she was married, i would never, believe me, allow it, listen, i'm not here to do anything to you, that woman is a nymphomaniac, it's a disease, a person because of a disease is the most vile and mean betrayal, but she doesn't need you. she needs you, because she is her own enemy, and it can't be cured, this woman sometimes got into trouble in such trouble that if i were not there, it is unknown how it would have ended, she provokes men, she calls from them
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the basest instincts, such women are most often attacked, and we have two children, forgive me, but rather it is she who is dangerous than in danger, and you are talking about this? lyobka in a katazhenny settlement, skana has been strangling him for six months, masochists, well, he likes it, i generally have a brother, but i will simply tell you, just do not be offended, promise, i will try, a rare asshole your brother, tried at the expense of lika promote your mediocre pictures, only she threw it out of the gallery from the top, because such numbers won't work with her . your brother sent me photos, photos of my wife, wanted to destroy my family, to roll, but blackmail failed, because i know much more, this woman only causes trouble for you and me and
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never for others, never, no one ever dares to threaten my land, no one, don't move, man, i'll shoot your head off, what the hell did you do to me, you couldn't call, forgive me, dad, forgive me, forgive me, no, this is already something, like being late from school, just a little more, i would have had a heart attack, and you would have already been calling the morgues. what's wrong with you , are you kidding me? we agreed on everything, i bought a ticket to van. dad, what do you think? and lyokha, could he have committed a meanness, some kind of crime? lyokha, our lyokha? no, of course not. and i'm not so sure anymore. hello, hello, red. 4529 order number 76
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i'll put here, yeah, and they promised delivery by eight, how much longer should i wait? yeah, i ordered two weeks ago, listen, girl, you're asking again for the third time, can i have the manager? it's okay, i'll wait. he was drawing himself, if, i'll explain, the hair is not yours, this is the hand, this, this curve, you came then in front of the ponimiks to clean up, in fact, to hide it, yes, you didn't know that i, that i was also a killer, that i, listen, by accident, i didn't want to, you
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didn't know that you didn't know that, listen, i, i had a lot of problems, you didn't care, lyokha ended up in that cafe, no, his girlfriend left, they sang, no, no need, it's wrong, and it should never be repeat, do you hear, come back, i'll get dressed.
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i don't know with what eyes i'll come home , no, no, listen to me, listen, no, i don't want your sleep, we're not the family i wanted. so stay, i'm good with you, you know, i want it here, i want something ordinary, i'm ordinary, but with you everything will be ordinary, ordinary
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curtains. ordinary children, if it hurts, if, if for a long time it doesn't matter, listen, you don't care where i am, what time i come home, whether i'm old or cheerful, you never called? kolya, i left kolya, yes, why, how why, did you, did i, what, i thought you and i would hang curtains, have children, huh, well, look at me. i look like a person who
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needs all this, well, are you stupid or something? come on, pack your things and run, run to your husband. you're a drowned man, why not, you didn't talk to me, i
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can't stand it anymore, do you hear? you took everything from me, everything, my father, my wife, everything, uh, are you from forty-fifth, teddy bear ? what, the owner's brother? what business is it of yours? do you owe me a ton of money for the repairs? where's the drill? what? where's my drill that you took from the apartment? i'll get you
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se! the only person i can trust. talk to me, talk to me about something simple, otherwise i'll go too crazy, give me the same thing as him, you're gentle, too. he drew
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the ideal one out of three, and i'm a fool, looking for one. a... please, don't, please, i 'll tell you everything, i beg you, don't, a cool tattoo, the judge persuaded me to do it, a real pervert, do you know what she asked me to do during sex, i don't have enough imagination, i can only whisper it in your ear. seriously? i swear, just don't tell anyone, i'm a grave. lyosha was very nice and generous. i didn't know that everything
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would turn out like this. i told you a secret, it's my secret, mine. you had the right to leak intimate things online, listen, please, leave me alone with your hysterics, i have enough problems without you, do you have problems? and what about mine? it seems to me that you pay too much attention to some bullshit, right? this is my life, i don't tell your shameful secrets all over the world, everyone is discussing me there, in what positions all these nasty things, and he read it in some blog, he took me from work kicked out, how am i supposed to live now? am i your dad or something? are you all annoying me with your problems, can you? just lie down normally in the bath, just relax a little in
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the bath, you're hungry, i hate you, cool down, and i didn't want to, you all accidentally went out. "i drank a ton of sedatives, i thought i wouldn't be able to live, but i have to live somehow, so i live, i wrote that blog, lyoshka told me the story, i didn't know it was yours." wrote serious things, like a judge of perverts, fucked the secretary's girl right in the cameras for prisoners, half of the comments are stupid
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jokes, i knew that there would be such nonsense, that's it, i wanted it, i just wanted to live with saska, and that it was like before, and it won't be like that anymore. open up, police, open up, i won't leave until you open up, do you think it's easy for me, egoists, lord, i wanted a different life, an easy one, valyushka and i took our backpacks
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and went, flew wherever our eyes looked, to change the world, and then she got fed up, she says , i want children, some family without children, but they told her there wouldn't be children, and i was against it, "she persuaded me to take one from an orphanage, no one else didn't know us, and then suddenly you got pregnant and now there are two of you, you moved, got two jobs to feed you, lyoshka was wild, intimidated, and we were afraid that
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we weren't giving you enough warmth, well, he wasn't a relative, after all, the zoo brought you, he looked at the animals like an animal himself, and when you saw the raccoon, you stuck to it, probably stood there for more than an hour, grabbing the fence. and looked at him as if you wanted to kiss him, and at home he showed us with his little hands how they did with their paws, my mother and i laughed, everything changed. lyoshka, he was a son, first place in the floodplain, in
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football was playing, and you were like a girl, in front of, in front of people it was embarrassing, because i wanted you so much, and not him, to be like me, you! and not this stranger's son of a bitch. i don't love anyone but you, i don't love anyone, what are you doing there, crying, just try to open the door for me now,
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try, i'll hit you so hard. i brought beer and roach, i hate roach, that's why i brought it, go ahead and put
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the fool in the fridge.


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