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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 10, 2024 4:20am-5:11am MSK

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ksenia rented a house, asked me to help her move her things, oh, okay, san, my advice to you, be more careful with girls next time, okay, go ahead, go ahead, glad, go ahead! thank you, i rented such a nice house, how do you like it? oh, it's good enough! yes, haven't you seen what it's like inside yet? why haven't you seen it? let's see, it 's evening and you're still not here, i wonder where he's hanging out? mom, don't start in front of the kids. what did i say? mom, can i...
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call dad, thank you, i'll call myself, i'm answering, well, dad's in his ambush again sitting, yeah, we know these ambushes, so, let's eat. sunny, where are you? edumily, i just wanted to treat you to some good cognac. well, i 've missed you already, me too, i suggest you have a drink, and then dance a little, with pleasure. for you, for us. good cognac,
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and now let me invite you to a slow dance, and you move pretty well, madam. and what are you doing to me, i'm losing consciousness from you, really something, carefully, carefully, come here.
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lyubochka, good morning, hello, sergey petrovich, and tell me daria zhurbina from is number forty-eight with you? no, i haven't seen her since yesterday and the key to her room is still there. thank you. paroman, hello, are you by any chance with mine? no, last night we were at a restaurant, celebrating the release of kozelsky, and then gashko left on his own business, after the restaurant, on business. and don't make a fool of me, nikolay, good morning, good, the boss's wife came here, looking for him, yes, i know, listen, check his number to see what address he is at, i already checked, rubizhnaya 25, well done,
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is there anyone, gashko, ksenia! andryukha, get up, get up, goshko, wake up, where am i , i think she's at ksenia's, i have no idea, oh my god, my head hurts so much, and why am i
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naked, you're asking me, you'd better ask ksenia, i couldn't pass out after three glasses of cognac. my head hurts so much, she obviously slipped me something, should i call you an ambulance, yeah, just kidding, poromon, alla, she called me this morning, oh well, she's been looking for you all over town, she's already been to the office, she didn't say anything about divorce, well, not yet, which means it 's fixable, wallet is in place, do you understand anything, not yet, this is mine, mine, damn you
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cat, yeah, andryukha, it looks like you're in trouble. good, how could i screw up like that. "alka calls, what can i say, well, lie about something, but my head just won't work, it's splitting, not a single thought, alus, hi, where have you been hanging out all
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night, why was your phone turned off, al, sorry, it's not convenient for me to talk now, i'm sitting in the reception area at lisitsyn, let's go home, i'll come to you in the evening and explain everything, no need to come anywhere and no need to explain anything, that's it, and for some it's not so much, anyway, the situation is i visited here yesterday, at a friend's, well , well... we sat, drank there, danced, well, this and that, in short, i switched off, she disappeared, galya is surrounded, there is diarrhea, no, there is definitely no diarrhea, weakness, weakness, severe weakness, i think it's krafilin, i'll have to - give blood for
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analysis, no, if i have to, i'll give everything, you have a computer with you in the car, come on, bring it, a flash drive, i need to look, then don't touch anything here with your hands, and don't teach. only we can't drink now , pick up the top, and add a little bottom. yes, that's fine, and where is dranka? i haven't seen him, neither have i. ananasov, yes, where is the drummer? off he goes
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buy some water and disappeared. what a pig. i don't intend to keep this idiot in the band any longer. listen, let's go back to moscow and find a replacement for him. but we have to play a concert with him today, right? how is that? play if he's not there, well, rehearse, rehearse without him, he'll show up soon, let's rehearse, paramon, but that's the beauty of your photo, it was she who took pictures of alka with the kids, yes, she, she. what nonsense. dasha couldn't take part in this. she couldn't, but she did. no, otherwise, how are you going to explain that the flash drive with the photos is in this house turned out to be? a riddle. well done, come on, call your riddles, let them come here and
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give the answers. well, is her phone? it's turned off, she spent the night at a hotel, no, major, you can, i'll have a look at it at home, come on, act. now it's clear what kind of photo shoot she was talking about, bastard, andrey, choose an expression, i'll find out where she spent the night, well , you find out first, and then i'll choose an expression, yes, hello, andrey alexandrovich, koshelev is bothering you, we need to meet, about, there's a topic for... talk, what kind of topic? one of our mutual friends left
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i have very curious photos, do you want to take a look? i would like to take a look, let's meet at the office, okay, i'll be there in an hour, who is this? koshalev, what did you want? to meet? he got me, if he sees these photos, that 's it, i'm finished, suran, well, what do you have there, well , everything is clean, he works professionally, okay, let 's finish, seryoga, please, go to the hotel and search the rooms of these two friends, and photocopies of their passports, good! what's the matter?
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good afternoon, good afternoon, i would like to introduce you to my daughter, alisa, kostya, and alisa is yours fan, yes, i know all your songs by heart, i've long dreamed of meeting you. dad gave me this gift for my birthday, you have a good dad, yes, yes, alice wanted to get your autograph, of course, please , excuse me, the chef is out on a bender, yes, yes, yes, be in the kitchen in half an hour.
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he promised, he promised, so what if he promised, stop fooling around, so quietly, and why are you ordering me around, be a man, why are you acting like a woman? yes, that i'll kill him, creature, why did you hit him in the woods, he has a concert to play, fuck you my concert, i'm leaving for moscow, well, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it. is this jerk going to ruin our concert? listen, i beg you, don't go near him anymore, i'll try
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to negotiate with him, we'll come to moscow, throw him out to hell, deniska, deniska, deniska, that 's it, that's it, it's okay, okay, cute photos, yeah, if my brother isn't released from the pre-trial detention center, these photos will appear on the internet, you'll be kicked out of the police, your wife will probably file for divorce after this photo shoot, i heard she's very jealous, that's none of your business, i agree, that's yours case, and it will be oh, how difficult for you to resolve it, i suggest you resolve the issue amicably, you release my brother, and i destroy the photos, that's it. we parted like ships at sea, but how can i release him, he is under arrest by a court decision, i'll think
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of something, everything is in your power here, you can put in jail whoever you want, you can release whoever you want, in general, i give you 3 days to resolve this issue, who is this ksenia, well , is that her real name, where did she even come from, concept, we inspected both rooms, ksenia has room. everything is sterile, not a single fingerprint, and dasha has everything in place, suren even took her fingers, on the line, it means she never got in touch, no, it's clear that about ksenia, her passport is fake, a professional photo of her is pasted into it, the real ovralova ksenia, died a year ago, which means we have neither
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a real last name, nor a real name, and we don't have fingerprints either, awesome. unfortunately, listen, i checked the cognac, the one you drank, well, there's claflin, well, that's what i thought, that's it, go ahead and take a photo, send to the wanted list, what about zhurbin, darya zhurbin, registered in moscow, higher education, married, how married, well, she said that she has no one. she has a husband, zhurbin, dmitry valentinovich, congratulations paromon on the unexpected, so she deceived me, it turns out that way, and you're still making excuses for her, well, let's go , come on, go, kolya, i'll go with you, come on, no,
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gashko, i'm sure that when dasha shows up, she 'll explain everything, and if she doesn't show up. "i can't sit here like this, paromon, and do nothing to do. listen, gashko, she was going to go to a concert at the admiral tonight, she had a meeting scheduled there, a photo shoot, you don’t have to say that word in front of me anymore, let’s not get nervous, no, i don’t believe that she’s involved in this. i ’m going to go to a concert at the admiral tonight, and she ’ll be there, and i’ll try to clarify this situation.” leave it to me, what are you doing, and i hope
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there’s more booze. no, there’s no booze, there’s coke, what did you think, i’ll come here empty-handed, and about moscow, i hope you were joking, what jokes are there, i won’t go on stage with this asshole, i’ll never why did you come here, to earn some money, like me, like all of us, if you, bitch, ruin the concert, we'll end up with a lot of money, and the owner of the club is a man of authority and he won't be lax, just don't scare me with your authorities, okay, i'll kill your boss, denis, denis, i'm asking you, denis, deniska, listen, i have children, i have a mortgage on the house, i'm asking you, play the ends, well, if you want, i'll kneel before you, i'm asking you, play the concert, then i'll get up, okay, i'll play one concert, then i'll immediately get out of here to moscow, okay, even to
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north pole, denis, i beg you, well , if you want, the concert is in 3 hours, don't drink anymore, i beg you. get some sleep, go away, can you tell me, this girl didn't come into the club today, i didn't see her, she had a camera with her, filming at the concert is prohibited, and if she managed to come to an agreement first, well, ask him, pineapples, where have you disappeared to? i 'm out of mineral water, well, okay, then yes, and good evening, my name is sergey, please tell me, did a photographer come to you with an offer to do a photo shoot, no, to me nobody came, about the photo shoot - that's for my director, that's all for you, yeah, well
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then close the door from that side, of course. yeah, what's wrong with your nose, you fought with kostya again, who haven't i fought with, you drained our blood vessel, you need to cut down on booze, you're going to have a stroke. that's it, yeah, here's your money for the concert, put it on the table and get out of here, you 're doing this in vain, i... i'm worried about you,
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please, thank you, a glass of water, please, and by any chance have you seen that girl at the club today? no, that's right, that's right, please, thank you, do you hear me, girlfriend, look what's this? this is me and kostya after his concert in sochi, cool, look, it's in st. petersburg, so it's cool, you better play, you've known each other for a long time,
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a thousand years, so you have no chance, kostya? kostya, i brought water, kostya, kostya, kostya, hey, anyone, security, an ambulance, goodbye, mom.
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home, what happened, why are you leaving, to get some rest from you, zetek, do you have a conscience, where were you hanging out last night, how can i call my wife? deigned, but don't worry so much, we are husband and wife, we will sort it out ourselves, so sort it out, and i'm off home, well, look for this road, hi everyone, dad, and i met oksana mikhailovna there on the stairs, girls, go to your room , come on, go to your room, play. there al, forgive me, well, well i couldn't call you, well some important general from moscow arrived, lisitsyn ordered to provide him with security,
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he went hunting, the rangers were brought in, well, the hell where, well, the gorge, there 's nothing there at all, well, that's why i didn't call, you take me for a fool, why did you immediately become a fool here, that you don't believe me, good, call lesitsyn yourself, well, at least you? so that the entire administration would laugh at me, that my wife doesn't trust major gashko, call, what, call lisitsin, what, yes please, wait now, they're calling me, don't you see, yes, what singer was killed, where, that's it, i'm leaving, let's gather the whole task force, yes. let's go, a rock singer was killed in the admiral club, i'm leaving, yes, evgeny, i just
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haven't seen you in the hospital today, when are you on duty, and something happened, no, no, i just need to talk to you, i 'm going out tonight, great, i'll wait for you, okay. what have you forgotten here? did you come to see the concert or are you looking for dasha? and she's not here? now iryog, wait. dear viewers, there will be no concert, beer lover nachalov has been killed. we ask
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everyone to remain in their seats until the circumstances of the incident are clarified. he died about an hour ago, you see , there are bruises on his left cheek, this is from a blow with a fist. and what kind of scratch is this? it's possible that the killer is wearing a ring. yes, it's very possible, it's very possible. the blow was so strong that he hit here. on the top edge of the table whiskey, well that's what i said, yes it turns out to be manslaughter, no, why didn't he die from a blow, he was most likely strangled, guys, i found an earring, well maybe some fan defended it, give it here, i 'll add it to the case just in case, excuse me
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for... and what should i do with the visitors? do people want to go? so, don't let anyone out. vasya, go and write down all the spectators , warn the security so that not a single fly flies out of this club unnoticed. yes. so, seryoga, let's go talk to the group's director. kolya, and you, go interrogate the musicians. yes. go on, suran. yes, boss. i received a fee from the club director. i went to dan's loudspeaker. gave him the money for the performance, then i went down to the store to buy some water, kostya ran out of mineral water, who is dan? denis dranko, our drummer, yeah, and what was the drummer doing? washing blood off his face, where did he get the blood from? and he says that the vessel was a slander. maybe someone hit him? i don't know. and what kind of relationship did dranko have with the murdered man? yes, in a bad one, because of denis's woman. he studied in the hospital from
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alcoholism, she cheated on him, he went out, found out about everything, the showdown began, and today he started a fight, right at the rehearsal, and where is adranka now? well, probably in my dressing room, i didn’t let anyone go, yeah, thanks, let’s go, denis and kostya have always had a difficult relationship, he considers himself a star, everyone else is mediocrity, but he constantly...
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"thank you, you had a fight today from the beginning, what kind of fight, i punched him in the nose once, look, he has a ring on his finger, well , yes, there is a ring, i have an earring, for they don't put you in jail yet, not yet, but you 'll have to go with us to the office, please come." so vasya, send the citizen musician to the office, i didn't understand something, you suspect me of murder, come on, come on, i've prepared the recordings from the surveillance cameras, we can look, yeah, and why
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wasn't there a start by the loudspeaker? he didn't ask, and we guard the artists only at their request. so, for the duration of the investigation, seal the loudspeaker , don't let anyone in and don't touch anything without my personal permission. put it on guard. let's go look. where? to the right, now, what happened? did you hit something in the boot? that's it, there's nothing.
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i saw the chase, decided to help, vasenka, and what 's wrong with your forehead, the woodpecker pecked, kolya, go you know where, how touchy, don't stick your pitchfork back. now we'll go quickly, interrogate him and reveal him while the trail is hot, that he's already taken him, quickly, well done, i didn't take him there, what do you mean i didn't take him, he ran away, what do you mean he ran away,
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he just ran away, are you kidding me? and then why are we on the wanted list, urgently announce the photos, send them to everyone in the port, on bus station, to the airport for the goys to leave the city and tomorrow, tomorrow by lunchtime that fucking drummer would be sitting in my office being interrogated, okay, that's it, i 'm going home to sit with the kids, it's a shift, they'll give you a lift to the hotel, no need, i 'll take a walk, andryukha, and did she believe about the general, yesterday me? she seemed to believe, she seemed not, okay, the war will show, i don't understand why i didn't help with triglyceride, she had a regular heart attack, all the signs are there, hello,
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igor valentinovich, get the ambulance ready immediately, i'm taking a woman in serious condition, be patient, be patient, we'll be there soon. be careful, guys, be careful, hello, hello, yes, hello, we saved someone again, a woman almost died on the way, tomorrow is my birthday, congratulations, but unfortunately, i can't invite you to a restaurant now, but for a glass of wine, maybe you'll come to my room, you can't drink. a sip of good wine has never hurt anyone, you'll come, i don't know, it depends on how it goes, at least for a minute, i want us to drink to my second birth, evgeny, i don't care
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i can't promise, but if i can, i 'll definitely drop in for a minute, i 'll be waiting for you, lyubochka, hi, hello, sergey petrovich, tell me, please, is daryana in your room? no, she left for simferopol yesterday, and how do you know? i ordered a taxi for her myself? i see, well, thanks for the information, the restaurant is on me, okay, andrey sanch, why am i calling, this woman approached me this morning with a strange... request, so i decided to call you, and who is this woman and that she wanted to take a photo with this corpse of this singer, what a corpse? he's lying there completely naked, she says, that's even good, a strange desire,
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it seemed strange to me too, to take a photo with a corpse, even if it's a corpse, a star, can you describe her, of course i can, she's of average height, dark hair, can't be transferred and... a piercing on her lower lip, that's her, right now , wait a second, who is she, bledova, she has these things in her nostrils in her teeth, nikolai yegorovich, do you have anything else, or is that all? well, it seems that's all, yeah, good, you helped us, you helped us a lot, give us all the connections, and now about this bledova, in more detail, she's kostina fan, followed him on tour for many years, goes to his concerts, but a little... in the entryway they write him all sorts of love letters, in general, yeah, all this of course amused kostya, he even slept with her several times, yeah, that's it, and then she got tired of him, he dumped her, she got offended and began to threaten him with violence and even attacked him once in the entryway with
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a stun gun, so well, naturally, he reported her to the police, yeah, they gave her a suspended sentence, well, for hooliganism, that's all i know about her, yeah, a suspended sentence. hi, hi, alice, i i can't live without you, if you marry me, i 'll forgive you everything, forgive me, who are you to forgive, my father wouldn't let you clean up dog shit in our yard, you're wrong, you can't do that to me, you idiot, thank you very much for the information, i'm always happy to help, well , if suddenly something happens right away, yes, poromo. so, has dasha shown up? no, it's bad, raman, it's very
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bad, she's been gone for more than a day, they told me at the hotel that dasha took a taxi to simferopol, decided to run away, everything is poromo, i need to declare her in russia, wait, what wait, what to wait, i have 2 days left to find this ksenia, the only person who can lead me to her is your dasha, who is now unknown where, can you even imagine what will happen to the booze when she sees these photos in which i... i can imagine, well, that's it, only ksenia's sincere confessions can save me. kolya, give me a zhurbina wanted, you'll throw it up to the pike perch, a grand, and what's so expensive, it's not even close to the pike perch. okay, let's go.
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i heard they killed a singer in the admiral, for sure they're looking for the killer, they say all the exits from the city are blocked, they won't let you out without a search, so they're snooping around. listen, i think i forgot my passport, let's turn around quickly, no, i can't, they're checking my documents, then you'll get five thousand and drive, come on, come on, come on, come on, okay , was or wasn't, kapustin, get in the car, let's go after him, quickly! the ignition is crap,
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the car senses that i'm nervous, here they start, kapustin, are you kidding me or something, and kapustin, start the car, what does this have to do with me, how many times have i told you, you have to take the car for a technical inspection, still nothing, oh, how can i feel it, the boss is calling, hold on, yes, i'm listening, comrade major, so, bukhov, come to the office urgently, i need you, i'll be there in 5 minutes, andrey sanovich, kapustin, kapustin, vasily, don't worry so much, maybe it wasn't him, well, go to the bathhouse. and he's suspected of one bad deed,
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well, dunyash, found a lodger, well, where have you been, you've already missed three trains, i showed the room to the client, i rented it out, there are still two left, well, look, i haven't seen this one here, well, this is my lodger, whom i just rented out a room, definitely him, definitely, here's more detail from this point, yeah. blednova, olga alexandrovna, yes, train thirty -four to moscow, yes, she needs to be detained, i'll be there soon, okay, so, you say, the guards saw her at the club, yes, she was there on the day of the murder, nikolai yegorovich identified her from a photograph, she couldn't have killed herself, most likely hired someone. someone, maybe the same dranka,
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maybe that's it, that's it, i'm going to the station, and you start looking for surbina, yes, set up surveillance on paramonov's hotel, maybe she's there will appear, and i somehow discuss this with paromonov, in no case, he has a hanky-panky with her, act independently, do not tell paromonov about anything, there is nothing to tell him about. he also asked me to go to the market, buy him some food. "i was surprised, usually vacationers buy their own food, and this one asks me, you understand, for five minutes, can we take a break, this is where he lives, tell him to open the door, who's there, and this is
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lyudmila, i brought the groceries." criminal police, captain samov, what did they find anyway? well, what did you think? what did they find, anyway? get out, quick, quick, quick, quick, hands, come on. oh! oh, what's going on, at least i'm alive, you're alive, i'm alive, where did he run, to the street, help, come on, quickly take me out of here,
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hang me, beauty, yes, hang me, can't you see , come on, take me off, take me off... it won't happen, mozart , shit, that you hit me over the head with a sack again, come on, come on, take me off, man, don't twitch, hands, i said, yes, that 's more reliable, wait for me, i'll be soon, oh, viktorych, oh, great, you called in time, she was already in the carriage, and that's good, well, you should be careful with her, what's wrong, she's some kind of sick woman, the barmaid bit me, yes, you 'll get a rabies shot, finish joking, finish joking, come on, svobodin, sit down, on what grounds was i detained, you know
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that the singer nachalov was killed in a nightclub yesterday, that's not a reason to kick me out of... and the fact that you violated a court order prohibiting you from coming near nachalov to attend his concerts is a weighty reason for you, i just, i just wanted to look at him again, nothing more, you don't understand, it's hard to love a genius, more it's harder to accept that the person you love,
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alk, excuse me, please, maybe you'll come to me? excuse me, i'm in a hurry, well, for a minute, well, i'm asking you, but if only for a minute, okay. please. "well, modestly, of course, but you understand, the circumstances, please, you can't have more new year's, and i won't have more, i propose to drink to you, and
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why to me, it's your birthday, you're my savior. yes, this is a woman from intensive care, she died yesterday, yes, death is always hard, my wife died in my arms, it happened a long time ago. 3 years ago, they called yulia, yes, yes, how do you know, just when i was taking you to the hospital. yes , they called me lena, you look a lot like her, in my delirium i
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probably mistook you for my wife, dreams, yes, i didn’t kill him, so then why did i go on the run, because i had coke and grass with me, a week’s supply, i’ve already been in prison for that, i don’t want to anymore. what were you counting on, grant? i wanted to run away to sudak, i have friends there, well, i wanted to sit it out until you find the killer? your loudspeakers with the chiefs are nearby, no one came to see him, no one saw him? and there was some woman, what kind of woman? who the hell knows, i didn’t see her, i was in the next locker room. then why are you telling me about this woman, i heard them talking, and then the sofa creaked, can you give me more details,
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can you give me more details, no, i can’t, why, i just stuck my headphones in my ears and passed out to hendrix.
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come on, stop slacking off, join the investigation, i’m ready, okay, so operatives, lunch is over, let’s go, come on, blow into the starfish, i want you to ear insured, let me know, pale idranka, i'll take care of it myself, there's nothing wild about me wanting to take a photo with kostik in the morgue. no, that photo would have become a bestseller, i would have gone down in the history of russian
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rock together with kostik. okay, tell me in more detail, what were you doing last night at the club? last night at the club, i was sitting and drinking, alone? at first alone, then i met a young lady, kostik's fan. and what did you decide? that she was his fan, and she was wearing a t-shirt with kostik's photo, well, what were we talking about, what were we talking about we could talk, oh kostya, of course, what else, can you describe, i can, she was about 18 years old and had huge brown eyes, that's her, the daughter of the club owner, and special features, she had such cool earrings,


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