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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  August 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

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in various fields, including diplomacy. after the beginning of the nuclear era, after the us used an atomic bomb in hiroshima on gossaki, the world changed forever. trying to cope with the horror of the impending end of the world, humanity tries to reduce tension, to transfer it into other forms. thus, starting in 1952 , beauty contests in honor of the tests of the atomic bomb began to be held in the usa. the most famous miss atomic bomb was a dancer. in 1952, the us tested a thermonuclear bomb, and a few months later, similar tests the soviet union is conducting. the doomsday clock freezes two conventional minutes before the start of a nuclear war. until now, this is the most dangerous value, such a state could not continue for long. the cuban missile crisis demonstrated the danger of this balancing on the brink of war, the fact that the escalation at some point could become uncontrollable and turn into... a large-scale nuclear war, in
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which, well, it is clear that the americans also felt that they could suffer greatly, this led to the fact that, after all, yes, they started to negotiate, to try to build some kind of security framework and it is not surprising that a year after the cuban missile crisis in 1963 , an agreement was adopted to ban tests in three environments, that is, in the atmosphere, under water , in space, that is, for the time being it was possible... it was possible to conduct tests only underground, in fact , kennedy spoke about this at a meeting with khrushchev, that maybe before agreeing on arms reduction, maybe they should first agree on ban on tests, so accordingly they returned to this agreement, to this proposal, in fact, since 1963 it is considered that this is a gradual turn towards detente, yes, when the parties, realizing that it is impossible to continue to escalate the situation without an agreement, to flex their muscles... and that is, the arms race must
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be led in some direction, so little by little, little by little a turn towards detente begins, here we can recall the meeting between kasygin and johnson in glasgow in 1967, when the soviet union, well, unsuccessfully, but offered his mediation services, for example, on vietnam and other agreements in the late sixties, just the signing of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and of course the crowning glory of this is the detente of the late sixties, seventies, when many agreements were reached on limiting strategic weapons, in particular on the limitation of strategic weapons on the joint peaceful use of outer space and so on. escalation on the one hand was inevitable, on the other hand no one needed it, both the parties understood everything perfectly well, the situation was a dead end, but the rise to power of leonid brezhnev in the ussr, richard nixon in the usa became an opportunity for both countries to learn lessons from the cuban missile crisis. serious
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negotiations began at the end of the johnson administration, it's just that everything shifted a little there due to the events in czechoslovakia, the visit was postponed, johnson planned to visit the ussr, in the end it was not he, but his successor, nixon , who became the first american president to come to moscow, well, well, johnson was unlucky in this regard, after all, the burden is on him responsibility for vietnam hung, so the democrats lost. with the names of nixon, kissinder. the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet union, andrei andreevich gromyka, played a special role in bringing the two countries closer together. his role in the detente of the seventies cannot be overestimated. his personal memoirs are an indicator of this . he recalled that when various negotiations were underway from 1968 to 1973 about... easing yes - in
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various areas of tension, then, as he himself wrote, the number of documents, papers, regarding these issues, could be compared with mount man blanc, therefore - his role, the role of his department is very difficult to overestimate. the strengthening of the soviet union's position throughout the world was obvious, in asia, in africa, in eastern europe, even in western european countries there were quite strong communist parties. the situation was moving systematically. towards a rapprochement between the two countries, but before negotiations with the united states , brezhnev first visited paris, where he signed an agreement on cooperation and peace. the americans, and, successfully developing their nuclear program, somewhere by the mid -sixties they had accumulated colossal stockpiles of nuclear weapons and calmed down, thinking that no one could catch up with them, but the soviet union... by
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1971 already had almost half the nuclear stockpile of the united states. the americans were terribly worried. and they themselves and their allies france and britain were forced to vigorously develop nuclear weapons, and even in the conditions of the west's buildup of nuclear weapons, the soviet union began to overtake them. in 1972, by the beginning of negotiations, the ussr already had more than half of the us nuclear stockpile, despite the growth of the nuclear stockpile.
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thanks to the achievement of strategic parity, that is, the americans no longer felt their superiority, the soviet union more or less caught up with them, yes, in terms of the number of warheads, in terms of the number of carriers, well , again, not exactly, yes, because the americans began to develop and use, for example, missiles with multiple warheads earlier , but well, what is called parity, yes, which of course made the us more flexible, plus you can’t drop them. the factor of western europe, and the turbulence in relations with european nato allies. and first of all, we need to remember de gaulle, yes, his rebellion, yes, his withdrawal from the nato military organization, an attempt, and to negotiate separately, including with the soviet union and with the countries of eastern europe, that is, the europeans, who
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were trying to run ahead of the locomotive, also needed, well, as they say, to throw a bone, somehow get ahead of them, wrest the initiative from them, so the americans also went to negotiations for this reason. on the eve. visit of the seventy-second year, the ussr ambassador to the united states privately informs his american colleagues that the avid car enthusiast brezhnev would certainly be happy to receive a cadillac eldorado coupe as a gift. the luxurious, new, expensive car was delivered to moscow by a us air force transport plane. on the eve of nixon's visit, negotiations were underway, and about lenvich, who loved cars, and to ride them. personally present a brand new cadillac from the united states, and during these discussions, when already everything was being prepared at such a detailed level, and a very unpleasant situation for such important negotiations is happening: the americans are carrying out a bombing attack on hanoi in vietnam,
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actually this bombing, it, ae almost became a stumbling block, because of the escalation of the conflict, where the ussr acted on the side of the viet cong, north vietnam. the us is striking them and could have disrupted everything, but again, what we have already talked about, the need for such negotiations, such a detente, which was sought in both washington and moscow, it was still higher than some situational conflicts, also no less significant, but still, and could not retreat anywhere, the negotiations took place, the visit took place, the usa in the ussr, if you do not count the arrival of franklin roosevelt at the yalta conference in forty-five. brezhnev
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did not go to meet nixon at vnukovo airport. this was done by podgorny and kasygin, however , the presidential couple and part of the american delegation were accommodated with the count in the kremlin. the visit. by us president nixon to the soviet union, it was a big breakthrough, after tension, after the aggravation confrontation between the soviet union and the united states of america, and such a visit, such relief was needed. nixon had visited the ussr before, but in a different capacity, not yet as the president of the united states, and the visit there, it was not very productive for the entire delegation of the united states of america, this visit had been prepared for more than 4 years, all the documents were being prepared and... even during the visit, a number of documents were to be signed there on may 25, the signing of these documents was postponed there to may 29, because during the visit itself, there was a discussion, there was a debate about these documents, they continued to be coordinated between departments,
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world detente and stabilization of relations, the first step towards each other, this visit was of great importance for this, of course it was very important... the states of america, because the soviet union at that time was a space country, it was a country that had nuclear weapons, a developing country, the us also had an active space program at that time, also nuclear weapons, but the us was starting to have big internal problems, in first of all, it was an aggravation against the background of the war in vietnam, and the united states needed more, to seek a compromise, to seek some common ground, because the domestic political situation in the united states left much to be desired, they were also very interested in these negotiations, so it was not only a breakthrough for the soviet union, for moscow, it was a big breakthrough for washington. the visit plan, of course, was scheduled down to the hour. the host
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side worked to ensure that the americans left a favorable impression of the trip. a special program was developed for president nixon's wife, patricia. they settled the nixons in the kremlin in apartments next to the armory, which happened very rarely and was considered a special honor for a foreign guest. for the first time in history, the usa was raised above nixon's residence in the kremlin next to the ussr flag. the early morning of may 23 became the first morning in world history when an american president woke up in moscow. a little later , nixon went for a morning jog around the kremlin. he ran past the huge bell and the tsar cannon and reached the monument on the pedestal of which lay fresh flowers. here the thirty -seventh president of the united states stopped and gazed at the statues of lenin for a long time. although nixon lived in the kremlin, he did not discuss with his adviser. to
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talk to the adviser, nixon used his special soundproof armored limousine, which was always parked inside the kremlin. in it, he locked himself with kissinger to discuss negotiating tactics. henry alfred kissinger is rightfully considered, i believe, one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century. this is true, he is a master of american politics, american diplomacy, the architect of relations between the united states and china, which for us almost turned into a war with china, and the building of relations with the soviet union exclusively in favor of, as they say, the united states, all his positive and positive statements about the soviet union are statements: of a man who treats his mortal the enemy, that's exactly how it should all be assessed,
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but he really is a major politician who made a huge contribution to the development of soviet-american relations, including relations, to the easing of international tensions, of course, the americans did not go for it because they had a good life, the war in vietnam seriously undermined them, they actually lost the arms race, and something had to be done urgently, hence the easing of international tensions, arms reduction treaties, and so on. the american press wrote that nixon was given the most luxurious of the soviet cars, a representative limousine zil-114. the rest of the american delegation got only seagulls. all the buildings on manezhnaya square and pashkov house were painted. kropotkinskaya square was improved, vernadsky avenue was widened and reconstructed. workers laid new asphalt on it around the clock. several dilapidated houses from the 18th and 19th centuries on makhovaya street,
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standing between the lenin library and the kremlin, were simply torn down. as soon as the snow melted, trees and bushes were planted there, which is why the place was named "nixon's lawn". in a large ceremonial event was held in the kremlin palace on the occasion of the reception. in addition, trips to the theaters and visits to various were planned. alexander godunov, who later , under president jim carter, would ask for
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political asylum in the united states during a tour in new york, but this would be several years later, was invited. on may 27, kissinder turned 49 years old. in the morning , the head of the kremlin security presented him with a large celebratory cake to applause. brezhnev personally congratulated the birthday boy, and the leaders of the two countries exchanged gifts. nixon received as a gift a hydrofoil boat. we declare dreamfest 2024 open dozens of artists from the most.
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deed, your loved ones will be proud of you, join yours, serve under contract. on may 29, 1972, on the initiative of the soviet union, brezhnev and nixon signed joint documents, the foundations of relations between the ussr and the usa, which laid the foundation for the process of detente. the agreement implied the prevention of the threat of war by joint forces, the creation of conditions for defusing tension, strengthening global security, as well as trade and economic ties, cooperation in the scientific and technical cultural fields. the document came into force, which is very important, immediately on the day of its signing, and the document regulated that , first of all, this is the prevention, i... war, respectively, arms limitation, and the us for the first time agreed with the soviet plan
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for the peaceful coexistence of these two systems, and the us signed it, but in addition to the fact that the countries agreed among themselves - to limit and slow down the arms race in every possible way, respectively, this concerned the air defense system of both countries, this concerned the system of nuclear weapons of both countries, the treaty also provided for such as it seems not very important, but the points characteristic of that time, such as trade and economic ties, of course, this was also a big breakthrough, the agreement reflected cultural ties, intentions to expand relations in flights, transportation between the ussr and the usa, that is... vectors were outlined for not only just peaceful coexistence, yes, but for the development of trade, the economy, in the context between the ussr and the usa already
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as equal trading partners, there was also a big breakthrough, this was also very significant. brezhnev and nixon agreed to reduce strategic offensive weapons and signed two landmark agreements: an indefinite treaty on the limitation of anti-ballistic missile systems , a temporary agreement on certain measures in... because if a country has acquired a high-quality anti-ballistic missile defense, then in general it can already attack itself without fear of a retaliatory strike, 200 carriers
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and two opposition regions were declared, one of which is necessarily the capital, well , that's actually the point, the fact is that the nuclear arms race has gone so far far, that in the soviet union in the united states of america, and not only, seriously feared an uncontrolled escalation of the conflict from... some kind of accidental failure, so it was necessary to put this issue under control, and the soviet government went for it. from the moment of signing, the usa and the ussr could have no more than two missile defense systems to protect the capitals and one of the basing areas of strategic systems. and they could not deploy systems to protect the entire territory. creation, testing and deployment of anti-missile systems sea, air, space and mobile-land-based, as well as their transfers. to other states was not allowed, the number of launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles-land-based was limited, the launch of new
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systems was prohibited. an agreement on this was reached in seventy-second year during nixon's visit to moscow, when they discussed this salt, yes, that is, these negotiations were on the limitation of strategic weapons salt1, then, in fact, negotiations were underway on the limitation of pro, yes. the basis for the creation of the mir station was precisely the soyuz apollo program, it was really prepared for a long time, we can talk for a long time about
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the ideological significance, which... of course, both sides in every possible way fueled, against the backdrop of international detente, against the backdrop of the us and the ussr moving towards each other, and we know that according to the plan, after the docking of the two space objects, so to speak, the american and soviet cosmonauts were supposed to shake hands, flying over moscow, well, this happened there in another place, yes, despite these are the ideological messages that this program gave, first of all it had great significance, great weight, technological, because at the time of the start of this program, at the time of the flight itself, the soviet union and the usa, they held approximately such parity in space, after all in sixty -first year yuri gagarin flew, the soviet union broke ahead in the space sphere, but the americans 10 years later made up for their,
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so to speak, missed opportunities in space, landed the first man, neil arstrag on the moon, and the soviet union was also interested in exchanging these technologies, and this was of great importance for maintaining parity in the still unexplored space, that is, in space, there was a complex, important process, which had been prepared for many years before, there were discussions, and that everything went.
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the question was raised about the amount that the soviet union should pay for lenlis, and the united states of america set the amount at about a billion 200 million dollars, accordingly , it was very difficult for the soviet union to pay this amount, the invasion entered personally kosygin. who was not allowed to these negotiations with the us president , it was not brezhnev who conducted the negotiations, but kasygin himself , only kasygin discussed all economic issues, and kasygin put forward, what is most interesting is the sum of 200 million, that is, you understand, many times less, the united states could not agree to this, that is how they bargained, first kosygin said, well, okay, we are ready to give 100 million more, and nixon answered him, you say you are a very businesslike
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person, and the us grew threefold. with the help of the united states, a nitrogen plant was built in the ussr fertilizers, soviet agricultural machinery was sent to american farms. it was the heyday of brezhnev and nixon's detente. nixon began to be called an honorary citizen of moscow. in may 1972, the us and ussr delegations negotiated for a total of 42 hours, of which brezhnev and nixon spent 16 hours talking
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face to face. and the first step toward relieving global tensions, some experts even considered the signing of the treaties ending the cold war: a handshake, champagne, toasts, this scene with some variations had become familiar, even routine by that time, when the summit came to an end. you can deal with nixon, - summed up brezhnev. now we need to prepare for a return visit to the united states. what is a miracle? is it something? bright,
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stayed at camp david, the residences are located 100 km from washington. 30 minutes by helicopter. in washington, the soviet leader lived in the spacious government mansion blairhouse. the front pages of the newspaper were covered with photographs of nixon and brezhnev in an informal , friendly atmosphere. brezhnev visited the white house, the home of the american president in california, nixon held a reception in honor of. among the guests was ronald reagan, who would take over as us president in 1981. brezhnev received a cowboy belt as a gift. densek loved westerns and even received a pair of revolvers from chuck connors, the star of cowboy films. brezhnev was also presented with a second american car. this time, a lincoln continental. a fancy dark blue sedan. the engraving on the dashboard of the car read: in good memory with
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best wishes. before sending the gift to moscow, densek decided to check it out. and invited nixon to sit in the passenger seat and ride together. the lincoln continental headed towards one of the narrow roads near the camp david residence. the us president was seriously scared. brezhnev did not even think to slow down before the steep descent and did not react to the sign for a slow dangerous turn. the general secretary approached. he would tell brezhnev later. but the main goal of the meeting this time, of course, was to sign documents to prevent a nuclear conflict. during his visit , leonid brezhnev said that... cold war finished. journalists noticed
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one funny moment on the balcony of the white house. brezhnev started whispering something to nixon. and nixon didn't know russian, and brezhnev didn't know english. however, nixon played along and started nodding. brezhnev and nixon completely left ideological issues in the country. communism, capitalism. there are two states, two superpowers. and they should have their spheres of influence. and then there will be a peaceful world. pleased with the results. brezhnev returned to moscow, it was during brezhnev's visit to the united states that the non-proliferation agreement was signed nuclear weapons, but this was meant not only between the ussr and the usa, and concerned third countries, that is, the ussr in its zone of influence, watched this, the usa in its, so that nuclear weapons did not appear there among their allies, and this was also of great importance, well, and if so, it is also logical to follow further down the chain after the visit, in novorossiysk in the seventy -fourth year the pepsic cola plant opened, and
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of course, this was not a one-sided act, because in the united states, on the basis of the pepsic cola company's capacities, yes, it began russian vodka is produced, and accordingly, the popsicola company sold, under license from the soviet union, soviet, russian, whatever you want to call it, vodka in the united states of america, in this. us business was also very interested and it achieved this. docking in space between the american shuttle and the soviet spacecraft and even a joint film "blue bird" was planned. meanwhile, for the american president this was not an easy time. the hearings on the watergate case had already begun, was investigated. an attempt to install
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a listening device in the democratic party headquarters in washington during the presidential election campaign. however, nixon was going to visit the ussr for the second time. they began to unravel this case , all the threads began to lead to nixon and his administration. a very large investigation began into nixon's position and the principle of his presidency was called into question. subsequently, we know that in august of 1974. and he, he was impeached, he resigned, yes, this is the only such case in the history of the united states of america, but, despite everything, he went to the soviet union, ae. most likely went with the aim of diverting attention from domestic political problems to the external contour, because detente continued, the coordination of treaties, agreements of various on the limitation of strategic offensive weapons were also in the process of trying to
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focus on these things, on reducing the aggravation in the world arena. the leaders of the two states met in june of the year, when nixon arrived in moscow. during the visit of the us leader to moscow, agreements on cooperation in the field of scientific research and on limiting underground nuclear tests were signed. but less than 2 months later, after his second visit to the soviet union, richard nixon was forced to leave the presidential post and politics due to the watergate scandal, but the course for detente in the us was not rejected. in november 1974, leonid brezhnev received the new us president gerald ford in vladivostok, taking into account previous tense decades between the countries and breakthrough decisions made at meetings with president nixon, now each new meeting of the leaders of the ussr and the usa is perceived as historic,
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much is always expected from it. a military airfield was prepared for receiving the high-ranking guests , an hour and a half drive from vladivostok. the leaders of the two countries both delegations traveled to vladivostok by train, where the first negotiations began. seeing a huge snow field outside the window, ford complained that even a little snow was difficult in washington. brezhnev jokingly promised to send him russian snowplows. the negotiations took place in the modest setting of the ussr ministry of defense sanatorium. realizing that the kgb was not asleep, the americans, despite the terrible frost, held all important meetings in the courtyard. on the last day, brezhnev gave ford his portrait, carved out of wood. ford gave leonid leuch his wolf vest, and in return received a fur hat from the general secretary. today this relic is kept in the gerald ford museum in michigan. the vladivostok agreements were the most important step towards limiting
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the arms race. they established clear and equal long-term limits for the number of strategic weapons carriers, the ussr and the usa. for the first time. including long-range bomber aviation. under ford, salt2 was still discussed, that is, negotiations were conducted, but ford was still a temporary figure, he was forced to take into account that he had to go to the elections, he became president after the invasion scandal, yes, when the authority of the administration was undermined by the republican, he was quite cautious in this regard, that is, there was the vladivostok meeting, they talked about a lot of things, but still - since the mid -seventies, detente has been in decline, of course, and this was before raven, especially strongly , of course, under carter, after ford. in august of 1975, leonid brezhnev arrives in helsinki to sign another important peacekeeping document, the final act of the conference on security
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and cooperation in europe. this is the pinnacle of the development of the yalfa peace, all ideological definitions are abruptly removed from the act. the helsinki conference formulations, this is also one of the dimensions of detente, and here, of course, the europeans were very active, and in the sixties there was the bucharest session, the consultative political committee of the warsaw pact organization, at which the bucharest declaration was adopted, which , among other things, spoke about the need for a pan-european conference on... danger and by the end of the sixties some western european countries, us allies in nato, they began to very actively support this idea, that is, it matured, here met with understanding in the west, yes, although the initiative came from the east, in the seventies a meeting was convened at
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which several packages of issues were discussed, well, everyone knows, the first and third , these so-called baskets, yes, the first on security and borders, the second on... human rights, well, on humanitarian aspects in general, well, the most well-known thing is that human rights, as if the widespread opinion that the soviet union exchanged, yes, the recognition of the post-war borders in europe for the adoption of these provisions on the observance of human rights, although in fact the soviet union very actively participated in the development of these provisions on human rights, it's just that we always emphasize some political rights, and the soviet union was very active, well , the soviet delegation worked in terms of economic rights, common inalienable ones. which we promoted, of course the west used the provisions of the final act of the helsinginsky conference, dissident groups appeared in eastern europe, the helsinginsky ones, which demanded observance these very rights, that is, well, here the west outplayed the soviet
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union in terms of propaganda, that is, it turned out to be a stick, well, like the whole detente, actually, detente did not mean reconciliation, yes, it meant continuing the struggle by other means. on may 12, 1976 , the moscow helsinki group, a non-governmental public organization, was created. the statutory goal of the group is to promote the practical implementation of the humanitarian articles of the final act of the helsinki conference on security and cooperation in europe, in 1979 at the meeting of the leaders of the usa and the ussr, veneni made another important step, the salt-2 treaty was concluded. brezhnev signed this document with the next us president, jimmy carter. salt-2 is actually a development of salt-1, but it provided for the reduction of strategic weapons not only silo-based, but also in the entire triad, that is, land, sea, air basing, that is , it was expanded, in addition,
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medium-range and shorter -range missiles were banned. the treaty was observed, although the us senate, under the pretext of the entry of soviet troops into afghanistan refused to ratify it. the collapse of the course for detente occurred already with the coming to power of reagan in 1981. my husband has never felt loved, a worthy member of this family. you will not be able to hurt him anymore, i suggest you take your rightful place in the company, you are the new chairman of the board of directors, your enemy is now ifakat, since he left your room that night and went to hers, maybe she is also involved, maybe she made a deal with shihmuz? mazlum, what is happening, get this away from me, kanim, my name is not majlum, my name is tayyar, morodok, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. meeting place, from monday at 14:00 on ntv.
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forever. dbank - he is one of a kind. andrei andreevich gromyka in the history of soviet diplomacy, a truly legendary personality. he headed the soviet mit for 28 years from khrushchev to gorbachev, and began his diplomatic career under stalin in the early forties, it was he who came the architect of the new relations between the ussr and the usa. all diplomacy of that time lay with the minister of foreign affairs of the soviet union, andrei gromyka. it was he who personally conducted the most difficult negotiations in the usa and the un. it was he who most often flew across the atlantic, and more willingly than with anyone else negotiated with american diplomats. our people call him diplomat number one. gromyka is a figure, a personality, one of the best, one might say, of our domestic diplomats in the entire history of russia, as he was called, mister no, because this man,
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firstly, he lobbied for the creation of the un charter. in which he actively participated and was the first to sign on behalf of the soviet union, namely gromyka, and he lobbied for the right of veto there, which he regularly used later, to this was added his tough determination and his assertiveness in defending the interests of our country. on all military issues, gromyka consulted with such a general vasiliev, a military specialist was introduced to him, with whom.
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stalin had some personal attitude towards ambassador litvinov, and secondly, that stalin had some choice, yes, between a young, energetic, competent, and very well-versed person, yes, between such a, as it were , also competent, professional, but old guard, in 1943 stalin removes litvinov and puts in the vacant position precisely gromyk, who
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had worked there before, of course, on his shoulders, and... there was work on preparing all the conferences connected with the united states of america, this was the tehran conference, the yalta conference, the podsdam conference, that is. gromyka took an active part everywhere. gromyka is a person, firstly, with a phenomenal memory, he remembered everything, he is a disciplined, firm person, but at the same time one of his most striking qualities was that he knew how to hint to his opponent, his partner in negotiations, the strong side of the soviet union, namely the army, the weapons, but not to do it directly, but very carefully indirectly mention it so that... so that his opponent would not be offended, would not become wary, would not stand up, would not leave the negotiations, this was one of really strong bright qualities of gromyka, that's what the western press wrote about gromyka,
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a skilled dialectician, a specialist in negotiations, unusually polite, as if he had specially prepared himself to free himself from human weaknesses, a man with an excellent memory, a keen mind and extraordinary endurance. gromyka himself... he is like a heavy locomotive that slowly but surely moves in a given direction and, crushing under itself with the power of its argumentation, stubbornly strives to achieve its goal. having a good command of english language, thunder. during negotiations he always insisted on translation, it gave an opportunity to gain additional time for reflection and thinking over the answer. sometimes he presented things in such a way that the opposite side began to see obvious advantages in
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the negotiating conditions. there were many contradictory difficult moments in the relations between the soviet union and the usa, but each time the fatal line was avoided through difficult diplomatic work, as andrei gromyka said, it is better to have 10 years of negotiations than one day of war, well here with gromyka, of course, you can't argue.
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hello, this is the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in dmitry's studio. a few hours ago , a counter-terrorist operation regime was put into effect in the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions, the decision to introduce it was made by the head of the fsb alexander bortnikov, as stated, in connection with the increase in the level of sabotage and terrorist threats from ukraine. the kiev regime has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of our country. as a result of the terrorist attack on the territory of the kursk region of the units of the armed forces of ukraine, became victims among the civilian population, the destruction of residential buildings and other civilian objects.


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