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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 11, 2024 4:20am-5:11am MSK

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please, read the protocol , sign here, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, nothing, he cracked it, oh no, he says, he didn't take any. wallet, i understand, okay, i'll go to sureno, take him the bag, let him look for it, i'll be back soon, come on, good morning, andrey alexandrovich, koshelev is bothering me, i accidentally found out that you put ksenia on the wanted list, you have complicated information, listen to me, major, if by 12:00 my... brother doesn't get out of the pre-trial detention center, then i
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'll publish these photos on the internet, you understand me, go to hell, who called, and so, at work, listen, al, here's the thing, do you remember, i didn't come home a few days ago, but i told you that i was hunting with the general, i remember, and what, forgive me, did i collect for you, not on any hunt? i wasn't, and where were you? in short, i was on a special operation, we were soon developing one blackmailer, so well and i, well, she, well, in short, gave me clafilin to drink, and i'm telling you seriously, i even have an expert report, show me, show me, only suren will slap you a thousand, if you need it, in vain you are so ... "i'm just
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interested in what happened next, she gave you a drink croophile and passed out, well she took some compromising photos of me, and what's on them, well i, i'm lying naked on them, where, well where, where, in bed, damn it, with whom, with no one, alone, alone. "skin, i don't understand, did you cheat on me, but tell me, look, am i a fool, or what, would i tell you that i cheated on you, if i didn't cheat on you, that you lie to me all the time, fell, but i'm telling you, i haven't slept with anyone, look at my eyes, look, look, i'm telling you the honest truth, i swear, forever, right?" stories and the main thing is everything
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time you're lying, first of all, i'm not lying to you, i'm bringing you up to speed on a secret operation, and i'm doing this so that you know that i love you, because you're the dearest person close to me, that's it, i've had breakfast, thank you, al, al, yes, al, yes, listen, al, al, yes, ah, so what, will they put me in jail or something, if? well, we'll prove it there, well, i went to that chick, i didn't go near her, there was some dude hanging around, maybe it was him, and who was that dude, he was standing behind her back, and then there was a fuss, he disappeared, and you can describe it, well, i'll try.
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vada, come on, call when he's asleep, or something, well, call once, maybe the person doesn't hear, nikolai ivanovich, this is valentin, and i brought groceries, he's silent for some reason. is the door open for some reason? oh, well, let's go in, they killed, it looks like our nikolai ivanovich. yes , i'll give it to him with tag. i've more or less settled the situation
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, but i have no idea what to do with general lesitsin, if koseli posts these photos on the internet, that's it, it will be such a scandal, with work. they'll kick you out, after all, it's not a career that's the most important thing in life, the main thing is that everything is fine in the family, and i won't disappear without work, i'll find something for myself, but where from koshulev found out that you put ksenia on the wanted list, that's the question, listen, couldn't your dasha leak it, and where is she now, i don't know, yes, kolya, well, what's going on with you again? i'm leaving, what happened, the artist starkov, you know, well yes, they killed him in his own apartment, i went, i 'll call you later, tell me what happened, good, great, tell me,
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local. the farmers brought food, starkov's body was found in his house, were they interrogated? ukhov is doing this now, let's go, at ease, and nikolai ivanovich lived alone, his housekeeper also lived, a girl like that young, yeah, and what was her name, great, hello, i don't know, we only saw her once by chance through the window.
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judging by the situation, starkov was a collector, they are cautious people, a stranger would not just break into their house. arizona. or maybe the housekeeper knew? maybe the housekeeper, it would be good to talk to her. so ol, go ask the neighbors. we'll do it. i found the victim's mobile phone. mostly all the calls are from moscow, but there are a couple of local ones. let's find out who the numbers belong to, and at the same time work on all antique shops. and collectors. well-known comb through, warn about the painting's kryzh, well, he has to sell it to someone, yes, come on, come on, good afternoon, hello, excuse me, what's your name? khurzov, ilya, ilya, nice to meet you, tell me, do you know nikolai ivanovich's housekeeper, and
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in general where can i find her? i only know that her name is lika, she rarely went outside, it seems to me that nikolai ivanovich hid her, hid her, why, maybe he didn't want to. the guy demanded that nikolai ivanovich i just went outside i heard how this called lika, there was no way, he said, she doesn't want to see you, leave, otherwise i'll call the police, well the guy got into a taxi and drove away, which taxi, i don't remember, there was a running line on the back window, that... tell me, ilya, can you describe this guy? i'll try.
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and i've been waiting for you for a long time. did we agree on a meeting? no, but i have some information for you. hello, through my friend i found out that this year your hospital has allocated money. three times more than last year, which means our cardiologist was right when he suspected zavyalov of stealing, also he said that zavyalov is in good standing with the ministry, excuse me, this is zavyalov, yes, i 'm listening to you, doctor gashko, come into my office, okay, he's calling you, if suddenly there are problems, contact me, thank you, maybe we'll go somewhere in the evening, to the theater or the cinema, understand me correctly, i'm married in a way, excuse me, i have to go,
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and what's going on here, an actor was killed, what? no happiness, who did he bother, can i go into the room, outsiders are not allowed, you know what it seems to me that i'm not an outsider, i'm very knew nikolai ivanovich well. i have been to his house many times. he has a lovely collection of paintings. you know, i
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even wanted to buy one, but he wouldn't sell it to me. what painting did you want to buy from him? you know, a small landscape from early kleiver, a field with dandelions. believe me, i offered him decent money, but he refused. what money did you offer him? $100,000. what a landscape, that's it. these are the exact words his housekeeper lika exclaimed when i mentioned this figure to her. so, the housekeeper knew, and by any chance she wasn't his mistress? you know, i have no interest in peeping through the keyhole, but i didn't like her right away. i understood perfectly well that her interest in nikolai ivanovich was entirely in his material situation. so she was, and nikolai ivanovich himself didn't understand it? nikolai ivanovich is an artist, an artist and, as we know, a people of harvest. he sincerely believed that she was his fan and adored his talent. well, what
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do you think of this place? yes, this is where this dandelion field hung. tell me, what about the other paintings is everything in place? kol. oh yeah, it seems to be in place, it seems to be, young man, what's the matter, it seems to be, shaved that's not enough, let's go and have a look anyway, hello, andrey aleksandrovich, it's already 12, no news from my brother, you're forcing me to take extreme measures, i can't talk now. do i understand correctly that you refuse to let my brother out, call me back tomorrow,
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stop feeding me empty promises, either you let my brother out today, or i'll post these photos on the internet, do whatever you want, i'll destroy your family, cop, your career is over, got it, that's it, the conversation is over, i have a meeting. sorry, suren, go on. but the housekeeper left traces everywhere, everywhere in all the rooms, her fingers, even on starkov's bed. did they make a composite sketch of the guy who came to starkov? yes, but there was an interesting story with him, i made a composite sketch based on the words of starkov's neighbor. so he turned out to be identical, similar to another composite sketch that i made based on the testimony. and who is this little guy? yes, one guy, vasya and i detained him on suspicion of stealing a wallet from a vacationer, in short, this is
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panko nadost said that some guy was hanging around the victim, here is his photofit, wait, guys, this is kostya fortovy, who is he? a thief, a pickpocket, well, he cut wallets at all sorts of concerts, shows, i haven't heard from him for 2 years. i haven't seen him, here you go, he showed up, i also found out that sarkov often calls the neptune restaurant, on the embankment, which, okay, so we'll act like this, kolya, you, as the only one who knows this lucky guy by sight, start looking for him and at the same time find out what taxi he came to starkov, vasya, here are all of starkov's moscow contacts, and i'll contact paromonov now, we'll go to this neptune, i got a call from the ministry this morning and they said that someone from the hospital is... snitching on me, isn't that you by any chance? i, only i'm not snitching, i'm trying
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to find out why i use expired medications in our hospital, and what did you manage to find out? and the fact that all the talk about a lack of funds is an excuse, and funding is in full, and even more. alla, let's each do their own thing, cure the sick, and i'll do my own thing issues of financing, yes. this year we have been allocated more funds than in previous years, but i used this money to order new equipment for the intensive care unit and did a major overhaul in morda. well, let's say a major overhaul. i saw it in the morgue, but there is no new equipment in the intensive care unit, because it hasn't been delivered yet, okay, we'll wait, but now i'm worried about the issue of expired medications, i've already placed an order, they promised to deliver it this week, there are still questions, no, i can go, go,
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i often came to live with him, she moved in, this the famous artist starkov was found dead in his house, and lika disappeared, listen, what a pity, what a pity, nikolai ivanovich was a good man, and can you tell me, to starkov, where lika lived, i don’t know, she wasn’t a local, she was probably filming something, or maybe one of the waiters knows, maybe misha, come here, please, vasya, write it down, starkov’s housekeeper’s name was liga korotko. ka, konstantin, find out who she is and where she’s from? come on, i have a doctor who works in the ambulance, she suspected that something was wrong with the medications, she ran to her husband, he’s in her
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works for the cops, did an expert analysis of the drugs. my husband works for the cops, and what 's his last name? goshkov? okay, bye, well, major, you asked for it, taxi company, dispatch, hello, girl, criminal police,
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captain somov, tell me, please, did you receive a call to the street 3 days ago? i'll check now, but no, there were no orders there, there weren't, tell me, if the driver picks up a client on the way, does he report it to you? no, of course not, one more question, girl, do you have a car with electronic advertising on rear window? we only have one such car, a unifont, yeah, thank you, you really helped me out, thank you. goodbye, you darned mole, you know, she was secretive and didn't tell anything about herself, i don't even know where she came from, and do you have her mobile phone, no, i've never seen her use it, did anyone come to see her
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, she had a boyfriend, he visited sometimes, and what 's his name, kostya, i think, this one, yeah, he looks like him, i think he did, yeah, he brought her flowers as gifts, she threw him out. i wonder, what did she dislike about him? she's at starkov's restaurant she picked it up, she didn't need anyone else. sonya, what happened? there's a body floating there. guys, there's a girl drowned here. help pull her out, disperse, police, comrade major, is that possible?
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there's a trace of a rope on her feet, they tied a weight to her feet and threw it into the sea, the rope was in the water, it got wet and came undone, then it floated away, i understand, general lesitsin is calling, general, kashko, what kind of pornography are you putting on the internet, your photos with a naked woman are on all the news sites, come on general, it wasn't me, i was set up, i'm all i'll explain so that in... hours i'll have a report like a charm, got it? and what does nifontak have to do with it, he lives quietly, calmly, works as a taxi driver, hasn't been spotted in the terminal, nifontov and fortovy, half-brothers, different fathers,
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one mother, i didn't know that his brother was lucky, i didn't either, i had to dig around, they have different last names, are you planning on living with me for a long time, what do you want to evict me from, it won't work, it was a setup, they deliberately slammed on the brakes and put their backside out, i had nowhere to go, so i crashed into them, give me sugar, if it weren't for me i would have had to sell you this house, with pay off the brothers, they then calculated almost a lemon for you, so sit down.
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portovat', stand, where, what are you doing, have you all gone crazy, what's going on, fordovoy, romi, are you still at home, what's that noise, lyuksya, lyusok, open up, in the apartment bandit, what kind of bandit is this, posota, what are you doing here, i'll tear you apart right now for real,
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what a height, how did he not break his legs, fortovy gamon, here's comrade general, what is this medical examination report? they gave me clafilin, and then took advantage of my unconscious state, well, these did it pictures, what the hell? junior koshelev is blackmailing me to let his brother out of jail, but i told him to go, so he got revenge on me. and how did you end up in bed with that woman? well, well, so what, well, i didn't think it was that bad, that i didn't think? i'm not so much concerned with the moral side of this matter. after all, whether or not to cheat on your wife is a personal matter. here, as they say, we are all not without sin, we were trotters. but i am
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deeply outraged by the criminal imprudence of my chief detective, whose love affairs became known to the whole city. vladimir ivanovich, forgive me, it won't happen again. okay, considering your previous merits, high crime detection rate, i'll try to hush this up, thank you, yes, but i can't not react at all either, so i'm giving you a severe reprimand by entering it in your personal file, there is a severe reprimand, decide to go, go, yes, urgently find me this killer starkov, yes, i'll get her from under the ground, vladimir ivanovich. get her, get her, the boss is gone for a long time, the conversation with the general is apparently difficult, listen, has his wife seen these photos? no
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i know, but i think not, but he will see, you can't hide something like that, he won't seem to care, well, how's the general, okay, girls, i'll take the chair from you, he got off with a light fright, well, what about starkov's murder, they took fartovy, he left, what do you mean he left, well, he just pissed off the balcony and disappeared like water, yes, i'll take him , i'll take the major, yes, i hope so. well, what do you think? well, maybe fartovy removed lika so as not to leave a witness and not to share the profit from the sale of the painting with her. well, let's say it's fortovy, but why does he need the painting? he still needs it sell to someone? so there must be a customer. there must be. moscow connections with takov raised? recently nikolai ivanovich rarely appeared in moscow,
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did not maintain contacts with anyone. not many days. yes, kol, did you find out where dasha lives, in which hotel, at koshelev's, and are you sure? okay, bye. hello, this is a hotel. tell me,
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does daria zhurbina live with you? she left her things in our hotel, and i need her phone number. death occurred approximately 2 hours ago, as a result of a blow from a heavy blunt an object in the temporal image, well, in short , they hit me on the head with a stone, there are documents , nothing, they found a wallet, but it is empty, no money, no credit cards, discount cards, and what is this? a map of crimea, 200 rubles for chibisov? even i will check, i need to find out what kind of fucking chibisov is this? hello, hello, you found me after all, you found me. why did you move in with
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koshelev? there was no place else. koshelev is connected with ksenia, and through her he tried to blackmail goshko. i didn't know that. but it was you who told him that andrei was looking for ksenia. but i didn't know they were connected somehow. "sorry, i didn't mean anything bad, dasha, come back to my hotel, why, i'm fine here, sorry, i need to go.
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good afternoon, hello, criminal police, yeah, tell me, please, is this your czech? yes, do you happen to know this man? yes, he lived in our hotel, i saw him, thank you very much, please, mr. komlev came. he was supposed to leave us 3 days ago tomorrow, when he lived in the hotel , someone came to his room, well, maybe he was in the hotel with met someone, excuse me, we don't spy on our guests, allow me, please,
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zaraza, then according to your legend, yes, so that she would notice him, he bought the most expensive carpet,
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yes, in short, he laid it on his horse, what year was this, well, 1815 or something, he laid it on the horse when he rode past her, yes, he stopped, got out. and what if you were the killer of the komliva? he kills him in order to take the key to the room from him, comes back here in order to take something, and i interfered with him, well, what is his height, what is his build? well, well, a little from me
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below, skinny build, mobile, scar, he had a scar on his hand, on his right, like this, lucky, about your height , thin. he really doesn't have a scar, but a scar could have appeared, well, maybe it's lucky, maybe lucky, how should i know, i didn't see his face, he was in baloklava, what was he looking for? so, finish here, if, well, let's go to the administrator, so, well, listen further, you, tell me, please, do you have safes in your rooms? oh, but we have a storage room, and citizen komleev is there didn't hand over anything? well, i need to look for a second, yes i did, and bring us, please, a minute, ours with luxembourg, what
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time are they playing football today, what difference does it make, they'll lose anyway, here you go, the knife is closed, thank you. heartily, well, what about the witnesses' bags, and we 'll draw up the papers. so, you have to steal nagashko's narcotic drugs, and what do you want to do with them? don't ask unnecessary questions, and what about
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purchasing the drugs, goshko is very insistent on this, calm her down, tell her that the drugs will be here soon will be, ok, i'll try. and i have good news, yes, interesting , maybe this week we'll get new medicines, great, so, as you can see, we're working under control, yes, and i hear your husband is having trouble, in what sense? well, what about these photos? they're relaxed, what a scandal, yes, you can't bring order to your own home, to your own family , you're telling me how to run a hospital, it's wrong, it's not good, i can go now, of course, go, well, paramon, you understand,
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that's it, come on, yeah... okay, come on, see you tomorrow, good evening, hello, al, it was. a setup, believe me, i
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had nothing with her at all, even lisitsyn believed me, i believe you too, i even believe that it was a setup, but i won't live with you anymore, i'm filing for divorce, wait, don't go crazy. i can't demand it from the devil, i've lost
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the moral right to do so because you made a laughing stock of me, al, let's talk, listen, let's not sort things out, i beg you, just leave, you won't regret it, maybe, i hope not, and what are you doing with murnaya? yeah, listen, pramon, can i live with you for a while , no problem, live, of course, why not? "i feel bad, seryoga, i feel bad
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, you know, i'm in deep trouble, i don't know how to live, i'm in deep trouble, what to do, i don't know, alma 's going to get a divorce, she won't let me go home, oh well, andryukha, we'll get through it, where the burden hasn't disappeared, and tomorrow i'll talk to alka, come on!" thank you, raman, for us, well, let's go, now, wait, we'll settle the score, korent, count us, please, one second, fig to myself, well, my wallet was cut, okay, seriously, where am i talking, well, in this, in this pocket my wallet was, current. karen, karen, listen, what the hell
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is going on here? my wallet was cut. yeah, that can't be. here, karen, have you seen anyone suspicious here? yeah, no, i think so, although no, lucky kostya was sitting there, drinking beer, then he got all worked up and left. that was definitely lucky, i swear to you, he's really brazen, he cut the chief of the criminal police's wallet, oh well, i found him out of nowhere i'll get it.
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all those in love with st. petersburg are united by a special sixth sense, it sharpens the receptors, makes all the organs work differently, helps to feel the beloved city in a new way. we do not pretend to be as accurate as textbooks and objective as guidebooks. our task is to collect the most vivid and personal impressions. the clock of the business center, named after the founder. for the city shows noon, business lunch time, it's time to talk about taste not at all about coffee onis tincture innovations of peter, modern st. petersburg is titled not only as a restaurant, but also as the cultural capital, and therefore taste for us is not only a gastronomic concept. on the ice of the anniversary, elizaveta tuktommysheva writes out wenzel, who felt the taste of victory as a child. at 12, the future world,
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european, and russian champion conquered the axel in 3.5 turns, the entire arsenal of triple jumps. the training is closely followed by the st. petersburg artist dasha fursey. a striking first step in working on a portrait, the center of which will be the imprint of the star skater's lips. a pair of skates and the whole world to boot. it seems to me that there is such a challenge in this phrase a certain one that athletes have to overcome when they need to have such courage, so it is present in your image. the workshop session is held on the eve of important competitions, so there are strict requirements for the natural base of the paints. it will be absolutely harmless. according to the author's idea, on one of the canvases lisa will appear as the snow queen, on the other - the princess disenchanting the frog prince. the swamps of st. petersburg help to believe in miracles. when you stand on the pedestal, you really
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want to kiss that very conquered medal, get closer to it, because medals. here with hard work, in st. petersburg, you feel your gut, and i like it madly, that everyone is free and you feel this freedom, this creativity, it just hovers somewhere in the air, those who love experiments, those who are not afraid to experiment, it seems to me that st. petersburg is perfect for such people , you can’t offend a real st. petersburg beauty with the taste of street food, especially if it is prepared in places with history, perhaps in... it seems to me that there is no way that’s the taste of when autumn comes without cocoa without chocolate petersburg on the path from physicists in the lyrics
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of a certified electrician petersburg set. katya smolnikova wanted to try on its shades on her lips. lipsticks and glosses with romantic names turned out: dawns of white nights, dates on fontanka, attics of petrogradka, easily recognizable colors of new holland, red bridge of alexandrinsky chairs for avid theater-goers, in katya's garden the empress's namesake discovered a scarce dark tone, and we decided to rely on some trees, on the park, that's what we came up with like this, and recently i was walking past a pastement and saw that the shade was really, really, really... similar to the shade of the pastement and it turned out to be such a coincidence, i would like the kisses that will be with lipsticks of petersburg shades to be sincere, romantic and very sweet. a petersburg kiss can happen on the kissing bridge, beloved by tourists, historically
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not at all romantic, but we will immediately recognize local lovers, for example, by their bag with klimt. i remember how i sat and drew skulls, for example, i remember how i... in this in the round courtyard i tried to rest between classes, well, what i ate there, it 's hard to remember in fact. dasha fursey remembers her time studying at the academy of arts, student life then did not include pickles. it was some kind of horror, these huge aluminum tanks, something was boiling in them, there was some kind of terrible smell, and then i became the rector, well, i say, well, we need to have a good canteen, so that every morning the students, well... if possible, were fed at least porridge, thanks to the rector semyon mikhailovsky, every morning students and teachers of the academy of arts now get free porridge and tea, sometimes he himself uses the innovation, although he respects rice less than buckwheat, i have buckwheat porridge, and with parmesan, it's by pull, we can't do without it
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, the artist's guaranteed breakfast strengthens not so much the body as the spirit, creates an important, almost family atmosphere at home in the academy. shagal came to us and he was already a famous artist, everyone solemnly waited for him here there, they sent for cognac, the table was set, he says, i want to go to the dining room, he came here to the canteen, looked around and said, it smells like my youth, cabbage, cabbage, stewed cabbage smells, that 's it, they tell him, what a reception, the cognac there is moldovan, he says no, no, that's it, i 'm all, i'm all. everything is as it was, the city is somewhat ascetic, of course, very selective, so i think that the attitude to taste, here too, such an aesthete. i would say. art is created by the author, but it gains strength only thanks to the viewer's perception, they believe in the erarta museum,
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they literally know how to feed the visitor with beauty here. the most delicious red in town. eclairs and signature shades are only part of the palette. the colors of ierart's pastries awaken aesthetic feelings already in the exhibition halls, and appetite is already in the buffet. but the popular delicacy with berry, pistachio, mango filling is prepared exclusively from natural. ingredients with an eye on the exposition. where there are picturesque eclairs, there is not far to musical ones, but for such ones there is already a philharmonic. how the sheet will sound in the evening is decided at the rehearsal during the day, or rather during the break. each orchestra member has his own cup in the service buffet and a common love for local eclairs. on the outside, they're an absolute classic. inside, there's traditional custard, but even the most sophisticated capital city touring performers line up for this combination. a mandatory pair
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of pastries goes to the conductor's room, and sometimes even further. my son is crazy about them, absolutely crazy about eclairs, he doesn't eat any other eclairs except for the philharmonic ones, but he just says that they're incredibly delicious , they often ask me to just bring them home to him after a rehearsal, i don't have any special preferences, i need... it is necessary uh to eat bread, black bread, it is a taste, uh, that i have treasured since my earliest childhood, i can’t eat anything without black bread, well, it simply reminds me of the taste of childhood about leningrad black bread, definitely black bread, it is a dutch oven, made in 1927, it has been working... non-stop for almost 100 years, it has 94 burners, the operator tunes each burner to its own tune, like
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a musical instrument organ, it produces 72 tons per day, the bread from this oven comes out with a crispy aromatic crust, but simply unification. the forty-meter food organ continued to sound during the blockade, the eternal flames of the burners remind us of the time when life and the taste of bread were the same. dark tops the rating of taste preferences and one of the most famous st. petersburg restaurateurs, black bread with milk, and a little salt. leonid garbar, an expert on the history of st. petersburg cuisine, is sad about bread for 14 and milk for 30 kopecks. but one of the hits in his new gastrobar is a sandwich with lard and black caviar. the capital-st. petersburg chic has always been different from the moscow chic, believes vice president of the federation of restaurateurs and ateliers. only in st. petersburg st. petersburg puvara because of the consumption of champagne, and the most important thing was
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that its consumers were officers and rich people, the puvara suggested a variant of the same sterlidi, but in champagne, well, imagine, in one of the most expensive wines, which most people can't afford, only in st. petersburg could something like this be born, a little sauce, borscht, then in... the hot stuff will come, dasha fursey's creative cuisine was developed on the edge of the edible, for the first time she paints not with paints, but with real food. cremrant, franz hals, rubens, our wonderful tlamans, who in turn sang the praises of this joy of life, the enjoyment of the taste of life, food. the portrait of a restaurateur comes out unusually appetizing, the best from the menu is put on a plate, and only then on canvas. in between, the artist also has time to appreciate the palette of tastes. fix the result with splashes of lemon and frame it, picturesque gastronomy.


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