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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  August 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:51pm MSK

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actor alexander semchev is a real people's favorite. notice him. different comic images of cult films then his talent played with all its facets in and tv series. later, the country watched with delight as semchev lost weight and from a fat man turned into an imposing one.
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semcha himself was always worried that he was perceived as a lightweight comedian, but he is a deep dramatic actor, a real hero-lover. semchev was never deprived of female attention either, he really liked that girls were pining for him and running after him. everything that semchev they didn't let him realize it on screen, he realized it in his personal life. alexander semichev, like many actors, in general, a... was distinguished by his love, especially in his youth, it is clear that he has several children, if he, probably, had not left me then, i probably would have slowed him down, and there would be no actor, well, maybe it 's good that he left me, that god does not give everything for the best, meet tatyana mozhennogo, the mother of alexander semchev's illegitimate child, the son was named in honor of...
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but despite the birth of the child semchev, well how to say, he did not create a strong family, he could not create a strong family, and after a while he abandoned both his mother and his wife and child and went to build his life further. leaving his samovar, that is, his family in his native tver province, semchev went to conquer moscow lightly, but the only thing we must give him credit for is that... and he did not
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forget about his son, although they did not communicate much there, but he regularly paid alimony, and until he was 18, as required by law, that is, this is not like the first option, here he at least showed some his male positions in the capital semchev was in no hurry to tie the knot again until he met costume designer lyudmila voronova, his passion was costume designer lyudmila voronova, and who gave birth to him ... fedora here semchev himself already admits that it was in this marriage, the birth of a child completely turned his consciousness and he realized, in fact, how wonderful these children are, and he tries to give fedora all his attention and sees in him an extension of himself. it seems to be a typical story: the eldest son from a student marriage, edokii mistakes of youth, the youngest desired, already conscious fatherhood, but in 2014.
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and there appeared, well then he was sasha, his nickname was a seed, here this seed appeared, and all the girls, ah-ah-ah, seed-seed, here this seed came up and invited me to dance, so i of course did not refuse him, that evening he went to see me off. so we began to meet with him.
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february frosts in vyshny volochok did not dispose to long walks under the moon, so alexander and tatyana very quickly moved in together. i lived. to do, as he brought me to his home, introduced me to his mother and sister and his, and i kind of started living there, of course my mother was not delighted all the time tells me:
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positively, here he said that we will give birth, and, and, summer holidays came, and i went to the city of pochip, bryansk region, to my parents, my mother did not know about the pregnancy, my father did not know, and no matter how i said it, i told my sister, the summer passed. "mom never saw my pregnancy, i went to vyshny volochok, uh, in order to continue further to study, so sasha took me, tatyana immediately felt something was wrong when alexander
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unexpectedly suggested going to visit his mother for some important conversation, the girl's heart sank into her heels, so he came and said that it would be necessary to go to her mother. there will be a serious conversation, i felt something was wrong and i forced him on the way to ask, to say what kind of conversation, the conversation was such that he was tired of playing the role of a husband, and he was leaving me, that it was necessary to get rid of the child, at that time i was already 6 months pregnant. here i am in tears, i went to class on september 1st, here the class teacher didn’t know about it, that he left me, and he started
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to congratulate us, as if, that our girls got married over the summer, here natasha is white, and here i am...
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pavel aleksandrovich mozhenov appeared. tatyana’s numerous relatives took up her upbringing. and when pasha was born, here my aunt told me that uh, we need to establish paternity, that uh, my niece knows who gave birth to her. so, when pashka was six months old, i filed a lawsuit. to establish paternity, to collect alimony from him, and he did not deny that it was his son, we did not do any dna, based on his
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testimony, the court recognized his fathers, paternity, we were given another birth certificate, where semcheva aleksandrevich was already written in the fathers. when pashka was 14 years old and he was getting a passport, he decided to take the surname of semchego. i explained to the child what it was. bryansk region in ballroom dancing, somehow
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showed himself in vocals. the boy tried not to miss a single film with his father, when he found out that the moscow art theater named after the czech republic was coming to bryansk on tour, he begged his mother to buy a ticket. one day he came home from school, he was probably 13 or 12 years old, he came home from school, where he saw an advertisement that the theater where semcheva worked was coming on tour to bmz. uh, he came running, oh, uh, mom, mom, uh, dad is coming, to bmz, are we going? i said that i wasn't going anywhere, well, and galochka said, don't worry, machine, we'll go, and we went, you know, i was probably in the seventh or eighth grade, i don't remember exactly, and an acquaintance told me that makhat named
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chakhova was coming on tour to the city of bryansk, well , naturally, i persuaded my mother to go, tickets like they were all sold out, we had extra seats, they sat us down, like, in the first, second row on chairs during the intermission, and there was an intermission, i wrote to him on a piece of paper, not on a piece of paper, on a ticket. 12 years have passed or 13, it's not interesting, so the girl who was helping there, probably read this note and said, and he will be able to act after this, i said, well, he's an actor, he should, but when the second act began, i saw that he was looking around the hall with his eyes, he didn't have to... act, he was looking for us, but in the end the meeting at the end of this
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performance happened, yes, indeed i i was worried, but still the first meeting with my father, they came out to take a bow at the end, well i came up, handed him a bouquet of flowers, said: "hello, dad, stop, let's interrupt pavel's story at the most interesting place, hello, dad", the same phrase after the performance was to be heard ... and the famous namesake of semchev, alexander pankratov, black. sold out, in a packed hall the audience greets the artist with a standing ovation. on the stage is the people's, honored, beloved by all alexander pankratov black. blinded by success, fame and spotlights, he does not even guess who now she doesn't take her eyes off him. the ninth row, among the spectators is the unrecognized illegitimate daughter of the famous actor svetlana, the daughter greedily catches
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every movement of her father, as if there is no one in the hall except the two of them, tears treacherously flow from her eyes, her father belongs to everyone, but not to her, he has one grade under the lec, he always belonged to the general public, fans and other women, and she was a dark spot ... in the biography of pankratov cherny, a living reminder of the main mistake of youth, indirectly still became a participant in this nightmare. his illegitimate daughter and her mother are the first great love of the great artist. for many years pankratov the black was afraid that they would ever talk, kept silent about everything, or lied, he lies a lot, still lies, about a passionate affair, betrayals, a lost son, they brought me a half-dead one in a hurry. did not open up, immediately on the table, about his own daughter, whom he
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renounced forever scooped out of his life, what else do i need in life, why would i go to him, hit on him there, aunt, aunt cat, look out the window, as often happens with artists, his family happiness pankratov black once used for a successful career and leading roles, it was... not a board, some kind of humiliation with disgust together, like me in some kind of dirt, dumped everything, so his beloved turned into... a single mother, and a little daughter became a burden, that under the door to clench, what to ask? he left his poor relatives in brackets to become a favorite artist of a huge country. go to a monastery, stop sinning, you are killing yourself. they have not seen each other, it seems, a whole eternity, but now they are separated by a family drama the length of a lifetime, just a few meters,
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of course, i want, of course, interesting, i want to see him, to watch, that day the daughter of pankratov black. decided to break the cold wall of deadly grievances to take the first step towards the famous father, no matter what it costs, even on i listen, i was touched, why semchev's secret son wanted to raise his hand against his father, what the illegitimate daughter of pankratov black was silent about, what the illegitimate daughter of... sirowa hid for many years and why gaft was able see your brazilian son only thanks to ntv. watch in just a minute. premiere of the series about the 1980 olympics . to raise the olympic games is not a joke. it must be cancelled. the olympics will happen. the games. watch with the whole country right now
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on kinopoisk. the first international music festival dreamfest in baku the day of russian pop stars today at 22:00 on ntv. the meeting place
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is tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. since birth , little yulia has been fighting for the right to life. the girl was born with one of the most complex heart defects. in the first days after birth yulia underwent surgery, and this operation helped the girl survive. when yulia was 6 months old, doctors had to perform a radical correction of the defect, but during the operation it turned out that the threshold was much more complex and it was not possible to cure yulia's heart. the girl's parents found a clinic with doctors who were ready to perform a very complex operation. on an open heart to save yulia's life, for the operation to take place, it is necessary to collect 10 million rubles. i love my daughter very much, i cannot imagine my life without her. i ask you to help save our yulenka. please help save our daughter's life. we ask each of you to help save the life of little yulenka.
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provencal from the brand i love to cook! it will turn a good dish, fantastic! i i love to cook! buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions in a delicious point! and how are you at all? getting along, well, i'm flexible, i wish i could be like that, someone has to have a core, buy ashen red bird products and thousands of school supplies at bargain prices, ashen everything is profitable here is a sale, where did you buy megamarket, school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on megamarket, megamarket, school style, it's time to take care of your health, debikor helps normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism, per be in shape, let your health be normal. on her younger sister's birthday, yulia received a strange gift from her mother. the woman said that she had adopted her from the engels maternity hospital in the saratov region.
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say thank you that we feed you, give you something to drink, you are nobody to us, you are adopted for us. but the alleged siblings claim that their mother had no children except them. could your mother have given birth to another child? this could not have happened at all, there was a child, it was unlikely that it could have happened. to happen, besides, according to them words, the woman was a very loving mother and would never abandon her child. it was a close-knit family, we grew up in love, in affection, in care. so what happened 34 years ago in the maternity hospital of the city of engels? perhaps there was betrayal and she realized that the child was not from her husband, well , no, that did not happen, maybe there was some pressure from relatives. i open the envelope. dna. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. people's artist alexander pankratov black, a man
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of legends, a favorite of millions, a sex symbol of the eighties. there are many stories about his stormy romances they wrote in newspapers, even more were attributed, but only three are reliably known. in the high , very complicated relationship of the artist with the beautiful actress. black, in the theater wings they whispered, his love was enough for both. the people's artist himself once admitted that he would be absolutely happy if not for the black shadow of the past, which has been following him for many years. on the steep banks of the volga-mother , the ancient nizhny novgorod is freely spread out. the fruit of russia. at the beginning of his glorious deeds, the hereditary dashing cossack pankratov black comprehended here acting. stanislavsky said
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that the theater is a temple of art. now it has been made a temple. now people go to the former gorky theater school not to act, but to pray for their sins. there were no domes, nothing. the second floor was a technical school of light industry. young weavers, an explosive mixture, studied next to future artists in the technical school of light industry, so there is something to beg forgiveness for, it was such a sin that you will not wash away your whole life, here i met irina semikletova with alexander pankratov black, a poor student lived in a hill, counted copper coins, ate pies for 2 kopecks, if it had been many, many years ago, i would have gone... sasha, there was a door here, like in a closet, there was one room, here he rented
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a supposed corner, here he lived, into the closet to her beloved she was pushed at first by a loving tremor, when i ran, knocked, entered, and then by fits of jealousy, saw some girl. we lived together, we, we had a place, we, we slept together, we ate together, like supposed to be in the family, irina really wanted to give birth to a child for sasha, preferably a son. the first
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pregnancy, what happened there, they took me away, they took me away half-dead, i soon started bleeding, immediately on the table, what is there to report, everyone knew, the whole school knew, the doctors saved irina, but she lost the fruit of their love, i had a miscarriage, i lost it, for me it was a tragedy, and for him it was an empty space, the young pankratov cherny was busy with creativity at that time, when they were putting on... the inspector, he was making a script for the auditor for the play, played the role of the author, that's what he had in his head, that's all, the loss of her son was a terrible blow for the student irina, the future people's artist finished off her indifference, but he didn't react in any way, he wanted to leave, well, he was a little boy, he was 4 years younger than me, what kind of child? his head was
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filled with other things, soon after these events irina will go to practice in simferopol, her dear friend mokratov cherny, will stay to live with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. i was waiting for him, in simferopol, and he sent me a letter, sent 30 rubles, kiss you tightly, husband, husband, i sent him money from every salary, but simferopol, it seems. was not included in the creative plans of the aspiring actor, at that time, having graduated from college, he went to syzran, without going to simferopol he started an affair there with a hidden actress, i was told about it. evil tongues told irina this news when she was already expecting her second child from her beloved sashka. i can't forgive this. irina will never tell her young husband about the pregnancy. if he doesn't...
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my grandfather, nikolai petrovich, in principle, without thinking, he simply wrote his patronymic, at that time, since he was a big boss, he simply said to do it, they did it. pankratov cherny learned that he had a daughter in nizhny novgorod too late, when the stage took over his whole heart, and because the man already lived differently, he did not live
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with his family. he lived with his own career, he began to make a career with the help of women and so on and so forth, and he had no time for me at all, i play there, i only sent money , everything. open jardin gold, enjoy it rich aroma balanced taste. feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold.
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all these people have stopped being shy. meeting place, new season. every time kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive. tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. miracle, premiere, august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells. fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation, phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging 96 capsules, i read everything over the summer, i completely cleaned the apartment, now i boiled a kettle for you, the cat, look, i taught you, now you will buy me everything, you want a lot, you will get a lot, children's t-shirt juunion for 149 rubles on yandex market, alfa bank, the best bank.
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for 349, ultimate shop loafers for 759, get ready for school with installments without overpayments, dirt, darkness, nothing human, pasha, i already told you, i live and live like this. very long time, yes, and you want me to live like this, not assigned to take you into development, normal, pash, this is our city, you and i will live here, you must start cooperating, do you want me to bring my friend under the article, or i will press her so much that it will not seem like a little, you know me well, whose side are you on, nevsky, serious matters await us, tomorrow 20:00 on ntv, becoming moscow az...
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and so on and so forth, first come yourself, i will arrange for you to masen, then urgent photos sent svet. it is difficult to understand, but easy to imagine. at the first call irina dropped everything, left her daughter. to her parents wings of love flew to him in the capital, he invited me to moscow, probably to make amends, but hopes collapsed when she entered his home, seeing how he lived, and an empty suitcase with white pants and dirty socks, does not mean that the man is very rich, and that he can support a family. assessing the situation, irina realized, the hero of her first. novel is no longer her hero. and where would he take me? where? why ask again if there is nothing in the eyes anymore. while she was thinking about the eternal, pankratov black left her alone, referring
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urgent matters. he left me alone in a rented apartment and left. she waited for him doomedly until late at night. he shows up at night. i open the door. there is a wallet and lots and lots of money, i take this money from the desk and throw it in his face, get dressed and leave forever and she ran away from her famous husband without looking back, i had only one thought, to leave quickly, to leave from all this, to leave so that i would never see any of this again, that's it, she wanted to quickly erase him from her memory the evil eye gave her heart. it was not pain,
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some kind of humiliation, disgust, we are together, it ’s as if i was dumped in some kind of dirt, that’s it, she didn’t need his money, she needed a loving husband, the father of their daughter, of course it’s hard, there were nights when i cried into my pillow from longing, this is still youth, my blood was playing, i didn’t just need a man with whom i... forgive me, slept, and he left, i myself needed a father, when svetlana grew up, my mother found the strength to admit, if you want to see your real father, go to the cinema, i felt solemn, my daughter, i have to talk to you, well somehow i found out, the first time i remember going to watch this cruel romance in the cinema. well, that's all, i think, that's it, i watched it, no way,
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it didn't evoke any associations with me, well yes, there are rows on the screen, i'm in the hall, where the connection is, then she didn't feel the connection with the movie star, but the aftertaste remained, when i got older, a stupid woman, i think i shouldn't have stuttered at all, the girl wouldn't have had this... the child of a famous actor, first
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svetlana went to moscow to see her father, the performance had accumulated fatigue after all the heaviness of all these days, the intensity of these passions, emotions, memories, all together, but i did not decide to take a step forward, pride did not allow, here to break through and say something, but no, i have already turned out so that we were. confused in the end and the person was set up, the most important thing is that this story simply ended, everyone lived in peace, harmony, so that they no longer remembered, it was like a bad dream, aleksandr vasilyevich and his family and all of us taken together, perhaps this is a worthy ending to our story, but this ending turned out to be open, soon journalists persuaded svetlana and her son roman to make another attempt to meet the people's artist at the moscow airport. hello, yes , good.
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did not cross paths, they came out to bow at the end, well, i came up, handed over a bouquet of saints, said: hello, dad, still a child pavel mozhenov was very worried about how the star father alexander semchev would react to his unexpected appearance, he was in shock, i don't know why, but ... maybe the same face with kirill, with
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his brother, with mine, it turns out, well, we are very similar, maybe he thought it was kira, he invited us backstage, we talked behind the scenes, no matter how negatively he was disposed, so we exchanged phone numbers, he promised to call. but he didn't call, but pashka called him periodically, and then he decided that he wouldn't be intrusive, and kind of cut off contact. the final straw was the actor's refusal to come to an important event for the guy, graduation, yes, you know, as far as i heard, his father even attended kirill's graduation, although he and his mother were already in divorce, since i invited him to my
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graduation, my father did not find time to show up, said that for the city... for our small town it would be a big shock that such a famous person as he would appear on the screen, not on the screen, in public. pavel grew up to be a real man, steadfastly endured his father's indifference and went his own way. we are in the odd neck of the bryansko-orlovsky station, bryansk branch of the moscow railway. i have been working here as a track fitter for the second year, before that i worked in the unechskaya track section of the same the same bryansk branch of the moscow railway, well, my total experience in the summer will be 10 years, as i work as a fitter. pavel certainly has artistic genes,
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but they could not drown out his love for trains. i like trains, i dreamed about it since childhood. well, i did not become a machinist, but decided to devote myself to the tracks, the track is the basis of railway transport, he initially told me that he wanted to be a railwayman, but my mother became an athlete, my mother needed a medical school, so when summer came, i told him that pash, like there would be none, but still you need to get at least some education. so he entered the railway school in the conductor department, i told him: all my life on the road, all my life on the road, well, nevertheless, he went to be a conductor, then i kind of
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found out again and let's be an assistant driver, he told me: no, an assistant... i will not be a driver, if you insist, and i will go to these assistant drivers, it will be the same as with medical school. tatyana is proud of her son, so when in one of the interviews alexander semchev unexpectedly declared, that he had only two sons, a fury flared up in the mother's heart. i told everyone, you either talk about all the children, or you don't talk about anyone. i say, if you say again that you have two sons.
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the eldest. in 2014, when alexander semchev celebrated his forty-fifth birthday on television, the editors prepared a surprise for him, brought pavel and tatyana. but alexander refused to meet his son, and when he ran into him at the door, he walked past. oh, when he walked past me, there was resentment, there was anger. and a wild desire to hit. like in in the famous corner of durov, a squabble began over a multi-million dollar inheritance, why did everything go to a poor, forgotten relative, why after the death of the great maris liepa
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, galina brezhneva's gold chain was sought from his secret wife. watch in a minute. welcome to the new entertainment. for the whole family, a miracle, we are bloggers, i act in films in tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups? 2.0 times, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show off their skills and talents for the whole country. new show, miracle with arseniy popov from august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. two components of phosphagliv help not only to restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package. 96 capsules, are you still thinking about the ideal home, it's time to switch to domclick to find housing for any, the most daring taste, with a mortgage for
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must always be ready to deliver a powerful blow, such that the enemy does not become, you will do a worthy deed, your loved ones will be be proud of you, join yours, serve under contract, i felt very offended for pasha, that...
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he shook hands without even saying hello, well, pasha of course held back so as not to be rude, but this story had an unexpected happy ending, when the spotlights went out and passions died down on one talk show, the spotlights came on and passions flared up on another. alexander semchev asked pavel for forgiveness right on the air, well, you know, not everyone likes it when they spoil him, when they spoil his day.
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constantly, well, before the program, of course, i saw all this, well, i had to watch in cafe, because i was at work, on business, so i had to wait for time and go into the cafe to ask for the tv to be turned on, some relief that, finally, my father recognized me, that he... is ready to communicate, that he is ready to call, to see each other somehow, after my father's public repentance , pavel also decided to take a step forward and invited the artist to the wedding. yes, in 2015 he proposed to the spouses, naturally informed my father that this way and that, we invite, not inviting, but inviting.
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after all, the wife is one whole, that's why we invite her to the ceremonial wedding, to which the answer was that, as with the graduation, i won't promise, but i'll try to come, naturally, none of this happened, the resentment was bitterly sucking at the lining of his stomach. but pavel was no longer a teenager, an almost married man, and decided not to act rashly. he hadn't thawed out yet, there was still resentment, and quite a strong resentment, well, we didn't call each other, naturally, but at that moment i made the first step, there, probably, not a step, but rather a jump, a jump towards, a jump,
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probably in a warm future after all, you know, hope dies for... on one of the programs, where they were talking to each other, here he addressed him as alelkavich, my voice is trembling for some reason. i
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think that i am not like him, i have this fatherly love for a child, i value my family, i live for my family, at the same time i do not forget about my mother, i try to help her somehow constantly about this, so i hope that someday my father will awaken these fatherly feelings for me, yes, he has fedya, he cherishes, loves fedya, fedya, like they say, he brings up something that neither i nor kirill received, that's it, but i think that someday this will wake up in him, that he will finally say, guys, i'm tired of filming, of performances, i'll go to my son, eat, three of me,
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i'll be gone for three days, that will be enough for me, that... he came for three days, so dad, what are we doing, we communicate, sauna, fishing, let's go to the lake, that's it, that will be enough. well, naturally, dad and i call each other, and i'm in moscow, you're very busy, when will you, when will we meet? son, i'm flying somewhere today
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the caucasus or the urals, i have a tour, i have filming, i can't do anything, i'll try to get away, one trip to the capital was especially memorable for pavel, that day my father managed to get away. i was driving from a business trip, well, naturally, we go home via kievsky station, i called my father, he was on some program, but the filming was already ending, he i was even surprised that he picked up the phone, i said: dad, my business trip is over, do you want to meet, my engine is running out now, and i'll try to make it to you, i went outside, already boarding. a heavy downpour started, a downpour, naturally, i think, well, where will father go, the coldest, first of all it was, literally
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5 minutes before the train departed, i see, he is walking, he is walking, water is pouring off him, he is tired, i go to meet him, hug him, the conductor who was in the carriage , she is in shock. "young man, go in, we are leaving, what, go in, my father came, i saw him, he came to me, he came to me, he did not come to this conductor, the father came to his son, this is what made me very happy, that finally i start to get to him, well, it was about 5 minutes, when..." they started having a good relationship, when pashka shares his joy with him, and sends him some photos, and
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congratulates everyone on the holidays, asks how you're doing, and why be offended, maybe somewhere deep down, of course, she... this offense is not forgotten, well, god said that we must forgive. tatyana admits that now she does not regret at all that she told the whole country about alexander semchev's illegitimate son. they call each other, if aleksandrevich is busy, he will call back himself, that is, if pasha called and he did not answer, he will definitely call back himself. happy holidays, and pasha congratulates him, and he congratulates pasha, sometimes he even congratulates me, and i congratulate him on the holidays, well, how would you say,
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in 2019, pavel had a daughter valeria, honored artist of russia alexander semchev became a grandfather, you know from old interviews that i watched, read in the newspapers, how he ... talked, he always wanted a girl, to braid hair, to play with her with dolls, with dishes, in kitchen, make kuleshchiki, well, i think that this will happen to him with his granddaughter someday, grandfather and granddaughter communicate via video link and due to the artist's busy schedule they have never seen each other in person, but they are looking forward to the meeting, he naturally answers all... messages, since our communication is warm, this is the most, naturally, he tries to send some kind of smiley, this is extremely rare, but naturally, i think that he is proud of his granddaughter, because constantly here is the first step, lera,
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we are filming, this is the most, lera, we are filming, he does the first some first steps, naturally he is proud of his granddaughter, there she sat on a bicycle or rode a bicycle on skates, then... the first step towards this, so to speak, a small success, but i think he is proud of it, because he all the time... sends, oh, what a clever girl , oh, well done, oh, my darling, yes, naturally, some beautiful dress, there was new year, she was a candy, naturally, she sent me a photo of her husband, i to whom, immediately to the father, yeah, father, father read, saw this very message, the photo, looked, oh, my princess, oh, my sweetie, well, i think that he still has more, he has warmer feelings for his granddaughter than for me. she
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is still a granddaughter. pavel himself is also very much looking forward to his father, secretly dreams of gathering his entire large family in his small homeland. i have plans, not our family, but i have plans to go to rogi to the beautiful volachok, and just meet everyone there. father, kirill, fyodor, there are two cousins, this is lena lvovna, my father's sister. so to speak, so to speak, because lera is the only one, after all. this the story got a happy ending, oddly enough, thanks to television. talk show studios, which have become real dna laboratories, are besieged by offended and abandoned mistresses of artists, who break into the television center to dump the most intimate details of their relationships for everyone to see. some managed to shame famous fathers in this way, and some were even more angry. i wanted
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revenge, i wanted, well, i wanted them to pay, i wanted to tell everything as it was, moscow coffee shop on poi, taste, pleasure, i love, i recommend, amazing check, sgrech card with prizes and a chance to fly to turkey for purchases from 600 rubles in the check. pyaterochka helps out, you do not decide which option you will get, but you decide what your future will be, go wherever you want with an educational loan from otber with state support, i will calculate payments right now nevsky new season, soon on ntv. moscow children's theater. animals or
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as it is also called, grandfather durov's corner. a unique circus founded back in 1912, the brilliant trainer vladimir durov, who became the founder of a whole dynasty of famous artists. the durov family, naturally, had been famous since the tsarist times, it was a famous church dynasty, so it... attracted so much attention, and of course, natalya durova, as the continuer of the family line, did everything to avoid disgracing her family name. natalya yuryevna durova, the great-granddaughter of vladimir leonidovich, devoted her entire life to training animals, she has been in the theater since birth, first entered the arena at the age of 5, in 9 received a work record book, as... an intern
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during the great patriotic war, together with her father , performed in the front-line brigades. hello, children, hello, and let's dance, let's dance, come on, hurry up, hurry up, eltosha, eltosha. the irony of fate is that i suffered from the durov family. i still remember, i was still a girl, i was in rostov, i turned on the tv to the soviet union, there were few interesting programs, like about animals, i watched all the programs, i remember durova, she was talking with some kind of parrot on her shoulder, i listened to her and thought, well cool aunt, who would have thought then, who would have told me then that life would bring us together like this, it's just unbelievable. inna solovieva is the failed daughter-in-law of the legendary animal trainer, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. natalya yuryevna was infinitely devoted to her work, came up with new acts, took on training animals that had never performed in the circus before, lynxes, coatis, hippos.
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she was constantly on tour and literally lived in the arena. it's not surprising that there can be no talk of a personal life with such a schedule, but cupid knows his business and he was waiting for the most inopportune moment. with mikhail pantelimonovich, and natalya durova met with all future young, at 19 years old, she stood behind the scenes, recently lost her mother, in a car accident, she somehow became emotional burst into tears, at that moment to her... natalya generally could not even think about anything like that. people's artist of the ussr, laureate of three stalin prizes to the stars of the house mikhail pantilimonovich balduman, was 36 years older than his chosen one, she was only 19, he was almost 56, because of such a huge age difference, many people thought this union was something unthinkable.
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of course, for many, the relationship between natalia dorova and mikhail pantelemovich, many perceived it with a grin, because there was. a very significant age difference, when they went to the registry office, at first they didn’t even want to register them, because and they told him, you’re almost 56 years old, and the girls are 20, well, what kind of thing is this, but they still didn’t give up and decided to seal their marriage in the church, got married, the couple was in no hurry to have children, the only and long-awaited the son was born only after 13 years of marriage, i once asked him about his parents, he began to tell in great detail about his father, that his father was an actor, here is mikhail balduman too, i am not a theatrical person at all, i had no idea, especially since this is an old galaxy, here is his father,
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his father gave birth to misha, when misha was born, his father was over 70, the son was named in honor of his father mikhail, ibalduman the elder, doted on his. and he simply shook over him, he simply shook to the point of being ridiculous, i found all sorts of different things in the attic in the house, various souvenirs, something like that, uh, a bag of hair, misha 's first haircut, well, it's normal, my mother did the same, i also
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cut off my daughter's first lock, well, i was smiling, i was smiling, okay, i go through things further, another bag, misha's second haircut, uh... okay, and misha's third, oh my god, up to 12 years old, up to 12 years old you could already shave your beard, a man, he collected his hairs and put them in a bag, well , what is this, is it normal, what is abnormal, this is not normal, mikhail balduman tried not to talk about his famous mother, if asked, answered sharply and briefly, when i asked about my mother, he said that... in a bad relationship and that it was a sore subject, that yes , my mother was alive, but in general in a bad relationship it was a sore subject and that i should not ask these questions, but i did not ask her, though he said such a phrase, i later remembered that she was an administrator at the durova theater, but for me
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then the word administrator, you know, in a hotel on each floor there are administrators, you know, at that time everyone had managers, administrators, these new words appeared, which... i thought, well administrator, administrator, i didn't think about it, i didn't connect it with the position of the manager. mikhail, in principle, grew up a very smart guy, he graduated from the biology department of moscow state university, he immediately said that he would not follow in his parents' footsteps, and he decided to become a translator, he had a penchant for languages, and he achieved quite a lot of success in this business, he is the author of several books, and... that is, in terms of his career, he has enough, it has developed quite well, although of course he is, so to speak, a representative of the golden youth, a rich kid who basically grew up in a bagen crowd, he had everything, his parents didn't spare money, it was the lakhmaty ninety-ninth,
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yes, the very beginning, the new year, ninety-ninth came, the first days after the new year, i had no idea whose son he was, he lived separately, he led a bohemian lifestyle, and a different last name, and well, like, one of my friends introduced us, she had known him for 100 years, she had known me for 100 years, and he was a translator, and i also did translations then, and i don't remember, either he didn't have time to translate some article, and he needed help, or or on the contrary, i didn't make it on time, i was looking for someone to share with. this girl said: here you are, i know misha, he will help, and in general you are similar, and let me introduce you, well, let's, here. she introduced me, she is bright and alluring, he is bohemian and extraordinary,
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inna solovieva and mikhail bolduman jr. immediately had a dizzying romance. yes, indeed, at first it seemed to me that we had a lot in common, because he was such an adventurous type, loved to travel, knew languages, cheerful. transfer debts from credit cards on holva conveniently repay in installments for 24 months on air show mask jubilee season incredibly strong trick on trick trick chases. i didn't understand anything, but you got through to my heart. i would like
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today at 22:00 on ntv. the young people enjoyed every minute of life and could not even imagine that very soon they would become the most evil enemies. i think that it is worth believing inni when she says that she did not know when she met mikhail who his mother was, who his father was, and because mikhail he never called from his last name, moreover, he tried to carefully hide all this in his kinship. he had a very small apartment then, imagine, 8 m or 9 m of total area on leninsky prospekt, in this one in these nine meters it was a former janitor's room, it was remodeled, and there was also room for a bunch of guests, because misha always had around him a bunch of people, he had a lot of friends,
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this is a geeky get-together, everyone came, someone read poetry, someone played the guitar, it was interesting, mikhail started dating solovieva's daughter, well, how did she become, she became his next, his next passion, and at the same time he told all his women that there were no marriages, no children, and he was a confirmed bachelor, and despite this position, he enjoyed great success with women, blue eyes, a velvety voice, such a gallant pipe, gallant behavior, as a result then it turns out that inna got pregnant, their carefree... the affair lasted only six months, in august of 1999 inna found out she was pregnant, took a test, it was positive, told him, waiting, you know, like a movie reaction, well, in general, the reaction was disgusting, he yelled, he screamed that he didn’t want to, that he wasn’t ready, that he
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was inveterate and a bachelor, that he hadn’t promised me anything, in general, all sorts of shit poured out over the edge, after 3 days he called... he asked me for forgiveness, begged me to come back, and this continued until the fifth month, when i already i was tired of it, i said, that's enough, because why should i get on my nerves when i'm pregnant, yes, why should it affect the child, and i sent him away, actually, that's probably what he wanted , that i sent him away, by that time mikhail was already 32 years old and not 30, she was happy about the pregnancy and firmly decided no abortions. it is absolutely necessary to give birth, of course, very, very much, especially since she's already 30 years old, yes, and, well , there were problems, to be honest, i didn't think that it would work out at all, and then again the love from a loved one, and it was happiness, but mikhail bylduman, did not give in, insisted,
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the former lover must get rid of the child, yes, moreover, insisted . moreover, threatened that if i did not do it, then it would be fine, all sorts of things happened, happened, excuse me, in general, happened, uh, behaved extremely unmanly, disappointed me very much, okay, good, that's not even half the trouble, that he treated the fact of my pregnancy like that, yes, in principle, even here i could have, ah... understand, understand, but he began to lie to everyone around that the child was not his, that i was such a swindler, he told his mother and such a slut, and a prostitute, a drug addict, and she needs money, a swindler, and
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the child is not from me, so shit flowed through the pipes, it was... not manly, it was so low and mean, then he told his friends, they passed on to me such a phrase that i...
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here he appeared, here when i gave birth and i just left the maternity hospital and durova called me and after that he called, that is, i would have him and i did not touch him, it was he, he, that is, durova found out through third parties that i got pregnant, she called me herself, then i called my son, he made such a scandal, he shouted, he threatened, he threatened. to cope with me, with the child, well, in general, it was disgusting, it was vile, i hated him, i really hated him after that, here i am a nursing mother, so i
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had to go through this, well i did, it was the only call from natalia durova, she was happy about the birth of her granddaughter and really wanted to see her, i felt shocked, firstly, i did not immediately understand who she was, because she said, i was not well heard by mobile phones no, my god, there was a landline, she called, she was saying something very emotionally, i just realized that it was misha's mom, i was very happy, and then, when she said who she was again, and i just couldn't believe it, it was a shock, well , of course, i was happy, and i thought, holy shit, and then it turns out that she has to come, well, well, well... tomorrow she'll come and she doesn't come, and she never comes, and it was a shock again, so bad, well, that's the kind of
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family it is, later inna as a mother will understand why the great trainer did this and will forgive, if you analyze it that way, she simply took her son's side, well, if i think so, sometimes, what would i do in her place, she took her son's side. closer, today inna solovieva decided for the first time to make a terrible confession, during that difficult period she seriously thought about suicide, and i thought and told all my friends that i would give birth and i would not be there, and they tell me, how can you say that, your daughter, understands everything, hears everything, the baby feels everything, i then also caused pain to the unborn child, because i wanted to leave her, i did not want to live, i could not... i go, i said, i will give birth, i will leave. god saved the young mother from a monstrous step. inna safely gave birth to a daughter, named her lisa, put a dash in the father's column for 5 years, forgot about the foolish
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boldumans, as about a bad dream. until one day she turned on the tv, where on the next talk show journalists were trying to reconcile the trainer with her son. on this program, he was together with his mother, and, as he later said, she was invited in secret from him. he was saying something about his mother, someone from the audience shouted, and you yourself have children, because the audience, well, condemned him, it didn’t look very nice, and he
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said in such a well-trained actor’s voice: i don’t have children, well then i, oh you, i say, bastard, i find the editorial office’s phone number, i call, well, off we go, inna was choked by a thirst for justice, she wanted to shout to the whole... world about how mikhail treated her and little liza. i gave an interview, they came to me, they believed me, i told everything, the only thing i couldn’t pronounce the last name, because there was no before... and that's why i said: the son of the most famous trainer, in general, everyone understood everything in the first programs, but i was not satisfied with it, i said, so, that's it, i'm filing a lawsuit- the recognition of paternity and pronouncing the last name, in the dash in the column father prevented the woman from telling the whole truth without allegories and quotes, then inna decided to file a lawsuit and conduct a dna test. i wanted revenge, i wanted. well
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, i wanted them to pay, i wanted to tell everything as it was, and they didn't give it to me because there was no document, the beginning of the trial had made her and mikhail quarrel even more, but inna was ready to fight to the end, he reacted very painfully, i know that he was very angry, worried, and again he swore at me, only by that time i did n't care anymore, it didn't hurt anymore, it had already passed, you understand, it was very painful to transfer the...
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brain damage, everyone understands with sadness, natalya yuryevna has only a few days left. and then the question of the durovs' grandiose inheritance arises, secular gossips they start guessing who the great trainer will leave everything to. yes, i didn't even think that she would leave him, apparently, he did so much nastiness to her, not at all... i wouldn't have left him anything in her place, elite real estate in moscow, apartments in paris, antiques, blue diamonds, the famous menagerie and bank accounts, how, thanks to her daughter, the poor relative became the main contender for the entire fortune of the durovs, and what did the children of the great maris liepa demand to return after his
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call by phone or order on our website miracle, premiere on august 17 at 20:00 on ntv. this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what's going on, this is a conspiracy, as if it were a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of damn wrong, i'll peck us with a hot rooster, what guys, back up, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, new season, every time when... poke harris shakes joe's hand biden, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive, tomorrow at 2:00 pm on ntv.
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she died very hard, she was in the hospital, and for six months she was fading away, all six months she... asked misha to come to her, when he did not pick up the phone, she began to call his friends. lying in the hospital ward, the great trainer dreamed of only one thing, that her only son would forget all their differences and come to say goodbye. and so she begins to call these friends, humiliate herself and say: "pedal misha, please, i will i ask him to come to me." he never came, to his dying mother. he never came , probably, after all, deep down inside he was offended by his mother for not paying attention to him in childhood, his mother, of course , was always on tour, but... and she
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never spared money for her son's education, for entertainment, that's how, you could say, she paid off with money, compensated for her absence from home, he hated her, he hated her, it seemed to him that she didn't give him something in childhood, that she didn't spend enough time with him, although in fact, but she she ran the theater for a second, and she just didn't have... a lot of children's parents work and don't devote as much time to them as they would like, there's no tragedy in this, but he took it extremely painfully, and of course it was a big blow for her that the relationship with her son didn't work out like that, because in principle natalya didn't feel very guilty, why? because she was doing the work of her life, she continued.
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at least something, but for misha it would have been a knife in the heart, it was just jealousy, jealousy of mother, i understand inna, why she blames mikhail, and because it turns out that he ruined his life not only for himself, but also for his daughter, because if liza had communicated with natalya durova in childhood, i think her fate would have been completely different, you see, i do not exclude that it was liza who would ultimately be the successor of the famous durov family, the famous
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durov clan, but unfortunately, mikhail, you see, did so, i had a faint hope, by the way, that when natalya would already, when she was already dying, yes, that she would somehow will call liza, people who worked with her told me, uh, that she, well, sometimes let it slip, and moreover, and she had a veterinarian in the theater, her name was liza, so she sometimes told her that i have a good attitude towards you, well, for two reasons: firstly, you are an excellent specialist, and secondly, your name is liza, and i have a granddaughter liza. inna is sure that if everything had turned out differently, it was her daughter liza who could have continued the durov circus dynasty, but alas, yes, of course, it seems to me, yes, it seems to me, yes, liza loves animals, but it is she from me to us.
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bolduman suddenly declared that he would have enough for lyubom until the end of his life, but mikhail did not need anything from his mother and he intended to refuse the inheritance. well , the performance begins, which i could only watch from afar, because neither i nor my daughter had any rights. to the inheritance, well,
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because misha told everyone how he would refuse, how he did not need anything, how he refused, how he somewhere there this... he donated money, of course, it was unpleasant for me to hear this, because by then he had already stopped paying these unfortunate alimony, and the fact that he that's how his hands are burning, his mother's inheritance, he doesn't need anything, and my daughter was still sick then, i remember constantly and she needed help, but i didn't turn to him, i didn't touch him, because i already knew that nothing would happen, and i also knew him very well and i knew that it was all a show, that he wouldn't refuse anything, moreover, he also did a huge job to find some documents there that were missing to enter into the inheritance with the dacha, because i knew misha and i knew his prices, and that it was all a show on public. mikhail balduman ceded the management
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of grandfather durov's corner to his uncle, people's artist of russia, yuri durov, transferred some of the antiques to the museum at the theater, and on the remaining. began to realize his dreams, he was sick with paris, he always dreamed of living there, he ran away in his youth, that's when he stole something from his mother, when this scandal, some engravings, some there, stole, sold, the boy dreamed of going to paris, durova's heir sold a luxurious property on tverskaya, in exchange acquired a couple of small apartments in moscow, well , two tiny apartments, well, also... in the center in a good area, yes, misha, misha had minimalism, not minimalism, it's called agourophobia, fear of open spaces, he always wanted something, if a room, then the smallest, if a house, then the smallest, here an apartment, one total area of ​​25 m, here another
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there 21 m. but the main thing is, bolduman finally fulfilled his dream bought an apartment in... paris, well, this is the fourteenth arrondissement, if that means anything to you, in paris, yes, well in in general, in the area within the ring, they have a ring there, and a little bigger than the garden ring, a little smaller than the ring ring, yes, and everything that is within the ring is considered paris-paris, and it is small, like a ring, well, and somewhere the third ring, about this size , probably, the third transport ring, eh, everything that is inside is paris, paris, everything that is outside the ring is the suburbs, although there is a metro there just as well, well , like the city is big, here we are inside the ring, but already right on the border, on the outskirts, let's say, the center-center, there are no historical houses, such here are palaces, well, although the house in which he bought
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an apartment, it is also very old, so monumental, envious people with bated breath counted how the huge inheritance of the fools... slips through the fingers of the heir, mikhail after the death of his mother in this short period was able to squander part of the fortune, and he lived to the fullest, he paid for all his friends, well, that is, he partly, most of the inheritance he had already spent. misha, i must say, loved to drink very much, when we were young, it was nothing, it was a bohemian atmosphere, well, how well, well, well, guitar, elements, well, how could it be without a glass? yes, and then, apparently, more and more often, i was no longer around, the treasures of fools turned mikhail's head, friends, parties, parties all at his expense and of course, the bitterness that flowed like a river, this led to the tragedy, they say, if not for the fabulous inheritance, mikhail balduman would
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still be alive. he drank a bottle of cognac on the train. and he was not allowed, but he started, a throat hemorrhage began, the moscow-st. petersburg train, he made an emergency stop in the novgorod region, there was the district hospital where he was taken, he was taken to the hospital where no one knew who he was, he was already unconscious, however, he lived for another day. he didn’t have, well, maybe a liver transplant, but they wouldn’t have been able to find a donor that quickly, he lived for about a day, he came to, periodically, called his friends, by the way, they were told that he called them, no one ever came, so he died alone,
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although it’s 80 km from st. petersburg, oh my god, i think. they came to pick up the body. mikhail balduman died on may 3, 2010, having outlived his famous mother for only 2 years. you know, when mikhail died, ina's finest hour came, she herself does not hide it, that she finally, having spread her wings, was able to go out into the arena to say that i, in fact, am a beloved woman who gave birth to his daughter, as i found out, they called me from the theater, how they found out the number, i don't know, well, this theater environment, this is my mother, i'm not sorry, oh my god, where am i? i understand misha why he didn't want to follow in his footsteps at all, he told me that this environment is so rotten, so spiders in jars, they called me from
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theater, and so they reported that misha had died, and that my daughter was the heir, and that yuri durov, who by that time had become the director of the theater, should not receive anything, so that i, so to speak, could go on stage, well, i... it did, but the fact itself, yes, the fact itself, that's how it was, it was funny. inna solovyova suddenly realized that all of natalia durova's wealth could now go to her daughter, and therefore to her. finally, all the grievances would be avenged, and her financial situation would be secured for the rest of her life, but there was one nuance: in the inheritance case competitors arose, with whom a life-and-death battle was to come. joy, inspiration. i knew, i knew from the very first minute, when i found out that misha had died and that there was no will left, and i knew that there would be none, knowing misha, here it is, he would
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not have written.


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