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tv   Plyazh  NTV  August 12, 2024 3:45am-4:51am MSK

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well, come on, show us what you filmed there, can you count, what news, yes, everything is going according to plan, only the circumstances have changed, what kind of circumstances, yes , a colonel from moscow showed up, how much is another 50, okay. you'll get it after the case is completed, what a bastard, so we urgently need to show the fox, come here, take evgeny with you, and without evgeny we can't do it, we can't, it would be better if the evidence of a criminal conspiracy against ala is presented not by her husband, but by a stranger, and dasha needs to be transferred to me to the hotel, i'll move myself, no, you don't need to do anything yourself, you need to have security with you, right now. yes, kol, i'm listening to you.
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svedotov and vereika should be at the strip bar today. at the port, we'll pick them up there. i 'll send paromonova to help you. that's it, go ahead. seryoga, will you back us up? he went to the strip bar, they laughed on the embankment, to pick up velik and fedotov. what about dasha? will ukhov transport dasha? oh, and daria mikhailovna, i need you to give a witness statement, can you? yes, of course, i'll write everything down. great.
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hello, hello, number 34, yeah, thank you, and the young man is with you, with me, can i have your documents, please, yeah, thank you, come in, she took the key and went to the room accompanied by a policeman, i'll see, she saw fisenko with the garbage...
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she saw how fisenko received a bribe, there is more than enough grounds for an official investigation into fisenko. anechka, call fesenko to me, along with his department head. i have a conversation. well, let's sort it out. with drugs, let's hope that anna was released soon, like at you have business there, yeah, good, then, just stay in the bar for now, wait for it to open, and there's no point in you hanging out there with him, send him to me, let's go, and then join you, let's keep in touch.
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overall, i'm pleased with your work, i'd like to introduce you to my new deputy, akatova and... why don't you see my meetings? ubp, captain karzukhin, are you the head of the hospital? yes, let the people go, we need to talk to you. go and work.
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what do i owe you? we're interested in all the documentation related to the tenders and government procurement, as well as reporting on the targeted use of budget funds. all documentation is in the accounting department. where is the accounting department? at the end of the corridor. you will have to come with us. please. do you remember that girl on the terrace, well, so she made a video recording, the transfer of money wrote a statement, like, you and i are trying to put ala gashko in jail, i have already given the order to take her,
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she needs to be removed, you see, they opened an official investigation against me, and she is the only witness, and the recording, the recording, well, in the technical department i have my own. people, i'll make the recording disappear, but we need to get rid of the witness, yes, the stakes are rising. she should be coming, her shift is already over, we'll take her with a somov and interrogate her, you're a mush and you can't show up, so that it won't be perceived as pressure on the witness,
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there she goes, we're going. citizen akatova, criminal police, come with us , come with us, come with us, come with us, come with us, well, akatova gave up zavyalov with all his guts, now he'll definitely go to jail. oh, well done, kolya, well done, stribar, go, no, i can't, i need to see my wife, you go to strip bar, the steamboat is waiting for you there, you need to take fidot and fixa, check.
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well, are you done? come on, get drunk! what are they doing,
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the devils? kolya, what are they doing? look, it's them! the liquor is two kilos of 50 each, the captains' criminal police, let's get out, guys, you're about to run, come on, lie down, lie down, i said, on the floor, lie down, i'll tear you all to pieces now, calm down and don't make any sudden movements, guy, okay, okay, give me, give me that thing, why?
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i had a conflict with those girls last night, and you even threatened them, well, we got hooked, and that it's not nothing, they just killed one of them. and what do we have to do with it? what happened after the security guard took you out of the club. did we go home? home? yes, there is testimony from the taxi driver who took the girls. he claims that you were chasing them, he recognized your car. well , at first we chased them, we wanted to knock them over the head so that they would show off less, and then my tire went flat.
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i was driving, somov said that you had an event planned at the striptease bar, yes, we have some kind of event planned every day, 10 minutes no more, okay, open up. hello, hello, how are you, okay, how are the kids,
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good, with grandma, i brought you apples, your love. thank you.
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save me, police, everything is fine, fine.
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you forbid me to go to the sea, but at least i can walk around the hotel grounds, well, yes, only with me, that's it, thank you, ukhov said that you rented a room for only a week, well , yes, and what are your plans now? i need to go back to moscow, and you decided to go back to moscow after your trip to simferopol? you see, it turned out that it is not so easy to part with a person with whom you lived for 8 years of life, time needs to pass, maybe it would be better if it passes here, i 'll think about it,
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let's go, kol, help, yes, give me your hand, come on, come on, remember! at what time did the criminal break into your apartment? yes, i don't know, in the morning, but at least what did he look like, do you remember? yes, i was so scared that i didn't notice anything at all, she didn't notice, no, my girl, that won't do, come on, remember who you crossed so abruptly that he 's trying to kill you for the second time, listen, i
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don't know, but i'm really scared, help, please, i'm afraid to stay alone in the apartment, suddenly he will come again, also true, so, now i will hide you in one safe place, but keep in mind, no one should know where you are, and wait, grandma, she has a bad heart, especially, take care of grandma's heart, once a day you will turn on the phone, tell grandma that everything is fine, turn it off again, got it, hello, it's me,
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that is, you didn't see the criminal? no, i saw. and can you tell me more? i heard a scream behind the door, went out onto the balcony, i see a man flying out of the entrance, like the crazy man runs to the road, and then uncle sasha climbed out the window, and the guy caught the car and drove away, and what did he look like? i only saw him from behind, and even then from far away, i didn't make out, well maybe yours was dressed that way, everything was dark, dark bottom, dark top. and what color is the car, make? škoda octavia, and the color, say, thank you, good morning, good, i made your favorite dumplings, sit down, eat, thank you, put some sour cream, like children, they are doing well, you better
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tell me about the scarlet, it should be tomorrow. let out, and why not today? it's easy to get to us, get out it's hard, maybe you should quit this job, andryuzha? where would i go? to wear out the pants of security guards in the office? no, i can't do that, why? yes , i love my job, he's paramonov, he quit, so what? he does, sometimes he goes on such missions with us that you can even get a bullet, so the question is, why? after all , no one pays him money for this, and they don't give him a rank, why? yes, because he cares what's going on around him, you see what kind of times we live in, now money decides everything, now
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you can put an honest person in jail for money, and acquit a murderer. people have become more afraid of the police bandits, don't trust us, don't believe him, calm down, we'll think of something, what are you doing here? go to dasha's room and don't leave it, can we at least take a swim, it's so hot? no, we can't, you 're an easy target for a sniper on this terrace, i understand, that's it. i did an examination of the ampoules found on the arrested vireyka. it turned out that these were the same drugs that were planted on your wife. yeah. but the most interesting thing is that there are fingers there. twice convicted of burglary, mr. meshkov. and isn't this the one from vasya
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left. yes, that one. i wonder. and how did he end up with the drugs? perhaps mishkov was offered money to plant drugs in your apartment, and he apparently decided to earn some extra money by handing over some of the drugs to this veriyk. and veriyk confirmed this? no, of course not, what about the assassination attempt? that means they shot with a makarov pistol, the criminal got into the apartment through the front door, and opened the lock with a michka. are there fingerprints? well, unfortunately, no. is it bad that there aren't any? well, yes. well, vasya, what do you have? i asked the ugoytsevs for a recording from the cameras installed on street near eva's house, i want to find a red sedan. they promised to give it to me by lunchtime, well , that's something, although it's still bad, vasya, very bad, i'm listening to you, dear, we're finishing up
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the paperwork, hurry up, otherwise the moscow colonel will take your wife away, he 's been hanging around here since morning, i got it, so guys, that's it, i'm off , i have things to do, you keep me informed, and what 's going on? i didn't even notice how you disappeared from the hotel, i have a house in the mountains that no one knows about, i decided to stay there until you get rid of the girl, she never leaves the hotel, she's always with her, i left my guys there to get rid of her as soon as possible, she shouldn't live to see the trial. it will cost a lot, she's connected to the cops, this is an advance, hello, hello,
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listen, i've just heard that goshko has figured out your man, he sold some of the drugs to some sucker who was caught with them, got it, we'll act.
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thank you, i'd rather take a walk, girls, we've missed you so much. and i 've missed you so much, my dear, i've almost gone crazy, calm down, mom, everything's fine, let's go to
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kitchen, i'll feed you breakfast, i don't want to eat, mom, at least drink some tea, that's enough, stop hanging on your mother, let her come to her senses, go to the room, play, go , let's go, now, andrey, where? i kicked him out of the house. do you want to divorce him? i don't know, but things are heading that way. aren't you afraid of being left alone with two children? no, i'm not afraid. maybe i won't be left alone? i 've been offered. who? police colonel, yevgeny pribylov. a muscovite, he wants to take us girls to his place, why are you leaving me here alone, and as girls, they love their father, and he's a stranger to them, mom, well, no one
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's going to abandon you, besides, i haven't decided anything yet, then he calls, golubeni, hello, we need to meet, tell me where to go, i'd like to spend time with the girls, let me call you later myself, i'll wait for your call, okay, gashko, we talked about something, hi, alochka, can i come home tonight, yes, come, but you're not staying here tonight, damn! it seemed to me that he 'd changed, do you think? after what
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happened between us, i'm afraid i won't be able to forgive him anymore, i need to forgive him, i look at him, i've never seen him like this before, he walks around looking completely lost, honestly, i even feel sorry for him, and i see that you 've gotten along here without me, i wonder what he bought you with, and that he loves you. i don't know, do i need his love now? great, bag, great! get in the car,
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we have something to talk about. seryoga, hi, listen, can you send me information about the owner of the skoda red, license plates alexander 470, alexander mikhail, region ninety-two, preferably with a phone number. "why did you
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bring me here, here we can calmly talk, what did you want, why did you push the marcot that you were supposed to give your wife some goshko into, you crowded the junkies, and asked me for a fix, he was going through withdrawal, i sold him five, and gave him the rest, how can i finish the deal, the customer is unhappy with you, he thinks that you set him up"? what does he want, for you to take out one lady, i don't do that, who 's asking you, i'll throw you down there now, no need, no need, we'll fly, and no need, no need, i agree, what's wrong, your parents weren't against you choosing such a profession, my mother was also a librarian, and my father, and i never saw him, it was a closed
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topic in our family and my mother was very not... when i asked about him, i need to call grandma, yeah, hello, grandma, klava just came to see me, she said that they wanted to kill you, what's going on, where are the police looking, grandma, just don't worry, i'm fine, the police are protecting me, what don't worry, my blood pressure is already under 200, grandma, lie down on the bed and take your pills, grandma, can you hear me? "she doesn't answer, so i need to go to her urgently, so calmly, you're not going anywhere if you don't go, let me go to your grandma's, where she lives, on sadovaya 15, uh-huh, hello, please give me a car to the starfish, let's go to sadovaya 15 and back, yes, you can, yes, vasya, come in, comrade major, the driver is red"?
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found, come in, sit down, i 'm listening to you, i'm driving early this morning along proletarskaya, i see a guy hitchhiking, i stopped and gave him a lift, where did we give him a lift, he got out at the port, uh-huh, we talked about something, well , he was interested in where you can rent a motorhome, and where you can, on khrustalyuva, there's a rental office, on khrustalyova, describe can you take a passenger? yes, he has a moustache, dark hair, no special features, bad, well vasya, try to put together a composite sketch with your comrades, i'm going to krustaleva, i'll try, well, i gave you an injection, your blood pressure started to drop, doctor, maybe you should take grandma to the hospital, let her stay under the supervision of doctors, i have such a situation now, there is no one to take care of her,
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there is no need for hospitalization. it is always better for a person at home, people her age have blood pressure that jumps several times a day, today bed rest, and tomorrow it will be possible get up, thank you, doctor, and thank you dear. back to the hotel, i won't take this money from you, why out of respect for paromonov, tell him that kosoy didn't take money from you, okay, i'll tell you, and it's not your fault, the guys have settled in, and why do you think that it's the guys, i... the whole lomov car, the guys, i know it by heart, get in, please, as soon as i block the taxi, you pull the girl out of the car, i knock out the driver, rest, we're in the trunk, we're taking her out of
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town, well, then it's your job, got it, get ready. oops, ramps. where's dasha? my grandma got sick, she went to see her, i told her not to leave the hotel, goat and vain,
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try to catch up with kosov! dasha, why did you leave the hotel, it doesn't matter now, they're chasing me, who's chasing? we 're trying to get away from the lomon bandits, i 'm going to the hotel, damn it! where did this guy come from, damn it, what are you doing? my grandma's fine, calm down. and you couldn't ask me to go to grandma's, so that
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i wouldn't take a step further from the room. understand? andryukha, there was an attempt on dasha's life. that bastard, lomov. he started such a race around the city that it was just brutal, we need to do something about it, okay, i understand you, yes, i'll be at lisitsyn's today, i'll talk to him, give me the connections, kolya, somov, the gratn system, what's there, according to krivasheev , a composite sketch of the alleged killer was made, i sent it somewhere i didn't recognize, i checked it in our database today, is that bad, is there anything from there? for now, silence. kolya, you know what? get me all the information on the head of security koshelev. why collect it? i know this earpiece like a tin can, we worked together. and what is he, a former man or what? yes, 5 years ago he was fired from the authorities for connections with a criminal organization. he got a job
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as his wallet's security guard, he knew him well. and why an earpiece? yes, because he used eavesdropping equipment that can hear through walls. there was no such case that he would not pester suspects with his microphone. earpiece? you say, very useful information, well, let's go, tell me, did this citizen rent a motorhome from you? yes, he looks like our client who took a trailer this morning, yeah, can we see his documents? sure, here's the rental agreement, motorhome on the evka base, number b438 cm, taken by pechinin sergey aleksandrovich, here...
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here, take it, thank you, i am returning the contract, yes, yes, thank you, goodbye, to you, goodbye. here, what is this? a wiretapping device, you climb into the room next to hers, put this thing to the radiator. so that there is no, what is her number, thirty-seventh, i cannot put koshelev on the federal wanted list, i have no grounds for that, comrade general, well, how come there are no grounds, his lawyers brought documents confirming that koshelev is undergoing a medical examination for border. they are actively cooperating with the investigation, trying to prove that zavyalov
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brought medicine to koshelyu's gazebo for his treatment, koshelyu's connection with your wife's case has not been established. and the money that he gave to fisenko, koshelyu claims that he repaid him a debt. about the recordings of the conversation, about the testimony of the witness darya zhurbina, today, by the way, she was attacked, and these were koshelyu's people. and has this been proven? the attackers have been detained, there is no evidence, but i am sure that it was him, he is a bastard who has gone into hiding, until he gets rid of the witness, he will not will appear, then lure him out, make him act, but you must save me the witness, it is important that she testifies in court , otherwise we will not close the koshelevo, you understand me, you understand, that's better, let him come in, this is some important businessman from
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moscow, the mayor asked to receive him, good afternoon, hello, come in, please, i'm listening to you, i found out that daria zhurbina is in your city, could you help me find her, and she, who is he, excuse my curiosity, wife, wife, she... lives with paromonov, yes, who is paromonov, this is his friend, my friend, he is the director of the hotel, a starfish, she lives there under the witness protection program, did something happen, some problems, there are some complications and there is, major gashko, bring comrade zhurumen up to date on the matter, and is it possible, is it possible, is there a general? let's go and say hello to vera, i will definitely pass it on,
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goodbye, all the best to you, for the witness protection program, thank you. and when he left half an hour ago, i am also on my way to you, meet me on the street, we have a conversation. "of course, your husband has arrived, is coming here, he found
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after all, should i leave, stay, hello, meet sergey, dmitry, i understand, i 'll meet andrey, and you don't leave the room." hello, hello, how did you find me? i bought your friend a ticket at the ball, she said that you were in yuzhnomorsk, well, the rest is a matter of technique, the police told me that you were under the witness protection program, and you care, i care what happens to my wife. pharaoh,
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i brought you the mount, what room is she in, in thirty -seven, room thirty-seven, do not let anyone in or out without my command, go ahead, i found out that lomov is a former cop and most often used wiretaps for surveillance, i want to catch him on this weakness and get to koshelevo through him, forgive me, promon, yes. i'm listening, comrade major, the guys from the technical department have spotted a wiretapping device operating on short waves near the paromonov hotel. thanks, kolya, yes, it's important to me, let's get in touch, yeah, ramon. well, everything is going as well as possible, we'll take him as bait, so, write to dasha semesku what she should do, it could be dangerous, and we have a choice, dash, listen, let's go home, and i'm not going anywhere,
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don't even think about it, that is to say... i wanted to say that i can't go home without seeing the caves with the rock paintings, let 's see them together, let's have a picnic in honor of our meeting, you forgave me, i don't know yet, i hope i'll make a decision there, when we go, tomorrow morning, i'll tell paromonov to stop patronizing me, dasha agrees, do you think it will work? will we soon find out that he was upset because of his husband? and what do you think, just when things started to get better and eh, paramon, i'll tell you this, on someone else's
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top, don't get your back, whose cow would it be? no, after talking to evgeniy, i radically changed my attitude to this issue, her husband came to visit her, she was going on a hike with him, outside the city, of course, it would be easier to do everything, but then we'll have to knock off both of them, we can't miss such an opportunity, i want to get my money, i gave you an advance, the rest will be when you do everything and bring me their photos, we agreed. look what i found, this is the guy we're looking for, that's what i'm talking about, girl, good afternoon, the police are calling, lieutenant ukhov, hello, tell me, did
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a motorhome with the number vyacheslav 438 stop at your place, svetlana maria, no, we don't have a motorhome with that number, but i can look. at the unified dispatch service where it stopped, i'll be very grateful to you, what's your name? sabina, sabina, nice to meet you. motorhome with the number vyacheslav 438 svetlana mikhail is located at kilometer 55 of the fiolent highway. thank you very much, sabina, i owe you the restaurant, i'll call you in the evening. okay. why are you so worked up? i'm a killer found. if they put up a tent here, then they can sneak into the cave through the slit in the back wall, yeah , a special forces company could be hidden here, yeah, yeah,
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yeah, i'm listening, okay, i'm moving out, let's meet at the exit from the city, seryoga, i 'm going to get the killer. and you, send her detailed information by text message about what she and her husband should do, you can't meet her so lomov doesn't suspect anything. okay, but she's gone missing, she doesn't show up at home or at work. we need to deal with her urgently question, until she gets a notary. i 'm doing everything i can. i got a trump card girl, just like her father, she's already left me twice. don't blame your mistakes on luck, so that within 24 hours. the issue was resolved, i called pechenin at home, talked to his wife, she said that pechenin works as a security guard at the fortuna bank, is currently on a business trip, and that zabanka, a capital bank, owns two structures there, controls them an entrepreneur, a thief in the law of credits, now deceased,
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a week ago, here is his motorhome, here is he himself, hands, that's it, cookie, we've arrived, he said his hands, i'm coming, i'm coming, i'm coming, evdakia andreevna mayorova, she lives here, well, it's me, i'm a notary, i came to you from moscow,
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about. who else might know where she is? there's such a person, here's his business card, here he is, yeah, i'll call him now, so, hello, yeah, hello, vasily, hello, this is eva's grandmother, oh, i got it, here's the deal, a notary from moscow. he arrived, he says that eva received a large inheritance, oh, congratulations, you don't know how to find her, the examination
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showed that the skin particles found under with the nails of the murdered citizen tsvetkova, belong to you, with the pistol that was confiscated from you during your arrest, eva's neighbor was killed, well, besides, you were identified by the taxi driver who gave you a ride on the day of the second unsuccessful attempt, well, if you know everything , what do you need from me, the name of the customer? double murder, attempted murder, all this is punishable by life imprisonment, think about it, you may never see your mother, wife, or daughter again in your life, and if i tell you, i will try to help you, you will name the name of the customer... and i will draw up a confession for you, the court will take this into account, in 15 years you will be released, you agree, before
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i change my mind, i will not offer again, well, as you know, tyazhlov, ordered it. "i needed money, i live with my parents in a one-room apartment, i wanted to move out from them, and he promised that if i kill the daughter of a krechit, he will give money for a two-room apartment, but i agreed, my father left you 51% of the shares in a commercial bank, a controlling stake in the insurance company." component, a share in the solntsedar agro-industrial complex, a country house in the moscow region and a villa in
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spain. why didn't you say that i had such a rich father? yes, he was a bandit your father, mother didn't want you to know about it, yes, god forbid that you communicate with him again, how did she get involved with a bandit, she was so correct, but it was 20 years ago, she brought an imposing man into the house, said that... her fiancé, well , a month later he was arrested, the fiancé turned out to be a repeat offender, valya was already pregnant with you, his friends told him in prison that he had a daughter, they let him write letters from prison, well, and she told him to leave her, so he didn't show up for 20 years, that's where i came from i had already forgotten about him, and he showed up, and what should i do with all this wealth now, well , that's up to you, my business... to tell you about the inheritance, and you can accept it or refuse it, that's your right, but don't take
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that damned money, daughter, two people have already been killed because of it, and you yourself almost died, okay, grandma, i'll think about it, i 'm very grateful to you for everything you've done for me, i... can go with you, why? we don't know each other at all, we've only known each other for two weeks, it seems to me that i've known you for a thousand years, and you were always with me, i may be very similar to your wife, but i'm a different person, sorry, i need to go home, you have my phone number, and if you change your mind... and accept my offer, call, i'll come pick you up with the girls, okay.
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i looked all around, there was no one, okay, we'll wait until they go to bed. it's amazing, but once upon a time people lived in these caves, yes, they gave birth to children, loved each other, maybe they were happy, well done.
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you're doing everything right, they're already here, yes, now you're leaving the cave, climbing into the quet, like as if you went to bed and are moving from the tent here to the cave, do it quickly, it's dangerous to be in the tent, okay, we 'll manage, well, with god, everyone's attention, the object has started moving. bora, su!
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come on, hurry up, what are you doing there? i can't find the photo parator, hurry up here, hurry up, get out, i'll find it myself, come on, hurry up here, hurry up!
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i don't know anything, i'm not involved at all, no, you won't get away with this a second time, now you can't get away from me, and you'll tell me how many wallets i paid you for this attempt, for the fact that you, the bastard , planted drugs in my house, so guys, take this one away, we'll sort this one out ourselves, i don't know where the wallet is, oh well, this scumbag, everything is clear with him, his place is in the zone, here you are,
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it was me with my camera who put him in front of a bullet. oh well, it's too early, bushy. vasukhov will take you to the hospital, and we, dasha, will go to the hotel. seryozha, i won't go with you to the hotel. i need to take my husband to the doctor. well, are you okay, hero, you have the strength, you have it, then now we'll organize a small photo shoot with you, and then we'll take you to the hospital, ok, well, everything went without a hitch, yes, i want to get the rest of the money,
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i took the photos, yes, we'll meet: at the old fortress, i'll be there in half an hour, got it, he's on his way, we'll meet in half an hour. with him near the old fortress, they fell asleep, the bag went into the tent, finished them off, the photos. i've done my job, give me the money, you don't have to count it,
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hold it! well, artyomchik, that's it, i'll lock you up now, you'll be trampling the zone with your brother, you seemed to want to see him, well, you'll see him, take him away. and free this one for now, so eagles, promise me a car, well i went
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to conduct a search in koshelev's office, you with me, i think you can handle it yourself, well good, what are you worried about with the task, well yes. "you know, maybe it's for the best that she returned to her husband, i also really want the alka to return to me, so i'm a journalist of this, you know, i understand very well, on the way of the participants there are equipped with medical aid, technical points, he will soon come criminally, today in anapa a fraudster who was previously declared a federal wanted person was detained." for a fictitious name, according to preliminary estimates,
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the perpetrator's victims were about 30 people. we ask all men who suffered from her actions to inform the police. hello everyone, hello, dad, hello, dad, girls, here's the girls, here 's the scare, promised, thank you, dad. can i have a second? why? well, let's go. i
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found this disk during the search of kosharev's office. he set it all up. listen, throw this crap away. i can't look at it anymore. please forgive me, forgive me too. oh, mammon, how beautiful! yes, can you imagine, eva gave all the money to the orphanage for books, nobly, she said that if her father had read
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konan doyle's three musketeers as a child, he would never have become a criminal. and you know, she's right, i used to read these books as a child, and how did i read
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them? comrade colonel. lieutenant, the shit is still limping, who is limping? nobody, why not? our discipline is limping, friends, right, how can we organize our time and not lose it in the hustle and bustle of life? oh, beauty, is this your oriental thing? captain, i hear everything, the thing is not eastern, but require yours.


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