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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 12, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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comrade colonel lieutenant parakhnya is still limping. who is limping? nobody, why? our discipline is limping, friends, how to organize your time and not lose it in the hustle and bustle of life. is this your eastern tricks? captain, i hear everything, the tricks are not eastern, but they require your attention, read at your leisure, read, read!
4:51 am
dear girl, how is it possible, they brought us a mirror and you are like nothing happened and what are you doing, beauty, the mirror unfolded and drove away , look, let's see where we are coming from, admire, well, look. here you go, and i didn't feel anything and i've been driving for 2 years, well, the most dangerous period for accidents is, at least we're insured, well, i only have motor third-party liability insurance, yeah, things aren't so great, you hit us and tried to escape from the scene, so your insurance company won't pay us, guys, well, i don't know what to do.
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i offer you a way out of the situation, and you completely misunderstand in response, in short, 500 green and we forget about everything, how much? 500, well, okay, we talked him into 300, there's no more than 300 dollars. a new mirror costs 500, there's no more, and 300, so i have it, and i don't have 300 with me either, well it begins, the proposal, i'll call the girl at work now, she'll bring it, just hurry up, please, no jokes, kirill, bad manners in french, seven letters, my vitan, how how, pain, sorry, and in letters,
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the colonel is waiting for you there, so what, well , the lieutenant is doing this shit, so what are we going to discuss without him, so where is he, colonel, excuse me, please, i was working with an informant, forgive me. why aren't you answering, lieutenant? nothing, nothing, we 'll wait, we were waiting for you, we'll wait some more a little bit, of course, your informant is calling you. petrovich, i can't talk now, i'm on standby. i'll call you back, yes,
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look, comrade operatives, here's an example of competent work with an informant, hello, mashenka, are you busy, listen, honey, i 'm standing here on the road, i accidentally hit a bmw, petrovich, you first find out the operational situation, then report, so, masha, you take 300 rubles from the cash register. rubles, rubles will do, well, maybe he's just lying around drunk, and he'll shoot me, i don't really have the time to detain people here, you know li, if you don't come, i'll fire you to hell, what are you talking about, ok, andrey petrovich, there's a corpse, we need to go, what corpse, where's the corpse, well , well, we need to check, ok, check, if we need to,
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uh. wait, what are you doing, what corpse? davaria called, you set yourself up for it, we need to help, let's go, oh well, no problem, we'll help, grief, where's our schumacher, he's in the yard, let's go, he's rummaging around in the car, as always, not a tomulator, we took it, come on, come on , come on, let's go, let's go.
4:56 am
there they are, vit, come on, turn around to them , just quickly, screws, lesh, samurai, hold the second one, where are you, quickly, hand, stand, stand,
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what is this? come on, who are you? comrade colonel, these two have been detained on suspicion of fraud, i'm setting them up in a word. and what about the corpse? the corpse? aa! so he wasn't there, he overslept and left, major solovki, come to my office, that's it, guys,
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we won't get a bonus, what kind of amateur performance are you? i examined, i examined, so what, there's work for the homicide department, for example, a corpse in the trunk, well, i can't say anything about a corpse in the trunk, here are traces similar to there is definitely blood on the back seat. that the numbers have been knocked down, and very roughly, most of the body number can be restored, the car is most likely stolen, here on the upholstery under the covers of the back seat there are stains that look very much like blood. well,
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oleg georgievich, are you working? yes, i don't have lawyers. i'm not going to, you will, you will have a lawyer, and you will have a prosecutor, and you will have a prison, you first get me into prison, i checked the car, i checked it, you say you should get me into prison, what did you think, we will coddle each other? this is your bmw, between by the way, the attempted terrorist attack passes, got it, what, that, yes, we'll hand you over to the feds, it's easier for us, it'll be a completely different conversation with them, yeah, but it doesn't have license plates, well , that asteracta also doesn't have license plates, yeah, and it's also
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red, that's how it is, my friend, what are you guys, what terrorist attack, we got it from dan at the market a week ago, where have you had this bomb for a week, yeah, before that there was a mercedes, but it lost its marketable appearance. so, on the back seat of the car under the covers, a blood stain was found. where did it come from, what are you guys, what blood, okay, veletta, where is the blood coming from? yeah, how do i know, we're grazing on the stands, why would we need to set up a car, think about it yourself, we're thinking, we 're thinking, i think you're not using your wits, we've got three deadheads hanging, the bosses are already driving us crazy, so come on, are you getting it? come on, tell us yourself, or we'll pin it all on you,
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we're tired of it, right, georgyevich, you bet, we're listening, dan has an office in the fifth pavilion, whoever needs it finds it, he's hiding it, or something, not really, left-wing cars go through there, that's why he doesn't really stand out, there are some signs, gets a haircut. a mop, two front teeth, iron, yes, the best guy in the village, when you can find him, during the day, he doesn't show up before two, guys, that's it for today. on the house, wow, as the younger generation says, respect or respect, yeah, yeah,
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just don't get cocky, i tried too, yeah, yeah, thank you, delicious, so that's it, guys, tomorrow morning i promised to go to the experts to give an analysis of the blood stains and the car number, by twelve o'clock the kids are gathering us at their place, they'll be handing out brochures again, you're being ironic in vain, i read it very curiously, and i have no one to give it to, and it’s good for you to read it yourself, if you’re late again, blame yourself, you understand, my friend, there’s a whole story behind this car, it belonged to a certain vasiliev , born in 1966, an entrepreneur, owned a chain of fashion stores, owned it, but 3 weeks ago, vasiliev’s wife reported her husband missing, and at the same time reported the car stolen, well , maybe we found the car, but the owner is gone, and the last stains on the back seat of the car really are blood stains. well, what
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can i say? you’re hooligans, of course, but with instinct. and the detainees may be related to the fact of the disappearance of a person, the theft of a car. well , they needed a decent car at a reasonable price. in principle, such a car turned up. unlikely, andrey petrovich, yes, we dug up a dozen facts on these kharkharovtsy on the setups. so there was no reason for them to engage in theft, they had their own clearing, they did not climb into someone else's, call the wife of the missing person to get to know the car, she should recognize her husband's car, suddenly it is not the same car, of course, call the colonel, i talked to him yesterday our superiors, the action of our department has given the highest... so go ahead, everything is clear to you, yes sir, in that
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case everyone is free, then so, glory, kirill, tomorrow to the car market, if possible, invest vasilyeva, bring her here, let her identify the car, okay, i like it, well of course, so we have a samurai, oh well, don't mumble, then she's not a widow yet, at least officially, then i wonder where her husband is walking, stop chatting, let's get some money, that's it, yeah, come on, come on, there i think so.
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guys, it's written, closed, captain volkov, criminal investigation department, hello, you're from there, dan, well, i know these guys, i've seen them for the first time. i don't get the topic, but there's a topic about being an accomplice in a case, car theft and missing person, i'd like a photo again,
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can i, a photo, please. well, my memory has returned, i can't hear, i remember these guys, they drove me here themselves, said about the uniform, but i 'm not into it, well, now we'll take your fingers, invite the bastards, that's it, so who really is? you drove me, yes, there's one, he sold me two cars, and how can i find him? yes, he should be here any minute, like an office, i've already signed the order, you're free, i wonder, on what grounds am i being fired? on the grounds that going to restaurants with married men is not part of
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a secretary's duties, it's none of your business, what right do you have to interfere in my personal life, from this moment on your personal... life is no longer my concern, i hope that in an hour you won't even be here, no doubt about it, bitch, i hope it's not me, girl, if you wait for me, i'll help you carry your things, wait, i'm looking, hello, who are you? i'm captain dymov, criminal investigation department, on what occasion? you? husband is missing, korneev mikhail, commercial director of the company, nice to meet you, well, has anything become clear, yes, we found the car, mish, yes, sorry, you won't leave the captain and me alone, of course, of course, oh, sorry, of course, i'll be at my place if you
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need my help, anytime, yeah. yeah, get in, so what's wrong with igor's car, look, it's her, it's her, are you sure, yes, i'm sure, there's a crack in the windshield, shortly before... that's how she disappeared, igor tinted the car, then they broke the glass, they wanted to get the radio out, then they put the glass back in, but they didn't have time to tint it. and when was the last time you saw your husband? he went to the dacha in repina, we said goodbye, i never saw him again. and you weren't alarmed that he didn't call you? captain, igor and i have been in the process of getting divorced for a long time and all
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we have in common is a chain of stores. i see, and did they threaten him? i don't think i would have known. as far as i understand, you and your husband were partners. there were three of us. me, igor, and misha, you you saw him. yeah. oh, misha. yeah. i see. and how did you divide the business? igor has 51% of the shares, i have 29%, and misha has 20%. if you look at things realistically, i own 80% of the company. yeah, you're being too straightforward. do you suspect me? no, why? what for? is there another? there's also a third partner, but in the event of a divorce, how would you divide the business? who told you that the business needs to be divided? but your husband had the controlling stake, so theoretically, he could have... such a sheep needs to be sheared whole, not divided. i understand, katerina petrovna, you won't let me...
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time, can i take this photo? yes, please, thank you, yeah, what is a miracle, is it something bright? unusual, joyful! there is a small miracle, and there is a big
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miracle, our big, small, talented children are a real miracle, and they also want to record their own new year's addresses, and we want to surprise them by showing the best on new year's eve, a miracle with arseny popov, premieres on saturdays at 20:00! zero on ntv. and if he doesn't come, why sit like that? and if he doesn't come, we'll go and register you. no, you've never i wasn't late. dan! where's dan? he went out for half an hour to get some documents, he'll be right there, kira, hey, let me off the hook,
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you're something, i just don't like running, thank you, why did you leave so quickly? i didn't even have time to ask your name. okay, enough
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, i've been running around for too long. my name is nikolai, and mine is dasha. yeah, i get it. and you're probably from the police, wow, how can you tell? you know, i'm a good secretary. then why does a good secretary quit? the bosses changed their gender. and anyway, you know, they are good secretaries, they are like samurai. the boss left, the secretary followed him, wow, unbelievable, even, can i invite you for a cup of coffee, like a samurai to a samurai, well, if only, well, let's go, over there, no, they had one conversation in raised tones, with his wife, why with korneev, with our commercial director. and what was the conversation about? well, igor decided to divorce his wife, to pawn his controlling stake
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of 51% in the bank to get a large court, and i think, in order to do something nasty to his wife first of all, well, and karniev was against, against what? against the divorce? no, against touching the business, yeah, and igor shouted that this my sheep, i will meet like this. i will want, there were no guarantees that igor would be able to hand it over to the court on time, everyone understood this, no matter what igor's new commercial project was, it first of all jeopardized the current project, if he could not hand it over to the court on time, the bank would take over our entire company, but he still started preparing the documents, and how do you know, i printed them, yeah, so if the bank took it over.
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and how? and so, he would have taken the money, run off somewhere to cyprus, for example, it looks very much like him, i understand, that is, you suspect in the disappearance of igor korneev? i can't suspect anyone, it's not my profession, i just think that for vasilyeva, such a turn of events would be, of course, a tragedy, but for korneev it would be just a disaster, i think he never expected that it could end this way for him. allow me, yeah, comrade colonel, they caught the car thief, volkov is working with him now, yeah, come on, let's go have a look, kalinin has already compared.
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the examination and medical records of the missing person were given, an unambiguous answer was given: blood car seat belongs to igor vasiliev. yes, most likely vasiliev was killed, we need to look for his body. why did you run from us if you don’t understand why you were arrested? i have a lot of debts, creditors don’t like to joke, i thought you were from them. so, your fingers are present in a fair number in the stolen bmw. den from the second identified you, do you want to go to the case of kidnapping a person, and most likely about kidnapping murders, welcome, all uh, wait, wait, what murder, the owner of the car that you stole, or didn’t steal, well stole, stole, the owner of the car went missing that same day, his blood was found on the back seats, any questions, no, but i do, we'll answer, yeah, why should i bother about others, question one, where did the blood
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come from? i don't know, it's starting, go on, captain, describe the day the car was stolen again, i went after him in the morning, alone, no, not alone, you don't have to ask about the partner, i won't give him to you, he's a young guy, i only needed him as a backup, to drive away my car, the guy, he's not involved, he's a prisoner there is no need to ruin his life, there was no need to drag him into your affairs, and if you intend to behave like that with the means, he urgently needed money, i helped, in short, what do you want to hear from me, i was looking after a client for a week, i found out that he was spending the night at a dacha in repino in a week, but in the last week i was looking after him closely, at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon he came out of his store with some guy, they got into a car and drove off, who is
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this guy, do you know him? first time i saw him, this one? yes, this owner, and this one got in with him. where did they go? i don't know, to the side vyborg. and when did this guy get out of the car? i have no idea. i lost sight of the car several times, but i wasn't especially upset, i knew for sure that he was going to the dacha, i was going to steal a car from there, i took all the codes back then, and imagine, such a great deal, i'm driving to him on the highway, his car is empty, the door is open, the keys are sticking out of the lock, but what else could i do, drive past, and this guy, maybe he got out on the way, tomorrow
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for... you'll go to the place where he found the car, yeah, you remember the place, yeah, and i don't care about that will your assistance to the investigation be counted? come on, drive on, get out, come on, get out, come on, what's here, here, i say, no, yes, right here, and where the car was parked, right here, it was parked here. yeah, if we could get a company of soldiers here,
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then maybe we'll find something, if there's anything to look for here at all, judging by the traces of blood on the seats, vasiliev was finished in the car, they loaded him somewhere around here, threw him off the bridge into the river, i think, of course, that's all, the car. they dumped him here, but the body could have been carried away, there's the dam, let's go and have a look, yeah, look, i see, well, grandpa, well done, what do you mean old guard, as if
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you had seen into the water, come here. old fisherman, well, guys, let's call experts and divers, judging by... from our team to observe korneev, if, according to the hijacker, he got into vasiliev's car that day, most likely, he was involved in the murder. especially since he had a good motive, and invite the widow of the murdered man to identify him, okay, i see, oleg georgievich, you're completely chilled, well, there is a little, there is,
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there is, a little, here... not for the purpose of, so to speak, violating discipline, but in short, himself insisted, cranberry, alcohol, get treatment, but at home, thank you, so, is everything okay? what is it? a gift from grandpa, he said get treatment, but at home. so mintura is our home. let me try it.
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thank you for coming, i hope it won't take long, i'm in a hurry, yes. this is a simple formality, just a few minutes, are you sure you're ready? yes, i'm sure. by the way, he was a big bastard, although you don't talk about the dead. let's get this over with quickly,
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i have a very important meeting. hello, georgyevich, it's me, listen, we have here a competitor has formed, he's clearly stalking our client, listen, i'm thinking, hello, yeah, the main thing is, kira, don't let him go, what, where are they going approximately, got it, wait, the guys and i will be there soon. what? that's it, report every 10 minutes.
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if you're sure that this is your husband, i walked you here to sign. yeah. all the best. thank you.
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who is this? floor three, apartment 15,
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hands, damn, tira, hold on, lie down, give me your hand, give me your hand, he said. guys, thanks for arriving on time, a little more and, bitch, we would have called an ambulance, it will be there now, thanks, who you were hired, vasilyeva, igor vasilyev, also your job, who is this, don't pretend, trumpet. so how did you kill
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vasilyev? i overtook him on the highway, when i realized that he was going to the dacha, i changed into a traffic police inspector's uniform, then he waved his baton, he stopped, the rest was a matter of technique. by the way, he was driving heavily under the gas, and how did you interfere with vasilyeva? i had 20% of the shares, i refused to sell them to her, listen, among our three, i am the only one who worked like an ox. igor didn't really understand anything about business, but to pawn he was still going to put the shares on trial, well, i 'm telling you, he didn't understand a damn thing, he only wanted to annoy katerina with this, i tried to... talk to him, but he wouldn't, katerina
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wasn't going to lose her business, and the case, by the way, was going there, i thought that after igor's death it would be fair if part of the shares went to me, according to the law , everything went to her, but in fairness, she took everything into her hands, and i put so much effort into this case, well, i told her everything, and you knew that igor's death was her... how should you report to vasilyeva,
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i have to take off the job in an hour in kavkhanogorikovskaya, hand over the equipment, she has to hand over the rest of the money, in an hour, as always.
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did you shoot just to be on the safe side?
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well, how is that possible, how are you not ashamed, such photos, we've wasted so much, you know, we're ketchup, let's go, calm down, everything's here, electronics, yeah. let's get started, oh, well, that's it, that's it, yeah, yeah, well that must be the most, no, no, no, no, i don't mind, you don't drink, oh well, and i agree, especially since there's still some yershovka left, anyway, we all need a department, we'll celebrate there, so say, let's go, look, i came up with a name,
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ershovka, yeah.
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you're probably semyon's friend, we're waiting for you, come in, i'm larisa, mashin, cousin, yeah, nikolay. kolya, hello, kolya, hello, masha,
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i'm very glad to see you, this is for you, thank you, yeah, well, what's up, we're crowding in the hallway, the table is set, the vodka is getting cold, let's go, to the meeting, to the meeting. well, now the crime news: we are at the crime scene where a brutal murder was committed last night. at about 1 a.m., a resident of house number 26 discovered the body of lyudmila perushina, 27, a graduate student herzin university. a diligent student, she led a secluded life and was recently preparing to defend her dissertation. as investigators told us, the criminal cut off the victim's hair and placed it on...
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