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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 12, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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at a speed of 145 km/h, as a result, the car crashed into a residential building, one of the teenagers died. this company is well known to residents of the surrounding houses, the guys are probably left to their own devices, especially now in the summer. by the way, it turned out that one of the participants in this race is connected with the tragedy that occurred in yuzhnoye butovo a year ago, when a child was doused with gasoline and set on fire at a children's playground. the amateur footage is shocking content, a teenager behind the wheel of a carsharing car cuts through the night streets. yuzhnoye butovo to the approving cries of his friends, the same schoolchildren: we are riding a car, we are i, well, yes, you found it. it is clear that the police could not help but notice a car that violates all possible traffic rules on the deserted streets of the capital. the inspectors tried to stop the foreign car, but the fifteen-year- old teenager stepped on the gas. the underage driver was unable to hold the car at such a speed. another skid and the out-of-control car, a car parked for minutes, flies into an apartment building, here are
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the first seconds after the disaster, steam is coming from under the crumpled hood, the driver's door on the breakaway, the one who was sitting behind the wheel hurried to disappear, leaving his friends, inside at first glance, no signs of life. i know that the speed was high, because the car flew from here to here, between them, here there was no brake, but to calculate what speed, well , it was definitely more than 150, there were four schoolchildren in the car, one of the passengers, he was 15 years old, died on the spot, two more received serious injuries, including he himself went to the hospital with a broken leg, but tried to deceive the doctors, said that fell off his scooter, now he has... he was also
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hospitalized and has already managed to tell investigators how he ended up behind the wheel of a carsharing vehicle. three minors were injured to varying degrees of severity, one of them is in serious condition. the police have established that the vehicle was rented under someone else's account. however, this group of schoolchildren turned out to be well acquainted with the law enforcement officer, and on our program we talked about the monstrous crime on the playground in yuzhnoye butovo in june last year, when a teenager poured gasoline on his friend and set him on fire. the boy artyom got almost a hundred. the culprit, a fourteen- year-old teenager, a hooligan who was registered with the juvenile affairs department, was sentenced to five years in a correctional colony, so, a year later , the convicted arsonist's brother ended up in a carsharing service, this was told to us by friends of the teenagers who decided to drive around moscow at night. they wanted to have fun, to drive, this was not their first time, before that we talked with them, everything was fine, but after they drank alcohol and got behind the wheel, i no longer i saw it. moreover, the arsonist's brother
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was also nearby at the time of the tragedy on the playground, here are the shots of the interrogation of the convicted criminal, where he tells how they ran against a hot comrade, pressed, here artyom caught fire and i started to run away, my brother ran in that direction, threw a bottle ran in that direction, and this teenager named lev is the twin brother of artyom, who died from a burn last year, and he also knows very well those who illegally got into a foreign car using other people's accounts, knows who was driving, says that now he is being guarded in hospital police, apparently, so that he doesn't escape again. well, i spoke with kirill gvozdev, well, with his mother, she said something like that, like, almost everyone is in intensive care, in a coma, kirill, in short, under guard, with an open fracture, they were drunk, well, and kirill, who was driving, they were almost all drunk, it turns out, he didn't teach these schoolchildren anything about the tragedy on the playground, since a year later they are again in the crime reports, and the police will probably take such a description into account. a criminal case has been opened on the fact
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violation by the person driving the car, traffic rules, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, associated with the drawing up of the scene of the accident. while the teenagers injured in the car accident are in the hospital, investigators will talk to their parents, given the entire criminal trail that follows the school friends, there are a lot of questions for adults and their manner of raising children. pavel kuzintsov, nadezhda zybkina, erika avagyan and alexander tutarinov, ntv. russian woman lyudmila lazarenko was killed in peru, the woman was into spiritual practices, in peru came to her mentor, with whom she had been studying remotely for several years, the tragedy happened right within the walls of the center, where people come for spiritual development practices, the killer turned out to be a citizen of ukraine, whom lyudmila met shortly before the crime. local police officers filmed the arrest of ivan kuzmin, it is clear that the man is not himself, he bit, tried to commit suicide. daina shlyubkina will continue. this crime
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shocked residents of the north-east of peru closer to the evening in one of the centers, where offer to undergo various healing practices, the woman's screams were heard. the center's employees after some time... where the emergency occurred, a thirty-eight-year-old citizen of ukraine ivan kuzmin lived, as he describes on social networks, graduated from university in his homeland, then worked for some time, but then went on a journey and
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has not appeared in ukraine for the last 2 and a half years, became a frequent guest of the center with unusual practices, local employees claim. was engaged in the study of energy and spiritual practices. was a happy wife and mother two children, to the center where they offer to work on energies, came several times, the creator of happiness called herself that on social networks, often shared impressions of trips with her subscribers and conducted consultations on spiritual life, here is one of the last
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entries made before the tragedy: a picture creates an emotion in us, and if it is negative information, it is good if it is positive, but if it is negative information, then he ... we form this emotion, then the next picture comes, again a negative emotion is created. now we are in the middle the law enforcement agencies are establishing what happened. presumably, lyudmila and ivan ended up in the same room after a walk, allegedly going to see the local sights. it is possible that kuzmin himself, who was found with a pipe for using drugs, will tell his version of events at the court hearing, at which the issue of his peace will be decided in the coming days. suppression dana shlyubkina, alyona kryukova, erika avagyan and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. relatives of galina sokolova, who was killed by her common-law husband, hope that narek baghdasaryan will finally answer for what he did. this is a high-profile case, let me remind you, in the summer of 2020, baghdasaryan killed galina, confused
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the investigation, said that she left, then said that he did it by accident during an argument, explained how he got rid of the body, which was never found. to this... defense baghdasaryan is already free, our correspondents met with him. in these shots on rek baghdasaryan throws one of the seven black bags that he delivered all over the city into a trash bin. then he will voluntarily tell investigation that the remains of his wife were there. and he is an absolutely free man, returning home, having served the sentence imposed on him by the court of 4 years in a colony, taking into account season 2.5 under the article causing death by negligence. according to him , he hit the woman. during the quarrel she fell and died, but despite active searches, galina's body was never found, it turned out that there were no remains in the bags, so baghdasaryan tried to confuse the investigation, now i just got out, give me peace of mind, in a couple of weeks he will come, we will talk, okay, do you think
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you were given a fair sentence, where is galina's body, let me pass, can i pass, please tell me where galina's body is, the accusation was based on the testimony of only bogdasar himself, the brother of the deceased, alexei. he received what is called the minimum, here is a new face-to-face meeting with his sister's killer. i will answer, please, and i beg you, i beg you too, in 2 weeks, i will let you, i will come, give me peace, please, bogdosaryan shouted at the whole yard, attracting the attention of passers-by, demanding to leave him alone, during... living together at he and galina had a son, now the boy is 5 years old and is being raised by alexey, the baby does not know who his biological father is and what he did. according to the brother, the sister tried to leave the tyrant many times, especially since he was unemployed, and the woman alone pulled the family at home, and scandals happened every now and then,
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baghdasaryan was jealous of her, since the child was small, there was no one to leave him with, he sat with him at home, and the sister sometimes did not have time to come to lunch, because there was a lot of work and he ... called and said in plain text that if you don't come home for lunch, i won't feed the baby, the baby was about three years old at the time, i think, and of course, it was crazy for me, and no matter how we tried to dissuade her, but i don't know what happened to her... something happened that she couldn't let him go, or he couldn't let her go, when her cohabitant started beating her, while she was still pregnant, the woman still tried to fight and wrote a statement to the police, but it got even worse: baghdasaryan asked for forgiveness, everything repeated itself. relatives saw that galina seemed to have fallen into a vicious cycle circle and can't get out of the relationship that is destroying her. once she made an attempt to break off the relationship, but her cohabitant was not going to let her go and threatened to make her disabled, so that no one else would get it.
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wife and children, to whom he intends to return, apparently, he needs these two weeks of peace to finish all the preparations here to leave for his homeland, golina's relatives meanwhile do not lose hope that fresh evidence will appear in the case that can shed light and lead to a new investigation on a more serious article. aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company. and our editorial staff has a full recording of telephone conversations between galina. baghdasaryan shortly before the murder, we published them in our telegram channel, to subscribe and listen, point
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your mobile phone camera at the qr code that you see on your screen, or type чpntv in the telegram search bar, there is a selection of surveillance camera recordings in which baghdasaryan throws black bags into garbage containers, trying to confuse the investigation. i let me remind you that you can leave your comment or suggest one to us under all publications in our telegram channel chpan. news, then, security guards against teenagers in a shopping center near moscow a schoolboy was attacked by security guards a case was opened against a man, but the security guard's colleagues say that the children themselves provoke these conflicts. a report from the scene immediately after the commercial. on her younger sister's birthday, yulia received a strange gift from her mother. the woman said that she adopted her from the engels maternity hospital in the saratov region. say thank you that we we feed you, we give you something to drink. you are nobody to us , you are adopted, but the alleged biological brother and sister assure that besides them mom
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had no children, could your mother have given birth to another child, this could not have happened at all, the child was standing, it is unlikely that this could have happened, besides, according to them, the woman was a very loving mother and would never have abandoned her child, it was a close-knit family, we grew up in love, in affection, in care, so what happened 34 years ago in the maternity hospital of the city of engels? perhaps there was betrayal and she realized that the child was not from her husband, but no such thing there was, maybe there was some pressure from relatives, i open the envelope, dna, today at 16:45 on ntv. there are different chickens: mechanical for small victories. bronze for a drop of luck, but only
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, i don't have time, my grandson took me to music, i'll pop home, i'll feed the cat now and... my brother is going for his grandson, look, he's going for a record, in the morning he takes his grandson to kindergarten, then to the social security office, then to the post office, his grandson from kindergarten, to music, evening nordic walking, and she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have to run so briskly while living on the fifth floor without an elevator, a precise terminator, liquid u...
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bright. unusual, joyful, there is a small miracle, and there is a big miracle, our big, small, talented children, a real miracle, and they also want for...
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observations show that the security guard pounces on the boy at the exit of the complex, nikolai korpachev himself does not hide that he could not restrain himself, but why did an adult man do this, what did the schoolboy say to him, gorpachev's colleagues say that teenagers come and behave defiantly, and it is the security guards who most often become the objects of ridicule and bullying. tamara simonova summary of events. the method of work of the security guard of one of shopping centers in the moscow region. now investigators will study everything was captured on surveillance cameras, you can see how a schoolboy goes to the entrance, says something to the security guard, he breaks away and runs after him, already on the street the man catches up with the teenager, grabs him by the neck and takes him to the parking lot, eyewitnesses were able to stop him. you have no right to touch him, you have no right to touch him, no matter what, according to the security guard nikolai
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korpachev himself, he was simply driven to it, that's why he couldn't hold back, he says schoolchildren don't just go for a walk during the holidays. nikolai's colleagues decided to stand up for him, they say that the rudeness of the younger generation has crossed all boundaries, teenagers gather in large groups, feel their impunity and commit meanness to the employees of the shopping center. i was kicked in the ass, excuse my rudeness, they hit me several times, you know, i just can't answer why, because again, excuse me
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please, almost 60 years, where is the respect, we met with the victim, eleven-year-old maxim, who had bruises from the abrasion on his neck, near the same shopping center, a schoolboy came with his mother, she brought a certificate of beatings, they were removed immediately after the incident, in order to write a statement to...
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rostov guard vitaly kalimanov was sentenced when he was escorting prisoner ivan kostyukov, who was tried for attacking collectors, he found a sharpened object in the cell, almost killed himself. took his weapon and would have escaped if a bailiff had not appeared on his way. kostyukov himself received 25 years in prison, well
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, stanislav kostikov knows what punishment was assigned to the guard who let him go. at the temple on injured in a fight with a recidivist, former escort vitaly kleimanov appeared in the courtroom in an unusual status for him as an accused. according to the investigation, it was his fault that dangerous criminal ivan kostyukov almost escaped from custody. with such arguments , kleimanov began his final statement with a quote from the old testament: "the path of the righteous is hard, for it is hindered by the selfish tyrants of wicked people." verse seventeen, chapter twenty-five, old testament, book of ezekiel. trying on the heavy burden of the righteous, the former head of the court convoy recalled the events of two years ago. at that time , ivan kostyukov, a repeat offender who became famous for a series of armed robberies against collectors, was brought to the trial . before the hearing, the robber asked to go to the toilet, from where he came out with a metal sharpening in his hands. earlier, in a shootout, the bailiff
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kostyukov jumped from the second floor, at the same time he was already being shot at from the street, several bullets hit his hand, after which the criminal fell from the canopy and was detained, after which the repeat offender was sent to a penal colony for 25 years, and vitaly klimanov was charged with negligence, which led to an attempt to escape, while the escort himself received 18 wounds to the head and neck, as the doctors told me, be glad that you are walking, because you could have remained a vegetable for life, after these, after these injuries, first of all, you can’t survive, well, the doctors were, frankly speaking, surprised that i started walking, waking up in the hospital, vitaly klimanov learned that he himself had become a defendant in a criminal case, it turned out that he had worked with kostyukov more than once, but he always behaved quietly calmly, the head of the convoy did not know what he was dealing with. a former knife fighting instructor, so he did not expect anything like that from him, while kostyukov himself, after his arrest , claimed that he had found a sharpening knife in the courtroom. before placing one of the defendants in
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the cell for holding suspects and accused, he did not ensure its proper inspection and did not identify an object that could be used for escape or attack. vitaly klimanov denied the accusation, stated that he personally checked everything before delivering the repeat offender, and kostyukov probably brought the sharpening knife from the pre-trial detention center. the former escort hoped for an acquittal until the very end and prepared an address for the servants of themis , brimming with metaphors. the defendant's last word before the court passes its sentence acts as a bridge across the mountain stream of lies, human treachery and evil intentions, in order to prevent the possibility of judicial errors in the sentence, which is inevitable if the court fords this seething river among the stinking and wet boulders scattered by the unifying power. literary turns of phrase had no effect on the judge. the former escort was found guilty of negligence and sentenced to 8 months of correctional labor with a 2-year ban on holding positions in law enforcement agencies. stanislav kostikov, oksana goncharenko, valentin lyubimov and anton luk'yanov. but that's not all, see
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below. beware of the provocateur. a krasnodar blogger hunts tourists on the roads of the region. conflicts, threats and even assault. who can ruin your vacation, what kind of car does he drive, who always accompanies him. about this in a few minutes. this is the meeting place on ntv. the place where everything becomes clear. let's understand what the hell is going on, this is a conspiracy, like it's a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of fucking wrong, we are in hot water, what guys, back up, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, the meeting place, the new season, every time kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually tests him
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hermitage paintings are now on platinum credit cards from t-bank. apply for a platinum credit card from tebank with a limited design until august 31 and get free service forever. t-bank, it is one of a kind. there is another emergency on ntv live. we continue our broadcast. for those who are traveling or planning to travel south to krasnodar krai by car. it is worth knowing that they can meet a blogger on their way, a provocateur who can spoil the impression of the holiday. he has already been punished.
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the blogger -auto-boor has already been held accountable by the police for dangerous behavior on the road, that time he said that he only regretted that he put everything on
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display, set a bad example, he shouldn't have done it, and it is punishable by law, but here's the situation, look, i allowed myself to do it and i fully bear my punishment, a fine. rubles, apparently, did not hit the hooligan's pocket hard and after a while he started blogging again, and this show will probably continue until the scandalous streamer crosses the line and they are not punished again the guardians of order will be interested, but already within the framework of a more serious article. sergey potyakov, pavel kuznetsov and valentin lyubimov, ntv television company, krasnodar krai. more news on our website in the telegram channel chpntv. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program: the agony of the regime,
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the shelling of the zaporizhzhya npp and the attack on peaceful villages in the kursk region. what are the terrorists counting on in kiev? the ukrainian army knows how to surprise. why has russia already been blamed for the failures of the paris olympics? watch, right now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, during our absence we all had vacation.


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