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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  August 12, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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with and attack on peaceful villages in kursk region, what are terrorists in kiev counting on? ukrainian army knows how to surprise, experienced fake-throwers. against the background of panic and confusion, enemies have established a flow of outright lies. what to believe? i went to pyaterochka, i tell you, the choice is not very good. and the fall from olympus. satan's ball and poisoned hay. why has russia already been blamed for the failures of the paris olympics? watch right now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague, ivan trushkin, we are working live. during our we had a vacation our entire program had so many events that if we were to list them now, it would probably be several.
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let's skip over what happened in the media space during july. if we talk about the current agenda, then we need to talk about events that can probably be described as alarming. and yesterday evening, last night, this morning , the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was once again in the spotlight, because ukrainian militants shelled it again for the first time, but probably for the first time the consequences of this shelling are so serious, now
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we will show you the footage that was distributed the day before, you can see how thick black smoke is rising from one of the pipes of the station, as reported by rosatom, the ukrainian armed forces struck the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, with drones, there were two direct strikes, a fire broke out at the station, extinguishing it took more than an hour, as a result, the equipment responsible for cooling the station burned out in rosatom this was called an act of nuclear terrorism on the part of kiev, as reported by the press service for...
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he always confirms all this, but he can't figure out who the hell is shelling the nuclear power plant. vladimirevich, what is your latest information ? the plant is operational, that is, well, you have to understand that it is not generating electricity now, that is, it is not producing it, and this saves it from major consequences, because if it were generating, well, there would be problems, the cooling system should be working and the power line should be in perfect condition, and i will remind you of the power line, the enemy is also constantly interrupting, beating,
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carrying out terrorist attacks and other things, the radiation level is within the norm, that is , the natural background for our region, there are about 12 microregens per hour, if i'm not mistaken, there are 11 with kopecks, well, what's in a few, well, many times lower, maybe somehow the magat observers can help determine from which side all this is flying, i think that the magat observers will not be of much help, as well as the international olympic committee or the un, yes, but we must understand that international organizations, unfortunately, are international are. only in names, and so the place of sitting determines the point of view, if we look at where the offices of this or that organization are located, then according to the position of those states, yes the western world as a whole, what is happening is determined, according to the ukrainian, if the topic is such a question, is there still an explanation why they struck this blow? yes, of course, well, we must understand that in general, you said correctly that now it was a vacation, yes, therefore i return completely. it reaches 42 and 50
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plus even arrivals, this is a barrel artillery, attack drones and so on, that is, now everything around is burning literally constantly forests, which are small , we must understand that for our steppes forests are well this is a miracle, this is a very valuable resource, that is, strikes are carried out constantly, in my opinion, well, taking into account the information that i have, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant should be the third step in moments of provocation by the zelensky regime, the first is kurchina. because if yes, if we talk about the alarming events of recent days, then of course we cannot help but mention what is happening in the border regions, vanya, if possible, let's
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now go over the latest news, and then move on to the discussion, vladimir valeevich actually mentioned belgorodchina and yes, urgent news is coming from the belgorod region, where the regional authorities have already announced an evacuation...
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lost another 11 armored vehicles of western manufacture of the ukrainian armed forces during an attempt to break through in the areas of the settlements of tolpina, zhuravli and the general kolodes. according to the ministry of defense , troops of the northern group and combat aviation took part in repelling the attack. well, and ukraine is now trying to develop the so-called media effect from forays into the russian borderland, here is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, has already published a photo. which he signed "we continue the operation", there he is standing, you see, near some blurred maps, well, apparently we are talking about the actions of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, the ukrainian zador agency franspress supports, we will show you the photos now, here they are publishing them in the comments to these photos it is said that several dozen tanks
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are allegedly arriving in the sumy region, it, let me remind you, it borders on our bryansk, belgorod and kursk regions, all combat vehicles, as can be seen in the photographs, are marked with a special sign here... you can see a white triangle on the side, here is what the publication writes that this is how equipment crossing the border with russia is marked, well , the situation in our border area today, the media effect is of course an obvious and understandable thing, but still it seems to me that it is more important to understand what other dangers there are here and what goals, in addition to the media, then as for the organization of shumikha, information, the ukrainians are doing well, but... if we proceed from the fact that the attack on the kursk region is what is happening now in the belgorod region and can happen there in some other regions, god forbid, of course, if we proceed from the fact that this is some kind of diversionary maneuver in order to continue
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attempts to break through our defense, wherever it may be, that's where vladimir valerevich just spoke, then this is more serious than the previous attempts of the ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups, when they tried to enter belgorod, that's where they were last year and so on. another thing is that we still don't understand the true goal of the ukrainian armed forces and their commanders. so, we'll show you the first story now, and it's mainly the opinion of ukraine's western allies, because they generally don't fully understand what happened, and most importantly, why the ukrainians are doing this, because, judging by...
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the washington post claims that soon after the invasion of the kursk region, the kiev authorities asked the united states to approve strikes by american atacoms missiles on russian airfields, this would supposedly allow, quote: to hold part of the kursk region. another target of the ukrainian attack is considered to be the gas distribution station in sudzha, through which fuel is supplied to europe. the europeans are given we cut off gas to the europeans, then we could have cut it off on our european border before, you understand? well, that is, we are cutting off this gas to the europeans, in fact , interfering in these trilateral agreements,
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you understand? because, as for me, we need to be very careful here. the british press claims that the quote: "in the kurdish arc for there is little point in ukraine. to consolidate there , a lot of manpower is needed, and moscow has more reserves anyway. therefore , kiev is only harming itself by its actions, weakening the front, while western equipment and ukrainian soldiers would be more useful for the defense of, for example, chasov yar. if ukrainian troops are thrown back from russian territory without any tangible results with great losses, and the russians continue to move towards pokrovsk, then the top military leadership of ukraine will be considered to have lost a huge adventure. andrey onovich, yes, you are smiling correctly, because you are like a full-time interpreter, but without this media story there is no media to surprise here at all. look, then, why was this done, why until now, first of all
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i want to say that the operation in the kursk region was prepared for 2.5 months, 2 months, yes, it was prepared very seriously, very thoughtfully, yes, it was prepared with the help of nato, ukraine has absolutely all the maps, detailed maps of all our fortifications, all our other things, and this direction was, can i interrupt you, nato or somehow. the second goal, very pragmatic, very interesting, which wait, and to reach the kursk npp, for what, in order to arrange it there
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, anything will be possible, yes, this is true, the second point is that right here is the gas distribution hub, which means that smart people in kiev correctly calculated that it is necessary to capture this hub, why, why, then, so that the russian army destroys it, because to liberate this...
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preparations for the capture of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant are being completed, this will apparently be in the end of august, the fourth step so to speak, the flow in what way? this is a double blow, this is a blow to the crimean bridge, including the use of two f16 aircraft and that not three, two, there two are needed two, two, there is a good missile, air, ground, from a distance, from what andrei vladimirovich describes, from what andrei vladimirovich describes,
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these are some kind of enormous forces that must be involved, all the last months we have been talking about the fact that ukraine is experiencing different... tsirsky said that they are experiencing shortage of people at the front, now in order to enter our kursk region by how much , 15-20 km, they deployed a group of 10,000 people, there are around, in the belgorod region, probably another 10 are needed, for the breakthrough that you described, i don’t know, what is this number, where will they suddenly spontaneously ignite, self-reproduce budding? with good weapons, and even combat-ready, until now, as long as we live with these headlines of the regime’s ogonia, we will lose, because there is constant lying on our part about weakness ukrainian army, i will answer, there are forces, in the belgorod direction ukraine has about 20 thousand people who can
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take part, the capture of the zaporizhzhya npp will require 6-7, why then, if everything is so good with their power, why did this counter-offensive last year fail, it was not collected, poorly prepared, now they have become smarter, they have become smarter, they have become smarter, they have thought everything through this time to a much greater extent than it was, moreover, there is also a very important external factor, the most important thing here is that kiev's position is very clear, they saw that we...
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it is no coincidence that in the main intelligence department of ukraine, what is happening today, they called it conditional, there is a conditional name, this is the operation to sink the kursk, so today is august 19, the anniversary, 24 years ago. also interconnected, this is a combination of a military psychological attack, unfortunately, we did not fully withstand it, i just do not really understand why it is necessary to seize nuclear power plants, if you can just shoot there with a missile or f16, well, you see, you say, f16 two are enough, so anton valeevich, you calmly listened with such icy composure as andrey
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vladimirovich broadcast your impressions, well, we have now heard a brief excerpt of what is being written.
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they are trying to turn the board over, they are trying to say what he said in your story, verbatim, the ukrainian army knows how to surprise and achieve results, this is the main goal, why? because if they turn things upside down in the heads of people and first of all that western establishment, which can say anything, but inside understands that everything that ukraine is already as if there everything is lost, written off, and pay attention, western media, the first days, complete bewilderment from experts, everyone says that there is no strategic, tactical military. no, now western media are talking, and they are not able to delay it much, because we continue the offensive where we were offensive, so, why is this attempt being made, if suddenly, god forbid, they, because under these.
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i mean, someone's personal fault, because we are real, well, again, i say, we kind of show solidarity, i don't do this, honestly speaking, well, so as not to point a finger at anyone, not in this studio in general, in general, we really often have this kind of hat
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of zaikidatelstva allow ourselves to say a lot of things, like tomorrow, that is , they give people the false impression that tomorrow everything will end, there is no need to do this, on the one hand, on the other hand, they really are not in a position of strength now, if they were strong, they would not have thrown and burned their reserves. said, one of the calculations could have been that we would have withdrawn some large, major forces from the main familiar section of the front, and transferred there near kursk or belgorod, where our attention is now
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riveted, this is not happening, moreover, news continues to arrive that some populated areas are being liberated and continue to be liberated. the most unpleasant situation for the armed forces of ukraine has developed in the donetsk direction, in just a week the russian army advanced 15 km to the outskirts of toretsk, taking control. ukraine lost urozhnoye and staromayskoye, and
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the capture of these villages was one of the few for the armed forces of ukraine successes of last year's counteroffensive. there is no such active advancement in the kharkov direction, but the russian defense ministry reported successes in the areas of odnobrovka and kazachya lopan. troops of the northern group are striking the ukrainian armed forces in the volchansk and liptsevsk directions. accumulate, they come in waves, accumulate, accumulate, attack, accumulate, attack, well, and somewhere around five, six, definitely clashes, only in different areas of volchansk. if in the north and west the ukrainian troops are gradually retreating, then in the south there is suspicious activity. the russian defense ministry reported that the enemy was amassing forces in the zaporizhzhya direction. in july, russian artillery struck the city of orekhovo after ukrainian reinforcements appeared there. the ssu on the coast became more active on the night of august 6. attempted to land troops on twelve boats on the tendra spit. three boats sank with their crews. on friday , the ukrainian armed forces attempted to land on two boats on the kinburd spit. the landing force was destroyed.
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here is a hoholny lying on the shore. he will die. there, over the kherson region, according to rumors, there appeared the first f-16s, which were recently brought to ukraine. military experts warn that we need to be prepared for a major strike by the ukrainian armed forces in the south, perhaps for its sake. a distracting sortie into the kursk region has been launched , this is a strike somewhere, most likely, in the direction of crimea, either through kherson, a short isthmus, to block crimea, or to melitopol, zaporozhye, therefore, within the framework of a large strategic operation there is always a false strike, we do not see any f-16s here, we do not see a single leopard tank version one, their more than 200 were transmitted, they are somewhere. vladimirovich, andrey frantsich is talking about the same thing, essentially, as he is telling us now. andrey vladimirovich is in the studio, that some big strike is being prepared in a completely different part of the map, to what extent do you share these concerns, because it is obvious that these preparations should be more visible from the zaporizhzhya region than from
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moscow, they absolutely do. i will say even more, we were talking about the nuclear power plant, it is clear that when you say wolves-wolves, it already seems that there will be no risk, but right now the assembled sososhniks to a large extent, well, that is , the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, and the marines have been transferred from the kherson region, well, that is , the real elite, well, like units, they have already conducted combat coordination, about at least eight eight variants of exercises for forcing the dnieper in the upper part of the pool. well, that is, above the dnieproges in the city of zaporozhye, which is under control, they are forcing the dnieper, and not just forcing, they are capturing a large object in a dense there, like an industrial zone, they are knocking them out of there, that is it that major blow that they are preparing or is it just some special operation within the framework of something even bigger, here there was a speech simply to people about resources, well, there are big doubts that they have so many of them, yes, because we are now undergoing a surrender, on the other
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side the transition to... the peaceful side, often without a single shot, that is , they cannot hold the front for long, people really immediately go to 149-200 in whole squads, yes there are five, seven people, but nevertheless they surrender constantly, if we look even at kursk region, they sent there who, eighty, eighty-second, that is, those who were snatched in mariupol, snatched last year on the zaporizhzhya front, who were well-provided, who were patched up a little, sent further, they do not have such a volume of forces that well...
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for a second i am not an expert in this area, but i am in crimea every year, and i see how it changes, i think that i am not revealing some state secret here, but the protection of the crimean bridge is changing, well, therefore i somehow doubt that even 2 f16 can do something significant, the overwhelming majority vacationers in krm travel along the land corridor through mariupol and so on, they travel along the bridge like that.
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and we said, they said here, yes, this is what will happen, they make the same mistake about us, we made such a psychological mistake about them, they make the same mistake about us, you understand, the second point, and that is, you, you think, a second here is an important point, then probably the main goal here of this whole operation was not military, but rather political, political, of course, the second second moment, and they understand that there will be many
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voices that will call for... and the bitterness, yes, there will be voices that will somehow doubt, this is understandable, to introduce doubts into the russian ranks, perhaps a change in military leadership, to introduce some chaos into this, this is one of their goals, but if...
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to force moscow to change its strategy towards easing or, on the contrary, tightening, this is another question, then the configuration on the board will change, maybe then you have some chance of winning, maybe, therefore it is absolutely, well, here they mentioned an example orderly, it's not quite orderly, but the meaning
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is something like this: throw everything you have, the most combat-ready, to change the configuration on the board, maybe once again as a result the new configuration will be more advantageous to you, you will have at least some chance of winning, i'll implement it now. how did these orders end - then 44 wait you with yours a ninety percent chance of defeat, but there is at least 10% that something will work out from can i briefly, maxim natorich, maxim natorich, after after the advertisement, that is, we are now here our management is russian, we behave exclusively correctly, in these conditions, we do not fall in one direction or another, we do not soften our position, strategically it is correct, tactically, of course, it is.
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rubles. and that's not all, call right now and get the second photofad absolutely free. this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. we continue this part, let's start with the shots that just now. russia, they interrogate with fsb officers a prisoner from the eightieth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, he was detained in the belovsky district of the kursk region. actually, from the footage of this interrogation it follows that the goal of the ukrainian militants who entered the kursk region was to seize territory of the russian federation for further exchange during negotiations. this detainee claims that the main goal of the attack was to reach kursk and belgorod. the vseushniks were ordered
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to shoot everyone on the spot in case of resistance from the local civilian population, also the detainee said that the ukrainian military was looting when they entered houses, yes, there was definitely looting, they took everything they saw, probably everything valuable and that could be taken away, we are moving forward, our goal is to first reach kursk, from kursk to be in order to capture a larger territory, so that during the peace treaty that will be, there will be an opportunity to change territories. well, now let's get the latest data from our ministry of defense about what is happening in the kursk region: over the past 24 hours, at least seven attacks have been repelled assault groups in the ssu in the area of ​​several settlements, these are martynovka, borki and korenevo, also during an attempt to break through in the area of ​​the village of kauchuk, the armed forces of ukraine lost more than 20 armored vehicles and a tank.
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there are no official reports either on the website of the patriarchate or on the website of the kursk diocese, the forgery was also given away by the frankly mocking tone of the narrative, the authors clearly did not understand the specifics of holding church events, well, and the phrases that the patriarch will read some strong prayers for victory, well, all this looks comical, of course, so we continue
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andrey vladimirovich, well, this version is just so obviously completely in order to sow panic here inside there, so maxim anatorich, you haven't had time to say yet. well , after some time, that the goal of the operation is to seize territories in order to then somehow exchange it, well, now we'll get to it, because we, yes, i haven't discussed anything , unlike you, so do you want to leave or something, no, i have something to say, and i 'll start with your question, andrey, and like, here's what they achieved, here. a declared advantage, and this must be recognized, that is, now they have such inspiration, and this is very unpleasant news for us, but
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we must be honest about it, that is, all those who for 3-4 months have gradually come to terms with the fact that they will probably have to go to peace on some kind of...
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well, look, i won't even answer them, bad things are happening to the war, you know, ramzan kadyrov said 3 days, something like that, well , let's not mention ramzan kadyrov, so as not to have to apologize to anyone later, this topic in general, especially now, you know, let's talk about this topic of akhmat and ramzan let's just not discuss kadyrov out of harm's way, as for us, how can we calm down? well , try to look at it cynically, although it's incredibly difficult, less emotion, look at the map, at the map of russia, preferably, and compare these lost territories with the map of the huge russia, it's very important, yes, we need to evacuate from the entire border area, from everything, prepare for the worst case scenario,
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prepare for the fact that these territories, god willing, without people, in order to get everyone out, including old women, will have to be sacrificed, right? because they will have to be sacrificed for some time, maybe even for half a year the ukrainians will be able to consolidate their position there, let's think globally here, that means, in comparison with the resources of ukraine, including human resources, and the resources of huge russia, the extension of the front line, which they have now achieved, is beneficial to us, it is insanely unprofitable from an image point of view, but if we calm down and do not constantly put pressure on our military and political leadership, let's take revenge, strike a blow to these ukrainians, they even use a different word with the letter x, that means, if we calmly give it now this situation will settle down and are absolutely calm, you have probably already heard this phrase, that the news about the detention of high-ranking employees of the ministry of defense
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has left the rank of important news and now belongs to the news of the weather forecast, no one is there, listen. in zaporozhye, in crimea, that's what you think about this, and no one knows anything, listen, that is, no one knows anything, who could have predicted this, we really have.
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what is happening, on the other hand, we need to remember that behind all these territories, which we now so easily talk about, that there they can go or go there, people live there, absolutely certainly, but it is they, they listen to us, they watch us, and we ourselves can, very unintentionally, naturally unconsciously, sow panic there, where there is even a place for the same, our enemies are doing what they are doing now, they are emphasizing that, take any statements, for the first time since the second world war , foreign troops have invaded russian territory, you understand, they are hitting this, this place, the chinese, listen, those
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who write this, they don’t know about this, but we we know, and about the map we can say a few words, here he said the right thing, basically all the maps that are being spread on our telegram channels are this kind of map, this kind of piece, yes, on which this piece, which is military, it takes up most of this map, someone posted, i remember, a map of the kursk region, this small isthmus. what does it say, completely different perceptions, these are the little things, they are also very significant, they are just not little things, yes, they talked about information here, i mean in view of the trifle in terms of size, here they talked about the information component, let's do it this way, each in this information puzzle that we have, war correspondents, we will make a separate program, because in the first days our channels dispersed such a number. we are going in the other direction, what
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to do in this situation, yes in this situation in my opinion, everyone needs to focus just on taking three steps back and looking at the picture, what picture, the picture really, what the kiev regime is throwing, the majority, okay, not all, let it be, most of their trained reserves there, the picture is, what is this?
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i just look at everything, yes , it's so cold in moscow now, i just came from the zaporozhye region, it's 30 degrees hot there, hot in every sense
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, we just need to remove all emotions and understand one thing, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, russian help a russian, this is what should work, let's make it simpler, tomorrow we 're going to kursk, raise your hands, whoever wants, we'll take it, we'll go, we'll ask how much each can take, someone has a dacha near moscow, well, you can live in an apartment, you can do it for now, until we start interacting as a society, you see, you have emotions, everything is boiling , no need. what is all this being done, no need, i tell ordinary people, you don’t need to wait there only from the authorities and so on, some kind of parasitism, you don’t need to write, you want to write an angry comment there in a telegram somewhere else, go buy a kamisa drone there and send it to a unit you know, or well, or pay for the purchase, it’s all normal, under comrade stalin we had entire tank units, dmitry donskoy there and everything, people interacted, here, you said it right, andrey, thank you for the arrests of high-ranking officials who stole from... believe me, i lived there
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for more than three decades, among those people who are now sometimes called by the letter x, as maxim said, yes, these are southern russian people who have always been at the forefront of the russian world, have always been in a state of war, but we had a war there all the time, be it the ottoman empire, or someone else, or the poles came there, there swedes and so on, that is , there was a war there for hundreds of years, well, it is now, as it were, it is almost a natural state, therefore, those people need to be helped to see the world. to come to this world faster, what is happening with the vysushniks who go over to the peaceful side, now they are really in the kursk region, they are burning highly motivated people everywhere, believe me, on the zaporozhye front, well, people who do not want to fight, but there are minefields, there are shellings, there really is let's take a breather for a couple of minutes, then we will consider another topic today, maxim anatolyevich, please stay.
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open jardín gold, enjoy its rich aroma, balanced taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold, jardín gold, the pleasure of feeling something special, dirt, darkness, nothing human, pasha, i already told you, i live like this and have lived for a very long time, and you want me to live like this, it is not assigned to take you into development, okay, pasha, this is our city, you and i will live here, you must start collaborating, do you want me to bring my friend under the article, or so it is they will press you so hard that it won't seem like a little, you know me well, whose side are you on, nevsky, serious things await you and me, today 20:00 on ntv, a miracle, the premiere is on saturday at
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whatever, but this is not a sport and not the olympic games, so vanya, i have a suggestion, first you give us now, here you go, really. the sports results of this olympics, at least so that we have some idea, i will try, but still there will not be a sports tint, nevertheless i will try, and so, what does the medal table look like after the olympic games in the absence
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of the russian team in the usual sense for us, in first place the united states of america 126 medals and 40 gold, the chinese also 40, but you see the total number there for silver and bronze is less, they are in second place, well , japan closes this front page with... now a three-time olympic champion, among russian athletes who competed under a neutral flag following the games in paris, silver in tennis is the doubles category, mira andreeva and diana schneider
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received awards, a total of 15 athletes from our country went, while the real number of russian athletes, russian in a broad sense at this olympics was of course more, as many as 60 natives of our country preferred to perform under foreign flags, a little more about them.
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but the main sensation is that there will be no boxing competitions at the olympics in the united states, they also decided to exclude the pentathlon, but from the category of such, well, optional or new sports to the category of permanent ones.
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this main olympic post, well , because just how can i say it in russian - it 's already a shame. his delicate soul could not stand all that we have not seen, now we will show you, we will show. that the organizers the closing ceremony of the paris olympics is preparing something special, it became clear even from the poster, on it many saw the image of the fallen angel lucifer, not cast out by god from heaven. the scriptwriters really recreated the scene of satan's fall from heaven, a character dressed in gold in absolute darkness descended down. the audience compared what was happening with... dark
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music, lighting design and smoke generators complemented the picture. then they showed an angel without a head with cut off wings. a map of the earth, pierced by spear. at some point, the map began to look like a deity with a dog's head. according to rumors , the script for the closing of the olympics was greatly changed after the scandal surrounding its opening, when the scriptwriters. properly went over the biblical symbols, the most striking shots refer to the famous canvas of the last suppers by leonardo dovinci. in the original, jesus christ sits with the apostles, in the paris production , the actors in revealing outfits are scattered around a long table. a body-positive woman acted in the image of jesus, in the role of the apostles - famous french transvestites.
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catholic bishops in france and germany, as well as the vatican and the russian orthodox church , condemned the opening ceremony, calling it a mockery and a mockery of christians. the american technology company seaspire even decided to withdraw its advertising. the organizers themselves eventually apologized and removed all the scandalous footage from their official social media pages. the show was called the collapse of civilization and christian culture around the world. they deny that there is a common culture and a common morality built on it. ceremony opening of the games instead of a beautiful show became, let's say, a downright ideological demonstration, became a slap in the face to all the athletes, fans, and our entire european civilization. i think it was a disgrace. the opening ceremony itself was not held at the stadium for the first time, but on the banks of the seine. spectators who bought tickets for thousands of euros - that's hundreds of thousands of rubles, huddled in the pouring rain and watched the show. on huge screens,
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due to bad weather, some of them broke, some of the spectators left before the ceremony began. another unusual sign of the past the olympics was an american rapper snoup dog, who obviously has nothing to do with sports. the expert on quality cocaine was just hanging out in paris , appearing at various public events to attract more attention to them. for this, the organizers.
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experienced preparing for this olympics, wore everyone out, especially the strong athletes, all these disputes to be, not to be, to participate, not to participate, and it seems to me, in the end, in general, it is necessary to emphasize the line first, why should this small mountain 15 people represent our country at such an olympics? that this is the russian state, a huge sports state, there are some 15 members here and you didn't get very important ones, because well what about the result, it seems to me that there is some double meaning in your words, well this is - well the result, i'll tell you straight, even that budistka, who was obliged to at least under
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pressure, because this is our sport and should have at least brought it in order for it to fly, and if we talk about the olympic games in paris as some kind of cultural event. somehow very resonant, i even think that for us, well, i, as russian women, the europeans will express their point of view there, to be honest, i didn’t watch it from beginning to end, i don’t like it, but i didn’t watch it from beginning to end, andrey, please repeat, yes, i didn’t either, no, i didn’t watch it from the beginning either, these splashes that we see, but it’s just a monster, but in general i have the feeling that humanity has gone somewhere, it’s just completely reckless, well, i don’t know, without...
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the show was definitely a success, well, precisely because it was discussed, we are still discussing it, even the opening, although how much time has passed, about they argue about it, they gossip about it, they discuss it, they break copies, and at the same time no one, no one left the olympic games, i mean, there were no people who would be offended like that, we will talk about the peculiar participants separately, to take and leave, that 's all. the olympics were discussed, even if not the sporting achievements, then at least what exactly france presented to humanity, yeah, plus to everything, france presented itself very loudly, like it, don't like it, wait a minute, here you are charlie hebdo and
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the international olympic movement, which should unite continents, unite athletes in a single impulse, who try faster, higher, harder, what do the organizers of the show show us? they show shows that the orthodox church, the catholic church are starting, it would be better if they did not see this, people on both sides, islamic states also strongly condemned this, not only here, people on both sides, in some ways i agree with morawiecki, this is an absolute representation of some kind of evil, they were slightly offended, well, because what can mishał morowiecki say, dear poles, athletes, you catholics, motherfuckers, let's go home already, this is a disgrace, it's impossible, this is the effect that the opening was supposed to have, this is a provocation, yes, this is a provocation, this is a place for provocations, we have a substitution of meaning here, because vladimir vikovich very cunningly, as a pr man, he said that well , this used to be a sports festival, and now this is a show, he went to discuss the show, that is, i say,
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this has nothing to do with sports, i can't now then evgen sergen, from your point of view, is there a relation here to sports, well, i i absolutely disagree, i think that they disagree with what with whom with me. spanish shame, yes, and they called from spain and said that it was not their shame, that's how bad everything was.
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the american was in fifth place, i think, in the end they put her in third place, no one followed sports about this, so well , maxim followed us, i saw him.
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i remember, for example, that we lost the olympics to a well-known sports journalist, i grenoble in 1968, a norwegian, you understand, and then i knew this theoretically from aunt lyuda titova, who won one of our five gold medals for the losses of alp, she is aunt lyuda for me, i know, did you just watch what?
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who won in the end in the group competitions , well, at least one gold would have been taken by the chinese, who in general, well, they were considered third, fourth, fifth, there should have been bulgarians, maybe israelis, but not chinese, why did they win.
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there he will put some harmful, not harmful, but healthy, but not tasty food in the plate, there i don’t know, porridge, no, vegetable horn, for example, there some zucchini, there this, the sausage will be cut into pieces, here he sits, pulls out this sausage, no, well at least something, all this useful zucchini, he does not eat, you watched the olympic games, as this child, here you are telling me now, you pulled out some tasty pieces, to everything else, you closed your eyes.
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of a different quality to show it to the viewers, but let's not forget that this
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sporting interest there is the final of women's basketball, it is all in a barrel of shit . it was in the hay, i did not even mention the hay i say, yes, there are all these, and also about our soft power, the so-called, it's the same other substance in a barrel with the same shit, because soft power, it's still not here with us, i was touched, i didn't watch sports, but i saw photos of the team, and the united states team, the french team, if i'm not mistaken, in table tennis, germany, germany, in table tennis.
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by the way, about the show, by the way, and the attitude towards pr people, towards advertisers, yes, everyone talks about it, but no one will buy it, it's bad advertising, they need to buy, no one will buy this crap, so here it is - it seems i crossed myself, to be honest, when i saw all this and realized that we were not there, because
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if we were there, it would have all been shown on our television, on all the central channels. the very next day, when i answered the question in public space about what it was, it was a declaration of war on us, normal people, this is precisely a declaration of war, a public demonstration for a billion-strong audience, this is not a declaration of war, this is a recording of victory. despite the fact that there were objections, macron said, we will not cancel anything, we will, we started from the desecration of the evening, and will end with satan, did it, that's why the pictures are so wonderful about him, how he spends his vacation, the show mustgoon, in short, now a short break and we will continue ... constellation, no
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1,999 rubles. but call us right now and lightning will be yours for only 1,699 rubles. liamax purchases with a plus. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we are now for a minute and a half there, for two we will be distracted from these olympic games, because we want to show you the footage that the kremlin press service distributed, literally just now, vladimir putin holds meetings with the security forces, as we say, the topic is naturally, the situation in the kursk region, so the president said that ...
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to improve his negotiating positions in future, but what kind of negotiations can we talk about at all ? can we talk about people who indiscriminately strike at civilians, at civilian infrastructure, or try to create threats to nuclear power facilities? what can we talk about with them at all? secondly, such actions certainly pursue the main military goal, namely
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, to stop the advance of our troops to completely liberate the territory of the luhansk and donetsk people's republics, the territory of novorussiya. and what, what is happening on the line of combat contact? what are the results? the pace of the attack?
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said that worms were found in the fish, in the cafeteria there was a kilometer-long queue. the coach of the spanish national swimming team complained that athletes were transported in buses without air conditioning, and this in thirty- degree heat. olympic swimming champion thomas ciccon from italy preferred the lawn in the park to his hotel room without air conditioning. the athletes did not like the innovative and cheap beds made of cardboard. they were invented by
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the japanese in the era. yes, to exclude close contacts. olympians complained of inconvenience and toughness. not all olympic guests leave paris with their wallets intact. the bag of the minister of sports of south sudan was stolen right in the hotel. inside were about 35 thousand dollars for the expenses of the entire delegation. australian cyclists lost money and equipment on the very first day. the massage table and bicycles disappeared. our van was broken, my bike bags with ... some things were in there, a crazy start to the trip. the athletes fought not only with each other, but with e. coli from the seine river. the world will hardly remember would have been canadian athlete tyler mislavchuk, if not for the vomiting attacks after bathing in hay right in front of the cameras. the belgian athlete was even hospitalized after bathing in this reservoir, despite the 1.5 billion euros spent on cleaning the hay. it's scary to imagine what would have happened if the river had not been cleaned. there were no
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queues of people wanting to see all this magnificence in person, for example, tickets for football matches initially cost 24 euros, but due to low demand, the price quickly dropped to 15 euros. discounts were also given on other sports: track and field, basketball, handball. tourists refused to visit paris during the olympics, and locals , on the contrary, tried to leave. the city is a complete mess, there is work going on everywhere, many roads are blocked due to construction, so it will be extremely difficult for us to use transport. france was proud of its most expensive medals in the history of the olympics, however, the skateboarder from the usa, nyjah huston, did not enjoy his bronze for long. after a few days, the metal began to rust on one side and peel off on the other. organizers the olympics promised to replace everything. however, the western layman was never tired of being informed. the cause of all the problems was not the miscalculations, stupidity or greed of the organizers, but the streams
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of lies from russia. if russia cannot participate in the olympic games or win them, then it seeks to undermine, discredit and humiliate international competitions in the eyes of the participants, spectators and the world audience. nikolai igorevich, everything that we have just shown, everything, all of this is western publications, the woman who talks about paris is abc news, all of these athletes - this is not our filming, nevertheless, this is a stable narrative, which means, a wonderful, remarkable sporting event. vulgarized by the filthy russian propaganda, it means it sits and gloats, how is that? well, probably, if you watch part of today's broadcast, you can make such a conclusion, and even, probably, if i had not watched either the competitions or the opening and closing ceremonies, i would also probably have decided that it was terrible, terrible, well, andrei vladimirovich gave an example when a child chooses something, people, yes, i love, i love borscht, when i say, there is a lot there pepper to pour, in principle, of course,
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you can select pepper from borscht, chew it. and generally present it as a separate dish, well then it will turn out, that's what really tasteless borscht, everything is bad, i think that the olympic games themselves will go down in history as bright and as opening and closing ceremonies, including events of overcoming of man's capabilities, and not only athletes, at the opening many journalists already, i completely agree with this, the performance of selendion is called the best ending ceremonies.
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association of the fact of victory, and such an impudent, contemptuous one in the western world, i mean for the western world, when they threw at it, what kind of, and what kind of advertising, everything is for sale, everything is good, yes, he is right in fact, because by and large everything that we discuss
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and what we do not like, and this that was filmed for us, no, it was done for lovers of those, for lovers , for lovers of the city, for lovers of street sculptures from poop, which we have recently. years, i remember what i had, when i was still i watched something like that, but i was on duty, rather, in my opinion, it was the opening of albertville. some year 992 the second yes and
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there at the opening ceremony too in general there were some kind of some kind of infernal things , everything everyone then still said what it means they allowed themselves some kind of spiders there were scary in general everything was terrible i understand that the french generally just like something like that to screw everyone a little so it may be i really we are exaggerating a little here.
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we will fight, in a few minutes we let's finish this topic. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, can you imagine? with it you can do everything, everything, everything, and even more, not pay interest for 200 days, another category of cashback.
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apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in... this is the meeting place of dntv, a place where everything becomes clear, we continue, or rather we will finish this topic now, i am very not i want to agree with anton valerievich, well , somehow, that's all, that's the statement of victory, they won, i understand, yes, well, let's take some step.
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these are not my fantasies, this is just what is now a fait accompli, something on which we can draw some conclusion. at the olympics, new disciplines were presented in already existing sports: rock climbing , speed climbing , canoeing, icon kayak cross were added to rowing. however, the cherry on the cake was a completely new sport for the olympic games, breakdancing. true, they are similar those who represented him at the competition, i. were not the best in their field. attention was drawn to the thirty-eight-year-old croatian volleyball player josip virlić, who is distinguished by his not very athletic build. he weighs 135 kg, and many ordinary fans said that they felt more confident against his background. however, his
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build did not prevent the croatian team from reaching the final and taking silver. the anti-hero of the games in paris was a volleyball player from.
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for the first time about this person, who raped there, i don’t know the whole story, this separately, let's figure it out, and about what's in boxing, here we need to decide, either
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we say that there are men and there are women, and these were women, you already imagine it, women are about the opposite, they have a code from today to tomorrow, or either then we really need to say that there are difficulties in this issue and it is possible, let's say , to hold some third competitions. for those who have other analyses, for those who have other analyses, but if we say that traditional values ​​are only men and women, then we can't argue with this, that's it, there you can go there for the third competition, what are you having fun with, firstly, who told you that yes, china may not even take part in 2028, who knows, maybe america won't be there, we can have solidarity too, no matter what. it will be, and as for us, well, let's hold our own competitions, they will come,
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take a look, we'll stop, so, let's try to draw some conclusion from this conversation now, on her younger sister's birthday, yulia received a strange gift from her mother, the woman said that she adopted her, from the engels maternity hospital in the saratov region. say thank you that we feed you, give you something to drink, you are nobody to us, you are adopted for us. but the alleged biological brother and sister assure that besides them, mom had no children. could your mother have given birth to another child? this could not have happened at all. she had a child, it is unlikely that this could have happened. in addition, according to them, the woman was a very loving mother, and would never have abandoned her child. it was a close-knit family, we grew up in love, in affection. in care, so what happened 34 years ago in the maternity hospital engels, maybe there was cheating, she
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realized that the child was not from her husband, that didn't happen, maybe there was some pressure from relatives, i'm opening the dna envelope, today at 16:45 on ntv. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, yes , it's not a business at all, but you didn't listen, because you're doing everything wrong, continue, we give businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business, alfa-bank is the best bank for business, azon. sdoym school worries, school sale on ozon, exclusive collection of clothes for school from the cela brand,
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his his fighter englishman won this celebration i understood you so well for me this olympics is an empty place it did not exist and i hope that in russia here in russian historiography it will be such an empty place from the point of from the point of view of the global world, well, two things - firstly, it's a scandal, and secondly, it's still a fixation of this privileged
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position of this progressive transhumanism over traditional ones. but it's a fact, if someone became disillusioned with the olympics and the olympic movement in general only this year, then i'm sorry, it happened to me in 2016, i went to the international arbitration on delusinbayeva in lausanne, since then i have one small vile dream, to see this building of the international olympic committee in lausanne burning, listen, you are some kind of extremist, sometimes you have such non-olympic principles, in general, it's completely new. well, not very cheerful, a boulevard, two, well , pension-age men are sitting on a bench, a chessboard, they are playing chess between them, talking. well, did you watch those olympic games in paris? god be with you, it was just sodom and gomorrah. oh, don't even say it, although you know, after all, this warning was a long time ago. what warning? and when notre dame
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burned down? it was the meeting place that can't be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. the tasks have been set, to drive the enemy out of our territories. vladimir putin held a meeting on the situation in the kursk, belgorod and bryansk regions. the protenik will certainly receive a worthy response, all the goals facing us will undoubtedly be achieved. united front, accept, i'm behind. potergi native, mostly local, but people come from everywhere, as a volunteer?


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