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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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why? because when they make a movie about a nurse and a plumber in germany, it turns out to be a smut movie, and in our case it's athos. it was a meeting place that can't be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. two dead and... more than thirty wounded in the ssu fired at a passenger bus in lesichansk. russian troops continue to push the ukrainian armed forces unit out of the kursk region. and volunteers from all over the country deliver humanitarian aid to the region and clear rubble from the streets. glass, garbage, metal, concrete that fell, we clear it all.
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trump says. the broadcast of the interview of the us presidential candidate elon musk broke the viewership record, what was discussed? cartoons for export about the difficulties of translation, fairy tales for the east attempts to cancel russian animation.
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serious condition, they are being prepared for transportation to lugansk. the republican clinical hospital sent several teams of doctors for the wounded. and now about the situation in the kursk direction, all areas where ukrainian troops are moving are under the control of the russian army. this was stated by the deputy head of the main military-political department of the ministry of defense abti alaudinov. according to him, the clearing of settlements where the enemy remains is currently underway, and the ukrainian side is suffering the maximum losses since the beginning of the svo. most of the forces of the su that entered the territory of russia have already been destroyed. alaudinov is confident that the enemy is unlikely to advance further. bladescream, according to him, failed. the ministry of defense believes that the development of the attack on the kursk region was led by the american generals. nato headquarters took part in it. the operation involved many foreign mercenaries. and according to the ministry of emergency situations , more than 2,000 people have been evacuated from the border areas of the kursk region in just one day. volunteers help evacuate people , often at risk to their lives. forced.
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displaced persons are accepted in different regions of the country, orel, lipetsk, rostov, on the don, moscow region, evacuees are placed in hotels, health camps, boarding houses, humanitarian aid is collected for them and the issue of placing children in local schools is resolved, if necessary, real human stories in the material of nahid babaeva. karina korastelyova is a mother of many children, lived in a private house in the lgovsky district of the kursk region, flew home quickly, called her grandmother, said, wake up the children, we are leaving, immediately loaded the children. what they were in, in what as is , i understand that we need to go to the east, when she brought her to orel, she returned to help, she went to the lgovsky district three times to evacuate people, how orel responded, but i have no words, they just provided us with everything every second, they accommodated us, they said 5 minutes, settle in a little, us they fed us right there, took all the children to feed them, every single one of them on their own...
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at the auto repair shop , my girlfriends changed everything for free, that is, also a big thank you to the guys, then we came to the family, the top one really helped us, he drove us to the auto repair shop, we are a mamon, there they also warmed us up, thank you too, this is a friend of my girlfriend's, we also spent the night there with the children, here is a bus with forced migrants arriving in the moscow region, about 200 people, mostly children.
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volunteers from all over the country are now helping the kursk residents, someone, as volunteers of the young guard, clearing away the rubble after the attack by the ukrainian military. since the morning, since 11:00 , we have been outside. clearing away all this rubble so that people can move freely, glass, garbage, metal, concrete that fell, we remove all this, someone collects and distributes humanitarian aid, boxers were training in this hall 10 days ago, now hundreds of packages are laid out here, athletes, instead of training, are handing out blankets, pillows and essential items. everything that is needed, we have acquired everything, everything, now we will distribute to people in need, children with both hands. parents agreed to everything, as if, what is needed, we will help, as if it is very nice, well, this is our common cause, we must help. valentina lyakhina left her native village of lyubimovka a few days ago, in kursk they took her in, gave her everything necessary for the first time, food, hygiene products,
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blankets with pillows, they left their animals at home, i do not know what is there now, and gratitude to all the drivers, they helped us and even. they did not take money from us, the volunteers are the displaced persons, where can they apply for humanitarian aid, a deep bow, i don’t know, they almost carried us in their arms. the russian red cross also helps people find their relatives. we interact with local authorities, try to clarify information in the temporary accommodation centers, where people can be accommodated, where they can apply for any help in principle after moving from dangerous places. true, there is an unpleasant moment: ukrainian scammers took advantage of the situation. they began writing to residents of the kursk region, offering to take them out of dangerous places for money places or find a missing person. therefore, such calls and messages should be treated with caution, the whole country has now united to help internally
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displaced persons, as best they can. nahid babayev, elena savelyeva, ntv. the head of the national anti-terrorist.
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foreign intelligence services, they involve russians, mainly young people, in terrorist activities. since the beginning of this year , 110 terrorist attacks have been prevented. as reported ministry of defense, a unit of the central forces group liberated the settlement of lisichnoye of the donetsk people's republic. also , the advance of russian troops was noted in the areas of six more villages. in other areas , the picture is similar. our military is pushing back the enemy, opening up fortified areas. remote targets are being worked out. the calculation of the iskander missile system destroyed at the airfield.
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yes, it strongly counteracts, well, yes, what, and how does it cope, it turns out higher, we gain altitude, and we walk in a row, in general , all this is very, of course, unpleasant to go under the beeping of a drone
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detector here in the sky, denser than in a moscow traffic jam, in such a situation to hide. all-seeing ukrainian drones art installation is not an easy task, but this calculation managed to make an eight-ton nona invisible, they work, so to speak, with a tray at the armed forces of ukraine, the flight time of a 120-mm projectile is several seconds, a chance ...
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the war has changed, unmanned aerial vehicles are used, small groups of action, we lead groups under an unmanned aerial vehicle, we advance in the northern direction, it turns out that the enemy at this at the moment, he does not take active actions so as not to become a target for ukrainian drones, our fighters go out on missions in very small groups, a dugout or a trench is sometimes captured by just a couple of motorized riflemen, a person adapts to everything, so being here you understand that... adapt to the current situations, the main thing is not to panic, i began to appreciate this peaceful
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sky above my head, this peaceful life, calm, here these things are perceived in a completely different way, you begin to realize everything for a man. closer to the morning, the infantrymen under under the control of our drones, they entered the positions where reinforcement was required, a request came from them to the command and observation post, or rather an order, they transmit by radio what they need, they write us a list, bring it, we collect it. and how much it can weigh, so here is a maximum of up to 600 units of the 123rd brigade are getting closer to seversk, as for the rifle battalion, it is fighting a few kilometers from the city limits, combat work is going confidently, but without a pawn, people will go to the enemy's strongholds, only after there drones and our artillery will work. alexey chebatarev, pavel volosatov, ntv, donetsk people's republic. two twenty-ton trucks and three five-ton kamaz trucks set off for the svo istalyat zone. this humanitarian convoy is carrying...
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deputies, local businesses, the diocese, city administration employees and sports organizations, schools and orphanages are helping. we weave nets, make trench candles, mahmoud abbas, he arrived in moscow the day before on an official visit, the russian president warmly
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welcomed the guest, here are the first shots of their meetings. everyone knows that today russia, unfortunately, must defend its interests, protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, certainly does not go unnoticed on our part. we have very long-standing deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine, for our part we are doing everything to support palestinian people, you know, we sent about 700 tons of cargo for various... of a nature. putin noted that, first of all , russia is concerned about the losses among the civilian
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population of the palestinian territories. according to the un, the number of victims has exceeded 40. these are mainly women and children. putin emphasized that moscow has always advocated a peaceful settlement of the palestinian-israeli conflict. we have a common position, it is that the roots of this problem go far back in the past and are connected, first of all, with ignoring. previously adopted at the level international organizations, primarily at the un level, decisions with the formation of an independent palestinian state. our position here is.
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conversation with the ambassadors of the arab states. ntv viewers in the capital will then see the release today in moscow, and we will continue the broadcast for other regions of central russia. donald trump gave a telephone interview to elon musk. the broadcast was conducted on the social network owned by the american billionaire. musk believes that many did not want people to hear trump. this quote. even the european commission representatives made it clear to him the day before that the interview could be considered harmful content in europe, but they failed to shut the former us president up. he outlined his views on many issues, paying much attention to the conflict in ukraine and promising to get along with vladimir putin if he wins the election. this is another quote.
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the number of views and reposts is already approaching a billion, musk reported. he listened to trump. and alexey veselovsky. the interview of the century, ambitiously named so by trump's campaign headquarters, would be more appropriate dubbed the podcast of the century. elon musk and donald trump talked without cameras, perhaps to avoid problems. last spring, florida governor desantis decided to use musk's social network to announce his entry into the presidential race, then the servers crashed, and it took a long time to restore them. this time, even without a picture, technical problems still could not be avoided, the servers crashed again. to stop it, in the worst case, we will start with fewer listeners later post the conversation online. as a result, the conversation
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began 40 minutes late, trump spoke on iphone from his maralaga estate in florida, on the table next to the sheets of paper clearly. has explained to his supporters more than once, this time he reiterated that he wants peaceful coexistence, and the biden administration and his estimator harris, could lead the world to a nuclear catastrophe. the biggest threat is nuclear warming, because now we have five countries with significant nuclear power, and we must not allow anything to happen to fools like
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biden. you know, biden did something to russia, there was no chance that it would ever go in, when i left, they started to form big armies there on the border with ukraine, i looked at it and i thought he was only doing it because putin is a good negotiator, i thought he was doing it to negotiate, but then biden started saying some really stupid things, like he said it could be a nato country, since nato has existed, russia has been saying we will never agree to that and we will never allow ukraine to join nato. you just think, we did something and said something through this stupid president with a low iq, with a very low iq. by the way, 30 years ago he had a low iq, but now he probably has no iq at all. trump dwelt on the ukrainian conflict in detail. he said more than once that if he wins the presidential election, he will do everything in his power to stop the bloodshed. many more people have died in ukraine than you read. you don't read about how bloody and deserted it is here. there are about half a million in the two armies alone losses. ukraine is going through hard times.
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russia defeated germany with us, and they also defeated napoleon. this country is a great fighting force. and in ukraine, meanwhile, there is a shortage of men. any smart president could have stopped this, it would not have happened, but we had the guy who made the situation in ukraine worse. it's disgusting, the words he said are stupid threats coming from a stupid man. i said right away that this guy is going to start a war, this guy is going to harm us, let me tell you that all this could lead to world war iii, like the situation in the middle east. there are many reasons why we could be drawn into world war iii, for no reason at all. trump's presidential rival kamali haris, trump also called her stupid and incompetent and warned listeners that with her at the helm, america could face new upheavals.
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and this broadcast with trump was listened to live by more than a million people, for musk's social network this is a record so far. alexey vasilovsky, yulia seonskaya, ntv. usa. in german society, former nazis are becoming heroes again. this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova , responded to the news about the expansion of the decree on traditions in germany. according to media reports , they are going to recognize wehrmacht officers as an example of military valor. we are talking about those who, after the war, openly distanced themselves from their past and helped build a new german army. they are supposedly going to be honored on an equal basis with the resistance members. on a shameful page.
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in general, the national project assumes further strengthening trade relations with friendly states, creating the necessary infrastructure for this and developing new markets. at the same time, the prime minister assessed the results of previous work in this direction, for example, business received significant support, including affordable loans to help conclude new contracts with foreign partners. thanks to these and other efforts, the share of friendly states in foreign trade continues to grow dynamically, despite ... all attempts by the west to hinder dialogue with potential current partners. according to the results for the first 5 months of the current year , this indicator in value terms
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exceeded 80%. although, let me remind you, a couple of years ago it was about half. it is important that to a large extent such dynamics were the result of a significant increase in russian exports by almost 11.5%. already ready to resist the golden horde. all not a rich city, only gaining strength, but this is about moscow in the times of dmitry donskoy on the eve of the legendary battle of kulikovo, what and how its future heroes lived. unique archaeological finds discovered on the territory of the moscow kremlin were first presented at the kulikovo field museum in... one and a half hundred exhibits, clothes, dishes, weapons, all these are artifacts that will allow us to learn a little more about the era, about which not so many documentary sources have reached us, one of the first to visit the exhibition
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was alina repina. who do you think used these sticks in moscow 600 years ago and how, was it writing or styluses, similar to those that you now have in your smartphones, only in the time of dmitry donskoy they scratched with them words on wax tablets. who wrote with these pens? and who were these people to dmitry donskoy? vladimir andreevich was his cousin. veleminovy ​​is a boyar family, but one of the veleminovs was married to the sister of evdokia, the wife of dmitry ivanovich. we are at the exhibition following large-scale excavations in the moscow kremlin. three years ago we already photographed them with great interest, told about the orders, that is. buildings of the 16th century, here is a rare chance to learn about much more ancient layers, what the kremlin was like in the 14th century, when moscow was not yet a single capital, and its
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the prince, along with other principalities, sent tribute to the golden horde, little remains from those times. in order for the tree to survive, the cultural layer must preserve, hold, it must be moist, in moscow, on the territory of the moscow kremlin, the cultural layer is very strongly broken by the foundations of buildings. the heroes of this exhibition are prince vladimir sterpukhovsky and boyar timofey vilyaminov, they lived in the kremlin, where the kremlin and tainitsky squares are now. yes, there were once residential buildings there. here is a ploughshare, that is, a wooden tiles from the roof, and that's almost all that's left from our estates. they were
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white-stoned under dmitry donskoy, and it was under dmitry that the white-stone kremlin was built, but white stone is a very expensive material, residential construction, this is the 16th century, to a greater extent , the peter the great era. our heroes, people are well-off, as wealth was at that time, here is the spiritual charter, that is , the will of dmitry donskoy, he leaves his sons a lot of land from koluga to kostroma and some treasures. a gold chain - one, gold belts - two, and one,
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was mainly used for communion, from one of the feasts, where they drank honey from such cups, the heroes of this exhibition went to kulikovo field, a turning point on the way to getting rid of the mongol yoke, this battle is dedicated to the scientific center in tula, where the exhibition is taking place, it turns out that in order to learn more about moscow, we went to tula, the exhibition is open in the museum quarter of tula until the end of the year. alina repina, maria popova and maxim kotnov, ntv. tula. now a short break, we will continue after the commercials. cartoons for export about difficulties translation fairy tales for the east attempts to cancel russian animation in the west, alexey kovoshenkel learned. and the newborn crater volcanologists discuss an unusual geological phenomenon on the kuril islands near the ebeka volcano a new crater has suddenly formed. this is moscow, this is
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a mobile application. tired of looking for a loan that will approve? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in a mobile application compare. premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. we are back on air, we will continue: russian modern animation is conquering new markets, the characters of our cartoons began to speak arabic, turkish and the languages ​​of latin american countries. the growth of popularity was facilitated in the west, when they refused to cooperate with our authors, how the heroes of russian animated series are settling in abroad and how... what prospects they have, alexey kovoshenkin found out. russian cartoons do not need to conquer the world, since soviet times they have been winning in international festivals, were purchased for wide distribution, it took some time for modern russian animation to
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reach the top views. in general, we see that russian animation has proven itself very well here in china, especially among preschoolers, this is an audience from 3 to 6 years old, for example, the fixies projects. they already have more than 17 billion views in china, this is probably the best result in the entertainment and educational content segment on online platforms, and other shows, for example, three cats, have more than 3.5 billion views, which is also a lot, but the world has changed again, our animated series are disappearing from search engine results, and with the export of russian cartoons, not everything is simple. there are quite a lot of problems, difficulties, starting with banking transactions and... ending with difficulties, and sometimes even the impossibility of signing contracts with international counterparties due to the fact that they are not ready to bear reputational and economic risks, what is a cartoon, and this depends on who is watching it, if a child - a work of art, if a businessman, then a product, and if
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politician, then an instrument of soft power, in general , everything is not childish, seriously, yes, undoubtedly, cartoons are soft power, and those traditional values ​​that animation carries today... but in the end they see that it turns out they understand that it is not necessary to do so. it seems that cartoons are not the most obvious export item, and contrary to stereotypes, the main volume of sales is modern works, and not masterpieces of the soviet period. and at the
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moment, our animation projects are presented in more than eighty foreign countries. undoubtedly, the current geopolitical situation has made its own adjustments, and we have turned, so to speak, from the west to the east. that is, now... in cinema they would call it replacing an actor, we had an example when we changed a piglet to a lamb in our cartoon, simply because this character would be more acceptable in foreign markets, that's it, a curiosity of course, but working with
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foreign partners is a delicate and serious matter, and in order for beloved heroes to become popular abroad, adults have to work hard, there are certainly problems, but... at the same time there are many opportunities, we use them, we try to participate in all international events, for example, in may of this year we took part in the international animation festival, china, which was organized with the support of the moscow export center. according to statistics, about 40% of all animation studios are registered in moscow, they all have the right to capital support, you just have to hurry. today, moscow companies, including producers of film animation content, have the opportunity get export cashback in the amount of up to 10 million rubles. in order to get this export cashback, it is enough to contact the moscow export center, it is important to do this. until august 16, when the application
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campaign ends, in fact, support for animation studios can be not only financial, there are also measures, for example, related to promotion in foreign markets, and this does not only apply to large industry players. we have not yet completed the first season, but we have already signed this contract, we have adapted to today our cartoon 55 episodes of the first season in chinese. meet plato, a small family animation studio, platoshka, is named after him. his grandmother, the author and director of the studio, is a former school principal, and it is easy to guess that her teaching experience was beneficial to the cartoon series, for example, the chinese audience only needs this. when we talk about animation in china, we want to see the educational value of the cartoon, this is very important for parents, because they choose programs for children and want, so that the kids not only laugh, but also learn something. new markets are not only. these are the cartoons themselves, but before entering a foreign market with your
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merch, you need to make sure that the characters are not just recognized, but loved. ideally, this business should work as follows: we enter the market with a cartoon, gain popularity among children, mothers, when this threshold of popularity is overcome, then it is already very easy to communicate with licensing partners who produce clothes, toys, food, various books, manuals. in general, how we talked about it at the beginning of the story, with cartoons and toys everything is very adult. alexey kvashenkin, alexander belyaev, roman vekmanes and ekaterina kovalchuk. telekompanent tv. volcanologists discuss a historical event on the kuril island of paramushir near the volcano ebeka a new crater has formed. this moment was captured by tourists. ebeka is one of the most active volcanoes of the large kuril ridge, and it often gets into the lenses. almost 1,160 m it has an unusual peak, as
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was previously thought from three craters. now the volcano and its newborn crater are being studied by more than twenty seismic stations, although there is no scientific justification for such an unusual geological phenomenon yet. in general , hundreds of studies have been conducted, which, according to scientists, provide an idea of ​​the deep processes that occur on our planet. and now it's time for the weather forecast, with us is irina polyakova. irina, yesterday you upset us a little, what are we waiting for? now we have the forecasts. a tablet under the tongue right before bed. short summer nights do not allow you to get enough sleep? try glycerin plus melatonin in one double-action tablet. it removes all the worries of the day, allows you to get enough sleep in a short time. glycine plus melaton (evalar). so, today's damp, damp weather in the central regions is definitely not the beginning of autumn, yes, the northern air flow
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almost across the entire russian plain is our reality in the near future, but in august it is absolutely not worth throwing off the solar forces from the shields, even the coldest arctic air, they are now in a state to transform, retrain into warm and even with a claim to be very warm. in as a result, if today the temperature does not reach 3 degrees, then tomorrow only one, well and then the legal norm and even overfulfillment again, and rains. will become less, tomorrow in the northwest in the center there is practically no precipitation at all, in pobulzh the rains will at least weaken, in the south precipitation is very episodic, the temperature will not rise for another day, i will continue after a break, if the joints are bothered by the change in weather, take revmoflex, it helps to reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid, revmoflexalar - movement without pain in any weather. in summer weather
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, swelling may occur. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymph transit from valar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymph transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymph transit evalar - summer without swelling. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach. revmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level. in st. petersburg tomorrow +203 almost no precipitation, in moscow on wednesday there will be a strong wind, but it is already raining. changes and the maximum is already a more pleasant +20. thank you, irina, let's hope. this and other news is also available on our website, and that's all i have for now, good luck. favorite brands on wildberries. oha is
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litvinova contacted us for a dna test. hello, ekaterina, hello, why is your mother against your search? i suppose that most likely the majority, probably unpleasant, somehow, most likely, probably, worries that my attitude towards her will somehow change, in connection with this, that's why she did not come here with me, you love your mother, i i adore my mother very much, have you told her about this? yes, she always knows, there are probably very few people like her... she is a very open, kind person, very kind, i love her very much, if you want, you can turn to her, my dear mother, i love you very much, know that i will never turn away from you, i will not abandon you, you are the most precious close person in this world.


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