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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 14, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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the parapet is intact and the bridge is fine, oh, come here , what's there, one passenger was found, i looked everything over, yeah, to get here, you need to roll down from here and take a sharp left, yeah, is that possible? "well, i could, for sure, what
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do you say, it's unlikely to go back, especially on this model, but it's easy to get there, do you want me to include you in the list of suspects, yeah, but i won't say anything at all, okay, who is the car registered to? the car was registered on november 12, 2004 to danil ilyevich nazatonsky, stolen, not on the wanted list, i understand, i think we we're dealing with an amateur, come on, come on, come on, if i wanted to kill someone, right?". "i would definitely make it look like an accident, and this one didn't even disguise himself, idiot, persuaded, i'll send you a subpoena, yeah, i won't say anything else at all, that is, at the moment of drowning he was alive, yes, blue asphyxia, a lung filled with water, and where did the hole in the head come from, it's not a hole, the abrasion was first hit
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with something like a crowbar, then rewound with tape so that he wouldn't twitch when he woke up, rewound, by the way, in a hurry, that's in he lay in that position for at least an hour and a half, maybe even conscious, and then they dipped him in the river, tortured him or something, well, i don't know, maybe it was on the spot, but you can see that better, yeah, and what about the fingerprints, there are no fingerprints and i can't say anything about that, on the steering wheel, the water in this river is like dry cleaning, all traces are washed away in an hour, of course, and i know that mug even without the archive, an active, as they say in the past, member of the bogdanov group. convicted twice or three times, and
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now, a respected businessman, danilo zatonsky, zaton, or what, yes zaton, zaton sank in the trunk of his own car, in my opinion, someone else has a sense of humor, besides me, but he got high on drugs, and i think he never recovered from this business, well, what does this give us, yes, it gives nothing, and do you know how many people want to kill such a young man, well, they could have just shot him, if it comes to that, but it was too demonstrative, in my opinion, they wanted to say something by this, or warn? or warn, what conclusions, that our respected businessman strongly got it, and i wouldn't rush with the investigation, let the friends of the highly respected businessman pay for their colleague themselves, there are no more ideas, there are, on the contrary , we need to push the investigation, we need to tell the bogdanskys that at least the central ones named them, well, and so that they don't reach out for revenge, the colleagues of the smoky smokes are not given the glory of chicago, they want to unleash gangster wars in our area, well...
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here we need intuition and common sense, and the rest of our employees are neither one nor the other , we are just supporters of non-traditional methods fight against crime, huh? yeah, yeah, by the way, about unconventional methods, gershov is expecting us tomorrow morning, he promised something unconventional, meet our temporary employee, potential colleague pyotr, he's a psycho, a psychopathologist, sit down, please, thank you, and... the same as
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a pathologist, only for the living, i only deal with pathological cases, that is , those that led to the commission of a crime, and does the pathologist have a last name, does he? freud, freud pyotr semenovich, how did you read it, read it, well then i, vyacheslavich, am very nice, guess how many thousands of times i've heard this joke, is he really freud? judging by his personal file, yes, my grandfather, semyon kaysarov, was repressed in 1952 for promoting freud's teachings, my father, in memory of his grandfather, changed his last name and began to call himself kaysarov freud, well, my son simply became freud,
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look, university, honors diploma, dissertation topic, non-traditional methods,
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okay, that's it, interrogation is a responsible matter, so, watch from the sidelines and don't interfere, please, otherwise you might interfere, ready, quite, sidorenko, come in, hello, hello, come in, sit down, sign, please. "here, you are informed that you can bear criminal liability for giving false testimony, all my life i wanted to ask, criminal liability, this is when they just put you in the corner, another one with a sense of humor, how
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to work in such conditions, for danil il'vich tonsky, you know, you did not answer the question, so listen, what, well, as expected, nothing, i understand, and what will you say? from the very first minute the patient closed up, and then the interrogated, what, well to speak correctly, the person being interrogated. it is clear that during the entire session he did not say a single sincere word, yes, he closed himself off, it was impossible to approach him specifically, that is all you can say, the conversation was not conducted quite correctly, vyacheslav yuryevich immediately assumed an aggressive pose, leaned over the table,
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tapped out a tense rhythm with a pencil, characteristically compressed his lips, in general, demonstrated his emotional superiority in front of the interlocutor, what was i trying to do there, you suppressed his will, are we interrogating him? in such a situation he simply could not be frank, even if i really wanted to, and as for the questions, i don’t want to be specific, but one of them just jarred me, i wonder, it was naked, groundless rhetoric, completely inappropriate to the situation, humiliating a person , my god, what did he ask? well, let's tell the truth, a completely ordinary question, this is a failure of everything.
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i didn’t want to offend anyone, let me conduct the interrogation myself so that you understand what i mean, and why not, you said, today is another interrogation. can you imagine our office in which we we've been through so much, this one called behind the walls and
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refused to interrogate them there, what are you talking about, where will all this take place, in the break room, he's re-equipped everything there, we should take a look, we'll see, i ordered tickets for the front row. excuse me, no one told me there would be visitors, we're not visitors, we're admirers, we'll sit further away, you won't even notice, it's a farce. i'm here for interrogation, yes, come in,
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please, let me sign right away for the false bazaar, are you going to deceive me, let him sign, this is our new employee, he's not exactly kucheslav yuryevich, i i beg you, please don't bother me. people are born free, but they imprison themselves with lies. what prison? did i come voluntarily to help the investigation? yes, he means that truth is freedom, and lies are a prison of shackles. are these threats or what? calm down, he is talking about inner freedom, in the spiritual sense, what? well
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, the disco started, when we came in, he put on some music, well, when he started talking freely, i barely understood, i won't last long, i almost hid under the chair when he started talking about prison, you'll see what he will break the request, has already broken it, yes, and why did freud kick you out, and kolya left, well kolya is smart, a samurai, he hid, in a person's childhood there is one very important turning point, this is when he first begins to realize himself, not yet as a person, but as a person, and the path he will choose depends on who is next to him at that moment, it is very difficult to turn off this path, you understand, we will try to find this moment together to turn off it, will you help me? thank you, listen, they have been there for 3 hours already, what
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can you talk about with a burgher for so long, even if all the words that a burgher knows are repeated 100 times, it won't take 3 hours, listen, go in and see what 's going on there, and you are an amazingly frank and pure person, i want to ask you about this, when you go to the toilet and then flush after yourself, do you watch the water swirl around the perimeter of the toilet and then disappear into its depths, do you say without thinking whether you're watching or not, thank you, when i was 5 years old, i saw my father for the first time, he was drunk, the word drunk
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is crossed out, and netres is written above. yes, i recommend it, interesting reading. burger has taken up the memoir. such jokes, captain, are no longer appropriate here. excuse me. the amateur has shown us how his method works, and this is his first interrogation. on page eight there is detailed information. on the murder on mishennaya street, unsolved by our departments. on page nineteen there is a story about, so to speak, a suicide in a mirror alley. and further, right up to page thirty-five, there are confessions on these cases. and these very testimonies, by the way,
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provide grounds for burger's detention. how do you like it? such work, and what about the zatonsky case? it is clear from the protocol that neither burger nor sidorenko have anything to do with it, and that in general the version of gangster showdowns is unlikely, but there is some version that seems most likely to our genius, he wants to examine zatonsky's body, we have already examined it, let the protocols.
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and to solve the crime, yes, to solve the crime, my dear, this means to provide irrefutable evidence of the suspect's guilt, to your wagner theory there will be 10 more of the same theories of mozart, not the composer, according to which it will follow that your suspect is white and fluffy, i need to look at the victim's face to understand
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what kind of face the criminal has, well, i need to. you'll see, kalinin, great, this is smoke, listen, we need to organize a tour of the morgue, yeah, a tour guide, we need one, right now, well , let's go, listen, by the way, about mozart, was he really poisoned, or is this the invention of your psychopathologists?
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well, what does he do? there is such a theory. wagner. have you heard of such a theory? i know wagner, who wrote flight of the valkyrie. cool music. yeah. i still need to compare this face with the latest photos, but i can say one thing for sure: zatonsky was killed by a man he was not afraid of at all, who was somewhere nearby, but who meant nothing to him, to whom he was accustomed, but who was nobody to him, who, for example, a neighbor in the house, for example, cool, in that case i
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also have news about your corpse, you said, water washes away if. everything but not everything, after you hit him on the head, he so drowned without coming to, unconscious with his eyes closed, and under his eyelids i found traces of liquid that was splashed in his face before hitting him on the head, is it some kind of special liquid, that's the point, no, it's ordinary super grease, which... seals so that rubber doesn't stick to metal if. if someone was planning a crime, they would have taken a special aerosol with them, a nerve agent or something else, but they splashed this one with whatever was at hand, but there was a blow to the head
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some kind of unprofessional, which means the murder was not planned, in a certain sense you can say that the criminal was just lucky, but he killed, in my opinion, out of fear, yeah, a neighbor, a motorist, an insignificant person, you asked about... well, he was also madly afraid of him, out of all zatonsky's neighbors in the house in the garage parking lot, 15 fall under your parameters. here's the list, i need to meet with everyone to talk, right, we'll call them in for questioning, no, what
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no, i just need to talk, it will take a lot of time, drink, yes, yes, guys, i'm sorry, can you tell me, i don't give a shit, i have no idea, yeah, i'm sorry, please, can you tell me how to get to romanovskaya street, it's straight ahead, the first alley on the right, and... are you okay? i don't know, i'm fine, thank you. of
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the neighbors of zatonsky with whom i managed to talk, i would single out three people. here are schematic portraits of their faces, here. we combine them and get that something happened to these people in the past that they now regret, and yesterday i crossed the road in the wrong place, i regret it terribly, very bad words, he, unlike you, hides it, uh-huh, uh-huh, go on, sorry, thank you, on... neck,
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you see, it's like that, uh-huh, that is, for example, the one who bit his tongue is our potential client, isn't it, colleague freud, that's it, enough, if there are no other leads, then we work according to your method, i suggest the following, we choose one of your trinity, uh-huh, at your discretion, we check him thoroughly, if one of your assumptions is confirmed, then we can talk about something, who do you suggest, it's his neighbor, in the parking garage, all like on palms, wife son daughter, no connections to bandits, and there is at least one real reason why he could have committed the crime, i can say with absolute certainty that what? that he killed to defend himself, i admit, the version is, of course, unexpected, but very funny, not a single piece of evidence,
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not a single piece of evidence, besides, there is no motive, what else did he say, that proving evidence is not his business, that's how, and whose business is it, ours, well done, okay, to summarize, according to freud, we have a fish, now we need to find the worm that it bit, and where there is a worm, if the fish has already been caught, but inside the fish, right, i'm not sure that we have caught anything, we need to try to approach from the other side, to work on the personality of the murdered person in connection with freud's version, that's what they have in common, both cars... sorry, maybe we'll find something here.
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just imagine, a man was walking past a store, a good man in general, he went in, saw that the cash register was unlocked, grabbed the money and ran away, no motives, no conscious motives, that's how to detain him, according to your drawings, and what are we going to do here, work on your version, lenka parks his car here for free, like a worker at the housing office. there's his moskvich, it's been parked for two weeks, it broke down, there's no money for a new one, well, that's always the case with good people, and zatonsky, well, zatonsky, zatonsky 's vip spot is paid, naturally, it was on the day zatonsky was killed, they were meeting, lenka came
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for about 5 hours, tinkered with the car and left, and zatonsky arrived around the 22nd, left on the 23rd, never came back, he was driving himself, well, his car has tinted windows, you can't see his face, when ilagin left, i'm not sitting here for this, i i guard the cars, yeah, and you think, lenka or something, and what should you do, guys, it's better to catch criminals, hello. andryusha, hi, captain volkov, listen, please run me through all the information on cars that have ever belonged and are owned by dzatonsky, dzatonsky danielech. thank you for establishing that on the day of the murder, both of them visited this parking lot, which, incidentally, they did every day. where next? experience
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suggests that we need to move to volkov, why? to beat our foreheads to him, to break our caps, and he will forgive the lost. let's go to another one neighbors in the entrance, since they drove up, as you say, but i will do the talking, please do me a favor. even when it gets hard, life goes on, everyone has their own mission, ours is to help, we are there where people need care, so that they are not so scared, so that hope and love live in the heart, so that life goes on, it is so important to help someone.
6:09 am
what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy? meeting place, new season. every time kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised upset that he is still alive. today at 14:00 on ntv. short summer nights do not
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arkhangelsk. without precipitation it will still become cooler during the day +18, in murmansk again above twenty sunny. another sunny region - this is the south, it rains only in the mountains, but even there it will soon end, during the day it is not very hot +30. in st. petersburg rain is possible and +23, in moscow without precipitation and 22. that's all about the weather. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid. revmoflexovolar - movement without pain in any weather. in summer weather , swelling may appear. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphatic transit from valar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit evollar - summer without swelling. how to reduce joint pain without harming
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the stomach? revmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. reivmoflex evalar - movement without pain. how many years has he lived here? yeah. he was always so cheerful, but lately he has been kind of gloomy, yes-yes-yes, he has changed a lot, you you know, he's become so strange, you can't ask him about anything, he'll start, he'll think about something of his own, lately, these are the last few days, yes, no, no, no, it's been several months, he's been like this for months, three months, yes, three months, and much more than that, i ask him, tell me what's wrong with you, and he, and he replies, a woman is loved... and who has everything like this now, a woman is loved, it's me, and i'm naked, it's very nice, no one asks, everything is fine with him, his wife is decent, she doesn't cheat, by the way, he also keeps everything in the house, like lenya with
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work, everything's fine, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know, yes, it's fine, it's fine, well, what, he...
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well, that was the time when elagin was on a trip. you want to say that our shame is temporarily postponed. let's go. good afternoon. hello. criminal investigation department. we need pyotr shulga. pyotr, to you, come in. thank you. and... the owner sold it to me after an accident, after what accident? i don't know, he didn't spread the word, i didn't ask, he brought the car, the guys and i looked at it, there was a lot of damage, of course, but everything in the upper part of the body was repaired, like
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as if her truck had dented it, a tall truck, yeah, and why didn't he repair it, well i don't know, there are people like that, they want to get into a restored car or a damaged one, well... but think about it, no, definitely nothing to think about, thank you, please, thank you, on november 1st the accident occurred at the 82nd kilometer of the moscow highway,
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the truck number, a 833 ak, who was driving the truck, exactly, check again. exactly, yes, thank you, the truck was driven by kirill sergeevich kartsev, the case was not submitted to the investigation group. why? the drivers were able to come to an agreement with each other amicably. that's it, we've gone through the whole chain. our conscience is clear. the only thing we could somehow cling to was the accident, but unfortunately, yalagin had nothing to do with it. yeah. yeah. science is science. new methods are also good. but there is practice, worked out over years, decades. negative experience. also experts, there is experience. i'm sure that this is it, an ironclad argument, you
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mentioned this yalagin, they take him on a truck as a substitute, yes, that means no travel documents are issued for him, well , for sure, a protocol analysis group... comes in because everything was agreed on the spot, yeah, then maybe, i repeat, maybe, they even drew up a report on the main driver, the detective of this, what's his name kartsev, since we've already cast the net, let's pull it to the end, the main thing is that gartsev is in the city, and not on a trip, damn, he looked at the water, it seems like 15 minutes ago the trading base left
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on the cook in a truck with the number a83k, in which direction to moscow, that's why we're sitting, no , we're not sitting, we're already on our way, and i'm with you, well, who's causing all this mess, let's run.
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how are we going to stop him? buckle up! slava, just remember that i'm a samurai, not a comedian. maybe we should wait until he stops himself? you're a weirdo, man, he's a long-distance truck driver, maybe he'll drive all the way to the urals without stopping? let 's show him his id. you're definitely a weirdo! don't you understand that the worst thing for a long-distance truck driver is a person with an id. have you read it in uniform? let's try! kartsev, kirill, sergeyevich, what did i break? manigai, homicide department of the petrograd rvd, what can you prove? well, don't read it again. that's all,
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old man, if you wanted to rob, you probably put on a uniform, you are definitely cops, but there are no cops, let's talk, come on, guys, i have an urgent flight, the goods are spoiling, let me come back to you myself, let's now sign a non-departure agreement, come out, let's just sit and talk, talk calmly, he was reversing a trailer, drove into a volvo. or the neighbor's name? lyonka, leonid yalagin,
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i don't remember his patronymic, everything was fine, the volvo turned out to be familiar to lyonka, they persuaded gaina not to interfere, they said that they would agree on everything themselves, i haven't seen tylagin since then, no, and i didn't offer him a job, after the accident, no, there was no dacosis. we didn't arrest you, we just invited you for a chat, have a chat, come on, tell me, where were you on the evening of the fifteenth? are you accusing me of something? no, we're not accusing you, we suspect you. okay, what do you suspect me of? we don't even suspect, but rather assume. okay, what? are you suspecting me?
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assume? tell me, what is your first childhood experience connected with? listen, where did you learn to talk so much, huh? mm, i'm an electrician, yeah, a bit of a plumber, yeah, a bit of a car mechanic, then i don't remember you and i drinking to brutality, no way, a plumber went, and you didn't try to become a lawyer, well, what are we going to do, stab him, but
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how? no way, we don't even have circumstantial evidence, but assumptions about the existence of circumstantial evidence, we have nothing to corner him with. we started all this in vain, these new methods, koli, for some reason decided that he can be easily cracked, and he's slippery for all right, let the heavy artillery fall on him, you know, this is the most disgusting case, a man was walking past a store, a good man, wife, children, went in to buy bread, looks, the cashier is gone, the cash register is open, there is money in the cash register , then something clicks in the head of this good man, he grabs the money and runs away, well, how can you look for him, no trace, no
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accomplices, no motive, dostoevsky understood this well, yes, and indeed. a good man, you understand, a good man, in principle, yes, and what did you tell the child when you came home? he was sleeping, he said that he would sell the car himself, yeah, and that i should return him the difference, well, i thought it would be 1.3-4 greenbacks, i paid as best i could, and after 3 months this
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got tired of it, and he said 10 percent a month, i was driving my moskvich all night long, but it wasn't even enough to pay the interest, then the moskvich broke down, that evening, i was repairing it, i see a backwater driving up, and i was already in a tight spot, my son is facing a bad grade next quarter, my wife is sick, i have no money, i go up to him and say, cancel the interest, be a man, and he
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calmly tells me, sell it? i also remember standing on the embankment, and the thought, i'll go
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to the police, turn myself in, my foot releases the brake by itself, i step on the gas, i roll down the slope. he got scared, so he killed me, yes, like in saliera mozart. kolya, this guy saved society from a bandit, and i put this guy in jail. he was a good man who defended his family, why did i do that, you put
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a murderer in jail, and a murderer should sit in jail, everything else, as volkov says, is in snot, but i don’t feel, i don’t feel that i did a good deed, only the light, that in a burning prickly untruth. and life, listen, freud, freud, freud, wait, someday you will become a good cop, i will not become a cop, why, because i’m leaving, come on, where, for my last day as a cop, i wish you good health, andrey petrovich. kirill, are you on vacation? no, he has an interrogation today, we are introducing
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new positive methods, as you said, and uh, you know, where did petka go to work, well, to prison, go to hell, relieve stress in prisoners from claustrophobia and guide them to the path of truth. he believes that this is his main calling, it was his communication with the burgher that led him there, what a holy father, that's where he belongs, but surprises await him there, it was he who gave me freud's works as a parting gift, yeah, and to me too also a couple of pyramids, listen, what were the freuds called, guys, who remembers what salirya was called, sigmund, definitely sigmund, sigmund, strange, and... who was that?
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we learn the details of the emergency, we get rid of... live on air , the vsk became interested in the actions of the employees of the company that is engaged in the evacuation of cars from the impound lot in chelyabinsk, moreover, they opened a criminal case there, they appreciated the work of the gi employee who gave the go-ahead for the evacuation, i don't care about the queue, excuse me, my... car was taken away, wait, i can't wait, open up, get scared, unlike mom...


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