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tv   Utro  NTV  August 14, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we learn the details of the emergency, get rid of bacteria in the air conditioner with the first program on ntv emergency program in the studio marat seddikov. we are live on the air actions of the employees of the company that is engaged in the evacuation of cars at the impound lot in chelyabinsk, interested in vsk, moreover, they opened a criminal case, the work of the traffic police officer who gave the go-ahead for the evacuation was assessed, i don't care about the queue, excuse me, i have a child, a car took it, wait, i can't wait, open it, get scared, unlike mom...
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the boy didn't have time, this is the version of the employees, because all this time, while the car was being loaded onto the tow truck, all the way to the impound lot, he was supposedly fast asleep, they found the serene passenger only at the place, here the mother assures, the son, who has autism, just hid in the corner, when unknown people approached the car, he is constantly looking for his mother, imagine, he was loaded onto the tow truck, naturally the child saw all this, although ekaterina admits that she violated.
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ekaterina, either because of stress or on principle, refused, gray hair after this incident says the lady driver, that's why, we got a recording of the dialogue during the paperwork, the traffic violator was threatened by the juvenile affairs inspectorate. if you go on to complain, you will only make it worse for yourself, because leaving a child in a car, evacuation is perhaps the most harmless and relatively. dangerous thing that can happen to a small child left in a car, every parent should remember this, in the actions of the inspector, auto lawyers do not see any obvious violations of the law, given that the rear hemisphere of the car was tinted, in fact, the inspector could have been deprived of the opportunity to establish who was in the car. nevertheless, the ambiguous story interested investigators, now they will have to evaluate the actions of the traffic police officers and a private towing company. a criminal case has been opened on the fact of
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the provision of car towing services by a commercial organization that do not meet requirements of safety, life or health of citizens. in addition, a pre-investigation check has been organized on the grounds of a crime under article 293 of the criminal code of the russian federation. negligence. ilya's mother and the employees of the towing service remained the same, each with his own opinion. an unpleasant smell. and also bacteria and viruses, we inhale all this in our cars, but the infection lives where it is not so easy to reach, for starters , a little bit motopart, the climate control system consists of several elements: under the hood compressor and air conditioner radiator, from them the tubes extend into the cabin, inside the dashboard, plastic air duct pipes.
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heater unit. here is the cabin filter, air conditioner evaporator and heater heat exchanger. the temperature difference of the heat exchanger evaporator inside the dashboard forms condensate. turn on the climate control colder and voila, the ideal environment for viruses is ready. it is difficult to get there, but it is necessary to clean. unfortunately, replacing just one cabin filter is not enough. experts recommend antibacterial treatment of the air conditioner once every six months and there are several ways to do this. the most accessible means is an air conditioner cleaner. the procedure can be carried out right in the adjacent parking lot. no special skills are required. we insert a long tube into the air duct, push it deeper and spray. the foam gets directly into the breeding ground of bacteria. such means really work, but they have their downsides. this foam destroys viruses quite well in the center of their spread. but such compositions
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must be used with special care. over the years, the heating units lose their tightness, the composition may leak into the passenger compartment and flood the electronic control units located at the passenger's feet. more often with such a ... fine dispersion, the reagent is absolutely safe for humans and merciless to viruses , this is important, with the help of the installation it is inflamed and bacteria and can even cope with covid-19. but cold
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spray atomizers are ineffective for disinfection, they can be used for prevention, such as the same checkers. and now the method of cleaning the air conditioning system to use. which should be used with special caution: disinfection at with the help of an ozone generator. this service is often offered at car washes, do not agree under any circumstances, a humid environment and ozone gas are very strong oxidizers, the mixture of which is destructive for a car. for clarity, let's conduct an experiment: place a tin can in a container, wet it with water, imitate a humid environment. now fill the container with ozone. in just 15 minutes
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, corrosion spots appeared on the iron, treatment with an ozone generator will definitely kill any infection, but for this procedure, we emphasize that dry, ok. ventilated room. after treatment with an ozone generator, the car must be thoroughly ventilated. while traces of ozone remain in the cabin, driving is dangerous to health. so, antibacterial treatment of the air conditioner will cost between 500 and 3,500 rubles. depending on the treatment method. plus replacement of the cabin filter. it will have to be changed in any case. the best for today. at 20:00. favorite tv series nevsky. this is my job, watch today's episodes, well, colleagues, little fluffy the little animal crept up unnoticed, what do you think, visiting a person is funny, and what do i have to do with it, explain, the main suspect, and where is fama, pasha, there you are, find me these
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scumbags, i do one thing, i have a zaluzhnik, what, what kind of zaluzhnik am i to you, maybe a million dollars, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. we are approaching the middle of august, but if you look at the synoptic map of our country, we will see how the weather is trying its best to give us a summer mood. in the far east, for example, two anticyclones are moving towards each other, then there is less precipitation in the future, though coolness is descending from the northern latitudes, but the blazing yaku. this is only to your advantage, and at baikal the intense heat of over 30 will be replaced by comfortable warmth of about 25. namur in primorye is also quite warm like in summer and rains mainly in the northern regions, well in siberia almost no precipitation and warmth from irkutsk to omsk, in altai +30, sunny, and for those who are lucky enough to be here now, we, of course,
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advise you to stop by srostki to the birthplace of vasily shukshin. without getting to know this man and his work, the nature of altai is not fully understood understand. but the urals these days. reminders of autumn, there is a cyclone, rain, coolness, also unfriendly, while in the volga region, the more encouraging the forecast for the center and northwest, where summer is returning, during the day it is already closer to not twenty, but to 25, and the rains end, the north firmly holds good weather, in murmansk it is clear +22, tomorrow it will be even warmer, in the south there is a good summer, not hot, but not cold up to +30, rain only in the mountains, in st. petersburg today there is a chance of rain and +23, tomorrow 25 without precipitation. in moscow and today precipitation unlikely during the day +22, by the weekend up to 28. that's all for now, watch the weather on ntv. the morning continues, the best. we look after the children on the main road, remember useful tips from sergey
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malozyomov, discuss the space of your home . children hunt for drivers. danger can jump out of the entrance of the gateway from behind a parked car. and it looks like the games of defeating death have begun again. the children again felt immortal, ran out. there is an examination in which the expert indicated that i had no opportunity to avoid collision with a child, but the expert pointed out that i exceeded the speed limit by 80. look at the video of the moment of the accident, children are playing near the entrance, the child, seeing the car, moves away from. friends tense moment waiting for the car to drive closer. attention, march!
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the argument that he allegedly could not avoid the collision is in a causal relationship with his own actions, accordingly, he could not avoid the collision, because his actions did not allow him to do so. point 101, well, this is the so-called rubber stamp point, that is, in essence, it says that you, being a person who controls a source of increased danger, must apply the maximum. almost 10 years ago we talked about the game defeat death, there is only one rule: run across the road as close as possible to a passing car, the driver risks his license, the child his life. it seems that the game has started again, look, in this same saratov courtyard, the same company regularly throws itself under the wheels, this is a desire to gain authority among peers, usually in childhood the instinct ... storage it is absent, that's it everything is overshadowed by the feeling of danger, children
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perceive the yard as a safe place, and drivers as part of the road, miron kravchenko was going on vacation with his family, but went to the hospital, i was hit by a car, i lost consciousness, i remember being held in their arms, i was in the hospital for 11 days, miron's father saw how his son got under the wheels, and this was the most, most important fear, the speed of the car, judging by the calculations, was significantly higher than the 20 km / h allowed in the courtyards. if a skid mark is left at the scene of the accident, this mark is used to determine its length can be determined. and the speed of the car, for this we will use a calculator, the car was moving at
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a speed of at least 58.5 km / h. free speeding + 20 km, in the event of an accident is recognized as an aggravating violation of the rules, but this does not stop drivers. i believe that the house should be equipped with additional artificial bumps in the form of speed bumps. while adults work, children are on vacation. have fun, so the safest speed near houses is the speed of a pedestrian, so as not to become a pedestrian yourself. in in our section , absolutely everyone wins from the viewers. we receive interesting topics from you, you learn something new, that's the question i 'll answer today. inna trofimova from st. petersburg writes: when i was a child, my grandmother fed me oatmeal, it was delicious, but is there any benefit? first, let's tell you what oatmeal is,
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my grandmother fed me it too, but many people don't know. previously, it was made from a variety of grains and even peas, usually oats or barley were used. the grains were soaked to start the germination process, dried and sent overnight to a cooling oven, where it was lightly fried, then pounded in a mortar. today, everything looks different in production: instead of an oven, for example, they use vacuum devices to steam the grain faster, then dry it on a conveyor, free it from the film, flatten it on machines and sift it through metal and silk sieves. at the exit, we have a finished finely ground product, which is made specifically for ... what distinguishes oatmeal from ordinary flour
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is that the grain is not ground, but pounded, that is, flattened, using all fractions, including the shell. this makes the product similar to whole grain flour. the benefits are huge due to the fact that the grain is whole, with a shell, therefore the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber. thanks to the fine grinding, all this is perfectly absorbed, so oatmeal is allowed to be given even to children from 6 months, and it is easy to prepare, it is not for nothing that there is even an old formula. how this dish was prepared before, simply mixed with water and berries, for example, soaked lingonberries, it smells like this
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chicken of freshly baked bread, the grain was roasted, such... version was eaten mainly by peasants. a more sophisticated recipe can be found in the classic bourgeois book of the late 19th century, a gift to young housewives by elena molokhovets. the guide of the moscow region museum of sergievskaya kukhmisterskaya natalya verenkova says that oatmeal mixed with water, then filtered. tsesh comes out, boil for some time at a low temperature, so that it boils. add almond pulp and pour into a beautiful form, cool, then the dish should be a day let it brew, become like jelly and you can drink it. we asked gastro expert roman lashmanov to try it. the texture
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is disgusting, so to speak. but if you get used to it, then it's okay. another thing is a more modern modification, which is served in the cafe at the museum, here they add milk, sugar, cranberries, plus a scoop of ice cream and orange jam. of course, everything sweet seems tastier. it's somewhat similar to curd mousses, similar to liquid cheesecake, something like that. yes, it's a really great modern dessert. well, is it possible cook it so that it is tasty without harmful sugar? designer alisa tilman came up with this recipe when she began to be interested in healthy eating. she pours boiling water over the oatmeal, mixing thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and chops the banana in a blender. and
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why do we need a banana? so that we don’t have to add any sweeteners, it gives a very good sweetness, especially ripe bananas. having combined the banana and oatmeal, alisa adds soft cottage cheese as an additional source of protein, mixes everything again, decorates with berries, and it turns out very tender and delicious, even children will like it, oatmeal gives a pleasant nutty flavor, and it is also partially used to replace regular flour in baking, you can’t do without it at all. after all, oatmeal does not contain gluten, but with its addition, pancakes, flatbreads and cookies will become a little healthier. some even make a sports drink with oatmeal, so feel free to introduce this product into your diet, as your ancestors did, learn to decorate and love the unique taste, and be
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healthy. it was worth our heroes, the chinikov family, to get this crazy and irrepressible, but very cute dog, they immediately understood, it is necessary to move out of town, the dacha answer continues the remodeling of the bedroom, which is hidden behind the mirrors, and the dressing room, the dressing room, each has its own. i believed that it was not in vain that we were moving this wall by 80 cm. anya decided to occupy it with storage for our heroes. a few more dark details: turkish switches and sockets, laconic in shape. with caissons above the bed we add swivel spotlights. the direction of light is easy to change. a festive
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atmosphere in the fireplace area will add an italian chandelier made of brass. and white frosted glass. a low-cut carpet with a large pattern is laid on the floor. the main place is occupied by the bed. the side panel and headboard are covered with delicate velour of two types. we decorate the windows with horizontal blinds. all elements, including the control pond, are made of dutch linden . we assemble a frame for a canopy around the bed, powder-coated metal. we connect two nightlights with swivel legs to the headboard, they will be useful for reading. and this is a ceremonial sconce rather for the mood, the matte lampshades look like large grapes, the lamp arrived to to us from st. petersburg, bedside tables
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are strict and taut on high legs, the design was invented by the englishman james patterson, the furniture is made in russia, the frames are made of oak veneer, curtains on a metal cornice and eyelets, sewn from a mixed fabric based on pleestra cotton. anya, here's an interesting thing, in such a small room we used large details, large elements, and it would seem that everything should have become even smaller, but in fact there is a lot of space and a lot of air here with all this, yes, this is such a decorator's trick, the interior turned out so noble, it is so stately, you want to come here, i think that our heroes will go back home on trips, because the numbers will... clearly lag behind, and opening the doors here, their whole world will turn upside down, that is, they will not expect at all what they will see here, definitely, that is
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, they will not even have such a picture for a moment, now we will find out, let's wait.
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dala i was most surprised by the ceiling above the bed frame for a canopy, because we had the experience of living in a hotel , we really liked the canopy, no one has anything like that, that's important, and i love the highlights, you can feel the coziness here, everything is soft, so fluffy and at the same time, well, strict , masculine for you, everything for you, is it true that you are the most... the strongest girl in russia, is it true, i have 20 records, incredible talents are waiting for us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are two-time champions of russia in dance sport, i was filming at -20, yes at -20, this is not
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a competition, there are no prizes or judges, la, we have a cancellation, only amazing children, i moscow cup won, and what is it called samokatman, samokatera, can you play the accordion for 5 hours, yeah? found the coolest, besides knives, do you do anything else, oh, i have so much work, i drive, mom, potatoes, bozi, who do you want to be when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus, or the russian federation, each of them is a small, big miracle, will you ever use such a phrase, we have a crime, maybe a crime, yes, kitty, great talents, sometimes less than you think, i want to give you a medal record books. russia miracle with arseny popov, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv.
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i will shoot. who are you? quiet, i am a doctor, you need urgent medical care, give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i will be there now, i will find evidence, i work to the result, i am not going to live by your rules, i do not harm anyone, do what you must and come what may, you will have to act exponentially, do not complete the sub-mission.
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in one series father in the new season, miracles, watch further, morning is the best, we study animal feed in our consumer protection service, we have the right to receive legal assistance, we will turn apartment into a dream home, let's go to the united arab emirates, let's eat something tasty with federico arnaldi. and now it's time to return to the topic of the quality of pet food. we have already found out that store-bought food for dogs and cats is not just a little healthy fast food, as some people think, but truly complete nutrition. and not everyone can cook a dish with such a composition at home - explains the chief quality specialist of the plant in ramenskoye. industrial feeds are developed taking into account the age.
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specific activity and so on of the animal, that is, there it becomes balanced, because it contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins for health, at home we cannot provide such a complete diet, because we have to calculate how many vitamins per day we need to give, how many minerals we need to give, so svetlana feeds her white swiss shepherd only with what she brings home from work, yes, my dog ​​is happy, you... you've seen her, she looks better than me, white, fluffy, with such a butt, however, it is not easy to find honest, responsible producers, the test showed, that all these feeds are contaminated with mold, poisoned by its toxins. mycotoxin, fumanisin b1, was found in eight feeds, and this is a mycotoxin that can be released from the development
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of mold fungi. the concentration is small, but veterinarians have a term chronic toxicity, this is when toxins accumulate and poison the body systematically, an animal that periodically received these... these toxins, it can simply, well, have a number of diseases associated with the central nervous system, up to paralysis. at the same time, the pet will gobble up such food with a brutal appetite. often this is not because the food is high-quality, but because of the abundance of flavorings, which are called digests or digests. sometimes they are disguised in the composition simply under the word hydrolyzate. this is a natural way to attract animals to this food. such digests are safe and not prohibited, and food with these flavorings is actually a good help for owners, we can force them to eat tasteless food, and it can be healthy, but not tasty, for example, hypoallergenic, yes, we add to it, like our cat or dog
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feels that everything is fine, although in fact this is food, well, it is very far from fish, and in taste, in smell, maybe in consistency, it can even completely resemble this fish, but the business of producing and selling food is too appetizing and attracts lovers of quick profit, therefore on the shelves you have a lot of food that is mixed from penny, bone meal and plant fiber, there is , for example, corn, there is wheat, when eating this food there is a sharp jump in blood sugar, many manufacturers say that no, we we earn little, no, it is very marginal, a kilogram of premium food from the factory costs about 50 to 100 rubles. and then this premium food is already in beautiful packaging with advertising, we already see ... in stores for a thousand rubles per kilogram, but because of the juicy aroma of digests, pets gobble up such food with low nutritional value with both cheeks, critically lacking substances, without which hair falls out, joints lose mobility, vision deteriorates, organs fail.
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the label states animal meat, but it is not in the composition, in particular, for example, dna salmon, it is declared there, but there is no salmon, or rabbit dna, there is absolutely no rabbit there, yes, laws that should train, tame and tame the criminal appetites of some food manufacturers, for essentially the most defenseless, you toothless , it is almost impossible for dog owners and cat owners to prove that their pets got sick and even died because of poor quality food. my friend mike, who also appeared on our consumer protection service, who was 12 years old, also died unexpectedly and quickly. a healthy dog, who regularly... i had a check-up, my liver failed, he was in kursk at the time and it turned out that there is not a single veterinarian-gastroenterologist in the entire huge region, that is
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, there is no one to provide competent assistance to a sick animal, there are often only a few hours for this, even if you are ready to pay any money, ejection, left me alone, so the responsibility on the feed manufacturers is colossal. make a choice for breeders, now, i hope, a little easier. ruben markaryan, lawyer, a question came: have you heard that an heir can be recognized as unworthy? unworthy of what, to receive an inheritance? but in general, yes, that's right, this is the term: the civil code allows you to recognize an heir as unworthy, then his...
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unworthy heirs cannot receive the property of the investigator, these include parents who have been deprived of parental rights, but not only them, persons who have committed or attempted to commit an unlawful act in relation to the testator, his heirs or his last will in the will, contributed to, or attempted to contribute to the illegal receipt of an inheritance or increase their... share, well, for example, a person forged a will, destroyed or stole it, there, forced the investigator to write or cancel the will, stole money from the card. these facts must be confirmed by a court verdict in a criminal case or a decision in a civil case, for example, on the recognition
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of the invalidity of a will that was signed under threats or forged. illegal actions must also be intentional. exceptions are cases when the testator made a will after his heirs persons, who evaded the fulfillment of the obligation to support the testator, such an obligation is established on the basis of a court decision on the collection of alimony, well, except for the obligation of parents to support their minor children, while the courts usually need to establish, and that the heir intentionally maliciously evaded the payment of money, this can be confirmed by a sentence or a court decision, there is a certificate and bailiffs on the debt on alimony, as well as some other evidence.
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times more than spent on these very funeral, it is considered as theft, so the court will never recognize her as an unworthy heir until there is a court verdict on theft, and until the verdict, excuse me, as you understand, everyone still has to try very hard, so if you decide to disinherit someone due to unworthiness, keep in mind that it is long and expensive, in any case, you will not cope without a lawyer.
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hello, i am oksana kozyreva, and this is a housing issue. we are moving today's heroes to an underground passage, and not a simple one, but a legendary one. such are found in rostov-on-don, where the walls are decorated with multi-colored mosaics, it was they that inspired the authors of today's project. the housing issue took on the task of transforming a nine-meter kitchen in stalinka, one zone will be devoted to the mosaic, at first we thought of making a ceiling, our interior is starting to fill up with all sorts of cool moody such outlandish things, this is a makrome chandelier, i generally think that every kitchen should have a wine line, absolutely right, we even decided to gild our pipe, it's time to take on the kitchen apron, construction expert yuri garbuzov is getting ready. yuri, we are bringing you, look, yes, a fragment of our apron,
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evaluate, it seems to me, it is very heavy, heavier, than ordinary tiles, yes, well, this glue is just right for this size, yes, it is strong enough, it is also a dust-free glue, so after we diluted it, there is no cloud of dust in our already such a freshly renovated kitchen, yes, very convenient, everything, ready, yes, come on, yuri, drum drog, oh, how it flies in, and we were worried, we finish laying slabs, their position can be adjusted during the first half hour, the glue allows it, we connect the light, in the dining room we build in miniature diode spotlights, the bodies shine with gold from the inside, the lamps above the work area are in the same range, but overhead. in the piers on
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both sides of the cabinets with equipment, sconces with faceted lampshades will shine. in the center of the kitchen , an expressive peony table grows. the tables came to us from saransk. above the table hangs an openwork lampshade makrome, woven from cotton cord. we complement the window sashes with roman blinds scant, they are sewn from linen. baking dish is suitable for the oven and microwave. an intricate detail appears on the wall at the entrance. we will install a dispenser for detergent on the countertop, a set of kitchen utensils. we will decorate the windowsill with ceramic vases. the family service of our heroes will look great on the mezzanine with lighting. the festive atmosphere in the kitchen
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will be set by the table setting, we will use white underplates, blue dishes, golden cutlery and a red daylily in a vase.
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today we remodeled the kitchen for the candidate family and i think we got it right the decor is worthy of a rich don cuisine, we are assembling the interior. like a mosaic of different colors, textures, even eras, vintage and handmade items, it's time to meet the heroes, wow, wow, this is really cool , just amazing, a complete surprise, the chandelier is simply stunning, look at the window sill, the window, look at what color, yes, wait, and where is the refrigerator, well, you probably need to look for it, and you can open everything, everything is yours, how interestingly you did it, wow, look, and what is this, an oven, a microwave, yes, an oven, and what about here, oleg, this is a dream, just mom, look, we would never have thought of this in our lives, amazing, oleg,
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look how many shelves, cabinets we have, these are for plates, the plates here are so beautiful, my god, how beautiful everything is. under the pots, these are for pots, for lids, for frying pans, such a divider, by the way, very convenient, very convenient, for baking tins too, maybe, look at the mosaic, and from the stories of course, i thought it would be a little different, everything, this is a tile, yes mom, look at this, a dishwasher, oh my god, it's a dream, even our kids are happy because we all have to have dishes, come on, turn around here, bed, look at how lovely this is, and here we can write something, am i right? how cool is it, the first thing that caught my eye was the door, i realized from this door that there would be something cool in
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this kitchen, as far as we have, yes, but it was also roughly zoned, yes, this is an old room, that is, here there is this sideboard, here is some kind of this kitchen headset, we assumed that well , it would be a little different... it would be deployed or played up somehow, but it seems like we kept the same space, but made a completely different room, yes, the round table, it kind of brings things together, it seems to me, there are no corners, as she said correctly, you feel more comfortable, you can go there, back and forth, closer to each other, further away, the super radiator, yeah, yeah, and the work surface, the mosaic that we were talking about, well, as we assumed, yes, that it would be an apron, it's great in combination with gold, well, i really liked everything, i also liked the fact that you don't have to go for water. everything, yes, it's really convenient, now it's natural for us, let's take what we have as a basis, and we'll continue in the same spirit. friends, thank you very much for your participation, have a happy renovation, we'll come to visit you, then we'll shoot a story about how you did everything, with pleasure, friends, a bonjuro
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from your friend federico arnaldi, so, it seems, we've almost reached the farm. yes, here in the arab emirate of rosselheim there are firms not only in the desert, but also on and under water. i'm talking about the only pearl farm in the united arab emirates. here , tourists are given an educational tour, starting with the origins of this craft. it turns out that this is a real vessel that has been used since ancient times, right? there is a kitchen here, you can cook food here, in the hold there is coffee, rice, everything you need, for fresh water there is this small thing, so this is a mini-tank for drinking water, and this is the kitchen, yes, that is , i see a mini barbecue here, and some special dishes, yeah, that's
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grill, you can cook soup here, in russia we love soup, here they usually cook... wrapped a clamp on the nose, and what is it made of, a stone in the foot forward, well, that is , down to the bottom, half tighten. yeah, so now you can dive into the water, so, let's say, i caught, caught, i'm ready to rise, signal, tsak,
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tsak, come on, pull me, pull me, pull me, pull me, now the process is set up so that it's not you who goes to the oysters, but they go to you, oh, i got splashed, what was that? we grow them, then we take the oysters and keep them here in the dark. the darkness is like anesthesia, they sleep more, wow, like some kind of deception, if the shell is too hard and we open it, the oyster will not survive and will die, that's why we keep them here, they become weaker and it is easier for us to open the shell and do the implantation.
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credo l'ho trovata, questa è fortune, no, incredibile, incredibile, c'è una perla qui,
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incredibile, ho trovato la perla, you are lucky, we need to go with you to las vegas. well, a light snack in the emirates, though, in this place, of course, there is a problem with the portions, i expected more, well, as it is, no, i'm kidding, of course, everything here is emirati style, that is, everything is on a grand scale, even the food is served only in basins, not on plates, what we have on the menu today, of course, is camel meat. i always really like camel meat, because in these parts it is especially cooked excellently, so
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tender, as if it melts in your mouth, the taste, the taste is similar to something between beef and lamb, if you remove the typical smell from lamb, the typical flavor, from this animal dish we will move on to another dish, also animal, we will try kebab, camel meat in general here, especially for locals, is not is exotic, as for me or for us, but camel kebab can be found in few places, well, it seems like a kebab is a kebab, but still it feels more refined, what an unusual kebab, by the way, did you know that camel meat is considered the cleanest meat, well , because camels eat only natural food. deserts and also meat with the lowest amount of cholesterol, i was told that in this dish there is beef fat with
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spices, with saffron turmeric, oh my god, by the way, i want to show you the most unusual bread in the world, such a translucent one, and you know how it's done, the process is very spectacular, dough is taken on a hot surface and... and this bread is drawn with this dough, it's not bread, but papyrus, oh, what is this? ah, since when is it famous for its caramel? mama mia!
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so unusual creme caramel with rose water and saffron. to us, wow, masha, well, colleagues, a small fluffy animal crept up unnoticed, what do you think, kidnapping a person is funny, and what does it have to do with me, explain, foma is the main suspect, and where foma is, pasha, there you are, find me these from the frosts, here... okay, no grumble, i'm doing one thing, i have a hostage, what, what kind of hostage am i to you, maybe you'll also get a helicopter and a million dollars? nevsky, like in the good old days, today 20:00 on ntv, a miracle, the premiere is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. the cycle calendar is useless, it will grab you so
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gazprombank. moscow coffee shop on the poyakh. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies top class, taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, i ate what zanitso, what to do? in case of poisoning enterum, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, the return of a legend, skill, macroflex, well, what 's new in starodvorye, here are the meat-grinding, for this sausage we chop the meat coarsely, coarsely with a meat-grinding. for meatiness, and for the meat-grinding servilat we chop the meat finer, so that the taste is more tender, finely minced, mm, you chop meat deliciously in starodvorye, the meat-grinding starodvorye tasty-meat-grinding, buy cards from the magnet app, play and win cool prizes, magnet on august 18 we are guaranteed to raffle off a super prize of 100
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mid-august, but if you look at the synoptic map of our country, we will see how the weather is trying its best. to give us a summer mood. in the far east, for example, two anticyclones are moving towards each other, that is, in the future there will be less precipitation, although coolness is descending on the northern latitudes, but it is only to the advantage of blazing yakutia, and near baikal there is intense heat for 30 will be replaced by comfortable warmth of about 25. on the amur and in primorye it is also quite summery, warm and rainy mainly in the northern regions, well in siberia almost without precipitation and warm from irkutsk to omsk, in altai +30, sunny, and for those who are lucky to be here now. of course, we advise you to stop by srostki to the birthplace of vasily shukshin. without getting to know this man and his work, you cannot fully understand the nature of altai. but the urals these days are a visual reminder of autumn, there is a cyclone,
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rain, coolness, also unfriendly, while in volga region. the forecast for the center and northwest is even more encouraging, where is summer returning? it’s already closer to twenty during the day, and the rains are ending. the north is holding on to good weather, in murmansk it’s clear p20. tomorrow it’s even warmer and in the south it’s a good summer, not hot, but not cold either, up to +30, rain only in the mountains. in st. petersburg today there is a chance of rain +23, tomorrow 25 and no precipitation, in moscow precipitation is unlikely today too, during the day +22, by the weekend up to 28. that’s all for now for me, watch the weather on ntv. see below. morning, the most the best. we show symptoms of diseases with your doctor. we write down. a new recipe from yulia vysotskaya, we get acquainted with the miracle novelties from sergey malozyomov, we will meet one day with the people's artist of russia. good morning,
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the program your doctor is on the air, and here we talk about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, alexey dmitrievich, i am very glad to see you.
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intestinal tract with the help of antidepressants , including in combination, and in some conditions they can simply be a key component of therapy, not always, but with
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irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, there with other forms they are less effective, with functional reflux, this happens people suffer from heartburn, in which proton pump inhibitors antacids do not work, give ... an antidepressant is all incited, well plus people with chronic pain, they also end up in a gastroenterologist, according to some estimates up to 50% of chronic pain in the abdominal area is pain associated with myophosal syndrome with trigger points in the anterior abdominal wall, in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, and also one of the basic methods effects, not the only one, but these are some types of antidepressants. how antidepressants work, this is such a positive side effect of these drugs, they were unsuccessfully named, well, they were invented to treat depression, well now we know that
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in addition to depression, they treat chronic pain, there is polyneuropathy in diabetes, when the legs burn and do not let you sleep, and even with some rheumatological diseases they relieve pain, there are many indications, yes, that is , these drugs are broader than ... mediators, but most often it is serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, well, antidepressants most often affect serotonin, less often also norepinephrine, there on dopamine, other drugs affect, well, antidepressants, sometimes even a little, this transmission of information changes, but this is our theoretical understanding of how things happen, well , we know that, for example, the treatment outcomes for irritable bowel syndrome... can
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differ radically if you prescribed all the prescribed drugs purely gastroenterologically and added an antidepressant, that is, the effectiveness of this course can even change several times with prescribing an antidepressant, here the question arises and a conversation with the patient, the patient's fear, and i heard that you can get addicted to this, yes, and will mine change? that is , get addicted side effects, there are many prejudices, myths, this is of course, absolutely not without a different drug that you can take prescribe to yourself in no case, but those antidepressants are a huge number and from different groups, well, all of them are not addictive, that is, this is a very important point.
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alzheimer's, for example, and you all your life you spend on this care, and he takes this drug in order to improve his quality of life and somehow survive this incessant difficult condition around him, and the main side effect, because of which you really have to cancel, sometimes they say, well, usually a man, that his libido has decreased or there are some problems with erection, that's it and...
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among the population and you don't have to be afraid to introduce these drugs, this is this complex of therapeutic measures that can really really help the patient very well. doctors are afraid of these drugs, i think that only psychiatrists can prescribe them, doctors, open clinical guidelines for your specialty, well, i'm a gastroenterologist, i'm opening them, approved by the ministry of health, treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, antidepressants are there, that is. even legally, you
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absolutely have the right to do this, it is very important, very important, thank you very much alexey dmitrievich, i want to wish everyone good health and see you soon, and who doesn't like pancakes, you love them, judging by you, we love you very much, you, we love you here, look at what beauty, it turns out so thin and ruddy - we take off the first pancake, and what beauty, now immediately add the second one, grease this one with butter, while it's hot, well, in general , you get the idea, the process has begun, so we take an orange, first grate the zest on a fine grater, somewhere, so that it turns out. half a teaspoon,
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if you don't have a fine grater, remove the zest with a sharp knife, that's enough, now add a little sugar to the butter, literally, i don't know, such a heaping teaspoon, the juice of half an orange, as soon as the sugar, give me the sugar, sugar and butter should dissolve. juice of half an orange, so, you see what a luxurious sauce it turns out to be, and now we take our. pancakes and send them into this sauce, like this i fold them into triangles, they warm up, soak in this sauce, so,
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now a little rum or cognac on top, that 's how it should be... fire, as they say, fire, fire, we get a flambe, and naturally, in this way all the alcohol from the cognac goes away, and then on top the orange zest that you and i grated will make it all even more aromatic, and i think it's necessary to serve all this like this, i lay them out, oops, and i think
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it's a brilliant combination with these orange notes, blackcurrant jam is a brilliant combination, firstly with this wonderful nut... the taste of pancakes, and with sour cream, of course, well, look at what a rat we have, it seems to me that you can add a little more orange zest, well, so bon appetit, now the novelty of the week, the most interesting of the devices that we managed to try out over the past seven days, on this time our reviewer kim korshunov, the author of the friendly youtube channel 808, went to miami specifically to see something impressive, the newest trap house. this is a fashionable trend among the rich, to live with the freedom to choose the views from the window. it costs 5.5 million dollars, its total area is 404 m. on two
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floors there is a living room, a kitchen, four bedrooms with baths, the ability to float this colossus is provided by two electric motors, with a total capacity of 272 horses. this, by the way, is quite modest, comparable to an average engine suv, so it moves, the vessel is not fast, but it moves by itself. our maximum speed on the water is 10 km / h, yes, a little, but a - it is not a boat b it does not need any towing, it floats by itself, even when the wind, even when the waves. the house has four hydraulic legs, that's what the manufacturer calls this design, they allow the building to be above the surface of the water in places where the depth is less. 12 m. the working position of the house is still stationary, the body is completely steel, the panoramic windows are made of impact-resistant glass. its design, including legs, including the body, including glazing, can withstand, among other things, a hurricane of the fourth degree and wind force - 250 km / h officially.
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that is, if you believe the promises, in such a house during bad weather it will be even safer than in many ordinary ground-based ones, which often do not withstand such. pressure eco-friendliness, another feature: the structure is fed by solar panels on the roof, and it also has a tank with clean water for 15.00 liters, as well as a system for collecting, cleaning and accumulating rainwater, this is if you suddenly decide to sail away further from the shore, though with freedom it's not so simple, if you don't have a captain's license, you'll have to hire one, but if you plan on this floating house, it will move floatingly, you can hire a chef, he will cook for you, you can... cleaning - this is all a separate cost, of course, plus there is insurance, taxes - all this will also have to be paid a little extra, well, what rating should i give here, we always give our verdict on new products, here it seems to us obvious five stars. it is clear that the thing is not mass-produced, but in the process of creating luxury items often
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technologies are being developed that can later become more popular. we hope that something similar will happen here, because freedom is undoubtedly very cool. names and detailed characteristics, as always on the site www.chudo.teg. one morning on ntv, i am sergey mayorov, hello, nina dvorzhetskaya, people's artist of the country, today the heroine of the project once. by the age of 63, nina dvorzhetskaya has everything, bright roles, worthy students. i went to school from nagornaya street, it took me an hour and a half
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to get to my sretenka, and we somehow we walked there along all these old alleys, but we had to get home somehow, because if you don’t get home on time, you won’t have time to do your homework, which means you have to go to bed, so you can get up at the crack of dawn to get back to this school, and my dad really watched my life, so that i didn’t chat anywhere. i didn’t walk, it turned out that there was no company, then i was still a wild girl, i couldn’t stand pioneer camps, so in kindergarten they tried to send me to the dacha with a child garden, i had a hysterical fit, they took me away, i'm from the fourth group of kindergarten, which means i'm already an adult, i went for a walk around the neighborhood, when they found me, caught me, they asked me, why did you leave, i said, i 'm bored there, i have no one to talk to there, her... apartment, like a dollhouse, wherever you look, there are flowers and small handmade masterpieces, she sews them not so much
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for comfort and joy, but rather for meditation, and maybe therapy. nina gorelik was born into a family of an engineer and a translator, her parents divorced when she was only 6 years old, and the girl was sent to a boarding school, they had a serious conflict, only 2 years later the father took nina to a new family, with her biological mother, she did not communicate for 30 years on principle, yes, this is childhood trauma, i tried to understand why this barrier exists, why does my body say, i don’t want, i don’t need, yes, visually everything is fine for everyone, but nothing happens to me, well yes, this is a huge childhood trauma, and it is so deep and so understood so late that it was already insurmountable, and there was no need to treat it, i already became just the person i am... who essentially replaced your mother? grandmother, berta,
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dad's mother, with all the passion of a jewish mother and jewish grandmother, and dad's second wife, who also, apparently, invested a lot in me, i think, first of all, out of great love for dad. and did you dream of becoming an actress since childhood? at first i really wanted to be a ballerina, because i had idols, ulanova, plesetskaya. i was capricious and they bought me pointe shoes very early, but they didn't accept me into the bolshoi theater school, because the teacher who looked at me, she said: the girl is wonderful, stretchy, wonderful, flexible, everything, only she will grow up very big, and her bones are heavy, folk dances, please, well, what folk dances do i need, i am a dying swan, where would i be, that's why i was terribly offended by them all, i didn't become a ballerina, but they turned on the light. and it smells different, that's why i got into the taganka theater very early,
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it happened that way, due to the fact that my parents were somehow friends with this then taganka youth, there were very i saw many performances, but that's not even the point, there was a smell, powder, dust, the curtain was terribly dusty, as i later found out, it was terribly dusty, then the women there had perfume , the taganka women. there were some other perfumes than red moscow, this air, it probably poisoned me, well, lured me, that's it, it works, nina igorevna says that she will never confuse the smell of her native stage with anything, and this is not deceit. the actress has served the russian academic youth theater for 40 years, that's where she ended up almost immediately after graduating from the higher theatre.
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that he has such a texture from which you can make both he and the director, can do anything, i don’t like it when it’s not coquettish, i can’t, i’m so embarrassed when they recognize me on the street and start asking me something, and it always seems to me that i have nothing to say, because i’ve already said everything in the theatre or said on the screen that i can, together, be generators, and what about us?
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10 years without roles, though, when i came to quit, because, as in mishchany, i’m already young at the bitter dress, i said this, alexey vladimovich, he did not let me go, became, stood up, stood up, we work, in the amazingly expressive voice of nina dvorzhetskaya there are many emotions, colors,
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strict pedagogical notes sound in it, the title of professor obliges, hello! one day , the artistic director of ramta alexey vladimirovich borodin invited nina igoryevna to teach on his course at gitis. she agreed released the light of about 60 promising artists, but after a while she left gitis for her native pike now in her almater dvorzhetskaya is a professor. and you are following for the success of their students?
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i want to find my mother and look her in the eyes, and do other blood relatives know about her existence? in 2013, my beloved grandmother died and ... long before that she said: but alfiya or zulfiya gave birth to a girl, in seventy-eighth year a little brother was born and in the summer mom goes somewhere, i open the envelope dna, today at 16:45 on ntv, when the legs get tired, hurt, swell, we take drops izkuzan, izkuzan from five symptoms of varicose veins, the effectiveness is comparable to compression hosiery izkuzan, profitable price, she is zosi from the school waltz and katy from mushka. well, i was pretty, young, like elena tsyplakova became a screen star at 15, you are elena, i say, you are tsyplakova, she was so popular after this film,
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especially among young girls, how many times she got burned in love, for me married men do not exist, why did she find her female happiness only on the third try, damn, marry me, i am 46 years old, i have no children, i think that i, why do i need all this, and what a tragedy? forever deprived her of joy and motherhood, i was shocked, of course, she says, what are you worried about, others only dream, you don't need to have abortions. elena tsyplakova and her million-dollar secret. when you understand why a person does this, it's easier to forgive. saturday at 21:50 on ntv. miracle, premieres saturday at 20:00 on ntv. it is important to treat varicose veins symptoms from the inside. troxactiv tablets from traxivozin against swelling and pain in the legs. order the medicine with discounts on imagine, you have a lot, a lot of milk. oh,
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well, you imagined it, it's better for us ourselves we present you with cottage cheese selozelenoe, which contain so much fresh milk. the cheese is real, the cottage cheese is fresh, selozelenoe. ditrolex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins. it's time to take care of your health. dibikor helps normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism. dibekor, be in shape,
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let your health be normal. rollton noodles in a new pack. where can i find one? some people just need a reliable one. it is important for me that the bed is also stylish. collections of beds and bed linen at scones with a discount of up to 70%. cycle calendar useless. it will grab so that it goes dark in your eyes. these symptoms can be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen. longidaza against adhesions and inflammation. it is not the first time that antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito. real estate, so she knows how everything will spin. no wonder, we have a dizzying choice
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coolness descends. noticeably fresher to buryatia and there are rains. in transbaikalia in the amur region it is still dry and +30°. in the khabarovsk region in primorye 25-28 also without precipitation. little rain in the south of siberia warm to become july. from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk - 27:30. and in the urals it is more similar. like september during the day no higher than twenty, rain, wind, looks like in the volga region, but it will soon be better, in the center in the northwest there are fewer and fewer clouds, and more and more heat, in places already up to +25, in the north it is raining. goes to the urals, in arkhangelsk there is still no precipitation it will become cooler during the day +18, in mormansk it is sunny again above twenty. another sunny region is the south, it rains only in the mountains, but even there it will soon end, during the day it is not very hot +30. in st. petersburg rain is possible and +23 in moscow without precipitation and 22. that's all about the weather. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex. it helps to reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and
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we support kursk with the whole country. we decided that we have four children, and safety is above all, we decided that it would be better to leave earlier. those who were evacuated from dangerous areas are being received in different regions. they send humanitarian aid, a cowardly reaction from the west, this creates a real dilemma for putin, and i, we are in direct contact, constant contact with the ukrainians, i observe the enemy personnel, equipment, over the past week two bradleys were destroyed by an fpv crew, the work of military intelligence in the donetsk direction in maxim's report.


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