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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 14, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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the native artist gave away her savings, but then she was forced to put up for sale an expensive apartment in the capital, the day before new owners of the property appeared under dolina's windows and demanded to let them in. larisa aleksandrovna naturally did not do this, she said that she would seek to have the deal with the scammers declared invalid. this video message from larisa dolina shocked her fans, always cheerful and full of life, but now there is alarm on her face, criminals from ukrainian call centers have reached the people's artist.
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trying to get into the entrance, the security guards wouldn't let them in, even though the strangers assured them that they were the new owners, the police had to be called, after an attempt to seize larisa dolina's living space, chop employees introduced a state of siege in the apartment building, entry strictly by lists. we are talking about this property: five rooms, area 236 m2, fourth floor - 130 million rubles. and the scheme to deceive the singer larisa dolina turned out to be well-practiced, an unknown person called her, introduced himself to the special services and... is introduced reported, that someone is trying to deceive the singer, steal the apartment and it needs to be sold urgently, and the money transferred to a specially trained person. under pressure from ukrainian scammers, larisa aleksandrovna did everything in addition to withdrawing several tens of millions of rubles from her accounts, which she transferred to this woman, angela tsirulnikova, a fitness trainer for all her friends, in fact turned out to be a courier for the criminals. during the initial operational-investigative activities, the police of the central district of the capital established that a 53-year-old
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a female courier, against whom a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen. did the mother of two children, tsirulnikova, know that she was working for ukrainian criminals? the investigation is yet to find out, but it is already clear that she transported other people's money more than once. during interrogation, rulnikova admitted to at least one more case of fraud, and not long before that she had left her husband, with whom she had lived for 20 years. and did she work as a courier? no, she worked as a fitness trainer, but how could this happen? i don't know, we didn't talk much on the phone. she always says, i don't have time, i don't have time, i don't have time, and how long have you been together , it turns out, you haven't lived together for a while, i moved out, she's here for a bit. according to all the documents, a certain polina lurye is now listed as the new owner of larisa dolina's apartment. little is known about her, she's 34 years old, a single mother, it's unclear where she got 130 million to buy elite housing, and her role in this fraudulent scheme still needs to be established, it's possible that ukrainian criminals could have used her, as they say, in the dark. however, the attackers stopped even
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after they deceived larisa dolina, they hacked her social networks and started posting in support of the banned national battalions. experts are sure that the scammers did not accidentally contact larisa aleksandrovna, she had been the target for several months. the logic of the actions of these scoundrels, ukrainian scammers and these endless call centers, is generally clear. of course, the material component is important to them, when they robbed some pensioner, cheated some granny, who there with her savings translated, that's understandable, but the media effect is much more significant, when you deceive some famous person, it's absolutely ideal when you deceive a person with a clearly expressed civic position, this is exactly larisa dolina, who never... hid her views, who was always with
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the people. psychologists note that the scammers on the other end of the line use primitive techniques , they probably act according to the manual: the first rule is to gain trust, that's why criminals introduce themselves as law enforcement agencies, it's easier that way. in order for her did not have time to ask, so that she did not have time to destroy this, this whole pyramid of lies, they immediately put her into stress, that is, your apartment can be abducted, stolen, your money can be. stolen, your loved one is in danger, that is, they include fear, just imagine, a person has just felt trust, relaxed a little, at this moment he gets a blow. larisa dolina's colleagues are shocked by the news of the deception of the people's artist, producer iosif prigozhin has already contacted larisa alexandrovna promised support, says his family also became victims of fraudsters. my family was the first, which also became victims of microloan organizations, but i found out about it late, when everything had already happened , the apartment was already simple. for 50 times, i wish sincerely,
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we treat with love, we treat larisa alexandrovna, she is an outstanding person, she has an anniversary next year, and i hope that this problem will be resolved in her. as a result, now only a female courier has been arrested in the criminal case of deceiving larisa dolina. the police do not exclude that new episodes may be revealed. now the law enforcement officers are trying to track down where the people's artist's money went. pavel kuzentsov, alena kryukova, nadezhda zybkina, alina ilyukhina and nikita zbrodin, ntv. three people in serious condition were taken to the intensive care unit of the kaliningrad hospital. after an accident in the city center, but another woman, a tourist from khabarovsk, received a fatal. injuries surveillance cameras recorded the moment of the terrible accident. a black mercedes suddenly drove into the oncoming lane, and then on the sidewalk where people were walking. however, the reason why the foreign car was moving along such a trajectory soon became clear, aleftina marchenko will continue. at what point arseniy
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pokladov lost control of the road and turned onto the sidewalk, he did not even remember. the black mercedes drove into the oncoming lane at full speed and rammed people. four people ended up under the wheels at once. having run over pedestrians in front of dozens of witnesses, the driver seemed not to try to brake, the foreign car hit the wall of the store, and only then stopped. before the ambulance arrived, the victims passers-by helped on chernekhovsky street, where the accident occurred, there were a lot of people walking at the time, people surrounded the car, trying to understand what had happened, they thought maybe the driver suddenly felt ill and lost control, let's all take two steps back. the culprit of the accident did not receive serious injuries, with some effort he got out of the car, leaned against the wall of the building so as not to fall, then took off his jacket and clasped his head with his hands, and sat like that until the inspectors approached him, took the man by the arms and led him away intention, he didn't seem
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to resist, but his gait was strange, as if he could barely stand on his feet, he deliberately kicked a bottle along the way, something was clearly wrong with him, he was using drugs, and drugs? the man didn't understand what they wanted from him, he squinted from the bright lights of the flashing beacons and asked again several times, probably not realizing how he ended up here, when they lowered his car , they found a syringe with an unknown substance, now he's giving evidence at the police station, three victims have been hospitalized with serious injuries, among them... was a tourist from khabarovsk, unfortunately, doctors were unable to save her . a resident of khabarovsk , born in 1973, died, the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the leningradsky district of the city of kaliningrad opened a criminal case under part 4 of article 264 of the criminal code of the russian
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federation, violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, resulting in the death of a person through negligence. arseniy pokladov turned out to be a local entrepreneur, earned his luxurious... life by playing on the stock exchange and selling cryptocurrency on the market, but apparently, success turned his head, he began to allow himself a lot, the main thing is to break the law, as it turned out, he has many fines for violating traffic rules, the driver had previously been held accountable for drunk driving, for a mass accident with a fatal outcome he faces from 5 to 12 years in prison. aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov, ntv television company. kaliningrad. and the monstrous history of the samara region, where recidivist sergei voshchenko was arrested, what he did is beyond belief in chepaevsk is talking about the murder of a two-year-old girl, miroslava's grandmother left her in the yard for just a few minutes, but when she returned she did not find the girl.
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all the neighbors went to search, but the most active searcher was that very neighbor by the last name of voshchenko, he found the child, then tried to hide, but he was detained. photos of two-year-old miroslava with a horrific story quickly spread across social networks. her aunt was the first to sound the alarm, telling that her niece was kidnapped by a neighbor, abused and mocked her so much that doctors could not save her failed. the child died in the hospital. the two-year-old was raped, she is dead. she died. the main suspect in the brutal crime was sergei voshchenko, at first glance, an unremarkable neighbor, whom the family of the murdered baby had known for a long time , lived alone, did not work anywhere, often drank, and this time he came to visit the neighbors already drunk, the girl's grandmother and half-brother were at home, the mother was at work at the time, the two-year-old child, according to relatives, was left alone for literally 5 minutes, the pensioner went out into the garden to
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collect vegetables and give them to the voschenko, when the baby returned, like the neighbor, they disappeared, a large-scale search began, in which voshchenko himself took part, it was he who allegedly found her first, he was without a child. sergey came, he came without a child and danil hit him, he fell, he seemed to faint, he saw the child there, well, in his own way, he is an actor. what's going on, he went out, he says, and from here he quickly ran there. the girl was found still alive in an abandoned house nearby. eyewitnesses say it was scary to look at her, the child was covered in blood, barely choking. neighbor, when she saw the result of such atrocity, she fainted, and one thing did not fit in her head, how a person could do such a thing. this very closed room, this is most likely where he mixed everything up. it turns out that her uncle found her here. he grabbed her sharply, put her on his shoulder, ran quickly, and holding her,
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when the commotion began, some called an ambulance, others the police, voshchenko ran away from the scene, but he was quickly detained, the girl's relatives and neighbors are sure that it was definitely him, why were there no sounds, because she contacted the rapist, that is, he came to visit, he is our neighbor, well, an acquaintance, so she knew him, of the criminal code of the russian federation. paragraph b, part four of article 131 of the criminal code of the russian federation. voschenko was arrested for 2 months, during
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the investigation numerous examinations will be conducted, including a psychologist psychiatric. if voschenko's guilt is proven, he faces the maximum term, up to life. tamara simonova, valentin lyubimov, erika ovagyan and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. the men from miroslava's family wanted to take revenge on voschenko for what he did, but the criminal was saved.
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substitution, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, and what is it called, samokatman, samokatera, can you play the accordion for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest ones, besides knives, do you do anything else, oh, i have so much work, i drive, mom, we help carry potatoes, who do you want to be when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus or the russian federation, each of them is a little, great miracle, will you ever use such a phrase with us? great talents are sometimes smaller
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than you think, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, the premiere is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities. amount up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in bonuses sber thank you. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy on ozon. pencils with an eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. there are different chickens. mechanical for small victories. bronze. for a drop of luck, but only tender chicken is created for a big chicken burger and special moments
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the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, an exact terminator, liquid, an ordinary person 's legs would have broken a long time ago, a back, and i 'm telling you, her funds are from the future, otherwise you can't explain it? sinaten - ease of movement, call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinoden. everyone who calls our line when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, also will receive a pack of sinaden absolutely free, and you won't even have to pay for delivery. delivery is also free, okay, we were quarrelling around the houses, oh, petrovna is already running back for her grandson, the girls are skiing, by the way, and you ask her in passing what kind of sinaden this is, call now and find out detailed information about the drug sinoden, because today
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anyone can receive a pack of sinaden absolutely free. as a gift, and you won't have to pay for delivery, order a course of sinaden directly from the manufacturer right now by the number on your screen, without any assessments and commissions, remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden - ease of movement, as the ancient wisdom says, the russian world is better for...
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live again an emergency and we continue our broadcast. former traffic police officer alexey gritsov will go to prison for 7 years, an officer who, like no one else, should know the rules of the road, caused a fatal accident in the krasnodar region. he was drunk, rushing, clearly exceeding the permissible speed and rammed a zhiguli, which the driver was twenty-one-year-old andrey samovik. no one received any clear explanations from him after the accident, he was simply unable to even speak. the first thing that the traffic police inspector alexey gritsov, who provoked the car accident, demanded to be taken into account in court was not to consider him as a former police officer. gritsov knew very well what consequences a drunk driving could have, but he still asked to be tried as an ordinary citizen. at the time of the crime
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, i was indeed an employee of the organs, an employee. dps, but i am the same citizen, like, the same citizen of the russian federation, like all the other people present in the hall. although the culprit himself, who has repeatedly written out protocols for traffic violations, for some reason thought that his colleagues in the shop would certainly not stop him. so he decided to get behind the wheel on his day off after a fun event with alcohol. the surveillance camera footage shows how alexey gritsov's foreign car crashes into a parked car. the video of the aftermath of the drunk car accident was filmed by the father of the deceased, alexander samovik. you can use it judge how strong the blow was. the driver , twenty-one-year-old andrey samovik, died on the spot before the paramedics arrived. life was divided. into before and after, we no longer have andryukha, andrey's father had to endure something terrible, he watched as rescuers extracted his son's body from the mangled car. alexander samovik himself is
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a member of the public council at the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, he knew the alleged culprit gritsov and his companion, who, judging by these shots, were in a very strange state, my son, techem, what yours, you what, you, who was driving, quickly? who was driving? what difference does it make to you? what difference does it make to me ? what difference does it make to you? the investigative committee officers established that gritsov was relaxing with friends that evening, they were hanging out until almost the morning, then the police officer kindly offered to take all the guests home, after the accident he wanted to deceive the investigators, he claimed that he was in the back seat of the car, and his companion was driving. were you in the car? were you? were you? i do not deny that i was.
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then the car accident could have been avoided, the tragedy occurred at the entrance to primorsko-okhtarsk, the road here is wide, four lanes, you still have to try very hard not to notice a car standing at the turn, especially in the morning, when there are not so many cars on the roadway, the culprit of the accident knew that literally 10 m from here there is a sports complex, where at that time children were rushing to train, but gretsov did not even try to brake and pressed the gas pedal even harder. the deceased andrei samovik always tried to help people. chose the corresponding profession, after the army, he returned home and got a job at the local fire department, now the samovik family is having a hard time coping with the loss of the eldest of four brothers, every time
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after a court hearing they come to the cemetery and talk to their son, we come , we clean up here, we look after the grave, naturally, especially since it is now wrapped in wreaths of fresh flowers all the time, andryukha's friends bring him treats, it's very hard, because we realize that... there is only a branded body here, well, a shell, in fact, he is at home with us, during alexey gritsov asked for the minimum sentence of 5 years for his last word, but the court decided otherwise and sentenced him to 7 years in a general regime colony, and the former inspector will also have to pay 8,000 rubles to the family of the deceased. sergey potyakov, mikhail vlasenko, pavel kuznetsov and valentin lyubimov, ntv television company. krasnodar krai. makhmud makhsudov, a gazelle driver, was sent to the pre-trial detention center, who...
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the observation occurred when the truck tried to change into the far left lane, not letting the bike pass, which was traveling at high speed and did not have time to brake, flew into the guardrail, in a collision, as can be seen on the camera footage , as a result, yegor bodrikhin and his passenger ended up on the roadway, where they were hit by a car, the biker's companion died on the spot, bodrikhin miraculously survived. his condition was taken to the hospital. the driver of the car left the scene of the accident, but was subsequently identified in one of the medical institutions, where he was admitted due to injuries received as a result of the road accident. a criminal case has been opened on the fact of violation by the person driving the car, the rules traffic, which resulted in the death of a person through negligence. the accused was interrogated only the next day, when makhsudov sobered up, he said that he did not remember the circumstances of the incident well, but that's not all, see below, dozens of victims of hairdresser raisa magaramova the master imagined herself a talented financier and
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built a pyramid, who compensates for the millions that her clients lost what the hairdresser spent the profit on, about this after the commercial. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything stopped. it's clear, let's understand what in general is happening, it's a conspiracy, it's definitely a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you 're some damn wrong, we 're in hot water, what's up guys, back up, this is how relations with the west are developing , has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, new season, every time camela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she's on...
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snapped up. buy nazon pencils with eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. pasha. well, colleagues, a small fluffy animal has crept up unnoticed. what do you think, kidnapping a person is funny? and what does this have to do with me? foma is the main suspect, and where foma is, pasha, there you are. find me these scumbags. there, okay, don't grumble, i'm doing one thing. i have a zaluzhnik, what, what kind of zaluzhnik am i to you, maybe you'll also need a helicopter and a million dollars? nevsky, like in the good old days, today at 8:00 pm on ntv. live on ntv, emergency again incident, we continue our program. women who became victims of the capital's swindler raisa magaramova, have finally achieved justice, the number of those deceived is from 60 to 100,
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but nine of the most... persistent can now get their money back. magaramova's scheme was primitive, reminiscent of a financial pyramid, people gave raisa their last money, but she promised to return it with interest. now, when... new victims began to appear from behind the scenes, it became known that magaramova was engaged in similar scams at the beginning 2000. these women at the building of the khoroshopsky court did not know each other until recently, but as it turned out, they had all long been acquainted in absentia through one handshake with raisa magaramova, the one whom they all without exception considered their friend, until she borrowed millions from them, which she never returned. now between the friends there are only judicial relations, in which more than a dozen ...
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attentive, empathetic. osia was raisa's client, very quickly between them remembers her completely different, sociable, friendship began, and then financial relations, she recalls. at first, magaramova borrowed small amounts at a low interest rate, returned everything and this won people over, until the requests grew to 35 thousand euros. as i understand now, raya, this one in a skirt, she acted according to a proven scheme, she gradually gained trust, gradually, gradually began to offer either some kind of business, or borrow, promise interest, deals. in general, this is how she deceived people, her money osya, just like irina, no longer i saw that magaramova borrowed from her, including the so-called coffin money that her elderly grandmother had saved up, she promised to return everything in 2 weeks, it's already been three years, then,
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when i told her that i don't have a grandmother, she didn't react at all, she only wrote to express her condolences, but she's waiting for a transfer, i told her that i need to keep my grandmother, i don't have the opportunity, well, she didn't... when it became clear that this was not an isolated case, it also turned out that magaramova has been building her chamber financial pyramid for more than a year, there were those who are waiting for their money to be returned since 2008, since then the scheme has not changed, the portrait of the victim, an unmarried woman, preferably without relatives nearby, and most importantly - the principle of work, or rather their absence, that all my funds were funds from the apartment i sold, and the man simply left me without housing without means of subsistence. prestigious metropolitan universities, the eldest camilla, she is a witness in her mother's case, she still shares photos of her expensive purchases on social networks, the victims are sure that
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the family is arranging a holiday of life at their expense, and they are also responsible everyone should. raya's daughter kamilla was aware of all her mother's machinations, because transfers repeatedly came from kamilla's card. now women are talking about at least sixty victims at the hands of magaramov , the official number is of course less, someone has not yet filed a statement, five were denied criminal proceedings. nine citizens suffered from the defendant's actions, the total amount of damage exceeded 11 million rubles. at the first hearing on the merits, raisa magaramova still denies her guilt once again promises to return everything, citing that she had done so before. this will apparently be the main line of defense throughout the entire process. ivan gubin, alexey labachov and nadezhda zybkina, ntv television company. more news on our website , the chpntv telegram channel. that's all for today. thank you for your attention.
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today on our program, with the blessing of grandpa. biden commented for the first time on the actions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. will washington give kiev a complete carbon copy? this puts putin in a real dilemma. dark horse. kamala harris suddenly gets ahead trump in the presidential race. what fate awaits ukraine if it becomes the us president. sobriety is the norm. the state duma called for artists to be tested for alcohol before concerts. will such measures be able to sober up the russian pop scene? oh, well, let's go.


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