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tv   DNK  NTV  August 14, 2024 4:45pm-7:01pm MSK

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avito, avito, avito, get up where you are looking, it's no wonder, we have a dizzying choice of tenants. avito real estate, rent out where you are looking. after a quarrel, the father showed his daughter an adoption document, where it was written in black and white that her birth name was yulia. zulfiya contacted us for a dna test. agilova. hello, zyul, hello. tell me, how long ago did you find out the truth? when i was 17 years old, and i found out that i was an adopted daughter. my father and i had a fight. then the next morning i was cleaning the house, wiping the dust off the table, i see, there is a piece of paper, i read it. it was on...
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me, that i did this, i forgave my father, of course, he raised me, so i forgave my father, but it was painful, of course, to find out about this, did your attitude towards your father change after that, my relationship with my father was even closer, he loved him much later, after that, after that, as he told me, i loved him very, very much even more, and my mother, and my mother, yes, and... after my father told you
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the truth, you talked to my mother, at that moment my mother was paralyzed, i told her told, she cried, but couldn't say, she was paralyzed with us, well you've known the truth for quite a long time, why did you only turn to us now? after the death of my parents, i thought, maybe if i find. parents or relatives, maybe they will communicate with me, you don't have enough blood relatives, yes, and you tried to find them yourself somehow, i tried to find them, but alas, it didn't work out, i went to mayantogogorsk, to the orphanage, i went there, the director of my orphanage, well i asked her, i'm like i'm an adopted daughter, i wanted to know. mother, how is her
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what was your name, what, well, any, any information i wanted to find out about my mother, a certificate of refusal, that such a woman refuses me, what was written in the refusal, for what reason were you refused, refuses her daughter, my name was bikchurina, yulia tolgatovna, the reason was indicated, it was not written, i think. when you managed to find out more detailed information, did you try to somehow use it to find your biological family? well, i tried on social networks, but i couldn’t. and tell us about your life in a foster family? my life was wonderful in general, i was like in a fairy tale, my parents loved me, loved me very, very much, dressed me, my mother especially loved me very much, dressed me like a doll, loved me. and not me, you were never
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denied anything, yes, everything was, what is your most vivid childhood memory? my family and i went swimming in a lake, it's not far from us, it was wonderful, unforgettable, did you feel then that you were a family? yes, a family, before that conversation with dad, you never had the thought that you were not a relative, i here... i was looking for a drawing album and came across a photo album, well, i started flipping through it, i saw a lot of photos of my brother in the photo album, then i asked my father, dad, why are there a lot of photos of my brother, but i don't have any, my father told me that at that moment the camera broke , but i calmed down, brother, it turns out that this is their own son, older than you, younger, older, he is 9 years older than me. and what kind of relationship do you have with
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your brother? with my brother, well, well, there is a warm relationship, but he helps me when i need to, that is, everything is fine with my brother. everything is fine with my brother, and maybe there were some other things prerequisites to think that you are not a relative? it was in the first grade, we went for a walk to the grove, well after the grove we went to class, and there my classmate told me that i was from my grandparents, i did not believe it, then i ran to my mother, she worked as a teacher at school, started crying, my mother told me, my classmate told me that i was from my grandparents, my mother hugged me and said: no, you are ours... my daughter, and i calmed down, went to class, in the ninth grade i, well, got a job in a hospital with a nurse, well - just for fun, i wanted to know what blood type i have, in
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any of us can end up beyond the pale, through our own fault, by someone else's will or because of a fatal coincidence, we will extend a helping hand to everyone, i wanted to thank the beyond the boundary program with all my heart, i simply bow before you because you did impossible, i am grateful to your program, we would not have managed without you, i am sure that everything will work out here, beyond the new. "i will never forgive, may god forgive, but i do not, i want to find my mother and look her in the eyes
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and ask her one question, why, what is my fault, to leave me like that, and have you thought about the fact that you can have brothers and sisters, well, i have thought about it, yes, but i think that if i am the oldest in the family, if the very first child, how do you know this, your father said. that your mother abandoned you at 16, gave birth to me, and you were the firstborn, yes, throughout your life no one has ever looked for you, tried to look for you, heard nothing like that, no, and what do you think, if, let's say, you have brothers or sisters, having found you, will they be able to establish contact with you, it depends only on them, whether they want to communicate with me or not, would you like? i would like, of course, zulfiya, during our investigation
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we came across a resident of bashkiria, she is 41 years old, her mother's name is alfiya, nee bikchurina, in the studio luiza yunusova, hello, luiza, tell us about yourself, what kind of family are you in? growing up, i grew up as an only child in the family, well, you were loved, pampered, well, there were different moments, but i felt some coldness, a little , of course they took care of me, i felt that mom didn’t love dad, and maybe that’s why she didn’t love me so much, i wanted more hugs, more kisses, i don’t remember that, more words, i love you, of course, she took care of me, she said, i dressed you like a doll, for her , love is more a manifestation, that’s how to dress me,
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and what is dad like in relation to you, well, dad, he is a former military man, he was mostly on business trips, but he loved me, i remember how he used to ride me on a sled, well , there were a lot of funny moments, louise, and you weren’t lonely, i just lived with the thought that i was alone, as if i never had such moments that i wanted a brother or sister, even, your parents are together now, my parents divorced when i was 15, the relationship began to deteriorate, they had more fights, quarrels, squabbles, well, the result was a divorce, but i stayed with my mother, my mother and i moved to grandmother to live for a while, then rented an apartment, father already by this time. stayed in ufa, what is your relationship with your mother now? well, to be honest, i feel a little offended, a year
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ago my third daughter was born, here is my mother, she is completely indifferent, she has not even seen her granddaughter and even well, she does not call, does not ask, does not ask any questions, no interest, she just once asked what you named her, does not even show ... what, well , she has some other life priorities, she is so indifferent to your third daughter or is she equally indifferent to all your children, well it turns out that she came for a year and a half, she lived before that... in another country generally temporarily, at a distance we still somehow communicated, when she arrived, the relationship became colder, i was just pregnant, and what could have affected her so much, well, i don’t even know exactly, it offends you, i am offended only by the fact that she does not make contact, not to mention contact, but she
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is not like many loving grandmothers, your children lack a grandmother, right? but i like i remember when i gave birth to my first child, she said, now that you have given birth, take care of your child, although i always like to take care of my children myself, i never ask anyone, it was never like she babysits, she is more with adults, yes, with my eldest son, she communicates, with the second daughter too, but it turns out that she is not at all interested in the youngest, well , no, she is not interested, have i ever... had a trusting relationship with my mother, a trusting relationship, but she always raised me strictly, so i somehow i couldn't turn to her with some problem, request, i always said, i'm fine, if there was some problem, i could turn to my father, and what's
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your mother's name, louise? my mother's name is alfia. biksurina, nee bekchurina. are you sure that you know your mother well? i was always sure that i knew my mother well until a certain point in my life. in 2013, my beloved grandmother died, and not long before that i came to visit her, she no longer recognized me, even, but it was me... there was no one nearby, she said such a speech, and after all, alfia or zulfiya gave birth to a girl, either olya or yulia, it was unclear, for me it was like, well, a veil before my eyes, i felt bad, wait, alfia or zulfiya, well, she, these are her children, daughters,
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your grandmother has two daughters, alfiya and zulfiya, your mother is alfiya. and her sister zulfiya, yes, that's right, when you heard what your grandmother was saying, you didn't understand who she was talking about or the general or individual, i thought that she was delirious or making something up, but i couldn't think that about my mother, i was more inclined to versions that it was my aunt who could, well , i talked to my aunt, i hadn't asked anyone any questions for a long time, well, somewhere more than a year ago, even... i was at my grandmother's grave and these words crashed into my head again, i still decided to talk to my aunt first, to aunt zulfiya, this conversation took place, i asked: zulfiya, how is it, why you, is it really true, you gave birth to a child and a girl and abandoned her,
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she answered: what are you, it can't be... maybe, i was just a child, it was alfiya who gave birth, it wasn't me, it was your mother, that is, she told you, that your mother gave birth and abandoned the girl, yes, you believed your aunt, of course i believed her, we went to mom, asked, with mom, i also had a conversation with her, i asked in plain text. but she said without any emotion: no, there was no such case, you are my only daughter, i did not give birth to anyone , did not abandon anyone, she categorically does not want to discuss this topic anymore, did you manage to find out the year of birth of your sister, well, from what your aunt said, approximately, it was seventy-eighth,
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seventy-ninth year, but not exactly, your year what, eighty-second, it turns out to be the older sister, well, if... it really happened, you have a sister, you would like to know her, meet her, if she really is my sister, she is by blood, then i would like to meet her, because she is looking for me, i think, i hope me, you would recognize her when we meet, but i don’t think i can recognize her, you look like your mother, i look like my mother, but more like... like my father, some, i’m fair-haired, if she looks like my mother or maybe like my grandmother in youth or aunt zulfiya, then maybe she would have known or thought that she was a relative. louise, a resident of bashkiria turned to us for help. she grew up in a wonderful,
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loving foster family. her name is zulfiya. at birth, she was called julia. yeah. and her biological mother abandoned her. alfiya bikchurina. yeah, zulfiya is in our studio, take a closer look, well, maybe the person is just emotional, zulfiya, did you listen carefully to louise's story, looked closely, maybe you noticed some resemblance, well, when she came into the studio, from the outside she was somehow different looks like me. from the side of the face, then the lips, maybe something in the look, i don’t know,
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mikhail, do you think they look similar, very similar, the nasolabial parts are similar, the eyebrows are similar and - yes, that’s how you said it, louise, even some look, it seems to me, is similar, nena, what can you say, purely externally, i don’t see any similarity, but in manners, in... i’m looking for my mother, vikchirnya, alfia, and relatives, i’m looking, that’s the reason i’m here. louise, do you
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think you could be that very relative who’s looking for zufy? well, in this life everything is possible if a person searches for so long, waits for so long. tell me, zulfiya, how did you grow up, where did your parents take you from? my parents took me from gorodogorsk, chelyabinsk region from the malotki house, i was there at the time at the age of 4, i grew up wonderfully, my parents were wonderful, they spoiled me a lot, they loved me, their love is 100%, my parents loved me very, very much, i am grateful to my parents that they gave me an education, gave me their love, and about my biological mother, what do you know, well i know, what... her name was or is her name bikchurina alfiya nurlanovna, louise, that's your mother's name, no, patronymic nurimanovna, well that's how it was written,
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bikchurina alfiya nurlanovna, and your aunt's patronymic louise, what, also norimanovna, that is , they are from the same father, yes, from her sister, she had never heard that she gave birth to not one, but two daughters. in the studio, zulfiya. courage, you gave birth to a child, of course, i was stunned, i say, but i really didn't give birth to anyone, it was at school we, especially since the soviet union was, we were all still children then, i
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i studied, especially about what years we started talking about, and i was still going to school then, i was 14, 15 years old, what kind of child, i myself started comparing some facts, and something really, something started coming to my mind, and it was somewhere around seventy-eighth year, and so... in the eighth year my little brother was born and in the summer, when he was about six months old, my mother goes somewhere, leaves the child with me, a little one, i myself am 14-15 years old, i stay with this child the whole day, no, well there it’s normal, i could do everything, i looked, everything ok, she arrived in the evening, our mother, that's it, well where, who knows where mother could have gone, and now you start comparing where she went, well, for sure, either magnitogorsk, or chelyabinsk, or sebai, even, my sister studied in sebai, leaving such a small child to go to her sister, apparently she went to arrange her daughter
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's future fate. little brother was born in 1978 in february, you know, well yes, 45 years old, he's already an adult , louise, introduce her aunt, her namesake, whom you met today in our studio, i want to introduce you to zulfiya, your namesake, well, she's looking for her sister, her mother, and she knows that her name was.
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yayabchurina, really, you, you even look alike in some way, or something, excuse me, it's true, it's similar, okay, yes, zulfiya, why zulfiya, and i'm zulfiya, well, i must say, my adoptive parents named me, they gave me the name zulfiya, and before you were called, like julia? july 11 , seventy-eighth year, well, july, i'm telling you , summer vacation, oh, excuse me, i can't even do it, that is, it's quite possible that your sister's daughter is sitting in front of you, your own blood, well i would like it that way, like your sister, alfia, it sounds similar, similar, similar, nose , eyes, it seems to me, after all, yes, eyes, nose,
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well, even if they got up... maybe she was scared that she was not married, then she would not get married, i don’t even know, that ’s why your mother decided to tell only louise about this? mom died in 1913, i didn’t leave her bedside for a whole year, i well, as i looked after her, i even retired, i arrived, and to look after her, for some reason she told louise this, i came up every morning every day, a whole day, she didn't even say a word, i fed
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her, what kind of relationship do you have? izulfeya with your sister, oh, it's even hard for me to talk about it now, how she came from italy, what happened, how the person was replaced, she became somehow not just cautious, she became embittered, or something, and you tried to talk to her about the girl, i wanted, well louise told me, she says better, don't bother , she became so embittered, she says, she speaks better in general, don't even bother her with this conversation, she immediately says she goes wild, so maybe it really wasn't her, i don't know, but i want her to be, if... today there will be a positive dna test result, how will your sister react to this? i can't say, right? could it be that grandma louise's dying words weren't the delirium of a dying man? izulfiya is her granddaughter yulia, who was left in the maternity hospital, the answer is in the envelope with the dna test result. we will continue to sort out this tangled family drama in a couple of minutes. we raise sports to
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200 exactly 7 567 call within russia is free. this is the dna program. louise always considered herself the only child in the family, but today she met her supposed biological older sister, whom her mother abandoned after giving birth. louise yunusova from the bashkir city of uchely always believed that there were no secrets between her and her mother, but her dying words grandmothers, about the girl abandoned in the maternity hospital either by her mother or her sister, made louise think about the opposite. because she was already very ill, there is a daughter, she gave birth to a daughter, either olya or yulia, i heard indistinctly, and it seemed to me that she
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was just confusing something, i did not believe it, i then simply forgot about it, you could say, the words came to mind on the eve of the anniversary of her grandmother's death, louise visited her grave, and then decided to ... talk to her aunt, believing that it was she, and not the mother, who gave birth and abandoned the child in the maternity hospital. is this really true, why you did that? well she said: what are you talking about? no, no, she didn't confess, i was then, she says, still, i remember such a moment, she says, i was still a schoolgirl, it wasn't me who gave birth, this, but she confessed that it was alfiya, alfiya, your mother who gave birth, but she says, we never discussed, never in our entire lives have we discussed these issues, never raised this topic. today, for the first time in her life, louise saw her supposed sister, zulfiya agilova from the village of oskarova, who turned to us for a dna test to find out the truth about her
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biological mother and blood family. at the age of 4, she was adopted by foster parents, who changed her name and date of birth. it turns out that my name was yulia tolgatovna. that the biological mother had time
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to change her mind and get her daughter back. in the studio , guzyal khalisova. guzel, hello. hello. do you remember how zurfiya came to your family? i remember. well, we have zilfa, do n't cry. she appeared in eighty-second year. and... born in what year? in seventy-eight, she was born in seventy-eight, that is, the girl came to your family, she was already big, four years old, yes, four years old, let me tell you the backstory, the backstory, how and why it appeared, in 1966 sania makhmutovna gave birth to a girl, they named her zulfiya, i 'm telling you how they had their first girl, i was a schoolgirl, i was taken in, i ran home from school. there was a nanny, i always
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loved her, zulfiya, so sonya makhmutovna went to the hospital to get an injection, they gave her an injection, she died instantly, and what kind of injection? i don't know, i was a schoolgirl, they gave her some kind of injection, either a vaccination or something something like that, apparently, didn't work out, that is , your brother's wife took her little daughter to the clinic, but she didn't do it... she didn't do it, well, in short, i understood, well , there she died, the girl zulfiya, well then they had - their son was born in sixty- nine, the daughter-in-law really wanted a girl, she couldn't give birth due to health reasons, she tried for many years, but it didn't work out, then they decided to take the girl home, so in eighty-second... somewhere in august , i think, so - my brother went,
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looked at the girl, and he liked the girl who was standing in the corner, black-eyed, like us, black eyes, he liked it, then they came to the second place and took zurfia, here at home, well then zulfiya was not called zulfiya, no, they did not call her zulfiya. her name was yulia, but they gave her the name of the first girl zulfiya, did you know that, zulfiya? no, i didn’t know, it turns out you were named in memory of that girl, that girl zulfiya, she, because i told her, and i named my first daughter zulfiya in honor of that zulfiya, that is, you too the daughter was named in memory of that dead girl, and your brother and his wife adopted the girl, changed the name, named in honor of. the baby, yes, that baby, really, during all the time
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the girl was in the orphanage, no one was interested in her, no one came for her, if the biological mother had really thought for 4 years, with her head, that she had committed such a bad act, abandoned the born girl, surrendered the orphanage, i think she would have taken her, at least she would have come to her senses. she would have come to her senses, she would have taken the girl with de house. zulfeya, do you agree? yes, i agree. and how did you react to the fact that your niece dreams of finding her biological family? last year, a year ago, i flew back from moscow, and she told me, i want to find my biological mother, look her in the eyes and say, why? why did you leave me, abandon me, i
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somehow at the beginning you know, well, why do you have loving parents, but she says: i just want to look her mother in the eyes, i said, okay, of course, i have to, any person, of course, has the right to meet their biological mother, and what do you think, zulfei's search for blood? relatives does not insult the memory of adoptive parents, no, it will not insult, after all, she should know her own, even though mom abandoned her, she should know her brothers, sisters, who are nothing. only the biological mother is to blame, she was scared, maybe there are difficulties, maybe, but still, over the course of four years, any, we are all mothers, any mother would have found, and you were happy if your niece found her biological relatives, of course,
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i am glad, i am very happy, we need to find our biological relatives, we need zurfiya, then tell your aunt, who did you meet today? met aunt zulfiya, he's sitting there, hello, hello, sister, older sister, no, younger, and you're similar in some way, similar, they're very similar, they're similar, identical, my older sister, of course, she's already an adult, but i imagine her as a very small child, a tiny thing, and i don't understand how you can carry your child under your heart and just refuse, don't believe that your mother could... do that, it upsets you, well, if i have a sister, then i'll only be happy. louise, tell guzyal about yourself, about your family? my name is louise, i was the only one in the family, i was brought up, i have no sisters, no
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brothers, i grew up in a military family, my dad was a military man, my mother was a seamstress, well, a completely ordinary family. there were never any conversations about an abandoned child, there was no such thing, i just found out when my grandmother was dying that a girl was born, most likely yulia, and was abandoned, guzyal, we can talk about your niece, i think, yes, you would be interested to know a little about louise? more, i would like, louise is happy to be a mother of many children and the owner of her own large apartment. louise yunusova considers the renovation of her and her husband's three-room apartment in uchuly to be her main achievement in recent times. she rejoices that she didn't even have to call in the workers. her husband ruslan did a great job on his own. it's the first time in
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his life that he's done anything. he must have golden hands. or maybe it was inherited. louise's genes also contributed, she came up with the kitchen design, and she is sure that the hostess's eye should be on top of everything else in order for the dishes to be delicious. enjoy the beauty and comfort. here we cook, my daughter, a first-grader, helps me with everything, washes the dishes, helps practically, and with everything i ask, and does it with pleasure, and here we... we have tea, eat, the usual family traditions. the eldest son louise eduard is already an adult and lives separately. the middle daughter vika is 7 years old, she is impatiently waiting for her younger sister lolita to grow up. she will teach her everything, mom will have another assistant. here our lolochka eats, she
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loves cottage cheese, porridge, like all children. we don't give her sweets yet, we don't teach her. louise is the same age in this photo and her mother alfiya bikchurina tried to capture every important moment in her daughter's life. here i am one year old, a little older, maybe definitely not two, here i am three years old, probably, this is me at a matinee in kindergarten, here. i was such a serious child, exactly when it was necessary to take a photo, i was seriousness itself. zulfiya, do you think you have seen your nephews just now? i suppose so. louise, how did your husband react to the fact that you may have older sister? but he recently found out that i quite possibly have a sister, he
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supports me so that i find out the truth, if i really have a biological sister, well, if you really have a biological. sister, then your mother could have done this, what does your husband think about this? well, he just sees how my mother treats my children, and it upsets him, well, of course it upsets him, did zulfiya meet her biological family today, or after opening the envelope with the dna test results, she will have to continue searching, the most interesting is ahead: miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. two bikhits at a bargain price. school worries, school sale on ozon. comfortable sleep with
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a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic 2.0 push-ups, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show off their skills and talents to the whole country. new show, miracle with arseniy popov, on saturdays at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the program dna, abandoned by her biological mother immediately after giving birth, zulfiya met her supposed blood relatives, her younger sister and aunt, for the first time. louise, your husband hopes that today you will have a biological sister. in the studio, ruslan yunusov. hello. hello, ruslan. ruslan. here - maybe my sister, her name is zulfiya, nice to meet you, nice to meet you, what do you
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think, are there any similarities, any traits? "it seems like there are, the police seem to be, and have you known for a long time that your wife might have a sister, no, i found out just recently, my wife shared it with me, i supported her in finding her, do you get along with your mother-in-law, well, i would n't say so, since she was admitted on the same day when i picked up my wife and child from the maternity hospital, we..." that evening my mother-in-law made a scene, yelling, screaming, and even in front of with my eyes she abandoned her daughter, her daughter, your wife, but she said so, you are no longer my daughter, since then the relationship with my mother-in-law has deteriorated, yes, from that day i immediately told my wife that my... children,
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insensitive, insensitive, it hurts for my wife, for my daughter, louise, and what happened, why did mom say that you are no longer a daughter, how... somehow, when we came in, she even somehow, well, usually they immediately hug, look at the newborn, this did not happen, she somehow turned away, went into the hall, and then something, well, she began to come up with some claims that do not exist on this day, the happiest, and you lived together,
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it turns out, well, she came just from italy, we are together. were for some time, ruslan, do you think mom louise could calmly leave another child, after such words i am 100% sure, if zulfiya turns out to be my wife's sister, you will be happy, i will be very happy, since i myself have two sisters, two sisters, we visit them very well, celebrate holidays. birthday, really, louise, your house is open for your sister, i want to know the truth, and if my sister is in this studios, if this is true, then of course i am very happy, the child is not guilty of anything, i will be happy, be surprised at the mother, i do not know,
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may god, god will forgive her, but i will never forgive her if she is like that with me. she left me like that and that means she is not a mother for me, she is just callous, i curse, but i will never forgive, all of her, my own mother, what do you think, zulfiya, mama louise is the same woman who gave you life, i think so. zurfiya, tell ruslan why it is so important for you that in your life too there appears sister? i just want a relationship with my relatives, i want to have relatives on my mother's side to communicate with them. having become a widow, zulfiya tries to give all her attention to her beloved children. let's see. two daughters and a son, that's her support, support and the main
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wealth in life - says forty-five-year-old zulfiya agilova. and everyone has their own talents and abilities. eighteen-year-old elmir is strong and brave, now serving in the army. the middle daughter azalia never parts with pencils and paints, and the youngest aiguzel is making progress in music. she bought a piano for daughters, for the youngest daughter. she studies at our music school in bufa, at the almukhametov gymnasium. she, at ours, at ours studies two subjects. piano plus violancello. and i had to buy. a piano the family lives in this house in the village of oskarovo, obzelilovsky district , bashkiria, this is my home, i live, i have been living here for 41 years, this house was left by my parents, next to the house there is a plot of 10 acres, zulfiya is improving it gradually, mainly in the summer, in the summer we plant potatoes here, i plant flowers here,
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i plant onions nearby. and while the warm weather has not come, she has enough worries at home, with the children, - says zulfiya. azalia is going through a particularly important period now. she is approaching her final exams to enter university. after the ninth grade, she wanted to enroll in modeling, then changed her mind, well , now she is thinking, as always, she is thinking about becoming a doctor, or an educator, or a teacher. zulfiya herself did not make a mistake with her profession, since childhood she has been partial to animals, so she studied to be a veterinarian, and her beloved pets are always healthy and happy with life. my favorite cats, our murochka, vesla ukhaya girl, so one more.
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sisters, sisters, they look alike, they have something, they have something, and what do you say? i'm so confident, i'm so confident, i'm looking at them, they look alike, louise, are you ready to find out if you met your sister or your own in our studio, i'm ready, zyurfiya, i'm ready, ready to find out if you met your own sister or your own today, yes, i'm ready, i'm inviting yulia sivertseva, our forensic expert, phd, to the studio , two
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sisters or strangers who finally saw each other, test result we will find out the dna any minute, when his beloved announced to him about pregnancy, he... that the father of the child is her stepfather on the phone i talk to her with my eyes, he tells her, stop talking, come to me, the phone itself fell under the bed i hear the bed rattling, she swears that she did not enter into a relationship with her husband, mother, very, firstly, she is old enough to be my father, i have not been with anyone during this time, he himself assures that he loves his stepdaughter as a daughter, and not as a woman, i have not had any relationships, i am not surprised... this lie, i saw it correspondence, yes it's nonsense, but which of the three is telling the truth, who is the father, what father or ex -partner, your eyes, your hair, i have brown eyes, oli, brown, and the child has blue,
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dna will show whose child it is, the probability that you gave birth to a blue-eyed beauty-daughter, dna, today at 17:55 on ntv. beyond the edge, new season. monday at 16:45 on ntv. on the 14th, every month a 20% discount on cosmetics and household chemicals. i am magneya b6, now in new packaging and a favorable format. number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. available on yandex market. 7:2, to shine with new headphones, do not pay immediately from note smartphones. installment plus cashback, here is 7:2. line plus cashback emvio eldorado chief expert on technology there are different chickens mechanical for small victories bronze for a drop of luck, but only
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i don't think so, i know, you're dark, of course, i know my wife now, but what's there, how to take it? call, it's all simple, they'll explain everything to you in detail when you order, one second, wife, yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it, i 'm off, keep it for yourself, try it, then more... you'll say thank you, okay, i'll think about it, i'll probably buy it too, what's there to think about, call, be sure to order, remember, it's better once try, than think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatrikum, prostatrikum gold, prostatrikum gold is a modern complex based on natural components, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up,
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women, hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. no one should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call to order on the manufacturer's free line and get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women - for their men. men, hurry, women, hurry to try pro statrikum gold. miracle, premiere on saturday. at 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. residents of bashkiria underwent genetic testing to find out whether they really have the same mother. julia, you have the floor. zulfiya agilova dreamed about the result of this dna test since she was 17, when her dad showed her the document about her adoption. it turned out that she was the first child.
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alleged sister luiza yunusova and alleged aunt zulfiya mishustina. louise learned that she might have a sister before her grandmother died. in her delirium , she talked about her granddaughter abandoned in the maternity hospital, but her mother, alfiya biksurina, refuses to talk about this topic, and louise's aunt herself did not know that her sister gave birth and abandoned a daughter, a genetic examination was conducted between the alleged sisters. louise is ready to find out if she is her older sister? you met today,
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i am ready. zulfiya, are you ready to find out if you really found your blood family today? ready. attention, i'm opening the envelope. on one side, the supposed older sister, zulfiya agilova. on the other, her. supposed younger sister, luiza yunusova. the probability that you were born to the same woman, which means that you are blood sisters, is 99.8%. i can't, i didn't know that, i knew, i.
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"zulfiya, i congratulate you, thank you, you met, you found everyone you dreamed of. you found your biological family, your own, blood sister, who sits next to you shoulder to shoulder, your aunt, happiness, joy, i i am very happy, we will have another conversation, i think, heart to heart, i think, anyway and well forgive
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me mom, i understand, it is pain, she has endured it all her life, the main thing is life gave. what do you think, will it be possible for you to become sisters? three children, what does the older sister have, three children, what does the younger one have? do you want this? yes, i want it, i really want it. now do you have the opportunity to turn to your mother? one question, i just want to ask this, why did you leave me 45 years ago, the reason. i just want to know this, why all this, when his beloved announced her pregnancy to him, he immediately realized that the child was her stepfather's,
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sergey gorbatov contacted us for a dna test. hello, sergey, hello. how long have you been together with your beloved? 4 years, we've known each other. what's her name? guseva, olga sergeevna. how did you meet? what did you like about the girl? we met on social networks. so, i wrote, let's get acquainted. well, we met. she invited me to visit her that same day. i got ready and went. so we met, we talked. i liked her and... i liked her, on the second day suggested, let's live together, that's when she agreed, she decided to introduce me to her parents, we met, yes, we did, they all liked me, everyone approved, so we started living together, and how did you
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win the hearts of her parents, probably, probably, independent, calm just like her. that's probably how you told me how you started living together, that's how we lived quietly, that's how we walked, strolled, in short, that's how we talked, where did you live, well, in ponkovka, in the novgorod region, house, private, her house, no, my house, me, who built it, and you took the chosen one to yourself, yes, yes, you didn’t quarrel, no, it happened, it happened, she couldn’t cook, she had to... teach the potato how to peel, and why didn’t she know how, she lived with her grandmother, with her grandfather, apparently, they didn’t teach her, she taught, she did everything, mom, dad, like, they were surprised by this, and maybe you talked about plans, for example, to legitimize your relationship, to have children, uh, i
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talked about this, i wasn’t in a hurry with this, i think if you legitimize it, you need to be sure that everything will be fine. and you didn’t were sure, just at first everything was fine, when after, here i was, here i was serving my sentence, a year and 10, here i came, she changed, changed a lot, you were serving your sentence, yes, yes, you were serving it, for what, you stole a bicycle, i say, it's standing there unbuckled, i just don't know why i needed it. i regret that the deed is already done, at the moment when you ended up in prison, your relationship began to deteriorate, it's deteriorating, yes, it's deteriorating, she didn't come to visit you, no, she came to visit, well, she came three times, she brought parcels and money,
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i was very happy with this and it was just such moments, i just call her on the phone. i talk to her, he tells her, stop talking and come, in short, to me, she says, i'll be there in a minute, and then she abruptly hangs up, i call her on the phone, and she's already out of breath, i hear the bed shaking, then she turns off the phone, after some time i call, call, and... she cheated on you, cheated on you, of course, cheated on you, stepmother, stepmother, yes, and i
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still had access to social networks and yoshnyam, i saw the correspondence with him, that they offer there to come and take out the trash for 15 minutes, here it is, she was no longer living with me, she was already living, here at grandma's, here she says, grandma, in short, will guess that i will disappear there for a long time. she goes to the store to buy groceries, here i saw this correspondence, and i already began to correspond on her behalf, so i began to write such such moments, that is , i began to introduce him, like what is there for 15 minutes, here let's at least for half an hour, and he says, and you come, and then this will happen, in short, so ok, sergey, and about the pregnancy, when did i tell you, and this was three weeks later, when she was pregnant, three weeks later i found out that
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she was pregnant, so, well, by that time you had already left prison, you left, yes, that was it, well , what did you think then in the first minute, i thought, well, judging by her behavior, i immediately understood that the child was not mine, that is, you doubt the child because of that call and correspondence with the stepfather, yes, yes, yes, here's more, here we are still engaged, right? and i, ol, here's why you don't have passion, how it was, so i say: ol, tell me the truth, i won’t swear at anything, and he says, well, in short, he came, he left at five in the afternoon, that’s how things are, he even admitted it, of course it was very unpleasant for me to hear, like, wait, olga herself told you this, yes, yes, she said that, well, maybe she also told you that the child wasn’t yours, did you? something like that, she was drunk, and the phone, in short, she confused it with my
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phone, we have pelvic sockets, she shoved it in and shoved it, it almost broke my phone, so i say, ol, be more careful, just then i i won't charge this phone, she stood there, you know, in short, angry at me, she's on edge, and the child just started screaming, she comes up to the child in the heat of the moment and says: he's not yours anyway, and i ask her: olya, whose child is it then? and she doesn't say anything to me, i say: tell me, i won't argue, that's it, it's your child, your child, your child, but you believed me, of course i didn't believe her, how can you trust her, if she cheats on me with one person, then with another, then with another, i don't i know what she's missing, if the child isn't yours, sergey, then whose, can you guess? i 'm thinking, maybe the stepfather, i don't know yet, maybe
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there's someone else there in the village, who is she with, someone else, do you have any other guesses as to who the child could be from, yes, she tells me, in short, get me off this alexander, that is, he tells me, in short, i got him off me, call him, that he didn't send me anything there, there were all sorts of intimate photos. in short, it's a madhouse there , in a word, i personally think the child isn't mine, your chosen one is so flighty, it 's just the first time, the first time such a situation, and she registered the child in your name, no, she gave her surname guseva, negorbatova, so i gave her the name sveta, and her patronymic is sergeevna, your patronymic, you know, why did she give her patronymic, why does she...
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i see that she is drawn to me, as if she is not drawn, she is drawn somewhere on the side, where did she go, she went to her grandmother, who went to the village, 40 km from the city. sergey, well , when olga was pregnant, did you at least think about the fact that the child was still maybe yours, just like if you think logically, like he is by her actions, this is not my child, she just convinced me, this is your child, your child. i have something, i am like a part, something was like a part, i well
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, anyway, i doubted that my child, sometimes i just like on i came here and how she wants me to be the father, yes, i kind of agreed, because i understood that this child is not mine, now i hope, here on the program, here is clarity to me, what they carried, then there is, despite the fact that you had a close relationship, you think that the child is definitely not yours, yes, i think so, and your ex -partner assures that she did not date other men, especially not her stepfather, because she loved only you. in our studio, olga guseva. hello, hello, olga, please, everything that was said earlier by sergey is not true. let's listen to you now. when sergey found out that we were going to have a child, he began to doubt that he was not the father, although the father is
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well, here's sergey. here. well , let's start from the very beginning, olga. how did you and sergey meet? we met , a social network, what did you like about the man? he wrote to me, let's get acquainted, suggested that we meet, well, okay, he came to visit me, we sat and talked, i liked him, he was so polite, cultured, so we met and 2 days later he wrote to me, let's live together, i was surprised even by this, well, we were happy, of course. "i didn't expect it, well, we lived with him, somehow, i got to know him better, everything was fine with us, the first year, we didn’t argue, we lived amicably, that is, sergey is the kind of person who disposed you to a serious relationship, yes, you also hoped that you would have a serious relationship right away, yes, you hoped, a family, children, well, yes, of course, you discussed it, well, of course, he
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wrote to me that i was looking for a girl, but for life." when sergey ended up in prison, did your plans change? yes, they changed, i went to my mother, well, well, i went to see him once a year 3 months, i brought him parcels, helped him, looked after his house, his garden, so why did your plans change, then, well, because sergei became jealous of me, then of every pole, completely without reason, then he started to hit me when he came back from prison. why did you raise your hand against olga, i didn't raise it, i raised it, i even have a scar on my face, a scar on my face, when we did the opalovka, you have this one, like his beam fell, then when you came, well, with this ism of imprisonment, you started beating me too, yeah, you cut brabina then, it was brabina who fell in your russian, when we
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then there was a bruise on her face, the eye was all blue, everyone saw it, my friend. and applied ointments, what are you lying, i then stitched up her wound with a needle myself , there were bruises, scars, everyone saw it, my mother saw it, my friend and her husband saw it, olga, and you definitely didn’t give me a reason to be jealous, no, i didn’t give him any reason, i was waiting for him, i wasn’t with anyone during this time. when did you, olga , find out about the pregnancy? i found out at the end of april, when i felt bad, when i started to feel sick, smells, cutting , some kind of disgust, i went to the doctor, first i went, they did an ultrasound for me for the first time, they said that you will have a child, of course i was happy, so i called sergey on the phone, i said, at first he didn’t believe me,
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he says, you carried him away, i say, how so, is the child yours? so i called my mother, my mother is happy, she was happy that i will have a child, and sergey’s first reaction was so categorical, yes, and he told me, you carried him away, go to where you carried him i walked around, and you didn't expect such a thing, yes i didn't expect it, of course i felt so offended, i didn't know what to do, go there where you walked around, where, where you want, at least to your mother, at least to the village where you used to live with your grandmother, well, you could have gone there
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? and what's more, he gives me very, very simple advice, he and how to act correctly, what advice, you offered her to come for 15 minutes, what are you lying about, here's another, here's another. like this and how is it simply written in english, here's hello, i want you, here's olga answering, i can't now, and i have, in short, there was an operation, so, in short, he writes, it's a pity, olga, the man often got to know you, they proposed, but i didn't answer anyone's message, they proposed that, well , they proposed to get to know each other, they asked to visit, but i didn't let anyone in.
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so i was in the hospital at that time, well, i understand that you answered the man that you can't yet, but because then i was waiting for sergei, i thought that sergei would come to me in the hospital, so wait, sergei didn't come to the hospital, and you wrote this not to sergei either, nor he didn't come to the maternity hospital, he didn't meet me, he didn't come to the hospital, he didn't even visit the child, you just tell me, this... you wrote, no, who could sergey have logged in from my page, what's the point of me writing, he knows
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the passwords to my social networks, i didn't write this password - you know the passwords to the social networks, you created it for me, i check the correspondence, i sent it to you, then showed it, scolded you for it, i'm not interested in other men, and why? why is sergey jealous of you? why, why is he jealous? i can't understand this, why is he jealous, he is very old enough to be my father, he is 60 years old, as my real father could be, well maybe, sergey, olga behaves somehow indecently in the presence of her stepfather, yes she behaves there correctly, she and they are already sochim, they have been in sync for a long time already, it's just that at first he was pestering her there, she was complaining to her about him. in sochi i talked to him, and when i was gone, they have easy accessibility there, like every day, as it should be, olga, that's how
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it was, no, that is, she never pestered, signs of attention, especially my mother's husband, and why, well, i'll do this to me, well, if he's old enough to be my father, my mother refused her twice, you're not rain for me, get ready to leave, because of jealousy, yes, yes, that is, she was jealous of her husband. yes, yes, yes, yes, why didn't you resolve this issue with i talked to him, and he says, who do you trust, i won't sit with her somewhere in the same place, and so, i think what can i do, you'll give him a slap on the wrist, they'll go with my mother, write a statement against me, and who am i better and worse for, worse for i will, with olga's mother, have you discussed your suspicions? yes, i told my mother many times and sent her evidence, and checked him many times, on other women, he is led
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to invites to visit, my mother says this, the wife is at work, and he manages to bring her home, sergey, well then you probably know that olga's mother is offended by your doubts about the decency of her daughter, we are visiting. hello, elena, hello, do you remember how your daughter introduced you to her chosen one? yes, i remember, she brought her to the apartment said: this is my boyfriend. the first impression, remember? not very good, i didn't like him at all. sergey told us that olga's parents liked him, he won them over right away , and olga says that she liked me. so good, tell me what you didn't like, he doesn't work, he's lazy, well, he generally offends his daughter
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, i didn't like it at all, you understood it right away, i understood it right away, you can't deceive a mother's heart, well, if you understood it right away, they tried to dissuade their daughter from a relationship with this man, well, of course they tried to dissuade her , they said, well, he's not worthy of you, she says, i i love him, well if you love him, and what can't i do to stop him, well if you love him live , yeah yeah... that's what she said, and how did they live, they didn't live very well, he beat her, kicked her out at 12:00 at night, she came to my house, how is that? and why did they have scandals? well, he says, what? he was jealous of her, and do you know who he was jealous of? well, of my husband, probably, how do you feel about this? no way, he loves, my husband, me, no way, he has nothing to do with it. elena, how did you find out about your daughter's pregnancy? well, she went to the women's hospital we went to the female gynecologist in the city , she was like a woman for an operation on an ultrasound, as a result, the ultrasound showed that she was pregnant, that's how i found out. well, did your daughter tell you right away who the father of the child is? of course, of course, she immediately said that sergei is the father of the child
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, or named several options, other features, eyes, all his, but your husband probably also knows that sergei suspects him, he knows this, but he says, i can't be the father of the child, but how does he react to this, well, how everyone is in shock, how can he react, that is, he says that this can't be, and how long have you been together, we 've been together for 8 years, we were in a civil marriage for 6 years, we've been legally married for 2 years now, do you love your husband, of course, i love my husband, but could it be that you didn't notice it because of your love?
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his interest in his daughter, no, why right away, my daughter always tells me everything, she didn't notice anything like her husband, for example, pestering his daughter, or his daughter having something with him. valery, what do you think, elena might just not want to notice it, she might just not notice it, not want to, but not notice it, or maybe maybe she really sees everything, understands , thinks that it is impossible, that is, here for now i believe only elena, i really want to believe that you really understand. from the case, because both olga and sergey, well, there is a feeling all the time that both are lying, for some reason i cannot believe you, i really want to understand this situation today and i really sympathize with my mother, who in this story, well, it turns out, is possibly a victim. olga, i will ask again, could you have cheated on sergey sochemu? no, of course not, why? i need it, i have it, well, like, here it was, there it was, i loved him and still love him, but i...
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i have a grudge against him, because he didn't accept the child, i doubt it, here elena, that is, you are absolutely sure of the decency of your daughter, of the decency of your husband, you know for sure that there could not have been any relationship between them, there couldn't have been, because my husband and i go to the village every weekend, the daughter is at home with the child, even before there was no child, she was in the city, we can only be here together, what will the stepfather answer to sergei's accusation of love affair with pachom. yes, dna tests will show right after the commercial. verhomnozvezde, i do not hear towards the wind, an unfulfilled dream, spring. ladavesta svkros, automatic at the price of mechanics, benefit up to 300,000 rubles. buy in installments
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numbers can change a person's life in an instant. i love you. i am very happy that i have a sister. dna test - i am very glad that such a program exists, i am very glad, thank you very much, dna, in the new season, new tests and new destinies, everything, i am yours, always, and you are mine, from monday. at 17:50 on ntv. the tnk program is on air. 2 months ago, his ex-partner gave birth
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to a daughter to thirty-seven-year-old sergei gorbatov, but he is sure that she gave birth to the child from her stepfather . your husband, olga's stepfather, assures that he sees her as a daughter, not a mistress. in our studio , sergei meleshko. hello, sergei. hello. how did you meet your wife? i met her on the internet, started corresponding, so we met, as they say. i liked her appearance and her actions, she tests an ordinary person with her actions. here are some. actions, well, positive ones, ask your friends, they will tell you they will say, that is, you made inquiries, well , naturally, you found out everything about the woman you were going to live with, everyone spoke well of this family. of course, when elena introduced you to her adult daughter? well
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, that was a little later, when i arrived, when we met, here i am, she is with her grandmother, she was helping her grandmother, she was looking after her village, and i arrived, there, well , i don’t remember, there was some kind of holiday, they just wanted to sit here and there, that’s how we met, this is olga, how old was she at that time, 26 years old, we talked, well were. as if to teach in life, so that how, what is the right way to behave, how in general one should act in life, what to do right, what is wrong, well, as a mentor of sorts was. elena, and why was olga's upbringing not carried out by her biological father? because he died, she was one and a half years old, he went on a business trip, there he burned to the ground. and you raised your daughter alone, well, yes, i raised her alone, well, there was
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no time for men, the child was small, before the household, well, somehow i did not think about it at first, i thought, the child, well, and then i grew up, i think, my daughter has already grown up, i also need to arrange my life somehow, and olga decided to arrange her personal life, sergey, how did you treat her chosen one, and she, in short, wanted to go to him right away, we i asked her, so that she and her mother together. so that she could meet with her chosen one for some time, get to know him, as if to get to know him, what he is like, what kind of person, and then later on, as it were, well, and it would be desirable that my mother and i also meet somewhere, talk together, well, naturally, also look at him with our own eyes, since people with life experience, naturally, already understand where something is wrong or something is not, and then they gave him an assessment and made a conclusion in order for... relationships and that the person seemed
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worthy to you for further, so to speak , relationships and i would not say so, but what confused you? well, many qualities, as they say, negative qualities of a person, which, when a person - sees himself, and those around him, he does not consider for anything, only i , that's all, and the rest is like there, you there on the side will bake something like that, and i, that's all, well, how one-sided love, one-sided views on life, in their own way, as if it turns out that way, of course it is not beautiful, not good , not humane, but one-sided love does not happen, there is mutual love, well , so maybe in that case you tried to dissuade olga from this relationship, you tried, but somehow my persuasions did not work, let's say so, that is, you both did not like sergey right away, yes, yes, yes, sergey, and how did you find out that olga got pregnant? from mom mom she said that she was pregnant,
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she went to the doctors and yes, they gave her a test that she was pregnant, she told her mother, and her mother told me. how did you react to this? well , as an ordinary normal person, i reacted positively, that is, a child is good, naturally, in any case, a child is joy, it should always be a favorable environment for the family, naturally in this regard. well, in your opinion, why then? he doubts the child, well, he has complexes, complexes, yes, inferior complexes, he somehow, you know, as a person, when jealous, jealous, this is no longer trust, but mistrust, why do you live with a person then, live alone, in that case, why do you need your other half then, if you only see yourself and are jealous of her for everything, well, moreover, sergey considers you the father of the child, well, anyone can consider this, stop, who... suspects this, not only me, please, let him consider, he will show in dna,
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if there are doubts about this. and how did you find out that it was you that sergey calls the father of olga's child, also from olga, she told mom, mom told me, that's it, i found out about it, were you surprised? no, i'm not surprised by any of this, i 'm not surprised by anything in this world anymore. wait, or weren't you surprised because you really had a relationship with olga? no, i didn't have any relationship, i'm not surprised, you see, i was surprised by this lie. surprised, that's what i mean, that sergey, in your opinion, can say anything he wants, he's just afraid of responsibility for the child, so maybe, sergey, it would be worth talking somehow, it's useless to talk, he himself recently before the new year he promised to help the child financially, and disappeared without a trace, that's it, the promises disappeared, and he disappeared, he answers, i don't work, i have no money, i tell him, the child needs diapers, the child is 2 months old, what does he answer, mom had
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an acute heart attack, i don't care about your mother, i care about the child, try to explain these same words to this child, here you are sitting , the child wants to eat every day, and in general , something else, sergey, but nevertheless, remind sergeyev what correspondence you saw, i saw this is correspondence, come to me faster, i'm waiting for you, yes this is nonsense, i'm talking for half an hour for half an hour, she lured me through your with your... help i heard your noises of the bed with olga that's what you're imagining everything is already rattling i don't remember or what this is nonsense now we'll find out if he's mine or by the way your eyes your hair your facial expressions all your eyes
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i have brown eyes olga has brown eyes and the child tell me whose dna the child is i don't see any similarities his similarities with me when did you see the girl last time i saw her photographs - i saw olga in the photograph and once probably, in short, in real life probably once - four times, i saw her in the photograph many times, she sent me photos, i saw, looked and showed it to my mother, please show us a photograph of svetlana, let us also look, here... i don't believe that he is my child, yes, a departed dad, turn around, look, a departed dad, you are a departed one, what are you making up, my eyes are just a little blurry in the photograph now, the photograph is cloudy, akhmed, who do you think little sveta looks like, olga's ex-partner or on paternal oh, at this age
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it is really very difficult to determine by appearance, well i don't see any clearly expressed genotype features yet, but if you look closely at the earlobe fly. you can see what is closer to the court, even to sergey otchemu, yes, and the rest has not yet formed, it is not clear yet, sergey, after all they saw a resemblance to you, well everyone has their own opinion, and dna will show 100%, whose child it is. olga, who is listed on your daughter's birth certificate, no one, dash. and why don't you stop, mom taught her, and she didn't start listing, because sergei then abandoned the child, what did you learn?
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dash, i understand olga, because if the father of the daughter, yes, well, in her opinion, abandoned the child, she does not expect help from him, which means that she needs help from the state, it turns out that she is actually a single mother, that's why she did not enter, plus resentment, of course, i think, played a role, so i do not see any treachery here, i do not think that she abandoned him, apparently, he abandoned her, on the basis of, apparently, jealousy, maybe justified, we are still until the end not...
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he should at least come, he saw her when we were walking on the street, he came up to her, he looked at her, said, she is not my daughter, he left, that's it, like that through the stroller, he said, because of these words you are offended forever, forever, that's why he won't allow it, he said a dna test will prove that i am the father, maybe i will help, i offered to live together with her, i offered, what's the point,
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you are not a job, wait, you could have separated because of the child, if it is yours, what does it have to do with whether you live together now or not, i don't understand, it's still your responsibility, aren't you leaving, like this, aren't you trying to escape responsibility, he told me to pay the elements, i won't, i 'm not escaping responsibility, it's just a lot.
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do you agree with valeria, olga? yes, i agree, that's how it will be. and if sergey's paternity is confirmed now, you don't want him to participate in your daughter's life. well, of course, a child needs a father, but he must be a good one, he must work, he must not raise his hands on his woman and not throw her out of the house. tell me, how are you living with your daughter now? we are currently living in a rented apartment, which my mother rents for me, she helps me, comes to me after work, she is there before work, she will drop in.
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well, colleagues, a small fluffy animal has crept up on me unnoticed, what do you think, visiting a person is funny, and what do i have to do with it, explain, the main suspect, and where is poma, pasha, there you are, find me these from morozkom, okay, don't grumble, i'm doing one thing, i have a hostage, what, what kind of hostage am i to you, maybe you'll also get a helicopter and a million dollars, nevsky, like in the good old days, today 20:00 on ntv. elena tsyplakova. secret for a million. on saturday at 21:50 on ntv. what are the names
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welcome to the new entertainment show for the whole family. we are bloggers, i act in films in tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer. how many times can you do classic push-ups? 2.0 times, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show off their skills and talents to the whole country. new show, a miracle with arseniy popov on saturdays at 20:00 on ntv. dna thirty-two-year-old olga guseva proves to her ex-partner that 2 months ago she gave birth to a daughter from him, and not from her stepfather. the relationship of sergey gorbatov and olga guseva began with light flirting on a social network, but already on the second date they decided to live together. she is calm, it is obvious that she is from the village, it is obvious that she does not understand something, i think, there i will suggest something in life,
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i will teach something, if she will reach out, well, that's all. novgorod region, sergey continues, in his house, olga turned out to be in family life unadapted, but he fixed everything, taught his beloved to cook and clean. she was not a very good housewife, taught her to peel potatoes herself, yes, mothers were very surprised, the only thing is that she knows how to make pasta there, she doesn’t know how to make coleslaw either, soup, because because.
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i see notes in the phone, when i was like, let’s go, she’ll go like here’s the bed in a minute, then i call her, she picks up the phone, and the phone falls under the bed, you can hear the bed shaking, i call my mother’s phone, she picks up my mother’s phone, that’s what, what are you you call, out of breath, of course, i didn't like this moment, there are many like that, it is olga's stepfather sergey who considers the father of the girl sveta, who was born 2 months ago, but the woman is ready to prove her fidelity to her beloved with the help of a dna test. svetochka, your daughter, she looks like you, i did not cheat on you, i love you, the test will be positive, i know
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this for sure, for the fact that her daughter is growing up in good conditions and does not need anything, olga is grateful to her mother, it was she who rented them an apartment in veliky novgorod, furnished it furniture, bought clothes and toys for my granddaughter, well , the bed is here, this is where i sleep, here is the bed, here and further is the crib, the baby sleeps here, mom took care of everything about the crib, well, a friend gave this stroller, for the godfather, that's it, there's also a playpen for the baby, mom... i bought everything with the crib , mom bought it all, she was preparing for the birth of her granddaughter, that sergey would turn away from them, olga couldn't even imagine, because before the baby was born he made beautiful promises and even came up with the idea for the girl himself name, that's how sergey decided, said sveta, actually i wanted to call her snezhanna, but sergey didn't like it , he says, you yourself are snezhanna, i said sveta,
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so sveta, of course, without a man's... shoulder , olga complains with difficulty, so it's not surprising that her father often comes to visit her, he just helps, well , his stepfather's men's affairs are mostly there, let's say, something needs to be done, well, to fix something there, i ask my stepfather, olga is proud of herself, in two months she mastered child care, learned how to swaddle the baby correctly, she knows exactly, when my daughter is hungry, she eats every three, well, every 2-3 hours, when she wants to eat, she gives me a signal that she wants to eat, she screams loudly throughout the apartment, that means she wants to eat, i make her formula, most of all...
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but you assume, you had a relationship, maybe you, the father of the child, even just, even, even purely theoretically, i know, you know, why, why did i make such a decision, why is the child not mine, when you live with a woman, you see, at home with me, she pulls it or not, yeah, listen, during pregnancy it doesn't pull, honestly not in this, then it left somewhere for 10 days, then it came for 5 days. then the ear already runs away , that is, you sergey can't get rid of the thought that the child is not yours, and that your chosen one is a womanizer, i don't believe that the child is mine, whose, if not yours, that's his i think, are you
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sick or what, and is there anyone else from the sawmill who still goes to her there, there still makes smiles, there still, sergey, you laugh at such an assumption, yes, because it's nonsense, he says himself real, he lived with her. it turned out, she also confessed to me in the heat of the moment that this child is not mine, i started asking her, whose
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child is it? sergey, many women, when they are offended, can say this to a man, this does not mean that he is not yours, olga, they really said such things, the general picture, i was angry with him in the heat of the moment, i said, although the child is his, i know that for sure, you just really said it in the heat of the moment, yes, because i can’t forgive him, because... he treated me, he doesn’t recognize his daughter as his, the daughter is his, you can’t forgive her, but you love her, yes, feelings remain, and if he asks for forgiveness, and i will still think about whether to forgive him or deprive him of paternal rights, sergey, are you ready to find out if you are the father? ready, ready, i invite professor doctor of biological sciences, sergey kiselev, to the studio. sergey levobich, you have the floor. today , thirty-seven-year-old
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sergey gorbatov contacted us for a genetic examination. in april 2023, his common-law wife olga announced her pregnancy to him. he immediately doubted his fatherhood, since he suspects olga of having an affair with her stepfather, doubts about the man strengthened when the child was born, since he did not notice the external resemblance to the girl. sergey is sure that olga could only have a blue-eyed daughter from her stepfather, since he himself has brown eyes. sergey, do you still insist that... your stepdaughter olga could not have given birth to a daughter from you? no, of course not. olga, you have something to confess to your former partner
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sergey, while this envelope has not yet been opened. i have nothing to confess, i have had no one except sergey, this child is his. i am hiding envelope. alleged daughter. svetlana guseva, alleged father, olga's stepfather, sergey meleshko. the probability that 2 months ago, olga gave birth to a daughter from her stepfather is 0%. i told you, this was the sign that he is not his father, this is sergey, you have no relationship with your stepdaughter. none, absolutely, i saw the correspondence, sergey, the father is excluded from the candidates in the father, for you this is surprising.
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now, a genetic examination has disproved the paternity of the sixty-year-old stepfather, sergei meleshko. not from him, the main contender for paternity is olga's former partner, sergei gorbatov, who stubbornly refuses to believe that olga carried and gave birth to him daughter, svetlana. sergey, are you ready to find out the truth about your paternity? yes, i am. i will ask you one more time, do you have anything to confess? while the envelope has not yet been opened, i know that he is the father, and there can be no other, i open the second envelope, the alleged father sergey gorbatov, the alleged daughter svetlana
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guseva. sergey, the probability that you gave birth to a blue-eyed beauty-daughter is: 99.9%, what did i say, what will you say, well look at me, what will you say, now? sergey, now you no longer have any reason not to trust olga and not to believe that svetlana is your daughter. are you happy? on the one hand i am, on the other hand i don't want to pay alimony, maybe someone really did deceive someone, but the child is definitely yours, i am glad that she is a daughter, that a child was born, children, it is everything in life, this is the first thing, what will you do with this, that i will help the child, help or live, live, help,
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that is, you want to live with olga, i think, yes, yes, you don't want to apologize, for a start, oh, let's live together, let's, i agree, i'll think about it, everything will be fine with us, it's just that he trust is also necessary, listening is also necessary, first get a job, yes get a job, yes, you need to live again, educate. a full-fledged family pain, what will you answer olga sergeevna? let's look at his behavior, how he will behave.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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evacuated kursk residents continue to be accepted at temporary accommodation centers, one of them is in the stupino district of the moscow region. i listened to the story of these people. ksenia ignatova. about the work of tank crews in the south donetsk direction of the special operation. report by pavel rybalchenko. universal soldiers about the work of military intelligence officers in the donetsk direction in the report by maxim berezin. from supporting the participants of the special operation to the opening of a branch of the bolshoi theater. the acting head of the kaliningrad region told the president about many things. they also discussed the upcoming elections in september. nikita korzun observed the meeting in novoogorovo with.


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