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tv   Utro  NTV  August 15, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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yes, we wish you the best morning, next in the program, listen to the chronicle of the emergency, listen to auto stories together with the first program. emergency in the studio marat seddikov. angela tsirulnikova, a female courier who took money from larisa dolina, has been arrested, the legend of the national stage has become a victim of ukrainian scammers. the singer lost almost 200 million rubles. this video message from larisa dolina shocked her fans, always cheerful and happy, but now there is anxiety on her face, the criminals from
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ukrainian call centers got to the people's artist of russia, leaving the singer without a large sum, without an apartment in moscow. i became a victim of fraudsters. very sophisticated and planned fraudulent actions were committed against me. a criminal case was opened on this fact, i was recognized as a victim. we are talking about this property: five rooms, an area of ​​236 m2, the fourth floor 130 million rubles. and the scheme to deceive the singer larisa dolina turned out to be well-practiced, an unknown person called her. to the special services and, as usual, reported that someone was trying to singer to deceive, to steal an apartment and it is necessary to urgently sell it, and transfer the money to a specially trained person. under pressure from the scammers, larisa aleksandrovna did everything in addition to withdrawing several tens of millions of rubles from her accounts, she transferred them to this woman, angela tsirulnikova, for all her friends, a fitness trainer, in fact turned out to be a courier for the criminals. during the initial operational and investigative activities, the police of the central district of the capital established.
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a fifty-three-year-old was detained a female courier, against whom a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen. did the mother of two children, tserulnikova, know that she was working for ukrainian criminals? this is yet to be determined by the investigation, but it is already clear that she transported other people's money more than once . during interrogation, tserulnikova confessed to at least one more case of fraud. according to all the documents , a certain polina lurye is now listed as the new owner of larisa dolina's apartment. little is known about her: 34 years old, a single mother, it is unclear where she got 130 million from purchase of elite housing, and also... it is necessary to establish her role in this fraudulent scheme. psychologists note that the scammers on the other end of the line use primitive techniques. so that she does not have time to ask, so that she does not have time to destroy this, this entire pyramid of lies, they immediately drive her into stress, that is, your apartment can be abducted, stolen, your money can be stolen, your loved one is in danger, that is, they include fear, imagine, a person has just felt trust, a little relaxed, at that moment he gets...
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now only a female courier has been arrested in the criminal case of defrauding larisa dolina. the police do not rule out that new episodes may be revealed. now the law enforcement officers are trying to track down where the people 's artist's money went. so, where did this go? let's try now. it's a pity the trunk is not rubber, so suffer, nastya! watching such a picture from the side, you involuntarily wonder, why is the roof actually empty? loading up is a whole art, for example, like this or like that, and even like this. a less radical option is roof box, however, even such a decent box is an extra reason to stop and check the documents, but about everything. in order.
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all luggage systems can be divided into three main types according to the principle of fastening to the body. the first are installed in standard landing places on the roof of the car, the second are attached to the factory rails and the third are almost universal, cling to the doorway. the rosstandart website contains certificates of conformity for all luggage systems approved by the federal agency for technical regulation and meteorology. how to choose the right option? here, as when choosing a dress or a new pair of shoes, women will understand me: buying a roof box online - the code is in the bag, you can't do without trying it on, so it's easier to immediately come to the store and choose the one that will definitely fit. the choice is huge, there are roof boxes of both foreign and domestic production. the difference between them, as a rule, is in the price. reliable russian boxes made of abs plastic, volumes.
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the design of all roof boxes is more or less the same. in the kit includes rigging straps, which can be used to secure cargo inside the box. almost all of them have a two-way locking system, so that you can get to things both from the driver's side and standing on the side of the road. but what is really important is good aerodynamics and strength. if the stiffening ribs are located along the trunk, the roof box will definitely withstand the declared load. primary installation is a simple process. crossbars are attached with a kreiling, they are also called arcs.
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we install the roof box exactly in the center, the aerodynamics will be better, and there will be less noise in the cabin less, by the way, a small life hack is appropriate here, on the stiffening ribs, which are reflected in ... we check, this suitcase will not fit, oh, this is quite, we distribute the load inside in percentage terms according to the principle of 25, 50, 25, the heaviest, we put in the middle, if
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there are not so many things, they can be secured with belts, well, in our case, most likely this will not be necessary. well, actually, as i thought. now we close our box, always check before the trip whether you have closed the lock make sure that the roof box fasteners are tightly tightened. since such luggage the structures are quick-release, you don't need to register them with the traffic police, because no changes were made to the car's design. and to be absolutely sure of your conduct when meeting with traffic police officers, put a copy of the certificate of conformity in your glove compartment or save it on your phone. on the road, don't forget that a car with a roof box has grown by at least half a meter. the recommended speed when driving with an aerodynamic trunk, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer. some brands declare a maximum speed of 130 km / h, others set lower
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values, for example, 110 km/h. check your boxing documents. the best for today at 20:00, favorite series nevtsky. i have a hostage. do you also want a helicopter and a million dollars? watch today's episodes. pasha, great, and you were pulled, well who from whom? i am from the main department, i was taken away. gone are the days when the guys were ashamed to work with the cops. you are saving my life for the second time, and what don't you like? to be friends with lints, not to respect yourself. this is not your life, you are not on the same path with them. what's going on, guys? you should personally from that cop, who has gained your trust. got rid of nevsky today at 20:00 on ntv. good morning, tatyana ermilova, the weather for today. the sunniest weather in august in the northern regions
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near the arctic coast of yakutia there is every chance to bask in the gentle sun. in tiksa today +16, by the weekend it can reach +20. the same warm plans for verkhoyansk and aymikon. no rain is expected. in the south of the continent without precipitation, from khabarovsk to blagoveshchensk 27:30, and rain only near baikal in chita, while +27. in siberia the most comfortable calm the weather is also in the north, in the polar narelsk +20 sun, in the southern regions it is hot, in krasnoyarsk in abakan tomorrow it can reach +35, today 30, in the urals it is damp, cloudy, windy and cold, in yekaterinburg +19. the north wind penetrates into the volga region, today in kazan 18°, tomorrow it will be cooler and rainy, but the center is preparing for warming, so far here it is slightly above twenty, but 25 is not far off, in the south without precipitation above thirty, only in krasnodar and novorossiysk, in sochi and sevastopol - 29, in the lower reaches of the don it is slightly cooler, on the baltic shores of the storm
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the wind died down, the sea calmed down, the water temperature is 20-21°, today in kaliningrad +208 in the northwest summer continues, in st. petersburg today +25 without precipitation in moscow there will be no rain until 21:23, by the weekend it will warm up to 25, or even higher. that's all about the weather. the morning continues. the best thing is, we go to the city of frogs along the main road, write down useful tips from sergey malozyomov, discuss the transformation of your home, ride on a washboard, visit the freezer, oh, something is standing here and ... fly into the sky for pine cones, no one gets out of the basket without my command, we're going to the city of hero dmitrov, at first it's scary, and then
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it's a blast, 2 hours from the capital, but it's better not to go on friday, from all sides there are only summer residents with seedlings, they arrived, listen, the unofficial symbol of dmitrov is the frog, it saved the ancient city from enemies, in the local swamps and marshes there are still blue royal brown, swamp green and even a white frog, he recently ate the bride when ... the cavalry approached our swamps, from the clatter of hooves the water shook, the frogs froze for a moment, and then began to croak deafeningly, and here therefore they were always ready for visits from bad guests, the city will turn 870 years old this year, the earthen rampart has been preserved, that is, the medieval fortification, in fact it is an architectural monument of federal significance of the 19th century, the entire territory of the kremlin is unique, an ancient path with cobblestones has been preserved, they say, the largest magic one, according to legend, it tripped over it... yuri dolgorukov's horse broke a horseshoe, which now makes wishes come true. mom,
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grandmas, hysterical girls can be left in the center, let them ride their bikes along the canal, and during the ride it is customary to have a snack here. we eat while riding bikes, we have special pockets, we always have something to eat with us, sweets, water, bananas, fruits. anton is almost like a zhiguli, he can accelerate to a hundred at competitions, we don’t ride at such a speed, a. however, if your nerves can withstand it, then we ride along the hills into the past. i wonder if he is kind or evil? ask, well, would they be evil worship people, will make such decorations. wooden ancient idols, sacred pyramids of stones, strange knots of colored ribbons and even a flooded orthodox church. just a few kilometers from dmitrov. baran - mountain, it was on the top of this mountain, once there was an ancient city, vyshgorod on yakhran. here in our days you can find many interesting things, for example. this worship chair, there were castles here, the remains of some big knives,
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walking to the top is not so much fun, where better on a quad bike or indura, a helmet is a must, gloves, boots are higher, you will have to overcome a couple of fords , there is nothing for amateurs here, the descents are too steep, this is called baby drool, a one-way ticket is also a name. the launch is even more dangerous, i am not confident in myself, go with a guide, and nastya is smart, nastya went down on foot on her own two feet, because it is scary, i am a mother, i have a daughter, there are so many emotions that i want meat, and the food in dmitrov is no worse than in michelin restaurants, which try to introduce recipes for different reasons, which there even their parents taught them once, well and after lunch we go again to burn calories, ride on the belgian pavement to shake the washboard, these are the names of the tracks : on the unique test auto proving ground nami. are you kidding me, why
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should i become? almost 115 km of roads with all possible surfaces, asphalt, gravel, dirt and climbs of varying steepness. nastya, move away, you 're in the way, actually i work here, by the way, did you know that all these 8 km of cobblestone bridges were laid in the middle of the last century, it was women with their own hands. tests of all kinds equipment and parts are here around the clock. not a single car, even the famous aurus, will be able to drive around the country until the pilot model passes laboratory tests in this very place, it will be beaten, frozen, even burned. 40 cycles in our corrosion chamber, plus of course a run on special roads, simulate up to 8 years of real operation, for example in the city of moscow, in salty winters, well, and then god knows where, oleg, goodbye, we'll meet at the editorial office, wherever the wind blows, there the balls float.
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travel with happiness, we have a lot uncharted places. scientists may have established how humans became addicted to alcohol. they were able to do this thanks to monkeys. researchers from the university of california at berkeley analyzed the behavior of black-handed spider monkeys in the forests of panama. and it turned out that, sniffing and biting off fruits, they prefer
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fermented ones, which contain from one to 2% alcohol.
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thought about how to improve traffic in this difficult room, the sofa was left in the same place, only it grew significantly became a traffic controller, all the traffic spun around it, the staircase was hidden behind wooden slats, the windows were enlarged, and a wood-burning stove was installed between them, oh, how soft, how cozy, how warm, how nice, i see nothing has changed for you. we liked it, very functional, very convenient, even after your remodeling, my parents moved here permanently, it is so nice to hear that we are changing people's lives for the better, yes, in fact, that is true. lena petrovna, well , at the start you told us then, i want everything bright, i want gold, and we made you such a calm interior, when we already started living there, i realized that it was very calm, and
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i don't need any red flowers, or gold, but a little bit, i don't care that they added gold anyway. they attached these butterflies, they are very beautiful, they shine so much, an amazing sofa, at first, of course, we were confused by the fact that it was of course big and bulky, we thought we would stumble, in fact, nothing like that, in the evening we sit down near the tv, 5-10 minutes and just fall asleep, the director couldn't get me off your sofa during filming either, it took a lot of effort to make me work, even my son artyom, he generally has his own bedroom, but he stopped sleeping there, it’s so comfortable for the girls, now he’s up to... he sleeps here, he ’s occupied this place, a huge pain for all our viewers, for many, a light sofa, we haven’t washed anything for 2 years, now they’re like new, although we have a fair number of grandchildren, they sit down, jump, bounce, thank god, everything ’s fine, we recently had a new family member, it’s a small one, understand, very low, wide, comfortable windowsills, she very often sits on them, dry, comfortable and nothing
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blows, well that's nice to hear, wonderful, the remodeling was late autumn and the designers didn't have time to plant anything like... beautiful coniferous trees in front of these windows, and we did it ourselves, that is, you can now see that there are 12 beautiful thujas, but they are still small, i think that they will grow for another couple of years, and there were also a lot of comments about the beams on the ceiling, why did you lower the ceiling like that, i was sure that they were raised by 10 centimeters, then we realized that he didn't go up anywhere, but the visual feeling of height was added, you and i are standing here in the light, the fireplace is working, we are all around this fireplace and... we sit in the evenings, and on winter evenings we don't leave at all, we come home from work, turn it on, the room is warm for half an hour, i think that this is the heart of our living room, we are constantly told that in a couple of months everything will be black, no, that's not true, in fact there are a lot of products that can clean all this quickly and very easily, the most important thing is the view, and not laziness, the most important thing is, well and in general, the whole remodel was started from this
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fireplace, because it was a dream, it was a dream of our mother petrovna dreamed, how beautiful. an officer of the russian army signed a contract with the armed forces in 2014 in the person of the mikhailovskaya military artillery academy benefits for my families for my children lived area good salary medical care for my family at any time without problems you can contact and i will always help. every guy, every man who thinks about signing a contract with the ministry of defense should take correctly. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. two bithits at a bargain price. only in delicious
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children with hereditary diseases. i came to the zak, there was no such child at my birth, but the alleged relatives assure that there was no abandoned girl, but there was a dead boy, my mother had a child, but he died, nature wrote a refusal, that i will not ... i will not even take him, will he find his blood family, an abandoned adopted gypsy daughter? i met yana, and who am i? an alleged sister, she talked about a boy, they, if a woman gives birth without a husband, she is rejected, i open the dna envelope, today at 16:45 on ntv, dog, dog, we have your dog, do you want him back? the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is rushing to help, mukhtar, mukhtar,
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mukhtar, don't miss the loudest return of the summer, the criminals have already missed you, they are worried that you are not catching them, mukhtar's return from the very beginning, this is not just a dog, this is a weapon, today at 8:25, at 11:00 dog. on ntv. watch further. morning is the best. we will conduct an inspection with naspotrebnadzor. we have the right to receive legal advice. we take care of our beloved apartment. let's go to an interesting place, let's eat something delicious with federico arnaldi. felt facades. texture of yew, bamboo , natural oak. here, finally , jackets and shoes will fit, with closers , the doors do not slam, plus lighting and a wide tabletop. furniture is for a long time, and of course,
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you want to live like in an advertising brochure, but dreams. one look at the price tag brings you down to earth. a wardrobe, an ordinary one, it seems, 76 grand, holy cow, and this is heard more and more often in the furniture department, but here is what they definitely do not want to hear from customers here. let's take this kitchen, how much does it cost? 180. yes, we made it for 80. let's go, let's go. prices have skyrocketed and this is not the limit, and therefore it is better to listen to his advice, assures kirill, because he is a professional carpenter and foreman who knows exactly what you should not save on, and where there is a triple markup out of thin air, and this is definitely about beds, wardrobes, sets of bedside tables from such stores, but all this, they say , is easy to get three times cheaper, to begin with , kirill puts it on the shelves, you need
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drawings. but to make such, you do not need to be an engineer, it is enough to use an ordinary tape measure, measure the walls of the kitchen in the apartment, throw on a piece of paper by hand and give it to the manager of any furniture company. you can go directly there, to the company, to some salon where they make your kitchens right there and agree with the designer that the cost of everything will be 5 dash 10,000 rubles. and in many stores such projects are done for free, a smart program immediately conveniently describes how much fasteners and fittings will be needed and separately. each cabinet part, then on the internet you need to find a place where chipboard is sawn, there are such in any average city, choose a style and color of facades, handles and present a drawing, we are now in the production shop, this is where we handed over our project to the manager, here are stacks of already sawn parts, at the exit you get a ready-made kitchen, but only in disassembled form, you will
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only have to assemble it at home. such frankness, helping to save a lot, made kirill a star on the internet and the main anti-hero for furniture sellers. furniture makers can immediately see in the comments that they write angry comments, i don’t know why, but even savings have a reasonable limit, warns kirill, when making things cheaper, it is important not to cheapen the quality of the chipboard, the boards from which all the cabinet furniture is made, because they are indistinguishable by eye, they cost very differently without markups, because some are safe, while others are terribly toxic and poison their owners. marina has already lost count of how much she and her daughter spent on doctors, finding out the cause, first of a severe cough, and then of acute bilateral pneumonia. by the way, here are all the child's blood tests and all the antibodies to all infections, which also came back negative. and the test that came back positive was indicates an allergy, its source marina.
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began to search at home, some strong powerful allergic reaction, in connection with this we analyzed all the purchases that we had at that time, nothing new, except for the sofa, appeared in our family, the chemical examination shocked the family, it turned out that the frame of the sofa was made of chipboard literally oozing poisonous gas called formaldehyde. if at that time i was pregnant or, let's say, i had a child. breastfeeding and i left it in this sofa, something simply irreparable could have happened. the extent to which the toxic furniture traders have gone, according to vladimir zhirinovsky's indignant face, is obvious without words, something irreparable could have happened even to his especially important person in the state, because it turned out that even the highest duma offices were made of formaldehyde-emitting slabs, formaldehyde, therefore, is seven times
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higher. twice as high, it is deadly, chipboard, gets worse, irritability, but he greases them with this solution, it is for the morgue, so that the corpses do not rot there, his well-being in the state duma is not at all a newcomer, he breathed this a quarter of a century, vladimir zhirinovsky gave this interview 5 years ago, when, on his orders, all the tables, chairs and even the flooring in the office were replaced. but the irritability has not yet disappeared, the party leader complains. everything in the house is poisoned, here i have openings, you see, without paint, then i go to another office , i walk along the corridors, there are panels hanging everywhere, the buildings need to be torn down. slabs made from cheaper and easier to produce glue are sold under the e2 marking, and tables made from such materials are exactly cabinets, strongly emitting carcinogens, therefore.
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according to the law, only furniture of attention for street cafes, verandas or for a summer residence can be made from them. sellers are often prohibited under threat of dismissal. the rest feign incompetence, as if they themselves are here for furniture, tell us what certificates? however, experts constantly encounter counterfeiting of such documents, some furniture manufacturers, it turns out, buy a tiny trial batch of the most expensive and safe boards at the chipboard factory, receive certificates for them,
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which are then applied to sofas and chests of drawers knocked together from toxic panels, the effect, if it manifests itself, then its cause, try to prove, but you never know what poisons your health, you have to put a wardrobe, bed or nightstand in a sealed chamber and measure the emissions for a couple of days. correspondent andrey terebentsev managed to do this with these nightstands from an italian furniture store from a very famous russian factory. in order to measure the toxicity of a nightstand, you literally have to cut off its oxygen. for we will wrap the product in such a polyethylene film and, most importantly, hermetically, we will tie it all up with tape, and that's it, now the substances that the furniture will emit into the air will not fly away or dissipate, we will take measurements exactly in 24 hours,
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time has passed, will the device smell anything, what parts give away dangerous furniture even in the store, how to renew the old one? having spent a minimum of effort and money, i will tell you in the second part of the investigation, don't miss it, marina velikova, lawyer, we have a question from our viewer olga larionova. olga asks: i work in a single settlement cash center every day i accept payments from the population for utilities, excluding at the request of the payer payment for major repairs. at the time, many owners do not pay this fee when paying the receipt, what consequences await them, please give information. well, that's a great question, let's figure it out. well, the first thing everyone needs to remember is that the fee for major repairs is not a voluntary payment, but
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a mandatory payment. if you ignore receipts for major repairs for years, then the debt will only grow, and in the end they will collect it from you anyway. keep in mind that if you are late for two or more months, you will start to accrue penalties, and after 6 months from the first delay, the regional operator for capital repairs has the right to sue you, and in addition, they will collect legal costs from you. keep in mind that the statute of limitations for such claims is 3 years, that is, you can be charged for capital repairs for the last three years if you have not paid. however, we must forget that we have such a concept as federal benefits. for compensation of contributions for major repairs in the amount of 50 and 100%. and the right to a 100% benefit is granted to single pensioners over 80 years old, heroes of the ussr and the russian federation, full
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holders of the order of glory, but in cases of the death of their parents or spouse. in compensation of 50%, we are entitled to single pensioners over 70 years old, disabled persons of the first and second groups, parents of disabled children, participants in military operations, and large families also have the right, keep in mind that regional authorities can establish additional categories of beneficiaries, is it worth paying contributions for major repairs if your house has been repaired, yes, this obligation is enshrined in article 169 of the housing code, even if your house has already been repaired, you continue to pay contributions for major repairs, residents of new buildings. must also pay contributions for major repairs, but this does not happen immediately, within 5 years after the house is included in the regional program, you can find out this information from your local administration, however there is cases when residents do not have to pay contributions
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for major repairs, there are few of them, but they exist, but firstly, you do not have to pay contributions for major repairs if your house has been declared emergency, or if the state or municipality plans to seize the land plot. for their needs, however, the owner is also not obliged to pay contributions for major repairs if the house is not officially included in the regional program for major repairs, keep in mind that ... you must find out for yourself, in this case the principle applies that ignorance of the law does not exempt you from liability. such information is published on the official websites of the administration of the region where you live, residents are given time to familiarize themselves with this program from three to 8 months. after that, even if you do not receive a receipt, you are obliged to pay contributions. if you have any additional questions, send them to our, to our e-mail. and remember that you have the right. to know your rights,
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hello, this is a housing issue and i, victoria panina. today we are going to visit the khailiyev family. the guys have four sons a large three-room apartment. they successfully transformed the renovation from the developer to suit themselves. but still sent an application to our program, asking to remake a large bedroom with a loggia with panoramic windows in two walls. now we will figure out what is wrong. when there are four sons in the family, dad has a chance to feel like the captain of the basketball team. it does not matter that the youngest are still in a stroller, the main thing is that they are also at the ring. in the support group, lille's mother and corgi monty. amir, our oldest, he will be 12 this year. he is very responsible, the second son david, very
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sociable, he has such radiant energy, then we have lior, this year he will be 6 years old in the summer, a little closed, not friends with everyone, a very kind boy, our youngest adam, this is a baby who is just like two peas in a pod like his dad, so unusual for our latitudes names with sons gave the father, a teenager. ruslan left with his parents to israel from his native tomsk, where he and lilia studied in parallel classes. lilia was such a button, it was impossible to approach her, well, i didn’t really approach her, and the years later they wrote to each other on social networks, a virtual romance began, and to translate it into reality, ruslan decided to return to tomsk. now, in order not to forget the language of his second homeland, they give lessons to his heirs. and then to the capital, where ruslan runs
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the moscow stops project. as the family expanded , they changed several apartments, each time getting into new loans. they moved into this three-room apartment with a large kitchen a year ago. as a result, life in the new apartment goes like this: one room went to david and leor, the other is the sole owner amir, and the younger adam, for now he shares with his parents a not fully furnished bedroom, which we intend to do. good repair, large windows, lots of light, we really want a bed, yes, a bed, a balcony, we've never had a bed, how many years have you been married, 13, in 13 years you've never had a bed, yes, here's the sofa, all 13 years on this sofa, yes, well, and i want to hug you, so guys, and now let's figure out what you like in general, modern classics, warm colors, and i like cold ones, well, everything is clear, i have one, and the object-mystery, which, perhaps,
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will inspire you to a new interior, oh, it's a swan, the coast, light, lots of white, a swan is a symbol of love, i like it, maybe there will be a bed made of love fluff, anticipation, yes, we're already ready, well then we'll see you at the finale, when everything is ready, see you, our heroes really like this chandelier, but it seems to me that they don't just like this chandelier. this chandelier doesn't really fit into my project, i'd like to change it, but i'm still thinking, in fact, any glass chandelier gives a lot of beautiful highlights of bunnies to the wall. the housing issue gets to work: a sixteen-meter bedroom with panoramic windows said goodbye to the developer's finishing, the room is waiting for a makeover. the ceiling in the room was suspended,
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we will make it for the spring on a frame of steel assessed profiles, the sheathing is moisture-resistant plasterboard, and the walls were already smooth, there is no need to plaster. we apply finishing putty for painting to all surfaces. figured cornices above the windows resemble classic lambrequins, knocked together from plywood, later we will decorate with moldings, and for now we will organize the framing for ... new the headboard of the bed made of polyurethane foam adhesive elements we lay out the arch. the relief ceiling cornice made of ldf, a material made of wood. fibers ran along the perimeter, including the roots behind the curtains. new window sills made of artificial acrylic stone under marble. we dismantled the floor radiators, now we need to work on the base of the floor. we pour the screed on the plastic mesh,
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we drive out the air bubbles with a needle roller. the underlayment is made of foamed polyethylene with excellent vibration and noise insulation. we lay the planks on it quartz laminate, under the decorative vinyl layer of stone-polymer slabs, not inferior in density to porcelain stoneware. at the same time, they are quite elastic, it does not hurt to fall. and unlike ordinary laminate or ceramic tiles, they absorb the noise of steps well. we apply wallpaper glue to the back of the cutter and cover it with a film so that the canvas is saturated. we also protect the arch with a film, apply glue directly to the wall, place the canvas in the opening , smooth it out carefully, having previously trimmed the edges to the shape of the arch. it remains to beautifully cover the gaping mechanisms of sockets switches. vika and marina are thinking about the choice now. i understand, it's difficult. you know, i've already made my choice, i like the option of a metal frame with
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some small texture. hurray, there. friends, here it is, the dream factory, where all tourist dreams come true, rest here is like in the movies, dynamic, bright, delicious, your friend, a wonderful man, federico ornaldi, today you were taken out by kellenjik, oh e, here it is, the main sight of the city, the longest embankment in russia. attractions 14 km. snow-white balustrade in retro style, comfortable benches with a view of the sea, fountains, alleys and funny sculptures that are very popular with tourists. goldfish, assol, cat-scientist, old
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lighthouse keeper and that same white bride. you can walk along it endlessly, but i don’t have enough time today, so many plans, so much to do. sing, chalesandra, hi, i’m very glad to see you, i’m also very glad, so, who is this with us, this is my dog ​​lilu, alexandra kharitonova, actress, blogger and native muscovite in the third generation, 6 years old ago decided to move from her hometown to gelendzhik, knows all the most delicious places in the resort, it turns out that the gelendzhik embankment is not only a beautiful place, but also an appetizing one, here... there are goodies for every taste, we go to one very nice cafe. here the atmosphere of a leningrad apartment of the fifties of the last century is recreated. antique items were collected from acquaintances at flea markets. these are goodies, the most delicious. yes, and look how interesting, coffee is served here, with such
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as nuts, pits, yes, roasted, well, of course, the most striking thing is the entourage, yes, as i understand it, here these... here they make unusual signature coffee, they serve desserts as if from the soviet past, you can even feel what an unusual coffee, something between coffee and glitchwein, there's lemon, i 'm telling you, it doesn't even really look like coffee, which i don't drink, but this drink is amazing, well, and the most important thing is that we have a cake in the form of ice cream, so let's try it, let's m... what tenderness, lie down , some kind of juiciness, the cake melts in your mouth ours meeting with alexandra alas is coming to an end, i want to reach out to you and you melt like ice cream, all women melt when they see you, and they want to hug you, and they want to come right away, so wait, it's already
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sweet for me, today i'll tell you that we 've been to different places, we tried greek with you - gyros. and we tried the most delicious seafood, we visited italy, with you, and even the square of these pigeons, now we've had such a great laker with ice cream, well, a sweet end to this pleasant walk with this pleasant person, it's absolutely mutual, bonjerno, friends, i'm in rio today, rio, dalendzhik, this giant worship cross is often compared to the statue of christ in brazil, it is located on the morkhodsky ridge, which stretches from novorossiysk to golendzhak. you can climb up on foot along the recently opened terenkur. far to the top, another 2 hours, in general, if you are so brave, energetic,
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you can walk 2 hours to the top along the health trail, and if you are so lazy like me, there is a cable car, there you can get to the top of the ridge in just 15 minutes, i'm not now i want you to think. i am saying this there specifically to impress you, but for some reason i am thinking, i have ridden many times on similar infrastructures, but i have never been so scared, i don’t know, maybe because here it is either higher, or the wind is shaking a little, i don’t know, the reward for courage is the ideal observation deck with breathtaking views of the city on the sea. you know how in every city there are such must do things, well, for example, how
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to visit moscow and not go to red square, or visit rome and not see kalisey, here in gelendzhuk there are two obligatory walks, the first along the longest embankment of russia, the second along the sea. a walk on a yacht is a pleasure two in one, you look at the beautiful views, and then have lunch right in the middle of the sea. stavritka is the most popular topic in these parts, why? because everything is easy to catch, so easy that children, adults, everyone, women, whoever wants to, catch it here , just on bare hooks, you throw it, wait. it doesn't take long and you catch it, it is so easy to catch it that, as you saw, i haven't even had time to throw it yet fishing rod, and the stabritka itself appeared on my
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plate, though the captain fried it first and sprinkled it with lemon, and i'll be honest, he caught it, but those who want can cast their own fishing rod, it's easy to catch, easy to clean, easy to cook and simply delicious, pasha, great, and you were pulled, well, who from whom, i from the main directorate, i from the bratva, the times are gone when the guys were ashamed to work with the cops, damn, val, you 've saved my life for the second time, and what don't you like with pints? being friends, not respecting yourself, this is not your life, you are not on the same path with them, what is going on, guys, you should personally
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get rid of that cop who got into your confidence. nevsky, today 20:00 on ntv. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. two big hits at a bargain price. only in tasty point. attacking credit card debts? i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently pay off 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. pain in the groin, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langitas against prostatitis. moscow coffee shop on poi, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste, pleasure. i love, i recommend. register your car in the avitav garage. and get a chance to win a new car. avito auto garage. here are spare parts for your car. buy with a card
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insurance companies, which means we know where to find it. asaga insurance is cheaper. compare: osaga is cheaper. good morning, tatyana ermilova , today's weather. the sunniest weather is in august in the northern regions, near the arctic coast yakutia has every chance to bask under the gentle sun. in tiks today +16, by the weekend it may reach plus., the same warm plans for verkhoyansk and aymikon, no rain is expected, in the south of the continent there is no precipitation, from khabarovsk to blagoveshchensk 27:30, and rain only at baikal in chita, while +27. in siberia, the most comfortable and calm weather is also in the north in the polar norelsk +20 sun, in the southern regions it is hot, in krasnoyarsk in abakan, tomorrow it may reach +35, today 30, in the urals
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it is damp, cloudy, windy and ... north wind penetrates into the volga region, today in kazan 18°, tomorrow cooler and rainy, but the center is preparing for warming, so far here it is slightly above 20, but 25 is not far off, in the south, without precipitation above 30 only in krasnodar and novorossiysk, in sochi and sevastopol 29. in the lower reaches of the don it is slightly cooler, on the baltic shores a storm wind has blown, the sea has calmed down, the water temperature is 20-21°, today in kaliningrad +28. in the northwest summer continues, in st. petersburg today +25 without precipitation, in moscow there will be no rain, until 21:23, by the weekend it will warm up to 25, or even above, that's all about the weather, look further, morning, the best, let's talk about health with your doctor, let's cook a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with the news from
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the world of technology, let's chat. once with the people's artist of russia. good morning, the program your doctor is on the air, and here we talk about proper medicine with proper doctors. hello, vladimir vladimevich, i'm very glad to see you on our program. vladimir vladimevich, let's talk about the foot again today. hallux valgus, they say, yes, it's valgus. deformation, what is it, how does it develop, where does it come from? well, the invincible hallux valgus, it really is an eternal problem, and in order to understand how to treat it, you need to understand in general why it occurs, there are several factors here, first of all, it is the hormonal physiological background, that is, a woman
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is arranged, that is, it is not only the shoes that are to blame, not only, a woman is arranged so that the hormonal background, that during life the ligaments should be more elastic at certain moments, therefore they are more stretchable. they are more susceptible to, let's say, well, stretching, yes, at the time of loading, this is the first background, the second, the second reason is really walking in heels, uh, shoes that provide a heel more than 4 cm, it uh sharply changes the entire biomechanics of the load on the feet, on the foot, and these shoes uh... sharply overload the forefoot in the pathogenesis of valgus deviation of the first toe, the occurrence of the so-called this bump lies in the flattening of the forefoot due to
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the fact that the load, for example, if sharply changes, for example, if a woman walks in a heel - about 8 cm, then the forefoot is overloaded by ... tens of times, that is , the load on the heel is about 10%, the load on - on the forefoot is distributed about 70-80%, normally as it should be, normally it should be exactly in half, in half, yes, that is, a physiological heel, when the load is distributed evenly, this is a heel 2-3 cm high, then the load goes evenly - equally, there are - different variants of the course of the disease, there are symptomatic, there are asymptomatic, so if a woman has um valgus deviation of the first toe, a bump, so-called, but without accompanying
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deformations, and if this - the bump does not cause any pronounced pain symptoms, then in principle uh it is possible to reduce the load on the forefoot by lowering the heel height, in principle this does not ... requires some active surgical actions, because the problem is essentially cosmetic. if a woman experiences pain, if there is a bump on the plantar surface, due to overload of the metatarsal bones, if it began the second toe on the foot is deformed, that is, it also begins to shift to the medial side, it begins to rise upward, yeah, this indicates that, that is , the first toe shifts it, it begins to push out. such processes in the foot, the heads of the metatarsal bones begin to drop, they go into overload, the ligament
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that holds the second toe begins to tear and a whole cascade of irreversible changes, therefore, if a woman just has a bump that does not bother her in any way, except cosmetically, then nothing can be done, in fact, if there is... a bump that rubs, periodically turns red, if there are calluses, if there is pain and there is a deformation accompanying the little toes, well, in such a situation you need to intervene, and how, what kind of operation, what to do, how to remove it, or is it not just a removal, yes, it means that what we see and what is called a bump is a normal head of the first metatarsal bone, in no case should it be removed, the operation involves corrective osteotomy of the metatarsal bone, when... it is intersected in a special figured way, placed in the correct position and is fixed with some implants, usually screws, in this position in the correct position the bones
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grow together, later this leads to the normalization of the load, alignment of all axial relationships in the foot, and as if the person walks without pain, these screws are permanently installed or they are then pulled out, here you can ... remove, you can not remove, it depends on how these screws behave, because sometimes they can migrate, there is nothing terrible in this, the foot is designed in such a way that the bone in our elastic, does not deform, the screw is rigid, and sometimes the bone begins to push it out of its bed, of course, and this is done simultaneously, two feet are operated on at once, or in turn, first an operation on one foot, then an operation on the other foot, it depends on the severity.
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which involves loading the back of the foot and the front of the foot, it is essentially in a suspended state, in such shoes you need to walk for a month and a half, well, and then ... you can already return to your usual shoes, or is it all the same you need to change your shoes, heels will be unacceptable here, probably it makes sense to reconsider your shoes and give up wearing high heels, as well as walking in ballet shoes, that is, there should be a physiological heel of about 2-3 cm. many thanks to vladima vladimovich, for your brilliant view, story, explanation, i think that there will be people who will listen to you and maybe a little.
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you will have a little less work, many thanks, good morning and see you soon, first of all - melt the butter, i have a tablespoon butter, two tablespoons of olive oil, i cut one onion, like this, quite large, half a ring. as soon as the butter has melted, i add here, look, i have this bacon, rolled up like a roll, it's a little smoked, i also need garlic, look, i add onion and garlic, then season the sausage fried on the fire with this wonderful sauce, i also need parsnip root for the sauce, i also cut it into pieces like this,
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here i have a form in which i will bake our sausages, right in that oil, in in which i fried bacon, garlic and onion, i drain it into the form in which i will fry everything further, and while the sausages themselves are sent to a hot frying pan, i leave them for 2 seconds, but not for two seconds for 2 minutes, i also need to take celery root, about the same size. pieces and parsnip root and celery root, because this is not just a sauce, it is also a side dish, well , one celery stick is enough for me, we chop it into such large pieces, if you want you can add carrots here, if if you want you can add young beets, you can experiment, for example add turnips, right now i have young turnips, but in my case. i just think that
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i will have sweetness here due to apples, because in the final we will definitely add standing, look how beautiful, well now our sausages are sent to the form in which we will bake, it can be disgusting and i have already taken such a form in which it can then be served on the table, and now here for literally a couple of minutes. celery, parsnip and celery root, let's brown it all a little, here you can add a little oil, a drop, now, when we see that our vegetables, or rather the root, are also browning, we add maheve tomato paste to them, in general, this tomato paste is real, it seems to me, treasures in the kitchen, i
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can't imagine making soup without this paste, or such a frying for the sauce, because this paste, it's sweetish, there are no gmos in the composition, no starch, no such, you know, artificial sweeteners or flavor enhancers, this is only a natural product, a universal lifesaver, here is a tablespoon of such a paste, and i also need mustard, i take mustard... not too strong, like this with grains, because it will give a little piquancy, but at the same time it will not interfere with the other ingredients, so now i add cider here, cider is an apple drink, carbonated, it contains a little alcohol, but all the alcohol naturally evaporates during heat treatment, only the aroma and taste remain. i will add more
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here a little chicken broth, mine is hot, so everything here instantly becomes the same temperature, this is important, and i pour this beauty over our sausages, fried and golden, we distribute all this here, what do you think is missing here? salt? absolutely right, there is not enough salt and pepper, freshly ground black pepper and a little salt. vegetables. roots especially love salt, they open up differently when salt is added correctly, we are not adding any herbs here yet, because it is very important for us that these the roots have given off their aroma, especially in combination with apple cider and broth, that's it,
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we put it in the oven, temperature 180°, literally for about 25 minutes, because the sausages cook very quickly, but... the vegetables too, now in the pan there with the sausages, oh, what beauty, look, an apple is sent, but not only an apple, the apple is made, look, just like this, you see, as if from above, our cake is made from apple, but also sage, a few sprigs of sage, because sage also gets along very well with... with apple, it smells good, how juicy, how tender, i'll add a little more mint here,
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because sage, it's so aromatic, it gave us all its smells in the sauce, so mint is good for beauty and a little. also invigorate all our receptors, look how wonderful it is, well, i think we have a masterpiece on the table today, bon appetit, a technological way to speed up construction work, a company from the usa has proposed. it has developed a drone that is equipped with a gun for tying reinforcement. this procedure was performed before pouring concrete usually has to be done manually, it takes. a lot of time, according to the creators, the use of a drone allows to speed up the preparation of reinforcement by 2.5 times and reduce the cost by 30%, not to mention increasing the safety of work at height. chargers for gadgets will not be needed in the future. electronics will be able
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to take energy simply from the heat of the human body. several scientific groups from different countries, including russia, reported successes in this direction. in particular, researchers from... energy output thermoelectrochemical elements that produce electricity from temperature differences. the principle itself has been known for a long time and is used, for example, in thermoelectric elements used to power radio stations back in the war years. as an analogy, we can cite the stirling engine, which extracts mechanical energy from temperature differences, but a large difference is required there. now scientists are trying to work.
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improvement continues. scientists believe that the first application of the technology will be energy capture, now it is useless escaping into the air from cars, industrial units and housing and communal services facilities. it is now possible to revive photographs of long -dead relatives with the help of artificial intelligence. such a service was launched by an american service that allows you to build family connections. it allows you to upload up to five photos for free, in which, with the help of a neural network, the people depicted will begin to slightly. move their heads, their facial expressions will change, those who have already tried to do this with their ancestors say that it turns out to be both touching and a little frightening, and internet jokers also revived lenin, napoleon, the mask from the tv company logo vid monument to alyonka from novo ronizha, artificial
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intelligence coped with this. what blood pressure is considered normal? a new answer to this question is offered by american doctors from the medical center ceders sinai. based on the latest research, they conclude that the usual upper limit of the norm of 120 mm hg is relevant only for men. women should maintain systolic pressure no higher than 110. as shown by the analysis of data from more than 14,000 patients, the value is greater than 110, are associated with an increased risk of developing all types of cardiovascular diseases. the reason is that women's blood vessels change faster with age, and hypertension greatly accelerates this process. doctors urge you to closely monitor your blood pressure and take prescribed medications, reminding you that the most serious consequence of chronically high blood pressure is a stroke. passion. video conferencing can be harmful to your health, reduce your work efficiency, and
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also lead to increased fatigue. participants. a scientific article on this topic was published by psychologist jeremy bailenson from stanford university in the usa. he honestly writes that there is little data yet, but observations and analysis of previous works show that the now very common fatigue from video conferences occurs for three reasons. the first is the abundance of close-up faces on a closely located monitor. subconsciously means an invasion of our personal space, hence the unconscious anxiety. the second is the constant viewing of one's own image, which causes anxiety about of how we look. and thirdly, during regular meetings we have more freedom for physical movements, which are important for relieving fatigue. beilinson advises replacing video conferences with regular group calls more often, where only sound without a picture. and if an image is absolutely necessary, it is better to move. further away or reduce the windows of other participants, use an external camera, it also allows you to increase
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the distance to hide your own face from view on the screen. one morning on ntv, i am sergey mayorov. hello! today the heroine project once actress and teacher nina dvorzhetskaya. at 38, she became a widow with virtually no means of support. with two children in her arms, she raised them as best she could, fed them, dressed them, arranged for them to join clubs, pampered and cherished them, put them to bed, and then smoked one after another, two packs a day, realizing that she was harming herself. how did you manage to raise children, they were kind, sweet, oh, sweet, kind, where are they, as one of my friends in belilis says, she says she has two sons, she says children perform their direct function,
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she won't show it in life, won't tell anyone, she's a small vulnerable child, covering herself with armor, anna dvorzhetskaya is 34 years old, she followed in her parents' footsteps, serves in the russian academic youth theater, acts in films and tv series, is married, raises her daughter sofia, in the theater where i work, since i spent my entire childhood there, i watched almost all the performances with my parents and people who are still working there now, with whom i... am very familiar, and it's generally difficult to be
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an artist directly and work there, although now i think i have come to the conclusion that i am me, and i don’t owe anything to anyone, so i can work completely calmly and not look back at whether i am from a dynasty or not, my mother played in the play tom sawyer at the ramd theater, and i remember i couldn’t sit down in the hall. they took my seat, she took me with her when i came after school , everything, so we went to the theater, and i remember that someone took my seat, i come there, completely lost, small, i don’t understand anything at all, where does someone find me artist, i see my mother, here the stage brings me, there is a wings, i look, from behind this space i look at my mother, this is probably the most vivid impression, mikhail dvorzhetsky is almost 25 years old, he graduated from the cameraman department at gika, they try themselves... sora, and what is your mother's favorite job? i adore thaw, there is this
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regina markovna, they were also in a duet with efremov and it was simply fantastic. and what is the most expressive thing in your mother's face from the cameraman's point of view? it seems to me, her eyes, because she really loves to wear glasses, wears glasses all the time, but this is mine, probably, such many years of observation, because everything is embedded there with my mother. don't worry. yes, i have another one, you are a cat, my grandmother, probably a kind, smart person, you can maintain different conversations with him on different topics, it will be very interesting, i really like it when we sit at the table with the whole family and grandma tells something, again here is the topic of dialogues, so we all talk, communicate at the dacha, we sit in the evening after some kind of dinner on the veranda, i am a teacher with many years of experience. don't worry, darling , unfortunately, i'm a bad grandmother, because i'm always teaching other people's children, or
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playing in the theater myself, or acting in films, so i only lied once, that's if i'm with... there's no one at all, it's good to be a grandmother, it's cool, especially as bad as me, but what's it like to be the head of such an acting, creative dynasty? firstly, i don't consider myself the head, our head is alexey, the head of the family, let's say alexey, the head of our creative dynasty too, they met in the central house an actor at a professional get-together, two artists, two destinies, two worlds,
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to overcome, how did your life with nina igorevna begin, with a joke, we were introduced to each other, i told nina a joke, she laughed so loudly, i even remember this mise-en-scène, how we sat, i remember, maybe the cameraman, for some reason i realized that we were completely of the same feather, i even remember what joke i told, friday evening the snake gorinovich washes in the bathhouse, suddenly it means you... come out to fight, creature, come out right now, he turns here, says: elyushenka, murmi, brave, come on, come on tomorrow, well you see, it's friday, i'm, no, bastard, come out , let's fight right now, he says, ilyusha, well , i'll wash myself, you see, i'm washing myself, i'm fine, you 're drunk, tomorrow, don't come out, i said, and one head, you see, sticks out into the changing room,
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and then he swings his sword and the second head turns to the third, well, please tell me, well, no... alexey kolgan has a bright comedic talent, what is his madame carolina worth in the play princess of the circus of the capital's musical theater. kolgan was born in lviv, graduated from the academy theatrical art in st. petersburg has become one of the most sought-after actors in cinema, theater and dubbing. jack nicholson, tom hanks, john reilly, and of course, shrek speak in his voice. colgan and... nina chose a ring, she said: i like this ring very much, okay, we said, both of us, this ring was small, we gave it away to have it somehow expanded, they told me there, they told us, come in 2 days, i say, i'll go get this ring now, i'll take it, and i
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take this ring and think, well, why am i going around and around, in the end, well i... bought this ring, i didn't really like it, i 'm walking home like this, i'm telling myself, i really want this woman to be my wife, otherwise i'll probably be a bachelor for the rest of my life, i came here, he asked me, are you okay, did you get it widened, i said, yes, nina, please marry me, i gave her the ring, and what was her reaction, she started crying, she was for... not much has changed for us in these 20 years, except for changing the car, building a dacha, growing potatoes, alexey and i have been growing potatoes at our dacha for the last 2 years, i can happily say that these 20 years have been very happy every day,
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these 20 years have flown by very quickly, you haven't noticed, it's a very happy time. what kind of people, such stories? i, sergey mayorov, will see you on ntv. happy. the best thing for today is dna. the adoptive mother told her that she was the daughter of a nineteen-year-old gypsy woman who abandoned her, running away from the maternity hospital. mom said that perhaps my name was olga. the last name was rudova. she ran away on the second day, gave birth and left. but the woman started looking for biological relatives only when she gave birth to children with hereditary diseases. i came to the zak, there was no such child at my birth. however, the alleged relatives assure that there was no abandoned girl, but there was a dead boy. there was, the child was with his mother, but he died, in nature. i wrote a refusal that i would not even take him. will
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the abandoned adopted gypsy daughter find her blood family? i met yana. and who is yana? supposed sister, she was talking about a boy, if a woman gives birth without a husband, they kind of reject her, i'm opening the dna envelope, today at 16:45 on ntv. one boy was offered to audition for the role of the show's host, and they forgot to pay for the taxi. arseniy popov improvised, my mother told me that you are funny, improvised, i like to improvise to music, if you want, i will teach you, to improvise, i don't want to, and i improvised to the end, i came here to moscow to undermine you, and you are sitting comfortably, now he will be saved. only a miracle, first you are a small actor of this size, and then you will become like gary kharlamov, i think this is a child hulk, i
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look at this cocktail and you know, i have already stopped being thirsty, i feel sick now, maybe it is poisonous, and i thought you would throw knives at me, don't be naughty, leather, blah-blah-blah-blah, i have gone crazy, well done, a miracle with arseny popov, the premiere is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. pash, look, what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, as you found out, the most important thing, it will not pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important. gazprombank. what's the secret? doshirak? you have to find out. doshirak broth is prepared
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of the mainland it is hot like in summer, in blagoveshchensk +30, rains only near baikal, in siberia the air is getting hotter and hotter, in the south of krasnoyarsk krai in altai it is already +30 and higher, the peak of the heat will be on friday, and then the temperature will immediately drop by 10 degrees, closer to the urals rains, in omsk 23. in the urals, rains will be heavy in places with thunderstorms. in kirov only 16, and the center of the black earth region comes under the care of an anticyclone, the temperature is gradually returning to the climatic norm, on the weekend it will already exceed it, and there will be no rain in the coming days, but in the mornings in the lowlands fogs, in the south sunny warmth about +30, in st. petersburg without precipitation and +25, in moscow the warmth will return a little later, but for now +22 sun, that's all about the weather, if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex, it helps reduce joint pain without damaging stomach, and also normalize the level
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8:00 am
a regional emergency regime is being introduced throughout the kursk region, when they began specifically to shell the village of nasha, then they already decided that it was enough to tolerate children in a bunch of ... residents of the border area continue to be in temporary accommodation points, mikhail peretokin visited several of them from the scene of the events. strela anti-aircraft missile systems are actively shooting down enemy drones. about how anti-aircraft missiles units of the central military district cover the skies above our positions in a report by maxim berezina.


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