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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 15, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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hotels refused to accommodate him due to the lack of documents. in addition, they inquired about how tatar behaved at the metallurg hotel, where he had rented an apartment earlier. it turned out that he had simply trashed the room there, which is why he was forced to move out. who is joseph tater, who calls himself a writer, what is he doing in russia, how did american diplomats react to his detention, pavel kuznetsov will tell. in order to bring the american citizen detained for disorderly conduct in a moscow hotel to the cell , the policeman had to work hard. joseph tatar resisted, resisted, and at one point even attacked the police captain. in the us, they wouldn't have stood on ceremony with tatar for something like that, but here the american, apparently, felt like the king of life. in court, however, they landed him on the ground. with his head down, joseph listened to the verdict of 15 days of arrest. and it all started at the reception of this five-star hotel. tator wanted to check in, but did not provide a migration card, apparently believing that a star-spangled passport gives the right to... upset arranged
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fight with the staff, swore in russian and english, and later the hotel staff made inquiries and it turned out that tadr had previously trashed a room in another hotel, from where he was also kicked out. joseph tater himself calls himself a writer on social networks, the author of a whole novel, sells his book on the site for 15 dollars, works under the pseudonym joseph triska. apparently, he did not think long about the name of the main character of the novel, he settled on his own, it is too beautiful. the action of the novel takes place in 2017, when a person loses touch with reality, a series. random events leads to the protagonist named joseph having to figure out what's going on before it's too late and he goes crazy. is he living in some kind of matrix, or is he stuck between heaven and hell, or is he being watched by the nsa, or is something else causing the unusual events. it's unclear why joseph tatar came to russia, maybe he was looking for ideas for a future book, or maybe he wanted to try on the role of a hooligan and troublemaker, which he succeeded in doing, but tatar is also a blogger. there shouldn't be any signs hanging on public utility sites no signs, i'll show you.
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i would like to gather as much information as possible, find out the situation with the consulates, find out whether there is consular access at all, but i don't want to expand on this topic any further. 15 days of arrest is most likely the first punishment for joseph tater, for resisting the police, he faces a term. while in the premises of the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the mishchansky district, the foreigner hit a police officer, who at that time was responsible from the management, the materials collected by the police were transferred to investigative bodies to make a procedural decision. it is possible that so.
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they called the police, organized a rescue operation, it was clear that at any second the boy could fall out, no one knew that the child was tied by the leg to the bed, who did it, why he was alone in the apartment, stanislav kostikov talks about this. seeing a toddler in the open window of the eighth floor, throwing dozens of frightened neighbors into the darkness , they ran out into the yard. some stretched out a blanket, fully prepared to catch the child if he fell, others tried to convince him with gestures and shouts get off the windowsill. go back, back, while
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the eyewitnesses were calling emergency services, the baby was looking down with curiosity, throwing cutlery and bedding out of the window , no one opened the door to the police officers who arrived at the call. then, without waiting for the emergencies ministry employees, one of the eyewitnesses came to the aid of the law enforcement officers, who, risking his own life, tied himself with a rope from the ninth floor and began to descend to the child, numerous spectators watched the unusual rescue operation with bated breath, with the ninth floor was lowering a man, police officers, police officers, as you understood, with some support, only when after a few anxious minutes the man found himself in the window opening, the police and eyewitnesses breathed a sigh of relief, aman baterbekov admits, although it was scary, he simply could not leave the baby in trouble, he had a completely different feeling, frankly speaking, he himself was also afraid, and how did you decide to do such an act? well, there is
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a child standing there, it would be a pity if he died, lifting the child, aman drew attention to a detail that surprised him even more than everything that had happened before, it turned out, was left alone.
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criminal code of the russian federation, improper performance of parental responsibilities. to find out in what conditions the woman is raising the boy, the police are questioning neighbors, aman baterbekov received gratitude from the police for his bravery and dedication, local residents insist that... the man's courage was recognized with a departmental award. stanislav kostikov, dmitry salnikov and valentin lyubimov, ntv. in beloy kolitva is a town in the rostov region, and all they can hear is the murder of local official tatyana lukyanova. she was found dead on the stairwell,
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with multiple stab wounds on her body. the police soon learned the name of the suspect, or rather the suspect. it turns out that tatyana had roman as a co-worker at a local foundry. his wife found out about the betrayal and decided to deal with the homewrecker. aleftina marchenko will continue. shrugging his shoulders, metallurgical plant worker alexander seems a little embarrassed, he did not cheat on anyone, and does not understand at all where so much cruelty comes from in his former partner, to lie in wait and then attack her rival with a knife. murder, a stigma for life, - the man reasons, promises to visit the arrested woman, it seems not knightly, to leave her alone now, she said downstairs that... killed a man, well, to whom did she not tell anything, and you believed her? at first no, and then when he came out into the light of this, in short, and he, well, at first i thought dirt, and then well blood, well, it turns out that it all happened because of me, that's what i want to say, but i don't like it at all. alexander,
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it must be said, is being disingenuous when he says that he is bothered by the increased attention from his neighbors and the gossip about a love triangle. after all , two women were laying claim to him: alla, a bright, slender brunette, 44 years old. sociable, energetic, the couple met 10 years ago and lived together for the same amount of time. the second is a new passion, a district administration official , tatyana, who is, in general, not inferior in her spectacular appearance. both met in a duel in a cramped kitchen, but the administration employee had no chance. the enraged alla grabbed a knife for reprisal and pinned her competitor to the wall, striking chaotically, as if in a fit of uncontrollable rage. what happened next? did you start striking the victim? yes, the knife. dull, yeah, here, i turn around, look, there she had another knife, sticking out, so, from there i took another one, so on, where was the victim at that moment, at that moment she was already here, where is the blood, when the investigators arrived at the apartment,
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there was blood all over the walls, it was already bad, the wounded woman tried to run down the corridor, but fell, there was no one to call for help either, tatyana was alone at home, where and what, how it was like... so chaotic, yes, in general, there was another woman in this story, alexander's mother-in-law, olga vladimirovna, told her daughter that the man was unfaithful to her and saw with her own eyes how he left the apartment of the civil servant neighbor, so alla, having learned the offensive details, immediately rushed to sort things out with the homewrecker, went into the apartment to talk, but her nerves immediately gave in, she hit her victim nine times with a knife, well we were drinking on a bench, then we just went to her house, i drank some tea. we sat, talked, i left, i didn’t even talk to her anymore, she loved him, yes, but because of him she went completely crazy, they started hanging out together, she left us and started drinking, so, what was it about him that was so special, nothing, destructive relationships happen to everyone, they
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lived together for 11 years, they lived together, and then - they didn’t live together for the last 2 years, alla was detained, almost immediately, she didn’t deny it, confessed to the murder and even told how... she tried cover up her tracks. after the murder, the attacker burned the clothes she was wearing at the time of the crime and two knives she used to stab the deceased. as alla's relatives note , she had been living with alexander for 11 years, but she couldn't get him out of her head. she had once left her husband and abandoned her small children for him. having dealt with her rival , she immediately hurried to him, and he threw her out into the street and called the police. aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov, ntv television company, rostov-on-don. what the suspect said and showed during interrogation and verification of testimony at the crime scene, a full recording. we posted it in our telegram channel chpntv, to subscribe, point your smartphone camera at the qr code that you see on your
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screen, or just type chpntv in the telegram search bar, but i will remind you that under any publication in our channel you can leave a comment or offer us news, well, our editorial office is in touch 24/7. then professional neighbors appeared in the center of ufa, they move into houses in the central historical part of the city, what do they do to make the lives of others. simply unbearable, find out right after the commercial, one boy was offered to audition for the role of the host of the show, and they forgot to pay for the taxi. arseniy popov improvised, my mother told me that you are funny, improvised, i like to improvise to music, do you want me to teach you how to improvise, and improvised to the end, i came here, moscow, to undermine you, and you sit comfortably, now only a miracle will save him, first you
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a small actor of this size, and then you'll become like gary kharlamov, it seems to me that this is a child, i look at this cocktail and you know, i'm no longer thirsty, i feel a little sick now, maybe it's poisonous, i thought you'd throw knives at me. well done, a miracle with arseny popov, the premiere is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. yes, we changed the name, but for the clients of tebank business the most important thing has remained unchanged. reliable operation of our services, tebank business and business
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is done, i have the same, wildberries, wildberries, such different families, but all getting ready for autumn in one place, sale with honors, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it's not just about that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the engine on methane works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the project national fuel, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video. what a high speed, you haven't connected it yet with 5g, although you better not need it,
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megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on price tags, which means a low price, hannykit cookies 6499, pyaterochka helps out. large purchases will become easier. apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy nazon. a notebook in the assortment of pzbm for 6 rubles 20 kopecks. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv.
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pasha, great, and you got pulled, well who from whom? i from the main office, i from the bratva, those times are gone. the guys were ashamed to work with the cops, you are saving my life for the second time, and what do you not like, to be friends with screws, not to respect yourself, this is not your life, you are not on the same path with them, what is going on, guys, you should personally get rid of that cop who got into your confidence, nevsky, today 20:00 on ntv. live, another emergency, we continue our broadcast. stolichnaya vet clinic found itself at the center of a scandal, animal owners accuse veterinarians of negligence, they do not hesitate to post photos on their pages where they record their daily routine, dancing with animals immersed in anesthesia, photos against the background of dead dogs, and
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so on. in addition, animal owners talk about the death of pets after elementary and harmless. what the doctors of this veterinary clinic do behind closed doors is now known not only to their clients, but also to law enforcement officers. footage of how doctors have fun with other people's pets during and after the operation, including with a fatal outcome, are currently being studied by the prosecutor's office. in one of the recordings, veterinarians are dancing with a cat that is under anesthesia and this is still a harmless video in these photos the consequences of one of the operations. on the surgical table, the pet has no signs of life. in others, the emotions of doctors after. walking, as it turned out, the clinic has many dissatisfied clients, a year ago oksana popova brought a dog named marcel here, who needed an operation. they did the cavity sterilization method, and this this operation just then and ended with the fact that on the third day the pet spilled, bled out and died, we have two small children, they took this loss very hard. after
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the shocking footage appeared on the internet, oksana had even more questions about the competence of doctors to get the truth. to find out what went wrong during the operation, she, along with other dissatisfied clients, came to get extracts from the pet's medical history, but the institution refused her this, we came with people whose animals suffered, they want to find out why? get extracts from medical history of her dead cat and evelina bukhanets, the girl went to the doctors with her pet several months ago and still has not recovered from the tragedy, according to doctors, the animal did not survive.
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of course there will be dissatisfied, we accept 1500 patients monthly, naturally, one in a thousand will remain dissatisfied or well , he may think, yes or so, that something was done wrong, the existence of a video of his employees mocking the pets of clients, gozakov nevertheless admitted assured that everyone involved in this was punished, however with those who distributed it, he is going to sue, because... the institution at the time of the cruel treatment with
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the police, asked the guards to check the animals, if this is confirmed, then the doctors could face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 5 years. sergey potyakov, valentin losev, nadezhda zypkina and anton lukyanov, ntv television company, moscow. and professional neighbors appeared in ufa. the portal in the city center, where the private sector is mainly located, is of particular interest to these black realtors. these people move into houses and make the lives of neighbors simply unbearable. what are they capable of and how to resist them? dinar usmanov will tell you. to find yourself effectively hostage in your own home in the very center of a city of a million people, this is more reminiscent of the script of an action movie. residents of several streets in ufa at once, their current life situation is different from a movie. such in the criminal world, naturally
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indicating fixers, as such people are called , terrorize residents of a dozen houses at once in the historical center of the capital of bashkiria, they buy a share in an old house, and then, under the guise of repairing their part, they actually make the entire building unfit for living, simply destroying it piece by piece.
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they act according to the manuals of black collectors, creating unbearable living conditions, all under the pretext of repairing their part of the house, this is a well-established scheme in ufa, the block where this happens is built up with old houses, under which, in fact, gold. look what they are doing, they broke the entire fence under the windows, this is another house, also in the center of ufa, three disabled people, a large family and a veteran live in it military actions in afghanistan and the behavior of the new owners are more similar, and the newly minted owners in each case are similar, like twins, in appearance and argumentation, you have eight square meters here in this house, and where exactly is not determined, not by you, the apartment is determined, show me, common share actually. formally hiding behind the norms of the housing code, the black neighbors themselves violate these provisions, and while the court is pending, the house is falling apart, and then you see, the residents will agree to move out of the golden land in
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the center, and they even offer options frankly mocking, or a sum for which you can’t even buy a room in a communal apartment, or, for example, three different families moving into one apartment on the outskirts. windows, doors, walls were cut out, the house was destroyed, roofs were broken, fences, they act in exactly the same way, they have a well-developed methodology throughout the city. and they are terrorizing almost three districts in this city, while people are not at all against selling or exchanging living space at a normal price, but for some, apparently, it is cheaper to hire such decision makers than to pay honestly, but those who are now in several houses, in in the center of ufa in hostages are also ready to go to the end, the residents of one of the houses have already achieved that the activities of the dashing young men are now being sorted out by investigators. a criminal case was initiated under the article coercion to make a deal or to refuse to make it. based on the results of the investigation, the declared argument about illegal actions against the owners of shares in several residential premises will be given a legal assessment. after the initiation of the criminal case, the residents
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of the very house where it all began, oh miracle, immediately received a normal offer to provide them with other housing. the newly-minted owners of life and activity immediately curtailed, but did not leave completely, switched to other houses in the same block. now residents are uniting to file new statements with the prosecutor's office. but that's not all, look further, who was rocking the dance floor, footage filmed in a nightclub formed the basis of the accusation, what term the foreigners received who tried to burn down the security, you will find out after the commercial. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what is going on at all, it's a conspiracy, as if this
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conspiracy, we have. back up, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, new season, every time kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised to be upset that he is still alive, what? what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand, buy nazon, pencils with an eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. guests are different, but everyone benefits! pay via sbp in pyaterochka, get 5% cashback in points, buying for a total amount of 650.
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thinking about the perfect home? time to move on on domklik to find housing for any, the most daring taste, with a mortgage for the construction of a house, a new building or a secondary market? choose what everyone will like? on domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. 72 installments plus 24% cashback. xiaomi redmi note 13 smartphone with a gift for 16,499. video eldorad, the main expert on ... what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand! buy on ozon! black tea bags princess nori for 159 rubles. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our release. the rapist who committed the crime against his daughters
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was detained. police officer in primorsky krai, he was wanted internationally by interpol, the suspect, whose name is not disclosed, is a citizen of lithuania. in this footage , a two-meter man is handcuffed. hand and foot in the police department of the city of artem. it is known that for 6 years he beat children, raped them. the sluggishness of lithuanian social services and law enforcement officers gave him the opportunity to leave the country to escape criminal prosecution. the existing information in the period from 2018 to 2024 , the defendant in the criminal cases committed violent sexual acts against his minors. the foreigner was taken into custody, the issue of his extradition is being decided.
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two visiting men who started a fire in a ufa nightclub could not convince the court that they were not trying to kill anyone . yelisbek khadzhaev and azikhon yunusov were not allowed into the establishment because the comrades were very drunk and behaved provocatively friends. or decided to take revenge on the guards, cameras surveillance recorded all stages of the crime, the prosecution had enough evidence in hand. the video recording of a surveillance camera of one of the night clubs clearly shows: two men pour gasoline from a canister on security guards, while one of the security guards manages to hide in the back room, unknown people pour the rest of the fuel on the floor, then quickly set it on fire and run away. and this recording was made a few minutes before the incident. at the neighboring gas station, one of the arsonists is paying for fuel at the checkout. judging by his emotions and gestures, he is clearly in high spirits mood. it turned out later that these two were not allowed into the party by face control.
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allegedly, they were too drunk. after a verbal altercation with security, the friends decided to take revenge. they poured gasoline on one of the premises of the establishment, and then set it on fire . the employees and guests of the establishment were able to move to a safe distance in time, and the staff quickly extinguished the fire. the staff managed to quickly put out the fire on their own, no one was seriously injured, the security guard who was doused with gasoline managed to run away to a safe place in time distance, while the consequences of the arson were being eliminated in the club, the troublemakers were heading to the airport, wanted to leave the country, managed to buy tickets to a transit point, after which they were detained. now azikhon yunusov and ilizbek khadzhaev are responsible for the emergency in the dock, where for some reason immediately. forgot the russian language, you understand that he faces a long prison sentence, before the first hearing the accused demanded an interpreter for themselves, claimed that they did not speak or understand russian, even during the time spent in the pre-trial detention center they did not remember the language, but this
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the moment still says the opposite, i will now prepare questions for the witnesses to you and we do not want, we have prepared quite a few questions for them in court, so that they would burn the floor, i admit yes. that they wanted to kill a person there, i will not admit this, and we did not have such an intention. the second defendant yunusov at the trial completely denied that he participated in the arson together with his friend. and what is written there, that i was in collusion with yunusov, is also wrong, that i did not agree with them on anything. up until the last hearing, the arsonists hoped that their arguments would be heard, but neither of them convinced themis. both were found guilty under the article.
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today in our program at the negotiating table to squeeze something out, you can get something. a monkey with a grenade. ukraine issues ultimatums and bargains territories, why from now on you can put a fat cross on any negotiations with kiev. at the bottom: zelensky and zaluzhny are guilty of the terrorist attack on the northern streams. why washington is sinking an ally. if we knew, we would contact the german authorities. parental control. the head of komi.


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