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tv   DNK  NTV  August 15, 2024 4:45pm-7:00pm MSK

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having learned that her children were born with hereditary diseases, a resident of the perm region, who grew up in a foster family, decided to find her biological relatives. yana shevshukova contacted us for a dna test. hello, hello. with your children, i have two children, a son alexander, he is 3 and a half, a daughter tarina, she is one year old, there are genetic diseases, inherited, which are transmitted, with this question i began, when i became pregnant with my first child, i had terrible toxicosis, the doctors told me about that it can't just be that you... either don't accept the pregnancy, or
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it comes from somewhere in genetics. the same thing with the second pregnancy, there was terrible toxicosis, i had covid twice and they also told me that the child would have a pathology, are you ready to carry the pregnancy further, or should we terminate the pregnancy? i said, i will give birth, no matter what. what diseases do your children have? my son sasha was diagnosed with minus vision from birth, my daughter was diagnosed with encephalopathy from birth, just like me, what kind of disease is that? nervous weak endings, guys, tell us in more detail, what kind of disease is this encephalopathy? encephalopathy is a condition in which the central nervous system is affected, neurons are affected, the main...
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as a rule, exactly the opposite. as a rule, encephalopathy is a hypoxic lesion of the fetus's brain during the mother's pregnancy. these are severe intrauterine infections such as coronavirus, it is one of the most powerful factors damaging the normal course of pregnancy in recent years. and what do you say about vision? ophthalmopathology with a significant minus, which was revealed immediately after birth, these are either really severe.
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pathology, but there are not many of them, or this is such a significant brain damage that encephalopathy, damage to the central nervous system, damage to the visual apparatus. yana, now you want to find biological relatives to find out what other genetic diseases your children may have? i still want children, i still want a daughter, my husband wants a son, only because of this, most likely, as if prompted me, i am very worried about ... no, at 14 i went with my dad to get my passport, they asked me for my date of birth, i said, february 26, questions started, that is , there is no such person, there is no such date until february 26, wait, wait, we 'll figure it out now, they were rushing us, i walked away.
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got distracted, with dad, they decided something, i open the passport on may 1, i say, dad, how is it that may 1 is not february 26, ask mom, i felt this hesitation, something is wrong with my date of birth, i went to ask my mom, mom explained may 1 because she needed to get documents, maternity leave, go on maternity leave. that's why they gave you your date of birth later, and you believed it, yes, i believed my mother, i calmed down because i trusted, i didn't trust anyone else except my mother, how did you find out that you weren't a biological child in your family? i found out that i wasn't a biological child 4 years ago.
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i'm glad i didn't find out earlier, my dad died in 1915, and he didn't tell me that i wasn't a biological child. and my sister oksana encouraged my mother to tell me, who told me about it four years ago, here's my sister oksana - this is another adopted daughter of your parents, a cousin, i don’t know what prompted her to do this, for what reason she told this, what she wanted to achieve by this, i tried to get in touch with her for so long, to this day i’m on... this question to my own, i didn’t hear an answer, for what purpose, why, what was she pursuing, after a couple of months, my mother confessed to me and said that yes, it’s true, we didn’t communicate for 5 months after that, i didn’t know what to believe, i didn’t suspect,
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i think, i asked the question, why didn’t i i heard an answer to it, after six months of... hearing the information, i realized that she was not my enemy, that she took me even with a genetic disease, raised me. yana, and what exactly did your mother tell you about how you appeared in her family? mom said that my mother was a gypsy, that she gave birth to me at 19, that perhaps my name was olga, or the doctors called me by... name, or my mother named me olga, or my biological mother herself was called olga, that the last name was rudova, and how did you react to this information? i am more surprised that she was a gypsy, i was very surprised because i am not similar, i grew up in
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a different mentality with russian parents, have you always seen similarities with your adoptive parents, yes, it looks like your dad, what did you think was similar? external habits, i sat the same way as he did, talked, were your adoptive parents able to become a real family for you? yes, my adoptive parents replaced my biological parents, i never had a question that they were not my biological parents, i grew up in a happy family, i had both a mom and dad and ochim, from the age of 5, how does your mother feel about yours. mom treats me well, she insisted on this, that i find a biological mother, she said, you have to find, you have to know, we are not eternal, that is, you will find yourself and make a decision, do you need me or not,
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i say, well, mom, how can i not need you, i love you anyway, my mother is an example for me, she took me, she raised me, she did not refuse, no matter how difficult a child i was, such women... the adoptive mother said that she and her husband loved you so much that they would have adopted you with any illness. vera and sergey in the studio ivanova. open jardin gold. enjoy its rich aroma and balanced taste.
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our big, small, talented children are real, miracle, and they also want to record their own new year's addresses, and we want to surprise them by showing the best on new year's eve, a miracle with arseny popov, premieres on saturdays at 20:00 on ntv, hello, vera, sergey, hello, come in, please, sit down, i love you, i love you very much, i am grateful to you, i am very glad that i had a stepfather and a dad and a mom, i am very glad about this, not everyone has such a rich family, that mom... i don't know, such women should be idolized, that she was able to unite both her father and stepfather, 31 years
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have been lived, we loved her so much, she is our only one, there is no one else to give love to, she is our favorite, and now grandchildren, this is such a treasure, and how did yana become your daughter, when they invited us to see, they said a girl, i ordered a girl for her, they offered us a boy doyana. i said, i would like a girl, when we were invited, they brought me this little bundle, this little pink one, how old was she then, a week old, a tiny baby, a week old, they came to the maternity ward to look, this little pink bundle, we looked at her, it immediately touched my heart, she became attached, i said, well, she's mine, until they let us take her, we were waiting for her mother to write a refusal, so she didn't run away, gave birth and left, anyway, they found her somewhere and said, come for your things, until
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you write a refusal, you won't get your things, that's when we came for her, the head doctor told me, do you want to look at the mother, the biological one, i said, no, i don’t want to, but i don’t want to, because i don’t want her to stand in front of me my whole conscious life, so that i would see myself in my daughter, and i took this little lump in the blanket, it was still cool, i opened this little thing, the diaper. “oh, my god, i was afraid to let it out of my hands, i was afraid to let it out of my hands, but she ’s so pretty, you know, you somehow feel that it’s yours, the doctors warned that the girl has " disease?" " they said, it was also indicated in the discharge, well, you know, it didn't scare me at all, especially since i was already called from the hospital when they told us that the girl had this disease, i went to the pediatric neurologist, she said: nothing to worry about, don't be afraid, that's it, i calmed down, six months later the neurologist took us off the register,
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and even if it had been some other disease, it wouldn't have scared me, i saw her, that's it, sergey, do you remember the first time you saw yana? yana was five years old when we met with a sver, well, and also to the heart such a funny, she grew up like that, it was a top all the time, what kind of a child, we immediately found a common language, everything, everything is fine with us, but she was such a girl with a character, you know, if i don’t get ready for kindergarten in the evening to cry, what. what she, in the morning she has such a scandal with us, okay, i say, daughter, let's go quietly, i'm doing all this now, i'll redo it, iron it and what you need, and i 'll come and wear dresses to kindergarten, sergey, and vera told you right away that yana is not your own, no, after some time it all passed, then vera told me everything, but it didn't scare me either, there was no such thing, you know,
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we didn't think, we didn't think, well, your own child is your own child, we didn't formalize any guardianship over her. we go as dad-mom, with her dad, right away, i'm the mom, he's the dad, so we raised her, we brought her up as our own child. vera, initially you didn't plan to tell your daughter the truth about her birth? no, you planned, you planned, but at a later age i thought about it, when she would already be a mother herself, she somehow there will be more understanding, why a woman wants to have a child, why it is so important for a woman, here is the plan. in your religious environment everyone knew that your girl was adopted, relatives knew, everyone knew, everyone knew, everyone was silent, everyone was silent for the time being, a niece, not strangers, a niece, a relative on the side, on the father's side, very compassionate, when i was already scolding her, she tells me, well, she should know her mother, i say,
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oksana, my dear, my soulful one, well, not at this... age, she should know her mom, but she should find out from me, but not from you, and do you remember that day when you had to talk about this topic with your daughter, i remember she asked me, mom, is it true, and can you imagine, i was stupefied , at first i stood up, i didn’t even know how to react and what to answer, i thought, well, i’m already lying, there’s no point in hiding all this, then i started this conversation again, and i said to myself, vera, come on, i say, yana yes... well, the person should know anyway, it’s not her fault that such a situation happened to her, and there too with on the other side, if there are sisters, brothers, they are also not to blame, they should know each other, well, let them not fall in love, well, let them, well , anyway, the call of blood, i believe in the call of blood, and their children should also communicate, they should
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communicate, we are already at an age, let's summarize, what do you know about your biological mother? i was told at the hospital that she was a gypsy, 19 years old, rudova, i remembered the last name, so i gave birth and ran away on the second day, in which maternity hospital did this happen, what city, this happened, the city of perm, the first maternity department, the thirteenth children's hospital, then we already picked her up at the children's hospital, and what year, vera, it turns out, it was ninety-two, and there was something known about yana's father, it was, they said so, so we had a conversation, she was a doctor, there are military units in prisons everywhere, she was friends with some soldier, the russians said, no name, nothing, well, no one knew about her, so in the refusal the reason was indicated why the mother left her daughter, no, and you yourself assume, because of what, you know, like with them, if a woman gives birth without husband, they kind of reject her, they
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reject her, they don't accept her into the camp, that's how it is, they have it really like not... well , it's not supposed to be, maybe she was embarrassed by my illness, since i was born with a pathology with encephalopathy, maybe she was young, she was 19 years old, maybe she didn't know who she gave birth to me from, but just like that , a person still can't refuse a child, something made her do it, what did i do to her, she gave birth, she carried it, i couldn't forgive this woman, we can't forgive her. see, i would like to and see what she tells me, then draw conclusions, at the moment i have everything in my chest. i can’t say that i’m offended, or hated, or loved, that if i see her i’ll say that she’s my mom, i’ll rush to her, no, to see her, i want to ask her why she did this, and
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if she has other children, would you like to meet them, if they don’t mind, why not, we’ll communicate, they are not to blame, neither brothers nor sisters, yana, well, if it turns out that there are problems in your bloodline, there are genetic diseases, i would like to know everything, because so much questions and not a single... answer, to which my mother, unfortunately, will not answer me either. yaana, we conducted an investigation and found the daughter of a gypsy woman named rudova. according to her, 31 years ago, her mother really gave birth to a child, only not a girl, but a boy. elena rudova is in the studio. hello, elena. hello, tell us about yourself? i am elena rudova, i am 29 years old, i was born in the city of perem,
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i live in the city of perm, if i have a family, i got married, i have children, my parents are alive, but they are in prison, father and mother? yes, father and mother. what kind of family did you grow up in? we grew up? a big family, mom, dad, me and my sister, but something happened that my mother was imprisoned, and how old were you then? i was about 10-11 years old. elena, tell us about your mother, mom is nadezhda rudova, a little shorter than me, height, the same build, dark-skinned, green eyes, kind, sympathetic person, if they turned to her for help, she... always came to their aid, she always did good for us, tried to make sure that we did not need anything, did you have enough of her love and attention? yes, when
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she was with us, it was enough, but then it was no longer enough for us, since we are girls, we need motherly love, affection, care, all the same as girls, but she left you when she was put in prison, as i understand it, she served time three times, we lived with dad, sister, me and dad, then i was for...
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and there was a little sister, she took it hard, it affected her, since she did not live at home, to leave again. but then she got involved with a bad crowd and ended up in an orphanage, it turns out that we have forgotten how to do it, she was 16-17 years old, i was turning 18 at that time, dad they reported this, but since dad is nobody on paper, she was, mom was a single mother on paper, so dad couldn't take her, well, she grew up in an orphanage, i grew up with my aunt, she let me out of the orphanage, got married. she had a son, but we talked to her later, then there was such a moment that i lost her, she got sick, she was seriously ill,
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at first they diagnosed her with bronchitis, and then they said pleimonium, well, her temperature was very high... she was suffering, but then i talked to the doctors, the doctors said that there was no chance no, it happened a long time ago, it was in 2018, she left behind a child, a five-year-old, he is now with me, under my guardianship, now the child, his name is now, his name is sergey , the child is 9 years old, we were...
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at that time he was 5 years old, of course, he knows that he had a mother and for him she will be a mother, does he know that she died? yes, i did not tell him right away, well, the child, when she died, we were driving in a car, he tells me, and mom, he says, today she became a butterfly, i was in shock, i did not show her tears, your mother, she was able to say goodbye to her daughter, no, mom couldn't say goodbye to her, since she had served her previous sentence in prison, she called me that day, just asked how things were, how everything was, i kept quiet, the phone, you're telling me something , you're hiding something from me, mom, i just said the word to her, mom, that's it, i just couldn't tell her anything, she says, something happened to my sister, to sasha, i say, mom, she's gone, she's just done, there are other people there already.
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they picked up the phone, don't worry, hold on, mom and i can handle it ourselves, i'll be right now the only one, the only daughter of my mother, my mother had no more children, well, i just recently learned one of my mother's stories from my cousin, that my mother had a child, but he died in nature, that is, but it was before you were born, yes, before i was born , it turns out that way, it was... approximately ninety-second or ninety-third, i don't know the information exactly, when i asked the question, my mother confirmed, yes, indeed, that there was a child, a boy, she said, but i didn't ask her how he died, because of what, why, i was more worried about my mother, she saw him as a boy, no, we said that the child died, not alive, do you think that everything was really as you were told, right?
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if he had given birth to a child, if he were alive, and i would have known, i would have looked for him, in our studio there is a person, like you, from the perm region, who grew up in a foster family, but knows that his biological mother was a nineteen-year-old gypsy named rudova. look around, more carefully, maybe someone in the studio will seem similar to you or your mother. well, something yes, facial features, well with my mother, something about the eyes, here, my name is shavshakova yana aleksandrovna, my date of birth is february 26, according to the documents may 1, 1992. what i know from my
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mother, with whom i grew up, whom i consider my mother, that i am a biological mother, that she abandoned me in the maternity hospital, that my last name was rudova, that my father, well, a military man or in military towns somewhere, that he is russian, my mother is a gypsy, elena, your father is not a military man, my father, no, he is russian, he is not a soldier, that's something. kazi yany is similar to your story, on your mother? well, there is a little that she is a ciscan, well the doctors said that it was a boy, all your relatives were also sure that he gave birth to a boy, she said that it was a boy. and what do you think about this? i think that i lied, maybe, maybe anything can happen, maybe, i don’t know, these years, why did she write a waiver, if they collected it for her, she
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wrote a waiver after a long period of time. she didn’t write a waiver, i don’t know the story, everything is my mother who took me, she was waiting for a waiver from my biological mother, when she came for things, she wrote a waiver, after that i they took it, so she knew anyway that she had given birth to a child, a girl, that she had written a waiver on purpose, consciously, and not just like that, because the doctor told her to write a waiver, well, it can't be like that , to refuse a dead child, elena.
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only one will become the winner of the most beloved show in the whole country, mask! what are you doing, have you just appropriated this show? grandiose! a miracle, the premiere is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv.
5:17 pm
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a dna program. before becoming a mother for the third time, kray decided. to look for her biological relatives, because her older children were born with hereditary diseases. yana, tell elena why it is so important for you to find biological relatives now? heredity, genetics my son has minus vision, my daughter has encephalopathy they put the same as i have since birth, since birth i was born with encephalopathy, and this question interests me worries me, because i still want children. elena, in your family there are such diseases, i am 19 years old, when i did rmrt, they confirmed, this is what they diagnosed me with, that i am stress. i brought it from my sister, vera, you
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have been looking at elena for some time now, you can say that she looks like your yaana, similar, eyes, nose, nose, and yes, it looks like, these cheekbones, that's what i did when i saw my daughter the first time, i will never forget these cheekbones, now my grandson also has such cheeks, my granddaughter, i myself see that we are similar, similar, similar, the profile sits one in one look. places, i have never seen such a look in any person, here we are the same, his hair is also similar, our hair is yana's thick, thick thick and dark, my sister's is thick and dark, very similar precisely in facial features very similar, but i , on the contrary, do not see any similarity at all, honestly, your eyes are completely different, elena, and your sister only told you about her brother, yes, about her brother, maybe... was there another child? no,
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no one else told me anything else. she knew from the very beginning that you had a brother. anna bushueva in the studio. hello, please tell us what you know about elena's deceased brother? but i was 13 at the time, when i knew all this. we somehow with na'. that is , lena's mother, we with them, well, we were very good friends with her, that is, it was not considered that there was an aunt niece, we were straight friends from an early age age, and we started talking about lena and alexandra, that is, her daughters, she told me such things, that is, if i had a son, i say, tell me in more detail, she of course kind of cried at first, calmed down and began to tell: that she was waiting for this child,
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as if she was waiting for him very much, she says, he would want me for me, he would be everything, she says, i would name him sergey in honor of his younger brother, you even came up with a name for the mochik, of course, well, she was waiting for him, and in ninety-second year our grandmother died, she did it in february it was, at that time she was already pregnant, she was in her sixth month, about two months later... three months later she began to complain of pain in her stomach, that is, she was taken to the hospital, they took her to the hospital, the doctors decided to give her an artificial birth, she was 8 months old, but in her eighth month, when she gave birth, they showed her there a few minutes later - the corpse of a child, she says at that time, i didn't understand. nothing, i was in shock, she says, i was hysterical, i didn't even care, i
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say, just well, even to myself i just didn't let me in, they just told me, they said, your child was stillborn, relatives came to see me, she says, naturally, i wrote a waiver that i won’t even take him, that is, they wanted to give me the child’s corpse dead, but she didn’t take it, so as to traumatize herself, she says, i don’t want to, they didn’t give her any certificates either. she just signed, signed all the documents, but after that she was shocked for a long time, she was not herself, i don’t know how she was, she went to the hospital to this one, she cried for a long time near her, she couldn’t herself here to take it right in your hands, she told you all this, but she didn't want to bury her son, i say she couldn't, she says i was in some kind of shock, i say she didn't know, because she was 21, she was still young, alexey, tell me, can a mother refuse? to take a child who died from the maternity home,
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well, in general it's her right, but in this case there should have been a medical report certifying the fact of death, in any case, she didn't take anything, her sisters just came for her and saw her in such a state, because no one had ever seen her in such a state, that even when her own mother died, no one had ever seen her in such a state, like after... such a case, tell me, could your aunt, being young, refuse her child, but not a dead one, but a living one, write with her own hand from the treasury. no, she was waiting for him, well , since a person comes up with a name, that is, there will be a boy with sergei, the girl will be alexander, well, that means he is planning it, he was a long-awaited child for her. elena, tell anya who you met today here in our studio? i met
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yana, and who is yana? the supposed sister, the supposed sister? she was talking about a boy, can i ask lenochka, mom, what year is yours, mom of seventy-one, seventy-one, yes, and what alarmed you, vera, the hospital discharge, it says, and two meta-abortions, the third birth, so, that means she was not pregnant for the first time, and i was alarmed, why 22 years old, 27,
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the only thing that matches from your story anna and from your story yana is that it was ninety- two, it could be a different story, this could be, glafach told me so, she. gave birth on the second day she left, she knew that she gave birth to a daughter, she gave birth to a daughter on time, when she came for her things, that's where she wrote a refusal. anna, and can you believe that your aunt came back for her things, but not for the child, no
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, to be honest, because she has an older daughter, here is an older daughter, but i don't know yet, how would we lose one sister, let us gain another, yana, that we lost one at an early age, at a very early age too, like 22-23 years old, of course we would be happy, elena,
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if the dna test confirms your relationship, your family will accept yana, yes. yana, and would you like to meet the family of the alleged sister? yes, i would like to meet, find out, if they are not against it, we will communicate. my colleagues visited elena. we have a story, let's take a look. elena rudova lives in perm, in a rented apartment. she has already gotten used to the fact that at home there is always cheerful children's laughter. and the daily routine is scheduled down to the minute: this is my eldest son oleg, this is my daughter karina, elena's nephew sergei, whom she took under her guardianship after her sister's death, spends a lot of time in bed, the boy does not go to school, is homeschooled, recently his health has not been going well, he has
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a disease, pelvis of the hip joint, destruction, acute chondrosis, how was the diagnosis made? now at the moment we have been lying in plaster for 2 months, then he goes to the hospital for rehabilitation, but he gives a chance that we will walk. elena not only manages to take care of the children, but also works. she is a cook-cashier in one of the catering points. i serve here and cook, i cook burgers, there, well, fast cooking. mostly it's in catering, french fries. "shawarma, shawarma, like this, tortillas, in the evenings and on weekends elena doesn't sit around doing nothing either, she's busy in the kitchen, trying to pamper the kids with something tasty, the kids love me!" they love pizza, sausages in dough, i cook soups, i mostly like the second course,
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in their free time the kids make crafts with elena, well, this is our joint craft with the kids, we went to the forest with the whole family, collected cones, leaves, we did this, we had a competition in the kindergarten, we took first place in this, in this craft with my son, it turns out, and we all did this craft as a friendly family, together, all, joint walks in the fresh air are an integral part of family life, elena's children love to have fun on the playground in front of the house, which i come to the playgrounds with my children to walk, i have memories of how my sister and i walked on the playgrounds, this was our favorite activity, you could say, together, if spending time walking, remembers about in the past, elena on the grave... and sisters, there is no monument here, instead of it there is a simple wooden cross with a faded plaque, i plan
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to put up a monument to her next year, since i have been saving up , i need money for this too, i want to find a kindred spirit, even blood relatives, like, well, older than me, because no one will notice my sister, i am the only one left, if the dna test is confirmed, of course it is a pity that i will not meet my other sister. well, it is not their fault that my mother separated us from them, it turns out that i am the eldest, after all, they they don't know the truth, but they paid attention to elena's children, elena's children look like your children, very much so, my son is also dark- skinned, dark-haired, my daughter is blue-eyed, fair-haired, the children are different and what's most interesting is that elena 's children are also different, it seems.
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exchange them for cashback in real money. and we are going to your concert tomorrow, me too, my legs are just numb, such signs may indicate bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen blood vessels, angianm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, keep blood vessels normal, chicken fillet loop and thousands of products at bargain prices, ashen - everything profitable is here. this is the dna program. residents of the perm region want to know if they were really born in the same family? elena's friend also hopes that the dna test result will be positive. ekaterina sosnina is in the studio.
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hello, ekaterina. hello. she died in an accident and i, as a friend, decided to go with her, and i met a girl, her name is yana. but she also has some similarities with fate, look at yana, she reminds you of your friend, her family, well , there is a resemblance to her mother, the features of her eyes, face, well, and what do you think, could elena's mother have come up with a story about a dead child, no,
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she shouldn't, well, it would be hard for a person - to confuse everyone for this story and come up with such a the whole story, that is, you think that this cannot happen? no, well, if it happens that yana is the very child that elena's mother once gave birth to, yeah, they turn out to be related, do you think they will be able to find a common language? yes, they will be able to find communication, a common language, it is hard for lena to be without a loved one, and if ... she also has a sister, whom she once lost and she will replace her as well, i don't know how our communication will go, we did not communicate until i was 30, that is, i did not know, i will accept it, i will accept it as a fact, i wanted to find out, i wanted to, but how the communication will go further, i don’t know, if only they wouldn’t judge me, that i started all these searches to look for, do you think
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that you can be judged for this, well, they’ll say in... yani and her children, who will be happy with the addition to the family. it can be difficult for yana shevshukova to cope with overly active children. her son sasha is ready to jump on a ball all day long. we love jumping on a ball, our favorite activity. yes, yes? and our daughter darina constantly asks to swing her on the swing at home. the swing was weighed for us by our dad, who
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svo is located. this is her favorite. she loves to shove toys here, swing them, she loves to roll the toy cart, the same as here, a swing, a four-room apartment. our eyesight is bad, because of this i turned to dna, because my eyesight is normal, it upsets me, genetically, somewhere they say, these are
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hereditary doctors, herself, yana also finds time, she enjoys growing unusual plants on her windowsill, coffee, fern, balsam, and sometimes,
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a little with dancing, i liked it, i really regretted that i quit, i would probably still, i went, it's never too late to study, i would have succeeded until now, but i already have children, they just gave me a certificate that i was a good girl, well, she was also into the same art of dancing, like me, but she is very much the same as me, strong, confident that she will go to the end, four days. so, relatives, what do you think, will the dna test result be positive today, i wanted, i would like, it
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's just that after my sister, my heart is closed, since i am alone. i will open my heart if it is confirmed that this is my sister, vera, what do you think, will your daughter find hers sister, here's the sixth sense tells me that yes, yes, well i see the similarity, but i see the similarity, no one is judging your mother, forgive me, she's an adult, she has her own life, you have your own life, you shouldn't be responsible for someone else's actions, meet, communicate, love. each other, children, yours, let them communicate, i think, here's the sixth sense, the result will be positive, yana, are you ready to find out, for sure, who you are, elena, ready, i invite sergey kiselev,
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professor, doctor of biological sciences, to the studio. is elena and yana really? daughters of one mother, we will find out the result of the dna test between the alleged sisters in a couple of minutes. a neighbor stole his neighbor's beloved woman and is now raising his three children, but he does not pay alimony. he does not help, does not call, does not take an interest. the man doubts the fidelity of his former partner, since the whole village has heard about her infidelities. she walked around, my mother caught her, and i, how many times i caught her. she thinks that this is a failed mother-in-law, she is making things up.
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dna today at 17:55 on ntv. beyond the edge: new season from monday at 16:45! on ntv from headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when your head hurts. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy nazon. a notebook in the assortment of pzbm for 6 rubles 20 kopecks. alfa-investments - this is for money. we give up to 5,000 rubles. to everyone. open a free account for investments. packaging with a convenient lock,
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my dishes are especially tasty, what kind of broth, broth, the secret of the taste of fermentation, autumn is coming, go to ozon for bright transformations, choose your trends for autumn, a new stylish season awaits you on ozon, don't buy anything until you see this. now buy, it's good when it's unexpected, and that makes it even more pleasant, any moment can become even tastier, come enjoy your favorite taste. rosstix: chicken like nowhere else, vtb new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, imagine, you can do everything with it. everything everything and even more interest 200 days
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no payment another category of cashback get in rubles cashback collect collect all year long by credit card buy buy buy buy more we get a plus with it 2000 rubles enough to imagine and get a bonus apply for a free credit card vtb (vtb) everything will work out what are the names of everyday products at low prices goods in great demand buy on ozon pencils with eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. beyond the edge new season from monday at 16:45 on ntv. hi. great. why are you so happy? yes, i've been up all night again today. i don't remember when i got to the gym. i thought i wouldn't get out of bed at all. listen, i don't understand how you do it it turns out. i started to forget. it happens,
5:50 pm
well, what should i buy, what is it called, prostatrikun, i remembered, remember it again, it is better to try once than to hear 100 times that you think it works, what are you talking about, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, i now have my wife, you know how, and what is there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, a second, wife. yes, darling, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’m off, keep it for yourself, try it, you’ll thank me later, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s here think, call, be sure to order, remember, it is better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatrikum, prostatrikum gold, prostatrikum gold is a modern complex based on
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natural components, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry, women hurry to try prostatrikum gold, no one should be disappointed, ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order for free manufacturer's line and get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women...
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a positive dna test result will mean that today in the studio two sisters who do not suspect each other met , thirty-one-year-old yana shevshukova and twenty-five-year-old elena rudova, who grew up in a foster family. yana learned that perhaps at birth she was called olga, and gave birth to her. year-old gypsy with the last name rudova. elena confirms that her mother really had a child 31 years ago, but not girl, and... to find out the truth, the women underwent genetic testing, the results of which are in this envelope. attention, i am opening the envelope. on one side, the alleged
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full sister, yana shevchukova. on the other, her alleged full. sister on her mother's side, elena rudova. the probability that both women are children of the same mother, and therefore full sisters, is 99.9%. run, girls, run!
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if you want to visit this, you can go, i would like to ask why she did this and find out her father and mother.
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the mother of many children left her cohabitant for a neighbor, and now he intends to get alimony for three children. in our studio. valery merzlyakov. hello. hello, valery. how did it happen that your neighbor left her cohabitant for you? she left because she lived with him, she didn’t see anything good. and he didn’t do anything for the family. we had known each other since 2016. and we communicated, well, ... with families in the neighborhood, our children went to the same kindergarten, violetta with veronica, well, and she needed some help there, if she turned to us, but she was married, no, she was not married, they got together, then they broke up, he lived his own life, how long did their relationship last, andrei and neliy were 13,
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maybe 14 years old, how many children do they have, angelina, kiryusha and violeta, at what point did you decide that you would be together with her? well, i went to the novgorod region on shifts, they didn’t live with andrei, and so i suggested, i said, nel, let’s get together, i have a child, you have three, it will be easier for us together somehow to raise, to educate children, at first she didn’t agree, the next year i came - on vacation, she agreed, together it’s still easier to educate, but how did it happen that does your daughter live with you? well, at one time , veronica's mother, well, she wasn't interested in the child's life, the child was raised by her aunt under guardianship, well... then i achieved and took her away. and how old is veronica? 14. how did veronica
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react to the fact that you will now live with nelya and her children? she reacted well, especially since she knows her children, it seems that children live like this, well, it happens in all sorts of ways, sometimes they quarrel with each other, sometimes they are friends, children are children. and how did the former cohabitant or andrey react? and how did he react? he didn't react at all. if if he wanted, i think he would... at least call them or somehow stop her, dissuade her, nothing like that happened, and he is the father of all three of her children, yes, he is the father of all three of her children, now he somehow helps, no, he does not help, does not call, if he does not want to communicate with us, he would find out the number of the children there in the village, he is not interested, well, he is not interested at all, maybe at least pay alimony, what alimony, he is not the official father, and... he did not acknowledge the children, are they registered, no, not registered, he himself refused,
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he is not their father in the birth certificate , well, i don’t know, he didn’t acknowledge them, well , if he wanted to, he would have immediately taken paternity upon the birth of the children, and what do you want from him now, well, so that he somehow helps the children and somehow participates, communicates with them, or something, i personally don’t need anything from him, they feel themselves. hello, andrey, hello, what grounds do you have to doubt your children? well
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, the one who was walking, they caught her at the bakery, on a bench, she was just doing it, but my mother worked there at my bakery, she also worked as a baker, they baked bread, some guy came to her, she went out, something is gone and gone, they go out, they are there on the bench, well , they have sex, that is, like that, your mother... then she came pregnant, yes, already, just as soon as she finds herself a man, that's it, she doesn't need me, she kicks me out, that is, you
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were such a backup option, do you have any other arguments to doubt the children, some, maybe, they found correspondence with other men, photographs, correspondence, no, just with other men, i saw her behind the garage she was hiding when her younger brother kamil came home from the army, she ran out with two of them behind the garage, she went to all sorts of villages, man... there with one girl, everyone knows that, valery, have you as a neighbor noticed that nalyane behaves decently, walks, no, i haven't noticed, well, for as long as i've known her, i've known her since about 1915-1916, i haven't seen or heard about this, and how she got involved with a pensioner, tanya told me about the postman, some kind of nonsense, i don't know, i can't say anything about it, i 've never heard anything like that, she was always at home, always was with children. and also now she is always at home with me, always with children, yeah, and why then andrey says so, maybe his
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justification, something is trying to justify something to himself you took her away, that you did it on purpose, and what good did she see with you, with you she will see nothing good, lives, and children live, yeah, then she will help you pay off the apartment and you will kick her out, that is, you think that valery has some kind of self-interest? treats neylea for the apartment, she pays for her mortgage, i pay the mortgage myself, i work myself, even her mother said, he will kick her out, he will kick her out himself, i have a question, are there any feelings between them, or is it a mutually beneficial deal, so to speak, it is quite possible, firstly, we need to understand the situation with three children, if the father was not registered, then everything that she received for three children, as... a mother of many children received money, now they all together transfer this
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money to one family, yes, that's right, that's why i have a question, is there any love at all in this, or is it just purely? a formal connection to help each other, pool money, at first we came together to make it easier for us to raise each other, now how can affection be, if you can call it love, well we live, and you have signed, not yet, well we are going to talk about it, yeah, yeah, andrey, tell me how you met neyli, we met at the bakery, i came for bread, they were baking bread there all night, the goods are big. how old were you? i was 22-23, i think. and her? well, she should be 2 years younger than me. so we slowly started dating. and why didn't you ask her to marry you then right away? she herself did not want to sign. that is, when the first pregnancy occurred, you offered to sign? well yes, to register yourself
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with the children in the passport? and why did she refuse? she refused? well, like at least. they will receive money like for the children, maybe you just did not work, so at least such money, in general it is unstable, and whose living space was where you lived, who owned the living space, hers or yours, well, it turns out the children, she was taken for maternity, when she told you that she was pregnant she said that from you, were you happy this news, i was so glad, that is
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, all three of you are close in age, well, yes, that is, a year later she announces that she is pregnant for the third time, and you doubted it in your heart, well , you just wanted to believe, now the children are already living without you, well, yes, you remember them at all , well, of course, violetka will call quietly, at least
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we will talk there, that is, the children call you , and you call them? and what does it want, you can’t send money to the children? i say, i don’t have any now in the winter, but she still asks for money, well, yes, and you are not working now? no, while i’m working, well, that is, you temporarily, yes, you work a hack job, let's call it that, yes, yes, for the whole summer, and do you have some kind of profession, you studied welding, quit,
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now you putty, plaster, and you know that your eldest child is in the hospital, i know. you could at least call her, at least support her morally, we'll call today, tell me honestly, andrey, do you have such an attitude towards children because you doubt them, or because you don't care whether you have children or not, a dna test will show, your ex-partner says that she never cheated on you and is sure that it was you, the father of her three children, nailya arslanova is our guest.
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she throws a birthday party, and helps the children, dresses them, and you, you are no longer a person, you gave birth, and... in general, are you saying that i am something? no, that is who you are, a brute? well, what words do i say? you see, who are you? i hated you and will not hate you, understand? you are a freak, what are you doing? you are a freak, you are a lifelong freak! he does not call, does not communicate, the child of oncology, he is not even interested until the neighbors tell him, my child is in the hospital, and then yesterday they called me, the neighbors said: the mother is there she sends me 3,500 every month, she doesn't send anything, you understand, the child is 50/50, either the child will survive or the child won't survive,
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we are in the hospital with her every 3 months, every 3 months, buy medicine, things, okay things, i have valera, he is great to me, he is grateful, if it weren't for him, if it weren't for him, i would have lost the child, just easily, i would have lost him... i would have lost her, she is 14 now. valery, do you know what's wrong with the girl with the violet, yes, stage four oncology lymphoma, now it's better, the most, well the hardest part is behind us, now just observation by the doctor, every three months, improvement, yes improvement, yes, since the body of a young girl copes, a lot of money is spent on treatment, no we don't pay for we don't pay for us for free, as if everything turned out to be free, free treatment, as if we collected, when the child just got to the hospital, my sisters, all the neighbors, all the relatives who were there, they helped, for
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accommodation, accommodation, they helped st. petersburg, we i lived with him in st. petersburg, and you asked andrey for help when trouble happened with vioretta, asked, and mothers called, nieces called, they said, how we collected the money, we collected it, i say, well, give it to us, you transfer it to us, and what did his mother say? we, who collected the money for us on the card, we gave it back, andrey and his mother also kind of collected it, but you didn’t get anything, they didn’t give us anything, nothing, i don’t know where the money went, neelya, you know that andrey doubts that these are his children, i know all three of them, that these are his daughters, children, that’s all, i lived with him, because violeta, his daughter, and angelina, and kirill, his daughter, his all three children, you know that i was pregnant, i lived with you, you know, well, she says that before angelina's pregnancy they went somewhere, they were constantly disappearing. you lived somehow strangely at that time, because he kicked me out, he walked, he walked, he walked, andrey says that you were the ones who left for two, three could yy, he kicked me out, he strangled me,
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beat me when you kicked me out, when are you going to find yourself another man, this predator, are you lying now, that i'm lying, he was sitting with you, he didn't come to me, he understood, he wasn't with me, he was sitting in your apartment, with me, with he just came in for 5 minutes and came out and waited, that's all, who are we talking about ilya, who, he was an acquaintance, he came to see one, like a neighbor, she wasn't home, he said to me, can i sit with you for five minutes, i'll sit and wait for the bus, he sat there and left right away, that's it, no, look, what argument andrey gave us before you left, andrey said that you left for two or three weeks, then came back and said that you were pregnant, that didn't happen, and all three of you have children, because i lived with him, all three of yours... so why is andrey with you now the question of kinship arose, to confirm that these three children are his, you also need a dna test,
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i also need a dna test, for what, to, to clarify, because no, i know that the children are all his, all, i need to get, to prove paternity, that is , your initial task is to get financial assistance from andrey, yes, so that there was some kind of assistance from him, la, and how did it happen that he... after which child did he stop helping you, after the birth of which child, he stopped me after the second, when you gave birth to your first child, he helped, dressed, as if he were a side hustle, he walked, as if he were working, there were no complaints about the second one after the first one, well, he walked, took a walk, but he still took a walk with groceries many times she helped, how many times, when i didn’t have any kalym, i say, mom, take the swords there, mine, but mine didn’t help, and mine didn’t help. where are you lying, your wait, don’t shout, don’t shout, your mother came, your mother came here once, you say, mom, give me 100 rubles, what did she show, my mother
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helped me too, my mother helped me too, that’s it yes, my mother also helped, my relatives, my sisters did the repairs for me, there was no light in my apartment, they connected everything, well , ilya, here is my question, if you gave birth. then the first girl, and here from andrey, if you do not have love with andrey, if already nat, why did you give birth to a second and third child from him, here is the question, loved, and loved andrey, he kind of worked walked. but then he did not work, he sat on my neck. how did your neighbor valery appear in your life? valery appeared, my eldest daughter walked with today's daughter we went to the same group in kindergarten, he picked up his daughter's children, i picked up my children in kindergarten, well, here we are, i bought this apartment in 2020 , 2017, i needed to lay linoleum, i needed to make an outlet, i needed something, i needed a sewer there, well
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, make a faucet, i go to him, he comes, he helps, he never took money, like a friend, but never took money, he never refuses, he constantly does, and when he called me, when he left here for a shift, he calls me and says: "nel, let me pick you up with three kids, you'll go to work", i say, come on , pick me up, i say, i'll go, he says, i say, he says, you'll go, i say, yes, i say , i'll pay for your ticket, i'll buy everything for the kids, he came, he simply picked me up, but he works, he dresses the kids, the eldest daughter, he should have... helps my kids, that's what i'm grateful to him for, even though he's not even my own, but he's still grateful to the three of them, if it weren't for him, i wouldn't have a child, i always tell him, i say, valera, if it weren't for you, i wouldn't have a child no, i would have simply lost the child, everything, and
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he doesn't give a damn, excuse me for the insult , of course, no, with andrey your life was completely different or were there good moments, it was different, different, completely different, he didn't help at all, he helped when he was just working, but otherwise he didn't help at all, why didn't we break up right away then, when he stopped working, i kicked him out, he came, he got down on his knees, yes i accepted, because i thought maybe there would be some help from him, he also went on a bender, i also went to my girlfriend, she me he will call, i helped.
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and at that time he had already run away, this is called a biological father, that he ran away from his son, this ungrateful one, i just don’t like hospitals, when i was lying with the children, then one of mine was sick, then the second, then the third, i was lying in the hospital, for some reason i don’t run away, to me, my little pole also came to me, my sister, they constantly came to me, and did you come at least once, did you come at least once to me in the hospital, no,
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you don’t care about anything, right?
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genetic examinations, did neelya really cheat on her ex-partner and give birth to children not from him, we will find out through a few minutes. open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and balanced taste. feel the specialness of every moment with jardín gold. jardín gold - the pleasure of feeling something special. elena tsyplakova. a million dollar secret. on saturday at 21:50 on ntv. i need to buy so much for school. girls, that's not the right intonation. i need a hundred. how much to buy for school and me, perfect for a parent-teacher meeting, school sale on azon, phoenix school set for 429, mcfly children's sneakers for 629, get ready for school with
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installments without overpayments, pash, look at this magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, how did you find out? it always comes back to me, because here it is at home, baltika non-alcoholic, we are here, there is so much to buy for school, girls, cool intonation, there is so much to buy for
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school, and for me, ideal for a parent-teacher meeting, school sale on ozone, poco tablet for 25,999, juliusmai coffee for... get ready for school with installments without overpayments miracle premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv, hi, great, why are you so happy? yes, i am today again all night, how i got to the hall, i don't remember, i thought i wouldn't get out of bed at all, listen, i don't understand. how do you do it? i've already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy? what's there, what 's it called? prostatrikum, remember? also remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times. what do you think, does it work? nothing,
6:21 pm
i don't think so, i know, it's dark, of course, i 'm now my wife, you know, how? and what's there, how to take it? call, everything is simple there, they'll explain everything to you in detail when you order, just a second, wife. yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it, i let's go, keep it for yourself, try it, you'll thank me later, okay, i'll think about it , i'll probably buy it too, what's there to think about, call, be sure to order it, remember, it's better to try it once than think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatrikum, prostatrik. gold is a modern complex based on natural components, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. no one should
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be disappointed. ordering by phone on screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. elena tsyplakova. a million-dollar secret on saturday at 21:50 on ntv. a mother of many children left the man she calls the father of her children for a neighbor. now she demands alimony from her ex. andrey shilkin and naella. arslanova met in the village of petrovskaya in the republic of bashkartastan, the woman worked at the bakery with his mother maria mikhailovna, where she noticed andrey. i met him there, told him: go out for a walk, we went out for a walk in the evening, that's how i
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met him. after several dates, andrey and nailya decided to start a family, and then became parents. they had three children close in age, two daughters, violetta and angelina, son kirill, only now they are being raised by a friend. with neighbor valery, they had no flowers, no courtship, no compliments, as is usually the case. in andrey's absence, he helped nailya business, to hang a shelf, to babysit the children.
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maria, hello, nel, yes, why are you attacking me, i need help, and you always need help, i need help, what children, you know, what, you know that the child is in oncology, what are you, you, you also say that you are a child helping, you too, that you are a child violeta, you yourself brought it to such a degree, violeta, if. yes, yes, yes, i told you back in petrovsk, nelya, take violeta to the hospital, you took her to petrovsk, we were in stertomayka, we were in tertomayka, what are you saying, from petrovsk her to this took you to yshimbay, from yshimbay you were sent to stralitomak, you didn't go there, you went with this person, at the end of august you went to somewhere, but you went there, but there too...
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before that we were lovers, so what? oh well, we weren't lovers, no need, okay, okay, you think, she's here, but you shut up, now she's living with you, that 's understandable, of course, that's because she gave up her apartment, she left her, i didn't, you owe her 100 thousand or so, what are you talking about, i'm paying for her, i'm paying for her, and he also helps me, she's with andrey ran without...
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you told valery that he doesn't know her well yet, so these 3 years give, they don't give anything in theory, petrovsky everyone knows what she's like, why don't you believe that nailya made you a grandmother? violetta, yes, i can admit that she is my granddaughter, in the rest, well, how can i say, i said it in two, well, why should there be any, because she walked endlessly, and you caught me, you caught me, caught me, than on a bench in a bakery? what are you saying, what are you lying, what are you
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lying? nelya, and what were you doing? i know that you, too, were walking, your son was also walking, you were in sochi, i caught your son myself, maria, what arguments do you have to doubt that your grandchildren, because she was constantly leaving, will leave home, they quarrel, are going to leave, for a long time, well, it happened for two weeks, the husband kicks out of the house, the wife leaves and lives somewhere, because. he kicked her out, look at him, a wimp-wimp, how can he bend over, and elementary, they quarreled, said, went off, maria, where did nailya go, she said to her friends, she said to her mother, i spoke to my sisters, i asked one sister once, she said, no, her, she wasn’t with me, she said, but where was she, people were just telling me that she was walking around, you are the last one living, and you are the last one living, i don’t live the last one,
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your brother’s sister-in-law, the wife, who dragged her men into the apartment, into yours, and left you one, you yourself complained to me, you personally caught me with the men, no, you caught me, no, when what are you saying, why are you silent, you yourself caught her in the house, i caught him too, with all the women, that’s the very incident about bakery, when did you catch her with someone, tell me about it, then she worked with her sister, with larisa, she complained to me once, she says, in the morning i wake up for work, she barely gets up, there she says i'm chasing you, you yourself complained that larisa is chasing you, what did i tell you then, nel, let me take my shift for you, you went,
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you were working my shift, then one fine day, i need to take out the bread, you're not there, i go outside, you're on the bench there. sprawled out and he's almost on you already everything for what you you're making it up, it was a classmate, we were friends, yes, that's why he climbed on you, yes , he didn't climb, what are you lying about, that's what this essay is all about, i'm saying, they live by rumors, he always lives by rumors, you still live by rumors, he was just sitting, i sat on my knees, i just lay down, i lay down on my knees, even, if you already knew, you caught it, right? it was all already kind of in your attention, how did you allow that they got together, my husband was still alive then, he didn't want her to have access to our house, he really didn't want her, then, when my husband died, they started
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to go out into the open, you came to us yourself, andrey didn't bring you, well, we came ourselves, no, you came later, like to sasha at my place... we were together with him, he came to the bakery, we became friends with him, we became friends, but we didn't live, you came to live already, when my sasha died, don't lie, don't lie, i was at your funeral, at your husband's, i was at your funeral, but you weren't living with us yet, i was already living, don't lie, nyalya don't lie, for god's sake don't lie, you lived in one room, i lived in another room, no need, don't anger the lord god, no need, oh damn, okay, okay, okay, maria, you yourself, what do you think, who could be the father of ilya's children, i can't say for sure who it was, she had a lot of men, if it's andrey, i won't refuse, i won't refuse the children, if it's andreeva, do you consider yourself the grandmother of one of the three, and
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violeta, although none of the three of them consider me a grandmother, and why because you said it yourself, you told us no , no, no, ilya, and why? because there was no help, there was no help from andrey. and i, grandma, didn't tell them to refuse, they, i 'm asking you, nelya, why don't your children want to communicate with me, you say they don't want to, well if they don't want to, although the children, i ask the children, they hesitate, what does that mean, you don't allow them, i didn't tell the children anything, i ask the children, violeta. send me the money, just no way, no, they don't say grandma, they say:
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they turn to me, just no way, do you know how nelya's children live now, no, i don't know, and you andrey, you know, and he doesn’t know, we have, she was in the hospital, but when she found out about the filming, she asked to go home for a day, she wanted her dad to see her, but she would like him to start helping her officially somehow, and so that, well, like calling, so that he could answer, ask how we are doing, call us more often, like find out
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how we are, how our health is, well, so that he would be there, be present at least somehow, violetta dreams of meeting new people as soon as possible, making new friends, so that development would start somehow. now that violetta is a little better, they have the strength and desire to complete all the things they had put off before, says valery. here it is just little things, both linoleum, something. the very first thing is plumbing. our plumbing is generally lame. the apartment has three rooms, everyone has their own corner. my boy sleeps separately in a room, and the girls sleep in another room, three of them, because they are already adults, the girls are 14 years old, and her place is at the stove,
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smiles nailya, a woman loses track of time while preparing food, and the children are only happy to do it for their mother orders, and even more we are happy to take the most active part in the process. i love to cook, i do the editing, the children help me, we bake pies, we make buns, but the children help me with everything. why are you upset, andrey, i miss you, yes, he has portraits hanging everywhere in the room, violetina and angelina and kiryushkina, if so, then it means you love your children, of course he does. i love them too, i always said, they were mine, my grandchildren and will remain, even if there is someone not from
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andrey. andrey, isn't it offensive that now valery is fulfilling your paternal duties, badly, well, god willing, let him give them health , both valera and nela, and especially... andrey, i feel sorry for you, of course, but you should be more active, the children are growing up without you, it's hard for them now, mom, well, i don't know, maybe you have some kind of, well, some kind of unpleasantness with each other, but the children suffer from this, you cry, sit at the same time you do nothing about it, the earth is full of rumors, this is the state of affairs, do you think andrey and maria are sincerely worried about your children, they are worried.
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the application. what are the names of the products in each assortment for 37 rubles. day at low prices, goods in great demand, buy on ozon! pasta ameria in a man demanded three dna tests at once from his former neighbor, who is also his ex-lover... your friend maria also came to us today, because she is worried about you and your health. antonina yatsenko is in our studio. antonina, hello, hello. why are you worried about your friend's health? well, how about my friend is worried,
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her daughter-in-law won't let her have children. she helped her grandchildren all the way. they were little the whole way, we always came, she was with them, that is , she stayed with them, she stayed for a while and fed them and that's it. and why is this happening now, well, because she herself thinks, maybe the grandchildren are not hers, well, in general, she often left, and in the village they said that she was wandering around, and then the last time she left, she lived with some man, she came from there, they accepted her, and this... there were two children, and then the third was born, maybe this is what they think, that the mother-in-law thinks that maybe it's not theirs, that is , she left for some man before the birth of the third child, yes, yes, she knows that herself lived with someone, yes, nelyakh, in a different village, you all caught me, no, you didn't catch me, he didn't come to me, i lived, i didn't live with him, so you left, nelyakh, you remember where i
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went, where to him to this.
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will come to me, i will meet, welcome, help, andrey, if dna tests show that the children are yours, i apologize, you will recognize them officially, i recognize, and alimony you will pay if the baby is given, i will get a job, that means somewhere, if today the dna test result is positive, you will allow the father and children to communicate, i will allow it. let them communicate, let them, let them exchange numbers, the son has a daughter, the daughter has numbers, let them communicate, i am not against it, are you sure that the test will be positive, i am sure, i think it will show 100%. andrey, are you ready to find out how many children you have, yes, i invite professor, doctor of biological sciences, sergey kiselyov to the studio. sergey levkovich, you have the floor.
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today , valery merzlyakov contacted us for a genetic examination. the man is raising his partner's three children as his own, but nevertheless believes that their father, who refuses to acknowledge his relationship with the children without dna tests, is obliged to help in their upbringing. but andrey shilkin says that he is not against paying alimony to the children, but is not ready to give the money to other people's heirs. according to the man, his former partner, naelya, cheated on him, and before officially recognizing the children, he intends to make sure of his relationship with them. andrey, are you ready?
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find out if you have a daughter, violetta? yes. nailya, are you sure that andrey is the father of your eldest? yes, yes, let 's find out if this is true? i open the first envelope, the alleged father is andrey shilkin, the alleged daughter is violetta arslanova. the probability that 14 years ago, your former partner, gave birth to your daughter, andrey, is 99.9%. andrey,
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do you have a daughter? yes, i am very glad, sorry for everything. will you find a way to visit your daughter, who is sick? "i try, nelya, the next dna test result will be the same positive, the same, 99.9. sergeevich, the second envelope, in the second envelope is the answer to the question of whether twelve-year-old angelina arslanova is the biological daughter of thirty-five-year-old andrei shilkin, when his common-law wife, nailya, gave birth to a "second daughter", andrei did not even go to meet her from the maternity hospital, since at that time he was already sure that the girl was not his own, the man
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constantly heard rumors from neighbors that his common-law wife was cheating on him while he was at work, this was also confirmed by the man's mother, are you sure that the father... you are giving up your biological daughter is 99.9%. andrey and angelina are also your
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daughter, i am glad, it turns out that the neighbors slandered your chosen one, neilya? they said, you want the third dna test result to be positive, of course, neilya, maybe you have something to confess to your ex-husband before the third dna test result is announced? i have nothing to confess, i know that my son is also his, my son is also his third, also 99.9. what will be the result of the dna test between andrey and his son, whom the man met from the maternity hospital, but never wrote down on... we will recognize ourselves right after the commercial, watch today at 19:00, everyone was aware
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age, we all feel the deterioration of memory and intelligence, why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? it is possible, our body has a main computer, the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, the brain is electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. with age , changes occur in the brain, brain cells age, are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found out that the japanese eat a unique mollusk, it is called azumapectinide. it turns out that azumapectinide.
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contain unique components that promote brain restoration, all of them belong to the class of phosphorlipids, there are more than 100 of them, so a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of japanese clam: prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement. mood, sleep and regulates the work of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disruptions in the work of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product mosktherapy. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. and it will serve you faithfully again.
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will answer the question: does a man have a son. andrey, i can announce the results of your genetic examination with kirill. yes. attention, i am opening the envelope, the alleged father is the same andrey shilkin, the alleged son of a man, kirill arslanov. the probability that nailya gave you andrey, three heirs, is. 99.9%. andrey, your son is also yours. nelya, why do you say that andrey did not want to register them
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in your name, himself, he, when i gave birth to the first, i told him, andrey, write it down, he said, i won't write it down, you'll file for alimony, we're with him, it was like that. voluntary paternity, now, well, first of all, this is the establishment when andrey and naelya know that their children are joint, yes, that is, andrey, the father of the children, they can go to the legislative assembly together, and
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andrey voluntarily recognizes the children as his children, this is called the establishment of paternity, a certificate of establishment is simply issued.
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to do this, call or write to our editorial office, and we will return tomorrow with a new test result dna.
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