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tv   Femida vidit  NTV  August 17, 2024 3:40am-4:26am MSK

3:40 am
i've had three cocktails, that's it, you can go, of course, okay, oh, i can't seem to, the helicopters have flown, oh-oh, what are we going to do with you now, my dears. call kostin the errand boy, and as he's written down for you, so written down, kostin the errand boy, and i'm off, and kostya, we need to get your boss to the car, we're inside, yeah , he'll be here soon. hey,
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kostya, boy, i did it, everything's fine, okay, let's get up, i saw my girl, i like her, fine. fine, you 'll never have one like her, a normal fly,
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"i'll stay a little longer, right, he paid for the whole night, though he 'll be lying in bed for another day, such a sieve, when she's gorging herself, everyone has their weaknesses, you know, for me you should work off your wages, you think, and how interesting, oh no-no-no, baby, i'm with your boss, but not with you, you'll be with me, i won't tell"? that you tried to rob him when
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he passed out, always dreamed of ripping off that fat idiot's chick, don't bother, wow, oh, good, alive, bitch, good, damn, oh, thank god.
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styopa, i need you, urgently! there's an ambulance here need, if you call an ambulance here, goodbye my cover, if you don't call, goodbye him, quiet, wake him up, it's you, so he's sleeping, or you him too, he's sleeping, come on, take him by the arms, carry him the hell away from here, wherever, wherever, to the hospital, shumilina, holy shit, i couldn't be an ordinary prostitute, so that without all this, it's not my fault that you're all goats, who, who are all, males, it's closer for you to unbutton your pants, quickly get out your dominant, that's all, because here the dominant is missing. listen, a stereotypical generalization doesn't suit you paints, anechka, that is, you don't want to say that, i don't, and what about your fly unzipped then, that's not it at all, that's not it at all , i know now, how i'll generalize, it won't seem like a little, let's generalize, take it, una?
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and what are we doing? i decided to wash the floors out of boredom, hi, of course, but it wasn't worth it, i have a housekeeper, it's not
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difficult for me, oh, and what's that lamp lying around, that's you and me, don't you remember? no, well , how did we come in, you started ripping off my clothes, picked me up in your arms and carried me to the bed, then i accidentally touched my arms with my foot, yeah, what do we have did it happen to you, twice, oh well, you're just a machine, on the bed,
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"well, like a skull fracture, oh well, where did you manage to go, not mine, yours, whose head you smashed in, oh well, he's alive, he's operating, brain damage, maybe, everything's been damaged there for a long time without me, listen, this is no joke, and i'm not joking"? i sympathize, you had to be born such an idiot, ok, now the good news, well, do you know how much i made today, 50,000 in one night, did you sleep with him or something? are you stunned, no, of course not, just imagine, 50 fucking thousand for
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some dinner and hypothetical sex, what do you think, did i choose the wrong career? yeah, i don't know anymore, seriously, or what? yeah, well, listen, well... dad, you can't keep it for yourself, how can i, it's not evidence and nothing, so listen, anya, what if this is that same client, what if he's in a gang, what if he gives you an assignment to outsmart a top manager, no-no, he doesn't fit the signing, liza gave the assignment to a tall man and a blond roman, well, do you really want to keep the money for yourself or what? well, what, 40% of the agency is needed to get even, the rest for myself, well , i'll share with you, do you want five? no-no, i won't even lay a finger on them, oh-oh, you've run away as a clean freak. and you're a dirty-swallower, what are you? listen, yeah, forgive me, i mean, of course, you're not, not that one, i mean, not her, no, of course i don't know, is it you or oh, in short, you get me, banter, i, i'm
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just trying to get something out of life, money, money, money - it's just a cunning invention that the whole planet is tied to, it's stupid to get hung up on it, but it doesn't take it into account either. also stupid, anna shumilina, the great sayings. well, congratulations on a good start, yeah, just don't forget, from what you earned, you will need to invest most of it, you enter behind you, fitness, manicure, pedicure, all that stuff, i love all that stuff, just right, and pump up your communication with men, don't forget, in our business it's no less important than a manicure, believe me, i'm a jock when it comes to communicating with men, only... doesn't communicate, consider it noticeable, that well, your
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style is a little rough, i would add femininity, some people like it rougher, but that's also true, i'm just like that, oops, what are you talking about you're telling me, and sorry, i 'm playing a one-sided game, i mean i'm straight, hmm. you're releasing a lot, that i've been in this field for so many years, learning to understand these computers, when here you can earn so much in one night, don't rush to regret, who knows what other skills we might need one day , well, i have to run, yeah, have fun.
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yeah, step, anya, i'm going to the hospital, please prepare another one right away, what, so, in short, a dude with a broken head came to himself, well great, work with him there, well naturally, you like, me, oh, never before undercover work wasn't that cool, you're not that...
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good evening, major pustnikov, criminal investigation department, i have good news for you, we found your car, but unfortunately, we couldn't find the racer, honchik, what car, of course, your boss's car, last night you wanted to drive the car to the garage, you were attacked, hit on the head, and the car was stolen, i don't remember that. please, victor, oksana, i'll order something to drink, what will you have, the same as you, great. and doesn't the silence bother you? no, it should? well
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you know, i generally like to keep quiet, sometimes, though, it rarely works out, for example, today i was negotiating for 5 hours, and i spent 3 hours listening to vietnamese, who dyed my hair, i sympathize, it turns out that they do eat dogs, can you imagine, i thought it was a joke, they believe that dog meat brings good luck and increases male potency, now i'm loading you with this nonsense, forgive me, forgive me, no matter how much we sometimes like silence, it still often makes us nervous, well, for example, take two strangers. put them in an empty room, well, how long can they remain silent, we can check if you want, you and i have already
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tried, we lasted about 30 seconds, 15-20, it seems to me that you are experimenting on me, that's what, yeah, but you know, if you continue this experiment long enough, then two strangers can exhaust the dark conversations and that same silence will come. well, in this way i can go broke with you, it's unlikely, of course, but purely theoretically it is possible, and there was some woman, i think she, no, no, no, there was no woman, here is a witness, what's on you in the field in the yard, we have a prostitute, there was a prostitute there, or rather an escort, yeah, damn, her boss called her, so you
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want to say that a prostitute beat you up and stole a car, or maybe you staged it all yourself? they found an accomplice, he hit you on the head, well, he really didn't calculate the blow, then he stole the car, and then the two of you were going to sell the car and split the money, what are you doing? well, if not, then listen, if you really don't want to be guilty, because we'll find the racer and he 'll prove that he worked for you, so, if you don't want that, keep quiet, okay, "well great, get well soon, you're beautiful, thank you , it's just that you don't look like anyone else, it seems to me that no one looks like anyone else, unfortunately no, sapensai and i are all 99.9% alike, there's only one percent
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that differentiates us, you have one." "you know, it even seems to me that you'll pull up by 1.4% in the period 1.4 in the period, no, seriously, were you talking about appearance or about the soul there, well, i think that it's more about the second, then you couldn't figure me out so quickly, okay, you caught me, "i got caught"? well, i just didn't want the phrase: you're beautiful, to sound banal, you 've probably heard it a hundred thousand times, and what 's a hundred? a million times, you're just drawn to exact numbers, well, i just work with numbers in the financial sector, it turns out that this is a stereotype that only ugly,
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fat, but very rich men apply for escorts, that is, i am your first exception, although... i've already started to grow old, you are my first, well , not in general, in general, but among clients, i understand, but i would not like to use the word client, and which one is better, patient, well... the room is at my disposal until 10 a.m., i 'll pay the bill, and aren't you afraid that i'll order a house full of black caviar, you wouldn't
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do that, no, and you believed me, i think. you're a practical person, it's more profitable to meet with me than to blow it all because of some black caviar, we'll see each other again, i had a great time.
4:00 am
well, how are you, well, i'm coping for now, yours honestly come by, they help, whoever, ours, well, and the pen of sasha's colleagues, his partner, generally every week, his former partner, well i see, yes, he keeps helping, but i have one thing on my mind, where were you when we shot sasha, partner, well, just don't tell him, okay, i'm just talking about myself. i'm quietly thinking, quietly suffering, i brought you something, don't stop, take it, take it for the kids, sasha would have done the same if i were in his place, it's not much, but still. thank you,
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so what, how much did you raise that night, it's none of your business, you can't even brag, no, you can't even say that deep down i envy you, let's close the topic, okay, well on vacation in turkey for... already worked, listen, and i really envy you for some reason deep down inside, step, they closed it, i'm serious, and what's wrong with you today, and anya, well, come on, spill the beans, today i'm going on a new topic, soon for some delegation from europe, well , good luck there, yeah, a couple more orders, if the villains don't show themselves, i'm packing up, that's it, that's it, did i really get a freak yesterday? and that 's the thing, it's the other way around,
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i see how you're staring, if anything, and i'm not hiding it, great ass, thank you, ugh, that is, in short, i'm very... awkward, you hear ? this is from a girl, girl, guy, what difference does it make, the main thing is that the person is good , i, for example, am damn good, yeah, there is a briefing on today's topic, a short one, yeah, i'm listening, you'll need to take a dress and a swimsuit, yeah, there will be two more girls with you, and you'll need to behave like a lady of high society, and...
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once, she came, wrote off, that it was there, hid it in her purse, don't touch it anymore, got it? and if suddenly the client there turns out to be some kind of maniac, and i need to call the police then what will happen to me, well how can you be sure, we know all the maniacs in moscow, i have a special blacklist, i won't send you to any of them, believe me, yeah, i care about my girls, especially now... "listen, stop all this flirting, i 'm not going to get any, okay, yes, he knows, i know,
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i know, the worst thing is when he doesn't have you, your brain, i hate that, girls, and there are six men at the table, should we serve them all?" the main ones are those two frenchmen who speak with an accent, and the stalins also serve them, just like us, but not quite like us, but something close, although they can be just like us, if the french insist, don't worry, friend, look, they'll call you, and the worst thing is if it's not you, your brain, hello, that's my phrase, go ahead, yeah, and i tell you directly that you're a jerk, move over boys, what do you
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think, will beauty save the world or will it ruin it, what do we care about, what do you do , what do you do for fun, merci.
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i'll just pop into the bathroom now, i won't be long, okay, i'm waiting, yeah, oh, what are you doing, want to sleep with this frenchman instead of me, i think he chose you, i'm ready to swap, and how do you imagine it, we'll go in together, start caressing him, then i'll move away, quietly slip away, yeah, no...
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i'll order us a puff salad, i hope it's very tasty, i'm not hungry, thank you, hello, yes, some salad, please, i see you don't accept refusals at all, and...
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you recalculate, everything's fine, that you don't trust me, the girls refused, that you gave them all the money for the night, and my percentage is still here, why didn't you take the money, so i haven't slept with anyone, the clients, apparently , somehow never got around to me, i would consider it dishonest to take, other girls tried,
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no, listen, i have a tooth in place, i was waiting for this meeting, if i could, i would buy you for 100 nights in a row, vit, i like you, i like you too. so, as i understand it, you better talk, ask, what? well, what do you want to ask about? yes i, well, okay, why
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are you buying an escort? well, that is, you look great, you have a lot of money, you are not married, well, if you believe your words, of course, you could would be to get any, say, decent girl, why buy them? you see, oksana, it’s easier, i mean, you see, it’s easier to find a companion who knows how to please me, but she’s a professional, and it’s not just about sex, i’m generally, you see, i ’m a professional according to you, you’re an excellent professional, and... it doesn’t bother you that girls are just pretending, you’re not pretending, i couldn’t do that,
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i say, i haven’t failed anywhere, i’m here, we “anya, ah, have you failed again while i’m discussing the details of the operation with you, or have you already i'm not able to continue it, i'm all right, what's wrong with you, everything's fine, explain what's wrong with you, why are you so attached to me, yeah, well, i'm just worried about one question, so which one, what if i"? one client, and i want to give him my real phone number, anya, your mother, that's it, i said what if, that is, it's not certain yet, do you want to screw up the whole operation for us, or what, i don't understand, i don't want to screw up anything, i'm in my right mind, okay, i'm already doubting that, he
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wrote, yeah, no, it's from the agency, i have a meeting with him today, refuse, yeah, refuse, anya, you should marry... and that won't happen while you're dating someone, that's it, refuse, i'll take you out of the operation, that's it, damn, that's it, refused , happy, fuck, okay, be in touch, komonchik is just delicious, yeah, m, that 's not a thought, i usually don't eat that much. i watch my figure and all that, yeah, i can't occasionally have a burger or chicken wings, well , french fries, well, that's rare, once a week, maximum, hmm, and i, to be honest, am a little tense today, and what happened, yeah, i have there at work, competitors
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are digging under my company, complete freaks, something serious, but i don’t really know myself, well, they want to cook something up against me, to set me up, i wish i knew what they have, it’s a pity, i can’t help, well, you can, um, you said that you’re a former programmer, yeah, you understand computers, it would be possible to hack these competitors, these freaks, well, for example, what about you? not everything is in order, i just got into the wrong furnace, well, what do you think about this topic akssan, there’s nothing complicated there,
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i'll explain the technology to you, you need to copy their data from the laptop, and i would rummage through them, well, i would find out what they have on me, oksana, you would simply save my business. or even my life, well, of course, it's not free, the price is appropriate, well, let's say, my usual fee multiplied by 10, the figure is impressive, however, instead of roma, whom lisa described to us, the task was given to me by another object, niki viktor. so it is viktor glushka unemployed, did you install surveillance? the meeting with the target's client is scheduled for this evening. so, the client in advance can we get through? no way, the agency's address will be sent to me an hour before the meeting. and we move out together with sanya, we'll oblige
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him to cooperate, we'll organize a fake theft of his data. after that, anya passes the data to viktor, well , when she receives the reward, we 'll slap him. well, go ahead, slap him. tell me, please, the client to whom you wanted to give your real phone number?
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a fake financial director of the largest pharmaceutical company, to do a trial for half a million, i've already received an advance from viktor, oh well, i understand, i just watched the mission yesterday impossible, so there, got it, got it, i'm silent. oh, oksanochka, you're lovely, and i'm gennady, also
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nothing, yeah, wait, are you not alone here? yeah, my friend at the last minute. the same bow as me, and his companion, your colleague is also a model, well , why not, i need to call the agency, ask another girl. gentlemen, introduce
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oksanochka, very nice, lyosha, what will you sing wine, champagne, vodka, and wine, please, please, forgive me, and where is your toilet here, right there, yeah, i'll just be a minute, yeah, yeah, yeah, first, first, did you hear everything? so right, the girl from the agency is a problem, we can make her cooperate, but where is the guarantee that she is not in cahoots with victor and won't warn him later, why would victor send her here, as reinforcements, or to control you, click didn't send anyone, anya, and now they've started, after she screwed up, play the role to the end, steal all the data from his computer for real, all in some way, these are not hackers, anya, calm down. find his computer, what if there is no password?
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stem, the bitch, over, of course, here password, anya, calm down, go back to gennady, and give me half an hour, i'll call a specialist here to break in.
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genka, you're doing just fine on your own, maybe then i'll take both girls for myself, i can't, but over, over, come to the door, i'll hand over the boot. yeah, again, you've started talking too often, do you have any problems with your feminine side, let's do it this way, you 'll go up to the bedroom now, he'll wait for me there, and then i'll come to you and show you my feminine side, and you 'll check, okay, okay, we'll go to the bedroom, and you'll manage somehow here, no problem, we'll do it here okay, there's a toilet on the second floor too,
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i didn't make it, my dear, i won't make it, wait for me, wait, i've lowered the drink, it'll knock him out.
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cuckoo! cuckoo! well
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done! oh, come here, come to me, gennady's waiting, gennady's waiting! gennady's wound up, gennady's wound up, let's not go so fast, gennady, that's enough, i'd like to. that's it, that's it, over, i'm at the computer, what should i do? that's it for you? uh-huh, and you? yeah, mine passed out, same thing. listen, between you and me, did tatyana send you or who? no, i work for evgeny. oh, i don't know, she's like that, but she's also talented, where?


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