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tv   Femida vidit  NTV  August 18, 2024 4:25am-5:26am MSK

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fat, do you want to get less than them in time, and i didn't do anything like that, i'm telling you, i have nothing to do with this, i'm just an admin here, the main one here is a corpse, and these two work here as what, one is a driver, the second one watches everything here, did everything in the frame, worked, and you're sitting there from below, looking at all this and enjoying it, yes, from the spectacle, no, i don't watch such things, i'm just paid so that everything works here, is that a crime, no, no, damn, dude, i'm sorry, you're right, we... heard you, you just admin, what are you waving, someone is being raped in every room here, and you do it so that everyone can see, and so you say, oh my god, in short, you'll go on all counts along with them, got it, i can't sit down, my mother is sick, disabled, if you want, you can check it yourself, i earned this money for her, i beg you, please, you yourself said that if i cooperate, i essentially haven't heard anything useful from you now , the main thing is that you closed your eyes, these two are silent, sitting, so dude, you're useless to us, there are still people at home. what did you say? there are
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two more houses, i service them periodically. who owns this business, who is the one who gets the money here , quickly tell me, don't think? i don't know, they don't come here, they are from the czech republic, i don't know for sure, not from russia, from the european union, one is called vaclav. so you know the address of adamov later? yes, i'll tell you everything, i can go there with you. you can't force me to go. the investigation team and the ambulance have arrived. yeah.
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hi, brothers, hello, as ordered, one-way tickets, come on. the subscriber's device is out of order.
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hands up, stand still, don't move, bag on the ground, put down the board, stop, i'll shoot, stand, stand! such anger at the whole world, such a monstrosity!
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a long time ago, we broke up a few years ago. calm down, everything, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything, everything, calm down, everything is fine, everything is fine, look at me, look at me, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, i'm with the police, everything, everything is over, everything is fine , everything is fine
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, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine. she's here, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, help, everything is fine, everything is fine, come on little by little, come on little by little, yes, quietly, quietly. calm down, don't be afraid, it's all over, everything, everything, everything, carefully, carefully, will visit, well done!
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is there a sharp pain in the surrounding? what's wrong? doctor, how is she? well, there are no serious injuries, damages, thank god, but we still need to wait for the toxicology results, yeah, and how is her psycho-emotional state? well, of course, this is not for me, but after such
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tests i would not count on a quick recovery, well, that's understandable, in principle, she can already be picked up, has anyone contacted her relatives, we are looking for now, well, okay , thank you, thank you. goodbye, and further, what will happen to her? well, we are free, maybe she should go home, maybe she should go to moscow , it's up to her, we can't leave her alone, we can't, they injected her with so much crap, she'll start going through withdrawal soon and anyway, i'll try to get her into some kind of rehabilitation center, but i don't even know yet, listen, you know, they only really treat her in private clinics, and neither you nor i can afford that, especially for her. maybe she can stay with me, but there's enough space, and you've already encountered similar situations, with you and the court agency, well, all sorts of things have happened, no, not only there, well, and i
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of course i'm not a doctor, but i think i can take care of her, tanya, you would really help out, really, poor girl, how... the intensive care unit just got it, oh well, that's crazy, what were you thinking, stepan, let me explain, shut up, are you completely out of your mind, you were told to keep an eye on her, maksimich, it's our fault, we don't deny that you're not doing anything right here, an inexperienced kid was left alone with these scumbags, it's my fault, if you were doing your job, none of this would have happened, keep in mind, all this is on your conscience and... god, so that the drost would dig himself out. maksimich, it was all me. styopa is not to blame, it was i who persuaded him to help. punish me. no need to play the nobility of shumilino here. no, really. maksimich, it was i who dragged him in. you know how he refused. i, i swear to you. and he was the one to drag him in. he has no head of his own. i understand that this is no excuse, but we
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covered the whole network, if you saw how they torture the girls there. yes, 16 unfortunate girls, no one would have helped them. this is a separate topic altogether. what kind of private detective agency is this? arranged? what the hell are you doing on your own? who gave you permission? you should have been informed right away, i know that you forgot where and why you were working? if you were given a task, you need to complete it, and not do god knows what? and if you think that the assigned task is a waste of time, then put your psie on the table and get out in all directions. are we being suspended? you definitely won't get away with this. no, well, i understand if we were lying around drunk somewhere, but you , no one cares, because of you, a young employee is now in a coma. go and explain to his parents why you weren't there. why are you silent, do you have anything to add? alexey sergey went after you there too, then i'll give all four of you a reprimand, you've played enough idiot, get out of
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here, it's them! chris, i hear their footsteps! chris, chris, are you here, you're at my house, safety, do you hear? chris, no one will lay a finger on you again, i promise you, i'm scared, it's all over, sleepyhead, i know you 're scared, i know how you feel, where are you from, i went through this too. "were you there in that house? no, it happened a long time ago, i was then i was selling myself, sleeping with different sugar daddies, no, there won't be any pathetic story, i even liked it, such a life, easy money, i thought it was really cool!" until, until i ran into it, you know,
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the worst thing about being a prostitute, 2 months of sheer hell, and i endured it all, all this crap, but nestan, how? they didn't rape me, only my body, you see, i was able to live with it, i'm alive, healthy, i make people happy with a happy moment in life, all this, all this wasn't with me, with someone else, but that's not true, that's true, and you should treat it also. you know, so much time has passed, i
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hardly remember it, will it be the same for you, you see? "hello, can you tell me, nikolai the dros, our operative, in which ward, they told me that he is in intensive care, he died, after all, how did he die, kolya, no, your height is alive, he is lying in thirty-five, and this guy is alone, i drag two people out of the world for a day, thank you.
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hi kolya, it's me, styopa, i also thought that it was all over. yeah, if only we knew that everything would turn out like this, if, you, forgive us. we set you up,
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of course specifically, our jamb, ours, you we coped, we're done, kolya, they told me you're in a coma, kolya, no, you can see it yourself. if only we could cope with something with our case, everything's tip-top there, yeah, we busted a whole network of perverts, well done, what can water do? yeah, as for that drunk taxi driver, the guys took him in yesterday, took him in so badly that they even broke his arm, not his leg, of course, but he got it, they detained him too, took him off the train, in general, they'd take revenge, okay, you, come on,
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when you get better, come back to our department, we need such strong men, as soon as so right away, well, fighting spirit, well done, sorry that without oranges. she was getting stronger in her sleep, but i calmed her down as best i could, and how does she talk to you in general, she says. to be honest, i thought it would be worse, but she's great, she's holding up, well, maybe it's because of the medications, the psychiatrist prescribed her a whole bunch, you woke up, come in, hello, hi, kristina, you don't remember me, probably not,
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this is anya, she's from the police, she found you, everything went well, thank you, thank you, you saved me. finally, damn, can i have a couple of tracks, damn, i hope it will be a bomb, like last year, last year was a complete mess, oh well, come on, no, wait,
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let me send you the links on the phone right now, then it will happen, come on, right now. what is this? damn, did you grab a backpack or something? we were sitting in a row in the locker room, he left earlier, we need to catch up with him, he'll be frisking until nightfall, and i still have homework to do, come on, it seems like he 's not far away, kirill, kirill, wait a minute, wait, come here, it's good that you're still here, i need to talk to you about the new year's holiday, you'll be a dj, well, i, one second, listen, catch up with dimon, and give him take mine from him, let me in a jiffy. well, so, you need to come half an hour in advance to set up the equipment. dim, great, kid, andrey, yeah, what do you, this, you took kirin's backpack, oh well, damn, damn, i, i'll help, come on, come
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on, come on, come on, pack, pack. i've never even smoked weed, it's not my thing, i'm telling you honestly, well , they beat you up fine, yeah, can i not go to the bar like that, anya, get into the frame, yeah, that's it, let's go, garik,
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listen. i was thinking, why does my heroine have to die? well, because she was beaten up and thrown off the roof, and let's say she didn't crash, she was smashed to pieces, okay, she crashed, then yes, she died, then she experienced clinical death and was revived, no way, then yes, she died, and then suddenly a ghost, imagine, comes back in the next episodes, i'll play it perfectly, i can walk through walls, look, anya, can you hear yourself, hum, and you're a trumpet, a corpse. and that's it, garik, i want the best, just to snatch a bigger role, guys, and why isn't our car ready yet, the game one, nikolai ivanovich, hello, hi, lida, excuse me for being so stinky, oh nothing, nothing, come in, what are you on the threshold for, come in,
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come in, maybe some tea, no, thanks, no time, what happened, something? i see, we need something stronger here, well, let's go, come in, calm down, calm down, drink, drink, drink! now tell me, has my natasha disappeared, why didn't she come home? it's been a day, 2 days, yeah, and i used to do that, i didn't spend the night at home, for 15 years, we quarrel with her,
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yes, you know, you've heard, yes, i've had to, she either spends the night with her friends, or at a club, but always comes home in the morning, i 'm used to it, i drive her to school, she sleeps in bed, she only crawls out for the third, and yesterday i was on shift, i didn't know whether she was home or not, well... i come, i think, well, at school, she'll probably come back now, but she's not there, and the phone doesn't answer, wait, you went to school, you went yesterday, and you weren't here today, i called all my friends, no one knows where she is, nikolai ivanovich, i beg you, help me, i came to the police, the duty officer is in table, put my application down, and waved his hand, says: the young man will have his fun, he'll come back, no one called me, nikolai ivanovich, i'm exhausted, i don't know what to do, yours served in the police, so lida,
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calm down, i'll help, of course, no problem, i have a photo, yes, here, uh-huh, great, send it to me, i'm telling you again, i have nothing to do with it. you know how many people like you i have every day, all of them have nothing to do with it, yes, there was a yard full of people there, i picked up this bag of land, oh well, you've been using it for a long time, no, what are you saying, i 've never even tried this dope, not once, haven't tried it, then why do you need it, are you selling it, no, so we can't get through to your little pikunshi, who is she to you, by the way, an aunt, she's away now, she went to her place in plin, other aunt's contacts? yes, no, she 's unavailable, who's available? my dear,
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oh my god, what have they done to you, oh my god, what have they done to you, oh my god, stop, it's mine, why the hell didn't you turn off your cell phone, another 2 minutes, right? don't know anything at all, okay, i'll call, and we 'll try our girlfriend again, you say she doesn't know where she is, well yeah, she's probably covering for her,
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which one, there she is in the hat, olya, olya loginova, call her here, yesterday, i think, yes, guys, will you wait, oh, hi, hello, let's go, let's talk, please, with this person, let's go, this is... nikolai ivanovich, he's helping to look for natasha. hello. hello. tell me, when did you see natasha last? on wednesday. she was at school, she left after the fourth lesson. yeah. and where could she have gone? you don't know? no. she didn't share with me. i see. child. you at all. go home for now - start calling hospitals and morgues. bye, ol. goodbye. years, come on, come here, if, you better tell them everything you know, i served in the police for half my life and
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i see when they hide something, where could she have gone after the fourth lesson, i don’t know, maybe to a party, where, well, to an apartment, and she has some morat, maybe she’s with him? maraud, yes, they’re like together, he’s older than her , that’s why she didn’t want to talk, when natasha meets him, she’s always out of her mind, how drunk we are, and how do you know their last names? i don’t know, honestly, where are they together, well, they were often, well, they often hung out at the parachute club, here nearby, i know one, i know one. okay, thank you, wait, just please tell lida not to call the morgue, otherwise natasha will probably be smart, got it, goodbye,
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goodbye. what was that, and drugs, cops, i get enough of that at work? anya, what? thank you for coming, you should say thank you that you're 15, if you were at least a year older, everything
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would get tanned, fucking six, what are you, what were you thinking? sit down behind the house, i'll bring it, it's clean at your place, no, i can
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clean up your place. if anything, that's not what i mean, sit down, well, do you know this guy, andrey, well i know, well, what the inspector didn't say, well , that's somehow not very manly, and to sit down for him would be very manly, that's... kira, well, kirill, my classmate's brother, his name is dima, yeah, and how do you know him, we were hanging out with kir, he came up, we got acquainted, then he invited me to smoke, i didn't, he had some with him, no, he invited me to his place, and what, your friend tried it, that was the case, but it didn't work out for him , he didn't like it, he said, he almost shit himself when he saw a rainbow in the mirror instead of himself,
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it's good that... some people jump rainbows from rooftops, but i don't understand why they do that at all need, okay, okay, i'm off to work, dima, this problem, what's his last name, m, kozarev, yeah, and i can also send you his photo from social networks, now you get it, guys, come on, shumilina, have you been watching too many american tv series? no, just tasty bobliki zarod, i'm sweet, of course, not very much, well, it's a freebie, oh, you're right, thank you, yeah, where are you chilling, we have a demonstration offensive next week, it's like catching criminals in front of an astonished public, almost a joint operation, yeah, thunderstormpolice, you're scaring your donut, are you trying to scare a junkie, or what, catch drug dealers?
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i know one area of ​​hers, where there's a lot of this stuff, so much dope that you can shovel it out, you'll tell me everything quickly, i'll tell you, don't doubt it, you're a donut , you'll eat, what are they with, banter, you're so picky, i'm just scared i can't ask for you, whoever got there in time ate it, uncle kol, hi, how are you, don't you want to go for a walk? that's how kol, she pulled andrey out, well , they have a neighborhood there, i'll tell you, the juvenile affairs inspector says there's drugs everywhere, just epidemic, consumption has increased many times over, accordingly, too, the main thing is that nothing is reflected in the reports, apparently they want to hide the real numbers, well, in fact - it's just brutal, a real seizure of territory, what is this , how have you really not heard, no, in the nineties they were broadcasting on all channels, in the nineties, what kind
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of news was there in the nineties, little nineties anyway? oh yeah, look, naberezhnye chelny, someone was just throwing briquettes with heroin where there were a lot of young people, well, let's say, in places of mass gathering, yeah. take as much as you like you want, and soon a dealer appears in every entrance, and not just one, they used and sold en masse, a clever scheme, yes, the local drug control then had to clean out this crap for years, and they fought not with the dealers, but with the consumers, and how is that, but what did they do? they conducted drug tests in schools, colleges, institutes, checked cars on the roads, in general, they stopped it as best they could, that is, we need to cut it off at the root now, yes, if we don’t stop it now, then, anechka, there will be a catastrophe, yeah, so, colleagues, here are ours goals, the amount of drugs here is off the charts, the amount
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of substances seized has increased threefold, and it's not synthetics, as usual, but heroin, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, according to operational data , a large batch of drugs was supposed to arrive in moscow, and it is most likely located here or here, maksimich, what can you
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do? pruka, i'll take it, great, great!
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it's like a swamp, you can't get out yourself, well, i don't know where he lives, the corner house, twenty-fifth, forty-second apartment, wait, wait, they seem to have something there, some kind of a den, yeah, marat is always hanging around there, got it, so i
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reported it to whoever needed to, but it seems like everyone there is well-fed, they still haven't closed it down, this, what 's our story, i'm still alive, i'm already retired, and what about it, you need to help people, okay, bye, yeah, yeah, come on, have fun!
5:01 am
what a freak, there will be kids here tomorrow, what are you suggesting, brother. tube, you, police, you 're under arrest, why do you need a partner, go, well, how many of these caches have you already left today?
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well, tell me, well, did you want to make some money, the people hissed, like they found an ad in venice, i took a selfie with my passport, the number came to my phone, i called, the guy said, what and how? what kind of guy? i don't know him, and i haven't seen him, he left the goods, i picked them up, that's where i left them, at the construction site, near the park, well... frozen, there's a cache under the slabs, so
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you picked them up, what next? well, i picked them up, packaged them, put them where they say in the area, how long have you been picking up heroin? yes, recently, all kinds of grass, spice, gloomy, two months, maximum, when's the next transfer, well, don't be a slave, you've already told me everything, come on! well, i don't know, tomorrow i'm taking it, well i had to take it, shouldn't i run away from the setup, that's, well, there's nothing there, definitely, we'll
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wait. yeah, just milk or kefir too, okay, i'll buy it, i'll buy it, kiss you. well, let's take the drug dealer, then to the store for kefir, maybe then you'll feed on the holy spirit, by the way, i have something better, yeah, you've already slobbered on it, oh, how tender we are,
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look, there's something there, i think? what did you decide to take a bath in, huh? yeah, and who are you that you came running? my business, go ahead, light your fire somewhere else, come on, come on, this is my place, get out of here, have a picnic in in another place, realized that take 2, yeah,
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that's it, in short, come on, i'll sleep for an hour, since you'll be there later, okay, tell me a story, how old are you, why are you telling your kids, i want to hear how to do it, a fool. okay, let's try to fall asleep without a story
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. stand, so what, good i helped you, you're a real dude, right now, take the prize, oh, thank you, come on, what was another one, yeah, forty -first about 42, so you're here, wait, okay.
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hey, man, i'm looking for a girl. did you see her, what? is marat here? saw her, mower, listen,
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are you crazy, her mother is standing outside the door, he's been looking for his daughter for two days, you're bargaining, right? i don't care, a grand, okay, here you go, i saw her, we were here yesterday with morat, there was a white guy with them, a real bastard, they got high, then they drove off, where did they go, the white guy has a house on parkovaya, probably there, or more precisely? another grand, do you hear, nothing will crack, let's talk, i'll take it away, house number thirty-seven, on the corner, first entrance, you go in immediately to the right, first apartment,
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yeah. what happened? styopa and i took the courier, he cracked, now we know where the heroin shipment is. can we go? but can't we leave until the morning? they'll leave. okay, let's run them now, and i 'll sign all the papers in the morning. yes, guys, call them. yeah, got it. well, i gave the go-ahead. yes, let's go.
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police, everyone stay where they are, stand still, police, come here, diamond, forget it, throw the knife! quickly, face harder, that's it, that's it, oh, you'll sit for a long time with this, it hurts, i'm running, come on! yeah, uncle, if i can't sleep, let's go,
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good girl, try it, eh, natasha is not like that, she's with me, how come, we have to share, after all, they're ours, no. listen, kid, why did you bring this pacifier here then, shut your mouth, come on, how much, we'll settle the score, police, police, attacked, quickly, get up, come on, darling, get up, come on, like this. hold on, like this, hold on, hold on, you bastard , like this, right here, now, come on, come on,
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we have it straight today, you 'll explain everything quickly, he'll sign, more, one less, uncle kolya, where are you going? go to the hospital, her mother called, and she'll come there, oh come on , come on, come on, let's go, too, oh yeah, uncle! how is she there? well, did the girl have a bad overdose or did they pump her out,
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i spent half the night with her mother in the hospital, i just got home, but they promised to come from intensive care tomorrow transfer to the ward, she's been on drugs for a long time, it seems like not for long, but it's heroin, a month or two, you're on a leash, it's probably her friend, how he got him hooked on moraf, and they also injected a horse dose at the apartment. they wanted to have some fun, the creature, i'd castrate such people, honestly, the white one won't get away with it now, the second one will also get the full punishment, fuck, we got through to him, he was already in jail, imagine, for drugs, got out again for his old crime, and they also released the courier, by the way, a friend of andrey's, can you imagine how that happened? well, daddy came, brought lawyers, i say, you don't you understand that he is much safer behind bars now than on the outside, he won't do anything, well , in short. they let him go before the trial, well, i hope they know what they are doing, well, although if i were this son, i wouldn't take my eyes off him, well, and you
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guys are great, you did a good job, you cleaned up the area, for a long time, it will seem like life, okay, and i'll at least go take a shower, that's it, bye, come on, what's the matter, yeah, are you standing or sitting, i 'm crawling, in short, i have an episode for you, they took away a girl with appendicitis, well, i said, you can replace her, i can, and i just to work, oh well i can go there later, what let's go where, so let me send you the address now, in short, come here, we'll pick it up in 2 hours, yeah, got it, let's go.
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yeah, garik, got it, yeah, yeah, yeah, i'll be there soon, i'll change to the metro now, it's faster, that's it, great, we're waiting, let's call it a night , in short, they told me something, it's really crazy, so it's kirill kozyrev's brother, wow, great, they say he was selling drugs, and what happened, yeah, dimka kozyrev died, they found him in the yard, they cut up the poor thing all over while they were taking him to the ambulance, he died, and how do you know, well my dad works fast, he told me. i feel sorry for him, guys, what's the matter, the bell rang, go to class, the lesson has already started, let's go, let's go, that dima was your
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friend. andrey, where are you going, andrey, andrey,
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until you open, oh, anyuta, to smoke weed, yeah, okay, you, well, just rest, okay, i'm going, i still have to learn the text for us tomorrow, bye, ah... "we 're playing in a scene today, yeah, cancelled, yeah, well garik told me, yeah, i can't detain you abuse, calm down supercop, and what are you so wound up about, weed is not a drug, what so tense, relax, baby, grass is not a drug, are you seriously thinking that now, buying grass, you support the system, there is
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demand, there is supply, listen, what is this..." what kind of lectures are you, well, what started this, well, why are you dragging the system along, well, cool down, baby, what a punk you are, anya, what are you doing, all this is happening because of you rich idiots, you just want to shoot up, smoke grass, stuff cocaine into your nostrils, you support the system, because of you, we have heroin on the playgrounds and teenagers are drowsy they're shooting up, what teenagers, what are you doing, and garik, maybe you can calm her down , go away, you freaks. listen, okay, she's crazy, but where is the actress for private matters now? i know, yeah, where are you now? got it, i'm on my way.
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don't sit in the cold, you'll catch a cold, i don't care, dima zaryazy, because of me, how will i look kira in the eyes now? come on, get up, get up, get up, listen to me, listen, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, it wasn't you who forced him to sell drugs, it wasn't you who brought him to that man, yeah, but anya said, she's leaving the police, got through, if it weren't for me, he would have been alive, that's it, that's it, calm down, don't blame yourself. but
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sooner or later it would have happened anyway, since he chose this path, that's it, quiet, what should i do, well, what can you do, you can't bring the dead back, but we, we can help the living, come on, take the backpack, let's go, let's go, that's it, calm down. that's what they do, these creatures, dial a number and get any kind of nonsense, well, no matter, they carried out a raid, photographed the numbers, attached them to the case, let the police sort it out, it's their business, and we, andryukh, we have to do this with you put it all away, come on!
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well done, we caught you with a bag of drugs in your hands, hand over the owners and we'll come to an agreement, i don't know, i wasn't there, what don't you know, i was making stashes there, i wasn't there, i was there, why weren't you there, who was there? wait, here's another one, well done,
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daylight is around the corner.
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oh, okay, what, you won, come on, what to do, the desire is there, let's have you be my slave for a week, what, no, let's do it for a month, okay, guys, relax, a case of beer for everyone, and that's enough for you.
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attention, group, to you. the elevator isn't working, the stairs are steep, my liver is about to jump out, and so on every day,
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the path to success, steep windy,


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