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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-7  NTV  August 18, 2024 5:25am-6:11am MSK

5:25 am
attention, task force to search. the elevator is out of order, the stairs are steep, i'm about to. my liver will jump out, and so on every day,
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the path to success, steep windy, come on, come on, come on, and competent work with an informant is the key to this success, nikolai, that's true, well, still high, a little more, here they've almost arrived, call, call, come on. whoever is the local police officer there, who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely, good words, and write off, oops, open up!
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this is complete chaos, the fourth search in six months, i promise the last one. don't doubt it, well what about the guy, he took him down, the witnesses are here, well, shall we dig here, if, come on in, please help, nikolai, i beg you, there,
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stop, there! the raised ones, come closer, please.
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what is this? he feels bad, well, call an ambulance. damn! we have another raid on a jewelry store, it looks like the same ones that worked last week, yes, but this time there is a corpse, a security guard was killed, let's go there. what is this, this murder, he was poisoned, i will be next. comrade, disperse, step aside, don't
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interfere with the work, step aside, lady, step aside from here, you are in the waythere is nowhere to hurry, naturally, so don't hurry either, so here and here. move away, move away, you were told, move away, you are in the way, you are in the way, let's repeat it again, so there were three of them, so, so, all three were wearing masks, yes, and did they already have masks on when they entered? no, i think, so they put them on here in the store, i don't remember where they put them on, but if they weren't wearing masks, you should have seen one of their faces, right? yes, but i didn't see them, it all happened in a matter of seconds, okay, we'll get back to this later, what happened
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next, he shot at the ceiling, then shouted, it's a raid, everyone on the floor. lyosha, yes, and what did the other two do? the one who was shorter, grabbed me by the hair, hit my head against the wall , shouted for me to open the cash register, who shot the guard, remember? i don't remember, everything was mixed up in my head, it happened before you opened the cash register or the cash register was open, i told him about it, almost immediately a shot, ah, leave the girl, she was already worried there, brushes, tell me , was the one who stayed in the door the shooter? i think so, you know, i was so worried... uh-huh, and why did he start shooting? igor made some movement, he immediately shot. igor, is that a security guard? i see. and who was in charge of them? excuse me, what? who do you think was in charge? it's hard to say. why? well,
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because when he shot, they started yelling at each other so much that we thought they'd shoot us all. we always have. pour. it's funny, well done, swindler, half of your dealer's jewelry is involved in wet cases, including archival ones, and two items are even on the international wanted list, it's just a shame, he won't be back anytime soon interrogate. with such a heart, such a business, yes, okay, olegich, report what's going on with these raids, judging by the handwriting, these are the same ones who robbed the jewelry store on fontanka
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last week, they come in, put on masks, one shoots at the ceiling, screams in a scary voice, goes to the checkout, the second neutralizes the staff, smashes the counter, the third stays. entrance and holds the guard at gunpoint, well, until they shot at the ceiling, that was our colleagues' business, and after they killed the guard, you understand, so what evidence do we have, well, there are fingerprints, experts are working with them now, so you can say that they are almost caught. of course, you can say anything you want, okay, okay, let's work, use all sources of information, there are probably rumors among the criminals, yeah, there is, how is life,
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here, sasha, life, kiryusha, such a place where you can't live, well, really. the last time a security guard was killed, did you hear anything? well, i heard, only the deaf haven't heard about it, so what? uncle sasha, who could it be? well, someone with a gun, you don't have to go to a granny for that, i think, maybe,
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it's a sinful thing i dragged you out of the jail in vain, huh? you shouldn't regret that, mister boss, okay. we really do have problems with these robberies, there's not a single lead, you know, i understand, but i don't know how to help you, although wait. do you remember lyonka and vitka makeyev? makeyev? i don't remember makeyev. well, back in 1992, they shot at a traffic police car with a small-caliber pistol, and disabled the sergeant. so what? well, lyonka died in prison, and vitok returned recently. well, well, a month ago he asked, asked where he could get a gun get it. "well, what am i going to do to get dirty, then he got mixed up with matlab, he seemed to have told him
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some nonsense, but what nonsense, you don't know, i don't know, but that's not the point, the point is that the matlab branch was looking for the same thing again, about weapons, you get it, how could it not be, do you think makeev is smashing jewelry stores?" i give you an idea, and you think about it, i understand, kostroma, arkhangelsk, kolyma, kolyma is the last city, well then kiev, which of them is makiev? the one on the right, well, how long do we
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have to listen to this until matlab comes, what a dumbass, so many cities on anapa, antwerp, olupka, alushta, anadar, achinsk, oktyubinsk, finally, ankara, and what are you drawing? a hieroglyph? a... means constancy or past tense, depicts a man leaning over a bowl and ready to start eating, uh-huh, you want to eat too, uh-huh, uh-huh, here's the imat, we've been waiting, allah akbar, you're in for it, great, great, attention, as soon as he hands over... we'll take the barrel right away, we'll see, and look, where's the clip, and where's
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the money, pay, good, uh-huh, we'll take it, legs, put it down. well, i congratulate you, thank you, borya, robbed another jewelry store, when, where today, on
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chaikina, the shit is already there, take a car, go there, that's it, thank you, borya, you made me happy, oh, guys, cover me, cover me, what's wrong with you, what portal are you hiding from, what are you, you have to cover us, by the way, got it, no, sorry, darling, sorry, it's time for us to go. they poisoned him, i grieve with you, but we don't deal with hamsters, yes, but you need to see a vet, well, right? all the raids are like carbon copies, come on, show me,
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i almost forgot, kirill, coin expert's duel the seals from the safe were identified, yes, and the department for combating economic crimes , you were born too early, the owner of these fingers still needs to be caught, hello, hello , please tell me how i can find major parakhnya, who? major parakhnya. and did he call you, right? i'm just looking for him, and when will he be here? well, well, he'll be here someday, yes, thank you, goodbye, goodbye.
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and who is this? and whose fingers are these? the prints belong to igor yuryevich belov, born in 1970. in 2002, he was sentenced to 8 years for robbery. and 2 months ago, he escaped from a maximum security penal colony in usinsk. also fleeing with him was shakhmametov khadi renatovich, nicknamed shah , born in 1968. robbery, attempted murder , cattle rustling. and sulimov. arkady elievich, weapons, drugs, hooliganism, all three are on the all-russian wanted list, this is the ensemble that is being undertaken to catch them, but all patrols are oriented, we are checking all possible connections in st. petersburg, yes, this is a long matter, and that none of them had lived in st. petersburg before, i mean legally, no, none of them
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had lived there, which means that they do not know the city well, what follows from this, that they had an informant, right, which are their eyes and ears, what does this give us, right, nothing, go and work, i didn't understand what the problem was, he didn't understand what the problem was, well yeah, oh, guys, well i met her on the phone, what's the big deal, also phone sex, what phone sex, i just had some problems, i called the pbx, the dispatcher, but i got through to her, that's it, that's it, well i complimented her that she had
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an exciting voice, yes, her voice really is, yes, yes, exciting, how did she figure you out, yes i told her that i'm going to work in the police, yes she... why did she check both the home phone and this mobile, it's good that she doesn't know your work phone yet, and it's good that she doesn't know your face yet, that's for sure.
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how's the canal? maybe he's hiding from us, what's the fun, what are we going to do with the junk, the gray one is looking for a new dealer. when he makes us the documents, we have to pay for them, and what to pay with, gold chains, and you call again, but why call, no one answers, where did he
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go, the bastard yes... i only knew him in st. petersburg, i don't know any other dealers, unless shows up, then we’ll really have to drain the junk through the gray one, and he’ll gnaw us to the bone. yeah, great! tramp. great, gray one. did you find the bar? well, i found him. but he’s a very greedy bastard, he doesn’t give much money.
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of course, we can look for someone else. but we need time, you know that. we don’t have time. we need to get out of here. we’re tired of hanging around in your villa. don’t get worked up. wait. at this rate, there won’t be enough money for three passports. well, we’ll have to make one more dash, i’ve already found a place, there’s no risk, he suggests another dash, okay, let’s say i’ll give you i believe, the gray one is really a boarygozhabny, but keep in mind, if after this spurt there is not enough money, or something else happens, you will not see freedom for a century, tramp, we will collapse this shop, that's it, you need to get out, and so do i. your plans, but not us
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for now bank shah, we will make one more spurt, we will dump the gold, buy ids and tear off to ukraine, and before leaving... we will deal with the gray one, i will stab him with a blunt knife, 1986, kaliningrad, a young woman is killed in her own bed, a wild story, an ardent suitor under suspicion, a hero, panties with a hole, a husband who returned from the war, afghan syndrome, nerves stretched like a string and his ex- lover, playing maniacs, who is the real killer? when you hear the killer's voice, you perceive everything differently, and what role did the call center play in this case? it was
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not just a room with telephones and an operator, it was a real clot of emotions, the investigation was conducted with leonid konetsky, here he bought a child a pistol with caps, he will play indians and cowboys, today at 16:20 on ntv. so let's move on, we take makeev, what happens at the same time, that another a raid involving our little friends, well
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what do you want to say by that, i don't want to say anything, i'm just sharing my observations with you, thank you, i understand, well you see, you were offended, no way, why were you offended, i just have a feeling that you envy me? that's what's bothering me, why is that? i saw how you, georgyevich , looked at me when irshov praised me, well you 're giving me a good look, what's the point of talking? well, we're just talking about our own stuff, about the cops, listen, kirill, there are some considerations here, of course, you don't take offense, it's none of my business of course. but shouldn't you feel out your informant , for example, what have you agreed on, you noticed correctly, it's my informant to feel out, i do this every
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day, i understand, so i have a big favor to ask of you, excuse me now, because i just went to feel out my informant , goodbye, here's a gorukhov jester, do you think he wasn't offended, the devil knows. oh, hello, uncle sasha, hello, it's me, but we'd like to meet, and we agreed, uncle sasha, i have a question for you, well, yeah, i'll ask you about it later i'll answer if i have time, what's going on? you know nazelenin's jewelry store, well , the next one will be covered, god knows, maybe
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today. damn, so what did you want? hello, kol, take georgyevich urgently and run to zelenin 's jewelry store, well, i'll explain later, let 's meet there quickly. well, let's see, we 'll get him now, in short , here's the thing, my source said that maybe this will be the store that will be robbed next, so what's this? i see, so
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what are we going to do? i have a proposal, we 'll become sellers here and there, yeah, that's it we'll plant amon on the hill, i think it's a matter of a couple of days, no more, where did you go, yeah, hey, so if you're not interested in the goods, you can talk somewhere else, calm down, calm down, criminal investigation department, run to the floor, to the floor, to the floor, to the floor,
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you'll save, who will you save, no need, put your weapons on the ground, come here, don't shoot, i'll kill her, i'll kill her, don't shoot , don't shoot, i'll kill, kira, shoot at me, hostage, don't shoot,
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damn, alive, still alive, ugh, ah! borya, this is soloviev, declare an interception, silver-gray nine k-756 vt, yes, to us three ambulances here quickly, we have a bunch of wounded, write down the address, got it, i'm writing! sending! the progress
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of the statement, this is murder, i demand an autopsy, accepted, the answer will be sent to your home, you don't need to come here anymore, the examination is complicated, it will be carried out in moscow, buried there, at the state's expense, why not here, for hamsters this is the law. khabibulin, remove this box, what 's the matter with the case, stop, well, what, the bastard left, he drove, he knocked us down, where could belov have gone, leave me alone, i don't know anything, leave me alone, i say, my arm is broken, i we need a hospital, tell me where he went and
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we'll take him to the hospital. my arm is broken with a broken leg, thank goodness it's only my arm, your tongue isn't broken, where's your house, take me to the hospital, tell me, you bastard, where could belov have gone? answer, well, you bitch, that's me, quietly, quietly, listen to me carefully, the shah was killed, bilov is in spades, so we'll pin everything on you, and the robbery, the guard, got it, i didn't kill anyone , tell me again, where could belov have gone, tell me, well, quietly, quietly, somewhere outside the city, i don't know the address, i know, but i can show you, come on, let's go, come on! go and get going.
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what are you stuck for? get under the cliff. the wounded man doesn't jump out of the windows, he'll shoot. it's clear, come in,
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guys, come on, get out. all clear, get out, get out, get out, what's going on there? it's empty. that's it, kirill, we're being driven to the local village council, or whatever it's called, find out . so, ol, you'll stay here and wait for the experts. i'm writing a report to the department. we need
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to somehow formalize all this mess. the kids are all worn out. hi, girls, hello, tell me, can i see this address, ozernaya street, building 11, who lives there? oh, i'm sorry. criminal investigation department, lieutenant parakhnya, yeah, i need to look in the registration book, and so. look, please, be so kind, so it's in the closet, so what can i help you with, no, no, no, i 'll do it myself, myself, hello, hello.
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the air you have is so good, i don't want to leave, ozernaya, house 11, ozernaya, house 11, gulyaev alexander trofimovich, gulyaev alexander trofimovich, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, what who? bulyaev alexander trofemovich, damn,
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where do you get it, i washed my jacket, that i'll go away covered in blood, like a vampire or something? what are you laughing at? hello to the informant. i'll pass it on. that's it, kir, go ahead, go already. belmando. hello, vychestkovy tachilin, walking into the house. he doesn't report to me. where's his room? the second one down the hall. hello.
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well, that's what i thought, i understand, you saw him a long time ago, i don't remember, yeah, i guess i'm not needed, yeah, thanks, yeah, okay, you 're walking to the phone. i think it's long distance, yeah, hello, son, hello, uncle sasha, and if you don't protest against sink, then someone is breathing down your neck. and why aren't you home, and i moved in, i'll call you when you're a bastard
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old i'll catch you, age should be respected, and anyway, why are you swearing, are you the one complaining, i neutralized the gang, neutralized them, i removed the poppy from the clearing, i removed it, and you get it too, the cops should kiss my boots, yeah, uncle sasha, after all, i treated you like a person, and you, son, you 'll go far, and i don't have such prospects, so don't be angry, i need to treat my rheumatism, and don't puff and pant to catch me, i 'll fly now, well, desyash, you treat your rheumatism, i'll tell you this, i need you healthy, what do you think, see? but, as they say,
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from prison, yes, from poverty, be healthy, son, oh, be healthy, day, sasha, uh-huh, yes, baby. where from? yeah, i get it! having reached st. petersburg, belov, sulimov and shakhmametov settled with alexander gulyaev, whom bilov had met at the adler transit camp. well , gulyaev tipped them off to the first store. i told you, we can't do without a tip-off. yes sir, colonel. in this way, they planned to pay gulyaev back for the hospitality he had shown and to acquire funds for their further journey to ukraine.
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now he's been detained in pskov, come on, come on, more details, well, when kirill was conducting an inspection at his apartment, gulyaev unexpectedly called, well, he was checking the situation, but his passion for cheap effects ruined him. having learned from a neighbor that he had the police, he wanted to talk to the investigator, but while he was chatting, kirill quickly checked the number of the pay phone from which he called. and did you have the equipment with you? of course, i still
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have it, then you will teach me how to use it. oleg georgyevich, continue. it turned out that gulyaev was calling from the post office at the station in pskov. yeah. well, we quickly contacted the local people colleagues, well, they were just lucky. he decided to have dinner right there at the station. didn't finish it. why aren't you going home? there are still things to do. meeting with an operational source, with an operational source, with an operational source, hello, kiri, hello, yeah, let's go, just don't you dare try to kiss me, i hate it, what a bummer, what are you
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doing? why are you sitting there, what are you supposed to do? come on, catch a grenade, fascist, why are you throwing yourself at me, i'm already so blissful, damn, i'm frozen, why are you being so dirty, just turn away, come on, leave me a smoke, here, do you want a beer or something have you had mine yet? forget it, oh, look, look,
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holy shit, what was that, listen, yes i, yes i myself am confused, yes he is. dead man already, why are you standing there like a post, come on help, why did you drag him here, that's why, now let's get out of here. oops, tell me, how interesting, come on, what hurts us? no, no, don't close your eyes, listen carefully to what the police uncle will say, comrade, lying here is strictly
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prohibited, come on, let's get up, let's get up, i haven't slept half the night, my head is splitting, man. i haven't slept half the night, i respect you, yeah, i haven't slept, this means i haven't slept at all, i see, i see, that 's impossible, listen, i can't go crazy without days off, i need to rest, but i have a suggestion, out of town, for mushrooms, for berries, yeah, for elk, it's winter outside, man, fishing, next weekend, i support you, who will be on duty, solovki, he just got back from vacation, he 'll cover, and the thought, the thought, yeah, come on, well, well, good luck, yeah, well i don't even know, and what i don't know is what, my last day off was, i don't even remember when, and i'm not even talking about vacations, so that's it, i demand that you provide a legal day off, two, two days, a mutiny on the ship, so why isn't irshov, he's in moscow,
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god himself told us to relax, we have the right, okay, go off to your fishing trip, i'll cover you, we'll take two, three. four, four, two times, so as not to talk, just a second, stop, i 'm letting you go fishing, not to get drunk, then you'll have to recover for a week with me, i actually asked about the fishing rods, because that's how i understood it, stop anyway, oh well, good for letting you go, ah, let's have a good time, and glory, glory, my friend has a dacha, it's just a fairy tale, fairy tale, go to hell, and what about me, like this? there will be no fishing, glory, what's wrong with you, why are you stuck here, we have a corpse, get ready, borya, are you kidding, no way,
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i felt it.


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