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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  August 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

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concentrated its main efforts on spreading orthodoxy in china and dealing with its own spiritual affairs. the main assignments of a state nature were carried out not by the officials and diplomats of the meade, but by the military department, which had the capabilities and personnel to implement the plans of the state. therefore, when concluding treaties , career military personnel played a major role. the middle of the 19th century, fragmented. weak, torn apart by
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internal crises, china, with its strategically important outlets to the eastern seas, is becoming an increasingly tasty morsel for foreign powers. as a result of the rapprochement , the border between the russian empire and the chinese qing empire repeatedly undergoes changes. in 1854, emperor nicholas i grants the governor-general of siberia nikolai muravyov all rights to negotiate with the chinese government and after incredible. false negotiations with the chinese , the aigun peace treaty is concluded on may 16, 1858. for this, nikolai muravyov receives the title of count of amur and the full rank of general. we must the most powerful european player, namely england, to delimit the sphere of influence. china should in no case be in the sphere of english influence, but for this, so that
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we could influence china one way or another, we needed to settle border issues: japan is purely english, a territory where the english have already penetrated, we do not show ourselves there, but in china we can find ourselves, but for this we need good relations with china. according to the aigun treaty of 1858, the borders between the states were established, the left bank of the amur,. was recognized as the property of russia, and the ussuri region, from the confluence of the ussuri with the amur to the sea, remained in common ownership until the border was determined. navigation along the amur, sungari and usuri was permitted only to russian and manchurian ships, prohibited to all others. in 1860, the aigun treaty was confirmed and significantly expanded by the beijing treaty, according to which primorsky krai was given to russia. according to the st. petersburg treaty.
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to burn and plunder, but there at the same time with the british and the french the beijing treaty, this is a great treaty, it was concluded in 1860, when the british and french had already captured beijing, it turned out to be a russian man, ignatiev, general igna. a brilliant officer, the emperor's godson, an intelligence officer, who had been expelled from london shortly before, for incompatible activities, as they say now, yes, and he, having arrived in beijing, in this troubled time, with the task of the emperor to achieve ratification of the treaty of 858, because it had been signed, but not ratified, the manchu court accused the prince who led... these
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areas, of having been given a drink by the russians forced, well, basically, got him drunk, and he signed this treaty. ignatiev had to achieve ratification, he achieved much more, he became one of such brilliant people in the city, his own man, with the chinese, with the english, with the french. also, what is very important, ignatiev had geographical maps compiled by monks from our spiritual mission, and the english and french had maps for conducting military operations, so he became a very useful person for the english and the french, and one of the emperors' close associates also persuaded him to help china, because the british and the french seriously expected to divide china, to finish off china, not just hong kong or something, or seize something else, but simply to divide china into pieces, to abolish the imperial dynasty, and ignatiyev convinced them that guys, this is all...
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such a complicated plan, let's better impose a larger contribution on china, and keep the emperor and the empire, that's what they did, as a sign of gratitude and... they also gave him primorye, that is, in this way he received both the amur region and primorye at once, that's actually it was here that the current border between russia and china was created, it is very important to emphasize that these treaties that expanded the territory of russia, they were all concluded without a single shot, the shots were only from cannons that fired on the occasion of the signing of documents, they were purely peaceful...
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in the capital of the qing empire , a permanent russian diplomatic mission was established, which transferred a significant part of the functions from the spiritual mission. the russian embassy was located in the embassy quarter, not far from the imperial palace. despite all the mutual claims, the fluidity of borders and local conflicts, the countries come to the understanding that they will not find a better ally in the region, neither one nor the other. their empires are decaying. entering the final stages of their development, the qing will fall in 1911, the russian in 1917. as for russia, capitalism was rapidly developing. if we very briefly outline what was happening in china, then most likely the archaic
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feudal state tried to carry out some elements of capitalist modernization, in of course, foreigners helped a lot in this, and the chinese were interested in... the english and americans do not hide the fact that this is a very promising region. the assistance of its northern neighbor, the russian empire, suits china more than barbarian raids from the ocean. moreover, tsarevich nikolai, almost emperor nikolai ii, considers the east as
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the main direction of russia's development. it was for the study of siberia, the far east and acquaintance with the eastern neighbors that nikolai began in 1890. circular asian trip. in october 1890 , nicholas sets off on his eastern journey aboard the cruiser pamyat azova. the tsarevich is accompanied by a diplomat, prince ukhtomsky. according to him, they are heading in the direction of the historical road along which the russian people are advancing. during the trip, nicholas visited many places in eurasia. he actively discussed the advantages of the leonine peninsula, the main geopolitical advantage of which. nicholas visited china, where he was met by lu hongzhang, one of the highest-ranking chinese officials. in china, nicholas visited russian merchants who built tea factories in the city of wuhan. there is still an orthodox church there, built with funds from russian merchants. after china, the heir
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to the russian throne went to japan. he was fascinated by this country, so much so that he even wanted to get a japanese tattoo. one day , two people climbed aboard a russian frigate. of this ancient art, as a result, nicholas got a colored dragon tattoo on his forearm. at that moment, when tsarevich nikolai ends his asian journey in vladivostok, in honor of which this arch was later erected here, his father, emperor alexander ii, makes an equally important decision in the capital for relations with the east, he approves the construction of the great siberian route, as the trans-siberian railway was then called, the most. railway from the urals to vladivostok. on may 19 , 1891, the heir to the throne nikolai laid the first stone of the future foundation of the station near vladivostok. he soon headed the committee for the construction of the siberian railway roads. and the grandiose work began.
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it was vital to connect european russia and siberia with a railway. there was also the task of strengthening russia's influence in china. siberia could not lose its carriage. and without economic and demographic development , this would have become inevitable. the main part of the road was ready by 1903. at the same time , the government established regular communications between st. petersburg and vladivostok, the population of siberia and the far east grew by about half a million people per year, and the real development of the trans-urals began. lands, it was built exclusively at the expense of the treasury exclusively by russian forces. transip not only connected the russian far east with the rest of the country, but laid the foundation for the construction of a new section of the railway through chinese territory. menzhuri, the famous cer. in this large asian... more than once, officially and unofficially
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, ukhtomsky visited the celestial empire with instructions from nicholas. his role in strengthening relations between the two powers was noted even by the chinese monarchs. during one of his stays in beijing, the prince ukhtomsky was awarded the order of the double dragon. ukhtomsky played a very important role in russian diplomacy, namely in the chinese direction. he accompanied tsarevich nikolai alexandrovich on a round-asian journey. during the journey, ukhtomsky became very close to nikolai alexandrovich. they were peers. they were equally noble, since the ukhtomskys were rurikovichs, yes, that is , for nikolai it was not shameful to communicate with per ukhtomsky in the most confidential situations, for example, in the evenings in large cities they went to the merry quarters together, and this friendship
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male, real male friendship, it grew into political relations. the result of active work was the signing of an alliance treaty between the russian empire and the great empire of tsin. it was concluded just during the celebrations of the coronation of nicholas ii in moscow, on may 22, 1896. the signatures were put. from the chinese side by chancellor li hongzhan, from the russian side by the minister of foreign affairs labanov rostovsky and the minister of finance witt. in 1896, when nikolai alexandrovich ascended to the throne, it was ukhtomske who was sent to meet the chancellor china likhundzhan to the soviet canal, where likhundzhan was transferred to a special steamship, and ukhtomsky accompanied him to odessa. during the coronation, secret negotiations took place. likhundzhan was given huge bribes for him and for empress
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cixi. the result was the conclusion of the so-called secret russian-chinese treaty of 1896. this was the first russian-chinese treaty, an alliance, practically a military alliance. first, it established that russia and china would never fight. and so it happened. we never fought, there were only border conflicts. it was said, against whom will we be friends? japan. even then it was clear that tokyo would try to gain a foothold on the continent, seize pieces of chinese territory and then push russia out of its position in the far east. 1896 china, tired of its territory being divided by land states, turns to russia for help. the result of the negotiations is the construction of the chinese-eastern railway cer. beijing agrees that. russia builds the road at its own expense and under russian sovereignty. on august 28, 1897, in
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the small border village of suife , the groundbreaking ceremony for the chinese eastern railway, an extension of the southern branch of the trans-siberian railway, took place. construction was carried out simultaneously in three directions and from three end points: the cer, primorye, transbaikalia, and port arthur. due to the length of the railway, it was initially decided to break up the construction into separate sections with the appointment of their own managers, but the construction of the railway had to be temporarily suspended. the qing empire was hit by the khatuania rebellion, which caused interruptions in the construction of several sections of the cer. however, in july 1901 , temporary train and freight traffic was opened along the entire length of the cer, and in 1903 the cer was fully operational. the completion of the cer turned the backward manchuria into a rapidly growing trading
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region. the chinese eastern railway is a megaproject of the russian empire, primarily associated with the expansion of the russian empire to the east, in the broad sense of the word. at the beginning of the 20th century, fitta and other prominent government officials had quite large-scale plans for the pacific coast of china. to the yellow sea, the so -called zheltorosiya project, when the further development of the trans-siberian railway was discussed, how the railway line to vladivostok would go, several options were considered, either it would be... along the amur, or it would be through the territory of china, in the end, vid and his team insisted on the second option, through the territory of china, right up to port arthur of that time, in order to have direct access to the pacific ocean. china proceeded from the need to have such a road in case of possible transfer of russian troops in case of military actions against japan.
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russia's interest was that the cer was becoming the main transport artery in the region and had an important strategic... significance, the west, which did not have land borders with china, did not have such an opportunity. in the period from 1897 to 1903, russia spent huge amounts of money on the construction of the cer, and china did not object. his own treasury was completely empty after paying the contribution to japan. during the construction of the cer, in 1900, internal contradictions in china led to a powerful uprising. which went down in history as the ihitwani rebellion, the boxer rebellion. the participation of the russian corps in suppressing the ihitwani rebellion was due to the allied relations with the qing empire, the destruction of russian spiritual missions by the rebels. vice-admiral alekseev was already defending the population in northern china from the rebels, when the empress of the csi took their side. general
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alenevich, at the head of russian and allied troops, took beijing as best he could... the siege of the embassy quarter in beijing acquired a special resonance in this conflict. the uprising was very powerful, very dangerous for the regime, they destroyed all the missionaries, blew up churches, destroyed the chinese who had been converted to christianity, for example, when the ituani in beijing... seized the territory of the russian spiritual mission, they destroyed more than 200 orthodox chinese there. our monks went to the area where all the foreigners had gathered to resist and the khatuani, in anticipation approach of armed forces that came from tingzin, including russian troops, japanese, italian, austro-hungarian,
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eight countries since may 1900 ihituani began to enter beijing, in june continuous. lasted about a month, and khatuane began to storm the barricades built near the embassy quarter, the embassies were subjected to continuous shelling, the most stubborn battles took place in the first days, there were even bayonet attacks. at the end of july, in connection with the approach of allied troops to beijing, the battles intensified. throughout the night of july 31, the chinese attacked desperately, trying to take the foreign legations by storm, but they failed. on the morning of august 1, the defenders of the legation quarter counterattacked the chinese positions, moving out to meet the advancing allied forces. at 4:00 in the afternoon , reinforcements arrived at the legation quarter and the rebellion was finally suppressed. the siege was lifted, and beijing was liberated by the allied forces. those captured and khatuani were executed. officially,
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the standoff ended with the protocol of september 7, 1901 and a large payment by china. contributions. empress cixi initially even supported this uprising, she maneuvered between western diplomats and the rebels, but in the end, she managed to crush the uprising. and as a result, a document was signed that imposed huge contributions on china, as always, and even more, as it were , turned china. into a common colony of the west, hello, today we dedicated the festival day to real legends of the stage.
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join your own, serve under contract, back in november 1897, at a meeting of the russian government, a note from the minister of foreign affairs, count muravyov , was discussed with a proposal to occupy port arthur, using as a convenient pretext the fact that the germans had recently occupied the city of tsingdau. it cannot be said that the discussion went smoothly. the minister of finance, sergei witte, who had great influence at the time, spoke out sharply against it. however, the chinese authorities did not see any treachery in this. it turned out that the consent of the chinese was not difficult to obtain if mutual interests were observed and mutual respect was shown. in the case of asia and, specifically, china, this respect is generally almost the main guarantee of success in negotiations. in russia, unlike japan and the west, this is understood. russian diplomacy worked masterfully. back in 1895, thanks to a temporary friendship of interests with
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germany and france, the three countries forced japan to return the launing peninsula, along with dalian port arthur, to china. in 1898, a convention was signed between russia and china, according to which port arthur, the kwantung peninsula, guangdong, russia received on lease for 25 years with the right to extend this term, for the purposes of mutual self-defense without encroachment on its final rejection, the chinese were quite satisfied with this. on such conditions, china agreed if a foreign power built the port of arthur and dalian as a trading port, but japan had long laid claim to the leodong peninsula, and for japan this was also a very strategic point, which was necessary
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for... that is, the deployment of japanese military forces and trading forces in china, therefore in this confrontation between china and japan, of course, the chinese were interested in the russian state, here as an intermediary, yes entered. at the time of the transfer to russia, port arthur was a small town, the population of which did not exceed 400 people, later the chinese quarters were called the old city. in december 189. the seventh year, the russian squadron entered port arthur . a base of the russian navy in the pacific ocean was formed in the port. the first pacific squadron of admiral stark. the construction of the fortress began in 1901 in port arthur. by 1904 , the russian-chinese bank was already operating, the buildings were rising engineering department and headquarters of the military administration, numerous soldiers' barracks stretched around. the population was divided almost
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equally. 18,000 russian subjects to 24 thousand chinese. brick and star factories were built. alcohol distilleries and tobacco factories printing houses. the russian-language newspaper novy kray was founded. in parallel with the development of port arthur, work was in full swing in dalian. at that time, we called it the distant port. thus, the liadun peninsula became a real asian outpost of russia, but further integration by ... it is sport arthur the russo-japanese war began. on the night of january 27, 1904, even before the official declaration of war, eight japanese destroyers suddenly attacked the russian squadron in port arthur, which was standing in the outer roadstead without protection. the japanese ships blockaded port arthur, trying to prevent
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the russian squadron from leaving. by the summer of 1904 , port arthur was completely cut off by land from the manchurian army, after some time the sea communication was blocked, and on july 30, 1904, the siege of the fortress began with japanese troops, who built siege structures. the siege and defense of port arthur became the longest battle of the russo-japanese war. the heroic defense of port arthur lasted 159 days. the japanese made several attempts to storm the city, each time ending in the defeat of the japanese. both sides suffered colossal losses. the port arthur fortress held out for less than a month. commandant stoessel, contrary to the decision of the military council of the fortress, which advocated continuing the defense, surrendered port arthur. on january 5, 1905, the garrison, exhausted by the siege, surrendered its weapons and handed over port arthur
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to the japanese. russia's war with japan was to a large extent the fulfillment of its allied obligations to china under the 1896 treaty , but russia lost the war and had to abandon port arthur and part of the railway to changchun. after the signing of the porzmandy treaty between russia and japan in 1905, the government of the qin empire considered it possible to terminate the sino-russian alliance treaty, which was designed.
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the picture in eurasia changes dramatically. diplomatic relations with china after the revolution of 1917 are broken. in china, there is a struggle for power between three forces at once: the remnants of the qing empire, chiang kai-shek's nationalists and the communists led by the young mao zedong. at this time , the capital of russian migration to the east became the city of harbin, which came into being thanks to the construction of the cer. thanks to the chinese-eastern railway. after the revolution of 1917, harbin became invisible to europe with soft russian migration. the city had a russian spiritual mission, 22 orthodox churches were built, there were also its own paramilitary security units and cossack villages, many professional political associations, hospitals, orphanages, houses of mercy, opera and drama theaters, dozens of newspapers and publishing houses, six russian universities. thanks to the foundation laid earlier, harbin actually
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became a russian enclave in china. harbin was actually the capital of the cer, from the very beginning it was a city that did not live by chinese by law. and after the revolution in china in 1911, the revolution in russia in 1917, quite a lot of russian people, citizens of russia, gathered in harbin. it was a very international city, there were poles and russians, georgians and jews, when you study the history of harbin, there are amazing people, passionaries, you understand, it was a center of attraction for passionaries, after the white troops were defeated, the remnants of the cossacks, officers came there, even the remnants of denikin's russian troops from crimea got there. through europe, through asia they settled there. harbin
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immediately became such an international city, unprecedented, perhaps, even in world history, everyone was happy there, at first, and this continued until the thirty-first year, when the japanese captured northern china and began to establish their influence there, their order. china at that time fell apart into pieces, into the possession of all sorts of generals, the japanese. bribed some generals, there other countries other generals, and harbin already then began to decline. beginning in 1924 with cooling in relations, the ussr and china signed an agreement on moscow's renunciation of special rights and privileges, after which the russian concessions in harbin were liquidated, and hankov, with the chinese government's obligation not to transfer these rights. and privileges to a third power. in
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1926, the commanders of the chinese troops in harbin disbanded all elected bodies of russian public self-government, in exchange for which they formed a temporary committee, which would include only chinese. at the same time, in the early twenties of the twentieth century, the soviet government sends several diplomatic missions to beijing to establish official relations with china. in september 1923 , lev karakhan became the first soviet ambassador to china. on may 31, 1924, he managed to sign an agreement with the beijing government to establish a ussr embassy in china and occupy the building that had previously been occupied by the diplomatic mission of tsarist russia. in 1922, two events occurred: first, soviet troops and partisans drove out the white guards and interventionists and... the japanese, american and british from the far east.
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and the question arose that russia should return its property to the south in china. and secondly, the eastern department of the people's commissariat of foreign affairs was headed by a prominent armenian revolutionary, lev karakhan. he served in the moment, almost from its foundation, was a deputy people's commissar, carried out the most responsible, most dangerous missions, for example, in poland. and here he realized that he would not be able to manage the process from moscow, and personally went to china to sort out russian interests on the spot. in order to return the cer to soviet power, karakhan went deal, he ceded to china those concessions in kenzin and other cities, which the rfsr could not reach anyway, and returned the cer to soviet russia and signed
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a peace treaty with china for this matter, restoring diplomatic relations, but this did not stop the chinese from trying to seize. with such a capital in nanjing and this force was prestigious for them, if the western powers actually recognize them, simply to seize this railway so that it would become chinese, since it was built on chinese territory. the clouds over the cer thickened in 1928 year after the chinese seized the telephone station in... in the spring of 1929, under the pretext of spreading communist propaganda , soldiers broke into the soviet consulate in harben and seized a number of documents, 80 people were arrested, including 42 employees of the consulate. in july 1929 , the army police occupied the main buildings
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belonging to the ussr, the trade union, the merchant marine, and the trade union. about 200 people were arrested, in response to... frosts, despite this, the red army soldiers in difficult conditions, were quite strong managed to defeat the chinese. by the end of november , the soviet army had completed combat missions to liberate the cer, and beijing initiated peace talks. the expectation that the soviet union would not react to provocations on the railway failed. the cer became
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a joint venture. soon, normal operation of the cer was restored. the chinese eastern railway did not remain in the common ownership of china and the ussr for long. in 1931, manchuria and harbin were occupied by japanese troops. diplomatic relations with the ussr were interrupted. they will be restored only in 1932, in 1935, after numerous provocations in the area of ​​the road, the ussr decides to sell its share in the cer to the pro-japanese puppet state of manzhougu. in the soviet country it was not at all profitable to start any military actions, the actions were between japan and china, to interfere in this conflict, it means simply to kindle another hotbed of world war. for the soviet country, which had just experienced collectivization, industrialization and so on, it is necessary
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it was easy to adopt the order to start building your country. so after the sale of the cer to the ussr , 25,000 soviet railway workers went. the soviet-japanese war, in a short time the main leaders of the russian emigration were sent to camps, that is, they were thrown across the border, and there many died later, and as for the immigration that was left, so to speak, without its leaders, here the question was decided whether to repatriate to the ussr,
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or go to some other countries, that is , if we look at the main part of the russian emigration, the majority were for the soviet union, for returning to their homeland, as for those people who were irreconcilably opposed to the soviet power, of course, they tried through many international organizations to go to other countries, the main part, it generally behaved quite cautiously and simply waited, and what will happen, yes, what kind of events will happen and so on, at this time from 45 to 4 , when the communists came to power with the help of the soviet union, weapons and so on, in forty- ninth year it became absolutely clear that
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the chinese will not tolerate foreigners on their territory. meanwhile, in august 1945, the soviet army took port arthur and returned the cer to the control of the ussr. russian migrants were initially based mainly in harben, when the japanese arrived, many left there, because there were attempts. to take russians into the japanese army, well , all sorts of oppression, including bacteriological experiments on russians, which were conducted in harbin, and the center began to shift to beijing, especially to shanghai. a lot of russians had accumulated in shanghai, they lived mainly in french concession, since shanghai was divided into several foreign concessions where chinese laws did not apply, well , they lived there until 1949, in 1949, when the communists entered shanghai. and they offered the emigrants two options: one was to become soviet citizens and go to the soviet union to
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find out what they had been doing before that , or go somewhere abroad. most took the second option, went to australia, canada, the united states and other countries. shanghai has always been an important city. it was never the capital of china, but suffice it to say that the russian consulate in shanghai. was essentially founded back in 1896, by 1905 about four hundred russian citizens had settled in shanghai, these were employees of the russo-asian bank, the volunteer fleet passage company, russian fur trading firms, and they naturally needed diplomatic protection. shanghai, along with paris and berlin, became one of the world centers of russian emigration, it was close, did not particularly oblige, and no visa or residence permit was required to settle there. the probability of kinship is 99.9% 0%,
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we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find the policy. cheaper, nine out of ten clients stay with us after the purchase, try it yourself, compare, asaga is cheaper. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. russian emigrants in shanghai could live completely freely, feel safe, but they were all stateless persons, because the soviet government deprived them of citizenship back in 1921 all political refugees. in 1920 , the chinese republic declared that it no longer recognized the russian consulate in china and severed all ties with representatives of the russian empire. overnight, russian emigrants in china found themselves stateless; unlike other foreigners living in china, they did not enjoy the privileges of extraterritoriality, such as non-subordination to chinese law. slowly but surely, the russian diaspora began to flourish
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both economically and culturally. in the twenties and thirties, in... in shanghai, there appeared russian schools, cultural sports clubs, newspapers in russian were published and even russian radio stations began to broadcast, russian theaters appeared, during the second world war and after it , the jazz orchestra of oleg lunstrom, who would later return to the ussr, was wildly popular. alexander vertinsky moved from paris to shanghai via the usa and lived in the city for more than ten years. fyodor chaliapin visited shanghai, harbin, tianne, beijing on tour. teachers gave lessons in ballet and drama and even opened in city ​​conservatory. of course, the efforts of former diplomats were also required to protect such a large number of russians . it was diplomats who had been trying to establish a permanent and legitimate consulate in shanghai for many years. from its establishment until 1917, the consulate general of the empire changed several rented premises.
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sometimes it was necessary to rent private rooms side by side with offices. the new shanghai era of russia began in 1911 with the appointment of viktor gross to the post of consul general. viktor gross was certainly very courageous a man who shouldered a great responsibility for these tens of thousands of russian emigrants, stateless people, without documents. for some time he controlled the buildings of our consulate and maneuvered as best he could.
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gross personally lobbied for the acquisition of a plot of land on the banks of the huangpu by the russian empire, personally looked for contractors, when the first world war began, he personally continued the construction, at his own expense. funds and private donations. by the end of 1916 , the building was ready. a nice and cozy building the russian consulate on the embankment, perhaps the most beautiful spot in shanghai, is now protected by the chinese government as a historical monument. but viktor grossy did not accept the 1917 revolution and did not become a soviet diplomat. in 1924, before leaving, he himself removed the coat of arms of the double-headed eagle from the building’s façade and lowered the flag of the russian empire. thus, he handed over the building of the russian consulate to the new soviet vice-consul, elider. a new era was beginning, during which the russian colony of shanghai survived the japanese occupation. presence japanese army on the territory of china
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continued almost until the end of the second world war. as a rule, our people did not accept chinese citizenship, but in those days it was possible to live without sirpasty-molotkasty, or any passport at all. with these international documents, they felt quite comfortable, those who were able to earn a living, in shanghai there are still a lot of mansions, our architects, bankers, engineers, some lived very well, some helped their compatriots, built a russian cathedral orthodox, that is, such a life was, normal, russian people can live everywhere, in 1986. the consulate building was finally handed over to the soviet, now russian side, the russian flag is now flying over the river. the russian consulate building itself is now included in the list of beautiful buildings in shanghai. this is
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the official chinese name. the unofficial name is the russian castle. traces of russian culture are still preserved in china, in shanghai, harbin, and lushun, although it has not been called port arthur for a long time.
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hello, this is the ntv news service, yulia bekhtereva in the studio. a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7 has occurred in kamchatka. the epicenter was in the pacific ocean. the strongest tremors were felt in petropavlovsk, kamchatsky, velyuchensk, as well as in the yelizovsky and ustkamsky districts. household appliances were moving in houses, cabinets were opening, books and dishes were falling. then a series of autoshocks followed. residents began to leave their houses, according to data by this hour, destruction was suffered. they are gone. now rescuers are examining the building. hospitals, housing and communal services and energy sector work.


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