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tv   Femida vidit  NTV  August 19, 2024 4:00am-4:49am MSK

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they were supposed to get the medicine for free, but it didn't happen, yeah, why do we have to take up arms in order for people to get what they deserve, what they're entitled to, why, what do you want? talk, why, i filed for divorce, you'll be together soon without any problems, marin, open up, please, just keep it quiet, the kids are sleeping, i just brought down my fever. what do you want? marin,
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honestly, i've always envied you, in our department we need boots everywhere, do you know why? everyone from the sergeant to the general knows, that styopa is married, because he constantly tells everyone about it, everyone, he constantly bakes photos, yours, photos of your children, you know, it's brutal to look at it all the time, so what does that mean? and he's also the only one of the apers who wears a wedding ring, although it's not customary, you know, because he's the craziest married man i know, okay, you may not believe me, but honestly, i'm ready to just hit him over the head with a truncheon sometimes, he's so annoying, the way he tells me every day where did you go, what did you eat, where were you, how are his children, now he walks around like, well, just without...
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to visit, please, sit down and talk calmly, okay, i'm going, the family is for styopa, that's all.
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and what, go ahead? what, come on, detach, come back to more. the subscriber's device is turned off.
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the subscriber's device is turned off or out of range. yes, anyut, and andrey and i are walking, do you want to grab some pizza with us, well, near the house, yes, i'll be there soon, but okay, we're waiting.
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player number two, folt, your word, the three of spades. gentlemen, player three is out ollin. folk, player two. pass! player one, screw you, i need a drink.
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a tumbler on kings, a set on kings, a six and an eight of spades, a flush was bought, how come, the combination is higher, how come, what the hell, player three has won, evgeny semenovich, congratulations, maybe you'll take a break for a bit, congratulations, machine, well , lend me another 500, and the bank is across the street, well, you know that no one will give me a loan there, and you know that no one gives loans to anyone here, mash, i'll win it back, i feel like i i'll get even, really, well, a premonition,
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car, i beg you, please, darling, i beg you, please, at most, i can call arkady petrovich, "call, come on, call, consequences, you understand, come on, call, i'll return everything, no problem, if anything, i'll sell my apartments in moscow city, i don't need them at all, zhenya, you mortgaged them a week ago, these are not the ones, there are still some, this is what's on fodeeva, yes, call, car, yes, yes, call, time, mash, call,
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i want me to be lucky, can i please, i'll be lucky, that's the main thing,
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attention, attention, the object comes out with southwest side, got you, second, video. hey, i'm first, actually, since when? since that's my call sign, if anything, accepted, second, listen, anya, not on purpose, and you take on call signs like schoolgirls, you yourselves are all schoolgirls, hmm. it started, yes, great, great, that some kind of nervous today, but usual, sanya,
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so we're even now, like that, take me to the piece. let's go, sanya, sorry, that's how i need to go in the other direction, come on, you! drove faster, that's it, stop, police, so be careful, on the wheels, that's it, on the wheels, stop, police, stop, enough, you'll knock me down, lie down,
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put your hands behind your head, i said i was the first, i'm always the first, got it, yeah, oh, listen, stick out your tongue now, i didn't have any coke or gun, what did they find in someone else's car, and i don't care, the dodge will do, it's counted, but it wasn't passed, there was a camera and a microphone in the car, we recorded everything, your fingerprints are on the gun, on the briquette, we'll probably find them, and what can you do now? san, it's no use, you're in trouble this time, on the other hand,
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start cooperating, and the detention reports dissolve into the analogy of history. we are interested in the denisov brothers' group, any info that will help us put them down, you used to sing with them while drinking vodka, right? no, well , that was before, before the brothers grew up and stopped respecting you, so guys, maybe you'll stand in a row, my head is already spinning from you, in short, we're wasting our time, he doesn't know anything. he's not up to date with real affairs at all, i agree, formalize it, we're going home, yeah, that's it, let's go , that's it, slow down, i'm not the last person, i have something in my right pocket, look, your priobuski didn't find it, i can't do it myself, sorry. yes, deeper, deeper,
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and what is this, and what does denisov have to do with it? the denisov brothers opened a backroom casino in the victoria hotel. are you going to leave already, damn it, i don't want to let you go, and i don't want to leave, especially not to go home, well then get up, are you serious, stay with me without any problems, like in the same bed, you can separately, i can in the next one. but you'll get a rest from your ancestors, you yourself always dreamed of it, call, like it's too late, you'll stay with
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oksanka, she won't believe it at all, now if i could find an adult aunt to be oksanka's mother pretended to be on the phone, would have vouched for me, it would have been so easy, there's a drunk on the fifth floor, she used to drink with my aunt a lot, she'd probably do it with anyone for half a grand. it's an elite establishment, check out the guests' faces, half of them appear on tv, the other half hold accounts and common funds for tens of millions of dollars, that is, the casino's income is on a particularly large scale, obviously, and since they're the organizers of an organized crime group, we can give them up to 6 years, shut down the shop, put the squeeze on the denisovs, and then they'll throw in a couple more articles if someone goes deal, okay, what we already have... copied regular customers and got through to the administrators, and styopa in ambush began
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to learn french, wants to take his wife to paris, they were making noise at you again , extraneous noise is leaving, forgive me, i'm just sitting, envying, quietly. security there is at the highest level, the entire floor of the hotel is blocked off, there is a separate entrance, armored doors, surveillance cameras everywhere. we received a diagram of the halls, it remains to get inside under the guise of players to make a test purchase. anya, styopa, your turn to get past security, two verified players should for us vouch, well, add to the guest list, there's already one, it's sanya kokosovy, actually he brought us to the casino. yeah, yeah, we've also identified a second candidate, the top manager has fed him,
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tomorrow we'll work him over thoroughly. do you know how this is really translated? i have no idea, banter, maybe you know? did you really have to do this about paris, all this, huh? oh come on, what are you saying, i'm just trying to make the boring operational meeting more fun, so that you can have fun alone, well , that's right, i'm not a klom to entertain you all, please, don't touch my wife, we already made up with her, you know it yourself, and i did nothing like that, so don't even mention her name in your sui, i beg you nicely, please! please, you 're really bothered, you could have cooked a tribe, i want to please you, help, m, cut the salad, if it's not too much trouble, and grutsi tomatoes in the refrigerator, wow, there
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's more food here than i have at home for three, my mother only cooks porridge. sausages, do you stock up on them yourself? well, who else? well, sometimes anya throws in all sorts of things. anya? shouldn't you be jealous? what are you saying, i'm not her type, she doesn't date men, shorter than her, she's not your type. well, just watch out, be careful when i'm with a knife, don't joke like that. kan, i won't, my father grabbed a knife in front of me once, a year ago, i thought a little more and he'd cut my mother, and then me.
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hi, where's katya? i'm asking you, where's katya? katya, katya, are you here? come here. did you spend the night at that friend's? why are you silent, at that friend's? i just dropped by andrey's after school. what are you lying to me? why are you pulling my leg? i talked to oksana's parents this morning. so, get dressed! we'll talk at home, with you puppy, i will talk differently, i will talk to you later, let's go, let go, vadik, what am i to you vadik, i am your father, got it, father, let's go.
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when will you let me call a lawyer? why do you need a lawyer? did you break something once? evgeniya, we checked everything, you have no major sins, except for fines for speeding and addiction to gambling, but according to the law this is not considered a major sin, although it 's like looking at it, what are you fooling me about? why am i here, oh, forgive me, for god's sake, you probably want to too, but you are here you've been sitting there for so long, forgive me, styopa, go and get some coffee for yevgeny vasilyevich, come on, come on, what are you sitting there for, should i run, i'm a girl, you bastard, you're not a girl.
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come on, come on, forgive me for god's sake, my colleague's behavior, vasilyevich, we don't have any other rooms here, unfortunately, in the department, the generals provide us with their offices for such negotiations, unfortunately, forgive me, the thing is, you see, styopa and i really need a recommendation to get into the casino. victoria, and you are a regular, respected client there, you somehow you can study for us, please, and what will happen to you for this? well, of course, to you... for this freedom, freedom from debts to the denisov brothers, now what, they set you a deadline for payments until the end of the year, it seems, yes,
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yes, if you don’t pay, you won’t have time, you will be left without property, you risk being left without a couple of organs, and without a kidney, for example, it’s unpleasant to live without a kidney, especially for you, a person accustomed to luxury, i understand, i understand, evgeny vasilyevich, if we put pressure on the denisovs, your debts are written off, i give you a guarantee, think about it calmly, until styopa came back with coffee, good. i didn't get it, why did you miss your run, andryukh? oh, i sent you an sms that i can't. well
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, yeah, i'm just wondering, is it possible to sacrifice your health for something like that? nothing will happen to my health in one day. and who was talking about you? it's bad for me. instead of five wonderful kilometers in the park, i was pushing around in a stuffy metro. we wouldn't have come, so, come on, tell me what happened , should i torture you or something, okay, as far as i remember, you had a soldering iron somewhere, we're taking it now, everything is so bad, to me, probably, what for, why? yeah, i
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'm dating a girl from my class, and her father is very much against it, and he somehow found out that i live here alone, he snitched to the guardianship authorities, snitched, are you sure, yeah, that girl at school told me, why didn't you say anything? now we 'll quickly run to your aunt in klin, bring her here, make her play an exemplary pikun for a couple of days, yeah, i already called her, he mumbled something into the phone and threw, okay, stay home, i'll go myself, he won't risk getting me wet, dude, hello, i don't want to leave the house, and you won't get in, wait, i'll be back in about three hours.
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i wanted to play roulette, allow these maksimirich, let's go, what's the matter, a fire or something, worse, andrey, what 's today? i'll get through, well, come out, of course, i'm washing myself, well, i arrived at his aunt's house,
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it's a homeless shelter there, a real one, the aunt is really bad, god knows how many days she hasn't sobered up, or even weeks, well, well, i'm on a drip, yes, i've already put it in, i'm afraid that without salt, no, i can't show it to the guardianship authorities, it will ruin the whole thing, so what now, what? will they take him away? i don't know, well, we can try, there is i have a friend, well, i need to bring it through him, so that the inspection will write it in the report as it should be, what should i bring? well, and bring it, well, how much? well, we need to talk, well, talk, uncle kol, faster, what are you saying, i'll find the money? well, i also have peace of mind, i've put something aside, come on, save yours, after all, andrey, this is my concern, so that's all, all, all.
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and the question is probably stupid, well, what are we doing here, waiting, yeah, then the question is even more stupid, who are we waiting for? listen, of course, i understand that you are a lonely woman, no one is waiting for you at home, but i there is a family, you have been fixated on your family lately, really, it seems like you will, because i almost lost it, quiet, quiet,
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quiet, here he is, here he is! "here he is, our top manager, zhenya, he came to spend money again, that's why he is here, listen, denis, you closed it, but the casino is still working, that means they have a new owner, and the fbs doesn't care, listen, i understand you, well , let's go home, what am i talking about, you don't understand, banter, i suggest you finish this, shut down this casino, the two of us now, no, of course, anya, i ask you, let's go home, and home, okay, i'll take you, stepa, i 'll take you, just please, promise me tomorrow to help persuade yuri, here's maxim irovich,
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here's the new password. to enter, styopa and i can come in under the guise of a married couple and make a test purchase, gold never goes bad, what kind of idiotic password is this? maksimoroch, bless us, but so much is lost at work, it's a shame they 're already in our hands, actually, yeah, how can they be in our hands, if the bosses give the go-ahead, okay, i'll try to agree. thank you, otherwise i'll have no peace there won't be until she plays roulette, and what do you understand, you'll become my husband for one night, how you'll suffer, allow me, maksimovich, so andryukh, you can forget about baking, thank you, uncle, but you
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're welcome, we'll meet tomorrow while jogging. see you tomorrow, yeah, okay, well, that's it, you don't have to be afraid of guardianship, uncle , if you've decided everything, cool, take it easy, sorry, listen, your uncle can't sort things out with my father at the same time, don't be afraid of him, what can he do to us, i'm definitely not afraid of him, but if he starts threatening you, you'll run away to live with me screw him, i'm running away right now, mash, i beg you, please don't hear me, i beg you, i still need to borrow, you know, how tired you are, zhenya,
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only 300,000, i calculated everything, you know? but it's enough to close everything, no one here will give you another penny, you'll earn it, come back, although first i recommend paying off your old debts, but half of them have already been written off, mash, you understand, zhenya, arkady petrovich will come out sooner or later, he himself will start asking questions, or he will resell your debt to someone else, what is this place, vulgarity, come on, let's do it with me, you'll help me, my hands are busy, are you afraid your wife will catch you, she 's a pain in the ass to go to such establishments, i asked you not to touch on this topic, okay, it's boring with you, i had to take lyokha, so well, i'll play my roulette, yeah, and i was drowsy, i'll go, hello roulette, and wait, wait, good luck, darling,
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good evening, good evening! zhenya, i've always treated you well, so i'm telling you as it is, okay, next week is the quarterly bonus, i'll come back, i'll win back, i'll give everything back, yeah. what did you see? who's there? masha, would you better
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get out of here right now? what's wrong? i'm saying, just between you and me, they're going to storm you here. got it, where? which are right here, right here. mash, believe me, good evening, good evening, would you like to place a bet, please, your bets, thank you, the bets are made. you're carrying cash and hard drives, what should we do with this, maybe we'll figure it out, assign it to makar, 21.
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the dealer won, we apologize, but the game will continue after the dealer changes, what's going on in the middle of the game, i liked this guy, we bring our apologies, repeat again, good evening, why did kara stand up, did i do something wrong, or what, shut up, gentlemen, place your bets. open up, open up, that, father, open up, open up, i know you're there, listen, kid, i
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'm going to break the door down, roll here, no, you hear me, i know you're there, don't believe him, come on, open it quickly, go away, i'm going to call the police now. i'm the one who's going to call the police now, open up, got it, open up, do you hear, oh, guys, finally, senior lieutenant solovyov, what happened to you, my underage daughter was kidnapped by this guy a scumbag from her school locked her in her apartment.
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i don't get it, who is this? nikolai ivanovich, and come on to me straight away, i 'm older after all, nikolai ivanovich, so what? i'll explain, now we'll go into this apartment, completely calmly, you'll pick up your daughter and take her home, talk to her there, like a normal father, well, deprive her of, i don't know, tv, or whatever it is that deprives her of these days, for a week? and tomorrow i'll ask her how it went for you, if god forbid, she complains to me that you raised a rock on her, so in short, or you introduce yourself in the proper form, show your
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id or whatever you have there, or are we going to talk to you in a different way, is this like the language of power or something? well, you can use it, well, think about it, why make things worse? we're just having a normal conversation, like a father, talking to a father, and it's clear, so what, are you the father of this puppy or something? adopted, well, consider it so, and now i understand everything, i understand your bastard's ranty, well, why are you doing this, and why? now you'll have to sit in the monkey house for the night, oh well, you'll have a rest, oops, think about it, well, let's go, otherwise the guys are waiting downstairs, come on, come on, come on, steps, like this,
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how much is there, how much did you win, how many millions 5, maybe a little more oh? take a look, styopa,
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you can exchange the chips and get out of here, how, oh well, we say that we cancelled the operation, we take the money, we get out, he's in his right mind, think about it, the casino doesn't give a damn, we're just developing it , the denisovs are arriving, they've already arrived like this, so syuby is sorting it out further, and how are we now? from me what are you, it's easy, we collect the money, we get out, we say that we they exposed it, they didn't let us into the hall, and what did they repeat here for 2 hours, we need to wait until they let us in, wait, and the recordings and cameras, let's go down to the security room, imagine, we'll delete everything, ami, ami, what is a casino? this is the most harmless form
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of crime, they have always been and always will be, otherwise you have nowhere to go, today 100 will close tomorrow 110 will open, you know this very well, and people need places where they can come, just let off steam, people need to somehow discharge, that's why the state often turns a blind eye to such places, that's it, if they ban this too, i have an even more serious crime rate now, you understand perfectly well, so let's take the money and get out, that's it... come on, listen, you 're right, it's not about them, it's about us, you understand, about us, i won't forgive myself, no, banter, banter, banter, but you'll spend it on something good, spend it on something noble, understand everything, i really need the money now, it's just that i... now i'll have to bring in even more, for sure, come on, let's go,
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decide, we've cleaned everything up, we're ready to storm, if anything, these two, like, took the money, they got into the toilet, they're discussing, i hope the bribe works, and you'd better leave, the rest are still in their places in the normal mode.
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i couldn't, no way, okay, well, what's there, it's clean, clean, i accepted it, that's it, let's go, come on.
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ready, that's it, let's go, look at me, close the door, yeah. well, let's go, i suggest we place bets on how long it will take to reopen, i'll leave it at a month, but it doesn't matter, the main thing.
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i explain, you, you can look after katya, but do it normally, like all the guys your age, well, i don't know, go to the movies, to a cafe, invite her over sometimes, but before 7:00 pm, after 7, she shouldn't be here, imagine your parents coming home from work, you can't do it with them, they don't come back, no one comes back, not at seven, not at eight. not at one in the morning, never, i'm here alone every day, calm down, sit down, sit down, sit down, you said that there would be no problems with this, that you're ready to live alone, i'm ready and i live, but.
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"listen, move in with me, i mean, you'll live with me, well, until you're eighteen, for example, or you can try, and then we'll see, you can rent out the apartment, money they will, well why not, i somehow raised her, you know, there were much more problems with her, plus i don’t need to raise you, he’s already what he is, rather the opposite, you’ll keep an eye on me, what if i slip in the bathroom or something, and we’re young, i
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was serious about katya, you can’t live with her, i understand, that’s it, i’ll treat myself , hi, wait, listen, why aren’t you opening up, yeah, i just didn’t receive an sms with the password, what’s going on? it didn’t come, why do you think? that is, it’s not a mistake, right? i have money, i have a car, think better, don’t catch up, zhenya, you brought the cops to us, that's it,
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these doors are closed to you forever, i 'm being friendly, i, i warned you, do you want a joke, well, our coconut informant just hissed at me, it's opening again today, imagine, yeah, apparently they found the patron at the top, what are we dispersing, we'll check. don't come here anymore, goodbye, wait, listen, i'm not being dramatic, you should understand that
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this isn't even my decision, i don't need to get even, don't play the fool, what do you want from me, for me to lead you, there are guards at every step you'll be knocked down right at the door, put the gun away while no one sees us, i need to get even. oh damn!
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