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tv   Za granyu  NTV  August 19, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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where were you heading? i was heading home from my sister's. do you always go this way? no, i rarely go this way, god sent me to go this way. have you been to this place many times before? no, there is an abandoned road, fields, a forest belt, not far from there, these bushes, there are stray dogs, but here there are such thickets, to be honest, it is impossible to see anything here, and what time was it when you got there? about 8:40 p.m., how did you find the baby? i found her by... she was crying, there were already such sounds, small, like the kitten blinks, well i thought, kittens, kittens were thrown out, i decided to look in there, i see, a child is lying there, i was horrified, everything in front of my eyes was like in a fog, what the baby looked like, she was sunburned, ants were crawling on the pony, she was bitten by ants and the umbilical cord was not cut, how long do you think the girl lay there, about five hours, because it was very... this situation is just beyond the pale,
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what must be in the head of this woman, what despair, i absolutely can't her justify understand what despair can be if a person abandons his own child, there is no? no financial situation, anything, if you gave birth to your child, be kind, either raise it yourself, or transfer the benefit to the state. nikolay, about the umbilical cord, you said, not tied, not treated, naturally, donna, it is very dangerous, yes, of course, i think that this is beyond the pale, and the most difficult thing for the child will be in the future, this is the impact on the nervous system, the same ant bites, this is not just an injury, it's ant poison, which damages and... the state of the nervous system
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of a newborn child, which is not fully formed, these are purulent complications, this is a disorder of the respiratory system, of course, the consequences can be catastrophic, a miracle , the fact that the child survived, ultraviolet rays that fell on the skin of a newborn child, they can lead to many complications, this is of course the risk of developing cancer in the future, yes, in the future of the child, the same insect bites, ants, they generally are carriers of diseases such as... nikolay when you found the baby she had no strength left and she was already on her last legs.
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no, first he says, where are you , he says, i say, in the field, i say, the child is lying with the umbilical cord, let's quickly take off his t-shirt, shake it off from these insects carefully, wrap it up, press it to himself so that it would be warmer for her, we waited a long time for the ambulance, less than a minute, it arrived quickly, there was a hospital just nearby, and the baby continued to cry or calmed down, well, of course, she continued from the pain, because when the bites, they bit her, plus the sun is greedy, do you have children, no, you know, it seems to me that it worked here... eating you was simply
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sent to her by a guardian angel, but i don't know how else to explain it, because from a psychological point of view, yes, we have protective functions there, we cope with difficult, stressful situations, but in itself this story is about the fact that there is really an intervention of something higher. nikolay, when the doctors arrived, what did they say about the condition of the newborn? they were surprised, wow, damn, the umbilical cord is not cut, they wrapped the bag specially to warm her up because the body was already cold, when the doctors took the baby away, did you give in to your emotions, what was happening to you? yes, i didn't, when they interrogated me, the police immediately arrived, interrogated everything, and let me go, i just came home, everything was already rolling over me, tears, my sister calls , calms me down, says, that's it, says, saved the girl, what are you, i think, worried about her, will they get her there, won't they get her there, for me the most important thing was that they get her to the hospital, that i can't imagine what you went through, really, and the worst thing at this moment... is that you still
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found him alive, and he can die in your arms, and you are already responsible, you will not be able to abstract yourself leave it aside, it is one thing when you found him... god, that everything will work out, it is a miracle that such a craving for the life of a small child, she will leave this child without serious consequences that the child was saved, god bless him, give him health . nikolay, who did you tell first about what happened, i called my sister, said, she was in shock, like leave the child, she has three children, they consulted with her husband, well, she says, we want to adopt her, even so, well done, and did you share with anyone else what happened , i called my girlfriend, said so and so, i say, i found, i say, the child in the bushes, she says, what do you mean, well, somehow like that, i say, it happened, she was in shock, she almost, she cried, she called her mother,
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told her, she was also in tears, where is the baby now, now in a perimental center, i got into fights, she is getting better, she is on the mend, she is gaining all her strength, she has already grown up by... centimeter, and did you visit her? yes, she is smiling now, she was baptized, by the way, right there, yes, in the direct mental center, and what was the name? masha, who chose the name? well , the doctors chose it, the head doctor, they gave me my patronymic, like a savior, your patronymic, maria nikolaevna, wonderful, for you it seems to me, a great honor and pride, probably, yes, you know, the event itself, it is so incredible and i think that it was the right decision that they gave nikolai's patronymic. and that nikolai will be connected for life by some kind of common thread, that is, this is now this in fact, your daughter, yes, consider it, and it seems to me that after you, nikolai , saved masha, maria nikolaevna, maybe you thought about creating a family yourself, yes
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, the girl and i have already talked about this topic, we will create our own family, i think that you will be a very good dad, thank you, after what happened, this girl... "she, of course, will launch very powerful mechanisms of correct, healthy, warm, this kind of parenting, i do not doubt this for a second. nikolai, and how did other local residents react to what happened? yes, they were in shock. having heard that a newborn girl had just been found in the field, she ran as fast as she could to help malutka. anna fofanova is visiting us. hello, anna. hello. anna, how did you find out about what happened? i was sitting at my friend's house, my, well, my friend's girl ran up and said that a little girl had been found in the field, i was in shock, because i am a mother myself, i have children, so she planned this moment to abandon the child there, because how can you
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abandon a little child, you carried him under your heart for 9 months, you felt how he was struggling there, it wasn't just like that, you rushed straight to the place, yes, i ran to that place in 5 minutes, i... the thing is that the little girl was lying in the field all covered in blood, bites, and burns, the doctors arrived and took the girl away right away, as nikolai swaddled her, he took off his t-shirt, swaddled her , the doctors took that little girl away right away, i didn't sleep all night, i thought about that little girl, what happened to her, how was she, you wondered who could be the mother of that girl, the police came and asked everyone, they took our dna to find out who the mother was and also... well, the police were at the hospital, they took a list of those who were registered, but she probably didn't even register, because she wasn't even on the list, she wasn't among those who registered, she wasn't there, nikolai, you were also questioned by the police, they asked how you found it, then you also took a dna test, they thought
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that my child, maybe my girlfriend, and next to the girl there were some bandages, cotton wool, clothes maybe, the police arrived, well they removed it. oh, well for dna, the blood hadn't had time to dry yet, and did you have any ideas who could have done this? no, i saw this woman before , there was no belly, maybe she was somehow wrapping it up, hiding her pregnancy, do you mean the one that the investigative bodies are now pointing to, she turned out to be a local resident, yes, yes, and she has other children, you know about this, yes, she has children, three, but in general the family is happy there, well , apparently, no, because how can you do that, and i... i think, this is what happened here, what is this understanding of the value of life, when we we recognize a personality in a small person, but here it was not, it was just an object that she was already preparing, apparently to get rid of, because she did not register, that is, it was planned, that's
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the horror, i was still thinking, i think, you never know, well , maybe there are some difficulties, she may have a hormonal background, no, that's exactly where i think it was planned you... perhaps she found out about the pregnancy when nothing could be done, and it was planned, well, i'll give birth and just throw it out to the ants to eat, she chose place, she's not just somewhere, she chose.
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well, really, this is probably the most outrageous situation now, which everyone has heard, no normal, sane person can understand, how was it possible to do this, we have wonderful orphanages, if you don't want to, no one is forcing you, hand over your children, we don't have any persecution even now, you give birth in convenient, comfortable conditions in the maternity hospital, and you hand over with one statement, no one is running after you, no one is persecuting you, absolutely nothing you... you know, we are not talking about
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the normal psychological status of this woman, but even when the pregnancy is going very well, in prosperous families we see up to 11% risk of postpartum depression, terrible consequences, when in an ideal family a woman can leave her husband, a woman can bring to divorce and here almost all these consequences can be negligible. or did she not know what she was doing? timur, first of all, of course, i would like to address nikolai, for me nikolai is
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a hero, absolutely right, colleagues noticed, he didn't fuck pass by, nikolay, can i shake your hand, well done, yes, as for this situation, i would call it a tragedy, a crime, i can't even call this mother a person, how can you leave a small child to die, she basically understood this when she left the child. in such a state, she deliberately, intentionally, she became a child, exactly, i emphasize, yes, this is, well, this is murder, there is no other way to call it, if you approach it from the point of view of the law, then here, unfortunately, there is such article 106 of the criminal code, according to which for this very act of killing a newborn by a mother, yes, a newborn child faces up to 5 years of imprisonment, she did not register, she did not seek help, yes, she could have somehow contacted the clinic, she did not do any of this, she wanted. the child, so that no one would find the child. i agree, she can in no way be justified, and i do not
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justify her, but the situation can be looked at somewhat more broadly, and roughly speaking, this state of affect can be drawn, let's say, she is a mother there three children, she has nothing to support them with, so to speak, there is no father, husband, by the way, a good question, where was the husband anyway, who is the father, why is he relieved of responsibility, look at the fundamental principles of the family code, parents have equal rights and ... hello, oksana. hello. oksana,
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how long have you known the girl's mother? we met the girl's mother in 2023, somewhere in february. we live in the same city, we talked, met, corresponded, what kind of person is he? i'm not bad i can't say anything. she has three children, she brings them up well, dresses them, houses them, feeds them, worked at a school, they studied at the same school with her. she worked at a school, and what did she do, as an assistant cook, could you even imagine that she was capable of such a thing, no one here still believes that such a thing could happen at all, because... well , she was going to go to the hospital, to give birth, yes, she didn't hide the pregnancy, she was going to give birth, she didn't hide the pregnancy, she says, i'm going to go to bed soon to give birth, i should have gone to bed already it turns out in july. oksana, when did you see her last? the last time i saw her was july 25th, after she
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abandoned the girl, nikolai, you say, what girl was found? the twenty-second, you saw her on the twenty. she was indignant, did you hear the story, they abandoned the girl, i said, yes i heard, she talked to me about this case, discussed that she was pregnant, i asked when you, she should be admitted to the hospital in a few days, i'm going to give birth, who could have done this, who could have abandoned the child, you don't know, i said, no, i don't know, i even i couldn't imagine that it was... but her voice didn't waver when she talked to you about it, simple, cheerful, as usual , and how and why did she talk about it, let's assume why, maybe she was talking, or maybe she just didn't fully realize what she did, what is known about the father of the baby abandoned in the field, why his friends think that he is to blame for what happened, we will find out right after a short
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the life of a newborn girl. right after the birth, the baby's mother abandoned her in an open field until fate decided. lily, what do you think about what oksana told us about the baby's mother? i think that this is a completely different situation, what she was looking for, and does she know about what could hypothetically be, because the call went out. and law enforcement agencies began to look for all women in labor and, accordingly, those whose due date is approaching. the second question that immediately arises, yes , we can see that the person was employed, employed at school, accordingly they also knew that she was pregnant, why is the person not registered, why is there no information, that is, look, how many inconsistencies we had, assistant cook, mind you, this is the vacancy that constantly undergoes medical examinations, that is, you understand, yes, it was impossible. it was impossible to hide, the next moment, when she talked to you about this topic, yes, she did not have a belly, you saw it, anyway the belly, well, remains, i know from my own experience,
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because i have four children myself, it remains after childbirth, the belly, it does not go away, and what about your belly? she told me that she pulls it in with a bandage, well, i believed her, i’m not going to go there to check or look at anything, intent, timur, you see, this is intent, this is an absolutely thought-out situation, and how do you know the father, girls? we lived with him for a year and a half, i was with my husband because of him, got divorced, well, fortunately i came to my senses in time, we met with him, your cohabitant, yes, as you i met him, i came to visit my sister, she said to me, let me introduce you to a guy, well i met him, i didn't know that he was living with her, with her - this is with the mother of the abandoned girl, yes, with the mother of the abandoned girl, she was pregnant, well - the first time from him, last year her child froze, they pulled it out, there's a big question here. so, she was dating this man, who was dating you at the same time, she was
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pregnant from him. yes, she was pregnant from him, i really didn't know about it, that he he was dating her at the same time, then they broke up, you had a husband, i have a husband, thank god i didn't get divorced, i came to my senses, i realized what kind of person he was, and my husband kind of understood me, forgave me, eh, everything is fine with us, she lost that baby, all this was because she was worried, maybe because of you, but i don't think so, he cheated, he goes to someone else's. takes his wife away from there, she finds out all this, loses the child, the pregnancy, he didn't leave her, he helped her, at first we had conflicts, and then we somehow became friends and became friends on this basis. donna, if a pregnant woman at a serious stage, there is the eighth or ninth month, finds out that her man has fallen in love with another, is cheating on her, can this provoke an abortion? of course, it can provoke, not only an abortion, but, of course,
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it will leave such a big mark on the psychological status of the woman, because ... it is precisely during pregnancy that a woman is very susceptible to all influences from the outside, that is, what she can normally perceive calmly, can possibly affect her psychostatus this also left some imprint, of course, but i was really confused by the previous story, that there was a non -developing, frozen pregnancy at a late stage, everything was thought out too much, so the woman went and put the child to die, not to dump it in a store or die somewhere, this means that he had probably made multiple attempts to kill this child. it is much easier to kill a child when he is inside, when you are pregnant with him, when you bear no responsibility for this, it is just that, fortunately, she did not have this it worked out, fortunately it didn't work out unfortunately, most likely it worked out for her the previous time, as our heroine says, that before that she had a non-developing or frozen pregnancy at a late stage, so here of course it's a terrible situation and you need to understand that if people decide to conceive a child, both are responsible and how important the role of the father is just as important as
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the mother and
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i tell him not to have an abortion, and then he just told her that i don't need you, i don't need a child, and a child in general not mine, and i don't know anything, a nightmare, my hut is on the edge, you do what you want, what does he do for a living, he works in a water utility, with a lumberjack, and what is his secondary education, probably, then i want to understand what kind of person he is, how does he captivate women, charm them, one is pregnant, the second almost left the family, he has such eyes, as i call them puppy eyes, he blinks his eyelashes, claps right... that's it. irina, do you believe that a man with puppy eyes, as they say, can interrupt a woman's maternal instinct. as we can see, yes. the thing is that our women, russian women for that matter, tend to confuse love with these maternal feelings. manipulators take advantage of this very well, they play on feelings due to the fact that a woman begins to experience some kind of maternal feelings for a man.
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therefore. the more we, women, ask men to take responsibility, the less such tragic things will happen later. oksana, this gentleman, your ex, he is the father of these three children of this woman, no, she had an official husband, they then with him divorced, and someone has established that he is the father of this abandoned girl, officially, officially, officially no one has done dna, if you say that this is not yours, then... and he does not agree, he is generally hiding, he has now found himself another one, as they say, he is hiding behind her skirt, hiding, and the whole village believes that he is the father, yes, everyone, everyone is sure, that new one, who is with him now, she knows his biography, his
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adventures. yes, i told her, we talked, i told her, wait, this is important when you they told me, in june, so i told her that he was pregnant, olga, do you think that this news, yes, news about her loved one, could have influenced her decision to get rid of the child, of course, they could, but still there is no justification for this woman, because i think that everything was absolutely foreseen for her, to leave the child in...
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girls, but we are always, well , we are imagining something, she wanted to have an abortion, she is this, she is that, how do we know what kind of life she had, we do not know what happened to her, what prompted, it seems to me, her right here accusing of all sins, it is still not worth it, we need to look into this deeper, oksana, and how did this ex-boyfriend of yours generally treat his ex, it turns out, his common-law wife , the mother of this girl, he loved her, i don’t know, does he love anyone at all except... himself, probably no one, but i know that he is aggressive, he tried to raise his hand against me, but i immediately pulled him back, because i have a completely different character, i am more iron-willed, and you are talking about you, that is , he also beat her, well, i heard that yes, i
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heard that in general she is her first child froze because he beat her the day before, that's why the child froze, maybe he threatened her now, i don't know, or maybe he didn't promise at all, i don't know for sure because she's secretive, she doesn't tell anything herself. do you know where he is now? i don't see him, he's hiding from everyone, he's blocked everyone, he's hiding, there are even tricky ways so that no one sees him here, or hears him. sergey, do i understand correctly that it will be difficult to force this person to take a dna test, he's a cohabitant, an unofficial husband, if from the law, then this man cannot be forced to take a dna test, a man cannot be responsible for all his sexual contacts, in this case, if the woman set a goal for herself... he was not informed, it is her personal responsibility, according to the law he cannot be forced, the man did not know, but the presumption of innocence cannot be held responsible for what you did not know, he has no liability, neither criminal nor civil , and if, let's say, he told her,
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get rid of the child as you want, i don't need him, theoretically, he can be an accomplice, an instigator or whatever name, if she even informed him that she was going to commit a crime, then of course he passes. accomplice to a crime, concealment of a deliberate crime, this is a criminal article, let's say, if he didn't know, let's say the key word is, yes, then of course, this person cannot bear any responsibility, definitely criminally, definitely, i have one more question, and if she told him in her heart, since it's not yours, then i'll throw you out, it will be considered that he is aware of her intentions, if she clearly told him, i will take the life of this child, i i'll kill this child, let's say, and get rid of him, that is, i don't know, i'll leave him there to suffer, after that he didn't do anything, of course, he bears responsibility for this. namely criminal liability, he will, accordingly, be threatened for this, namely under the article concealment of a crime, i believe that he will not bear any responsibility at all, this is from the point of view of the criminal code, again, from the point of view of, let's say, family law, we
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have - fundamental principles, wonderful articles that tell us about that parents have equal rights and responsibilities, in the event that a man leaves a woman even during pregnancy, he is obliged to pay her alimony, in the case of an official marriage. in the case of an official marriage, yes, if a cohabitant, if it is established that his child is also obliged to pay alimony, in the case of pregnancy, if they live together, he is obliged to help, care, is obliged to support her, therefore, of course, well, as if his share of responsibility is also quite large, in that, let's imagine a situation if he supports her, lives with her, everything is fine, she would have done it, but it is unlikely, the next local resident believes that the mother of little masha simply had no other choice, in polen's studio. "hello, hello, i just don't understand why this girl is sitting and, well, i apologize, of course, for the word, i will explain why this girl is sitting and saying what she is saying,
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she is outraged by the actions of the woman who abandoned her newborn daughter in a field under the scorching sun, with insects and all sorts of dangers, i understand that this woman is your friend, yes, you have long you know"? 4 years, i know her very well, she is a good person, she has three children, which she raised, excuse me, on her own back, we often went for walks, talked, well... a caring mother, yes, she was registered at the hospital for pregnancy, she was registered with us at the ottezhskaya hospital, well, that is, she did not hide the pregnancy, right, she did not hide it, but she hid the pregnancy from her relatives, so that they would not know, but she was just afraid, well, why would the mother of the biological mother be against this, so that somehow you know, she didn't like her future son-in-law, right? yes, what awaits the mother who left her newborn daughter to die on
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an anthill in the field right under the scorching rays of the sun, we will find out in a few minutes. riding a star, rushing towards the wind, an unfulfilled dream, spring. lada vesta svos, automatic at the price of mechanics, benefit up to 300,000 rubles. what do the stars talk about? the stars talk about the stars. star topics, star guests. and star hosts. in the new season of the show, the stars came together, with lera kudryavtseva and timur eremeev. on sundays at 21:20 on ntv.
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to grab him, run to the window, open the window, why did he hide the truth about him for years, and what about your baby, and what was it that you had an accident? what happened to him, for which sergey belogolovtsev is grateful to his wife, i taught yours children to love you, which he did not dare to admit to his sons, i have very good children, they are much better than me, sergey belogolovtsev and his million-dollar secret, if you are jealous, you do not trust a person, then what is there to live with him, on saturday at 21:50 on ntv, beyond the pale, this is beyond the pale, a man was returning home through a field and found in the thickets on an ant.
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that her chosen one, well, he is unlikely to support her, or four children, at that time she already knew, maybe she knew that the chosen one had someone else, that she told about him, he her as if you know, he beat her, he touched her, she has a middle daughter, he also... hit her on the head, and where are the fathers of these three children? are they different people? yes, she could not contact them in any way. when did you see her last? that day when she was walking from - oksanina's sister, i saw her that day, like july 5th, yes, if i understand correctly, yes, i was just walking with well with my
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little one, she also had a belly, she was already without a belly, but she put on a tunic, which as if well she said that she pregnant, here i am... still in this position, and what was happening in her life during these days? well , before she gave birth, her, her father died, maybe two or three days ago, like that, she was in a very, well, how can i say, in a very, very understandable state, yes, a log, deep down you defend her and justify her, i defend her more, well, in general, of course, she kind of... did the right thing, but some people understand that she ca n't carry four children on her shoulders, but a counter question, why did she leave her in the field, why so cruelly, left her in the field to die, she told me that she gave birth because she was afraid
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, like, well, to go to the hospital, she told you that she gave birth, before she had already given birth to the child, when the child was already in the hospital. that is, you talked to her after the girl was taken to the hospital, she tells me, like, i have a child in my belly, everything is fine, i am carrying it, that they posted her photos on the internet, it's all fake, it's not true, and it's absolutely not her, that is, she is looking, a second, she looks at the photos of the girl that appeared in the public domain of this bitten little girl, yes, who was found, and what she says: "she says, i, and i left her, like, in the field because i couldn't, i wouldn't be able to hold out for a fourth child, wait, that is, she admitted to you that she left the child in the field, and you were left to live with this information, well , no one came to me, but a second,
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a woman, your friend admits to you that she left the girl in the field and that's it, well, i went home, because i have..." like a child i also wanted to eat, it seems to be over, i went home, how can you calmly go to your child after this and sleep after this, you know that the same child, but a stranger is now in danger, someone has already said , what's the point, i'll go to the police, i have to say this again, there are no strangers' children, understand, these are also your children, you are a mother, and you are still trying to justify her, like she has a man there, like she has nothing to eat there, since our program is on a federal channel , hundreds of thousands of people watch us, so i would like to address such... grief-stricken mothers, please, if suddenly, god forbid, you find yourself in such a situation, do not do what this inhuman creature did, contact the police, hand the child over to an orphanage, there is no... criminal liability for this, understand, if you handed over the child, everything, let the child live, polina, and she had some emotions, remorse, she was very
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thoughtful, well, as if she was worried, and but she did not want to leave this child, but i don’t know, maybe something pushed her away from this, i still can’t understand why this is so, let’s listen to the comment investigative committee, the investigative bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the kursk region continue. investigation of a criminal case against a local resident suspected of attempted murder of a newborn child. according to the investigation, on july 22, 2024, in the evening, after the birth of the child, the suspect left her daughter in a sparsely populated place on the outskirts of the city of khvatesh, after which she disappeared, the child was found by a random passerby and placed in a medical facility. health status girls satisfactory. currently , investigative actions are being carried out on the criminal case, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime , a forensic examination has been appointed.
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it is not a fact that at home, but someone helped her carry it, and maybe even this person, who i just think, if she had given birth in the field, there obviously should have been traces left, of course, naturally, moreover, for the next 2-3 hours after giving birth, a woman is not able to get up, carry, carry, walk 2 km, but well, this is physiological, physiological it is impossible, of course, first of all we need to look at the case materials. the child was lying on the grass, ants on a hummock, yes, that is, she was completely without anything, i get the impression that most likely she gave birth there, well then another question immediately, a pregnant woman walks through the entire village, a woman with contractions probably does not walk like an ordinary woman, lily, continue further, a fairly large settlement, as far as i looked, yes, it says that after all it was possible to walk there quite calmly, so we assumed, that the birth took place early in the morning, and if... in the morning, then accordingly the number of people on the street is minimized, that is, in principle, why does it seem that all this is thought out, here
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is the absolutely most important point, that we have huge social benefits, do not be lazy, if you see that you have a difficult family situation, we do not have enough money to feed the children, this does not mean that you need to send your children to orphanages, this means that you should contact the guardianship authority, this does not mean that they will take your children away, they will make every effort to keep the children in the family and raise social benefits. ignorance is what leads to all these nightmarish situations. polina, does anyone else from the neighbors, the residents of the village support her, protect her, like you? or is everyone in shock, everyone is accused, everyone is simply shocked. let's watch the story. thirty-six-year-old ekaterina denisova from the city of fotezha still cannot believe that her neighbor could leave her own child to die on an ant.
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and even we sat next to her and somehow we talked, well, there was no conversation that she was pregnant, thank god, the child survived, and i think she needs to be forgiven, twenty-six-year-old tatyana beklemisheva says, she immediately understood who abandoned the newborn girl to her fate, i immediately told my friends, i say, it seems to me that it was her, extremely shocked and another local resident, twenty-seven-year-old marina pereverzeva, i am a mother myself, i have three children, you know, i want to catch her, strangle her,
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myself, or take her and put her on an anthill and tie her to a tree, well, they say that... she won't have a life here, social media users from all over the country also can't contain their anger at the mother cuckoo, leave her on an anthill for the night, let her feel how it was for a baby when an ant runs over us, and we feel it very much and itches, here's a baby, a tiny thing, not even a day old, imagine what the child felt when a lot of ants simply attacked, plus unwashed, plus the umbilical cord is fresh, just like... smart: how does the earth bear such mothers, its throw your blood in a field, it's horrible, people like that need to be jailed , may the baby get well soon and find a loving family that will love her, get well, you're strong, happiness to you, little one, even if you were afraid that they would make you pay alimony to the state, you could have just taken her to a temple or church or to a clinic, where no one would run after her and ask her who she is and where she's from, and
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the child would be safe, in a place where they would immediately find her... other people would call the right people, but this way she almost killed the child, and herself now i'm under responsibility and i've let my family down, there are no words. i don't understand what 's going on in our world, first we need to sterilize them so they don't give birth anymore, and then immediately put them in jail so they think and then do it, i believe the baby will be happy, what kind of heart must there be to do something like that, it's horrible, irina, i see you understand people's indignation, their pain for the newborn girl. what needs to be done to make her childhood happy? find a good foster family. nikolai's sister really hopes that it is her that masha will call mom when she grows up. galina pokhomova is in the studio. hello, galina. hello. galina, remember the moment when your brother called you
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and told you about what happened, how did you react, what emotions did you have? at first i didn’t believe it, well, it was unexpected, but then after some time i began to realize what had happened, do you consider your brother a hero, yes, well done, i’m proud of him, how many children do you have, tell me, the first are twins, mine are 9 years old, the third boy is 3 years old, when did you make this decision girl... to adopt that same night, and did you and your husband consult? yes, i say, let's adopt her. nikolai, and my sister immediately told you about her desire, about her decision, to adopt this one, the next day, it turns out, i was at work, she calls me, we want to take her, well, i say, everything is in your hands, if anything, approved, yes, well, so that she
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stays in the family, like, does nikolai's sister have a chance to adopt. i wonder right after the short commercial. the guardians assured nikita that his biological mother named diana larechkina was no longer alive. i adopted mom said that my mother died. however, he found a page on a social network of a woman named diana larechkina. she was very similar to me, her eyes were deep. could it be that she gave birth to him 20 years ago? she had no documents, she could have given the name of someone she didn't know, there is a high probability that such a woman does not exist in nature. will nikita be able to find out the truth about why he was abandoned? the child was admitted to the hospital from the maternity hospital, born to a woman who called herself diana albertovna larechkina. all this information is recorded with words, when it was time to discharge him from
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the hospital, for some reason she didn't come for him. i really want... they appeared in my life, i open the envelope dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. you are super, new season, coming soon to ntv. there is so much to buy at school, girls, that intonation, there is so much to buy at school. and me. ideal for a parent-teacher meeting. get ready for school with an installment plan without overpayments, vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, imagine, with it you can do everything, everything, everything, and even more, do not pay interest for 200 days, get another category of cashback,
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on sundays at 20:20 on ntv, beyond the edge, this is beyond the edge, a mother of many children abandoned her newborn daughter to die in a field, only thanks to a lucky chance the girl was saved. while little masha is undergoing treatment, several families at once want to take her in. one of them is the pokhomovs from the village of melenino, kursk region. thirty- one-year-old galina is a mother of many children. this is her brother, found the baby in the field. 12 years ago, the woman herself was on the verge of life and death after an accident and lived for more than 3 years with a tube in her throat, the hole from which remains to this day. in the newborn girl, she felt a kindred spirit, we have wonderful, clean air, i imagine how i will walk with mashenko down the street, the woman lives with her husband and children in a private house, she assures
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that her daughter and two sons have everything they need, toys, a computer, clothes, she loves her babies with all her heart, she does not waste her love with attention the newborn baby will also be deprived, the conditions for children are good, children live comfortably, here... are my children's things, jackets, suits, skirts, shorts, she is a caring mother and wife, she carefully monitors the family's nutrition , the woman says. vladim likes fish more, these are the smallest, and the older ones like meat. this is soup for her husband. galina is already planning how she will arrange a room for the new family member. the chest of drawers will be assembled, all this will be put away. the crib will go here. we are waiting for her, the child is beautiful, it is a pity. i admire you, your soul, your open. the most
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important thing is that in this family there will be love, really, both nikolai and my sister, that is, they are wonderful people, i hope for a favorable outcome, i hope that everything will be fine with the child, if some help, as i think, i, my colleagues, yes, here to the doctors, as i think we will help. galina, tell me, please, do i understand correctly that you yourself have certain health problems? yes, i was in an accident. i was in a coma for a month, i learned to walk again, talk, that is, in essence, you now have a second life, well, yes, and you also want to give this girl a second life, sergey, if the mother changes her mind now, if she doesn’t want to give anything away, won’t she be a priority solely on the biological principle? timur, there’s no chance, article 69 of the family code says the following, that a parent who has committed a deliberate crime against their child. is deprived of parental rights, in this
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case, these wonderful people, i am sure, will be the parents of this child, we are all for we will do this as legally as possible. but, nikolai, if for some reason your sister is unable to adopt masha, what will you do? i will go to the registry office with my girlfriend, sign the marriage certificate and try myself. dmitry, let's summarize what punishment awaits this woman who abandoned her daughter in the field, here it is possible that she will be qualified under part 2 of article 105, or perhaps qualified under part 106. in the first case, from eight to 20 years of imprisonment, in the second case, up to 5 years of freedom, by the way, i am inclined to think that it will still be article 106 through the so-called part the thirtieth, this is an unfinished crime, given the public resonance and the nature of the degree of public danger of the crime , i think that there will be a real term of imprisonment, with her children, what will happen, well, it is likely that the guardianship authorities will come out with a lawsuit to deprive parental rights, i ask you to take this situation under your control.
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and i am sure that these words will be important to her then, mashenka, we love you, we will take you to us, you will be beautiful, everything will be fine, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program, we'll continue tomorrow, right now there's a new dna test.


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