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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 19, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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"excuse me, please, can you help me get the stroller, oh, thank you very much, froze, hands, come on, took, well hello, pasha, i missed the city, no words, well that's good, otherwise you'll get tired of looking for you, this is the first one, we're filming, we accepted him, we won't see each other at the office, accepted. let's go.
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got it, let's not panic now, i 'll sort things out, and in the evening we'll sit somewhere in a pub and sort everything out. what happened? the cops, the commander, are ordering us to stop, such insatiable bastards, quickly resolve the issue with them, yeah, uh-huh we still have a lot of things to do, sorry, bro, the cops are holding us up here, i'll call you back, sergeant clumsy, show me your car documents and license, please, yeah, open the hood, we'll check the numbers, whatever you say. i think they're doing an interception
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or some other raid, or maybe they're working on car thefts, oh well, commander, everything 's fine with us, the car's clean, i answer, i see, well then what, what am i saying, maybe if everything 's okay, we'll go, that's unlikely, i didn't get it. let's go!
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well, pasha, are you ready to talk, or are you going to play the fool, why did they take me for that, you yourself don't guess, but you should, where have you been for the last 2 months, were you on vacation, and can you be more specific, address, for example, rented a house in the village, fresh air, bathhouse, all the things, bathhouse, that means, and we put you on the wanted list, but of course you don't know about that, where from, where i was, the places are remote, there is no internet, the phone doesn't even work, maybe it's for the best, you know a lot, you sleep worse, so why did you need me, it means after all
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i played the fool, well, okay, it's up to you. semenov pavel andreevich, where were you on october 11? i don't remember. by chance not for this address. at this address, the body of baikal, two of his guards and a certain veniamin lapshin was found. he was a very young guy, just starting to live. he chose the wrong road, you can't go here, you can't, i wish you good health, comrade
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general. report, this is with a surveillance camera, from that building, and that this is true, it turns out, a car from your department, with your people in it, at the moment i can neither confirm nor deny. even despite the fact that somehow the gas boiler exploded in the house, everything burned down almost to
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tla, we managed to find something after all. your fingerprints, pasha. what are you doing? yes, i was at baikal on foma's behalf. when? well , more specifically, the date, maybe the month, at least. i can't remember. and that's why i'm asking, pash. baikal moved into this house, just a few days before his death. and this house was registered to a completely different person. and what does that change? i told you, i don't remember, it was a long time ago, we're not young, comrade colonel, my memory is not what it used to be, you understand, pasha, that you're facing life in prison, i'm baikal and lopshina, i think, an architect
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sentenced, forgive me, an architect? well, yes, they found his sign there. pash, no one said anything about the architect in the news. what does the news have to do with it? i was standing in line for beer, the guys were chatting. so, what are we doing? are you holding me back, or should i go? go. so let's stay where we are, our own, guys, our own, do
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n't move, watch out, the cops are killing the cops, and that's what the devil serves them right, yeah, right, otherwise. lyun, come on, report to your superiors, we've got them. comrade major general, allow me to address the colonel. they and the guards took the pepetsy. the guy's lunch is on schedule, the barrels are clean, they haven't been fired. there's a ledac working there now, but i understand that they have nothing to do with it. free, available. open jardín gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste. jardín gold is a pleasure, a special feeling. sobolev, you've got a slaughter,
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all yours are already there, got it. i'm interested in the former piece of meredin, international drug trafficking, my father laid his hand on it. i 'll solve this problem. it was maltsev who ordered the murder of my father, i'll solve it with maltsev, you answer, my word,
8:11 pm
leprandi is going to commit a major illegal deal, and what kind of deal, selling weapons, you play dangerously, it's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it, door, new season, premiere, coming soon to ntv. buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions at tasty point, do business with sber, open a free sberbusiness card, connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program thank you and get 10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with the card. sberbusiness. new doshirak broth is prepared using a traditional fermentation method that lasts more than 100 days, it is based on fresh vegetables. doshira broth vinarus choice of millions with varicose veins vinarus can help on 1 2 3
8:12 pm
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8:13 pm
exactly, these are communication skills, well, and language. why did you stuff so much, and dancing, let's have chess, chess, sending a child into the future, it is important to give him the most necessary, growth points, quanturiums, it-cubes, modern knowledge on the latest equipment, even in the most remote corners of russia national projects.rf national project education. hi,
8:14 pm
great, why are you so happy, yes, i've been up all night again today, how i got to the hall, i thought i didn't even get out of bed, listen, i don't understand how you do it, i've already started to forget how it happens, maybe i should buy it too, what's it called, prostatrikum, i remember it, remember it too, it's better to try it once than 100 times... to hear what you think, does it work? what are you talking about, i don't think so, i know, you're ignorant, of course, i know my wife now, how and what's there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, when you order they'll explain everything to you in detail, one second, wife, yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it, i 'm off, keep it for yourself, try it, you'll thank me later, okay, i'll think about it, i guess, i'll buy it too, what's there to think about, call
8:15 pm
and definitely order, remember, it's better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new gold prostatrikum, prostatrikum gold, prostatrikom gold - this is a modern complex based on natural components, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men ... no one should be disappointed, ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments, call to order. to the manufacturer's free line and get a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. residents of an apartment building in rostov-on-don are afraid that any day
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could be their last. i fear for my life, i fear for the life of my child, he constantly. fires between garages, he tried to set fire to his neighbor's car, after their neighbor valera's wife left him, he went crazy, he can urinate on my door, pour vegetable oil on me, shout all the time, i'll set you on fire, i'll burn the door, a lonely man doesn't even think about improving relations with his neighbors, and i won't bend over backwards for any chicken, you came out of the garage, you grab a stone at me, i throw you a stone, i don't have any stones there, i could have come out of the garage with a crowbar, but not with a stone, he started throwing out the tv, it hit us so hard that we were in shock, then he throws out the bed, the bed out the window, the bed, the washboards, the kitchen utensils, the refrigerator, how can i stop playing on valery's neighbors' nerves? valery, i want you to somehow magically disappear from my life, you talk like my wife, this is beyond the pale, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv.
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come on, come on, come on, come on faster, the car later, if anything, we'll take it, yeah, how should i understand you? what is this, general, i want to remind you that i was initially against dragging semyonov to us. yes, and what should have been done with him then? maybe give him an order? well, why an order right away? we
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have nothing on semyonov, except for indirect, this won't work for the judges, it was necessary to do it wisely. who is sasha? i don't know, comrade general. so what are we going to do now with this ex police? your suggestions, colonel?
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maybe it's good that you put him down today, we'll see where, and most importantly. he'll run, in general, you can begin your usual set of activities, it's high time, yes, comrade general, so what should i report to moscow, were they our employees or did someone work for them, my personal opinion, comrade general, the criminals used a car with the symbols of our service, in general, we'll figure it out , figure it out.
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with whom, i have two disabled people in the rozovsk department, no, i mean figuratively, somov and kundrikov, of course, are smart guys, but not eagles, so to speak, and what do you want, only eagles , i would just like those who know how to work, but where to get them is unclear, you know the situation, that now there is a large outflow of personnel from our office in connection with the possible increase in the retirement age for employees, and newcomers who come are either turned away by the osb, or our psychologists, just the other day a guy was rejected, you know how ... in the test he answered the question, why am i going to serve in the police, you guess, black and white wrote, i'm going to earn money, idiot, markin, that's enough, don't dump your problems on me. call yourself a mushroom and get into that what's it called, in the back of the truck, here, get into the back of the truck, you're the new head of the department for the central district, you're in charge, i want to point out
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, comrade general, that i wasn't eager for this position, as if i was eager for mine, report to me every hour, free, yes, no, "i'm listening, comrade general. yura, yes, yura, prepare a draft instruction for the heads of departments and divisions to consider the issue of returning employees aged up to 45 years old, retired or left the service of their own free will. in general, everyone except. everyone who was dismissed for negative reasons: make a proposal in writing within a week, then the head of departments, industry divisions, investigation, inquiry
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of operational services, take execution under personal control, that's it, do it, there you go. andryusha, hello, new requests, i won't have time to process them today, i have to, everything is urgent here, always urgent, maybe i should share with someone like a brother, and share, it is required install bought for citizen potekhin viktor anya train tickets in the period from august 18 to 29 so. tekhin, what have you done, great, then after lunch we'll just
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go together, you look at the dress, and i 'll buy tights, well i need tights too, i don't want to take dresses anymore, haven't changed my mind, listen, by the way, you promised to write to me about your diet, oh, right, good that you reminded me, the most important thing there is from all the salty refusal from me to cook only steamed, look, listen, this is ... just really beautiful there are no words, well, like nothing, yeah class yeah, dear, of course, but if i don't have enough, will you lend me until payday, of course i'll lend you, look at it on me, oh, it looks really great, beauty, in general, the color is so rich, you just have to try it on, i don't want to take it by eye, i might not have time in the store, what are you saying, andryusha, how can you bother us, well i mean, maybe i should go out? while you 're trying on underwear, andryusha, you 're not bothering us, we're not embarrassed by you, well that's good, look, you see, you can immediately see the material is very high quality, yeah, i really
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like the lace, it's really cool, look at the seam what and the fittings are very good, yes , everything is very beautiful, of course it is stitched, yeah, the line is very well done, the tub is of such high quality, there were also some without push-up, but i liked this one more, a very natural shape. and what, do you work here now? yes, practically, i thought they wouldn't let you out, they don't have anything on me, so they asked a few questions, they said that they asked who gave the address of baikal, they asked, and what did you answer them? don't twitch, you said that you gave faman? a good version, and the main thing is to check it not seems possible. by the way, do you know who shot everyone? the architect,
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probably, who else? so the architect's case is closed and archived? well, then it was someone else, but unfortunately we will never know. it will be better this way, for everyone. yes, that's understandable, but it doesn't seem like a problem to you, no, i just don't like this, well, it's been several days, have you gotten mad or something, yeah, you tell me, your wife made you, okay, let's get down to business, we have to report to markin in the morning that we have a guy who was killed in a car, the owner of a bookmaker's offices. so according to the employees he was taking the proceeds for the last week, so, that is, it turns out to the bank, to which one, who knows, you need to make a request, but i don't think to the bank,
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according to the employees there were millions in the bag.
8:27 pm
our life is divided into two parts, when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is a place in which ... you can do both, i dream of flying into space, clean up all the trash there, in space, who littered, well, who, who astronaut, how old are you, seven, 7 years old, and you are already the best voice of the earth, yes, 40 fouette, 30 rolls, you don't draw zero anywhere, i'll show you a master class on how to make money, fate zigzagged , brother, fartona bartanula, and you feel
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like... the air is heated with excitement, of course, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not giggle maliciously, and i 'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the edge, new season, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. back. this is painfully familiar to me, and against back and joint pain , declofinac gel akas, somehow not enough, it's not about quantity, in concentration. the gel contains the maximum concentration of the active substance, penetrates well into the cerebrospinal fluid of pain and inflammation. gel diclofenac acas behind a healthy back, as behind a stone wall. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy on ozon. pasta ameria in assortment for 37 rubles. it seems that in
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8:33 pm
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? would a politician of such level turn a blind eye to the fact that the police are killing people right on the street? zhenya, what do you want, what do you need? i am just doing my job , gennady petrovich, and if you are not in control of the situation, think about it. maybe you should leave your position? i want to remind you, evgeny sadovich, that the question of appointment or
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my removal from office is within the competence of only two people: the minister of internal affairs and the president of the russian federation. that's right, gennady petrovich, but the governor's opinion on the... issue is also taken into account, let's do it this way, i'll hold off on the report for now, i'll give you a little more time, say a day, well, and then , excuse me, i don't intend to cover up for your helplessness, well, you're awesome, zhenya, you're great,
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"can you be more careful, please help, he took my purse, there's money in there, my passport in there, my documents in there, stop, stop, stop! well, athlete, have you had enough running? okay,
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okay, give in, catch! as for me, everything is fine with you, ears don't count, thank you, andryukh, we need to record the body in any case, yes, i know, you know, go ahead, go by ambulance, they will take you to the emergency room, you will help, yes, of course, i welcome you, well, i wish, what
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is going on here, well, if in fact, then pure everyday life, and where is the detainee, they have already taken him to the department, no way, they managed to disappear before our arrival, and it is clear, so what are you sunbathing here, well, what, the investigator of the committee we're waiting, he'll be here soon, why the hell is the committee here, what the hell, this is an assassination attempt by an employee, part two of 318 in its purest form. "hello, somov, are you going to tell me about the consequences, i don't see any more policemen besides you, just one snotty intellectual, okay, you'll figure it out without me, have a conversation, yes, come on, girl, do you have a headache pill , we'll find it, hello, documents tomorrow, okay,
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yes, zavyalova, okay, let's go, i need to go, i'm calling you, you're not picking up the phone, work many, have you found someone? andrey, i really need to hurry, we have a robbery on the fifth soviet, bye.
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here from the head, and is there anything from love, from love no, then let's from the head, thank you, please, you are suffering from nonsense here, my guys got information on the bookmaker's office, it turns out they have a whole network in the center, and the murdered kommerts was the only owner. okay, but is this unlikely to help us? i think that this is not just a robbery, i think they were setting it up. after foma's death in the area the redistribution of spheres of activity has begun. and what does foma have to do with it? well, the bookmakers were under his command, he gave them money for development, protected them, and didn’t forget to take a percentage. i get it. okay, i’m off, if there’s anything new,
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call me right away. the management demands disclosure as soon as possible. okay, let’s go. hello. get ready quickly, not really yulia semenova, where can i see her? i don’t know, this semenova, yulia martinovna, works for you, yulia martinovna, chernitsyna, yes, chernitsyna, she’s somewhere there, thank you.
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no need, i'll be right there, okay, hello, hello, let's step aside, how many are you, okay,
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a kilogram, i don't have much time, go ahead and tell me what you wanted, yeah, okay, did you change your last name? you just came to find out, not only that, well, if you remember, you and i are divorced, i took my maiden name, are there any other questions, what are you starting, you left for 2 months without even warning us about it, i had to leave, by the way, sasha, we had no life here, then your cops stopped us from interrogating, then something else, i even had to change my apartment, sorry that i didn't called, you better call sashka, he has problems at school, and he. although we can cope without you, wait, what kind of problems does he have? well, you're his father, call, ask, he misses you, okay, tip, take it, no
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need, i'm fine, i have to go, you know, i somehow imagined our meeting differently, i never imagined it. and call your son, he's waiting. sergey belogolovtsev has been joking on stage for 30 years. the great russian writer, we were the first to make a comedy series. but in real life he laughs through his tears. i have them myself.
8:45 pm
than i sergey belogolovtsev and his million-dollar secret, if you are jealous of a person you don't trust, then what is there to live with him for, on saturday at 21:50 on ntv. dna - a new season, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. вinarus - the choice of millions for varicose veins. вinarus can help in 1 2 3. one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions. вinarus is as simple as 1 2 3. are credit card debts attacking? i'll show you.
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8:47 pm
and prevention of viral infections. baltika 8 non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat. but only you can reveal its taste to the fullest. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the refreshing taste will be revealed for real. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. reveal the taste of wheat.
8:48 pm
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in bonuses for purchases by card. sberbusiness. i have the same, wildberries, wildberries. such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors, let's sum up the week together in the new season on ntv. the results of the week with syrada and zeynalova on sundays at 19:00 on ntv.
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andrey, how are you feeling? thank you, fine. sorry for hanging a wood grouse on you. one more, one less. and as for me, it's your own fault. before, you could easily twist this drug addict on your own and deliver him to the duty room, but now you've started to swim in fat. "aren't you tired of working with a typewriter, others there were no vacancies for me, i have a vacant
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position of police chief, the land is not alien to you, i will not interfere in your politics, i promise, but i will ask, if anything, in all severity, if you are ready, right now, write a report that you agree with your management with the proposed position, i will shake you, well, why are you silent? " she took my breath away, this is a joke, do i look like a joker, no way, no, listen, well, let's do it this way, the information will appear, i will call you right away, okay, well, that 's it, come on, bye, bye, that's it, pasha, hi, great, you came to detain me, that one without groups? capture, what are you talking about, as far as i know, you are no longer wanted, your card was removed, finally, they learned to quickly convey information to employees, listen, pash, i have business, i need your help, i need to borrow money, listen,
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stop it, i'm serious, we have three cold ones. i heard, they all went under the name, and you knew them, let's say, pash, well, why are you talking like that, i came to you for help, and you 're getting into a bottle, let's each do our own thing, i have enough problems without your cold ones, pash, you understand, i came to you like a friend came, you see, when zakharov was arrested, there was complete chaos in the district administration, we can't find the police chief, there are one inspection after another, well , lenya kundrikov and i don't have time, we're running around the neighborhood like little dogs, no, why are you telling all this, denis, it's the police, it's always been like this, it will be like this, but understand me too...
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mine tells me here, he says to me, he needs a wife to meet us at home, to be ready for dinner, to go on visits together, so that everything is like everyone else's, or he says: quit, or let's get a divorce, and what about you? i think, that's how it is he's right, he also hangs around at work for days, we don't really see each other, and it's high time to give birth, i wish you good health, hello, good health! "well, i tell him that they didn't find who, well , the drug addict who attacked mikhailov, so now he'll have to look for it himself, i mean, don't you know, the girls from hr told me that markin is bringing him back to us as chief of police, yeah, well, so i tell him that why should i turn into a housewife now, i can't do that either, well, as soon as they dumped me,
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attacks immediately came at us from all sides. revenue has fallen, you know chinarovo, chin, well, but this chin, took all our bookmaker points for herself, but the senior did not want to deal with him, said, we work until the end of the month , close the shop, business, well, did you bring it or not, yes, here are all those whom the senior fired in the last 2 weeks, yeah, these two were the most indignant. the idiots demanded compensation, but they were generally frostbitten in life, no one liked them, this slavik has a nickname fakir, fakir, yes, well, he is a former traffic cop, he said that at his old place he made money out of thin air, well, he got into trouble nonsense, they dumped him quietly, and his buddy is a big guy, he's a drug addict, all in
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debt, no catch, yeah. that's it, that's all i can do, so why didn't you tell the police all this, no one asked me, who am i to them, a vigilante or something, yeah, thanks, contact me, come on, pasha, and what about you, did you go back to the cops, who needs me there, well that 's in vain, my own cop, he'll always get you off the hook, come on. yeah, pasha, i'm not healthy, i'll send you the file now, i think these are the ones you're looking for, figure it out yourself from now on, thanks, pasha, you, sorry, what i attacked you, i'm telling you, it's a bad streak, my mood is bad, yeah, yeah, i understand, we forgot everything,
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bye. what kind of fire? we agreed not to call each other, we're sitting quietly, breathing evenly. well, in short, this is my problem. and what, your business is your business, don't drag me into it, got it, forgive me, fakir, but this is our common problem. what are you, bastard, deciding to turn me in? forgive me, brother, i'm in a cell without drugs, that's the end. nobody move. stand still, i said, i'll kill you, weapon, and fuck you all, in this way, in the course of operational-search...
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and don't be happy, i'm the journalist. that he praised you, in fact you didn't deserve it, they spent a whole day messing around with the case, it's my fault, comrade general, i assure you, we'll draw conclusions, this won't happen again in the future, don't say never, oleg ivanovich, i know this area firsthand, and so do you, famin used to maintain the balance of power here, that's what will happen tomorrow, this is a grandmother's opinion: in any case, i don't see anything good in the future, we'll restore order to the streets, don't even doubt it, gennady petrovich, bandits in the central area will never establish their own rules
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will be, well, well, i won't tell you anything, you know this area like the back of your hand, i'm really counting on you, andrey, i won't let you down, general. well, that's it, gennady petrovich, what? well, tell me, i'm in a good mood today. there is a proposal to appoint pavel semenov to the post of head of the criminal investigation department. who, semenov? yes, sir. i'm categorically against it. semenov is up to his ears in crime , he worked for bandits, how can he return to the authorities? and nevertheless, you yourself gave the order to consider the issue of returning to service former employees? yes, pavel semenov
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was under investigation, but he was not convicted, his connections in the criminal world are only to our advantage, then without his assistance we would not have detained anyone today, i am confident in pavel semenov, he will not let us down. and you yourself spoke to him, what does he think about this, he asked to give him time to think, comrade general, asked to give him time to think, oh, semenov, report to me immediately as soon as he makes some decision, that's right, and i in turn... will also think about it.
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maksimov, comrade colonel, i report, the object tried to break away from surveillance, according to your order we let him go to prevent decryption. okay, let one team be deployed to his home address, yes, tomorrow we'll start all over again, okay, pasha, don't scare me like that anymore, sergei borisovich, my heart. your
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heart is normal, fighter, it's normal, well, i was offered to return to the police, so, so that's good, there are such offers that you can't refuse. returning to the office is your chance, there may not be another such offer, i don't know, like two once the shell doesn't hit one crater, what are you talking about, it hits twice and hits three times, you'll work, you'll open, you'll help people, but that's not the main thing, and then what's the main thing? the police are...
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so how can i trust you after everything that happened? i don't get it, maybe i should remind you that if it weren't for me, we wouldn't be talking at all? and what about those people, like those who died during your escape, who were in court, who were blown to pieces, what happened to them? yes, pasha,
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that's a serious argument, but believe it or not, but until the very end i didn't know how exfiltration will take place, ex what, the tactics of moving an agent or combat group, from territory controlled by the enemy to a safe zone, i will teach you this later too, you understand, under those circumstances the person who organized this operation had no other way out, in war as in war, without losses among the civilian population you can't do without, unfortunately, it's a common thing, a common thing, in general, so, sergey borisovich, this is your war, not mine, and i don't want it this way, we are not on the same path. thank you very much for
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that's it, but from now on i'll do it myself, you know where to look for me, i won't change my mind, and where will you go, when is our next rehearsal, dad, hi, where are you, i can't see you, sanya, i 'm already here, i'll be there soon, let's hurry, otherwise we won't have time to talk, i have classes soon, yeah, yeah, i'm fast, andreevich, get in the car. again, you have nothing better to do,
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am i the main gangster of petersburg? pavel andreevich, get in the car, they'll explain everything to you, no, guys, as you wish, i 'm late for my son. it's a wasp, inform the initiator, the target is having problems. this is definitely a kidnapping, you we are more than sure, comrade colonel, what should we do, we are waiting for instructions, so let's do it, we will not rush, arrange a call, the duty unit of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs from a
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random passerby, well, supposedly someone saw how a man was forced into a car, give them the number of the vehicle, the group will continue surveillance, report. got it, we are doing it, the called subscriber's device is switched off or is out of the network coverage area. damn! remember me, yes, yes, i remember, you are a dad, you are watching the resort area, you and i
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had common affairs, what do you need from me, here great, otherwise i thought, you never know what might have happened to your memory, and we were looking for you for a long time, pasha, we thought you'd left town for good? it's good that you came back, i didn't have to bother my family, i don't like that. what questions do you have for me? you were foma's right hand, his eyes and ears, fama is gone, but there are debts. the common fund, where is the common fund, pasha? sounds good, but someone also sent baikal and all his people to the moon, as far as i know, no diamonds were found in the house, foma invested money in stones, but, you see, i also have something
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i know, baikal and you killed him, it's not for nothing that the cops are looking for you? and they let me go, so i have nothing to do with it, you can fool the cops, but i doubt it's me , no, you're a good boy, what a guy you did, you threw a return ticket for your friend, tell me where the stones are, i give you my word, no one will lay a finger on you or your family, you'll live as you lived, and if you need a job, we'll come to an agreement, i always need people like that. so that's what kind of
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money pasha has, that society entrusted to fama, it can't just disappear, and people entrusted me with finding it. and who will keep it, we'll figure it out later, you're a drop from buy some nasmerka, otherwise your sense of smell is failing you, oh you hour, let us devour you, wow, what a meeting, hello, paval andreevich, come on, admit it, you're glad to see us, listen, you're such an ungrateful fool,
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to tell me thank you, but what thank you for what, what's going on, you go and finish this. information was received about a kidnapping of a person, the guys worked quickly, i didn't know that it was you who was kidnapped, so, now we'll go to our place, we'll formalize it as it should be, colonel, some kind of mistake, the guys and i are going out of town, eat shashlik, drink vodka, you ruined all the fun for us. and the bag on your head, is this some kind of erotic game you play? yeah, just don't tell anyone, okay. it's convenient somehow, so let's put them in different
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cars, take them to the office, we'll sort it out there. pasha, are you crazy, the bandits almost killed you, and you refuse to write a statement, and you already know everything, yeah, pasha, now i know everything, the guys asked for a ride, maybe you'll bring this idiot to his senses, let's, maybe it's not too late to try to go back. i'll go, i don't need a nanny, i can do everything myself i'll figure it out, mom also wanted to figure it out myself, to remind you how it
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ended, i remember, andrey, pasha, dad is a difficult man, if you crossed him, he won't just get off your back, okay, i'll figure it out myself, thank you, at least tell me what he wanted from you, and maybe you can tell me who put surveillance on me, you or a security officer, what other surveillance, oh, just don't tell me, i'm in civilian life... i don't believe in consciousness, it was some random person who got it into his head and called, yeah, right, i won't go after you exhibited, on that, thank you, go back to the department, that's it, bye, andrey, i need you, let's go. and i didn't get it, where's the car
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, figure it out, i wonder why he didn't tell the cops anything about our claim? semenov, he hopes that we'll leave him alone, he's a stranger, he should understand, not one common fund will fill him up, listen, maybe he really has nothing to do with it, dad, think for yourself, if you had that kind of money. you would have returned to st. petersburg, but not in life, that's exactly it, and he returned, either he has nothing to do with it, or, or he thinks that he's immortal, there's a third option, he has reliable roof, so he's not afraid of anything, his roof was famin, who is now feeding worms in the ground, if someone was standing behind the guy, he would have immediately said, in short, don't let it go, yeah, i need a common fund, whoever has a common fund is a queen,
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and the guy definitely knows something, but where 's the car, i'll have to wait a long time, and where's the car? hello, hello, san, san, sorry, i had some trouble, i couldn't come, i was waiting for you, sorry, okay, so, and what kind of beauty is this, tell me, yes, i fell, i understand, and now the truth, well... san, what what happened? anyway, when you left, well , you left, or rather, they called mom to the police,
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then the fsb came to our school , i mean, they interrogated you, alone? they didn’t interrogate me, it was a normal conversation, the headmistress was there, okay, dad, that’s not the point, it’s just that everyone says that our whole family is like that, that we’re all criminals, both mom and you, for me, prison is what i’m crying for, dad, i can transfer to another school, i don’t want to study at this school anymore. things are going well, sanya, it’s time to grow up, it’s high time, how is it, well, look, you’ll transfer to another school, it's not a fact that it will be better in another, and then college, and if the relationship doesn't work out there, you'll leave too, then the army, how 's it going, well, let it be in this army, sanya, mom and i, we won't be able to wipe your tears for the rest of your life, you need to be able to stand up for yourself, you understand? well
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, i think i understand, well, that's good, your cap is stupid. let's go, let's go, yes, i called, andryukha, i brought it, forgive me for bringing it, denis, i have a meeting with the prosecutor tomorrow with a serious unsolved case, i asked you yesterday to prepare a report, listen, i'm sorry, i i got caught up, i forgot, let's agree for the future, such answers, as i was late, i didn't have enough.
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there are questions, okay, i got it, anything else, listen, is it true that you want to return semenov to my place, to your place, yes, to the place of the head of the department, where did you get the idea, denis, that this is your place, and how do you consider yourself irreplaceable, well , let's be objective, you can't cope, you'll pour it out in front of the prosecutor and talk nonsense to him, i'm not going to, and i don't want to catch a presentation on eliminating the shortcomings of my address either, so regardless of semenov's decision, i will look for you. replacements, no offense, let me go, go,
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so are you crazy, that i am crazy, yes, and this is yours, maybe he is crazy, turned on the boss, did he forget how i pulled him out, i covered him up once about whom, about mikhailov, why is he mine, he hasn't been mine for a long time, and so maybe that's the whole point, or maybe you should start over with him, and why should the whole team of you resign, well, what 's going on here with you, nothing, everything is fine, i see a report on comrade captain you will write, no, free.
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so i say, not blue-eyed, there was nothing between me and nikita , alexandra says the child looks like nikita, yes, yes, he is somehow fair-haired, we are both dark-haired, she introduced us on social networks on purpose to take revenge, sasha, to walk, i walked with everyone, but i did not sleep with anyone, i open the dna envelope. tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv, you do not have to be flexible, unlike your o, sago, bend osago to yourself on arrange it for as long as you want, even for a year, even for a month in just 3 minutes, flexible osaga, from renaissance insurance, this is not just osaga. so how did you get into the apartment? but it's not as
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difficult as you think. pash, let's have a drink. it doesn't matter that i'm the boss here. please, do whatever you want. and i heard about your adventures today. but you. dad won't leave you alone, and it's not about the common fund, what's the matter? well, as far as i know, the common fund was buried along with fama. and now no one is looking for it, dad just has his own reasons, he hopes that if he finds the obsyak, then at least he will be put in charge of the central district, and maybe the whole city, you are well informed, you are thinking about the wrong thing, if i were you, i would have taken my relatives out of the city now,
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where to where? no one will find them, you know perfectly well that if they want, they will find them anywhere, then you and i can disappear, and yulka and sashka, even if we make them fake documents, will sooner or later screw up somewhere, well, what are you going to do, i will give them the common fund, but first you give it to me. and i will pass it on to dad, then you won’t accidentally ended up in that house? sergey borisovich, you came for the common room, right?
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andrey, can i talk to you for a minute? i don't understand what's wrong with it, it won't start, do i look like a car mechanic, i thought maybe you understand, here's a good service, they'll come quickly, fix it either on the spot or take it to you, he'll say that i won't take money from you. wait, why are you doing this? can't we communicate normally? i tried, you didn't want to, sorry.
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pasha, i already told you, i came to baikal's house specifically for you, a promise that i gave it to your father, it didn't go anywhere, i had to insure you, make sure everything was okay, of course, and at the same time take the obchak, but why? what is it to me, i'm far from a poor man, there's no such thing as too much money, you and i left the house together, i pulled you out wounded, so when, in your opinion, i appropriated this obchak, you're right, well, that's it, forget about the obchak, where did boykal bury it, we
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'll never know, now it's important for a friend. to ensure your safety, but i won't give you up, dad, we were taught not to abandon our own in war, yes, only now we're not at war, and where then, you can't cope, you're alone, i have such a decision, such situations need to be nipped in the bud, do you understand? there's only one way out, liquidation, no, no, i don't agree, do you have a choice, don't see me off, i'll lock you up myself, he, look how sasha is rushing to school, he's afraid of being late, yeah, don't be afraid, he thinks
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he'll be the smartest in prison, yeah, in prison... they love them, and you've had enough, we haven't even started, let's leave me alone in a nice way, and what about you, what will you do, find out, what will you do to us, and oh, what is this, let's go and see, oh, look, look, sanka again, let 's stand here, let's see, yeah, come on, let 's do it together, let's dream, catch,
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why is it not night now, i can work, masha, at home, who, the owner of the apartment, there is no owner here, this is my apartment, okay, long time ago. listen, what do you want? call masha, didn't you understand or what, i 'm speaking to you in russian, no, there is no masha here, that's all for now, no, wait, what, wait, what are you asking here, mensch or what, no, i'm a neighbor, so go home, neighbor. yulia martynovna, we don't need trouble for our school the institution has a good reputation, it should remain so. it took me a lot of effort to persuade the boys' parents not to file
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a police report. thank you very much. wait, that's not all. you will have to do something too. yes, of course, i understand everything. you must transfer your son to another school. how to transfer? wait, the school year is in full swing. believe me, julia, it will only get worse. i understand that you have a difficult life, that you were away from home. i think that it was at this time that he fell under a bad influence. you are talking about what? "well, at one time your driver, alexey leonidovich, came to me, a man, as i understand, connected with crime, well, what good came out of it, i'm sure that
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it was he who influenced the boy, and you know that you will have to transfer your son to another school, otherwise. you understand, we will find a way to get rid of him. are you crazy? you are a teacher, how can you talk like that about a child? sasha is no longer a child, believe me, and it's a pity that you do not understand this. that's all for me. and i hope that you make the right decision. so what, what lessons tomorrow? i think, math, russian, mom, i'm not going to another school, i want to stay in this one, dad, i have to solve my own problems, dad, yeah, it was your dad who advised you to throw bricks at people, and your dad only had troubles, there were
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two of them, they were stronger than me, the brick helped me equalize my strength, sasha, what are you talking about, do you understand that you could have killed someone, you wanted to go to prison, no matter, people live in prison too, what are you talking about now, you were in prison, nothing, lives as before? but couldn't she just leave, where she has no relatives, no friends? pasha, her son was actually killed recently, maybe it's just hard for her to be in this apartment, where everything reminds her of him, i asked the neighbors, she didn't sober up after vene's death, then all sorts of
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scum started hanging around her apartment, by the way, this is to the question of how your local police officers work, and what they do, vasilich, well, you understand perfectly well that in such a state she could have been thrown out of this apartment without all sorts of money, and you understand perfectly well that i have...
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pleasure, i love, i recommend, large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in the mobile app, you? super, new season, coming soon to ntv. great, report, so, there is a drug addict with experience at the address, he started to go through withdrawal, his mother did not let him out of the house, in general, he killed her with a knife, well, the neighbors heard the screams, called the local police officer, that young guy in the situation. did not figure it out and is alive, no, he had a gun, yeah, damn, at the moment the client
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called an ambulance for himself, took a felcher and a nurse hostage, demands an injection, money and a helicopter, oh, come on, no jokes, and this is not joke, he really demands a helicopter for himself, and where are the specialists? at the positions, guarantees, no guarantees, the layout there is inconvenient , a sniper won't be able to work, in short, we'll have to enter through the door, then there will inevitably be casualties, i'll go up myself, but where, andrey, why do you need that, a negotiator should work there, because i'm a policeman, because that's my job, markin will arrive now, he was at the headquarters, meet him and fill him in, so you say, he asks for a dose, a dose, i need a dose, do you hear me? and i need a dose, sit down, i he said sit, where are they, i need a helicopter and money, and i said don't move, i 'll shoot you in the head now, you understand me, and what are you looking at, i said, i wish you good health, comrade
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lieutenant colonel, well, why can't you persuade him, no, he's really going crazy there, and my opinion is that the conversation... so according to the action plan for taking hostages hurricane 2, you are the head of the operational headquarters, there are two hostages, there will be three with you, no, i won't give in to you, money, where is my money, will you stop, i'll give you masks, sit still, don't move, helicopter, dose, i'll kill everyone right now, what are you staring at, hey, back off, calm down, go back or i'll kill them, do you understand, i brought you what you asked for, i need a helicopter,
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doses and money, i know, i know, here, take a shot, can i help you? that's what i'm thinking, of course, help, step back, i said, take the gun, or else put it on the table, put it on the table, i said, put it on the table, okay, on the table, i 'll do it myself, okay, here, i'll take it myself, let's let the people go and i'll stay with you, i'm a big boss, i won't shoot me at my own, you get out quickly, the waba is still here, quick, go, good, well done, get a shot and it will immediately feel better, i have more, it will immediately feel better,
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and... that's it, it's all over, that's it, help me get up, please, my legs are numb, come on, come on, come on, come on, everything's fine , well, have you found a cure for love, and that's you, no, but my head has stopped hurting, good, i need to bandage his wound, he wouldn't help you, i'm a doctor,
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an incentive for the heroism shown is accompanied by a penalty. no need to drive, well, are you frozen, here's the address where citizen lopshina was discharged. and where is it? well this is the area, yes, it's far away, well, pasha, if you want to check, check it yourself, i have grounds for checking, and people here and there , well, now you're going, yes, yul, okay, yes.
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yes, yes, i'll be there now, come on, it 's all your fault, how do you feel?
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with your wife, dad asked me to tell you 3 days, then your family will answer for everything, listen, i have no idea where your diamonds are? the duty officer said, you were looking for me, hello, hello, please excuse me for distracting you like this, i
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just came to say thank you, this is for you, forgive me, it's just that nothing else came to mind, so if something is wrong, then forgive me, okay, but it's completely unnecessary, well, of course, well, goodbye, goodbye. and tell me, i don't even know your name, lena, andrey, very nice to meet you, and me, tell me, lena, what are you doing this evening? i don't know, well, that is, nothing, why? well, i just thought, we could meet, have a cup of coffee somewhere, and are you married? yeah, oh, that is, no, well, i mean divorced. me too, great, forgive me, it's just that i rules, i don't drink coffee with married men,
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yeah, me too, that means, until the evening, until the evening, and how will you find me, well, i'm a policeman, yeah, yeah, exactly, on the floor, quickly, it's... headquarters until better times, damn, what, can't do without us at all? police, guns down,
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police, beautiful, you and i are starting in a new place, anton vasiliev, look, semenov, now i'll always be there, eh, we too, now we'll always be there, nevsky, new season, wait, coming soon to ntv. viinarus - the choice of millions for varicose veins. вinarus can help 1 2 3. one tablet in the morning, two component, three actions. вinarus is as easy as 1 2 3. this is lying with you, which sasha advised on repairs and cargo transportation. on avito services, you can easily select reliable movers with reviews and craftsmen. on repairs with verified documents avito services. calmly find verified craftsmen.
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have already discussed everything, or you brought an application for transfer, this is for you, how should i understand this? and what is there to understand? i really want my son to finish the school year at this school. well, i don't know, i know, it seems to me that we have agreed on everything, and also for the future, you seem to have mentioned alexey leonidovich, yes, he is gone now, but his friends remain who care about sasha's fate. are you threatening me? no, i just really want my boy to study at this school.
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and we still haven't had coffee, yes, thank you, andrey, i don't even know what i would do at home alone after what happened, but the evening is not over yet, we can come to my place, i live not far from here, i have coffee at home. thank you, maybe we can wait, otherwise how will you go back? that would be great, i won't be long,
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okay. hello, hello, the ninth dacha there, yes, there, there. excuse me, please, one second,
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just look, you haven't seen this woman here, well, mashka, i think, but she's been gone for a long time, she disappeared somewhere, she lived in that room over there, in the ninth, all the alcoholics from st. petersburg are sent there, i mean, they are sent there, well, it's a well-known story. they sold all their apartments there, registered them here, there are 20 people in the room, all the alcoholics drink like crazy, well, what's their path, either to pay or to die, one of them, the police do nothing at all, and about ordinary people people no one cares, no one will protect, and we are all simple here, thank you,
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they take it, she blew her happiness, we 'll see about that, yeah, what are you saying, yeah, who is this, this is masha, what masha, you? we bought an apartment, listen, what do you want, masha, i want my money, you deceived me, if you don't give me money, i'll go to the police,
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wait, yeah, hello, well, hello, it's me, well? what the hell is this nonsense, guys, there was no such agreement for this homeless woman to call me and say that she wants money, she wants to file a report with the cops, and how does she know my phone number anyway, and you they said, but we didn't say anything, okay, we'll solve this issue, solve it quickly, i don't need these problems, that's it.
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now we'll quickly pour a glass into her and go home. well, she's sleeping, maybe the client got it wrong? let's not take any risks, close the door. it will definitely
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work, and not for the first time, and the grass is proven, technical alcohol, and most importantly - you can't find fault, come on, people drove away with 100 g, go check where you bought such crap, come on, come on, beauty, drink it, what are you doing, hold her tighter, what are you doing, samer lyoba! and everyone froze, what are you guys doing, we this, we came to visit, i have everything written down, they said on instagram that a fatal outcome is occurring, yeah, maybe we'll check, no, no need, pasha, so what's not needed, they evicted people from their apartments, killed them, and we're not ours, i didn't see this, guys, please, i'll tell you everything, everything as it was, how you sold the houses, i'll tell you everything, guys, don't commit a sin! spare
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them, hands, you turned out to be right, i'm sorry i didn't listen to you right away, do you think masha might be alive? we'll tell you, although i think it's too late. unidentified corpses in morgues for up to two weeks they hold, depending on the circumstances, so most likely, she was already buried as a commoner. but they will be dokteloscoped in any case. let's see. let's see, maybe the investigator will issue a ruling on exhumation for the purpose of identification within the framework of the case. i know the theory, vasilevich, only to a person. you won't return, come on
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during a long investigation, city police officers detained members of an organized criminal group that fraudulently took away apartments from lonely city residents and then sold them. the gang has several dozen victims, the investigative committee has a case, arrested the suspect, turn it off already, yeah, i don't like this place, and what's wrong with it it was impossible to meet in a friend's place, a normal place. we still have to get rid of the kid,
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so what, show me what you brought there? here, damn, oh you godyunush, you wanted to deceive me, where are the stones, where are the stones, step aside, now. i'll shoot you in the leg, you'll become
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accommodating. when will you listen to me already, pasha? decided to sort it out yourself, well, now i'd be lying here instead of them, cooling off, i already told you, we don't abandon our own, that's the law, thank you, well life is long, god willing, we'll settle accounts, okay, i 'll drive the car up now, let's put them in the trunk and you... from the city, we will not put our mark, it is not the case, but they disappeared and disappeared, then it is better, as you say, pasha, it had to be so, we are better them than they are us,
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what's wrong with you, my dears? what kind of mess is going on here? there's no normal cheese, the milk is expired, i 'll complain about you, like there's no normal cheese, but you know better, but that's it. so what's the date? wait, give me back my wallet,
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i'll kill you, wait, i said, my wallet was stolen, hold it, wait, hold it, why are you frozen, go catch him, what am i, an athlete or something, did he steal my wallet, call the police, i was shouting at you right there, he had a knife, am i a fool to fight him, why am i even paying you money, look for him for that kind of money another fool, let him risk his life, i...
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so, here's a form, fill it out, i agree to the processing of personal data, write, i'll write you a referral to the vvk now, well, tell me as a friend, how is it there on the outside, is there room to roam, i mean, yes, i'm thinking, when my service term comes up, should i stay or apply for a pension, but again, what should i do there, you're not a good guy? you're coming back to us, right? a person with brains will find work anywhere. well, well, well, by the way, i'm already a lieutenant colonel
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of the internal service, they take me into account here, i am respected here, personnel is also very important, our work is no easier than your detective operatives, so your work, whoever you consider yourself to be, is of no use to anyone in civilian life, you are here, a lieutenant colonel of the internal service, in civilian life you are an ordinary clerk with a minimum salary. and a smart investigator, he will also be a smart lawyer, and an operative, i don’t know, a security officer in some commercial structure, and for you , excuse me, nothing is provided in civilian life, well, well, fill it out, come on, what amount was stolen from you in what currency, listen, wife, i'm not home now, she's at work, she'll come and tell you everything for sure, she
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's in charge of my finances, well , at least approximately, 10 thousand dollars, a million rubles, and why do you keep such a sum at home? listen, i recently returned from europe, i was teaching, giving lectures to students, i didn't have time to take it to the bank. let's go over it in order again, that is, you woke up in the morning and started getting ready for your institute, right? absolutely right, you woke up, had breakfast, washed, shaved, yes, that's understandable, then someone rang your doorbell and a man's voice said that you were flooding the neighbors below, that's right, so you went to open it and two masked men burst in, handcuffed you to the radiator and taped your mouth shut, that's right, but first they asked for the cat from the safe, they asked. well, yes, our young people are polite, that is, you sat chained until
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your housekeeper came. that's right. boris arkaevich, tell me, do you know your neighbors below well? shurahipul? well, of course, good, we've known each other for 100 years. she works in the architectural committee. that is, were you not embarrassed by the fact that a complete stranger introduced himself to your neighbors? it was embarrassed. and what and why? did you open the door for him? listen, a huge number of different men come to see shuri arkhipova every day. i see, i wish you good health, hello, denis, so what series is emerging? syria, well, yes, where did you get that from, what series, today this professor, last week they also robbed
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the apartment of the theater and cinema actor citizen sinitsyn, firstly, not sinitsyn, but vorobyov, secondly, this doesn't mean anything at all, it's just a coincidence. coincidence? two weeks earlier , two unknown people also broke into an apartment on sadovaya - a violinist from myriinka. yeah. so what, a coincidence? a month ago, under similar circumstances, the apartment of the head pediatrician was robbed. he lives on moskovsky. well, what's the deal, series, series. so, look for a connection. otherwise , the bosses will stamp their feet and swear with words you've never even heard. where are you going? there? you've already been there, right? so what? now i'm on the record. and you, get to work on your feet. work your feet, mash, what are you doing, look for a district police officer, go door-to-door, secret keep your assistants busy, surveillance camera, should i teach you how to work, the quarter is closing in a week, i forgot, where can i get this district police officer, on this date, you see what you have to provide, bring him
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semyonich, kundrikov, lenya, well, what's up with you, denis hasn't called back yet, but... let's continue, hello, great, oh, hi, pash, great, are you from hr? yeah, well great, why so sad? yeah, it seems to me that i'll regret this, well, okay,
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the main thing is that i don't regret it, maybe rewind everything, everything has already been decided. let's go, no-no, where am i going, pasha, all your business is here now, i need your advice, we have a series of apartment robberies taking shape, and my operation, now your operation, is marking time, let's go, we'll sketch out versions, i haven't passed the commission yet, you will, then, well , wait, i don't even have a gun, any fool can do it with a gun, pasha, let's go, let's go, no, wait, suddenly the travel commission turns me away as unreliable, it won't turn you away, why are you so sure, and you don't know who we have? the head of the werewolves, so, come on, surprise me.
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what a beast, where did he go, you go there and i'll go there, come on. quiet, quiet, quiet, lie down, don't get up, rest, and while you're resting, think about what you 're going to tell the investigation, be proud, my friend, the head of the service personally
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detained you today, lieutenant colonel tuchkov, you'll tell your neighbors in the cell, it'll be a blast. the bosses don't just show up, get moving, come on, why are we going, aren't we ashamed, just the two of us , we couldn't catch one district police officer, who knew he'd run away like that, and you should have planted this information, especially since he's from this land, that's all he knows the yards like the back of his hand, so you must know them better than he does, i explained it clearly, yes sir, okay, take him to the office and start working, got it, i'll be there soon, comrade lieutenant colonel, they sent me some papers from the personnel department, they asked for an urgent response to provide a candidate for the position of head of the search department at the umvd for the central district, we need to agree on it, well, if we need to, then we'll agree on it. yes sir, what's the last name, semenov, pavel andreevich, he served there before, then left after
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being wounded, it's unlikely he's a namesake, what's the matter, he's free, got it. yulenka, my dear, what do you want from me ? you have security at the store, yes, well , deal with them. i don't know, at least install normal cameras, what fakes you have there or nothing works, not a single recording, no normal ones, how am i supposed to look for this pickpocket if no one can even describe his features to me? how should i know, like yura, it's your job and you have a conscience. okay, stop, don't touch my conscience, it doesn't concern you at all. i worry about my people, about my own buyers. yeah, tell me about
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the buyers. are you worried that it will be out loud in the area that your place is unsafe, and people will stop coming to you, and they will stop coming, your revenue will fall, and your revenue will fall, which is right, the bonuses will deprive you of all the other dividends, right? how can you even say such a thing? you know me well, right? yul, well, only because i know you well. that's why i'm talking to you normally, basically like that, i'm explaining on my fingers, we will accept your application, but only if we'll find him only by some miracle, you know, by some miracle, because apparently he 's the only one working, and i have no leads on him, and i don't have any free people to set up an ambush in your store either , okay, that's it, i explained, i explained, well, now listen to me, if you don't find this bastard, i'll personally file a complaint against you with the prosecutor's office. gilnik, you're the smartest, right? yes, i'm not stupid, and i advise you to take my words seriously. what kind of family are you, one stretch of land eats up, then another. dura, stop, we don't have any family anymore, i
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independent woman. well, go with god. independent woman. eat right, have fun without alcohol. and give up vapes and cigarettes. we are waiting only for you on boss, invigorating news this morning, we have a murder. great. tverskaya is storming again. find the one who ordered it and sort out your problems. and to major sobolev. and i had a sniper working in the yard. louise was wounded, run here. i will have to unite with my main enemy. i need something serious that i can grab him for. like you, for example, with drug trafficking. and prandii always acts according to... on the scheme, if they post something, my firms won't think about it, for the sake of victory over the common enemy, nelitin in comparison with it, like a pike sokolnyi, leplandi is rich, tsenichen is very
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large purchases. there is honor, conscience, my activity was to organize communications so that the commander could give the command to manage his units. now it is necessary to be a confident person, find courage, bravery to perform some task, join your own, serve under contract. well, pash, all these time travelers must be united by something, no matter who, forgive me, popadantsev, this is new terminology for you, something from fantasy, i have no time for fantasy now,
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pash, markin will return. cars, women, doctors, we have checked all these directions, there is not a single lead, their money is in different banks, they took cars from different dealers, they even have dachas on opposite ends of the region, but something must be theirs unite, then as always, and as always is what? well, something very simple that we don't pay attention to, thank you, are you doing anything? you can go. well, semenov, suspicion,
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as you know, can't be attached to the case, at the moment we have nothing on him , well, that is, at all, a violation, i can get acquainted with the water, yes of course you can, but believe me, you won't find anything interesting there, yes, several times he broke away from our surveillance, but we were never able to establish why he did it. and in general, i gave the order to remove surveillance from him, that is , how? what completely? well, that is, absolutely. you see, i am using management resources irrationally. wait, but what about dad and his people. he was there, dad disappeared like a cow with her tongue
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. so there was information that dad had attacked semenov, well, it disappeared along with dad, what am i generally. i stop understanding anything, and it seemed to me that you were one of the understanding ones, they clearly made it clear to me that i should stop working on semenov, who? well , who, vasily, now it is clear, one thing does not fit in w...
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but that's good, vasya, they won't let me work on semenov. and you, remember the whole trail that's behind him, you can start an operational case on him on your very first working day, and we'll exchange information, we'll see, we'll see, yulia, i thought that i
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could rely on you in everything, but it turns out i can't. tell me, please, couldn't you resolve the police issue yourself, why do they have to bother me over every little thing? i want to remind you that in addition to this point, i have other interests in the city that require attention. ignat valentinovich, i understand everything, it's just that the situation could have been. sorry, hello, yes, yes, it's me, sorry. yes, what store, what comments? i'm not going to comment on anything. no, don't call here anymore. behind me is that very store, from where with enviable regularity reports of thefts of personal property, wallets, phones, documents come, the local police, as well as the store's management, refuse to comment, which looks strange, and i would say,
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suspicious, next to me is one of the last victims at the hands of the store thief, let's hear her point of view on these events. i believe that the store management is aware of the matter and that they are not just turning a blind eye to the problem, they are covering up for these scoundrels. these thieves, i can't go to my store in peace, you understand, this is some kind of disgrace, you wrote a statement to the police, well, of course, i wrote it right away, but no one has even questioned me yet, they haven't found out under what circumstances this happened, yes, yes, that's absolutely right, you heard me correctly, yes, great, yes, journalists are asking me how i'm going to solve issues regarding theft? in our store, why are you frozen, come on , solve the issue quickly, so that in 5 minutes they will not be here, the police officers do not care about the misfortune and ordinary citizens, so
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respected, there is permission to film, this is in vain, now it will only get worse, even worse, it is unlikely, here is an employee of the local private security company whose job it is to monitor order. i said that in an hour all this will be in the news, yulia, if you do not solve the problems, i solve them as best i can, i did not think that you do not you will be able to solve such issues, you have a husband, a policeman, couldn't he figure out some varishka, i don't have a husband, so that's it, i don't have time to deal with this nonsense, be kind, find a way to manage everything here, and for now i'm depriving you of a monthly bonus, and the cameras, you sign the estimate for me, and this is expensive for me, if you want, you can install everything with your own money, i
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don't even know what's worse, a visit from these bandits or your colleagues, now there's such a mess, it's your own fault, how much can you talk about, no open the door to a stranger, are you an adult? well, now what, do you want coffee, i really don't make it very well, my wife copes with it perfectly, but she ran to the drugstore, i have high blood pressure, i don't need coffee, i won't be long, i need to ask a couple of questions. again this paint of yours, it absolutely does not wash off, was it really necessary to take my fingerprints, am i some kind of criminal you were offered to go to the department, we have new equipment there without paint, you refused, and this procedure is mandatory, we must understand, where are your fingerprints, and where are the robbers' fingerprints, they were wearing rubber household gloves, investigator, you told me about this, but what was necessary, did anyone ask me? about this, of course, and okay, not about
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this, here's what i wanted to ask: you didn't see the robbers' faces, and their voices, didn't their voices seem familiar to you? no, no, they didn't seem familiar, well, when they got into the apartment, they asked you for the safe code, so what? that means they knew that this safe existed, listen, in this city now every apartment has a safe, i don't want to upset you, but not every one there is a safe in the apartment and not everyone has something that can be stored in this safe, i am a famous person in this city, i am a professor and i travel a lot around the world, i earn decent money, i understand, i understand, i am interested in strangers who were in this apartment, no, there are no strangers in this apartment, no electricians, no fitters, no plumbers, i understand, sorry, yes, mishenka, yes, my
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dear, hello, but thank god, now it's all behind us, yes, as they say, thank you, lord, that you took money, yes, yes, tell me, have you read my last article, and how, i didn't complete idiot, no, okay, okay, thank you for your kind words, hugs, bye, bye, thank you very much, all the best, all the best, goodbye. an article about you, in which magazine? i am published in an internet portal, our city, do you read, internet, no, not enough time, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, i recommend, okay, agreed, bye , kisses, all the best, goodbye, andrey, it is not very convenient for me to ask you, it is inconvenient, don't ask, sorry, i'm in a hurry, wait, at your place... and i have my things, i would like
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pick them up, i have your things at home, i don't remember anything, okay, i'll have a look and bring them to you, sorry, i'm in a hurry, and are you sure you can handle it, maybe i'll stop by myself and pick them up, no, no, that's unnecessary, i'll have a look and bring them, sorry, hello, "great, thanks for coming, i thought, after all, we've known each other for a while, we can meet like this, in an informal setting, rather than in the office, so you 're now cleaning out our ranks, there's a little, why didn't you tell me last time, why didn't you ask?"
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with the past, you're afraid for yourself, for yours place? of course, you're right, if you let a werewolf in uniform slip under your nose, they'll ask you, yes, i don't need surprises, pasha, i don't think you're a werewolf, but i also know what you're capable of, what i'm capable of? and you don't have a clue? i don't have a clue. pasha,
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we can't have a conversation, we can't. what, your friend is already leaving and won't even order anything? and what makes you think he's my friend? please count. wait, wait, wait, i'm going to take a shower, yeah, yeah.
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andrey, hi, masha. drop it, so that come back, why, there is so much new ahead, riding on a star, carried towards the wind, to an unfulfilled dream, spring, lada vestros automatic. at the price of mechanics, benefit up to 300,000 rubles. eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you at residents of an apartment building in rostov-on-don are afraid that any day could be their last. i fear for my life, i fear for the life of my child. he constantly lights
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fires between the garages. he tried to set fire to his neighbor's car. after their neighbor valery's wife left him, he's like he's gone crazy. he can urinate on my door, pour vegetable oil on me, shout all the time: i'll set you on fire, i'll burn the door, a lonely man and doesn't think about improving relations with neighbors, and i won't bend over backwards for any chicken, you came out of the garage, you grab a stone at me, i throw you, what stone, i don't have any stones there, i could have come out of the garage with a crowbar, but i started throwing the tv out with a crowbar, it hit us so hard that we were shocked, then he throws the bed, the bed out the window, the bed, washboards, kitchenware, refrigerator, how to stop valera's neighbors from getting on your nerves? valera, i want you to magically disappear from my life, you talk like my wife, it's beyond the pale, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. dna - new season. tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. do business with sber. open a free
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look, you won't believe it, it's a pity that this won't be on air, after your program, i think, now they will find out, on sundays at 20:20 on ntv, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what's going on. this is a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are somehow fucking wrong, we are hot cock, guys, back up, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotten, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, the meeting place, the new season, every time haris shakes hands with joe biden, she actually checks his pulse, to be surprised and...
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well, what do you want, well, first of all, hi. secondly, we need to talk, we have nothing to talk about, i want to go home, okunko called me, i know you have problems, i'm ready to help, i'll figure it out myself, yul, i'm sorry, i understand perfectly well, you 're an independent woman, you and i are very tired and i want to go home, i'm going back to the police , what a fool. "i think so too, masha, i don't
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understand what you're doing here, what kind of tone is that, why are you pointing a gun at me, are you crazy, i actually came to get my things, i know you don't have much time work, especially since you don’t know where i keep my things, masha, i’m asking you, go away, just go away, oh, why are you so nervous, and masha, lena, this is…” i don’t understand, i’m sorry, oh, how awkward, masha, introduce us, give me the keys, wait, and i seem to have recognized you, you work for an ambulance, right, well yes, lena, no, that’s right, i see, you ’re like that in life, an ambulance, andrey, what ’s going on, he’s taking his things, i have my dressing gown in the bedroom, what kind of dressing gown am i in right now, i ’m asking you, get out of my apartment, masha, things, i see, you need to talk to masha, i i won't bother you, lena, wait, just wait, lena, lena, oh, why is she
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feeding you canned food, you have a stomach, right? okay, i see you need to be alone, i won't bother you, and will you bring my things to work for me, okay?
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and it will be even more fun, san , come on, work your left hand more actively, let's pick up the pace, guys, faster, faster, work, work, do n't stand still, so, let's repeat the sequence, once again, come on
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, come on, come on, come on, okay, work, work, work, "so you recognized me, well, what are we looking at, you were buddies with mom, that's right, they say, foma died because of you, they say you left him alone to be eaten, that's not true, and they also say you got even for foma, there 's a big grocery store on the corner, you know, come on, come on, there's a rat there, stealing customers' wallets, and what does it have to do with me,
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you have your own chok. yes, i would have taken the point under protection, but they have their own security, they don't need us, well, find the rat, and people will understand that you can be useful, speed up, i'm doing well anyway, i don't need an extra point , keep up the pace, don't stop, you'll find it rat, i will be obliged to you, and what do i need you for, the earth is round, life is long, the lads say, you are returning to the ministry of tourism, everyone already knows, right?
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lena, andrey, really, i have no complaints, i just left so as not to disturb you, well, wait, i just want to explain everything to you again, but this is just some kind of stupidity masha, indeed my ex- girlfriend, but there is nothing between us anymore, i completely forgot that she has keys to my apartment, she stopped by for some things, but i already took the keys, and the things, what things, well i gave the things away, masha, i'm sorry, lena, i don't understand what things you're talking about, he'll come again, when, and no one will ever come anywhere again, i promise you, it's funny , what's funny, nothing. it's just that you're such a serious big boss, in fact a child, len, that's enough, yes, that's really enough, lena, let's go, a call, i have to go , i can call you in the evening, no need, why is that, ex, hi, dad, well, what exactly do you want to know, you know, i don't like the internet, but i need to understand, it's a well-known site, it's popular there,
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ok, let me see then, what 's it called? our city, our city. well , look, what a cheap website there, made on the knee, i know some guys who make and sell such turnkey websites, the design here is of course better, but still everything is very cheap, all their materials are copy-pasted, which is not original, that is , copied from other websites, i don't even know who needs this website, well, i'll go, yeah, okay, let's go. i don't know, he seems to have already signed the application, but i didn't see, and why did he swear so much, yeah, and you gave him the keys, yeah, maybe it wasn't necessary, i'll probably go,
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you can stay, everything's fine, yes, marya sergeevna, yeah, wow, that's a brazilian soap opera, yes, that's right, a journalist came to me, interviewed me, took pictures of everything in the apartment, so why didn't you tell me right away what it was about? i asked you in russian, did a stranger come into the apartment or not? listen, what kind of stranger is this, this is the press, a journalist, the fourth estate, so to speak, so, and what is the contact of this journalist? now i 'll take a look, yes, andrey, pasha, everything in color, by all apartments have the same layout, the guys
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got through, a journalist came, took an interview for the site, impudent guys, although everything is as usual, it works through a tip-off, yes, but they have nothing to present, they will refuse, we will not be able to prove anything, yes, we need to catch them red-handed, the idea is of course good. only it is not clear how to implement it, we do not know which apartment they have next, listen, i have one idea, raw, though, i will call you back, pasha, wait, let's do without your raw ideas, please, hello, can you hear me, do not forget that you do not even have a gun no, hello, pasha, we'll take a couple, a three, let's do it your way, yeah, let's do it, hello, hello, were you asking me? this one? yeah, and how? he
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won't steal from your store anymore. you really won't , will you? i won't. i swear on my mother i won't. thank you. we 'll take him to the local police, the guy will write a report, by the way, your security guard was in on it, i mean, the dude gave him money, so he let him in calmly and didn't interfere, it's strange that the cops screwed up, all the thefts happened on his shift, what a bastard, yeah, yeah, the man a greedy and unprincipled creature, so if you contact me, i'll give you my people, they'll keep order strict, okay, thank you, i'll think about it, and who are you? yeah , a person, yeah, a person, well, thank you,
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a person, nothing, a girl, legs and other body parts, let's go, a lover of women's legs. well, it seems i'm in time, it seems i'm your debtor again, alexander krosovsky, i'll drag you now, right along the creative personality, lukerya ilyeshenko, batman in the city, will save everyone, and it's okay that... where his chick is a little didn't fail, the main thing is justice. igor filippov: never use sobolev's methods, work strictly according to the letter of the law. vitaly kishchenko. you forgot that you and i are together against lepradnya. ivan kolesnikov.
11:07 pm
as they say, it's better to go to prison alive than dead in a cemetery, right? tverskaya, new season. a good crime story. premiere, soon, on ntv. alfa investments - this is for money, we give up to 500 rubles to everyone. open a free account for investments in alfabank and receive. every month when transferring a number - this is normal, so we we give sbermobile, look, pay through sbp, modern, i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable, register on, pay through sbp in stores. products
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black tea bags princesses nori for 159 rubles. do business with sber. open a free sber-business card, connect to the loyalty program sberbusiness thank you get 10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with the card. sberbusiness. our life is divided into two parts: when we are little and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible... i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there, who littered in space? well, who, who? astronaut, how old are you? 7, 7 years old, and you are already the best voice of the earth? yes, 40 fouettes, 30 roles, you are zero, you do not draw anywhere, i will show you a master, how to earn money, fate, zigzagged brother, fortune threw you off, you feel how heated in...
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spirit of excitement, of course, i want to present you with a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not giggle maliciously, and i'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. yurochka, darling, good evening, i'm very glad to hear from you, i want to thank you for the interview, everything was just wonderful, great, i felt very cozy. thank you very much. what, oh, yes, you 've already heard, it's terrible, you know, i had to go through very difficult moments, yes, it's terrible, terrible - it's good that these scoundrels they didn't find all the money, my wife hid the money from the sale of the dacha in a linen drawer, yes, i'll go by tomorrow, put it all in the bank and of course they'll be completely safe there, of course, yes, what about you and of course, of course
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call back, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, convincingly, i think he believed. let's go, my dear, yeah, let's go after him,
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the bank is 5 minutes away, they didn't buy it, listen, did you seriously think that they would believe this nonsense, we have it now, thank you. the whole country knows how to arrange a hunt for bait, lead car, and i'm driving, briefcase here, quickly, give me the briefcase, what's going on, i'll shoot you, i don't understand, let's go, let's go, what 's so unclear, let's go after him, attention, to all posts and patrol crews: take measures to detain the vehicle, gray ford, metallic color, license plate k829 uo, moving in the repaired direction of the middle avenue, be careful when detaining, the criminals may be armed.
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and i told you, this is a police setup. get out of the car, stand up, get out, get out, get out, stand still, don't twitch, hands to the car, well, you feel what, joy, to
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the car hands, welcome home, pasha, fuck you, mind you, without a single shot, we're growing, because i haven't received a gun yet. it'll be more fun, it'll be more fun, well done, pack, pack, and a few more documents, okay, yeah. that's it, yeah, that's it, nadya, i'm leaving now, they 'll call, i'll be there in an hour and a half, not earlier, okay, okay, so, yeah, vasily,
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vasya, i'm leaving, let's do it tomorrow, where's down there? okay, i'll be down now. in about two minutes, okay, no, i'm not going to change my mind, semenov has not yet been officially registered, but he has already raised a whole series, i heard, what swindlers, they even created a website to use it, sir... to rob people, and nevertheless, i am categorically against semenov
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returning back, vasily, i respect you, and as you can see, i even listen to you, but i want to remind you, the osb certificate is of an advisory, but not a preclusive nature, well, understand, there are no saints , far from a saint, but... he gives a percentage of detection, i am ready to close my eyes to his sins, to everything, to all sins, to the majority, well, it's your choice. comrade general,
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good luck, well, day, bye, pasha, hello, i don't understand how you can do it, maybe you can explain, if you've already broken your brain with these robberies, and then bam, from half a poke you came up with the right version, how is that supposed to be? i came, i saw, i conquered, well, i'm probably just talented, like a genius, you're good, let's go for the disclosure for fifty kopecks, bang, i can't, half an hour has passed, but i can't, they're waiting for me at home, well, they're waiting at home, that's good, come on, bye, what can i tell you, well done, what returned, life will show.
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yes, daughter, no, dad is still working, what should i bring, tangerines, the doctor forbade you, because of allergies, he says, what new year, it 's still a week away, okay, okay, if mom doesn't mind, i'll buy some, that's it, bye, kiss. what are you going to give your daughter for new year? well, not me, let's say, but santa claus, she still believes in him, but what difference does it make, i need to buy something for my niece, the main thing is that he's a boy, it 's clear, boxing gloves or dumbbells, and what to give a girl, i've already racked my brains, you can undress there, we didn't come here to eat, come on, take me to samvel, i'm talking to samvel, take me, let's go. to samvel,
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weapons, pepper spray, what are you, you pathetic, maybe you'll search us again, we don't allow entry into the establishment with weapons, well, try and take them. and you stayed here, got it? samvel, samvel, i'm listening, what's the date, remember? have you prepared the lav? respected people, i told you everything last time,
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this place is mine, it has nothing to do with you, so welcome to the hell out of here, weirdo, they explained it to you in russian, the casino is our business, if you want your joint to continue working, pay up, maybe you shoot out the eye, huh? you, dear sirs, are committing lawlessness, who gave you the right to hold me accountable, don't be stupid, bastard, we are not on our own, we are under an officer, so i, along the
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way, chewed everything up for your officer, it won't work to grab me, he used to solve problems. now he is on his own, there is no power behind him, no, dude, i will really shoot something off of you now, don't twitch. tell your officer that he doesn't need anything, he will understand everything himself. tell yours, let them dispose of them somewhere, but quickly, in an hour the clients will be here they'll come to play, got it, got it, go on, work,
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yeah, officer, got it? i told you not to meddle in my affairs, let these boys be on your conscience. i grab my legs, come on, the bell, it rings, something,
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some kind of fairy tale. what's there , some girl-a torical about tangerines and that for the new year she wants skates from santa claus, let's drag them before the ice hole freezes, heavy, yeah, hello boss, great that you've already broken it? they just gave you a funny one, you should solve a crime like that, how you like to joke, sit down, got it, jokes about weapons, yours weak point, here's a present for us for the new year, mikhailov's teenager got it, both guys are from the same security company, both were on the same shift, both didn't come home, relatives are worried, well, maybe they got drunk somewhere,
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but the general situation doesn't change, we need to look, i know this one, yeah, yeah, where did he come from, we have him? chope, well, i mean in the chope that foma managed, one of the organizations under his control, and what the guy did, i don't remember, he wasn't in the inner circle, so, let me do it myself, that's it, i'm free, i have it, yeah, okay, i'll be right there. well, it looks like i'll on time? looks like i'm your debtor again, alexander krasovsky, i'll drag you in now, right on the creative personality, lukery ilyashenko. batman will save everyone in the city, and it's okay that on the way his tsa was almost knocked down, the main thing is justice. igor filippov. never use
11:27 pm
sobolev's methods, work strictly according to the letter of the law. vitaly kishchenko. have you forgotten that you and i are together against leprad? ivan kolesnikov, it's better, as they say, to go to prison alive than dead in a cemetery, right? tverskaya, new season, a good crime story, premiere, coming soon ntv. you are super, new season, coming soon to ntv. there are different chickens, mechanical, for small victories. bronze. for a little kick. damn, but only tender chicken is created for a big chicken burger and special moments of tenderness, a large juicy chicken fillet with a new garlic-cream sauce in a big chicken burger is already in a delicious point, order in the car, sale, where i bought a mega market school style, buy a gift set the act for 650 rubles. megamarket, school style, pash,
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look what magic, issue a debit card. 35% on everything important, gazprombank. it's good when it's unexpected. and that makes it even more pleasant. any moment can become even tastier. come enjoy your favorite taste. rostix. chicken like nowhere else. what are the names of everyday products at low prices. products in great demand. buy on ozon. black tea bags princesses nuri for 159 rubles. alfa investments - this is for money. we give up to 5,000 rubles. to everyone. open a free account for investment in alfabank. and get a gift. not just profitable. alfa is profitable. rolfultra oil, created using innovative gta and pao technologies, provides maximum engine performance. rolf ultra is a new era of motor oils.
11:29 pm
the doctor came to me and said, you know, any diagnosis, just not this one, you just understand, i have problems with the gene. sasha has a fatal disease, adrenaline dystrophy. this terrible disease has already begun to destroy the child's body. it will go further. that is, we will simply lose him and that's it, first his arms will fail, then his legs, then his vision, until his brain fails everything other organs, in short, he will suffer, god forbid, now it is still possible to save sasha's life, but we need to act immediately, dear wizards, help me, i want to live, an urgent bone marrow transplant will stop the disease right now. send an sms to 9112 or make a donation on the website save sasha's life. yur,
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11:31 pm
in 5 minutes in a mobile app! i have the same, wow! residents of an apartment building houses in rostov nadano are afraid that any day can be their last, i fear for my life, i fear for the life of my child, he constantly makes fires between the garages, he tried to set fire to his neighbor's car, after their neighbor valera's wife left him, he went crazy, he can urinate on my door, pours vegetable oil on me, all the time shouts i will set you on fire, i will burn the door, a lonely man and... a tv, he swung it so hard,
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the garage, but not with a stone, he started throwing things out that we were shocked, then he throws out bed, bed from the window, bed, washboards, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, how to stop playing on the nerves of valery's neighbors, valery, i want you to somehow magically disappear from my life talk? the leadership of the main department sets us a specific task: to restore order in the area as soon as possible, and these are not empty words, the certificate from the headquarters with a breakdown by composition both studied, that's right, the number of registered, unsolved,
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from all sides in turn praised how talented and irreplaceable you are, now yours turn to prove that i was not mistaken in agreeing to return you to service. what do you say? allow me to object, comrade colonel. i personally did not assure anyone from the leadership that we would quickly fix everything in 2 weeks. how should i understand this? allow me to explain. the operational situation in the area has always been characterized as consistently tense.
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at the same time, as an overseer, alexey fomin actively imposed his policy. he limited the influx of cheap drugs into the area. using his authority, he kept street crime in check. he was more interested in long-term financial projects, rather than pure crime. just think about it, what consciousness. should we also put up a monument to this bandit? comrade colonel. you won't like it, but until there's a new supervisor, you and i are playing second fiddle. yes, it seems to me that we clearly rushed your appointment, major. pasha, why? well, you should understand how much effort it took us to get you back. you
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should think about who you're talking to and what you're saying. i said it. what i thought, foma really did a lot for both the district and the city, foma no more, there's a lot of hell going on in the area, it's up to you and me to restore order, andrey, believe me, a lot of blood will be spilled, i know what i 'm talking about, come on, in more detail for the dumb ones, let's go, i warned you, samvel is not one of those who give up positions easily, he's used to working tough. to the families of the guys, provide all possible assistance, as much as you decide, we need to finish with samvel, find a smart executor, let him do everything as it should be, what deadlines were yesterday, this is a political matter, if we keep silent today, wipe our faces, no one will take us into account, it is better to lose the samve point, but to gain a foothold on the chosen one...


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