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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 20, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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mortgage free, i will miss this, approved, so easy that i don’t need to persuade, repair, moving, and the main mortgage from sberbank on domclick, domclick, don’t wait, live, about the weather for today in chukotka, a short northern summer, a powerful cyclone is ending, it will add rain, and then ... will catch up, but today in anadar a surge of heat up to +15. and in yakutia it is warmer than expected, and the further north, the more and longer the sun shines in the sky, in the south of the republic there are rains, thunderstorms in places, on the islands, in the south of khabarovsk krai, in transbaikalia the sunny summer is in full swing and only vladivostok will remain captive to the rains, and so all week. in siberia, the eastern half in warm sunny weather, for tuva, there is no rain in the forecast yet, they are very necessary, there is an emergency situation with fires, and the rains are closer to the west. to the urals, in yekaterinburg
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there is no precipitation yet and a little above twenty, on the european territory there is a confrontation between the cool north, but warm by local standards and the hot south, it will literally pour out in the rain, in the instability zone, which will stretch just above the center from smolensk to kazan, here after a hot monday there will be short rains, this means the mushroom season continues, over the weekend almost the entire country went mushroom picking, the quiet hunt turned out to be very productive, and the forests near moscow delight not only with mushrooms, but... with berries, a wonderful time, in the south it is too hot, the air is getting hotter and hotter, there is very little left to +40 in krasnodar, on the black sea coast it is still around 30, in st. petersburg today it is 21:23 without precipitation, in moscow it is 25 with short rain, but on wednesday only sunshine again, you are super, a new season, soon on ntv, tired of searching. a loan that
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well, semyon, now you are at a respectable age when any words that can be said on your birthday will seem banal, so i suggest. i could drink just for the fact that we have you, for the fact that you are the head of our big and friendly family, happy birthday, everyone happy birthday, happy birthday, hurray, thank you, but i am not at all happy on this day, because this day is more like a farewell to
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another world, daddy, well, no need, okay, enough, enough, stop shutting my mouth, i understand perfectly well that no one needs this holiday, sit here, pretend that nothing is happening, you don’t see anything, you don’t hear anything, why didn’t you remember, varenka, that i reached this honorable, as you say, age with a malignant tumor. "a friendly family, so we are all together, you can listen to it right away, looking at you i want to hang myself, because you are all my shame, my, semyon, listen, that's enough, you listen to me now, will you listen to me?" "each
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one separately, let's start with you, varya, i'm waiting for you in the office, in a minute, well , let's talk.
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since you think more than me, you think so, absolutely sure, agree, no, seriously, here we are with a fly, please, investigating a case, a fly for something barks, pays attention to something, well , it seems to me that this is unimportant, then, when the matter is finished, i understand that the fly understood everything much earlier tried to tell me about it, yeah, you just have to teach him to speak. unfortunately, lenochka, this is impossible, because the dog's larynx is not structured the same way as a person's, therefore even a very smart dog like mukhtar, maxim, relax, i was joking, yes, but we can do tricks, really, fly, now we will show you, fly, come here, come
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here, sit, well done, talyan, i ask you to the auditorium, well, stop, well, well, for my sake, well, well, come on, come on, come on, the audience has gathered? yes. fly, sit down, well done. mukhtar, the barrier? only i don’t understand, fly, and what do you want to tell me about this? he wants to say that if everyone is drinking tea, then we should drink tea. that’s right, mukhtar, my god, who else did this bring there, it’s
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probably vanya kochki, hello, hello! petrovich, hello, hello, sit down, thank you, some vodka, i’m driving, semyon andreevich is in his room, he asked that as soon as you arrive, immediately to him to come in, well, excuse me, go, you faggots, we've all been to the execution, you're the last one left, andreevich, yes. a fun birthday, oh, goodness, but in general all these tricks are far from the most important thing, a fly
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can read thoughts at a distance, well, yes, a fly, what is nikolai nikolaevich khrulyov thinking about, huh? well done, and this is for tea, fly, come here, and fly, what is lenochka thinking about? oh, my good one, thank you, dear, thank you, fly, and also fly, what else? oh, oh, well done, kissed, good, dear, thank you, mukhtar, come to me, fly, come to me, fly, and now what is anatoly thinking about, well, anatoly thinks that firstly,
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he bought these flowers, lyudka, and secondly, telepathy is of course good, but you can't forget about work, so... reports from you, eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up wipes and cigarettes, we're waiting only for you, so great. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what's going on, this is a conspiracy, as if this is a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of damn, wrong, us hot cock pecked, what guys, back off, this is how relations with the west are developing, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped being shy, meeting place, every time kamela harris shakes hands with joe biden, she actually checks his pulse to surprise upset
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that he is still alive. today at 14:00 on ntv. miracle, premieres on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of cells. liver: two components of phosphoglyph help not only to restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 96 capsules. pash, look at the magic. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important. gazprombank. ozone, let's get rid of school worries. school sale on ozone. number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium, blouses
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such different families, but everyone is getting ready for autumn in one place, sat down with honors, baltika 8 non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat, but only you can reveal its taste to the fullest, shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the refreshing taste will be revealed for real, baltika 8 non-alcoholic! reveal the taste of wheat. look, akutin. do you pay through the sbp? modern. i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable. register at pay through the sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, gas stations, everywhere, as you are used to. collect greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money. and we are going to your concert tomorrow. me too. for different you
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knee pain, back pain, anyway, the shoulder can fail, we will call pentalki soon, pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. well, what's there? well, we drank, talked, sit down, sit with us, no, i'm in a hurry, where you're in a hurry, well, you came for a birthday party, sit down, semyon andreevich said that the birthday party is over, and i need to go to the office, business, so i have the honor, well,
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everyone has been to the office, it seems everyone, but vasya hasn't been there yet? listen, maybe we shouldn't, let him go, his uncle loves him so much, let him be happy, go, son, and, grandpa, what's wrong with you, i'm very sorry, but... he died, how he died, i regret it, how is it possible, it's his birthday, in 2 days he needs to go into surgery,
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go away, i'll stay here, go away. lord, tell me what kind of surgery the deceased had to have, he had lung cancer, tell me, did he die of cancer, no, apparently, it was poisoning. what yes poisoning, where is your phone? why do you need a phone? excuse me, i need to call the police, why the police? does that mean the police too?
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well, len, we'll have to wait with the reports, what can we do, an urgent choice, no matter, the fly will quickly solve this case, come with us, what oh, zharov, well you're a tail, so here's zhanet petrovna, just a second, wait, fly, talyan, wait, fly, come on, what 's going on, fly, voice, ah, bravo, oh, by the way, he's only nectar. zharov is bragging not to good, so let's go, you'll see everything yourself, fly, place, place, poisoned old man, fly, did you hear, he heard, uh-huh, dilated pupil,
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sweaty body, cyanotic tissue. poisoning, judging by the smell of almonds in the glass, i can assume the presence of a poison from the tsanid group, the rest later, fly, and what do you say? got it, what else? so, it means you were with the deceased in turn. yes, yes, who was with him last? vasenka, my beloved grandson, but he is 12 years old, what are you, what do you think, that you have an obligation to accurately restore the picture, vasya only found grandfather lying down, and in front of vasya
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he had vanya, who is vanya, well , his friend, ivan petrovich kochkin. he also left right away , didn't even want to sit down at the table, so what were they doing here together, you don't know, kochkin said they drank, stepanovich, you can have a glass, from this glass, i don't know
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about this. it can be assumed that the water in this glass was from this decanter, right, well, yes, i put it there... there was another person who ran away from this party before the body was discovered, and i already told you about it, but this can't be maybe you're mistaken, sorry, but our experts confirm that arkhipov's death was violent, understand, we are his children, we simply couldn't.
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were solving some issues there, and do you all live here? yes, everyone, except, except gerasim, who is gerasim? uncle, well shurin, daddy's, yeah, and the rest are all here, and you, and you, and the boy, and his sister, daddy's, yes, yes, everyone, it's unfair, yes, do you really think that any of us have lived too long? forgive me, but unfortunately, anything can happen in our life, well, you know the address of this new friend, it seems kochkin, address, yes, that is, the address of the place
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of work, write here, then, i beg from the apartment, do not go anywhere, please disperse to your rooms, and first i would like to talk to vasya, why? i would like to talk to vasya, because he found the body. tol, then, i urgently send the first group to detain this kochkin, not at work, find the home address, well, urgently. okay, sit down, vasik. vasya. you were probably very scared when you entered the room and saw all this? at first, yes, you were scared, you wanted to call someone for help, but for some reason i managed to scream, well that's okay, adults
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also scream when they see all this, only women, and i'm a man, tell me please, did you touch anything when you came in? no, or maybe you saw who you touched? i don't think so, only the ambulance doctor. it doesn't count, and do you suspect my mother too? and why did you decide that? i saw a murder in a house in a movie, and a guy in a wig said: the killer is one of us, and then it turned out that he killed everyone. well, you trust us, right? we'll check everything, find out, suddenly you just like in the movies? so you suspect mom, no need, she's good, and anyway, if any of us. killed grandpa, it was zinka, who is this zinka, well zinaida gennadyevna, our housekeeper, she's generally a pest, mm, a pest, you say, vasya, but do you know where she
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is now, in the kitchen, probably, where else would she be, well, what do you think, what is there to think about, did he send the old man from the inheritance, who? wait, fly, let me talk, who, who, who, who, who, who, everyone and sewed it up, all at once, turn on the boy, let's get to the facts, yes, a corpse yes, yes, the fact of rejection has been established, undoubtedly, there is poison in the glass, and this is also undoubtedly, yes, his sister, who entered the office first, poured water into the glass, then all the family members entered in turn and each could pour. poison in the glass, yes, arkhipo could generally drink this water a little later, that's right, a fly, there was also a friend
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of the deceased kochka. ivan, who was the last to see arkhipo alive, is the most likely killer, the last to enter the office was a child, a fly, calm down, no one suspects the boy at all, that it is he who is so nervous today, yes, probably, in vain this morning. eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on our life is divided into two parts, when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible. i consider flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there. and
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now it is very necessary, oh, so, according to the housekeeper, it turns out that the motive for the murder was not necessary, you would have felt sorry for vasenka, for him it is almost everyone present in the house, well , except for her, of course, the opportunity, everyone has been in his office and ... brother, you know, to pour poison into a glass, a second of business. so, guys, what are the motives in the archives anyway? so, the motives were like this, it means he didn't approve of his daughter's dubious actions, like, classes there, she was doing something, he suspected his son of selling the dacha without his
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knowledge, and he hadn't spoken to his brother-in-law for a long time. yes, it means that only the boy and the housekeeper are above suspicion, in principle, this still needs to be checked, there was also this new guy, yes, kochkin, kochkin yes, in general. we'll have to twist everyone, we'll have to, so, max, you're in charge of the archive and personal belongings then, the archipolachka, you uh a dacha conflict, well with yury, well, both women are on me, yes, to work, forward, come on, do you also suspect everyone or not, you? you're a smart dog, no need to suspect everyone, then give me your paw, no, a man doesn't greet me like that, give me the other one, well done, yes, allow me, you've already
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talked with vasya, yes, we've talked, you have a very good son, yes, he's not a silent boy, sit down. i have only one question for you: what did you talk about with your father today, in his office? am i obliged to answer? no, you're not obliged, but the fact of your refusal will be recorded in the protocol, we will use it at our own discretion, but honestly, i think that you will help us. some well-wisher, told my father what i do, dad didn't like it, and he came to talk
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to me about it today, of course, he lost his temper, forgive me, and what do you do? you were taught swan lake by rome's juliet, i'm ashamed, do you hear, i'm ashamed, no one knows that i'm your daughter, but you know, isn't that enough for you, i'm ashamed, god, dad, why are you torturing me, you 're torturing yourself by working in this restaurant,
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no matter how much i tried to explain to yamu that this is life, that there is no other way to survive, he did not want to listen to me. i am a ballerina, maybe not the best, but i do not want to dance the little swan all the time. and then my time as a ballerina is already over, and there he still looks at me, pays well, well, as far as i understand, there is still not enough money, you think that i killed my father because of money, you are mistaken, what money does the former secretary have.
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he could not pay for his operation, not to mention that janet petrovna left with her client, and now it's time for me too. yes, stepanovich, you are as inseparable from your suitcase as zhonnata petrovna is from her clients. yes, forensic scientists always have their own. okay, maxim, good luck, thank you, oops, what did you find there, you found something, the reason why the deceased did not talk to his brother-in-law. he himself was to blame for everything, the brother-in-law can understand, here's
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another thing, he's a service dog, and kind as a puppy, a fly, you'd better get down to business, or maybe he wants to rest? yeah, rest, there's another time and place for that, it's up to me mukhtar, why are you specifically blaming the department for keeping quiet, len, i was just coming to you, look, what an interesting folder, so, denunciations, yes, an old party member wrote to the tax office about the businessman's brother-in-law. yeah, listen, so he could have done it, you and yes, what do you think, wanted to take revenge,
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or prevent new denunciations, well, or both, yes, thank you, mukhtar, will you allow us to talk here, should i go out, if it's not too much trouble, please, i would like to ask you a few questions about your business, business as a business, a casino chain. are you interested in anything else? yes, i am.
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citizen arkhipov's attitude to your business. did you find something? oh, our communist kept copies of the denunciation he wrote about me. so you admit that you knew about the denunciations? i knew. listen, this is just ridiculous. i am clean before the law, which i prove. numerous checks, yes, but if we assume that you are the killer, then the motive is quite clear. mukhtar, what is this? i think even your dog disagrees with you. so zinka has already blabbed to you? well, firstly, she didn't blabbered, she gave
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testimony, and secondly, state your version events. i assure you, your testimony will carry the same weight as hers. and i have nothing to tell. and in general, i believe that this story has nothing to do with my father's death. well, excuse me, it is not up to you to decide what is relevant in this situation and what is not. do you have the documents for the house? i handled all the legal matters. show me the documents, so the power of attorney, here is the deed of sale, i understand,
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so my father's suspicions were justified. well , son, tell me the truth, it will make you feel better, you, you, you talk to me like that, like i wish you knew everything by now, i want you to tell me the truth yourself, yourself, i'm 42 years old, dad, why do you keep... educating me, i don't educate me, i just want to hear you tell me about how you sold my house, which i sold with my own hands, okay, enough, enough, i sold your house
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, how, how dare you do this? degenerate, i wanted to live in this house for 3-5 years, as long as i have there, you took advantage of my trust, normal people don't act like that, you acted like the last pig, get out of here, outcasts, out, and no, father, now... i 'm not leaving here, and why are you silent? what? well, you sold your father's house against his will, and then killed him so that the deal wouldn't be discovered,
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right? do you think so? no, i think it's better for you to confess everything yourself. i was afraid of you, really, were you all afraid of me?
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i don't know. how can i fix all this now and my guilt, i'm so guilty before mom, dad, you're not guilty of anything, just don't push us away, let us do everything in our power for you, yeah, yeah? well ok, you go, otherwise kochkin will come, ok, go, yura, the rest. go,
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he didn't want any help from us, he thought that the state was obliged to him, he believed in some kind of free medicine, he didn't even suspect that all our money was going to his treatment, everything, well, most of it, yes, understand, you don't... none of us could have killed him, and if anyone could, it was petrovich, so interrogate him.
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ntv. summer is not only a time for vacations, but also an opportunity to catch luck in summer draws, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, a golden barrel, we meet at the main lottery show of the country, we win, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. well, mukhtar, he's still silent, i don't even know where he is, he's been hiding from me all day, i don't understand what's wrong with him, it's not like him, yeah.
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here's our last suspect, and what do i understand, well if not already, handcuffs, take him to the police station, why did you bring him here, sit down, thank you, the fact is that there is an operational group working here now, which is investigating this the case is hot on the heels, why, what do you suspect me of, because you were the last one to see arkhipov alive, so he was alive when... he left, and can you prove it, fly, i don't understand what's wrong with you, take off the handcuffs, sergeant, thank you, doggie, thank you, darling, oh, lord, forgive me, a sinner, oh,
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are you ready to answer some questions? yes , of course, in particular, i'm interested in why arkhipov called you to him? well, and to draw up a will, because i'm a notary. but we've already drawn up one will. i know that i i declare it invalid. i want to make a new one. i'm listening to you. i want to divide the entire sum of money equally between all relatives, including zinain. i ask, the state leaves, now there will be nothing left. close people are more important than any other state. i have already understood this. so, you bequeath 300 thousand american dollars to five
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people. add yourself as the sixth. i made me, i want to thank you, thank you, i argued a lot with the children, i thought badly of them, but it seemed that, despite everything, they love me, let them know now that i love them too, hurry up, yes, this needs to be done as quickly as possible, today no one knows how much... is left to live, i'm doing everything, thank you, he also wrote you a letter asking you to read it after i read out my will, petrovich, well, don't drag it out, my dear children, now i know what it cost you to collect money
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for my operation, so here i am... i don't want any operation, i think i've earned the right to decide for myself how i die, i want you to remember me moving without outside help, there's only one thing left for me, tell you that i repent and ask for your forgiveness, only today i realized how unfair i was to you, forgive me... if you can, and farewell, i am leaving myself, of my own free will, farewell try to be happy, oh, semyon, semyon.
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mukha, well, lenka, suicide, come here, that means suicide, yes, and mukha knew it from the very beginning, tried to make us understand, and we only scolded him, well, scolded him, it was you who scolded him mainly, because from the very beginning we relied on our own heads, yes, yes, and your heads achieved a lot, not much, but it's nice when all the suspects turn out to be decent people, really, fly, well done, well done, come on here next to me, next to me, like this, come on, come on
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, fat man, that's it, fly, an argument is of course good, but within reasonable limits, i personally have had enough of running around, you , i think, too, home, that's it, fly, home, next to me, well, what did you find there, well, what are you looking at here, fly, fly, well, what did you find here, oh, wow, a little book, well done, fly, sit, sit, book, i think our working day has started, sit down, citizen, what's wrong with you,
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rasputin, what did he take it, who, he, he took her. anyway, then he said that rasputin took her, he lost consciousness, i called an ambulance, that's how, thanks to the fly, we got a new case, yeah, attempted murder, but why on us, because khrulyov said that , you see, we have the least cases, len, with this thought, khrulyov has been living for at least 2 years, so you want to talk to him about this, no, i myself want to become a khorev someday. or better yet, with the main khrulyov, over whom there will no longer be any khrulyovs, so talyan, don't forget about me, i won't forget, no don't worry, you'll get a colonel and a rake, you'll go on vacation for 2 months, our man, oops, and you, fly, will get a choice
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brain bone, got it, okay, boys, stop selling yourself with sweet dreams, let's get down to business, well, what business, len, did you find an old man, maybe he was drunk? okay, i'll go, but can i ask you one question, why me, i answer, you're a married man, you'll be busy exclusively with business, and like
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some people you won't be distracted by nurses, the answer is exhaustive, yes, fly, she's talking about you, because i'm busy exclusively work, i would like to hear your thoughts about this work. so, now everything is fine, i will go again to the place where i found belyavsky, i will look through everything there, maybe i missed something, i will go to sadovsky, i left him a book that i found next to belyavsky, for now to work, my dears, i ask you, thank you, you are welcome, okay, i'm leaving. "fly, follow me, there is a black one in gravsky park, eat
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right, have fun without alcohol, and give up veps and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on tak, residents of an apartment building in rostov-on-don are afraid that any day can be their last, i fear for my life, i fear for the life of mine." he constantly lights fires between garages, he tried to set his neighbor's car on fire. after their neighbor valera's wife left him, he went crazy, he can urinate on my door, pour herbal oil on me. slam constantly shouts: i'll set you on fire, i'll burn the door, a lonely man and does not think about improving relations with neighbors, and i will not bend over backwards for any chicken, you left the garage, you grab a stone on me, what stone am i giving you, i don't have any stones there, i could have left the garage with a crowbar, but not from a stone, i started throwing out the tv, it hit us so hard that we were shocked, then he throws out the bed, the bed out of the window, the bed, the washboards, the kitchen utensils, the refrigerator, how to stop playing on the nerves of valery's neighbors,
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well, let's look for something. what are you sitting there for, well done, fly, what did you find there? oh, damn, you can break your head here, oops, well done, fly, so, it means, our professor fell from here hit this stone, if he didn't become one of course. fly, come here, fly, come here, come to me, to me, come on, give it to me, what is it, give it to me, give it to me, well done, why do we need it, do you think we should take it with us, i'm sure you got it, no
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questions, we're here, well done, i i believe you, we are partners, well done, that's it, let's go. look, did you find a fly? max, it looks like sadovsky, especially like this, where did you find it, well, when we were examining this place where belyavsky was found, well , you picked it up, and the fly, maybe it's evidence, oh well, evidence, it's sadovsky, the spitting image of, oh, listen, stop talking nonsense, what sadovsky , sadovsky, sadovsky, sadovsky we have a blond, you know, with blue eyes, and this one is brown-haired, what sadovsky? he's light brown, hello, it's very nice here, what is this? oh, departure, here, here, you see, you a stranger said, what, what sadovsky, what nonsense did they come up with, okay, tell me what's going on in the hospital, how is belyasky, well, belyavsky is fine,
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klimals will live, but i couldn't talk to him, the doctors didn't allow it, they said that i could come by after lunch, that's it, that is, to find out what interests us, max, now you 'll go, it's your turn, got it, no problem, let's go, yes, fly, you see, always ready for work, and you know that with this doll you can do all sorts of miracles, so, well, voodoo magic, all that, poke her in the belly with a compass, and sadovsky will respond, a good idea, yeah, well, let's try, let's try, oops, look, sadovsky is tired, sorry, uh-huh, on his game.
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let's talk, okay, definitely, well, not again, it's too early now, straight to me, okay, so, voodoo, water, voodoo, max, guys, i have analgin, my head suddenly started to hurt, it's just splitting, oh, i overdid it yesterday, and my head is full of boobu, and what kind of overdose, what kind of boobu, i'm telling you, out of the blue, out of the blue, you shouldn't have been smart, you'd better have looked for analgin, maybe even a sing for you, well, come on, out of the blue, not everything you say? fly, come on, bring me the doll, bring it, bring it, good boy, good boy, and why are you playing with dolls here, cash, this is not a doll,
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this is evidence, got it, come on, you can't, no , you shouldn't, but she didn't let you, it's not true, it's strange, but she let you, okay, i'll go stepanych, he looks like you, smart guy, and max, does voodoo work? yes, natal, what voodoo, well , a coincidence, a coincidence, of course, that is, you decided to poke after all, yes, yes, a little, so that sadovska would mumble now, that's it, i get it, i have no time to waste on nonsense, i went to belyavsky, the ghost of grigory. rasputino, fly, come here, well, friend sadovsky, have you already excused me? but still need to check if this is an accident or not,
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large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application . everything is fine, the dog is also in a robe, as you understand, i am from the police, how are you feeling, nothing, okay, we can talk, yes, of course, the book, where is it, you this one? "yes, this, i don't even dare hope, oh,
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it's intact, this is the bible of rasputin himself, i don't even know how much it might cost, does it exist only the auction price, i understood everything, and pyotr andreevich, please tell me what happened to you, okay, i'll tell you, i'm a collector, i collect books, or rather, i collected, what's your name? maxim, this is the pearl of my collection, yeah, i beg you, take it while i'm in the hospital, okay, and why? i'll explain , you see, well, about a month ago, it seemed to me that someone wanted to get into my...
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but the most important thing is rasputin, just don't laugh, don't think that i'm crazy, there are a lot of strange things in life, he needs this book, his spirit, so, gather you, that the spirit also pushed, don't laugh, i fell myself. but i saw him , i saw who, rasputin, yes, well, you know, i,
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at night i can't sleep, and i definitely need to walk in the fresh air, and he was there, i saw him in a red shirt, with a beard, i got scared, ran and... didn't see this cliff there is something a book, a book, i don't go out without it, grandpa, it's me, hello, hello, this is my granddaughter, marina, very nice to meet you, please take her and take care of her, i beg you, take care of her, okay, okay, don't don't worry, andreevich, tomorrow, if possible, we
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'll talk again, yes, yes, of course, of course, take care, please, take care of her, don't worry, everything will be fine, thank you, get well soon, thank you, goodbye, fly, nearby, goodbye, who was that, a policeman, and the dog? with him, also a policeman, in general, the case is really serious, he said that he saw the ghost of rasputin, got scared, ran, listen, do you think mental disorders are not a crime, well, he claims that he fell himself, i understand, max, you said that you saw any traces? maybe someone pushed him, scared him, i don't know, but you know, what traces, maybe they
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have nothing to do with the case at all, well, the point here is different, you see, bilyavsky claims that they are hunting for this book, that they tried to... break into the apartment, but there is no evidence of this, listen, max, or maybe he is making this all up, yes, that's what i'm thinking about, you know, but the book is really valuable, supposedly the bible is disorganized, he has developed some kind of paranoia on this basis, tomorrow i will try again with him talk and sort out this whole thing, yeah, phone, i hear,
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i'm on my way, okay, i'm done, it's all tomorrow , it's all lipstick, you feel okay, i love you, janet, you're kind of weird, oh, i forgot, you're doing well, oh, where's mine, why are you kind of weird today, i don't even understand, have you fallen in love, or is it your gut, or
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do you, your stomach hurts, that's it, come on, see you tomorrow. oh, kusha, i can't help but love you, so what, are you getting ready, are you going home? yes, i was, max, how are things at the hospital, listen, let's go get some beer let's have a drink, and at the same time i'll tell you everything, you know, i... i still have to work a little bit here, then i promised lyutke to come home early, so work or come early, well, i just can't take it long, now i'm well, i understand, okay, since i promised, fly , let's go,
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come on, come here, my uncle kesha, eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes. we're waiting for you only at during another quarrel with his beloved, a resident of tyumen did not see her for several days. they parted for about 5 days, went their separate ways. and when they made up, the man was waiting for the news, his beloved is pregnant. the gynecologist said that there are more than 6 weeks, at that time she was riding with nikita. but the father. is in no hurry to acknowledge his son, because in separation his beloved did not suffer from loneliness , this information reached my mother-in-law: mom, well, i still took revenge on sasha, a young man, blue-eyed, blond, exactly like a child, so who became the father? heard, oh, so he is plump, just like his father, i say, i mean, i say, i am not plump, i say, he says blue-eyed, so i say, not blue-eyed, but between me and
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the tasks set by our command together with me. join yours, serve under contract. i am mr. famin's lawyer. you become one of the three heirs. if you do not give back what belongs to you, everything will be very bad for you. you will protect me, right? you can't even imagine who we have gotten involved with. i'm afraid. i'll guard you myself. i decided to train a new architect. i've already started training. nevsky. one shot, one truck. i'll start you. today at 20:00 on ntv. we're going home. you're my lord, well done, well done, yeah,
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and what happened, yeah, i was getting ready to go home, i finished my work day, i got it, i'll be there soon, come on, well, muh, the house is cancelled, i visited belyavsky again, grigory rasputin, let's go. talyan, so what, did they pull you out of your family? yeah, right from the cutlets. wow! you know, i 've seen something like that in a movie, max. blood, or what? yeah, i didn't i know, i just arrived myself. and what happened to belyasky, or what? no,... anyway,
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i was sleeping, well, i woke up, saw this, i immediately felt bad, now i'm in intensive care, that's how it is, are you from the police, yes, we are from the police, they want to kill grandpa, who, everyone decided so, i don't know, he has a weak heart, all this will quickly finish him off, marina, tell me, this book, it is very valuable, rasputin's bible. yes, it is terribly valuable, it is worth about half of grandpa's collection, although grandpa has already sold the collection, he could not part with this one, he even imagined putin once became, yes, well, this is clearly not a figment of the imagination, marina, please tell me, was anyone else interested in this book, well, wanted to buy it, do you know anything about it, i didn’t delve into my grandfather’s affairs. i know to whom he sold
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most of the collection, to whom at home i need to look for my grandfather’s business card, oh, he himself can’t say now, he’s unconscious, marin, excuse me for the incorrect question, i ca n’t help but ask it, and if god forbid something happens to my grandfather, then who will inherit everything, in particular the bible, me, he has no other close relatives, his daughter, my mother, but she died, i understand, sorry, marina, i'll leave you my phone number, please call me when you find the contact details of this collector who wanted to buy the bible, okay, yeah, yeah, okay, of course, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet,
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hello, listen, i left right after you called, though from the other end of town, how are you, this is pavel, my fiancé, hello, excuse us, we'll go look for a doctor, everything 's fine, well, what will he say, what will i say, i don't know, the experts will come, he'll say, a fly, what are you doing you say, understandable.
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who, apparently, really wants to bring belyavsky to a heart attack. yes, and this person knows belyavsky very well, he knows about the weak heart, he knows that belyavsky is obsessed with this book, and also that he has an overly rich imagination. and what about the granddaughter? and what about the granddaughter? the granddaughter, i think it’s unlikely that len is sincerely worried about her grandfather. yes, but there is a collector who was interested in the book, by the way, marina called me, gave me his phone number. by the way, he’s still unconscious, guys, you know, but i like the version about the spirit of this real rasputin, there is so much unidentified stuff in the world, listen, what are you doing now, and i, uh-huh, voodoo, positive, we need to support sadovsky somehow, because lately he has often started to fall into depression, that's what made him a captain, kindergarten, well lenka, that's... you
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think so, that's from the point of view of jamaican sorcerers - this is good morning, comrade lieutenant colonel, yes good for some, and for someone it is too good, yes, it happens, this is someone you, sadovsky, i don't even know what to say, i only know that such a thing doesn't happen, here, read it, just came, to say, i don't understand anything, this is about me, probably about you, no, i can say, this is some kind of mysticism, yes, captain sadovsky, okay, i'll go
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find out, wow! to flashlight, so what, in my opinion, our collector lives in this entrance, well, i'll check now, well, yes, i wonder, does he have books on voodoo, who knows what, you'll ask her, fly, go ahead. hello, hello, we are from the police, we called you, well, well, i'm listening to you, fly, what 's going on?
10:00 am
in a single impulse, help for the residents of the kursk borderland comes from all over the country and how the professionalism and military savvy of russian fighters nullify the militants' attempts to break through. joe's farewell party. why did the press call the us president's speech at the democratic national convention exactly that way? what did biden talk about? well , and also, who is lighting up the special operation zone under cover of night? what did the strongest downpour do. in primorye and vladivostok, in particular, and also free swimming in life, what are chaosbots and why are they gaining popularity. this is the program today, dmitry zaboisky is in the studio. hello. let's start with the news from border areas.


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