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tv   Chelovek bez proshlogo  NTV  August 21, 2024 3:35am-4:16am MSK

3:35 am
this is tuchkov, vitya, check me by billing, where major semenov's phone worked all day today, from morning till evening, all the coordinates, i'll wait, thank you.
3:36 am
everything is accurate, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, go and look, calm, i told you, rat, yours, whose are you, pathetic, you yourself are pathetic, i'm from fim.
3:37 am
no, i'm not tired, i'm just fed up, in general, tomorrow everything will be decided, you know, be patient, i have a choice, well no, of course, that's what i'm talking about, okay, that's it, let's get in touch. don't fluff, come on,
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hold on, damn, what is this, am i lying to you or something? okay, you tell me you know, we'll bring it tomorrow. come, do you hear, kid, really be a man, no money, no dough, fuck with the crocodile, bastard, and i won't get anything there, huh?
3:39 am
and the devil left and what, let me go, let me go, it will be worse, worse, worse, much, already, what, i took the dope, mine, but not mine, honestly found. you found an adventure for your deputy, so what, and zanie loves such things here are the joys of his father and mother, yes i'm your house, speak like the director of the plant, terminator, you're not dying, good man, tell me where you got the dope, and what's the dealer's name, well, tobacco, tobacco, yeah, well let's go let's check.
3:40 am
who am i, who am i, can't you hear me, or what, me, who are you, makhorka, where, stand, okhorka, open up, okhorka, what, open up, bastard, you forbade pushing goods through children, you forbade it, why the hell are you doing this, huh?
3:41 am
that they took a goat, watch out that the goat doesn't go around you, why would the horned sleigh break, great, oh, youth, be safe, damn, where, where is our esteemed client. romanov,
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there's some smoking, no, i quit, but my breathing has become awesome, you know how i feel the smells, it smells like earth over there. you say earth, it smells like shit here, finally, great, great, how did you get there, fine, with a breeze, two, second, so that everyone would forget about everything, got it, got it, well, now on your own, as always, come on. let's go,
3:43 am
oh, you've fed up with the clown with your free parking, i wish my hands were... oh, guys, don't throw me a grand until tomorrow, my wallet is at home, i 've been sitting without any money for a week already, okay, thank you, oh well, oh well, no, well, since you offered it yourself. we have a good job, we catch them at night, let them go during the day, and their faces are so happy, if you have a lawyer like that, you won't be sad either, that it was a fun night
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there was, and the disco with the whistle and dance, i cleared a place there, go check, what the hell you even got into this for. you have a company, you know him, we served together, sanya, dig up some information on him for me, what, where, when, okay, yeah, go ahead, and i
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'll have a ride here. you all know that there is no greater enemy for young people than drugs, if that's true, drugs are a personal enemy for me. and my fight against it, i assure you, will be uncompromising, and i promise you, for a complete victory i will spare neither my own strength nor my means, therefore the most state-of-the-art equipment, he will confirm this now, i confirm, i confirm, repairs in the wards, three new treatment rooms, a canteen, all this is veniam andreevich, what did he get from us for? a deep bow and gratitude, we need more, we will give more. thank you, when will the sports ground be
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finished? the sports ground, we will do it in the process, we just don’t have enough money for everything at once. you will have a sports ground, i promise you that. as the future mayor? ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, the press conference is over. well, i call and say that we will be there in about 30 minutes, i i think we'll be there in about 40 minutes, i need to consult with the director, please.
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one will start pushing drugs, the others will whistle about it, we need it, so no sentimentality, just calculation, reasonable, kid, stop here, i'll go for a walk on the air, i've been sitting around too long, don't forget, six o'clock at the boss's, yeah, good.
3:48 am
why are you following me? we haven't seen each other for a long time, we need to talk, we're done. did you just decide a long time ago or did you forget? it looks like not all the new ones have appeared. you're wrong, pash, what are you doing in
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the city, making a living from merkot? listen, pash, i have one piece of advice for you, stick your nose where you don't belong, it's good if they pinch you, otherwise they can cut you off. yeah. as always , on time, i'll be there in 15 minutes, okay , stay here, please come in , pay attention to what i'm saying, yeah, i haven't looked in on you for a long time, please, vinimich, so you know? you're in trouble here, yeah, where's your mind, what are you,
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a cnidian, you don't have enough money for such things, you don't have enough for a sports ground, venyamin drich, take off your clothes, am i deaf or something, take off your clothes, i said, quickly, a suit of at least five thousand greens, a shirt 3-4 hundred, a tie, and a tie was a gift, take off your shoes, take them off, take them off, also not less than a thousand. it costs, then, so if you sell all this, it will be enough for two sports grounds, i'm calling the guys here now, no need, no need, guys, no need, there is money, there is money, yeah, yeah, that's why i said this, well, i wanted to save a little, so that it would last longer, and there is money,
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don't even worry, it means there will be a sports ground, what's the point, well done, and can i put this on? no, not until you build it sports ground, you will go to the bolsheviks, i will personally check. veniomina andreevich, how can i, uh, i told you, here, be careful, be careful,
3:52 am
you seem somehow gloomy, viktor sergeevich. didn't you get enough sleep, viktor sergeevich, will you get enough sleep here, when you have to do all sorts of other people's work, i told you to put it here, hi, well, you've arrived, thank you for insuring, he insures the sixes, and i for you. that's it, i tell her, thank you, go on again further i myself, yeah.
3:53 am
3:54 am
allow me, come in, captain, come in, colonel, captain groshev on the orders of a comrade the lieutenant colonel arrived, well captain, what did you do yesterday, i didn’t understand, do you know how much each trip costs the state, no way, but i know, crazy money, and you, captain, instead of catching the buyer, whom we’ve been waiting for a month, you grab some random passerby, a witness, comrade lieutenant colonel, but what if
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romanov is that very buyer? where is the evidence? you don’t have any evidence, she has an official permit for the weapon, she has 1,200 rubles on her, two 500 and two 100 bills. tell me, captain, with with that kind of money they go and buy drugs wholesale, you keep quiet, comrade colonel, his lawyer laughed at us, and what did we do, apologize and let him go. why is that? because you, captain, have no evidence. guilty, guilty, i have your guilty, i already have blisters on my ears, go, next time... talk, decide to go, go, captain, go, and the guy, the guy is not simple, oh,
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not simple, how can he blame you, your pro-cow, guilty, your pro-cow, he himself is glaring at you, listen, i... vote for me, together we will turn our the city into a blooming garden, and cut it down, gardener,
3:57 am
damn, he bankrupted his plant, now he wants to screw up the city, here you go, well, the phone is in your right pocket, how fast can you get it out? you could have poked around there for another five minutes, who's calling, i turn on assalom aleikum, aleikum salam, musojon, did you get my presents? yes, i got them, everything's fine, and my friends told me, you're crazy, is it possible to send so much goods? and i answered them, i've been working with this person for many years and i trust him like a brother, thank you, i really appreciate yours
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trust, i won't give you a lift, sorash, he would have cried if he hadn't known that you were telling your brother, glutka... our grill is hot, bring the chicken, give me a napkin, you can pick up some danka from the kindergarten, so that you can at least not think about work at the table? what happened? you know that our friend also came here. what friend? our
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mutual friend. igor, what are we doing here? i have no idea, he came here before us, works at a flour mill. not married, why are you telling me this, you don't know yourself, no, i don't know, how should i know this, where from, thank you. great kos, where are you
4:00 am
and i am here, everything is great , everything is fine, everything is fine, oops, and this is a miracle, where did this come from, and the gift is for you, beast. i will call you fart, fart, voice, voice, fart, come and see, oh, something is nervous, squinting, like before a fight, if we screw up, they will tear us to pieces. we didn’t screw up in afghanistan, we will cope even more here, well, i don’t know, for me it would be better
4:01 am
if they worked as they did. they took a little, sold, took, sold, there is such a lump here, how not to choke, but don’t shake, u i have a wide mouth, and the seller has a serious roof, you saw this roof yourself, today i will see, otherwise there will be no deal, don't twitch, "hello, they asked you to tell them, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, for example, it's very difficult, indeed, there are rumors, a deal is in the works, yeah." it seems
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to be a big one, where at the flour mill, and the information is verified, you're offending me, captain, have i ever let you down, otherwise no, okay, we'll check. i'll get credit for this, i 'll talk to you someday, the saratov people are asking to increase deliveries, on how much, almost one and a half times, the repites
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too. no, let's hold off on the lipetsk guys for now, we won't offend the saratov guys, they work without any problems, so let's grow, guys, expand, if things continue like this, look, we'll move to siberia, like yermak, well, i think that on this optimistic note we'll finish for today, that's it, thank you all, well done, work, just don't relax, i'm going fishing tonight, but if you need to back me up, i'm ready to stay, no need, no way, fishing is a good thing, go, throw me a couple, young, great, igorek, okay, we 're done with this, let's get down to business, i baked some chicken in the oven, finger-licking good, and he's hungry, let's go, let's go, oh, sanya, great,
4:04 am
do you have plans for the evening, well, basically? and listen, can you cancel them, we need to check something, what, is there no way tomorrow, or what, we actually have tickets to the cinema, no, sanya, tomorrow will be too late, you tambaric explain that i'm a veteran, well, and i'll give you a 3-day weekend, that's it, respect, we agreed, mas, you know, here's the thing, that right now, yeah? so, you call the girls, go together, mash, well, tickets, don't worry, i'll find a way to have fun without a movie, a penny, wait,
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okay, okay, i don't want to go to prison, to the penny, you know, well, guys, that's it, war is war, but lunch is on schedule, listen, guys, what's wrong with you, i don't get it, you dragged me into this adventure, now you're sitting there like you're betrothed, what's going on, are you scared or something, where's the courage? so much
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money is at stake, or maybe we should refuse right away, no way, that's a different story. do we have everything ready there, igor? yeah, i've done everything three times checked. look, don't let my son down, he vouched for you. come on, i wish for us to succeed. and for me, an old fool, not to feel like an old fool. you don't drink? you can't, the main thing is that your guarantor gives you the green light, we already have the green light, bon appetit!
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christian, maybe i'll come pick you up later, we agreed, you were sitting there for the money, and i don't want you to get into some kind of shit, i owe you my life, listen, don't start, you'll get yourself worked up, i'll get you going, everything will be fine, i promise, well, watch out, so that there everything was more careful, well, damn, you hug me again. good job kostyan, okay, let's go, come on, this is the devil
4:08 am
. well, shall we go? you stay in the car, i'll go to meet you, i'm alone. what are you saying, i organized everything, agreed on everything, do you think you're a child to me? you'll always be a child to me, i said, you stay in the car, everything's fine, stay here mikhail, don't let me out of the cars, got it.
4:09 am
open your eyes, ears, keep your weapons at the ready, tongue and teeth, okay?
4:10 am
romanov igor ivanovich. weapons, phone, metal objects, what is that, a pen, pass.
4:11 am
i greet you, good afternoon, please, sit down, thank you, well, let me look after you. what if there are not three of us? our guarantor is a busy man, he will show up. here only when you and i have at least some clarity about the money, vodka or do you prefer whiskey, cognac, wine, thank you, i don't drink, that's how, one of my ukrainian friends says, if a person doesn't drink, he's either sick or a bastard, great. i have the first case, an ulcer, so, sanya, blow, quietly,
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call the group, got it, i'll do it. everything is exactly like pharmacies, we call, we call, i beg your pardon, well, what do you have there, everything is fine, i confirm, well, it is a pleasure to do business with you. we are not finished yet. where is your guarantor?
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without him, the deal will not take place. and here he is, precise as always. i hope, before our meeting. have you found out who we have in our city, who? do you need to introduce our guarantor? no need, so what, do you confirm the deal? definitely, i confirm the deal, i give the go-ahead!
4:14 am
of course for cooperation, but since you have an ulcer, to hell with it, i want to give vodka a hard time, well that's it another conversation. i told you, rat, for cooperation, mutually beneficial, whose are you, pathetic, you yourself are pathetic, i'll kick you out, yours, there will be a capture group here now, all of you throw your guns on the floor and your faces on the ground, finish him off. what are you sitting there for?
4:15 am
get out of the way, what bad luck, you're lucky, luck goes to those who carry, got it?


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