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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 21, 2024 8:25am-10:00am MSK

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compared to what awaits primorye residents on thursday. a typhoon is approaching from japan, it will approach our shores already in the stage of a simple cyclone, but it still has a huge supply of moisture, there will be heavy rains and storm winds, so the typhoon season is open, to be continued, but in baikal and the magadan region the frost season is open, autumn is very close. in siberia, there is no time for frost yet, the temperature is above normal, but there will be rain, they will be concentrated mainly in the west and there is also coolness, and if in krasnoyarsk it is still 27. in tyumen and novosibirsk it is slightly above twenty. the urals are plunging into rainy cold. in yekaterinburg - the coldest day is tomorrow, but it is not much warmer further. and the kola peninsula is basking in a warm southern wind. in murmansk today it is +22 sunny. in the middle zone there is little precipitation. light rains will fall in the saratov region, in the center it is sunny, not so hot, just warm. in smolensk - 26, in vladimir - 23. but in voronezh - 33. in the south, the air is heated to +38. today the temperature. in krasnodar, in kalmykia dusty
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storms, bright sun and 30-35 on the black sea coast. moderate in st. petersburg, today during the day +24 without precipitation, in moscow also ideal +25, the probability of rain is very small. that's all for now, watch the weather on ntv. you are super, new season, coming soon to ntv. we have already checked the price. loyalty program sberspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription to sberm, plus two top categories of cashback, 1% on everything twice as many bonuses every month, in sber it is more profitable with prime. sportmaster discounts up to 50% on children's products. weekly summary, new. season on sunday at
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19:00 on ntv. i live all the time, as if under a microscope, for example, on the way here, some person was following me the whole time, watching you,
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yes, that is, not that all the time, but, well, okay, you remember him, you can describe him, yes, of course, although, no, i don’t know, i didn’t look back, so, stop, you didn’t look back , yes, but i’m sure that someone was following you, so, well, not that all the time and not... not that he was following me, not that he was watching, well, well, konstantin, i think that he was just on the same path with you, god bless him, let's go back to the beginning of our conversation, you said that you couldn't sleep last night, yes, so, something was bothering you, yes , it was bothering you, the thought, i'm melting down the inheritance, katya, really, yes, congratulations, a whole box, a sdrozhation. with those, there are these stones, well
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, about 50 thousand, imagine, i've already found a place, really, yes, in the skating rink with flowers, although you can't keep them in the apartment either, well, yes, they'll steal them, they'll steal them for sure, well, don't worry so much, konstantin, you remember, were very worried that your coat would be stolen from the wardrobe, but still... okay, nothing happened, oh, that coat , oh, katyusha, katyusha, if you knew how hard it is to be rich, i don't know, i don't know, it's just hard, i haven't tried, okay, let's agree on this, by our next meeting, would you be so kind as to write down on paper all your worries about the inheritance, so, and we 'll try to work on it, agree. oh,
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katyusha, i wouldn't wish such wealth on my enemy, i'll do everything, i'll definitely prepare everything, i'll write it down on a piece of paper, that's it, that's it, see you later, goodbye. and don't forget, thoughts are material, think only of the good, we agreed, tune in, think only of the good, thoughts are material, i'll remember this, think only of the good, thoughts are material, think only, hello,
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slavul, hi, me, chort, where are you going, what happened , what happened, what did he steal, what did he take from you, you had a lot of money there, that there was a lot of money there. money, so call the police, lord, my god, documents, call the police, hello, police, hello, every success starts with a dream to do something of your own,
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a desire to stand out, a desire to act, and not to be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works to make your cherished dream come true, start the path to your dream with sber, open a free sberbusiness card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses, thank you, sberbusiness. can you imagine, today again these, what is it called, romantsy called, and they say to me, lyudochka-ludochka, when will we discuss this with you, the most global issue of our time, can you imagine, the global issue
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of our time, and i tell her, yes, nothing don't worry, marinochka, i say, your half of the box will remain yours, and she says: i believe you, i believe you, i believe you, it 's just that i'm very nervous. can you imagine, i need to worry you faithfully, but wait, i'm calling, right now, wait, wait, who's there, me, what's wrong, vasechka, come on, come on, come on, take off your shoes, vasechka, you 're my darling, you're my everything. vasechka, come in, vasya, come on, vasya, vasechka has come, what's where, so here it is, oh my, come on, come on, come on, my dear, why are you dragging it out, vasechka, come on, shut up, oh, come on, oh, well done, come on, come on, come on, where's your passport, i
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i don't see my passport, here she is, here she is, here she is , my dear. it's so good that you're standing there, vasechka, come on, go now, that's it, we 'll come to visit you, we'll come, vasechka, we'll definitely come, then we'll do everything, we'll discuss everything, you promised to show me this moscow, there will be moscow, there will be, uncle kost, but we wanted to go together, but how could we go separately, there's no way it could be separately, here you are, my sunshine, here 's some money, buy yourself a ticket for the ride, that 's it, vasechka, hello, say hello to everyone, hello, say hello to everyone, vasechka, come on, come on, come on, put on your shoes, come on, come on, drive him away, come on, come on, just say goodbye, goodbye, vasily, bye, vasenka, turn on the car, come on, documents, keys, oh, come on, that's it, come on
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, bye, goodbye, hi everyone, how nice, sit down, sit down, sit down, sunshine, come on, it's not beer you need to drink, what, not beer, but something stronger, it's okay, everything will be fine. at the time of the robbery there was a philips sp-130 dictaphone, a notepad , a blue handkerchief, a notebook, perfume, please return it in full safety, ekaterina andreevna, well, i have nothing to please you with, you know what your statement is in the invoice, thirty-fifth, this is only for this month, that nothing can be done? well, how are we going to do it, woman, you judge for yourself, last week we seemed to have caught one eagle, but you see, you
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are here again, so everything is new, right, you pray to god that the documents are returned, they are usually planted, but tell me, you said that he was wearing dark glasses and a hat, yes, he was generally of some strange appearance like in the movies, it is really strange, because usually such thefts are committed according to a different scheme, max, well, maybe he is a creative person. yes, about creative people, you're right. okay, guys, i'm sorry i bothered you so much at the end of the work day. here, if anything, contact me. oh, you 're a psychotherapist, you have a good profession, beautiful and necessary in our time, yes, like yours, necessary and beautiful in our time. well, see you later, goodbye. goodbye,
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open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste. jardín gold - a special pleasure to feel. eat right, have fun without alcohol. and give up vapes and cigarettes. we're waiting only for you. on tak the third-grader played with fire. unexpectedly, the flames spread. to his one and a half year old sister, wanted to see what would happen if a drop of alcohol was poured into a candle, at that moment verochka came running, she caught fire, what a state she was in, in a terrible state, she had burns all over her body, but instead of immediately calling an ambulance for her daughter, her own father began to beat his son, and then set him on fire with his own hands, dad passed by, began to beat me, took the same alcohol, poured it on his buttocks and wished, according to the children's mother, she barely managed ...
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kamela harris shakes joe biden's hand, she actually checks his. pulse, to be surprised to be upset that he's still alive. today at 2:00 pm on ntv. er, yes, lena. just a minute, lina, yes, dad, you 're on the phone, i'm coming, some young man, i would even say, a man, no, well, the point is serious by the voice, hello, and valery.
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no, no, valery, i can't today, but tomorrow, tomorrow i have a very important meeting, here the day after tomorrow i'm free, by the way, valery, thank you for the flowers, how beautiful, good. yeah, well, bye. what? nothing, life is wonderful. and amazing.
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of course, i called this konstantin and told him everything, he was upset, even more scared, there was a recording of our conversation in his bag, a nightmare, there was a phone number and addresses of clients, everything, you know, everything. "i can only reassure you that i'm also having a lousy day today, i was at an audition, well, well, i sang so that i sang better than everyone else, they took some guy again, you know, glory, petenka,
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petenka, suits our group's style better, i would say under, that petenka suits better, slava, i beg you, calm down, everything will be fine, you just need to wait a little, yes, wait, slava, live in a black apartment. in poverty, humiliate yourself, pollute, beg, are you out of your mind, i'm a creative person, an artist, why are you yelling at me, i don't understand what's going on, it seems to me that we are not in poverty, the apartment, it seems to me, is not alien to you either, you are always in your frustrations, sublimations, you don't give a damn about me, my bag was stolen, so what if it's a problem? i, katenka, have it all life to hell, and you, then, like this, i don't mean to talk to you in that tone, i think you've had too much to drink, dear,
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we'll talk tomorrow, good night. what are you gnawing on flies? and so guys, who gave him the bone, and so admit it, who gave him the bone? max, come on, don't swear. to please a friend, well, you can at least once in your life, but you don't want to please me at least once in your life, oh no, i don't want to, you don't want to, i understand, so fly, stop chomping, it's uncultured in front of ladies,
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well, well, somehow you confused the man, he was eating calmly, not bothering anyone, that's how it is, he at work, by the way, i would start gnawing in front of visitors, hello, hello, excuse me, please, can you tell me where to find elena brusnikina, here, please, thank you. come in, hello, here i am
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, the film daisies and buttercups greets you, and here sits elena brusnikina, you mean police captain elena vladimir brusnikina, probably. yes, here, but thank god, she doesn't sit herself, she mostly plants, elena vladimirovna, yes, elena, great, here he is, a messenger with gifts, hello, hello, you're here, yes, it's you, elena, brosnikina, yes, it's me, your friend sends you greetings, this is for you, please, all the best, goodbye, oh, excuse me, can i just take a second.
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so, if anything, the company romashki lyusiki, please take my welcome, we're always glad to see new clients, yes, goodbye, and valery, thank you very much, i received it, yes, it's very beautiful, and what time, well, you know, basically i'm like this, in general, what's going on, i didn't understand something? slavek,
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pick up the phone. slava, pick up the phone, slavik, slav! well, pick up the phone, hello, hello,
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oh! eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on our life is divided into two parts, when we are little and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this place in ...
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how the air is tense with excitement, of course, i want to give you a medal of the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not snicker evilly, and i scare you, and i scare you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the edge, new season, today at 16:45 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress. healthy eating, ecology, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. wanted to open a deposit at 19%.
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what is it?
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so, let's start from the beginning. please answer me this question: who besides you and your wife knew about the jewelry, well , of course, i understand that it's not good to suspect people, but i went to one psychologist, so for therapy, well, you know, all sorts of obsessive states and so on, and the psychologist's patronymic is there, well, yes-yes, of course, take it, i'm listening to you, put it under, so, at the last session...... i told her everything in detail about the inheritance, about the jewelry, and in the evening she calls me, allegedly she was robbed purse, in my purse on the dictaphone there is a recording
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of our entire conversation, and so no one else, it seems, definitely no one, oh, what a nightmare, what is this, darling? my god, darling , darling, darling, darling, why are you picking up the phone, darling, oh, my god, oh, just a second, excuse me, please, yes, mushenka, well, i'm just now at the investigator's, i'm saying, yes, it was stolen.
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are you sure you're better off, you don't need a doctor, yes , i'm better off, better off, what are you, what are you, what are you sitting there for, you need to go, you need to get to the place, take the dog, you need to look for the thief, you're the police, something needs to be done, something needs to be undertaken, please calm down, by the way, i don’t understand what’s going on with you at all. 5 minutes ago you were completely calm, in my opinion, even somehow too calm for a person whose chest from his friend’s disappeared, it’s not a chest, a box, listen, citizens, i’d better tell you everything, i’d better
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confess everything, the thing is that my wife and i simply didn’t want to share this inheritance, with relatives, you know, with these romances, that’s why all this and... come up with the robbery, first i’ll these courses, signed up for sessions with a therapist, by the way, spent money, then we did it so that this katya was robbed, her bag with a voice recorder was stolen, and then i thought, i'll come to you at the police station, write a statement and get a certificate, well, like, theft, they stole, no inheritance, a certificate for whom, for the romantsevs, they don't need money at all, they won't do anything smart with it, you see how it happened, everything was stolen for real, for real. my wife just called, that's how
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the dog is, you can't trust anyone, anyone, yourself hid it in a hiding place, that's it, a hiding place, snip-snip, that's it, so, you take a fly, go to your friend's apartment, have a look there, what's up, go, of course, you need to have a look, calm down, then you'll meet with a psychologist, well, talk to her, okay, at the same time i'll return the purse, for me, you can't trust, you can't trust anyone, you can't trust yourself, so tell me, and is there anything else missing, except your magic box, it's gone, it's gone, the little traps are gone, i bought a bone for february 23rd, you know, such small ones, very funny, with a little lion, they
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kostik probably liked them, he thought that the gold ones were an idiot, they cost 3 kopecks, that's all clear, but tell me, by the way, where is katya's purse, what purse, what do we care about a purse now? i'll look at the purse now , thank you, don't be so strict, here's your purse, it's not even... touched, whole, strange, take it, really strange, yes, fly, no need, i'll pay now too, let's get out of here, fly, there's nothing, they took everything, i said bastards, don't be bastards, please close the door behind me. hello,
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yes, valery, of course i recognized it, i'm afraid with your flowers, yeah, when he finishes. tomorrow after lunch, yeah, no, after work, yeah, yeah, oh, okay, that's it, i'll wait , that's it, bye, valera yeah, valera, valera, wait, and that's what the crocodile's replacement was called, gena, tolik, yeah, who are you talking to, yeah, i'm talking to myself, well, that's in the books, you know, crocodile gena. he worked as a crocodile at the zoo, that's it, but sometimes
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he got sick, took a vacation, his replacement was called valera, yeah, very interesting information, yeah, but you see, mine, valera, is not a crocodile, white, well, i hope they linuly on that, i really hope so, thank you for the bag, my whole life is in this bag, class, voice recorder, glory, wow, you know, like an adequate person, it's hard to imagine how he could pull off all this with the inheritance. ekaterina andreevna, tell me, what were you doing this morning? i was at home, resting, i drank too much yesterday, you see, i have problems in my personal life? and excuse me for the tactless
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questions, do you live alone? already alone, i dumped my loved one today, he just left a note, can you please take a look, thank you, i can't live with you anymore, i want to achieve everything myself. you are not able to understand the nature of a creative person, tired of reproaches, sidelong glances, goodbye words, i don't understand anything, everything was fine. he came here from the provinces wanted to become a singer , can i sit down? yes, please, sit down, we met on the street, banal, well , romantic, you know, there was something about him, i don't know, pure light, we began to live together, something was not going well with her work, i
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helped as best i could, supported, i already have my own affairs, you understand, yesterday we had a fight. he's never spoken to me like that before, excuse me, this is my dog, he's always climbing where he shouldn't, what did you find here ? tell me, ekaterina andreyevna, are you familiar with this thing? no, wait, i saw it on konstantin, but how is that possible, where did it come from? and katya, excuse me, for god's sake,
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can i call you that, call me whatever you want? katya, please tell me, it's just very important, did anyone else know about yakovlev's inheritance? no, i'm nobody, well, i told slava everything yesterday, everything, but he had access to your notebook, where they were, nothing was hidden, we lived together, you understand, and these are his things, well, yes, probably, he was in a hurry, forgot in the puffs, tell me, katya, where could he have gone, i don’t know. he had no relatives or acquaintances here, at some audition you can probably find him, he never missed anything. auditions are very good. katya, i think that we cannot do without your help, but without yours, of course. will you help us?
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yes. alyabyev solovey, performs, no, thank you, no need for a nightingale, no need to join in goodbye, no, and your announcement, thank you very much for coming, goodbye. next, please, can you, yes, yes, uh-huh, come in, you, what a dog, raw, but very-very beautiful, girl, probably, yes,
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no, this is cable, uh-huh, and i didn't introduce myself, yes, excuse me, i'm vyacheslav, good afternoon and... what repertoire do you prefer? we prefer glory sincere confession. i didn't understand, is this a song or what? uh-huh. well, you can sing if you want. by the way, cute little ring. i recently read about such a thing in one statement about a robbery. who are you? who? who is it you? and i believed you. no way, it turns out, i'm a psychologist. no, well , imagine, yes, he lived at the expense of a woman in her apartment, and he also wanted to set her up,
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not only did he rob her, came home, packed his things, wrote a note, forgive me, goodbye, idiot. yes, he thought it all out well, wrote down the addresses of his clients in books and waited for a convenient opportunity, by the way, i checked him out, he was also tried for theft in his home country when he was a minor, but they got him off there, i feel sorry for katya, oh well, he doesn't feel sorry for her, i told her such a thing a profitable client got her so that she would forget about her unhappy love for the rest of her life, what a client, you can't even guess, my wife lyudka, so that she would... start to be jealous of me right here, well
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, stepan, you're amazing, orange sky, orange sea, dad, how are you, you look so much like your mom now, dad, you're the best dad in the world, i love you so much, and how i love you, my best daughter in the world. okay, i'll go, go, orange sea, orange sky, beautiful, orange camel. listen, where's lena? lena? lena, probably at a meeting with a wonderful one, she has a date with her valera today. oh,
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by the way, she left her gentleman's business card on my table somewhere. i checked, valera actually works at the bank, but not as a director, but as an ordinary clerk, he got married six months ago, has a small child, and poor elena vladimirovna doesn't even know, can you imagine, a nightmare, eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you at! eleven-year-old yaroslav asked his foster mother irina find his mother, biological. i was on a trip, why are you crying,
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i miss my mother, yes, kirina will arrive soon, i miss my other mother, but except for the name of the woman who gave birth to a child for her, the foster mother does not know anything. tatyana viktorovna kuznetsova, and the baby already had a name, the name was kuznetsov sergey. will she fulfill the wish of her beloved son. i do not see the point in looking for these relatives, it seems to me that he will be disappointed remembers ... results of the week, new season, sunday at 19:00 on ntv. pash, look, what magic.
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lenochka, you look great today, where are we going, what cuisine do you prefer, i don’t know, delicious, got it. sorry, lena, i did it, hello, yes, max, well, what happened, i can’t talk now, what,
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what’s wrong there or what? let’s go, how urgently, well yes, i'll be right now, i'll be, yes, valet, i'm afraid that today's dinner is cancelled, he's urgently calling me to work, lenochka, how can that be, sometimes you need to take a break from work, yes, i know, well , what can you do, he's calling me. you know what, let's just move our meeting today to tomorrow, i'm completely free on vk, i'm afraid that i won't be able to, you know, with my work i barely got free today, well, no big deal, we'll reschedule, well, and after tomorrow, and you can give me a lift to work, well, of course, the flowers are wonderful, thank you, can i have them on my back i'll put the seat down, right? you have children, you didn't
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say, no, what are you saying, a friend forgot. and i forgot a bottle of milk for a friend too, you know, in my opinion, it's not good to start a friendship with lies, i have to go to work urgently, give me a break.
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yeah, now you'll be on the fly, you're getting steamed , fly, get ready, come on, come on, come on, come on! well, max, what happened, and please rob me, why can't you do anything without me, nothing happened, nothing happened, you just told me on the phone, drop everything, come to the department for an emergency, no, there is no emergency. max, wait, you told me on the phone, lena, drop everything, come to the emergency department, please explain to me what, what's going on, i deceived you. fly, max, are you sick or something, just a little bit, fly, give me, please, here with the fly,
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well, what should i do with you? well, is your ass playing? no way, then forward, forward, ready the gun, everyone lie down, do
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n't move. we have armed people here. bukhtar, sit, sit, sit, you can't, well done, hold. you'll be a cat pikaza, well done, well done, let's go, quickly, max, where, armed attack on the gaming hall machine guns, a fly, nearby, laugh but,
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what gangsters, they look like hollywood action movies on tv, and let's do weird things, you should have seen how they broke in here, clones in a circus, honest to god. this pokamy figured it out with his revolver, any pensioner would have managed to twist him twice, and as for me, it's a pity, only the second guy managed to get away, oh well, you'll find it, we'll find it, let me look at the revolver, only such junk is taken out for you, experts will figure out whether it's junk or not, up to weight, let's go, gangster, a fly nearby. daktor sit, hello, science, great, ugh,
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what is it that stinks so much in here, it stinks of a garbage dump, and mine smells like, well, a fly, come on, wait in the hallway, otherwise... you 'll ruin your whole sense of smell with these aromas, well, what do you have there? i need your conclusion that this junk can't shoot, uh-huh, oh, max, max. wow, so, uh-huh, uh-huh, junk, you say, no, max, this is far from junk, that is, the revolver, of course, is definitely not working, but in very decent condition.
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a good craftsman will make it shoot in a couple of hours. by the way, it was disassembled and lubricated. where did you get it from? just like that, pioneer was found in a scrap yard. good scrap metal, and a pioneer too. well, gennady govorov must disappoint you. according to the expert opinion, the revolver was confiscated from you. after a little work, it might be useful. shooting, do you know what that means for you? no, it means that the act you committed will be reclassified from malicious hooliganism to two very unpleasant articles: armed robbery and illegal possession of a firearm, and that, as they say, is a completely different story, what are you talking about, it's completely rusty, and it didn't work, i i tried it, and experts say that the revolver was disassembled, lubricated and prepared for conversion into a combat weapon. why did you
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lubricate it? it wasn't me, i took it already like that, in oil, tell me, from whom, where, when, everything in detail, remember, this is a serious matter, and stories about how you found it in scrap metal won't work here, we won't find the one who converted the revolver, you'll be responsible, i traded it to a junior guban for a bike when i was vacationing at my granny's near orzhev in the summer. write, gena. write everything in detail, with addresses, last names. and remember, your fate depends on how you describe everything now. can i have a pen? can i have a pen.
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what did you say to your parents about the bike? it was stolen near the store, yeah, they probably wrote a statement to the police, they wrote it, i think, so what? and the fact that people podzhel, they are still looking for your bike, that's what, you write, write, don't get distracted. so now about the revolvers, by the way, where did he get the weapon? the detainee govorov testified that he exchanged the revolver for a bicycle, that is, a resident of the village of petryaikha, orzhevsky district.
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you know that you are leaving tomorrow, having bought some money, right, well, of course, what are you saying, everything is fine, go, go, and the local cops will help you, you won't find any, then the transfers will go to the local rvd, and i'll call, make arrangements, go, there's a gift, come on. yes, the gubanov brothers come out , they've followed in their father's footsteps, after all, their father dug until
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he was put in jail, that's the kind of labor dynasty of black diggers they have, well , why are they digging right under your nose, and you don't have a clue, so they have no job for digging... repeatedly, except for rusty helmets and crosses, well , there's nothing, empty, empty, if only we could take them red-handed, with weapons, that's another matter, so what's the matter, pretend to be buyers, and then, you noisemaker showed up, well, come on, teach us here how we'll pretend, when they
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know us all inside out, listen, you should go to the gubanovs yourself, what if you're a buyer, but really, max, nobody knows you, maybe something will come of it, and what's this idea? let's try, let's try. mukha, how are you? well, that's what we agreed on. open jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste. jardín gold - a special pleasure to feel. eat right, have fun without alcohol. and give up wipes and cigarettes. we are waiting only for what are you doing, i'll crush you, employee attack, not good, igor filippov, vanya, don't be offended, you are a new person, you have been in moscow for a short time, you don't know our realities, vitaly kishchenko, he thinks
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different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors, autumn is coming, visit ozon for bright transformations, choose your trends for autumn, a new stylish season awaits you on ozon, our life is divided into two parts, when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults. and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible, i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there, in space , who littered, well, who, who are the astronauts, how old are you, seven, seven years old, and you are already the voice of the earth, yes, 40 feet, 30 rolls, you do not draw zero anywhere, i will show you a master class you need to earn money, fate has zigzagged, brother, fortune, has portended, and you feel how the air is heated with excitement, of course, i want to give
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you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not angrily hikoy, and i'm scaring you, and i 'm scaring you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. so, look, maxim, there they are. mukha, come here, moscow, moscow,
9:41 am
hi, guys, i'm from leonid naumych, we have a conversation, can we come in,
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"we're not competitors, we only need awards for umachu, and i'm interested in everything you find in the ground, not only german, by the way, well, guys, are we going to talk or not, okay, come in, fly, and where's the dog, we still need a dog in this house"? okay, okay, mukhtar, you'll stay here, sit, sit!
9:43 am
tolik, where's zharov? or does he not go to work at all now? and what, you don't know or what? khrulyov drove him beyond mozha? where? well , he sent him somewhere on a business trip, as a gift or something, i don't know. he's kept well, so, and why do you need him,
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he took vasilikhin's file from me and didn't return it, the slob. well, that's normal, uh- huh, hello, len, hi, what happened with you? zharov, did you take vasilikhin's files from me? you did, why didn't you put them back? and anyway, what kind of dirty trick is this, taking other people's files and not returning them? forgive me, i just completely forgot , look in my desk. my wife is asking for money in the drawer above, well, she found it, she found it, so be it, i forgive you for the first time, but i want it to be the last time, i'm tired of it
9:45 am
, i love you too, my dear, well, that's it, linusik, bye kisses, yeah. bye, ugh, tolya, what happened to him, kisses, love, linusik, bye, do you understand anything, well, what do you understand, len, a real feeling is just manifests itself, at a distance, far away, yeah, oh, not the police, but some kind of madhouse. so what are you doing right now? yeah, i'm looking for how many mrods we have, do you know how many it is? these things, that's it, can they wait? yeah, right now, dor, well, guys, this is all interesting of course, well, to be honest, i came here to see something more serious, well, weapons, for example, pistols, there's a walter tt, well
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, why didn't you say so right away, yeah, well, i didn't want to talk about such things on the street, well, guys, is there anything worthwhile, or am i in vain here you come, wait, sanka will bring something now, okay.
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no, guys, you misunderstood me, i'm not interested in rusty junk, i 'm interested in weapons, weapons are what can shoot, everything we find in the ground can no longer shoot, yeah, well, if you think about it, i'll pay well for the desk, no, uncle, you've come to the wrong place.
9:48 am
"we don't serve, you can go to jail for this, and what about the power, didn't you warn me? well,
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no, i warned you, but i just thought that we would be able to come to an agreement, and no, we won't, yeah, it turns out i dragged myself here for nothing, huh? well, mukhtar, how are you, what do you say, huh? hey, where did your dog run off to? i don't understand myself. come on, don't be a fool, why do you need another article,
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let's throw down the shovel, throw down the shovel, that vasili will be removed, come on, go on looking, do you think you'll find it this time, we'll find it, just a little, we'll find it, show me , show me, ukhtar, come on, show me what's near the barrel, come on, guys, let's try. well done, fly, come on, give me that, come on, wrasses, you've got it, stand still, stand still, it's not me, come on, let me go, what i, it's not my fault, relax, digger, eat right, have fun without alcohol and refuse, veps and cigarettes, we are waiting only for you on tak sergey belogolovtsev has been joking on stage for 30 years. great russian writer.
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the website angelchrani.rf. dna new season, today at 17:50 on ntv. oh, great, great, where's zharov? zharov, zharov isn't here, zharov's on a business trip. yeah, well, the slacker, it's his luck that i didn't get him. and what happened? can you imagine, he brought me 26 soil samples in the vasilikhin case. i, like a hard laborer. no private examination for you, everything only through khrulevo, okay? okay, so what you're angry, come on, stop it, bye, bye.
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seryoga, just don't forget about my request, okay, well, i'll make you a copy of the report, i promised, we'll go back to the department and do it, yeah, okay, thank you, listen, vasilievich, what is this, where, that's where, this is , yeah, no, no, well, this is, yeah, who the hell knows, talyan, what kind of thing is this? this is a death medallion, i don't get it, open the lid, that 's it, here's the data on a red army soldier, just look, i can't make out the last name, and look, yeah, neither the last name nor the first name, i don't know either i can once, here the city is clearly visible, moscow,
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exactly, look... your fellow countryman, really a fellow countryman, listen, guys, give me this medallion, and we have cool experts, maybe they will try to read, seryoga, you included this thing in the list from this, of course not, i only included the weapon, this small stuff, we will write it in later, okay, muscovite, take it and sort it out, properly, sort it out, thank you, thank you, guys. go ahead, oh, hello, great, travelers, well, how was your trip, everything is okay, normal, yes, and the diggers took and found the weapon, yeah, they found it,
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he found flies, he's probably a tramp, who, uh-huh, well, okay, i'll tell you what's new, with us, yes , with us everything is the same, but it's true that sadovsky spent half a day yesterday running around the department with an axe, looking for you. i don't get it, i don't get it, but why didn't you tell him right away that vasilikhin's case was closed? ё, but that's the point, you should come to him, yes, i'll definitely come, but first with a report to my beloved superiors, so, muktar, you stay for me, if you see sadovsky, apologize to him, help him with your tail, okay, ear space.
10:00 am
caucasian hospitality, for the first time since 2011 visited the chechen republic, where did the president go first? who did he meet? the border situation, the latest military reports from the kursk region and how do people who refused to be evacuated live there? and also, how did hatred of women become extremism in great britain and what are the threats now? the democrats have officially decided on a candidate for the post of president of the united states, and how does it live in russia today as an owner? of electric cars. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoisky. hello. development of the chechen republic, social.


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